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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  June 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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you can't blindly trust what
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you see or hear. anymore. more damage, and bruce willis angry. grateful in indian country. the feds say deepfakes could threaten the integrity of our election process. today, we're going to look at the potential impact of those digitally altered videos. yeah. accelerates the speed at which bad information can move. 1 of me on a couple of i said when the ... did i say that? and how federal and state lawmakers are working to filter out the fakes. joining us today. i'm devon feely in for elizabeth cook with advancements in technology by the day, it can be tough to separate the real from the fake online and there's growing concern that leading up to the presidential election in november it could get even worse today. we're going to talk to a state lawmaker behind the plan to help keep things transparent and also see what's being done by the fence will have that conversation in just
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a few minutes, but 1st breaking news a grass fire is burning in napa county and st helena. cal fire says some structures are threatened so far, they say the fire has torched at least 30 acres in the deer park area that that's about the size of 20 football fields. and it's 0% contain this is coming on another 1st alert day weather day due to heat advisory covering much of the bay area, there's a good chance that we're going to see triple digits in some spots, especially in the east bay chief meteorologist paul hagen is tracking the temperatures from a virtual reality set. paul >>devin, it is another day of extreme heat around the bay area. we're talking about temperatures that are well above what's normal for this time of year? we're looking at the virtual set right now, let's take a look at the monitor where we have our maps displayed and we will try. to take a look at that. let me pop this out of the way and we'll see if we can get 70 out of the way in papua. left hand monitor up here and i'm going to step out of the camera here for just a moment. we're going to zoom in for a closer look at what
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the big picture pattern has for us right now. we're looking at the heat dome that is in control of our weather, but that's just for now. we're talking about temperatures that are going to be well above average again today, but we are going to kind of even out those differences as we head through the next several days. the heat dome is going to relax its grip on the bay area as we head into tomorrow, and that means temperatures returning to close to normal and even a return of some of the fog closer to the coast. here's a look outside from san jose right now. temperatures weather in the 90s well into the 90s and concord and said arosa close to 100 in both concord and in livermore, only mid 70s in san francisco, not losing that onshore influence. we are going to see temperatures returning to almost exactly average in san francisco and oakland as we head through the day tomorrow. so here's a look at future cast and we're looking at the fog reforming along the coast and around the bay as we head through the rest of tonight that will give way to plenty of sunshine for the rest of the day. but it's that presence of the fog early in the day, it's going to put the brakes on the warmup. on the coast. it should retreat pretty quickly. even along the coast. you are going to see the sunshine breaking through in the afternoon
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temperatures tonight dropping down well, just slightly above average, not as warm as they were this morning. so we're going to see more 50s mixed in with some low 60s and some of the warmest locations staying in the mid 60s, and then temperatures do heat up again tomorrow, not nearly as much. technically still heat advisory in effect for inland parts of the bay area. there shouldn't be because temperatures are only going to be about 7 or 8 degrees above average and still going to be about 3 or so degrees above normal for both san francisco and oakland. zoom in for a closer look, we'll fill in the map. temperatures only hit the low 60s along the coast. there is the return of the direct marine effect, not just an influence temperatures in the low to mid 80s down the peninsula mid to upper 80s in the senate. clara valley temperatures inland in the east bay. still, some low 90s sprinkled in, but these are the spots that are around or above 100 degrees this afternoon, so we're going to take a step away. from the extreme heat tomorrow around the bay temperatures returned just a couple degrees above normal, still toasty for the north bay and even flat out hot as we look farther to the north of 2 around her above 100 degrees, as you head up into inland, mendocino county and lake county, so there are some
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patches of higher heat risk on the map for tomorrow, but not nearly as much red on the map as we see the past couple of days, indicating a higher heat risk, and even the moderate heat risk largely disappears from the map as we finish the work week on friday as temperatures even inland are going to return to ooh! much closer to what's normal for this time of year. it's kind of temporary temperatures do drop off in livermore almost exactly normal saturday and sunday, a little spike in temperatures early next week, not as extreme as the heat that we've had over the past couple of days. let's take a look at the 7 day forecast and we'll start with inland parts of the bay area, which are going to warm up into the upper 80s and low 90s tomorrow on a widespread basis, a couple of moderate days on friday and saturday and then there's that little baby warmup in store for us by early next week temperatures around the bay returned to near normal already tomorrow and even a slight drop after that, as we finished the work week on friday, the warmup will kick in for areas around the bay and along the coast next week, too, but again, it's not a return of the heat advisory thresholds we've been tracking for the past couple of days. along the
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coast back into our back and forth fog pattern as we had to the end of the work week and into the weekend not going to be a complete return of the june gloom, but it is going to be noticeable along the coast, mainly during the morning >>hours, >>devin >>all right, thank you, paul. look. now, today's news headlines vice president kamala harris was met with protests today when she returned to the bay area for a pair of political events. the demonstrators held signs in oakland, saying you're not welcome in your hometown protesting the biden administration response to the world. in gaza. yeah. republican presidential candidate and convicted felon donald trump is set to make a stop in the bay area tomorrow as scheduled to go on a campaign fundraiser hosted by tech billionaire david sacks. tickets for that event started 300,000. approach. gathered outside santa clara, the santa clara county jail after police arrested 13. pro palestinian demonstrators had stanford today. university say that they broke into the president's office and barricaded themselves inside a the
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protestors say the university has refused to negotiate with the advocates over the israel hamas war, in a statement, stanford said a public safety officer was hurt by the protesters. and that any students who occupied the building will be suspended. as the 2024 race to the white house heats up a lot of campaign messaging will be coming at us from every corner and every side, but it's not all of it is going to be real, a new federal bulletin warns that bad actors could use a i to create fake videos spread disinformation and disrupt elections. voting this tuesday only enables the republicans in their quest to reelect during the primary season of fake robocall impersonating president joe biden told new hampshire voters to stay home. it is a real life example of a i interfering in elections already. yeah. accelerates the speed at which bad information can move increases the volume through which it gets out there in the world. that's 1 of the bigger new threats that we haven't faced yet that we just
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we're not too sure about yet. the us election assistance commission has created an ai tool kit to help election administrators and federal officials say they're working on a full court press to defend against the new threats and ensure that this upcoming election is in fact secure here in california. election officials have already been officially tracking and combating misinformation for more than a half decade in 2018, the secretary of state's office received $3 0 to establish the ossoff elections, cybersecurity. they monitor this. specialized teams monitor social media post from misinformation. determine how dangerous it is and if necessary, as social media companies to pull down those posts in 2020 kill matters, reported that out of the 31 post that the asked to be removed social media companies took down 24 of them. but it's not specific to deepfakes in the office cannot actually forced the companies to remove misleading post so local
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lawmaker is trying to change that. a new bill that just passed the assembly would require large online platforms to restrict deepfakes of candidates or elected officials. joining me now is the author of that bill, state assembly member marc berman 1st can you talk about the need for this bill? why now? and how would you enforce it? yeah. devin, thanks for having me and thanks for the good question. i actually authored the law to create the ossoff election cybersecurity back in 2018 as well. but since then we have seen uh, a i we've seen deepfake technology become faster, cheaper and more available to more people, and that means that it's that much more important that be as government try to get ahead of this technology to protect the integrity of our elections by preventing the most malicious of deepfake images and audio or a video that falsely portray a candidate or an elected official is doing or some doing or saying something that they did not do or say. and so that is what this bill hopes to
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accomplish. and it puts a little more responsibility on the social media platforms to play a bigger role. you know, sometimes it feels a little bit like whack a mole right? the what? a i enables is the creation of these deepfakes quickly and with relative ease. so are these companies going to be able to keep up? perhaps with the pace the tempo at which these are being created and posted online? yeah. it's a great question, and we're working with engineers who used to work at the social media platforms were also trying to work with the platforms themselves to understand around implementation and what they're actually capable of doing and the bill does not require perfection, but it says that if the social media platform should reasonably know that this content was created by artificial intelligence manipulated content that portrays candidates or elected officials is doing something that they didn't do or say. hey. and they have the ability to remove that content, and
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then they're responsible for doing so, um, we we we know, and i think the social media companies really want to play a bigger and more important role in protecting our democracy that is, you know, sometimes need a little nudge a little direction on understanding what we expect of them, at least here in california. you know, i have a question about the willingness of the social media companies to really be active. info. enforcers of this space because you've often heard them historically say we're just a platform. we're not going to moderate the content that appears on our platform. that's the responsibility of of others. do you get the sense of the companies really want to be on the floor front of enforcing this? i think some are more open to it than others and i definitely think there's different philosophies with with the different companies, but i know i do truly believe that the leaders of these companies don't want their platforms to be a blue abuse and weaponized to undermine and weaken our democracy for for the vast majority of these platforms i truly believe that and so we're just trying to
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help them. think of new ways. uh, and an additional things that they can do. remove that content. um and and, you know, make sure that as many as as few voters as possible are deceived or led to believe that candidates did something or said something when those candidates never did that we don't have much time. but 1 last question to button things up, or at least to sort of interconnected. what's next and is there enough time to get this done ahead of the november election? because we're staring at it. yeah, it's i had to build 5 years ago to kind of start this process that's currently in law regulating deepfake technology that it's more on the user than it is on the social media platform. so we already have some tools in place to try to discourage people from from spreading that type of misinformation and disinformation, but i really think that something that we as a society need to really pay more attention to is media literacy and and civic education, because, like you said the technology is constantly going to be changing. we need to really
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make sure that the next generation are our future leaders have the skills they need to be more critical viewers of the content are being bombarded with online and on social media platforms. and so and then my hope is that the students can actually teach their parents and their grandparents and uncles and aunts. and so that's an effort that i had last year to require media literacy. you get integrated into k through 12 education and something that i think there's a lot of bipartisan support so that people as technology changes and as bad actors find new ways to try to push out misinformation and disinformation that people just have the skills to know. wait a 2nd, you know, why is this person posting this? what are they trying to accomplish? and where can i go to do my own research so that i can decide whether or not i believe what's what's being put in front of me? so i think that's something that needs a lot more attention a lot more. more effort. all right. thank you so much for your time today. assemblymember berman. thank you so much for joining us. thank you for your efforts in this in this arena.
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thank you so much. well, still ahead, a closer look at the potential damage from deepfakes and how they've gotten more sophisticated in just the last few years plus an extreme violation of privacy. fraudsters using technology. to put people's faces on pornography and how us lawmakers say they're working to fight back on behalf of the victims.
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this afternoon. we're diving into deepfakes. and the damage and confusion that they can cause. they've gotten more convincing as technology gets more advanced. yeah. this for a 2nd 1 man with total control of billions of people stolen data. it's really sad and he was the thing. that video of nancy pelosi from 2019 was slowed down to make her seem drunk. it was posted to conservative facebook page and viewed millions of times and just 2 weeks later 2 artists posted a deepfake video of mark zuckerberg now at the time, facebook said that it would suppress the pelosi video to keep it from showing up in searches. in april. meta updated its policy around artificial intelligence. it started putting made with a i labels on a i generated videos, pictures and audio, the company
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says it has 100 fact checkers to review a i content people also have the option to self disclose if their posts were made with a i got some bad actors are also using ai to create deepfake pornography. and members of congress are working on a plan to make it illegal to share those images. and punish the posters. cbs reporter jo ling kent spoke with lawmakers leading that effort and met with a woman who is fighting back. i really felt like my whole world fell apart at that moment, >>breeze loose, says she was shocked when a friend discovered her face superimposed on pornographic images and videos. >>what did you think you have to look at? how many views are there? and how many people have violated u i just didn't want to live anymore because the shame was i was too much for me to bear, who was behind this. i do know who the perpetrator is. when i went to the police. the police did not really do anything about it. the police
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actually called me a prostitute ... shamed me >>said when law enforcement did not pursue the issue, the perpetrator made more deepfakes of her, creating more than 800 links across the internet. and lulu is not the only 1 there were more than 21,000 deepfake ... videos online last year up more than 460%. compared to the year before. people have also created artificially generated intimate images of celebrities like taylor swift, increasingly common problem facing teens across the country as well. from california to illinois to new jersey to florida students are creating deepfake ... of fellow students and spreading them among their friends and family members, sometimes extorting them. that's something that senators like democrat maggie hassan of new hampshire wants to stop >>outrageous and we need to make sure that our laws keep up with this new technology and that we protect individuals. >>new bipartisan legislation co
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authored by hassan and republican senator john cornyn of texas, aims to hold accountable the individuals who share non consensual intimate deepfake images online. they've proposed criminal penalties, including a fine and up to 2 years. in prison in most cases. civil penalties can range up to $150,000. >>not go a step further and criminalize the creation of non consensual intimate images. there is work going on in congress right now about how to set up this kind of guardrail. but what we know is that most people don't know about the deep fake that exists until somebody tries to distribute it right. so we wanted to really attack this problem at the where it becomes obvious and somebody is likely. to take action, >>senator cornyn says while it could take months to get the bill through the senate, he's confident that bipartisan support will help it pass. >>we're not going to take our foot off the gas pedal. we're going to continue to press this
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issue because i think as long as the bill is not law, there are people taking advantage of the absence of this sort of punishment, to exploit people using these deep. thanks, >>lulu. isn't waiting around, though she founded elector ai a startup to help others swiftly identify and remove deepfakes. they find themselves online. >>i came to the conclusion that unless i changed the system. alas, unless i change the world justice wouldn't even be an option for me. >>leo and her team created a prototype of a facial recognition tool to help individuals swiftly search for harmful images of themselves and then get them taken down, and leo also says the fbi is now investigating her case, and she is also part of a class action lawsuit against ... hub ... hub, meanwhile, told us it swiftly removed any non consensual material on its platform, including deepfakes, the site also said it has several protocols in place. to
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prevent non consensual material from being uploaded. >>defense have also become a tool for scammers to target your money coming up how they're playing on your personal connections and your emotions to try to get you to pay up. area events calendar brought to you by broadway san jose >>here's what's happening in the bay area. >>this >>end the nevado art, wine and music festival has been >>in >>a community favorite >>for >>40 live music, food wine. >>mozart's >>final opera gets a silent movie spin in a new production >>of >>flute, francisco's war memorial opera >>house. shishi remind i'm flying. peter >>pan is flying into san jose experience this beloved musical in a new adaptation featuring iconic songs >>like >>flying won't grow up and never >>land. >>at broadway. san the bay area
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>>today. we're looking at the impact of ai and deep fake. and 1 big way that scam are using this technology is to target your money, often recreating the voices of loved ones making it seem like they're in distress. and she was mommy's bad man. happy help me! help me! help me and this man gets on very aggressive. listen here
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at her daughter and then that's when i went into panic mode. this man comes on the phone, he said you're going to give me $5000. i heard our daughter on the phone like it was unmistakably heard. yeah. franz franz stirs are also using ai deepfakes as a tool to trick people out of their sensitive personal information. to get their money, according to the federal trade commission, americans lost more than $126 0 to social security scammers last year. the fraudsters often contact victims by phone,
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yeah. it's pride month, and we're highlighting and important lgbt. q figure. journalists randy schultz. cover the aids crisis and the disease that eventually took his life. schultz was the 1st openly gay reporter at the san francisco chronicle. and although a pioneer working on the aids crisis is reporting didn't come without controversy from the community that he worked hard to back up. randi started doing stories that we're advocating closing the gay bathhouses in ... clubs and people in the gay community were calling him a traitor in print in the gay newspapers. and eventually, the health department did close to about houses. it was a tool they used. did it save people's lives? probably you can watch the full story coming up at 5:00 and you can find all of her pride month stories on the pride section on our website at k p i thanks for joining
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us for today's conversation on deepfakes, and what's being done to protect our election process from them? we'd like to hear what you think, post your fonts online using the hashtag kpi ex cbs evening news is next on kpx and local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area ♪ ♪ >> norah: there is breaking news about an alleged terror plot overseas, where president biden's tonight. good evening, i'm norah o'donnell, and thank you for being with us. we are coming on the air with this new information because police in france have arrested a suspected terrorist who was reportedly badly burned after an explosion near paris charles de gaulle airport. president biden and other world leaders, including ukrainian president zelenskyy, are all they are gathering in france for


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