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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  June 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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you will have to hold those accountable and stand in position of power. >> the cuts have to come from somewhere. a call to make sure oakland isn't shortchanged when it comes to public safety. >> the pressure is on and we are going to continue to put the pressure on. >> and across the bay, the new crime fighting tech san francisco officers say is showing results. >> we received thousands of kits leading to numerous arrests. >> plus his business was swept away with the capitola pier. >> we cannot tackle mother nature and not get bit. i'm going to pray they don't get stronger. >> how the city is building a foundation for the comeback. it's the new star attraction making his public debut at the oakland zoo. >> he's wonderful. they don't look like they should be real, but they are. good evening. public safety is one of the biggest concerns
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for people in oakland right now and it is taking center stage in the battle over the city's budget. today mayor sheng thao once again emphasized she plans to protect the police and the fire departments. >> despite a $117 million deficit this year and a $175 million deficit next year, we are not laying off any sworn personnel whether it will be officers or firefighters. >> even though there aren't layoffs, the department is freezing hiring for 18 vacant sworn positions and 38 vacant staff positions. the budget funds 679 sworn officers, down 34 from the previous year. so the oakland fire department is freezing positions. that's including one captain, 13 engineers, and 20 firefighter paramedics. critics say that will certainly have an impact on public safety. >> i will continue to fight for workers rights and for housing to be a human right. and for
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affordable healthcare or affordable childcare. and surely justice and love. >> the group coalition community engagement rallied outside city hall. they say how the city is handling the budget deficit is unacceptable. katie nielsen is at city hall with the finger pointing over the numbers as the budget deadline gets closer. >> reporter: the city council is meeting right now to finalize the budget for next year. made harder by the fact they're facing a $95 million shortfall in the general fund. that means there are probably going to be cuts somewhere. the big question is where? >> there is no evidence of the crime. >> and i understand that. >> reporter: tensions were running high as oakland residents argue with each other on the steps of city hall ahead of the council meeting to talk about where to cut the budget. >> and the crime is actually down. >> it is a lie. >> yeah, people feel hopeful. great things are happening here
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today. >> reporter: chris moore has lived in piedmont for more than 20 years and says there shouldn't be any cuts to police or fire. >> we need to find our public safety. we can not cut our public safety. yes, there will be an impact to other services. but what's the most important thing for this community? it is the most important thing, public safety. >> reporter: he says that is because they cannot afford to lose anymore residents or businesses. >> and it means you have to chase all the businesses out of town and renters out of town. >> reporter: for people of oakland to get the services that they deserve, it would cost quite a bit more money than the city is currently spending. >> reporter: dan is a professor of public policy at uc berkeley and was the city administrator of oakland from 2008 to 2011. he says the budget for police and fire departments are so large that when facing the significant shortfall, the city just has to make cuts in those areas. >> if you are not going to cut police and fire, that that you
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have to cut absolutely everything else. you can't cut absolute liver else, then that means you must cut police and fire. >> reporter: but the council member gayo disagrees and says public safety is his number one priority. >> even if i have to change the other services, i need to do that and protect the children and families. >> reporter: per the city's charter, the city council has until june 30 to pass a balanced budget. so according to the mayor's office, the cuts to police and fire only freezing vacant positions, not eliminating them. that means they could vote at a later time to reauthorize the hiring for those positions if more money becomes available. and we're learning more about the attempted home invasion in east oakland that ended with one dead. they said a group of three people tried to break into a man's home on 98th avenue monday night. the homeowner confronted them in the backyard and shot one of them on site. police say the
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homeowner refused to talk, so they then arrested him. >> we can only go with what we have. so absent and explanation of the statement as to what occurred. all we know is that the individual lost tear life. >> police also say that the d.a. has not charged the homeowner with any crimes. they are still investigating exactly what happened. and so let's take you across the bay. we are just minutes from the first debate in san francisco's mayoral debate. the candidates will make their cases in front of a sold out crowd at the sydney goldstein center. they will be there to accompany london breed and daniel lury. our lauren toms is there with sara donchey on the late news. san francisco police say they are a fourth of the way of installing new license plate reading cameras across the city. and so far, they are already seeing the payoff. police say that 100 cameras
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were installed and they have helped with double digit drops in both violent and property crimes over the first six months of 2024. chief bill scott says those numbers, they will only improve as they will continue installing the other 300 cameras. >> and just imagine what we will accomplish with quadruple the number of those cameras. we're on track to install the rest of the 400 cameras in the coming weeks. looking forward, we will be integrating our alpr network with our other technologies including technologies, voters approve in march under the proposition e. >> and so the $17.3 million needed for the cameras will come from the grant's organized retail theft grant program. and firefighters, they would knock down the house fire this morning. and the flames erupted on the second floor of the home causing the roof to collapse. there was one person inside who made it out with moderate burn injuries. they're expected to be okay. but no word yet though on what caused this fire. bay area fast food workers.
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they say they are sweltering on the job. and they are calling for new protections in the heat. so today dozens of san jose fast food workers, they went on strike. they're saying it is too hot to work safely in their restaurants. it comes as new state standards are in the works for the heat. so next week state labor safety board will vote on a new proposal that would require indoor workplaces to be 87 degrees or cooler and in areas like the kitchen where you are working near the hot stove that is standard and they would drop to 82 degrees. >> and then i guess they will get a stomach ache to the point i want to throw up. >> reporter: they became the first state to pass a heat illness prevention standard, but they have not applied to indoor workplaces. the new standards would make california the third state with indoor heat protections. all right, as we talk about the heat, it's backing off a little bit today. did you notice? let's go to meteorologist paul heggen in our virtual studio. hi there,
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paul. >> it is hard not to notice that cool down today. temperatures are moving away from the coast. anywhere from 10 to 20 plus degrees cooler than they were at this point on tuesday. so the temperatures, instead of flirting with the triple digit territories like they did yesterday for inland parts of the bay area. we are in the 80s, which is warm and close to warm for the middle of june. we'll take another step down tomorrow and slightly below average for much of the bay area on thursday. we'll take a look ahead to the end of the workweek and father's day weekend in the full forecast coming up in just a few minutes. thank you so much, paul. let's get the dramatic video in monterey county. five people rescued from the burning boat off the salinas river. take a look. all right, so this happened on monday afternoon. this was near moss landing. you can see the coast guard helping the group off the boat as they were huddled off the edge as they were able to put that fire out before they caused too much damage.
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it's been nearly two years since the devastating storm battered the city of capitola. the beachfront businesses were flooded. some of them, they knocked right off their foundations. but the greatest damage, they were reserved for the city's historic wharf. the storm surge, literally sawed this wharf in half. so devin fehely joining me now. and i guess they're on the city's slow road to recovery as you got to take a look? >> yeah, a very slow row. that storm in january of 2023, they really dealt a devastating blow to the city of capitola and their business community. the beachfront areas, they will depend on summer crowds. sun and surf and sand and the thousands of visitors that they will bring to the city. but for the second straight summer, some businesses, like the capitola boat, they are out of commission. and they are facing an ever uncertain future. >> reporter: here it is a year and a half later and we're still not open. yeah, that part of it is frustrating, but i understand that we cannot
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tackle mother nature. and not get bit. >> reporter: his family has been on the tourism and boat rental business for nearly 30 years. as he faces a second summer displaced on the capitola wharf, he wonders just how much longer he could stay afloat financially. >> we're losing two seasons out of capitola in the bay now and that is devastating as far as that shop. and they will carry, you know, some of the employees, but doesn't carry all of them. we've lost 10 employees. >> reporter: a powerful once in a generation storm in january of last year, pummeled the wharf, clawing out a giant chunk of the pier, making it both inaccessible and unsafe. in the months since, the city has worked to rebuild bigger and stronger. >> we have been working on that project for a long time with a real goal to make the wharf more resilient to the effects of climate change, to make it better able to withstand the impact from these storms. >> reporter: the city added more pilings to support the pier and used ones made from fiberglass, which are stronger
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and more durable than wood. and the planks are designed to blow off in a storm. the pressure valve of sorts. but the question is will it be enough? and only time will tell. >> this wharf is being built back significantly stronger. i'll tell you though that the capitola wharf over the history that existed has been taken out by storms probably four, five times in their history. this is an investment that we're making for the stronger wharf. at some point will the pacific ocean win? it will. >> reporter: dave hopes to reopen his gift shops in the boat rental system later this year in september. that's well after the summer crowds have left, but at least it is something. >> i'm going to pray that the storms don't get stronger as they come, and last time we had a storm like this was 40 years ago. >> reporter: thanks to the second location in santa cruz, dave says the business is treading water. he's not sure how long he could last. weighted down by the cruel irony of having survived the
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storm's on slot. only to find themselves drowning in the long lingering aftermath. >> i'm frustrated. on the other hand we can't beat mother nature. the city council is meeting tomorrow. but the long-term vision for that wharf is really still coming into focus. >> i'm looking forward to seeing that, but we need to get him back to work. he has lost one of them, cutting his business in half effectively. >> thank you. still ahead. he's the new kid in town. getting to meet the giraffe at the oakland zoo. >> and just liquefy kid, >> looks like he's got good
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manners. later, behind the scenes of sfo with the new tech help to help speed it's time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much... or as little as you want.
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make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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and just to make sure he
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would have a clean bill of health. but now as they report, he is making his big debut. she found her higher calling. >> and from one of the bay area zoos when we were a child and spent the week there. >> now as an adult, she's the manager of the species at the oakland zoo where she will take care of six gentle giants. >> they're pretty amazing and they don't look like they're real, but they are. >> reporter: these days, much of the attention is focused on one particular draft who will arrive here from new orleans. nuru, which means light is making his public debut after spending a month in quarantine. and while it may seem like a
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tall tale, they hope that the arrival will spark a love connection. >> and he is here to breathe with this tiny girl here and possibly some day, who is our young cat who you would see out in the middle of the exhibit. >> reporter: and the giraffe is the world tallest land mammal and a prime attraction at zoos around the world and sadly it is also in great peril as the trade and the loss of habitat will threaten their survival. that is what's known as the articulated giraffe. who is
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already ten feet tall. >> he's wonderful. and i just really hope that when people come here and they see them that they will want to do their job protecting them. >> reporter: and he is still a little shy. for most of the time we were there that he would keep his distance, though clearly curious about who we were or maybe just the food. >> and he is the new kid on school. and they are trying to learn the ropes, learning the different social things. and while racing neck and neck to protect and endanger species. you're in
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definitely a cooler day today. certainly in the east bay for sure. >> thank you for bringing that with you from oregon since you were off yesterday. >> yes, i picked it up from eugene and landed, and we got in the car with all the stuff packed up and drove all the way back home. and that we felt it. even coming into the bay area in the evening, it was really warm. >> yeah, this time yesterday, it was still well into the 90s
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inland in the east bay, but it is a whole different story today and let's see if we could kind of keep this around. and from the immediate future. that they were camped out in the area of high pressure in the upper levels of the atmosphere. and to refer to those heat domes because it is just a big hill of air and that will crush the air grand level to heat it up. and a few degrees above parts of the bay area. let's see if we could get them to pop up, so you know what we're looking at. temperatures climbed up to 84 had degrees in santa rosa and petaluma and novato. and only 74 degrees in napa and vallejo. a big drop in temperatures compared to yesterday and only the 60s in san francisco and oakland. temperatures inland in
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the east bay and still climbed up into the 80s, but that is much closer to average compared to the triple digit heat yesterday. just barely above 60 degrees for half moon bay. while the temperatures bayside, topped out in the 60s and the 70s. even 80s down in the redwood city and the low 80s for much of the santa clara valley. the exception to that morgan hill, only 71 degrees. with some of the cooler air making their way into that part of the valley. let's look at how things will change through the next several days. temperatures are beginning to cool down already as we would look at san jose. 78 degrees there and that is not cool, but we'll drop down into the 50s and some 40s by early tomorrow morning. santa rosa is already below 70 degrees. still holding on to 80 right now in concord. but the fog is going to be more widespread. the next several mornings. making more of a push into the inland valleys. it won't last long there and as we see plenty of sunshine breaking through by mid-morning. along the coast, you'll need to wait until late morning to midday to see a little bit of sunshine kind of appearing in between those low clouds and the june gloom, that's what we would expect
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this time of the year and why we would have them. temperatures did not drop down mostly to the low to mid-50s and a few spots, dropping down into the upper 40s. the temperatures tomorrow, they're going to warm up and end up below average. your furry friends, they will probably enjoy that time of the year. cali here has a nice spot staked out on the couch, but i don't think that it will take long to coax her outside with temperatures reaching up into the low to mid-60s for the high temperatures tomorrow afternoon. and a little pocket of orange and because the winds will be from the southwest. making their way into the santa clara valley. and the warmest temperatures are hitting the mid-80s. not bad for june. the warmest spots around 8 l 0 degrees. mostly low to mid-70s until you go north in mendocino county getting into the low
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90s. you were around 100 degrees today, so that's not bad at all compared to a couple hours ago. a look at the seven-day forecast and our temperatures, they are going to reach up to slightly above average levels inland. only a degree or two above normal. it's back up, father's day on sunday is looking good with the temperatures running very close to normal for the first half of next week. any warm up looks like it will be about 8:00, 9:00. and temperatures along the coast hovering around 60 degrees. coastal parts of the bay area will be tougher to shake, but that's what we expect for this time of the year. if you live along the coast, it's what you signed up for. >> looking ahead next week. >> yes, next thursday. so the heavier sacrifice that is ready. >> the longest day of the year, thank you. when we come back, okay, i meant for the sun, okay. that
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didn't make sense. when we come back, sfo is getting ready to open a new terminal when they will come with new tech to speed up the bag checking experience.
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let's land this plane, shall we? sfo getting ready to open their upgraded terminal one, showing off some new tech that is meant to make the bag checking a breeze. so the airline's new self-service automated bag drop is going to allow passengers to actually check if their bags without having to wait in lines and get to their gates more quickly. the airline also teased premium experience. updates as a part of their renovations like modernized lounges and improved public seating. the terminal is expected to fully open on june 17. all right, we have gotten some big news about the oakland ballers. picture him on his way and to the san francisco giants. the ballers, announcing today, they sold their contract to the giants, making them the third ballers player to have his contract purchased by the major league club as they would
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play the rocky mountain vibes this friday and don't forget to catch all the action and their friday night home games are live all summer long on our sister station pix+ channel 44 cable 12. great news, congratulations, and to the ballers. cbs evening news with norah o'donnell is next. we're back here in 30 minutes with more news for you at >> norah: life-threatening flooding. the relentless rain in florida leads to flash flooding as part of the sunshine state breaks records, and there is no relief in sight. >> nonstop precipitation, which means more flooding is likely, more daily rainfall records are likely. >> norah: plus, intense heat from coast-to-coast. the "cbs evening news" starts now. ♪ ♪ the threat of catastrophic damage with torrential downpours and rising floodwaters across south florida. that's where we begin. good evening. i'm norah o'donnell, and thank you for being with us.


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