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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  June 11, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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right now at 5:30, the rollout of self-driving cars may be under scrutiny. but one bay area county is wading deeper into the world of autonomous vehicles. good evening to you, i'm elizabeth cook. the bay area has become one of the epic centers of the transition to autonomous vehicles. and there has been plenty of pushback as the expansion accelerates. just last year, crews, which is owned by general motors, had their permits to operate here in california pulled. state regulators say crews misled them about the car that hit and dragged a woman thrown into their path by the other car. but as kenny choi shows us, there is one local county that's embracing and even pushing for more in the world of avs. >> reporter: this is the first time gonzalez is hopping on to
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the autonomous shuttle. the launch last year by the contra costa county agency, presto with its two shuttles moves along a fixed route across bishop ranch. the hub in san ramon, less than a minute into the ride. an abrupt stop. >> and sometimes they will need to come over. >> reporter: the agency acknowledges there is a gap between the technology that is now in the future of autonomous transportation. long-time bus driver, tony haze, is much more skeptical. >> used to go to tellers and the atms, but now i don't trust it. >> reporter: he's been in countless situations in which children and others have asked him for help. >> you want to pull the bus over and ask for help, but the bus won't do that by itself. >> reporter: addressing those concerns is key for the industry and those who see their promise to transportation. tim hale is the director of the contra costa
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transportation authority. >> we have a first and last mile here in contra costa county. >> reporter: according to ccta nearly half of the trips in the county are less than two miles. agency's long-term vision is an automated service between homes and transportation hubs like bart and bus stations, eliminating the need to drive and park for connecting route to the city. >> we can really address the first and last mile kind of transportation gap or challenge. we can really reduce a lot of our congestion, you know, here in contra costa county. >> reporter: to move in that direction, the agency this summer will provide a similar shuttle service like the one at bishop ranch. it will transport nearby patients to the regional medical center in martinez. riders like gonzalez are open to embracing a different way of commuting. >> if it were free, i would definitely consider it on some days. other days, i might need to have my vehicle for other things. >> reporter: it's not a full embrace as the autonomous
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industry strives to make the technology smoother and better than human drivers. >> contra costa county will also launch another service this summer with two autonomous shuttles in the gated retirement community of walnut creek. they'll transport senior residents to the community hub that includes a fitness center on its campus. another service in the works is an east contra costa county. these autonomous rolling pods called glide cars. there's a plan to build a 28-mile long enclosed roadway just for these glide cars. it'll stretch from brentwood through oakland and antioch and end in pittsburg. people will be able to book a ride using a phone app. >> so we might first start with five glide cars. then as the system continues to expand, we might end up with 75 to 100 to be able to meet the demand in the network. >> the first section is expected to be finished by 2027, and a similar project by the same company is also
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underway in san jose. a california judge has rejected tesla's attempt to dismiss false advertising claims over its auto pilot feature. they report the move now allows for a formal hearing. the dmv filed a complaint against tesla back in 2022, accusing the company of misleading customers of the car's auto pilot and full self-driving technology. exaggerating the features. this will come less than a month after another judge ruled that tesla must face a similar class action lawsuit by consumers. the dmv told us they have no comment on the ruling. we have also reached out to tesla and have not heard back. meanwhile elon musk has dropped his lawsuit against open ai and ceo sam altman. musk cofounded the artificial intelligence start-up back in 2015 and then left three years later. he accused the company
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of reserving advanced a.i. technology for private customers. this all comes a day after musk slammed apple over the tech giant's new partnership with open ai. in a post on x, musk said he would ban apple devices at his companies if apple went ahead with its a.i. plans. well speaking of apple, a big day for apple on the stock market. shares closed at a record high. the tech company gained 7.3% to a new high of $207 per share. this beats apple's previous record of $198 per share back in december. this comes a day after apple held its annual developers conference and announced its new artificial intelligence features. .s of grieving, now turning into action in the sierra foothills. we are hearing from the family of the el dorado county man killed in a mountain lion attack while protecting his brother. the reporter shelby riley has more on the changes that the family wants
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to see. >> and what happened to taylor and wyatt may well wind up being the tip of the iceberg. it is not if, but when. >> reporter: malcolm brooks says his nephew, they were avid outdoorsman and taught from a very young age what to do if they encountered a mountain lion. but nothing could have prepared them for what happened on march 23. >> and my initial reaction to it was this has to be some kind of like a weird joke. >> reporter: the mountain lion first attacked wyatt. they would try to fight that lion off his brother, but ultimately dragged off by the mountain lion and killed. >> it's the first documented record ever in the united states. a pair of adult size men being confronted and face head on with a lion. >> reporter: since the attack, the uncle says he has been extensively researching mountain lions, an action that could be taken, specifically regarding proposition 117. the
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proposition passed in 1990 and established mountain lions as a specifically protected mammal under state law. he says the problem is california department of fish and wildlife put a three-strike policy in place in 2017. >> you know, a stake holder/landowner, livestock owner, basically has to demonstrate that the same lion has come on the predatory basis to the property three separate times before they will issue the lethal permit. >> reporter: and he says he does not want anyone else to end up in a terrifying situation like his nephew's, even though they did everything right. >> you don't know what the individual lion is going to do. this totally blows it out of the water, the idea that you could predict a predatory cat's behavior in the moment. apparently you can't. >> malcolm encourages community members to write to their local
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legislators and attend fish and game meetings to have their voices heard. not far away in placerville, neighbors are on edge after several reports of a group of three mountain lions roaming the neighborhood. one neighbor was told there may be a den near her property. but california department of fish and wildlife says they have not received any reports of livestock or pet attacks, so there is a reason for them to go out there. >> and i think just overall with the amount of people that live in this particular area to say let's leave these mountain lions in their den there. until something happens, it's leaving it open for something catastrophic. >> the department of fish and wildlife said, "these are mountain lions behaving as mountain lions in their natural habitat. they received no reports of pets or livestock or any threat to public safety." meanwhile in southern california, a bear is causing quite the stir in one neighborhood in l.a. county. he's been nestling into the
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crawl space of the tate's home for the past two weeks. the family says he seems nice who loves trash. police and animal control have come out to the property, but no one could actually physically remove the bear for obvious safety reasons. thankfully as of last night, the squatter has vacated his spot there. well still ahead here at 5:00, a birth so rare it even frightened his mother. we'll take you to see the newest baby elephants in thailand. plus get ready to pay more for that double-double, animal style fries. details on in-n-out burger's price hike. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost.
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it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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in london animal rights activists vandalized the first official portrait of king charles at an art gallery. it's in protest of alleged animal cruelty at farms overseen by the royal society. the activist passed wallace's face from the wallace cartoon over the king's head along with a speech bubble reading, "no cheese." look at all this cruelty on rspca farms. they say the painting wasn't damaged behind the plastic. in-n-out burger is raising their prices in california. your double-double meal will cost you $10.45. that's before taxes. the rising cost have to do with the new $20 an hour minimum wage for fast food workers. each city also has their own sales tax. so one meal could cost you more in one city compared to another. the chain tells us the price hike
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was necessary to maintain its quality standards. when we come back, it looks like something out of a horror movie. but we promise it's completely harmless to humans. the foreign spider species making their way across parts of the u.s. straight ahead in sports, this is not just the pop-up exhibit. this is a willie mays museum right across the street from oracle park. the preview. coming up on the cbs evening news, thousands of residents return to paradise for our eye on america. see how families are rebuilding their lives in one town that was nearly wiped out by a violent wildfire. that and more here on the cbs evening news.
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well parts of the country are dealing with an influx of cicadas. now there is another invasion spreading along the east coast. take a look at this. this is not your average spider. it's the size of a hand and it's called a joro spider. yeah. the animal is originally from east asia. spider experts say the animal's venom is weak. all
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right, that's good news. if you are bitten by one, you're probably fine. despite their larger size and the ability to parachute through the air, scientists say people shouldn't be too concerned. >> they're not dangerous, they're not aggressive. i think even if you really were going to go after the spider and harass it to the extent it would bite you, it wouldn't be an issue. >> the spiders were discovered in georgia ten years ago. the spiders could actually help trap unwanted bugs like mosquitoes this summer. okay, flying spiders, paul. >> i feel like we buried the lead there. the fact they're airborne yeah, they could fly. >> they're the size of your hand. >> the ability to coast through the air. >> don't worry if you're bitten, you'll be fine. you might have a heart attack. >> if they eat hover flies, those annoying flies that buzz around, i'm fine with that.
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>> that and mosquitoes. i can see them parachuting through the air. just sweeping on? >> yes. >> and land on your head. i don't think that i will recover from that one. >> i've got to talk for the next three minutes to see if they could make it when they recovered. when we talk about the weather that will cool down beginning already tomorrow. it will be back to normal june temperatures across the bay area tomorrow as the heat dome shifts a little further away from the coast and a little bit is all it takes. the stronger breeze will be kicking in over the next couple of days. check out the wind gusts in just a moment. but first let's check out the high temperatures from just a hot day across most of the bay area. nice view from treasure island towards the golden gate where the fog is taking a bit of a break tomorrow. up to 101 degrees in livermore, 97 degrees in santa rosa. neither of those are records. four and three degrees short respectfully. 92 degrees in san jose and half a dozen below the record high. 88 fremont, 74 in san francisco,
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which is above normal and very far short of the daily record of 92. the fog is going to try to reestablish itself. it is not going to be terribly widespread to begin the day tomorrow. futurecast just indicating a few spots with the reduced visibility, mainly along the coast and right inside that bay. the fog should not take too long to dissipate. a little longer along the coast, but you should see a mix of clouds and sunshine for one more day before the june gloom will become more widespread. take a look at tonight's forecast. low temperatures. they'll be back to pretty much what's normal for this time of the year as well. a few spots staying above 60 degrees. but mid to upper 50s for morgan hill and los gatos. and temperatures staying in the mid-60s, otherwise retreating closer to what is average for this time of the year. some of the cooler spots will be in a different locations. you'll drop down to above 50 by early tomorrow morning and a couple degrees warmer than that in san francisco. the cool spot, our usual cool spot in petaluma. even there you'll stay out of
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the 40s, just barely. leveling off around 50 degrees by early tomorrow morning. now let's talk about tomorrow's forecast. high temperatures, which do return close to normal levels. everybody within 3 degrees on either side of average. so around 60 degrees along the coast. a mix of 60s and 70s around the bay. some 80s on the east side of the bay in fremont with mostly 80s farther inland. the hottest spots getting into the upper half of the 80s by tomorrow afternoon. a part of the reason for the cool down, not just a reduction of the weight on top of us, but a stronger onshore breeze kicking in especially during the afternoon. into the afternoon and early evening, the winds are due back down as we head through wednesday night. but thursday will be a breezy day as well. not strong enough for a wind advisory, but still noticeable especially during the afternoon and early evening hours. looking further down the line, the 6 to 10-day outlook center will take us into the first full day of summer. it's next thursday. the slight chance of below average temperatures trying to sneak down from the north. if that
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happens, it's temporary. the 8 to 14-day outlook will show a return as we get closer and closer to the end of june. the seven-day forecast, we will focus on the next week or so. temperatures are returning to pretty much what's normal for this time of the year within three to four degrees on either side. the coolest day will be on thursday, and then we're back into the middle portions. maybe a few more passing clouds overhead by monday and tuesday. thursday also the coolest day. bayside with highs in the 60s. then it's back up into the low to mid-70s as we head into father's day weekend. doesn't look like the weather is going to cause any complications for any outdoor plans for father's day. along the coast, you will have to contend with widespread fog every morning and peeking through the clouds including the holiday for sunday. time for a check of what's ahead at 6:00. we check in with sara donchey in for juliette. >> temperatures are heating up in the campaign to recall pamela price. there was almost a fight at a recall rally this
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weekend. coming up, why price is defending one of her employees who was in the middle of all that. and plus mayor london breed has promised pandas at the san francisco zoo, but first she needs a green light to actually pay for them. why panda diplomacy is causing so much controversy in the city. news at 6:00 coming up in ten minutes. let's head out to vern live in sports. all right, sara, we are here with the willie mays say hay experience across from oracle park. very topical because we are fine days away from the giants playing in his hometown of birmingham, alabama, where his pro career began in 1948 with the negro leagues at brentwood field. now this museum captures his whole career, who could hit for power, run, field, and throw. the greatest ballplayer not
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only serves as the president be's giant of team development, but he's the museum curator. >> how about it? what goes around comes around. if they're coming around for the giants, playing in brentwood field. how about that? >> yeah. it will be a very special game next week in birmingham. the home of willie mays. so it is fitting the giants are playing in the game that's a tribute to the negro leagues. >> reporter: how did this evolve? >> well larry approached me and asked if i would help with a special project. >> i heard he's a giants fan? >> he is. >> and he is mindful of brentwood coming online. there's been a lot of talk about doing something for mays for a long time. so he asked me if i could help put together a pop-up museum for mays and have it ready for his birthday, which we did. >> right now the giants will
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play the cardinals in birmingham on june 20. tonight they need to host the astros across the street. moving pictures coming up on the late show. last night in san diego, a's pitcher, made his major league debut during the first at bat of the big league career, the lights went out. fans used their phones to try to provide some light. after a couple minutes delay, the lights came back on. over to the nfl where the 49ers mccaffrey will be on the cover athlete of this year's madden 25 video game. mccaffrey will be the first niner ever to be featured on the cover. he called it a lifelong dream come true. life is good right now for cmc. it comes after he got a two-year contract extension with san francisco. that's
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some news for you. joey chestnut will not compete in the nathan's hot dog eating contest on the fourth of july after agreeing to a sponsorship deal with a competing company to make things. chestnut has won this contest 16 times including the last eight years. liz, i don't know if you're a fan of hot dogs or how many you could eat in ten minutes. but the hot dog eating contest without joey chestnut is like peanut butter without the jelly. >> or a hot dog without mustard. or relish. >> yes, yes. [ laughter ] >> i know, it's going to be so weird not to see him there this year. doesn't seem right. vern, thank you. still ahead here at 5:00, a rare elephant birth in thailand, but it almost went haywire. how a care worker jumped into action to save one
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we have more on the dramatic birth of the elephant caught on camera. >> reporter: a 36-year-old elephant gave birth to 176-pound male calf in thailand. that's worth celebrating. what happened next will make the story rare. 18
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minutes after the calf was delivered, someone shouts there is another baby being born. >> the mother attacked that baby because she never had twins before because it is very rare. that caused her some pain. >> reporter: the stay organization says an elephant keeper jumped in to protect the second calf and broke his ankle. >> if that situation had happened in a while, mom would have been attacking it with the rest of the herd that would have intervened. and the baby may have been trampled in the process. >> reporter: according to save the elephants, the twin elephants are rare. they only make up about 1% of births. the female twins like in this case are even more uncommon. >> the little girl, she is quite small and she is not able to reach the mother's milk. >> reporter: the platform has been built to help the twins nurse. they've been given pump milk, which is worn down and
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they now embraced both calfs. still unclear if the father, a 29-year-old elephant has digested the surprise. >> dad is totally covering. they are so cute though. that's it for the news at 5:00. cbs news bay area starts now with sara donchey in for juliette. it is a hot one out there, but relief is on the way. what does it mean for fire season? fortunately this was a one day spell of hot weather to this first alert weather day followed up by several days of fear normal temperatures. a look at your complete forecast coming up. at this point this grass is very receptive to, you know, the smallest spark. >> reporter: dry grass and hot temperatures have fire departments on high alert. plus violence and accusations flying as the recall effort against alameda county d.a., pamela price, heats up. >> i certainly do not condone any type of violence. >> how price is defending one of her own employees after a tense exchange. businesses on


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