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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  June 10, 2024 3:00am-3:31am PDT

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but as i began to study the word and a lot of dr. stanley's teachings and sermons, i began to realize that, through the love of jesus, god saved me for a purpose. - it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix. captioning funded by cbs part of "morning edition." i'm margaret brennan. celebrations in israel as four hostages are rescued. plus, our new poll has surprising findings on the presidential race here at home. tearful reunions after four hostages held by hamas after eight months were finally
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returned to their families. >> thank you for bringing my son to me. to us. >> but the bold operation aided by u.s. intelligence came at a high cost of more than 200 palestinian lives. and the prospect of a cease-fire in gaza to allow the more than 115 remaining hostages is still very unclear. here at home, the pressure builds on president biden to do more to end the bloody conflict that's also taking a political toll on his re-election. national security adviser jake sullivan will join us as will the world food program's cindy mccain. plus a new cbs poll on what voters think of some of the more controversial policy plans of both candidates. >> i will stop the invasion and we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation
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in the history of our country. >> trump ally senator lindsey graham and president biden confidante senator chris coons will both be here. finally, the message from d day and how it holds true today. >> democracy is never guaranteed. every generation must preserve it, defend it and fight for it. >> it's all just ahead on "face the nation." good morning and welcome to "face the nation." president biden will be returning from his visit to france today, and it'll be a quick turn around as he'll return to italy for a group of 7 meeting with america's top allies. at the top of the agenda for both trips, the two ongoing wars in gaza and ukraine as well as
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how to handle aggression from the countries not represented at that meeting, russia and china. we spoke with president biden's national security adviser jake sullivan earlier today and began by asking him about the israeli hostage rescue and whether military operations are the way to free the remaining that are still held captive. >> by far the most effective, certain and right way to get all of the hostages out is to get a comprehensive cease-fire and hostage deal that president biden described in public a few days ago that israel has accepted, and now that we are awaiting hamas to respond to. >> jake, i know the u.s. provided intelligence support to the military operation. are you at all concerned that it will imperil the chances at that diplomatic agreement? and is there an expiration date by which they have to respond to this offer? >> it's a fair question, margaret, what will hamas do in
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terms of its calculus on this following this operation. i of course cannot put myself in the head of a hamas terrorist, but the fact is the whole world is looking to hamas to say yes because for all of those people, all those months we have been calling for a cease-fire, now is the moment. there could be a cease-fire tomorrow, today even if hamas would say yes. from our perspective, the world needs to reinforce that message quite clearly and strongly. we have not gotten an official response from hamas. we're waiting to hear from one. we're waiting to hear from the qataris and we will continue to reinforce the message, take the deal until we get that answer. >> jake, i was looking back at remarks you made on this program just a week after that horrific attack on israel on october 7th, and even in the early days you were pressing the israeli government for a clear plan on what they will do in gaza the day after the war ends.
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has netanyahu accepted any of the u.s. proposals or suggestions? has he presented any of it to his own war cabinet? >> we do have a detailed discussion with our israeli counterparts about the day after, but we also have been clear, as you've said, from the very beginning that a military strategy to defeat a terrorist group has got to be connected to a political and humanitarian strategy and a logical strategic end game and too often over the course of this conflict we have not seen that clear connection. we have continued to reinforce the need for israel to bear down to ensure that it has a holistic strategy to ensure the enduring defeat of hamas and to ensure a better day of peace and stability for israelis and palestinians alike. >> it sounds like no agreement on that as yet. president biden gave an interview to "time magazine" that was published this past week and he was asked whether he's seen evidence of israeli war crimes in gaza. he said, the answer is it's uncertain and be has been investigated by the israelis
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themselves. he dismittsed the idea israel was starting people as part of its war strategy, but he also said i think they've engaged in activity that is inappropriate. what would you say is inappropriate? >> well, actually, margaret, a couple of weeks ago the state department put out a comprehensive report that didn't just speak in generalities, it went into specific incidents that raised real concerns. >> and it was inconclusive which is what the secretary of state said on this program at that time. >> right. it's exactly what the president said as well when he was asked the question. we do not have enough information to reach definitive conclusions about particular incidents or to make legal determinations, but we do have enough information to have concern, more than concern. our hearts break about the loss of innocent palestinian life. the president himself has said publicly the palestinians -- innocent palestinians are going through sheer hell in this conflict, and a lot of that is because hamas has put them in an impossible situation.
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hamas hides among the civilian population, holds hostages among the civilian population, fires at the idf from behind the civilian population and so, yes, we have asked israel to take steps to be more precise and targeted in its military operations, but there is only one answer to all of this, and it's the answer i keep coming back to, which is a cease-fire and hostage deal that would end the suffering, end the conflict, end the war and bring all of the hostages home. >> the president recently approved allowing ukraine to use u.s.-provided weapons to fire across the russian border, a restricted area but still a new policy choice here. has that made a difference on the battlefield? >> from the president's perspective this was common sense. what was happening up around kharkiv, which was new just in the last couple of months, was a russian offensive where they were moving from one side of the bierder directly to the other side of the border and it simply didn't make sense not to allow
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the ukrainians to fire across that border to hit russian guns and emplacements that were firing against the ukrainians. the president authorized that. the ukrainians have carried out that authorization on the battlefield, and one thing that i will point out is that the momentum of that operation in kharkiv has stalled out. kharkiv is still under threat, but the russians have not been able to make material progress on the ground in recent days in that area and the united states will continue to support ukraine in holding the line and pushing back against the agreesing russian forces. >> as you know, vladimir putin said in response to that that russia has the option to arm western adversaries in response. one of your top aides here in washington on friday gave a pretty notable speech, jake, in which he said the u.s. may need to soon increase its stockpile of strategic nuclear weapons given the expanding arsenals of america's adversaries.
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have you seen evidence that russia, china, north korea and iran are sharing nuclear technology at this point? and what would trigger president biden to make that decision? >> well, margaret, i can't speak to intelligence matters, especially highly sensitive intelligence matters relative to nuclear capability, but what i can say is that we are concerned. we are concerned about cooperation among the countries you just mentioned and we are concerned about the advancing nuclear arsenals of countries like china and russia as well as north korea. the this is something that we are focused on, we are looking hard at and we will consult with our allies and partners on the best way to ensure a safe, reliable, incredible nuclear deterrent by the united states. we've taken no decisions. we will monitor the situation closely. >> is this because china has brushed off your attempts at arms control? >> well, actually, margaret, in
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the last few months china has showed a greater willingness, not a lower willingness to engage with us on questions related to proliferation and arms control. those are nascent conversations. they're nothing like the kinds of intense arms control negotiations that we had with the soviet union at the height of the cold war or russia in the post cold war era, but it's the beginning of a dialogue. >> jake sullivan, thank you very much for joining us from paris. >> thanks for having me. we turn now to our latest cbs news poll of the 2024 presidential race, and it shows the likely nominees effectively tied. among voters across all 50 states, former president trump leads president biden by 1 point. 50 to 49, but if we're looking at voters across the 7 states identified by cbs as the battle grounds likely to decide the election, those numbers are flipped and president biden is ahead of his predecessor by 1 point, 50 to 49. ji joining us for now for some
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analysis is our executive director of elections and surveys, anthony salvanto. anthony, you've been telling us this is going to be a close race. data supports that. we are ten days past that trump conviction in a new york courtroom. what have we learned? >> that that conviction matters some. the impact is limited, but it's there. here's why. first of all, context. voters do not rate the trial as anywhere near as important as things like the economy and inflation. things where donald trump has advantages. but we do see a little bit of activation there, especially among the democratic base, of voters for joe biden who are now more motivated by opposition to donald trump, specifically the number of joe biden voters who say that their primary reason for voting for joe biden is to oppose donald trump is up and it's now a majority of his vote. we've also seen folks among the democratic base a little bit more motivated to turn out, kind of erasing some of that expressed turnout advantage that
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the republicans had had in the battleground states and among a couple of key demographic groups, independents, et cetera, where biden gets a little bit of traction there. again, one of the reasons that this is limited is that the trump folks tell you they think the charges aren't serious. they think everything is political. what it does do though is put a spotlight on the campaign to define what this campaign is about, and when you ask people, is this a judgment on donald trump for you? when that happens joe biden wins those voters by 2 to 1. but when people say that this contest is about a comparison between the two or a referendum on joe biden, donald trump does much better. part of the reason he does much better is that trump just does better than biden on a lot of these qualities like being tough, being effective, biden does better on being personally liked, on being compassionate. what does all of that tell you?
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each of these campaigns is going to try in part to make this about the other guy as much as or at least more as what they're going to do. >> let's talk about some of the issues you say are important to voters. the border's one of them. president biden did issue an executive order this past week. it authorizes u.s. officials to deport large numbers of migrants without processing asylum claims until the border crossing numbers dips below 1500. it's essentially suspending some of the asylum processing. trump has been perceived as stronger. does this change anything? >> no. trump still is. more people think donald trump's policies would stop or slow border crossings more than biden's. having said that, there is widespread support and we test in general terms for what president biden just did. he gets 7 in 10 support on that. it's overwhelming among republicans. it's also strong on that among democrats. context, people think the border
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is in crisis for a long time. having said that, you know, we have a lot of the campaign rhetoric speaking of what people say they would do. you've seen the trump campaign talking about mass deportations. we tested that in a general way in principle. would you support a new government program that would deport all people living in the u.s. illegally? and that finds majority favor. that finds 6 in 10. it's strongest among folks who are maga. it's strongest among trump supporters, but also among some democrats as well. i think that speaks to the general idea, not just people see the border as a crisis but where we are in the campaign where a lot of dramatic, new proposals out there are finding favor here. >> so unpack that a bit because this 62% of americans favor deporting all undocumented immigrants. so homeland security says that president biden has already deported or repatriated more
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people in the past year than any year since 2010, and then depending on the details of what's talked about on the campaign trail, some of what mr. trump talks about could be illegal. it doesn't seem practical in some sense to round up children, and then we know that the courts have questioned whether local authorities would have the ability to do it, and federal authorities don't have the resources. so what exactly do people think they're supporting? >> when you measure public sentiment on this or really just about any policy, you're getting a sense of direction. you're getting broad brushstrokes, but those kinds of details, that's often up to the legislatures and the courts later on. we tested even the idea of should local law enforcement be involved in this, and a lot of folks do say, yes. again, the details of that, the specifics, you're not going to pick that up in an aggregate public opinion. >> they weren't tracking the supreme court decisions? >> undoubtedly not.
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but, look, it does tell you for the viewer watching this campaign that what we're seeing here connects to whether it's the courts, what some people say is the politicization of the courts. mass deportation. we are in a different era in which a lot of folks say the system as a whole is not working and all of these, if you connect the dots through them, are part of that reaction against it, which explains some of that general sentiment for some of these policies. >> it's really just kind of a do something. >> do something. >> anthony salvanto, thank you very much for your analysis. >> thanks. >> "face the nation" will be back in one minute so stay with us.
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shame. it's been here as long as i can remember. living in glances of people i loved. and ones i didn't even know. (♪♪) but what good is shame when it comes to health? health is not about what weight we lose. it's about all of the things a body can gain. (♪♪) we turn now to republican senator lindsey graham from south carolina. he joins us from london. good morning to you, senator. >> thank you. >> i know you were at their d day remembrances earlier in the week, and you met with president biden zelenskyy as well.
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he has asked for more training for his forces and for that to happen faster and inside of ukraine. do you support the u.s. doing that? >> yes, i do support us training inside the country. you know the delay in weapons because of house inaction, we did lose momentum, but from the very beginning the biden administration, they did not impose pre-invasion sanctions to deter putin. they didn't give weapons to ukraine early on to deter putin, and now we've got a chance to reset this war that they have the weapons. here's what he wanted most of all, for us to go after the russian assets all over the world, take the money from the sovereign world funds of russia and give it to ukraine. there's $300 billion sitting in europe from russian sovereign wealth assets that we should seize and give to ukraine. we have russian money in america we should seeize.
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when i suggested that to president zelenskyy, he lit up like a christmas tree. making russia state sponsor of terrorism under u.s. law would be a very big blow to russia. >> right. i don't know that the biden administration would sign off on that though, but in terms of what you just mentioned -- >> they won't. >> -- with the assets, president biden did say this morning he had reached an agreement with president macron of france on the use of profits from those frozen russian assets to help ukraine. i know the european haven't wanted to go ahead and seize assets because it would hurt their banks. >> well, they want to use the interest to help -- either we're going to help ukraine or we're not. it's now time to give them the f-16s, let them fly the planes. long range artillery to hit targets inside of russia. the go after putin's assets wherever they're at all over the world. go on the offensive.
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i think this summer ukraine will rgain military momentum. everything we've done with ukraine has been slow, it's been inde indecisive. if we went after the assets that putin has all over the world, take his money that's stolen from the russian people and help the victims in ukraine, i think it would do a lot to end this war. >> your republican colleague, senator tommy tuberville just this past week said on steve bannon's show that volodymyr zelenskyy is a dictator and unconstitutional and he said this about vladimir putin. >> he doesn't want ukraine. he doesn't want europe. hell, he's got enough land of his own. he just wants to make sure that he does not have united states weapons in ukraine pointing at moscow. >> those echo some russian talking points, senator. i wonder if those are remarks
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represent the gop? >> no, it represents him and him alone. if you spent 15 minutes studying putin and what he wants, he wants to recreate the russian empire. he's into the going to stop in ukraine. we celebrated the 80th anniversary of d day. it was a failure. it was the unnecessary war described by winston churchill. we had a dozen chances to stop hitler. it's not about nato, it's not about american weapons in ukraine, it's about a megalomaniac who wants to have a force of arms. if you don't stop him, there goes taiwan. we've been slow as hell of helping ukraine. senator tuberville's analysis misses what putin is about. he's an outlier in the republican party. i like him personally, but what did trump do to get the weapons flowing? he created a loan system. they're sitting on 10 to $12
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trillion of critical minerals in ukraine. they could be the richest country in all of europe. i don't want to give those money and those assets to putin to help share with china. if we help ukraine now, they could be the best business partner we ever dreamed of, that 10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used by ukraine and the west, not given to putin and china. this is a very big deal how ukraine ends. let's help them win a war we can't be afford to lose. let's find a solution to this war, but they're sitting on a gold mine. to give putin 10 or $12 trillion of critical minerals that he will share with china is ridiculous. >> i want to get to the middle east with you as well. later today benny gantz, one of the ministers in the war cabinet will express his resignation. the defense minister has said there is no planning for the day
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after happening. where is this headed? >> i think mr. gantz will withdraw from the war cabinet but beebe will have a majority. i like benny gantz. here's what i found on my last trip to israel just a few days ago. there's universal opposition to creating a palestinian state by all levels of israeli society if it is seen as a reward for terrorism of october 7th. the day after plan when hamas is destroyed militarily and they no longer can threaten israel needs to be a negotiation between israel and saudi arabia and the uae to come up with a plan for gaza and the west bank to give -- to give the palestinians hope and a better life and secure israel. that is the only plan i see working. you cannot occupy -- israel can't, in my view, permanently gaza. that will be a disaster.
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>> prime minister netanyahu hasn't said that clearly yet, that he would not seek to occupy. >> he's coming. he's coming july 24th. i've spent a lot of time with beebe. he is right to want to make sure there will be no stop in this war until hamas is destroyed militarily and cannot threaten another october 7th. i've had very detailed discussions with the -- with the prime minister and with the crown prince and this administration. >> i want to talk to you -- >> i believe they will be forming in the next -- >> i want to talk to you more about this. >> there will be a plan on this. >> we have to talk about this on the other side of the commercial break. give me a minute or two and we'll be right back. same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk.
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coons and cindy mccain. stay with us.
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♪ hello and thanks for watching. i'm matt pieper in new york. and here are some of the stories we're