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tv   The Late News  CBS  June 7, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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. now at 11:00. i think it is encouraging that he is here. >> he is showing us, he is showing california that we matter. what happened when trump came to town fresh off of his 34 felony convictions. tensions flair outside while trump tries to raise millions of dollars with the help of tech billionaires. i am 101, going on 102, i am the luckiest man in the world. he survived d-day and never talked about it until decades later. >> i got in on the planning of the invasion. >> reporter: how sharing the story of wars. get out of my house.
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from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. good evening i'm devin fehley in for sara tonight, former president trump is in california. he chose the bay area as one of the first stops and no shortage of vocal supporters bold outfits and flaring tensions. we saw the former president's trump plane landing and headed straight for san francisco to raise millions of dollars for his row election. the trump chicken balloon made an appearance to greet him. this time wearing a black-and-white jumpsuit on the back of a boat the people that put it up ran into trouble. the winds were so strong that they had issues inflating it and keeping the poultry prisoner in up right. caravans at redwood
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city, oakland some, at marina green. supporters say they get a lot of push back living here in the bay area. >> i had people try to rip my hat off, they have taken my flag, spat at me. >> blue collar man, blue collar. >> reporter: some supporters opted to play dress up to show their support. this one wearing a trump halloween mask and his trade mark red tie. while this guy chose to dress like uncle sam. >> i think it is encouraging that he is here. let's face it, few people could uphold, could withstand what he is going through. >> reporter: the marina green rally was met with boos and thumb's drown from drivers and we met one lone counterdemonstrator who expected company. >> one of my goals is trying to listen to somebody, try to listen to what they have to say and have a dialogue. so far the people i have talked to don't want to have a dialogue. i am
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not saying everyone over here feels that way. >> reporter: it all led up to this. protesters and counterprotesters facing off outside of the pacific heights home while tech billionaires help trump fill his coffers. >> reporter: the fundraiser was at the home of venture capitalist david sachs where some couples paid half a million to get in the door. it was outside here where the competition were tonight. >> seven times, seven teams >> that is a lie. that is a lie. who is it from? >> reporter: the verbal fireworks began. trump supporters and opponents got into heated clashes as they debated issues such as abortion. >> reporter: supporters it was a chance to see their candidate making a rare visit to san francisco. max wanted to be part of this moment. >> we don't see this in
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california. i know people stereo type california like it is all blue. i don't believe that necessarily. i think there are rural conservative red parts where people are coming from, suburban mom and dads to come to a city like san francisco when a guy that they love hardly comes by to visit. >> reporter: some that live in pacific heights, they felt the need to take a stand that mr. trump was not welcome in their neighborhood. >> i live five minutes from here. when i heard that trump, who hates reproductive rights and freedom and america was going to number my neighborhood i had to show up. show he does not represent our values >> there was a police presence in our area. pacific heights known as billionaire row, only attendees were allowed inside of the barricade. one attendee who did not want to be identified said she was impressed with the former president >> i think he is incredibly
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white and quick and warm and personal. >> for her it was worth it to hear him speak about the issues to help her decide who she will vote for in november. >> i wanted to have a firsthand experience to make my mind up to have a better understanding of the situation. >> reporter: the fundraiser is expected to raise more than $12 million. mr. trump continues his west coast swing as he visits los angeles next. >> thank you. before the bay area visit, trump rallied in arizona. first in the battleground state since his felony convictions where he called the case politically motivated. >> ohio senator traveled with trump to arizona and the bay area this evening. he is believed to be on the short list of contenders for the pick of voice president including senators rubio, scott, and north dakota governor. >> i will defend our democracy with every fiber of my being
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and i am asking every american to join me. >> tonight, the biden harris campaign aired this adduring the game one of the nba finals. it did not mention trump by name but warned about threats to democracy. call it a rebirth, call it a revival. these are the ballers. a new pro baseball team built by oakland. >> all right, let's go >> built for oakland. >> all right, oakland ballers wrapped up game 3 of their first ever home stand against yolo high wheelers. tonight's game was a nail biter. >> reporter: it was exciting for a number of things. cover it in a moment. kelsie whitmore starting on the mound, it was settled in unique fashion.
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whitmore making the start tonight at . >> the game was tied 8-8 after 9 innings. instead of extra innings decided by a home run derby. oakland sent up hub around and with j.t. snow throwing to him, went deep on back to backswings to give the ballers a walkoff win. oakland's record 9-6. a unique way to settle a game. >> did you know that? no extra innings? >> no. you know, maybe the nfl can take a page out of this rule book. tied at the end of overtime, like a kickoff. >> all right, tonight, pitcher whitmore was the first woman to start in history. she has been playing ball since she was
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little as you would expect to get to this level. she hopes to inspire other little girls to follow in her footsteps. >> reporter: kelsie whitmore's love of baseball runs deep >> just the atmosphere, being on the field. i love. something that i always, just a sport that i always enjoyed doing and, i, i feel like baseball kind of found me. >> kelsie, a southern california native first picked up the sport when she was 6 years old and never looked back. she has excelled throughout her career from youth leagues to college and now the professional arena. for pretty much that entire time she has been doing it as the only woman on her team and 97 her league. >> you know, i spent so many nights, hours, talking with my dad and my family, game planning of what do i need to do? if it is things to work on, get better at or who to be seen
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by to get an opportunity. >> reporter: kelsie says it has not been easy. women wanting to play this sport still have a lot of obstacles in their way. she has never let those stop her. she has played on a variety of professional teams and this year made the roster for the inaugural season of the oakland ballers. >> i was super excited. my dad and i had a drink afterwards when we found out. >> reporter: ballers manager says from the second he saw kelsie tryout he knew he wanted to sign her. >> she had a really, really, really good performance, kept the ball down and got outs and right away we talked to her about signing her as a tryout and she, she was all on board. >> she is now one of a bullpen of pitchers for the ballers. micah says for the most part she does her best to keep a modest profile. focusing on her game and what she can do to improve her performance. >> she has a big desire to
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succeed. i am going to tell you what, she will take the ball and if she will have a so-so out, she is tough on herself, a good outing i got to be better. she is competitive out there, it is pretty cool >> it is only when the media comes calling or young girl comes to her game that she can truly take a step back and see the impact her career is having. >> when you see little girls in the stands and the support they have towards you, encourage them, coming is possible. if they have those dreams they want to accomplish, i hope i can show them and give them that encouragement and maybe that confidence that like, i don't know not to be afraid of stepping out of their zone and out of the things they want. to be able to make things happen, you know? >> the ballers take on the high rollers tomorrow night watch the game on our sister station, pix plus, 44 cable 12, starting at 6:30. we will bring you all of the friday night home games through the end of the month of
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august. temperatures are still warm to even hot for inland parts of the bay area today. not nearly as hot as the past couple of days. the hottest spot on the map, well short of the triple digit territory. returning to average temperatures tomorrow. this bay area man survived d-day. kept his experiences close to the chest for decades until something changed. >> i got in on the planning of the invasion. every person that landed on omaha beach on d-day came through these fingers! >> how this local veteran with a huge personality became an internet star. plus. hello, you are in my house. >> plus, this california city has a bear
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. as the sunsets on the d-day anniversary where they fought and died 80 years ago today. they staged a reenactment of the troops waiting onshore under gunfire in a battle that changed the course of world war ii. it comes at a time when war is raging again in europe. president volodymyr zelenskyy was there and had an emotional moment with a veteran that stormed the beach 80 years ago. >> you are the savior of the people. >> no, no, you are. >> another survivor who returned to normandy as a martinez man had aned inner's view of the operation. as john ramos reports, he has become an internet star sharing the stories of the war. >> step into the martinez home
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of jake larson and it is clear that even he is amazing by his own good fortune. >> i am whoen01 going on 102. -- i am 101, going on 102. i am the luckiest man in the world. i don't have an ache or a pain in my body. >> reporter: his story began in 1938, he lied his way into the national guard at the age of 15. by the time pearl harbor happened jake had been in for more than three years. that typing class he took in high school changed everything. >> they transferred me into 5th corp, i did not know what it was. into g-3. that is, g-3 it is plans and training. >> reporter: as the u.s. geared up for war in europe, jake served as a clerk for the officer plan's into france. >> reporter: i got in on the
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planning of the invasion. every person that landed on omaha beach on d-day came through these fingers! these fingers, i am showing you right now. typed their name. >> when d-day arrived jake was on the command staff ship and had to hit the beach with everyone else. his greatest fear was the million land mines he knew that the germans buried in the sand. he ended up at the battle of the bulge. later awarded a bronze star. but like most he never talked about it >> who the hell would believe me? >> reporter: it was not until long after he got his true recognition thanks to his granddaughter. >> i would like you to meet a world war ii veteran. my papa jake. say hello to tiktok. >> hi, tiktok. papa jake here. >> reporter: jake has more than
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800,000 followers to his tiktok account, story time with papa jake as his recorded memories of the war reached a new generation >> i am world famous right now. if you talk about papa jake to the world they know me. everybody knows me. >> reporter: and that is especially true in france. his son says he is treated like a rock star when he travels back for d-day >> they know him over there. he will be going down the street in the parade, papa jake, papa jake! >> they wear bands around their wrist. it just says on that band "we remember." >> yes. >> yes, i remember, too. >> jake says he remembers everything including the horror of watching so many people die. >> when i go to the cemetery i feel the presence of the souls of these guys that gave their
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life. they are with me.. >> reporter: he believes there may be a reason he got through the biggest battles of world war ii without a scratch. >> i used to think it was coincidence. i know it is not coincidence anymore. it is too lucky. i am too lucky. >> reporter: he believes it is fate that he can speak up for those that never came home and he considering himself the luckiest man in the world to be able to do it. all right, paul, still hot today. closer to normal and not nearly as hot as the last couple of days. >> yes, today was transition day from the extreme heat inland in the past couple of days to normal temperatures tomorrow. it does not happen all at once. today was that escalator heading us down. >> tapering off. >> yes. closer to what we are supposed to be. >> toasty inland. temperatures backed up this evening and a major pattern change is in progress. the heat dome is
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still out there. camped out over the desert southwest. far enough away it lose ended its grip on the bay area. a storm system out on the pacific that will misus but close enough, sending a few clouds -- miss us but close enough sending a few clouds. squeezing the atmosphere over the west coast. 20-30 mile-an-hour gusts, nothing too strong. there is the fog rolling through the gate. the temperatures dropped through the 50s and the 60s across the board. not a lot of variation at the moment while earlier today we topped out in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. a typical summertime day even though it is still late spring. temperatures later tonight will drop down to about what is normal for this time of the year. let's take a look at the forecast lows for early tomorrow morning and we will continue falling into the 50s. if you are not there yet you will get there eventually. 59 degrees in san jose. cooler spots, inland valleys, not as
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you go east. around 60 degrees for antioch. the one spot that will be around 60 as we start the day tomorrow. the temperatures beginning in the lower to middle 50s. oakland, cooler spots, pet petaloma. the fog will push through the inland valleys to begin the day tomorrow. not lasting long. 8:00, 9:00 the latest. fog backing away from the coast heading through midday tomorrow, the temperatures will warm up within a few degrees of average, the exception, half a degrees above normal. the wind out of the southwest. the onshore wind will be blocked by the mountains, temperatures reaching into the middle 80s. not bad for this time of the year. middle 80s. inland in the east bay, a lot of 60s, 70s on the map, looking ahead to the weekend. nascar weekend at the
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raceway. temperatures, they are in the practice runs tomorrow, top out in the upper 70s around 80 degrees on saturday and sunday. not warm but normally warm, normal will be kind of the dominant theme in the long-range forecast, a little baby heatwave that settles in next week. long-range outlook, 6-10 day, and the 8-14 day outlook pushing the heat. farther and farther to the east. weak signal of below normal temperatures, warming the midway point of june. it is a long way down-the-line, though. inland temperatures, monday, tuesday, wednesday, the warm up kicking in closer to the water the temperatures around the bay, near 70 degrees for the next few days, only getting up into the middle to upper 70s for the warmest days on tuesday and wednesday. what
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you will notice is and returning to the sunshine. tuesday, wednesday, thursday some, sunshine. on the good sunlight this time of the year. it will be in short supply over the weekend. >> most importantly, beautiful three days for the weekend. >> yes. it looks like the temperatures should be tolerable after couple days of real heat >> thank you, paul. tonight, the california insurance crisis is fueled by irony. we are hearing about insurance companies dropping homeowners left and right. but a cal fire facility that trains inmate firefighters was just, tonight, $11 million in state funding for upgrades because they could not get fire insurance. >> even firehouses ran by the state can not get fire insurance. that is how unmanaged our state government is right now. >> firefighters on the scene, fire trucks on the scene, fire
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cats, and without them we will not be able to get any insurance. >> it seems less ironic and more absurd, but they scraped up the funding, but several other cal fire facilities run into exactly that same problem. matt? ahead in sports, first round 9ers getting a lot of attention, another rookie who is really turning heads. plus, game one of the nba finals, one former cal bear is se
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>>if it feels like forever since the season ended it seems
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like it has been. we are just getting to game one of the nba finals, thank god, a couple of bay area ties, boston making their second finals appearance in three years, dallas led by oakland native and jason kidd making their trip in 13 years. first stop, chris returning to the celtics after being out for a month. scoring 11 of the 20 points in the first quarter. boston led 37-20 after 1. second quarter, another bear, brown, throwing it down on two maf mav defenders. dallas cut the deficit down. jayson tatum knocks it down. the push, led back to over 20, celtics won, 107-89. they take the series lead. game 2 is sunday. a's against the mariners,
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starter and wu pitching six shutout innings allowing two hits and 6 strikeouts, has not allowed a run against oakland. mitch, goes deep for the m's. goes on to win 3-0 to take two of three in the series. the a's lost six of their last 8. checking in on college softball. women's college world series title. sooners, 6-4, bottom of the 6th. driving in two more. and oklahoma wins 8-4 to win the first school to win 4 straight titles t. is their 8th national championship in program history. in the nfl. 49ers could have to start the season with out linebacker greenlaw as he rehabs his torn a chilies from the super bowl. one player rookie safety who earned high
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praise during ota's from his all proposition mate. >> man, that dude, i would lift everyone. he is like a minidre. walk around with this presence. twitchy, athletic, smart, and a guy that is really about his business and gets things done. >> you don't know what your science teacher is always up to, see walter white, colorado springs science teacher stunned his students this week. earning a spot in the u.s. open during a qualifier. he doubles as a school's golf coach as well. he will now look to be the first amateur to win since 1933. that is a fun first day back at school after the summer break ends when he goes, yeah, i played in the u.s. open, no big deal >> all right, thank you, matt. you would think a 300 pound bear in your kitchen would be unusual but not for the people
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. so, a rash of home invasions will be a publish for any city. down in l.a. county that is what is happening. the uninvited guest weigh hundreds of pounds and they are covered in fur. [ laughter ] >> hello? are you nice? >> reporter: a 300 pound bear walked into jazz son whiteman's kitchen tuesday evening. >> you are in my house. get out of my house. >> just tried to stay calm. i
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don't remember what i was saying. >> reporter: he lives where we covered plenty of bear sightings in recent years. >> i see them in my front yard but never seen one, they came from the backside. >> in 2023 we had over 370 bear sightings. we had over 70 intrusions into people's homes. >> reporter: deputy city manager says there has been 100 bear sightings so far this year. three ended up inside homes. she says the numbers may have dropped because the city provides bear resistant trash cans and there is a ban on feeding wild animals. >> bear. >> city hall is concerned that the progress that has been made could be at risk. in 2021, the state legislature approved a one time funding that provided four wildlife specialists in our region. that money is set to run out on three of the positions >> that would be detrimental for all of the neighboring cities. >> they were responsible for taking reports and following up
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on wildlife encounters and out reach and education. >> there is still a lot of staff and fish and wildlife that will deal with these situations. especially when it is an emergency concern or a safety concern. we still have people doing much of this work. >> reporter: the bear ended up walking out of his kitchen and into the backyard where a second bear was waiting. both climbs over the wall and disappeared >> they are a cute animal but they don't have a cute disposition or that can change, you know, on a dime >> we document as much as we can and maybe we can get the money to help. >> here is what i was impressed with. the calm of the homeowner. >> i know. i would not be that -- you know what i would need if i lived in that town? a good realtor. i would be gone >> i think i would freak out if a squirrel got into high house or a possum. >> those little lizards, oh, no
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