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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  June 12, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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>>use the area. the morning. >>you do it. 9:00 am back. alameda county d. a responds after a recall rally got heated, the latest on a tense exchange. with the victims. family. self driving cars. are they really ready? and are they safe? well in east bay county, embracing the new technologies but notably he was also the
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inspiration for that famous nba logo. the 14 time all star only played for 1 team. the l. a lakers between 1961 to 1974. in in that time, he helped them win the 26. championship. west was also a successful executive for various other teams, including the golden state warriors. he was on the board when the warriors won their 2015 and 2017. titles. he was only 86 years old. man accused of shooting and killing another man during a brawl at lake berryessa has been arrested and charged with murder. you're looking back at that scene. and napa county sheriff's department reported 25 year old gabriel chavez was 1 of several individuals stabbed during a large altercation between 2 groups last saturday. he spent the past few days detained in the hospital while recovering we're also learning more about the arrest 2 people after a home invasion ended in a dead
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the hands of >>district >>attorney pamela priced. let's go outside right now looking live across the bay area. happy wednesday, everybody hello to our friends in oakland. and san francisco and to you in san jose looks like clear skies there. let's talk to jess for weather. >>yeah. was a hot day for us throughout the bay area, especially in our inland areas, however, today we're right back down to average, if not even a little bit cooler than average and pockets like concord today we're sitting 81 degrees near concord yesterday. we were in the upper 90s. what a difference. 24 hours can make right unless you live along the coast, where we had a lot more mild weather yesterday we were in the 60s yesterday. today we're in the upper 50s near half moon bay. 60s near san francisco upper 60s across the bay bridge over in oakland. and we're actually warming up into the 80s. today throughout most the north bay. in the santa clara valley as well with blue skies. expected for us all throughout this afternoon here's our camera right now
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looking at it. this is what we're expecting those we head into the next 7 days will continue to actually cool down just a smidge more as we head into our forecast tomorrow. and then we average out a huge stint of time from friday all the way into next tuesday. with upper 80s in the forecast throughout our inland areas, estates. stays consistent, which is actually great for father's day weekend plans and we're going to see a similar consistency for our friends along the bay just a little bit cooler. so mid to upper 70s in the forecast heading into next week that warms us up just a little bit more compared to what we have today. >>all right, let's go to the east bay, where tensions are heating up over the campaign to recall alameda county d a. pamela price it all started. at a rally last held by critics of >>products >>that ended up turning violent. act are dahlin recorded a price supporter. telling crime victims quote. you need to raise your kids. followed by someone taking a swing at >>him. >>employee of the d a s office was also at the rally. live streaming on facebook. as he taunted leaders of the price recall campaign. katie nielsen was there as price responded to
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that heated exchange by 1 of her own. and, you know, understand. and they started trying to get aggressive with him. >>this game. haliti that is coming from britain group. brisa. >>this video was posted to facebook by current alameda county district attorney employee desmond jeffries. as he called safeco. co founder brenda grisham. brenda gruesome at least half a dozen times. and said crime victims families were like a gang. >>jeffries so i'm standing here, >>jeff is listed on the da's website as the director of retention and recruitment. and, according to price is not bound by a code of ethics or code of conduct. we have a code of ethics for lawyers, not for all. employees. >>yes, protect and this these as you can see. they are getting violent, >>she says what jefferies does on his own time is his own business. mr jeffries to my, understanding has not violated any county rules or proceed. by
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what he did on saturday. according to the leaders of safe, the group trying to recall pamela price employee of the da's offices, is taunting the families of murder victims. that crosses the line. things like this. ah, and attacking directly to the victims, families. is totally wrong and it is not acceptable at all. safe organization. went as far as to write a letter to the da's office and the alameda county board of supervisors. demanding disciplinary action against jeffries. and called for him to be fired. for this office. and you have the obligation to carry yourself in a higher high standard. but during the press conference, price said he won't be punished. and she will not be implementing any kind of code of conduct in the office. mr jeffries is not facing any disciplinary action, mr jeffries. as far as i know, exercise his 1st amendment
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right on a saturday morning. well, the issue of bringing pandas to the bay, may not be so easy. the step forward that's just the beginning to getting those pandas blocked from watching the big match?
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right, let's take a look at what's happened. around. the bay area. today. san fran. may le breed will defend her accomplishments and her policies tonight in the debate with the candidates trying to unseat her. those opponents, businessman mark farrell as the board of supervisors. president. aaron peskin supervisor russia stuff ie and nonprofit founder daniel lurie. we're also getting an early indication about where you the voter are on the decision about who should lead san francisco. the race is going to be tight. according to a poll from grow sf they're pulling chose a little more than half of voters want. london breed to keep the keys to the mayor's office. so you can watch that debate tonight on hayes street at the sydney goldstein theater, it starts at 6:30 p.m. also in san francisco. there is the bait. the debate over pandas. now the city is 1 step closer to seeing. giant patent is at the san francisco zoo. in a 9 to 2 vote of approval. city supervisors gave mayor london breed the green light to start raising some private funds to bring pandas they're gonna have a long flight from china. they will then have enclosures that are specially built for them at the zoo.
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>>you know, pandas have an opportunity to draw large crowds and consistency. of support and will be an attraction here in san francisco. to >>people. however, some are against the plan, saying that the zoo just isn't prepared to host the pandas. here's 1 perspective. from justin barker. >>so the zoo is proved time and time again that they can't properly do a minimum job of taking care of their animals. >>zoom and the mayor pushed back against >>the >>saying. being the pen. will >>make >>sure that everything now. it's up to the >>main >>raid. dollars. let's take a live look from pittsburgh, where loss mcdaniels college will hold their progressive pride flag raising ceremony later this morning. the contra costa community college district approved the display of the pride flag at the 3 district colleges in honor of pride month. the brentwood campus will hold their ceremony
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tomorrow. now weather which yes, >>breezy conditions and some blue skies. that's what we're expecting, as we head into this afternoon forecast wind speeds anywhere up to around 25 to 30 mph. expected as we get closer to dinner. time tonight. this is just around the 3:00 hour san francisco hitting about 25 miles per mph wind gusts there. 30 mile per hour winds closer to bodega bay, and we see a similar trend stretching all the way off near fairfield now, yesterday's big weather story had to do with the heat today. it's actually the opposite. if anything we're talking about concord for example, we hit the upper 90s. yesterday. well above average now, today we're sitting at 81 degrees, which puts us 3 degrees below average. quite the difference, right just within a 24 hour period. we're sitting in the 60s today near san francisco, upper 60s across the bay bridge over in oakland. let's actually head over there real fast. i want to show you what's happening for us all through. out the bay area today on our virtual reality map we have 80s up in the north bay. we have 80s off closer to concord 70s into redwood city. cool. 50s along the coast and look at those 50s compared to some of
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our inland areas like antioch still warming up into the upper 80s today. we have blue skies down into the santa clara valley beautiful. weather throughout this afternoon. with 80s in store breast near san jose 70s near los cotto's as we head into the next 7 days, we're going to continue to cool down just a smidge. more especially as we head into our thursday forecast in our in and areas still plenty of sunshine. don't get me wrong, but once we head into the next couple days after that, what we start to average out into the 80s. so it'll be nice and mild as we gear up for father's day weekend, right around the corner. now, if you live closer to the bay oakland san francisco berkeley daily city everywhere in between. we're actually expecting 60s tomorrow, 70s into friday with plenty of sunshine to kick off the weekend. the marine layer tries to hold on tight to us for saturday, but we'll we'll see sunshine to kick off early next work week with 70. in the forecast. >>all right, self driving cars under scrutiny in san francisco, but guess what? another bay area city says. bring them on still ahead. we'll take a look at major projects. already in the works to get you moving. and then
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it's wired wednesday. hay obra give me a way of my buddy. apple's developer conference is a success yesterday, the companies stock finished at a record high and what makes a medicare supplement insurance plan, like an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare a good choice for people on medicare? it's smart for you to have now... i'm 65. and later on, for the future you... i'm 70-ish. it's really smart. hey, looking good. you made a great choice for us.
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with this type of plan, see any doctor or visit any hospital that accepts medicare patients. there are no networks. your healthcare future will have more freedom. i kept our doctor. and when i needed a specialist. no referrals needed, right? bingo. in fact, see any doctor anywhere in the u.s. really smart to have when you travel. when i visit this little cutie in arizona my plan goes with me. ahhh...grandkids. i can't wait. don't worry about surprise medical bills, either... you'll know up front about how much your care will cost. and knowing your expenses makes planning your financial future easier. i'm glad my husband and i can use our savings to do the things we want to do. i'm glad i don't have to shop for a new plan every year. that's right. once you enroll, your coverage is guaranteed for as long as you keep this plan. have questions? call unitedhealthcare now to talk with a licensed insurance agent or producer. they know a lot about what makes these plans smart now and really smart later.
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or just ask for this free guide. benefits and rates in one place so it's easy to compare options. year to year, 94% of members renew their plan. and medicare supplement plans with the aarp name are the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp... meeting the high standards of service and quality. so give unitedhealthcare a call today. and set yourself and your future self up with an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. [dogs bark] winnie! look at you! thanks again for looking out for me. hey, we're in this together. an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. smart now, really smart later. >>it is wired wednesday and today. is all about the new announcements. apple made during their work. developers. conference. we're talking new customization. features on all
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of your apple products. apple's new ai plan moving forward and, of course, the reaction over apple's new partnership with san francisco based open ai. so joining us to break it all down is abrar al heat e video host and producer at senate. so welcome, my friend twice in a week. maybe we'll get that show that we want. can you 1st go over some of the new exciting features the apple users can expect like is it going to hit a button and it'll just be in our phones? >>yeah, actually, some of these things will really just be baked in. so, for example, for messaging you can some features like scheduling messages, which is really cool. if you have that 4:00 am lofty, probably should, like. wait a couple hours to somebody's awake. you can schedule that. satellite messaging is also great. if you're kind of off the grid, you don't have cell service or wifi. you can still send texas over satellite. some more. minor features like being able to customize your home screen things like that. and then, of course, the ai features like you know, being able to chat with siri and have it be more you know, conversational and have syria be a little bit smarter and also speaking of texting. having a i kind of
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help you compose messages and um and really, just you know, clean things up and summarize things >>and then >>also photo retouching tools, right so clearing anyone from the background. that's ruining your perfect shot. >>i just wanted to clear the bags under my eyes. after an show and there really deepening this bag of a i tricks that they have. apple announced something called intelligence. can you tell me what that is? >>yeah. apple well, intelligence is essentially their way to put a i in all these devices and absolutely already used so those features like helping you compose messages that's powered by ai or syria being smarter, powered by ai and so the integration of chat, writing you can say you asked serious questions it will. it will prompt you to say hey, if you want a recipe idea for example are are you ok with me connecting with chat gpt and giving you kind of more cohesive answer and helping you with decorating ideas. so really, the idea is to >>not >>feel the ai but to have it kind of be baked into everything. >>ok, cool. well, a. i helped to decorate that room. i love
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the fun >>life >>behind >>you. >>we just need >>the >>e be seem music. raul thank you so much, my friend. have a great weekend with your family. apple, by the way, also introduced its new partnership with open ai in response to this ceo. elon musk said. thanks, iraq. said that it would not allow apple devices at his company of apple followed through with its ai plans. so do you think it's reactionary? that's what a lot of people are talking about now. onto this c p. i showed no increase in the month of may. let's talk about that. inflation numbers moneywatch here. we're watching your wallets, right? last month consumer price index just dropped in the good news is, it shows inflation cooled slightly? we're seeing prices for shelter and and food rose a little bit well, energy. and gas fell pretty much matches the moderation. economists were all expecting. let's talk about what's going on in the big board right now. wall street had a mixed closing tuesday with the federal reserve. said
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to announce its next policy. moves on ah! earlier today. so this is where we are right now we're in positive territory. not too bad. it's certainly not negative, which we have seen in days past. we'll have a full wrap up of how the markets closed today on our 3:00 pm broadcast. we hope you tune in the bay area is at the forefront of the move towards autonomous vehicles, but the expansion faces quite a bit of pushback. in fact, just last year crews which is owned by general motors had its operating permits revoked in california. state regulators said. cruz misled them about an incident in which 1 of its vehicles hit and dragged a woman. thrown in its path by another. car, but as kenny choi is about to show you, there's 1 local county embracing and even pushing for more. of these driverless cars. 1st time margie gonzalez just hopping. onto an autonomous shuttle. launched last year by
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the contra costa county transportation. agency. presto with its 2 shuttles moves along a fixed route across bishop branch. a 600 acre business hub in san ramon. less than a minute into the ride. on abrupt >>stuff. okay? >>the agency acknowledges there's a gap between where avi technology is now and the future of autonomous transportation. longtime bus driver tony hayes. is much more skeptical. >>i used to go to tellers announced the atm and you know, i just don't don't just i don't i just don't trust it >>has been in countless situation. in >>which >>children and others have asked him for help. >>you know, you want to pull a bus over. hey, you need help. busses not going to do that by itself. >>addressing those concerns is key for the industry and those who see it's promised improved. improve transportation. tim hale is executive director of the contra costa transportation authority. >>we have a 1st and last mile problem here in country costa county,
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>>according to ccta. nearly half of trips within the county are less than 2 miles. agencies long term vision is an automated shuttle service between homes and transportation hubs like bart and bus stations. eliminating the need to drive and >>park >>for connecting route city. >>we can really address the 1st and last mile. kind of transportation gap for challenge. we can really reduce a lot of our congestion. you know here. in contra costa county >>to move in that direction, the agency this summer will provide a similar shuttle service like the 1 at bishop ranch. transport nearby patients to the contra costa regional medical center in martinez. riders like gonzalez are open to embracing a different way of community. >>if it were free, i would definitely consider it. on some days. other days i might need to have my vehicle for other things. >>it's not a full embrace. autonomous industry strives to make the technology smoother and better than human driver.
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by the way, contra costa county will also launch another service this summer with 2 autonomous. shuttles in the gated retirement village of ross more in walnut creek. they'll transport senior residents to the community hub, and that includes that fitness center and on campus. well sanctuary status in san francisco. the cities work to be safe. for the lgbtq plus community and especially are trans community. >>area events calendar brought to you by broadway san jose here's >>what's happening in the bay the royal wedding of prince at harry and meghan markle, now british cello star, sheikh economy. o'connor, mason is making a san francis symphony. deb. in the north beach festival turned 70 this year celebrating its >>rich. >>through roots in san san francisco's little italy. >>yeah. yeah. >>share show is the tony award winning musical of her story.
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now as part of broadway, - it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.
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nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. >>there you go. the intercontinental mark hopkins. hotel. up on iconic. ... hill. in san francisco, celebrating hope, love and prime by raising the largest pride flag in san francisco. it's even bigger. than the iconic flag in the castro. the world used to sing at the top of the mark. this flag flies at 20 by 38. ft. to
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give you an idea of what that measurement would be like if it were on the ground in front of you just kind of picture 1 of those large shipping containers on the back of a cargo ship in the bay. that's how big it is. translation huge. our friends at the mark say they will fly the flag proudly through the end of june. headline from city leaders this pride month, december san francisco board of supervisors voted to declare the san francisco area sanctuary. city for transgender >>and >>gender, nonconforming people. there following moves by sacramento and west hollywood who have already done much of the same supervisor. rafael mandelman, introduced the resolution that will also help leaders direct trans people amidst >>suzanne >>nationwide push by conservative voters who are working to limit and delegitimized >>trend. all the folks >>and their rights >>committee >>and in the tenderloin and mark of progress helping transcended >>get >>up to reach their goals. san francisco's entrepreneurship accelerator program providing more months of business coaching and mentorship. that includes a $10,000. grant to
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help us select group of trend >>britain, >>we're entrepreneurs open up >>in a >>band. band business >>came up >>with those who get the help say it means more to our neighbors like devon. even more than just money, >>female and handed >>out. sound. bite. that's the video that was proceeding that, but devon even said that this is just a real great opportunity to have some some boost to get business going. and where business is concerned. there is progress, and so it's wonderful to see all of the benefits that and really devon goes on to say that this helps them know they're not alone. that story by the way, premieres tonight at 5 here on your community station. you can also watch our pride special. help love and pride on parade day sunday. there >>he is. >>a.m. >>on a >>station pix plus 44. people
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i do. listen, i'm single-- any to decorate, right? --and i get hot over a condiment bar. this is my truth. [theme music] [audience cheering] the weirdest energy. all right, welcome back to drew's news cbs mornings' family, vlad, nate, gayle, and tony, we're here to debate the headlines. [audience cheering] all right, now these are hot takes. reports, "no approval?


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