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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  June 6, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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two degrees hotter this year now than it was a century ago. >> from our homes to the food we eat. how the food we eat impacts the world around and what we can do about it. breaking barriers in baseball. she makes history once again, hearing from a baller pitcher who proves girls can play ball. >> the atmosphere, just being on the field, i love, it is something that i always, something that a sport that i always enjoyed. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. hello, i'm sara donchey in for juliette. >> it is not often that you see visual support for trump. but it happened today. supporters gathered since 2:00 this afternoon, some drove into the city from oakland and others
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came from redwood city >> is awesome. he is showing us and showing california that we matter. and, so, we are very, very happy. we are also here to show him that he matters and we support him. we don't believe all of the lies because we believe in america just like he does. >> law enforcement was out there, too, this group of supporters did not have a permit. 90 minutes ago they left and headed over to pacific heights where trump is attending a fundraiser tonight with major tech billionaires, that is where we find andrea nakano. what are you seeing out there? >> reporter: it was a small gathering, quiet at first. it has gotten bigger as time has gone on. as you mentioned supporters of mr. trump came over the last hour. i want to show you the scene. they have packed the sidewalk there. and, it has been pretty peaceful so far because the trump supporters have gotten vocal in
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the last hour. they were actually divided up at first. supporters from trump on one side and protesters on the other. they have now mixed and mingled in together. this was, there was some heated back and forth throughout this afternoon. but nothing physical, just a lot of language at times used out here. now, there is also a heavy police presence as we are await manager trump's arrival maybe within the next few minutes ago. there is a barricade set up there only to let residents and attendees of the fundraisers inside that area over there. so, at this point we are just waiting for mr. trump's arrival here. there are a lot of supporters and protesters even on this side and we will see it has been peaceful so far over here. so, we will send it back to you sara before it gets a little more escalated. there has been language used out here. aside
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from that it is peaceful. >> you got to be careful, thank you very much. mr. trump's visit comes a week after he was found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records in a federal hush money trial. experts say the conviction may only bolster his base. support for the former president among silicone valley leaders and he is cashing in on it. >> trump is doing something different. raising money all over. he is going to the belly of the democratic beast, that will be california. he will go down and talk to the libertarians and raise a lot of money because they are interested in less government regulation and crypto, and someone that does something different and a business people. it will challenge the biden people moving forward >> after trump wraps up his event he is heading down to southern california with more fundraising in beverly hills
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itch the family of blake mowes was in court today. sentenced to 19 years to life for blake's murder and 32-year-old was sentenced seven years for being an accessory. during the sentencing, blake's mother, father and brother read impact. lori made a point that blake would of wanted her to offer forgiveness to those that took her son's life. his grandmother told us she was thankful for the response. >> i just want to say, you know, i understand because i love a son, also, and you know, i really hate that this happened but it did and she, she forgave them. you know, which is good >> i want this grace to ripple in their lives like blake has done for us. and i want them to make much of this opportunity. >> her plan now is to help her
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family other ands by erecting a heart shaped memorial near the courthouse. paving the way for construction to begin at people's park. uc berkeley wants to build housing there. claiming it will destroy the park's long history. in 2021 neighborhood group sued the university claiming it will add too much pollution. they tossed the suit and the college has said it needs more housing for students. 2023 was the hottest year ever recorded on the planet. set a record for the highest number of heat-related deaths in the united states. while we are finally catching relief from the season's first heatwave experts believe it will be hotter. elizabeth cook has more in tonight's project earth report. >> the heat from the heart of redwood city to downtown livermore. expanding heat dome brought the season's first heatwave into our backyard
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>> it is really hot. >> something about it feels way more heat intensive. like it feels like we are not at the beginning of june but somewhere in the middle of july. >> the rising temperatures are not just a figment of your imagination. >> we are seeing temperatures rising earlier and earlier. >> reporter: a recognized scientist, as to what is behind the temperatures? >> we know humans are changing the climate. that is no longer an issue for the debate. the science is clear about that. >> reporter: showing us the data gathered by noaa >> this is the average temperature every year from 1895 up until 2023 last year. the trend over time has been a very significant increase in the average temperature in california. the average temperature is two degrees hotter this year now than it was a century ago. >> reporter: the rising
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temperatures are leading to earlier springs and hotter summers as well as an increase risk of extreme weather and fire danger. >> we are, we are losing our house insurance because of increased wildfire risk. >> reporter: it is a problem. especially for agculture. >> we are seeing speechies species threatened, we will see more extensions and more and more pressure on our already stressed eco systems. >> what can we do? >> drink a lot of water. >> don't be out in the sun at the high point of the day >> crank up the ac and garden in the evening and run in the evening. >> reporter: all of those are good ideas, we still need to deal with climate change. and that means producing energy without burning fossil fuels. he says the bay area will see
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cooler years and warmer years. but overall, the data shows it is slowly and steadily getting hotter and hotter and we may not be aware of the danger >> you put a frog in a pot of boiling water he will jump out. if you put a frog in cold water and slowly heat up the water the frog does not see what is going on until the frog is cooked >> not as hot as it will get but it is the hottest it has been so far >> not to wait to jump out before it is too late. temperatures were still warm, even hot for inland parts of the bay area. not as hot as yesterday. lower 90s in concord. the hottest spot. back in the middle 80s. we are back to near normal temperatures for the entire bay area beginning tomorrow. details on how long that will last coming up in the first alert forecast >> on the baseball diamond in oakland, up next, pioneer of the pioneer league. and, after three failed
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hey, flex. considering there's a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh.
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. history made in oakland. on the mound for the yolo high rollers. she has been playing ball since she was little. she hopes to inspire other girls to follow their dreams. >> reporter: kelsey whitmore's love of baseball runs deep. >> the atmosphere. being on the field, i love t. is something that i always, it is just a sport that i always enjoyed doing. i feel like baseball kind of found me. >> reporter: a southern california native first picked up the sport when she was just 6 years old and never looked back. she excelled throughout her career from youth leagues to college to now the
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professional arena. for pretty much that entire time she has opinion doing it as the only woman on her team and 97 her league. >> i spent so many nights, hours, talking with my dad and my family of game planning, what do i need to do if it is things to work on, get better at or who to be seen by so i can get an opportunity. >> she says it has not been easy. women wanting to play this sport still have a lot of obstacles in their way. she never let those stop her. she has played on a variety of professional teams and this year made the roster for the inaugural season of the oakland ballers. >> i was super excited. my dad and i had a drink together afterwards when we found out. >> reporter: the ballers manager says from the second he saw her try out he knew he wanted to sign her. >> she had a really, really good performance. kept the ball down and got outs. and right away we talked to her about
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signing her as a tryout and she was all on board. >> she is now one in the bullpen for the ballers. she does her best to keep a modest profile. focusing on her game and what she can do to improve her performance >> she has a big desire to succeed and i am going to tell you what, she will take the ball and if she will have a so-so out she is tough on herself. good outing she is like i got to do better. she is competitive. >> it is really only when the media comes calling or young girls come to her game that she truly can take a step back and see the impact her career is having. >> when you see little girls in the stands and the support. encourage them, if they have those dreams i hope i can show them and give them that encouragement and maybe that confidence that like, i don't know, not to be afraid of
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stepping out of their zone and out of the things they want to be able to make things happen, you know. >> she is impressive. just like all of the other players her goal is to one day making it to the major league. you can watch tomorrow night's game between the ballers and the high wheelers on our sister station pix plus, 44 cable 12. bringing you all of the friday night home games at the end of august. changes to talk about >> if you were outside today you felt it. paul, much cooler today. although pretty warm. >> right. inland parts of the bay area were warm to hot. not extremely hot. like the past couple of days. our temperatures will are retreat further for those inland portions of the bay area heading into the weekend and finishing the workweek. the heat dome, high pressure in the upper levels of the atmosphere. sliding just far a enough away to allow the heat to break. not around the region. phoenix, vegas, 110 degrees tomorrow. out in the pacific there is a storm system, not heading our
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way. it will move towards the pacific northwest. close enough to squeeze it and kick in a stronger breeze. looking outside right now there is the fog trying to spread out. that will have an impact on our temperatures, let's take a look at wherure highs ended it up. looking at the high temperatures that topped out as i mentioned before at the break. in the neighborhood of what is normal in the north bay. 72 degrees for the napa airports this afternoon. 70 degrees, 62 in san francisco. 92 degrees in concord. there is still toasty spots inland in the east bay. making it to 90 degrees. antioch, at 80 degrees for fremont and redwood city. along the coast to half moon bay. san jose made it to 93 degrees. hotter spots. that is santa clara valley, one of the warmer locations tomorrow, the marine influence will be
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blocked by the santa cruz mountains, the current temperatures right now. retreated from the hot readings inland. 62 degrees in concord. that is a 10 degree drop. 70s, livermore, lower 70s. it is significantly cooler. upper 50s and 60s in san francisco and oakland. going through tonight, the fog will continue to spread across the bay and inland valleys by tomorrow morning, and then it will retreat out of the inland valleys, improving visibility by 8:00, 9:00. the temperatures tonight, dropping down to the lower to middle 50s like tomorrow's high temperatures, low temperatures, the lows are a few degrees of what is normal. free air-conditioning for the spots that were inland cooking over the past couple of days. barely above 60. middle to upper 70s down the peninsula with the patch of warmer air in the santa clara valley. lower to middle 80s the influence blocked by the santa cruz mountains, the temperatures in the east bay, a mix of upper
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70s and lower 80s, warm, but normally warm for early to mid-june. around the bay, 60s and 70s. lower to middle 70s for much of the north bay. until you go farther inland, farther to the north, temperatures, lake county, still reaching up into the upper 90s. we can call that hot. if you are heading out to the juneteenth parade. marine layer will be stiffer and the cloud cover coming through. the trend towards near average temperatures do not last long. baby heatwave in store for us monday, tuesday, wednesday. the hottest day on tuesday, the hottest locations are only going to get into the middle 90s. triple digit heat looking down-the-line. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast. inland parts of the bay area. the temperatures are going to stabilize next week after that
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baby heatwave reaching back down to the middle 80s for highs, just, not a full-fledged roller coaster more of a kiddie coaster. now, temperatures around the bay, not as much volatility. into the 70s on monday, tuesday, wednesday, along the coast, you really are going to notice is not the big change in temperatures, hovering in the lower half of the 60s but more cloud cover, the june gloom it will be prevalent with the deeper marine layer. not seeing a lot of sunshine. until we get passed the weekend into next week. sara? >> all right, thank you, paul u. a new psychedelic treatment bill will be introduced by state lawmakers, helping veterans and first responders. the bill would allow facilities in san francisco, santa cruz and san diego to use psychedelic-assistance. this comes after three failed attempts this year so far.
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volunteers busy in a warehouse getting ready for a pride tradition this weekend ♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you?
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dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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. one of the symbols, volunteers are getting ready to install the pink triangle. stored in a warehouse, today, volunteers pulled the pink tarps out and loaded them on trucks with other supplies. >> instead of the warehouse we have three different bins, inside we have 175 bright pink tarps and we have 5,000, 12" spikes that hold it to the hillside >> tomorrow, volunteers will lay out the borders of the triangle and saturday morning fill it in with tarps t ends with a ceremony with mayor london breed and other officials. the pink triangle was used to persecute them by the nazi. now it is a symbol of pride. some of the biggest names in the world of drag took center stage in downtown san francisco. an area that has lacked the hustle and bustle
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and people going down there during the workday. it is all part of this month's drag meet downtown. creative ways to boost downtown. this event is helping the city's transgender population. we will have more on that on the prime time edition at 8:00 on pix plus. >> we both work in the financial district and we have seen the area change and get a little quieter. used to see thursday nights, friday nights busier. now i feel we are starting to see life being breathed back into the financial district downtown >> it seems like every week the city has a new plan they will do on one of the nights of the week to try to lure people back in. we will have to see >> devin, thanks. the tanner home back up for sale. the asking price to but the "full house" house
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. there are so many iconic landmarks in san francisco this one you have seen before. san francisco's famous "full house" home hit the market today. the price tag will leave a lot of us high and dry. no surprise, located in pacific heights in downtown san francisco, the house was used as a locator for the tanner household on the show. as you can see the real house looks very different on the inside than it did on tv. the home is built in 1900, it was recently remodeled in 2019. listed at $6.5 million and like many other shows and movies it was shot on a set. still, the
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outside is the same. thank you for
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey. [cheering and applause] steve: welcome to the show. how are y'all? i appreciate that. thank y'all. appreciate it, folks. thank you very much. i do. i appreciate that. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your mst


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