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tv   60 Minutes  CBS  June 9, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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the fbi says iran had a plan to kill this iranian activist here on u.s. soil. >> when media like you are not
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paying attention to me, finally they're going to come after me. >> that's because iran is intensifying its global effort to kidnap or kill targets, including american officials. >> this was not internet chatter. this was a negotiation to murder an american citizen, a former government official. i think growing up here gave me an enormous appreciation for the world. >> this rancher and republican governor unsurprisingly stands by big coal. but he surprised us on just about everything else he believes around energy policy. >> so, you tell the people of wyoming that climate change is real? >> i do. >> and that it's urgent, it's an urgent crisis? >> i have said that. and i've gotten -- i've gotten some pushback from that as well. >> i bet you have. in order for pink to do
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this -- and this -- >> tighten up your stomach. >> -- she showed us, she does this. ♪ well this is how you do it ♪ >> come on. ♪ where there's a flame ♪ ♪ someone's bound to get burned ♪ ♪ just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die ♪ you gotta get off! >> i'm lesley stahl. >> i'm bill whitaker. >> i'm anderson cooper. >> i'm sharyn alfonsi. >> i'm jon wertheim. >> i'm cecilia vega. >> i'm scott pelley. those stories tonight on "60 minutes." are you aware that carolyn was murdered? ♪ music playing ♪ tommy: your fingerprints were found in her bedroom. rusty: am i a suspect? because i did not kill her. we'll fight to save our family. i am not a liar.
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well, you are. rusty: i lied about the affair but i didn't kill her. raymond: you were there the night of. are you a violent person? they have no case so they're trying to frame me! barbara: they could put you away forever. rusty: i did not kill her. rusty: i didn't kill her. [silence] (vo) explore the world the viking way from the quiet comfort of elegant small ships with no children and no casinos. we actually have reinvented ocean voyages, designing all-inclusive experiences for the thinking person. viking - voted world's best by both travel + leisure and condé nast traveler. learn more at i'm a bee and i've bumbled my way into your car. buzz but this hive isn't big enough for the both of us. boo
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tensions have been steadily rising between the u.s. and iran since the israel-hamas war began. for months, iranian-backed militias attacked u.s. bases in syria and iraq, disrupted shipping routes in the red sea, and in april, the u.s. was part of a large coalition that intercepted an unprecedented iranian missile and drone strike on israel. but while iranian proxy fighters, like hezbollah, the houthis, and hamas, are in the headlines, there's another type of proxy iran deploys that receives far less attention. as we reported in november, tehran is hiring hitmen around the world in an effort to intimidate, abduct, and
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assassinate perceived enemies of the regime. and they're doing it right here on u.s. soil. >> reporter: this video was posted online by a channel affiliated with iran's revolutionary guard. it vows to kill former american government officials, including president trump, to avenge the 2020 u.s. assassination of the terrorism mastermind, qassem soleimani. threats like this have been seemed credible enough that several of these officials have been under around the clock protection, including former defense secretary, mark esper, former secretary of state, mike pompeo, iran reportedly offered a hitman a million dollars to kill him, and john bolton, the former national security adviser. >> they bargained the price for me would be $300,000, which i have to say i found insulting.
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>> so, what exactly was the plot against you? >> the revolutionary guard sought to procure either by kidnapping or my assassination, not directly by a revolutionary guards member, but by seeking a hitman who would carry out the job either in the u.s. or abroad. >> the fbi has an arrest warrant out for the iranian officer, claiming that he hired the hitman online to travel to washington, corner bolton in a garage, and kill him. but it turned out -- lucky for bolton -- the assassin was an fbi informant. >> this was not internet chatter. this was a negotiation to murder an american citizen, a former government official. >> is the threat against you ongoing? >> we've got marked secret service cars that say, police, united states secret service, outside my home. >> we talked to the fbi and
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several intelligence agencies, and they told us that iran's efforts are becoming more frequent and bolder and that they often go after vocal iranian activists living abroad. >> the idea behind assassination plot, behind kidnapping plot, is to keep you silent. >> it's a beautiful family place. >> we met one of their targets in brooklyn. masih alinejad is a leader in the women's revolt against the law in iran mandating they wear a head scarf, or hijab. forced to flee 14 years ago, she settled here in brooklyn, where she encourages women back home to send her videos of them taking off the hijabs. and she spreads those images online to her 10 million or so followers, fuelling the protest movement. >> so, the mullahs began to focus on you. the fbi came and told you there
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was a plot against you. >> there were, like, six or seven fbi agents. when they came to my house, they told me that your life is in danger. i was, like, okay, tell me something new. because we iranians are used to it. but they actually said, no, this time it's different. they said that the iranian regime hired private investigator on u.s. soil to take photos of your movement, your daily life, your routine. and i was, like, wow. so, they are here in new york, in brooklyn. >> the plot was to kidnap you and take you, by speedboat, to venezuela. >> hey, it sounds like a scary movie to you. >> no, it sounds implausible to me. >> you see? it's a reality for us. >> and a reality for the fbi that says the plan was to get her to iran to stand trial. it was the same for jamshid sharmahd, another iranian
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dissident, who lived in los angeles for two decades and created a website where people in iran could report human rights abuses. in 2020, while he was changing planes in dubai on a business trip, his family noticed his phone started heading in the wrong direction. his daughter, gazelle sharmahd, soon saw her dad pop up on iranian tv in a courtroom looking petrified. >> he's forced to confessions about crimes he did not commit. the choice they gave him was corruption on earth. that's why he got the death sentence. >> is it a situation where he could actually be executed -- >> oh, yes. >> -- any day. >> they want to hang him from a crane in the middle of the city. >> the original plot to kidnap masih was thwarted. but according to the fbi, a year later, in 2022, iran paid this
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azerbaijani living outside new york city $30,000 to buy a semiautomatic rifle and kill her. he lurked outside her home for a week. his plan was to take advantage of her friendliness to her neighbors. >> he was actually following my life. he knew that i was the one offering flowers to strangers. >> you offered flowers to strangers? >> yeah. this is me. so, he received a text message from the guy inside iran saying that, go unlock the door, then take her to the backyard garden. if i had opened the door, i would have just given him a big smile and said, yes, let's go to my garden. and then he wanted to just kill me. >> did he actually knock on your door? >> yes. >> her home security camera actually caught him on her porch trying to get in. eventually, he took off but was pulled over for running a stop sign.
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that's when the police found this in his car. he's been in custody awaiting trial ever since. but here's what's interesting. neither he nor two other men the prosecutors say were hired for the job were iranian. like him, they were eastern european, and as is becoming a trademark of iran shadow of war, they were criminals. >> they were all from criminal syndicates. this is what the islamic republic is really good at, like, using drug dealers, using criminals, to do their dirty job on the western soil. >> maybe have deniability. >> exactly. >> we didn't do it. >> that's the point. >> so, why did they use proxies? >> to have somebody who is not being tracked by intelligence or security agencies for this. >> matt jukes, head of counterterrorism policing in britain, says this is not just an american problem.
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in the uk, they have foiled 15 iranian kidnapping and assassination attempts since last year. >> i have been involved in national security policing for over 20 years. what we've seen in the last 18 months is a real acceleration. >> we have been told that a lot of these criminal gangs hire other criminal gangs, and then maybe a third group. >> i think we're always going to see this collaboration between criminal organizations. we know that this will not always be a direct line from a state organization to a threat, to a potential kidnapping. >> this recording was given to us by a foreign intelligence agency. it shows how iran recruits criminals. >> i received a call from the irgc, the revolutionary guard. >> this is an iranian smuggler from urmia, a town near the turkish border. he reveals to the foreign agents
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that he was approached by iran's revolutionary guard with a deal. they'll turn a blind eye to his smuggling if he helps them. >> translator: their request was that i find people who could work for them. what kind of work? anything, like catching someone for us so they could be beaten up or gotten rid of. >> this surveillance video shows him recruiting a fellow smuggler for the task. the man in white is mansour rasully, an alleged drug dealer. a few weeks later, rasully was kidnapped at night and interrogated in a car, reportedly by israeli intelligence. they extracted this cell phone confession where rasouli admits he was paid $150,000 up front
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and promised a million dollars if he killed three people for the iranians. >> translator: one is an israeli at the embassy in istanbul, turkey. another one is an american general in germany. and one is a journalist in france. >> the french target was identified as philosopher bernard henri levy, a vocal critic of the regime in tehran. the identity of the american general remains a mystery. the plot to kill the three was prevented. but in recent years, iranian dissidents were successfully kidnapped and smuggled to iran. several were executed. they've succeeded in europe. they haven't succeeded in the united states, even though we know there are targets. >> right. >> so many american officials and others are being targeted. why is it not a bigger issue? >> look, i think the targeting
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of american citizens by a hostile foreign government is very close to an act of war. >> what would happen if they succeeded in assassinating someone like you, a well-known former official? >> well, i wouldn't like to find out for myself or for the country. but why are we sitting here quietly talking about this, when they're, in effect, saying they're going to commit acts of war against american citizens on american soil? >> does the fact that iran feels emboldened to come after our citizens, does it mean we've lost our deterrence? >> well, i think we have lost deterrence. and i think this also goes to an unwillingness on the part of the administration to confront the ayatollahs in a way that they understand. >> they can challenge u.s. government on u.s. soil without any punishment. then what's the reason to stop? >> well, there are sanctions against them. >> sanction is not sufficient.
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sanction is not -- >> what do you want us to do? drop a bomb? >> no. look. when you negotiate with the killers, you're empowering them. >> the biden administration didn't respond to our request for an interview. >> the islamic republic -- >> when masih alinejad was called to testify before congress about iran in september, she said that unless the administration's policy changes, her life will continue t be in danger. >> i believe that when i'm not in the spotlight, when media like you are not paying attention to me, finally they're going to come after me. >> while she now has the freedom to speak her mind in america, she does not have the freedom to live where she wants. masih and her family have had to go into hiding under fbi protection. >> it's, like, wow, the government from my own country trying to kill me. but my adopted country trying to
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protect me. you have to be an iranian to survive assassination plot, to understand that how it feels to survive in america and to have the platform and to criticize the u.s. government. >> you're tearing up. tell me why you're tearing up. >> because people in my country get killed for criticizing, get shot in head for the crime of criticizing. (♪♪) with wet amd, i worry i'm not only losing my sight, but my time to enjoy it. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. (♪♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments, so i can do more of what i love. (♪♪)
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vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. the debate over energy policy is sometimes boiled down to a caricature. republicans are seen as favoring fossil fuels like oil and coal, and democrats portrayed as promoting more climate friendly
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wind and solar power. the reality is much more complicated, of course, and the best proof of that may be found in one of the reddest states in america, wyoming. it is the country's leading coal-producing state by far, yet its republican governor, mark gordon, is emerging as a leading voice promoting climate-friendly energy projects and actions to address the climate crisis. as we first reported last december, mark gordon is trying to prove that it's possible to be both red and green. >> we needed to be aggressive, and we needed to really address this issue. >> so, you tell the people of wyoming that climate change is real? >> i do. >> and that it's urgent, it's an urgent crisis. >> i have said that. and i've gotten -- i've gotten some pushback from that as well. >> i bet you have. >> in september, we met mark gordon, who's in the middle of his second term as wyoming's
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governor on the cattle ranch where he grew up. >> this is my dad's old saddle. >> his family still owns this ranch, and he and his wife also operate another about 40 miles away. >> how did growing up here affect your world view? >> i think growing up here gave me an enormous appreciation for the world around us and the ecological processes and the weather. you just are exposed to it on a regular -- on a regular basis. >> mark gordon is also a mountain climber who are has seen glaciers receding due to a warming climate. he says that helped convince him to set a goal of making wyoming not just carbon neutral when it comes to co2 emissions but eventually carbon negative. >> you first made this pledge of net negative co2 emissions at a 2021 state of the state speech. how did that go over?
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>> i think some people probably resented it. i think generally it's been well-respected. it was, to some degree, a bold move and one that was intended to make a difference in that discussion about energy in the future. >> after gordon repeated his net negative emissions goal at an appearance at harvard last year, wyoming's republican party passed a vote of no confidence in him. but he says heat from the right won't deter him from pursuing what he calls an all of the above energy policy. >> whatever you're going to do in energy, probably you're going to have something to do in wyoming. we have tremendous wind resources. we have the largest reserves of uranium, important for nuclear energy, the largest coal producer, number eight in oil, number nine in natural gas. 83% of your energy is exported. >> that will soon include
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nuclear power, from a next-generation reactor to be built in wyoming with a $500 million investment from bill gates. huge wind farms already dot wyoming's landscape, with the biggest one yet on the way. >> because the wind blows basically 24/7, 365 days a year. >> bill miller is president of the power company of wyoming, which is beginning to build what will be the largest wind farm in the continental united states in the middle of a geographic break in the continental divide. >> all the winds, which blow from west to east, pretty much are funneled through this part of the country. >> miller drove to the top of a place called chokecherry knob to give us a taste of the wind. >> so, when this is up and running, how many turbines will b out here? >> current plan calls for 600 turbines. >> and how much energy will that generate?
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>> it'll generate around 12 million megawatt hours of power. >> and that's enough to power how many homes? >> a million, a million-two. >> wyoming doesn't have anything close to that many homes. it has the smallest population of any of the 50 states. so, the plan is to build a new 800-mile-long transmission line to send that power to california, which needs and wants it. >> what's this going to cost? >> the wind farm will be something north of $5 billion. the transmission line will be something north of $3 billion, capital investment. >> that's a big investment. >> yes. >> the project is bankrolled by billionaire phillip -- who owns the company, bill miller runs, and who first made his fortune in oil. >> society has spoken. that's what this country is going to go to is renewable energy. more importantly, it's a project that contributes to the zero carbon initiatives that we strongly believe in.
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it's going to happen. and this is the best place for it to happen. >> at this past summer's windy groundbreaking ceremony for the transmission line, bill miller was joined not just by republican governor mark gordon -- >> we have a great future ahead of us. >> -- but also by two members of president biden's cabinet. >> the way we have tried to navigate this is to find something for everyone. and i think that's -- >> is it possible? >> yeah, i think it is. honestly, i think if people are going to embrace how we get to a carbon neutral/carbon negative future, it has to be by saying, we're all going to be a little bit better by embracing innovation. >> if a single picture can capture wyoming's energy past, present, and future, this may be it, a fully loaded coal train
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passing in front of a huge wind farm. remember, this state still produces more coal than any other, by far. >> the likelihood that we will truly, as a world, move away from fossil fuels is very low. >> holly krutka runs the school of energy resources at the university of wyoming. before shifting to academia, she worked for pea body, the largest coal company in america. >> 82% of our global energy consumption is fossil fuels. >> 82%? >> 82%. it has not changed. >> because of that stark fact, krutka and her colleagues are focused on taking the co2 out of fossil fuels, like coal, before it reaches the atmosphere with a technology called carbon capture and storage. >> there are carbon capture and storage projects in america working right now. there's just not enough. the capture side, we're there today. >> you can do it now.
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>> right now. yes. >> the technology is there, but is it economically feasible? >> it will always be cheaper to do nothing than to add carbon capture and storage. if you want to reduce emissions, this is part of the solution. we have to decide, is it worth the cost? >> at the huge dry fork coal fired power plant near gillette, the university of wyoming is operating what it calls the integrated test center. some of the flue gas that would go up the smokestack is siphoned off into labs like this one, where the japanese company, kawasaki, is testing methods for making carbon capture more economical. wells 10,000 feet deep have also been drilled to show that captured co2 can be stored underground forever. >> how big a deal would it be to find an affordable way to capture carbon at the point of
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admission, seeing power plants around the world? >> it would be a game changer for certain. >> you know there are a lot of nay sayers who say that this is a pipe dream, it'll never happen. what do you say to them? how do you convince them? >> i say, we're trying it. i know people will say, you're just trying to extend the life of the coal mine. i am. but i'm also trying to do that in a way that is going to do more for climate solutions than simply standing up a whole bunch of wind farms or sending up a whole bunch of solars. >> with his all of the above approach, mark gordon is trying to put every kind of energy project on a fast track, including bill miller's huge wind farm. >> how long did you think it was going to take when you started? >> when i originally started, i thought we could probably get this titled and under construction within five years. >> and it's been 17? >> 17. >> why so long? >> primarily the permitting
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process, the bureaucracy and the federal government. >> you told me coming up here that the process was kind of like a nightmare. >> it was difficult. maybe nightmare is a little bit too strong, but it was a very difficult process. >> so, how important is it to reduce regulatory and permitting barriers? >> i think it's massive. permitting reform, i think, is one of our biggest challenges at a federal level. it is something that's being embraced by both sides. >> both the biden administration and congressional republicans have endorsed the idea of streamlining permitting for energy projects. actually doing it is another story. in wyoming, governor gordon has done what he can. >> one thing i can share is that it's a state that's very welcoming to innovators in the energy space. >> cully cavness is cofounder of a company called crusoe energy systems. about five years ago, it decided
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to tackle the problem of flaring, when gas produced in oil wells is simply burned into the atmosphere. >> if you could capture all the power, about two-thirds of europe's electricity. it's a lot of waste. >> which is burning off. >> there's no pipeline there. >> cavness and his colleagues came up with the unconventional idea of putting a small electricity-generating power plant right where that gas was being flared and wasted. >> we tap into that gas line. we bring the gas over to a power generation system. and that generates electricity. and we take the electricity directly into our on-site data center to power hundreds or thousands of computers. and we network the computers to the outside world with fiber or satellite internet. >> so, you take a data center and basically put it on top of the wall head. >> exactly. it's a modern data center in every way when you're standing inside of it. and then you step out the door, and you're in an oil field.
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>> crusoe energy first used those electricity-gobbling data centers to mine bitcoin. now most of that computer power is being used by artificial intelligence companies. the first place to let them try this in 2018 was wyoming. >> that's not necessarily an idea that everyone's going to embrace automatically right off the bat before it's been done before. wyoming was. they invited us to come do it for the first time here. we did it at a small scale. we proved that it could work. and that helped us attract the funding and the other projects that helped us scale to where we are today. >> how many of these centers do you have up and running currently? >> we're approaching 200 by the end of the year. we'll have about 200 of our modular data centers deployed throughout the united states and now internationally. >> how do you assess your environmental impact? >> today we're operating at a scale of more than 20 million cubic feet a day that would have otherwise been flared and wasted.
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we're preventing that flaring in the order of several hundred thousand cars per year being taken off of the road in terms of the avoided emissions impact. >> are you trying to send out a message to the rest of the country, maybe the rest of the world, if you have a renewable or a climate friendly idea, bring it here, bring it to wyoming? >> love to. we want to be part of the solution. there are some really remarkable things that if we stop talking about what we shouldn't do and start talking about what we can do and how we can embrace that future, that's what we're dedicated to here in wyoming. cbs sports hq is presented by progressive insurance. today in dublin, ohio, the number one player in the world, scottie scheffler, shot a final round 74 to win by one over collin morikawa.
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the 2024 summer concert season is upon us, and only one of the women on tour this year has built a global brand singing upside-down. high flying stunts is only part of her appeal. alecia moore is known for her powerhouse voice. and if the name is unfamiliar, it's because she's known by her one word professional identity, pink. and as we first reported last fall, she famously has no filter. fans who have followed pink's 25 year career have expected her to share every detail of her sometimes troubled story. >> do i have this right? you're willing to talk about anything. any question is fine? there's no offense taken. >> i'm open to all of it.
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>> a lot of people in your world thrive on protecting privacy. you're an open book. why? >> i guess i look at it in a very specific way. if i'm a mystery to you, how can i expect you to connect to me. and i'm a person desperate for connection, why would mystery be interesting to me? i want to know you. i want you to know me. >> start by coming to one of her concerts. we were there for one of her homecoming shows in philadelphia in september, one stop on a year and a half long tour. she's already set attendance records in stadiums around the world. ♪ close your eyes ♪ >> and sold more than $350 million in tickets. ♪ yeah ♪ >> a pink concert is part rock rager -- ♪ just like fire ♪
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>> -- part broadway spectacle -- ♪ i'm never going to not ♪ >> -- with some tinkerbell sprinkled in. ♪ i'm a rock star ♪ >> she belts out hits while flipping and flying 100 feet in the air, and she does it without lip-syncing. when she says she sings better upside-down, believe her. ♪ raise your hands up ♪ ♪ in all the rights ♪ >> now 44, when she looks out into the crowd, she sees a lot more moms and dads. she calls herself and her fans the uncool kids and takes great pleasure in taking on their haters. whether in her shows or on social media, her message is, don't mess with them or me.
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>> this image that you created, you've got this famous snarl. >> yeah. >> right? i wonder if, when that started, the message was, this is a woman that you don't want to mess with. >> well, this is a woman you don't want to mess with is a true statement. i know what certain people think of when they look at me, down to the fact that i'm muscular, i'm outspoken, and i have short hair. i'm possibly a dude, definitely a lesbian. people, sort of, put you in a box no matter what you look like. and my box happens to be, if you're outspoken and you don't, sort of, bend to societal norms, then you're scary and dangerous. >> and the reality is? >> the reality is, i am the goofiest, most fun-loving person that will possibly kick your ass if i have to. >> come on, children. >> these days, life is less, get
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the party started, and more, get these kids to bed. her 7-year-old son, jameson -- >> push, push. >> -- and 13-year-old daughter, willow, are off and on tour with her, riding their scooters on stage during sound checks. for the hometown show in philly, pink's husband, motocross star c cary hart was there, and so was her mom, judy. backstage, there's a library where the team swaps books. pink has a romantic novel she needs to return. >> we have a little sign-in sheet. >> you actually have a sign-in sheet. >> i wish i had the -- thing but we don't have that. >> i've been backstage for other artists, and some of the things i've seen are a lot of booze, lot of partying. >> my dressing room used to be whiskey and cigarettes. now it's ball pits and stuffed animals. >> when she's not on the road, she's home in southern california. this is where she's alecia moore, a mohawk-wearing mom, who bakes sourdough and is part of
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the pta. she's either driving for school drop off or driving a forklift on her 25-acre vineyard. she said she schooled herself on the science of wine making, by studying late into the night on her shows. >> so, do i have this correct? you don't make pink rose? >> i do not make pink rose. my grenache looks like a white wine. occasionally it's a bit peach. >> you drink it? >> i drink a lot -- well, biggie smalls once said, never get high on your own supply. but i do drink a lot of wine. >> home is also where she makes music. >> this is my music room. >> it's really great. >> yeah. >> she's a writer on most of her songs and says no topic is off limits, not even the ups and downs in her marriage. >> and you taught yourself to play on this? >> sort of, kind of. i mean, i can play halves of songs. one of my favorite songs is "make you feel my love."
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and i played this every day during covid. >> this is a bob dylan song, made most recently famous by adele. >> it's one of my favorite songs. ♪ when the rain is blowing in your face ♪ ♪ and the whole world is on your case ♪ ♪ i could offer you a warm embrace ♪ ♪ to make you feel love ♪ so i played that every day. >> wow, wow. you taught yourself? >> until i was good enough to go on stage and play an instrument. >> she grew up singing opera and gospel in doylestown, pennsylvania. but she says tension at h home made her desperate to leave. she calls her relationship with her father, jim moore, complicated. he served in vietnam and passed away two years ago. as a teen, arguments with her mother with so bad, pink says one fight got physical, and her mom fell downstairs.
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she now calls that her one we are regret in life. >> you said you were the kid other moms didn't want their kids to play with. why? >> i was a punk. i had a mouth. i had a chip on my shoulder. basically i grew up in a house where every day my parents were screaming at each other, throwing things, hated each other. and then i got into drugs. i was selling drugs. and then i was kicked out of the house. i dropped out of high school. i was off the rails. >> what happened on thanksgiving in 1995? >> thanksgiving of 1995, i was at a rave, and i overdosed. i was on -- oh, boy -- ecstacy, angel dust, crystal, all kinds of things. i was out. done. too much. >> you almost died. >> yeah. >> she says that was the end of hard drugs for her and weeks later got her first record deal as the lead singer in an r&b
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girl group. but they didn't last long. >> so, when you're starting out, the industry, sort of, seems like they've got you going down a path. they paint you with an r&b brush. >> yes. i signed to laface records. we were the token white girls on a black label. i was told to take etiquette classes very early on. they wanted me to learn how to wear dresses and use the right fork. >> how did that work out? >> i went once. but it didn't work. >> what did they not like? >> they were trying to turn me into something i didn't want to be. image is everything. >> using her nickname, pink, she went solo, and her first album was an r&b double platinum success. she broadened her sound to include rock and pop. and not so subtly named her next album, "missundaztood." ♪ i'm coming up so you better get this party started ♪
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>> it was a career-defining hit, selling 15 million copies around the world. ♪ i can run just as fast as i can ♪ ♪ to the middle of nowhere ♪ ♪ to the middle of my broad street fears ♪ ♪ and i swear ♪ >> you said in the past it felt like you were never winning the popularity contest among your peers. what do you mean by that? >> we sold 3 million tickets in the last six months, but you don't really hear about it unless you went. so, at the end of the day, do i give a [ bleep ] who talks about me? as long as the mom and the daughter or the dad who's in the pink t-shirt as well as his daughter and her three friends had a fantastic time, or the gay couple that came together and felt super safe at my show because no one heckled them, that's what really matters. ♪ i can't help when your stomach sinks ♪
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>> and then there's this. ♪ hold my hand hold your breath ♪ >> we wanted to show how she does it, singing upside-down, as an asthmatic, no less. it took a lot of childhood gymnastics classes and tortured training classes with her aerialist coach. >> tighten up your stomach. now sing. ♪ there's gonna be a flame ♪ ♪ where there is a flame someone's bound to get burned ♪ ♪ just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna ♪ you gotta get off! i'm not just a singer. i'm a gymnast. i can do all kinds of things. i'm physical. this body, these muscles that scare people, it's my power, right? it's, like, i don't eat well to look good. i eat well to go far, fast, and hard.
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>> at 5'3", she is all muscle, and make no mistake, as tough as she looks. ♪ >> i realize that the machete that i've always carried, this metaphorical machete that i've always carried that made me a really difficult kid is what makes me really good at what i do today. and it makes me a survivor. >> do you feel like you needed that machete to climb as far as you've climbed in this business? >> absolutely. absolutely. i never got a record deal because i was cute. i got a record deal because i was fiery, i had a lot to say, and i had a voice. so, i'm relieved i don't have to fall back on, sort of, conventional beauty and that doesn't have to be my thing. and i don't have to keep that up either, as i age. i don't have to be that. i can be all of this. >> she won't need a plan b any time soon. but as she told us at midnight over a glass of wine in her dressing room in philadelphia,
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she is planning the next chapter. ♪ it's what any self-respecting, acrobatic, sequin loving entertainer would do, a las vegas residency. ♪ and i want you tonight ♪ >> i would like to have the best show that vegas has ever seen. and i think that i can. for a performer like me to have a stage that doesn't have to travel, oh, my god. >> you can do so much. so, all these years in, what's the hardest part about your job now? >> i guess that i keep demanding more and more and more from myself, physically, emotionally, spiritually, vocally. i want to raise the bar all the time. and i'm, sort of, going against time, right? >> how do you keep up doing that? >> i like going against societal norms. when they say a woman has to
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slow down, become smaller, take up less space, calm down, no. absolutely not. why? who says? why can't we ride until the wheels fall off? that's what i plan on doing. go backstage with pink after a concert. >> come on, get in. >> at nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. ego, the number one rated
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