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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  June 12, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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>anc2 mic>bay hi there, thanks so much for joining us, it is wednesday, june 12th. >> time to get started. >> we have a code of ethics for lawyers, not for all employees. >> did an employee for embattled da pamela price fall below that standard in a tense exchange with a victim's family? price digging in her heels defending her employee. kind of hard to keep them here when you can't get days off. >> millions of dollars poured into a brand new 911 dispatch center. but do those dollars translate to badly needed fixes to keep our community safe? not so say some who face problems recently. in a way, i feel like yeah, she was right. people like me don't go to college. people like me thrive in college. >> proof you can do hard things. how a local student
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represents and redirects to a future serving her community. joe chestnut. >> and what's this? chestnut out? what's the beef? it's wednesday people, we have why hot dog eating champ joey chestnut had to get franked. a little too early to see somebody stuff their face with a hot dog. but it's nice to have you. i'm reed cowan. good morning, everybody. >> i'm gianna franco and good morning to you. anxious to hear the story. the end of the era? >> right. hiss stomach is like thank you. >> i know it's going to be okay now. >> his system is like thank you. >> well, taking a live look outside on this wednesday morning. where we're saying thank you to mother nature. we've had some pretty nice weather although it was very hot yesterday. it was a first alert weather day. not the case today as we take a look over san francisco this morning. jessica, things cooling off just a little bit and how's it looking for the rest of the week? just enough to say that we're close to average again today. this is a big deal for us because that heat wave that swept through yesterday,
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definitely impacted many of our local communities off in the east bay. all the way down into the santa clara valley and for our friends up in wine country too. it was a hot day yesterday. we can say it. however it's not nearly as warm today. that area of high pressure is moving out and however, we are going to see some gustier conditions around the corner especially along the coastline. as we head into this afternoon. we're kind of sandwiched in-between low pressure to the north and high pressure to the south. we're getting that direct jet stream right into us and we can see some breezier conditions as early as this morning near bodega bay. and anywhere up to around 20-mile-per-hour winds there. concord a similar trend. into the noon hour, we can continue to watch the winds really ramp up along the coast near san francisco. just around 3:00 before dinner time. now we'll continue to see that on shore breeze all throughout the afternoon hours. today so just keep that in mind if you have any outdoor plans. i was thinking today i was going to do a run into the afternoon. but i don't like running in the winds in san francisco and probably not going get out this morning. that's what i'm trying to get you to think. this afternoon, honestly it's a pleasant day across the board and we're talking about upper 80s just near antioch and 70s
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near redwood city. this is great forecast to get out there and get some fresh air, like i said though keep in mind the winds get gustier. today in the 80s down into the santa clara valley. closer to the 70s tomorrow. for now over to you, g. >> thank you, jess. a good day to enjoy the walk with the family or maybe the pup or a trip to the park. right now looking good at the golden gate bridge. not too much fog out there and visibility not an issue at all for that ride into san francisco. thankfully although sort of similar to what we saw yesterday in the fog rolling in as that morning commute progressed. we will keep an eye on that. bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights are off and that's great news and traffic is actually quiet heading into the city and so far, so good at the san mateo bridge. in fact most of the bay area bridges checking in problem free this morning with no delays or issues. our hotspot, supercommuters, heads-up, it's busy already coming out of tracy getting on to 580 into the altamont pass this morning. well, we're going to start in the east bay where tensions are heating up over the
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campaign to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price. it all started at a rally last weekend held by critic os price that turned violent. our da lin recorded a price supporter telling crime victims they needed to raise their kids. followed by someone taking a swing at him. and an employee of the da's office was also at the rally. live streaming on facebook as he taunted leaders of the price recall campaign. katie nielsen was there as price responded to the heated exchange. >> they started trying to get aggressive with me. and so this dude -- [ inaudible ] that is coming from that group -- >> reporter: this video was posted to facebook by current alameda county district attorney employee, desmond jeffries. as he called safe co-founder brenda britishham gruesome at least half a dozen times. and said crime victims' families were like a gang. >> all right, this is desmond jeffreys so i am standing here. >> reporter: listed on the da's website as the director
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of retention and recruitment and according to price is not bound by a code of ethics or code of conduct. >> we have a code of ethics for lawyers, not for all employees. >> protect the win. and this -- as you can see, they are getting violent. >> reporter: she says what jeffries does on his own time is his own business. >> mr. jeffries to my understanding, has not violated any county rules or procedures by what he did on saturday. >> reporter: but according to the leaders of safe, the group trying to recall pham la price, when an employee of the da's office is taunting the families of murder victims, that crosses the line. >> when you are doing things like this, and attacking directly to the -- the victims' families, it's totally wrong. and it is not acceptable at all. >> reporter: the safe organization went as far as to write a letter to the da's office and the alameda county board of supervisors demanding disciplinary action against jeffries. and called for him to be fired.
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>> when you are working for this office, and you have the obligation to carry yourself in a high standard. >> reporter: but during the press conference, price said he won't be punished. and she will not be implementing any kind of code of conduct in the office. >> mr. jeffries is not facing any disciplinary action. mr. jeffries, as far as i know, exercised his first amendment right on a saturday morning. >> well, the recall is not on the ballot until november. that's still about five months away. reed? well, the city of san francisco has many challenges right now. the war against open air drug markets, businesses shuttering and a report this morning that recovery could take decades. in the mostly cloudyst of all of this, the question can mayor london breed keep her job from challengers who want the keys to her office? breed will defend her accomplishments and her policies tonight in a debate with the candidates trying to unseat her. those opponents on your screen. businessman mark
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ferrell and sf board of supervisors president aaron peskin and supervisor safai and nonprofit founder daniel lurie. early indication about where you are as voters on this issue as well. the race is tight according to a poll from grow sf. their polling shows a little more than half of you want to keep london breed on the job. you can watch the debate tonight on hayes street at the sydney goldstein theater at 6:30 p.m. cross the bay bridge now and looking live at oakland right now with the picture of police and their fight against crime. this morning we're learning more about the arrest of two people after a home invasion ended in a deadly shooting. monday evening, police swarmed a house on 98th avenue near burr street around 6:00. they got there, police say they found one person dead. that case now in the hands of da pamela price to consider charges keep you posted on that. let's talk about a national case hunter biden faces up to 25 years in prison after being convicted on three felony charges in his federal
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gun case. the judge has not set a date for sentencing in that. but legal experts say a first time offender of a non-violent crime is not likely to get the maximum penalty. by the way a separate california trial against hunter biden on tax charges begins in september. well, during emergencies, every second is crucial. when you dial 911 in san francisco, your call is directed to a new multimillion dollar dispatch center and that's despite being operational for just two months with all the state-of-the-art technology, workers are facing some challenges. itay hod reports. >> san francisco 911, what's the exact location of your emergency. >> reporter: when you call 911, all you care about is getting help and fast. >> how old is the patient? >> reporter: for the last 16 years, burt wilson has been answering those calls day in and day out. >> being a dispatcher is a great job. you literally help people at their greatest time of need. >> reporter: but as the president of the 911 dispatchers' union, bert says behind the scenes at the
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city's department of emergency management, there's a complex set of challenges and problems that will take time and money to fix. >> san francisco 911. >> reporter: in april, the city unveiled its new and improved 911 dispatch center. a $9 million renovation funded by a bond approved by voters four years ago. the remodel includes 55 new workstations, ergonomic chairs and a state-of-the-art facility but burt says most of these improvements, though needed, are merely cosmetic. >> it's almost like -- lipstick on a pig. >> reporter: the day after the grand opening, burt says the center's computer system crashed for two and a half hours. forcing dispatchers to resort to what's known as manual mode. >> when a call comes in, everything is written down on piece of paper. it's given to a runner so they -- can take it to the police dispatch or fire dispatch. >> reporter: burt says that was not the only time. how many
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crashes have you had say in the last couple of months? >> i -- i think about six to eight. >> no magic wand. >> reporter: mary ellen carroll is the department of energy management's executive director. she says the computer system is nearing its end of life. there's a larger $44 million plan to upgrade it. but that won't happen for another two years. >> there has not been an impact on the public or on the delivery of services. and, you know, it prepares us for really much worse scenarios that, for instance, if we were to really lose massive power outage. we're pretty good at doing manual mode. >> reporter: the department says that while that's not great, it hasn't affected response times. what do you say to that? >> how would they know that. >> reporter: the goal for 911 dispatchers is to answer 95% of calls within 15 seconds. in february, the last data available, san francisco was at
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73%. >> half of our calls are answered within three seconds. so -- we -- if you look us -- at us comparatively, to a lot of other call centers in the region, we're doing really pretty well. >> reporter: burt believes the department isn't doing enough to recruit and retain workers. he says since 2019, more than 60% of those who completed training have left. >> it's kind of lard to keep them here. when you cannot get days off. >> san francisco 911. >> reporter: now he hopes the department will answer dispatchers' calls for help. >> what's the exact location of your emergency. >> reporter: so that they can respond to yours. >> okay. thanks. >> well, as for the staffing issues, there are about 40 unfilled positions. the city is hiring dispatchers but each recruit has to go through 16 months of training to be considered ready for the job. the salary range for a san francisco 911 dispatcher is
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between $106,000 and $135,000. if you are interested, we posted a link on our website at time right now 5:11. hundreds of people living in rvs in san francisco facing an eviction. their calls for help to find a place to go. and we celebrate a bay area woman who overcame difficult life experiences to claim her degree. how sheeny plans to give back. look at this. live look from our salesforce tower cam. looking north over the bay. the tr ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ a perfect day for a family outing!
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shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. if you feel like things don't add up right now...
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welcome back and congratulations to in n weekend's graduates of santa clara university especially one who waited 16 years to graduate. shawn chitnis now with the story. >> reporter: it's starting to sink in for saria espinosa in her final days at santa clara university. she's about to become the first in her family to graduate from college. >> it's more like of a promise to my parents that, you know, their sacrifices weren't in vain. that at least one of us out of the 11 were able to achieve that dream. >> reporter: first generation takes on new meaning for her and her loved ones. getting a degree before her parents? all of her siblings. and even her nieces and nephews born here in the u.s. >> my 11th grade counselor who told me that people like me didn't go to college.
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>> reporter: people like hermining undocumented students. she didn't know until she started applying for the fafsa and her mother told her she didn't have a social security number. high school graduation in 2008 wouldn't be the same after learning the truth. >> it was very daunting to me to get up from my seat and remember like not even wanting to get up. because i felt like after i crossed that stage there's nothing for me. >> reporter: she gave up on continuing her education until community members pushed her to look into options that were available for her. her parents already back in mexico. that distance from them would make everything harder, especially when her father was diagnosed with cancer. and died in 2011. but legislation passed soon after would give her the chance to keep pursuing a college degree. >> a lot of the reason why so many of our families emigrate to this country is to try to get an education. something that for so many of our parents didn't even have that opportunity back in our home
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countries. >> reporter: while studying at different community colleges before eventually arriving at the santa clara university campus, she managed to create a nonprofit to help other undocumented students find scholarships. sarai also got married and has two young children. >> having that 16 year gap gave me so much clarity. on what it is exactly that i want and what i don't want. >> reporter: many years after becoming a naturalized citizen, the country her parents had to leave is a place where she will gladly stay. >> voting i think was the first time where i felt that i finally belonged. that i finally, you know, can call this place home. >> reporter: and she has a new appreciation for those once devastating words from a high school counselor. >> in a way, i feel like yeah, she was right. people like me don't go to college. people like me thrive in college. >> reporter: saria can only wonder what she might be doing as a graduate of the class of 2012. but as she prepares to celebrate with the class of 2024, she knows what is next
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for her. continuing as a leader in education, starting her master's at stanford, and one day becoming a candidate for elected office. >> all right. what is next for her? well, a master's and looking ahead to making sure that she can have an impact in the world. we wish her great congratulations. >> and i mean, and that's what it's all about. you know, giving that opportunity just to -- have something happen and getting your education is so important. and she is going all the way. good for you. >> yeah and taking her family with her. do you know what i mean? first time graduate. that's a family win. >> those get me right here every single time. all right, now taking a live look outside on this wednesday morning. looking for mark hopkins camera over towards the bay. this is a beautiful view you see the flag there, jessica, blowing in the wind. so i know to tells are cooling off just a tad today but how is the breeze. >> it's going to get gustier in the afternoon. and you are going to notice it a lot especially if you live along
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the peninsula. along the coast. and even just in the mouth of the bay too. take a look at this. as we head outside right now, right behind me is in live camera overlooking the bay bridge. a clear start for the most part. many of us actually experiencing just a little bit of clouds along the coastline. other than that though, it's beautiful and it's mild and this is what we're dealing with today. yesterday, was a hot day for many of us. especially off in the inland areas. today? we're actually right back down to average if not a little bit below if not just a little bit above. not by much though. let's take the santa clara valley for example. san jose today 81 degrees two degrees above average and about five degrees below average in the heart of san francisco. you know what helps with that? the winds. it's going to be lot cooler and breezier for us along the shoreline and the peninsula like i mentioned heading into the afternoon. 63-degrees today in san francisco and you cross the bay bridge and you see right above me over into oakland and suddenly upper 60s and we continue to head off into the east and all the way up into the north. 70s up near napa and 80s all the way over into concord and 80s continuing to be the trend for us near antioch and as we stretch our way down into the santa clara valley though. nice mild day for us today and i'm actually
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going to be down in san jose this afternoon. beautiful weather to get out there and get some fresh air. expecting low 80s in the forecast near san jose and a little bit cooler conditions just along the foothills closer to los gatos and continue the see a similar trend as we head into next seven days. by tomorrow, we cool down just a smidge more. for example, these low 80s turn into upper 70s by tomorrow. for our thursday forecast. and then we kind of average out into the upper 80s. for an extended period of time. this is good news for us honestly when i forecast days like this from friday all the way into next tuesday, where it's pretty consistent, that means a lot of good things for the local communities and you can get outdoor activities done and you kind of can plan ahead a bit more and that's definitely the case heading into this weekend. if you have now outdoor plans that you want to do, sunday is a beautiful day to do it. 74 degrees at that point and 75 heading intoering hi next week by tuesday. g? thank you. let's talk stability roadways as everybody gets up and at them for a wednesday maybe you are heading to work early this morning. well, you are good to go if that's the case. not a lot of cars out there for the commute across the golden gate bridge. and we're not seeing a lot of
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fog. so win/win as you head into the city through there. bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights. they're still off. they usually get turned on about 5:35. we'll see if that's the case this morning. now that we're getting into the summer traffic pattern see things maybe a little bit later than we usually do. but so far, so good heading into the city and over at the san mateo bridge, looks good. no delays both directions all clear between hayward and foster city. right now our only hiccup is that ride into the altamont pass. so supercommuters, you have got a busy one already as you head westbound coming out of tracy on 205 getting on to 580 itself and zooming in in and you can see traffic is pretty slow with speeds dealershipping down to about 16 miles per hour. past north american the rest of the way you are food to go. in fact taking that ride past the dublin interchange, maybe to castro valley, no delays to report there. and look at all this green popping up on the sensors. green is good. that means you are moving along well and out of the south bay no delays 101, 280 or 87. the late senator dianne feinstein may soon have a
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building named after her in san francisco. looking at the federal building at united nations plaza that's just steps away from where feinstein served as san francisco's first female mayor. california's two current u.s. senators say naming the building after feinstein would commemorate her legacy of shattering barriers. reed? time right now 5:21. hot dog, face off for joey chestnut. the contract dispute that ends with kind of the kick in the buns straight ahead. wow. here's a live look outside before we head to break from the city of san jose. good morning to you. we'll be right back.
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indigestion, and stomach pain. people depend on me. without a migraine, i can be there for them. talk to your doctor about nurtec odt today. well, a big shake-up in the world of competitive eating. this is happening. san jose native joey chestnut will not participate at this year's nathan's fourth of july hot dog eating contest. say it isn't so. major league eating says chestnut is moving away from the contest due to a contract dispute. this, after he struck a deal with nathan's rival brand impossible foods. they sell plant based hot dogs. chestnut said he has no contract with mle or nathan's. the emcee of the hot dog eating contest gave us perspective on this beef though. >> if michael jordan came to nike and said look, nike,
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loving this relationship. the air jordans are working well for me but i'm going to be representing adidas. there would be a problem. right? so that's where we are right now. >> well, that puts it in perspective. he has been competing in the contest since 2005 and he has not lost in nine years and the only person to ever defeat him at nathan's since 2007 was fellow san jose native matt stonie in 2015. how do they do it? i mean, literally like dipping it in the water first of all the texture of having -- i can't. oh. >> i just -- can't either. and -- i always worry about their health. >> me too. or just their -- or like choking or something. i don't know. i don't understand that. >> does chestnut have a wife a girlfriend somebody. >> that's a good question. >> when you lean in for a kiss, are you seeing that? do you know what i mean? >> i hope you are not looking at that. i hope you are thinking like okay, this is his career choice and maybe he's doing pretty well. >> i would be checking the lips for shrapnel. i'm sorry. i need more sleep.
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it's pride month. in san francisco. what we do proudly continue to be a safe space for the lgbtq+ community and now one group finding official sanctuary status. and we're one step closer to seeing pandas in san francisco. but not everyone is on board. how about a live look outside before we head to break? you know i think we can all agree on some nice weather in the bay area. looks like summer is almost here and here's a live look at the skyline at the (♪♪) the best summer plans come from the back seat.
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shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease, and more... all in one delicious, monthly, soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus: the one you want for one-and-done protection.
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all right, life is about your perspective. so so we're starting on a high this morning. it's 5:30 and that's the view from our salesforce tower camera high atop the big salesforce tower. looking over towards treasure island. boats swirling there in the water. and that is a golden glow just for us. nature signing on the dotted line on another day for us. >> that was a very good description. >> was it. >> it was. >> half asleep. so. >> even if my eyes were closed i can visualize that. if you are asleep and you are hearing reed say that, jess, i can see it. i mean. >> can you imagine you turn on the tv and you close your eyes and you just hear reed explain life? [ laughter ] >> i need to explain it to myself, jess. >> all right guys let's take a quick look at what's going on. yesterday was a hot day for us right? okay especially if you live off in the inland areas. along the coast you are probably thinking what is she talking about? it was 68 degrees all day long. and that's the case once again today. but for our friends in the inland areas, our daytime
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highs are right back to normal. right back to average. as really what i mean by that and see just a little bit of coastal fog along areas like half-moon bay and pacifica. but other than that, it's pretty much already off to a dry and clear start throughout most the inland areas. we'll see sunny and breezy afternoon oh gosh so gusty this afternoon along the coastline. but that's in just a minute. what's happening right now? it's cool and breezy along the coast and 48 degrees right now here half-moon bay and 60s already off in the east bay near concord and fairfield and livermore. heading into this afternoon, well, it's going to be a pretty mild day for us. like i said that coastal cloud layer kind of just holds on tight to areas like pacifica and half-moon bay. the rest of us are already off to a clear start and as we take a look at the rest of us, look at what we have today compared to yesterday. concord is a good example of this and antioch. yesterday upper 90s close to the triple digits. we dropped close to around 20 degrees in communities like concord and you will definitely notice the difference if you live there. i mean, even for our friends up in the north bay, 70s this
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afternoon near napa. low 80s all the way over into novato and petaluma. stretch down into the santa clara valley, we have more low 80s in the forecast today and we're going to continue to cool down as we head into the forecast tomorrow. more on that in just a bit. for now over to you, g. jessica thanks. the roadways and we are off to a pretty quiet start. as you head towards some of the bay area bridges. live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights not on yet. they usually get turned on in the next few minutes and we'll see if that happens but not seeing a lot of cars out there yet this morning. in fact, all approaches to the bay bridge are pretty quiet. that's going the same for the san mateo bridge where between hayward and foster city, both directions moving along very well. maybe a little extra volume now on the right hand side of your screen. those taillights helding westbound over to foster city. but as we look at the ma'am you can see 880 there right in the middle of the screen, all in the green. so nice speeds in and around that area. our hotspot is that altamont pass commute. supercommuters that's where things are a little slow getting out of tracy as you get on to 580. reed? well, g, from the roads to the story of people who say
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they have no choice but to live inside recreational vehicles for housing on our streets. they're facing new efforts to break up those large clusters of pop-up rv neighborhoods all over the bay area especially in san francisco. one group rolled out a protest blocking the entrance to stones town mall. lauren toms reports they say they just have nowhere to go. >> yeah, i mean it's like a little studio, for me it's fine i have a little tv and i feel -- fortunate that you know, i feel lucky that we're here. >> reporter: jonathan is one of a few dozen residents who live in rvs along winston drive near lake merced and tells our wilson walker she's lived there since 2019 with his cat. >> we did this just to get ahead. bite the bullet. living like this allows us to take care of tires and insurance and dental appointments and you know clothes for kids and back to school you know. grass. because not only rent is expensive but everything is expensive. especially after the pandemic. >> reporter: but in matter of weeks, they could be forced to move. when the city starts
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cracking down on parking restrictions. >> i think there are people that just -- yeah. we just rub them the wrong way. i don't know where they want us to go because i feel like we're just human beings. like sorry i was born. sorry we were born but we're all god's children i think and we should have a little more compassion and empathy. >> reporter: the move has been a long time coming. with the city planning to begin enforcing a four hour parking limit. jonathan and a few dozen others temporarily blocked the road leading to the stones town mall in protest. demanding the city postpone enforcement again or find them another safe area to live. 11-year-old hazel and her family were among those homeful for a resolution. >> we want to protest for our home. our safety. and be safe. that's all what i think about. >> reporter: four hour parking signs went up in april but sfmta says they won't start enforcing it until the road is paved next month. most people we spoke with said they'd be willing to find a new place to park but are worried about
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safety. >> i think for my parents, we will park over there if it's safe. if it's not like -- with all a lot of people that like are dangerous. if it's safe, yes. >> time now for a look at this morning's top stories. oakland police have arrested five individuals following a chaotic weekend of side shows. video shows hundreds of people at multiple locations. this was all across oakland and san francisco. now according to opd their helicopter followed the crowd across oakland to track down those involved. a man accused of shooting and killing another man during a brawl at lake berryessa has been arrested and charged with murder. the napa county sheriff's department reported 25-year-old gabriel chavez was one of several individuals stabbed. it happened last saturday. he spent the fast few days in the hospital while recovering. in solano county, a silicon valley backed initiative aimed to build a new city has qualified for the november
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ballot. campaign organizers submitted over 13,000 valid signatures for the proposal. it seeks voter approval to undertake urban development on 27 square miles of land between travis air force base and rio vista. the initiative promises to include residential areas, job opportunities, and a pedestrian friendly downtown area. well, we're one step closer to seeing giant pandas at the san francisco zoo. a 9-2 vote of approval, city supervisors gave mayor london breed the green light to start raising private funds to bring pandas from china and build enclosures for them at the zoo. >> you know, pandas have an opportunity to draw large crowds. and consistency of support. and will be an attraction here in san francisco. >> well, some residents are against the plan saying that the zoo just isn't prepared to host the pandas. >> the zoo is proved time and time again that they can't properly do a minimum job of taking care of their animals.
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>> well, however, the zoo and the mayor have been pushing back against the claims saying lit make sure the pandas are well cared for and now it's up to the mayor to help raise about $25 million in private funding. ♪ ♪ well, let's talk about the intercontinental mark hopkins hotel by raising the largest pride flag in san francisco. this one even bigger than the iconic one in the castro. the top of the mark this flag flies. idea of what the measurement would be like on the ground. just picture a large shipping container on the cargo ships in the bay. it's huge. our friends at the mark say they will fly the flag proudly through the end of june. happy pride everybody. a headline from city leaders this pride month. san francisco board of supervisorrings voted unanimously to declare the san francisco city area a sanctuary
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for transgender and gender nonconforming people. they're following moves by sacramento and west hollywood who have already done the same. supervisor man lman supervisor handleman pushed the bill. and in the tenderloin a mark of progress helping trans people get some help to reach their goals in business. san francisco's entrepreneurship accelerator program providing four months of business coaching and mentorship. that includes a $10,000 grant to help a select group of trans and queer entrepreneurs open up or expand the businesses. it means more to the neighbors like devon than just the money. listen. >> we don't always get the grants. we don't -- we cannot always go into every space because not every space is safe for us. one of the benefits is, is like overwhelming sense of
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i'm not alone. >> a sense that i'm not alone. that says it all right? you can watch the rest of devon's satisfactory and if you are watching devon figure me. i think it's devaughn. tonight at 5:00 p.m. you can see that story right here on kpix. this is a reminder our stories define us and all of the pride month stories. are on the pride section of what have you done today to make you feel proud? love this song. you can also watch our pride special hope love and pride. it's on parade day sunday, june 30th at 10:00 a.m. over on sister station, pix+ 44 cable 12. and proudly streaming on cbs 24/7. it is 5:39 on a wednesday morning. the rollout of self-driving cars may be under scrutiny in the bay area but a local county is fully embracing them. still ahead we take a look at the major projects they have in the works already. do you want to pay lower gas prices? you have to leave california. the good news for
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travel prices outside the borders. how about live look outside as we climb to the top of mount diablo my psoriasis was all over. then psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and increased risk of infections some fatal have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to
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or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. ♪see me♪ did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you book direct. ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome. the bay area is at the forefront of the move toward autonomous vehicles but the expansion faces some pushback. just last year, cruise which is owned by general motors had the operating permits revoked in california. state regulators
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said cruise misled them about an incident in which one of its vehicles hit and dragged a woman thrown in its path by another car. but as kenny choi shows us, there's one local county that's really embracing and even pushing for more in the world of driverless cars. >> reporter: this is the first time margie gonzalez is hopping on to an autonomous shuttle. >> pretty nice. comfy ride. >> reporter: launched last year by the contra costa county transportation agency, presto with its two shuttles moves along a fixed route across bishop branch. a 600-acre business hub in san ramon. less than a minute into the ride, an abrupt stop. >> but sometimes you come over -- ooh. >> okay. >> reporter: the agency acknowledges there's a gap between where av technology is now and the future of autonomous transportation. longtime bus driver tony hayes is much more skeptical.
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>> used to go to tellers and now it's the atm. i don't trust it. >> reporter: he's been in countless situations in which children and others have asked him for help. >> you want to pull a bus over. hey you need help? bus is not going to do that by itself. >> reporter: addressing those concerns is key for the industry and nose who see its promise to improve transportation. tim hail is executive direct to have of the contra costa transportation authority. >> we have a first and last mile problem here in contra costa county. >> reporter: according to ccta, nearly half of trips within the county are less than two miles. agency's long-term vision is an automated shuttle service between homes and transportation hubs like b.a.r.t. and bus stations. eliminating the need to drive and park for connecting route to the city. >> we can really address the first and last mile kind of transportation gap or challenges, we can really reduce a lot of our congestion, you know, here in contra costa county. >> reporter: to move in that direction, the agency this summer will provide a similar
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shuttle service like the one at bishop branch. it will transport nearby patients to the contra costa regional medical center in martinez. riders like gonzalez are open to embracing a different way of commuting. >> if it were free, i would definitely consider it. on some days. other days i might need to have my vehicle for other things. >> reporter: not a full embrace. as the autonomous industry strives to make the technology smoother and better than human drivers. well, watching your wallet this morning. good news, it shows inflation cooled slightly. we're seeing prices for shelter and food, this they went up a bit while energy and gas did fall. else where out of california right? it pretty much matches the moderation economists were expecting and jill lessing will talk about may's report. that's note. but first amazon contract
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drivers failed claims against the company fa employs them and they want more money for their work -- and in fact, they want more -- they want to do that through arbitration. they filed 15,000 claims and we're talking act flex drivers who are independent contractors delivering same day packages. here's the reality. only paid for predetermined blocks of time regardless of how long a delivery takes. and workers want that changed. and they want their payment systems changed as well. elon musk is dropping his lawsuit against openai and ceo sam altman. keep in mind, musk co-founded the ai start-up back up in 2015 and left three years later. he accused the company widely of withholding advance ai technology for private customers. even when on many media interviews and warned against where the company was going. so this development follows musk's recent criticism of apple's new partnership with openai where he threatened to ban apple devices from companies if they proceeded with their ai plans. planning a summer trip? good news, gas prices are
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dropping. the nationwide average was $3.44 yesterday. that's down 8 cents last week and 14 cents from last year. lower oil prices weaker fuel demand and the biden administration's releasing 1 million-barrels from the northeast reserves are now contributing to the decrease. bay area prices though, still not great. san francisco, $5.59 and san jose $4.95 and alameda county, you will pay in excess of $5. that hurts, g. >> i felt it yesterday felling up the tank. check this out. tom brady's uniform pants that we wore in his final nfl game sold at an auction over the weekend. the pants brady wore when the tampa bay buccaneers lost to the dallas cowboys during the playoffs in 2023. get this sold for nearly $90,000. tonight the new england patriots will hold a hall of fame ceremony for the bay area native who won six super bowls in his 23 nfl witness the franchise. he becomes the 35th person to be
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inducted into the patriots' hall of fame. him and his pants. $90,000. i hope they end up in some sort of museum though. i would ad did you know, reality got to go down to hoe levi's stadium and i walked through the 49ers museum. the history there. and it was not just seeing the history of football but all historical things that happened during the eras of the big players like joe montana and things like that. that was cool to see. and i'd like to see that be put somewhere. >> pants. yeah. >> but i mean it's a piece of -- like football history. i mean tom brady some argue is the g.o.a.t.. right? >> brady's butt. >> in a pair of pants on somebody's wall. [ laughter ] oh my goodness. i love waking up with you every morning reed. look at the gorgeous view. egg was cracked open across the mountain tops there. >> oh now there's some poetry. >> i try. i try. all right, well, jess, we're over the heat in the bay area but fire danger is really still on top of the mind for many firefighters. >> it really is, gianna, and we've already seen plenty of
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brush fires already early on in the season and just yesterday, we were out with firefighters down in the south bay. currently the grass in that area looks so dry it looks just like straw and we've seen that all throughout the bay area too. now fire officials down there say that it's this kind of fuel that can cause a fire to spread quickly. >> and this grass only takes about an hour during the, you know, during the hot period of the day, to where it's ready to burn. even if it was foggy overnight, if we have a 90-degree temperature the next day, at low humidity the grass will be ready to burn again. >> and the san jose fire department has activated its wild land season. that means more firefighters and vehicles will be ready to go if that fire does break out. now i want to show you what's going on for us here in the bay area. just a second. but stay with us. for all fire season and for the latest weather updates on air, on our website at and streaming on our cbs news bay area app. let's dive straight into the forecast for us as we wake up and head out
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the door this morning. it has been a very fascinatiday the past couple of days and trying to figure out which button to push first. let's dive straight into the forecast for us. 60s anywhere from san francisco over into oakland this afternoon. diving straight up into the north bay, yesterday we were talking about some extreme heat and certain pockets of bay area. today? this is a lot more mild. we had 90s in the forecast yesterday up in the north bay. now we're down into the 70s near napa. in the east bay, close to the triple digits yesterday. antioch today, sitting at 88 degrees. what a cooldown just within the matter of 24 hours sun is rising and in the going to heat up nearly as much as what we had yesterday. down mother san jose another good example. at -- 91 degrees yesterday and today we're at 81. so ten degree jump just within that day alone and we're going to continue do cool down actually as we heads in the
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next seven days. here's the button i wanted to push earlier. totally just spacing and it was on live tv. i want to talk about the winds. we just mentioned wildfire season right? and the next couple of months, of course the big concern for us comes down to relative humidity but it also has to do with winds too. when it comes to the spread of wildfires and we know that so well here in california. i want to talk about the winds today for us real fast though. winds speeds this morning not that bad. along the coastline though going to get breezier just around 9:00 a.m. 20-mile-per-hour wind gusts moving from offshore at that point. we continue to watch the winds all throughout the bay area get breezier though as we head closer to dinner time. so close to around 4:00, 5:00, about 20 to 30-mile-per-hour winds could be expected near san francisco at times and we see that same trend stretching all the way up into areas like fairfield too. let's drive straight back in the temperatures because like i said yesterday was a hot one and today lot more mild. look at tomorrow, in the 70s through the inland areas tomorrow and a long stretch of time where just going to see upper 80s in the
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forecast. heading into early next week. that's tailgate news with planting right? you can basically look at each day and say okay. i know what it's going to be that day and that day and that day and it's all pretty similar. get fresh air and whatever it may be in the local community. here's the bay area forecast too. 60s today and tomorrow and 70s heading into next week and for now over to you, g. thanks. let's talk stability roadways right now. couple of things to look out for. we're seeing more cars out there. golden gate bridge still moving along well. the fog that might roll in keeping a close eye on here. we saw that happen yesterday. so far, so good. let's move over towards the bay bridge where look at the backup. it started click. two things happening here. metering lights now officially on and we also have word of a crash westbound on the upper deck near treasure island blocking at least the left lane. couple of cars involved in the crash and chp is on scene. no word on injuries. i will watch that but that means that backup at the bay bridge started earlier than usual. and it's quite busy. so plan for that and maybe
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consider b.a.r.t. or the san mateo bridge until everything clears. reed? all right, let's look live at emeryville right now. crescent state marine reserve and today we kick off california's state parks week. let's go for a walk right now. just kind of feels like we're out by the water flight the weather is getting warmer and should be cool enough to get and enjoy the great outdoors and we do put the great in great outdoors in northern california. a lot of places to go for fun. and through sunday, we can tell you there's a beginners' course on bird watching in marin at mount tam ill bias. many more. keep the shot up for a second. who is walking right now? hi brian kiley. do a shuffle if you can hear us. can't hear us. we expect a dance routine next chance. >> no chance. [ laughter ] >> it's 5: 53 in the morning.
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let's take to you massachusetts. a 92-year-old woman is using a heartfelt sign to take a stand in her community. >> makes me miss my grandma.
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right? nearly every day for the past six years, the woman known as sunny stands quietly with a quiet reminder at a busy intersection near boston and this is her simple message. her tome made sign reads "say no to racism and be kind and justice for all." sunny's committed to spreading kindness and justice in her community. 91 years old. her dedication fueled by her faith continues to inspire those who pass by. >> the reoccurring words i hear from different people you will never know how much this means to me and then they cry and they hug. be kind. be good to one another. we're all in to together. >> so perfectly said. sunny said she takes her sign to that corner almost every day and no matter the weather. she added that it's not about the sign. but the message behind it. put a little love in your heart. thank you sunny for that. >> wow. time right now 5:57. we just brought you the numbers from the inflation (♪♪)
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