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tv   The Late News  CBS  June 13, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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now at 11:00, a city worker fights back after a man attacks her as surveillance cameras are rolling. plus, san francisco mayoral candidates go head to head for the first time. and the east bay's most popular new resident is ready for his close-up. >> good boy, nuru. >> basically he's like the new kid at school. >> he is. >> why zookeepers are hoping this little guy will make a special connection. and their image is baked into marijuana culture, now they're making power plays at the state capitol. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hi, i'm sara donchey. so
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much has been said about san francisco's troubles. you hear about them well beyond the bay area. they make their way into national news all the time. but tonight the city was focused on how to fix them, specifically how each of the people running for mayor plan to do that. tonight the top five polling candidates met on the debate stage at the sydney goldstein civic center. lauren toms was there. >> reporter: contenders for the city's top job sparred over how they plan to address some of san francisco's most infamous issues. all eyes were on incumbent mayor london breed, who defended her record on public safety and homelessness. >> we are seeing one of the lowest crime rates we've seen in ten year, and that is continuing to trend to this very day, including a 50% reduction year to date in car break-in, 30% -- >> that's your time. >> -- reduction in property crimes. >> reporter: mark farrell promised to fire the police chief and crack down on drugs. >> as mayor, i will declare a
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fentanyl state of emergency. it will aus to ask the state and federal government for additional funds to allow them to bring in additional law enforcement and also allow us to build a 24/7 centralized intake senator. >> reporter: -- in his first year in office. >> i have a plan we will put out 1,500 shelter beds in the first six months of my administration. people will no longer resort to nor will they be allowed to sleep on our streets. >> reporter: candidates took jabs at his lack of insider knowledge. >> daniel, this is where your inexperience shows. >> see, that's where the inexperience of someone that hasn't worked in government like daniel lurie shines through. >> they have over 70 years of combined experience on this stage. look at where it's gotten us. >> reporter: supervisors aaron
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peskin and -- >> un fortunately, police were directed to target drug users instead of drug dealers. we've made more arrests for using drugs than dealing them. that not going to work. >> right now we have housing beds sitting empty. we have hundreds of affordable housing units sitting empty. we have hundreds of shelter beds sitting empty. this is not a matter of resources in our city, it's a matter of leadership from the top. >> reporter: moderators also asked each candidate what single issue they would fix if they had a magic wand. >> like bibty bobty boo, deep with the overdose crisis and the number of people dying on our streets. >> i would bring the 49ers back to the city of san francisco. >> the prices of drugs on our streets, i think we can prevent that by having a world class public school system. >> i would wave my magic wand and over 100,000 units would appear overnight. >> wonky, i know, but i would
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vastly reform the civil service hiring system, which only the mayor can do, to hire all those vacant nurse positions, 911 positions, police officer positions, i'd fix civil service. >> the city elects mayors under a ranked choice system. voters can pick up to ten candidates in order of preference. in the last hour, the city of pinole just released this video showing a man attacking an employee right in the middle of a police building. police say man walked into the building, went up to the counter, grabbed an employee's arm. the woman fought back and was able to break free, but that is when the man left behind the counter. police say he chased after the woman in the hallway, but officers heard the commotion and detained him. the city employee had minor injuries to her arm, and the suspect, 65-year-old can chester victor from san pablo, was arrested. an east bay teen was ready to celebrate her hard work after graduation with her family by her side, but that feeling of joy and
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accomplishment did not last long. she realized someone stole all her graduation gifts right down to the cap she was wearing that day. but as our andrea nakano reports, she's getting a helping hand from someone in the community. . >> she graduated from envision academy last thursday. it was a difficult and long four years to finally get her diploma. >> i honestly had a lot of trouble. where sometimes i did want to give up, but honestly, it was driving me to want to get out and make money for myself, have a successful life. >> reporter: she ended up graduating with a 3.8 gpa. family and friends gave her gift cards and a money lei as a present, but it was all taken when her godmother's car was -- during the celebration dinner. even her cap that she wore at graduation was stolen. >> i was shocked. i was surprised, because it was like we were having such a good time. and i just totally forgot
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about it. like it was like i was so caught up with being with my family and i came and saw that, i was like, wow. >> reporter: since then, she's received an outpouring of support from the community, especially from her mentor lacey. lacey started the love life foundation to help oakland youth get away from a life of crime and violence after his 16-year-old daughter was shot and killed 27 years ago. >> while i lost one, i've gained thousands, and i am rejuvenated, i am inspired by the brilliance of young people like this. >> reporter: to make up for her loss, lacey's love life foundation has raised roughly $700. he says it's a testament of how oakland comes together in times of need and fights back against the criminals that take from others. >> i'm a firm believer in karma, what goes around comes around. it's not going to end up -- and i'm not wishing anything bad on anybody, but
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when you do, when you victimize anyone, let alone innocent, young -- an innocent, young black woman who's only done great in the community, never been in trouble, you know, that says something for the lack of your upbringing. >> reporter: she plans to go to laney college in the fall. she won't let the thieves rob her of the good memories from her graduation. >> i have no memories thinking about the negatives. i'm thinking about all the people who supported me after. >> reporter: she hopes she can inspire others to work hard and find the kind of support system she found to succeed in life. >> oakland city hall has seen its fair share of finger pointing over how to address public safety and how to foot the bill to do that. the city is working on its budget for next year under the dark cloud of a $95 million shortfall. as katie nielsen explains, not everybody agrees on what to cut to make up for that. >> no evidence of a gun-related
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crime. >> reporter: tensions were running high as oakland residents argued with each other on the steps of city hall ahead of the council meeting to talk about where to cut the budget. >> crime is actually down. >> it's a lie. >> people feel hopeful. great things are happening in our city. >> reporter: chris moore has leaved in piedmont for more than 20 years and says there shouldn't be any cuts to police or fire. >> we need to fund our public safety. we can't cut our public safety. and yes, there's going to be an impact to other services, but what's most important to this community? the most important is public safety. >> reporter: he says that's because the city can't afford to lose anymore residents or businesses. >> the revenue problem is you've chased all of the businesses out of town. you've chased renters out of town. >> for people of oakland to get the services that they deserve, it would cost quite a bit more money than the city is currently spending. >> reporter: dan is a professor of public policy at uc berkeley and was the city administrator of oakland from 2008 to 2011.
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he says the budget for police and fire departments are so large that when facing a significant shortfall, the city just has to make cuts in those areas. >> if you're not going to cut police and fire, which is two-thirds of the general fund, you would have to cut absolutely everything else. and since you can't cut absolutely everything else, that means you must cut police and fire. >> reporter: but councilmember noel gall o disagrees. >> i need to protect the children and families. >> city council has until june 30th to pass its budget. in the south bay a former stanford university football coach is being credited with making a game plan that saved his home from burning to the ground. back on may 29th, a fire broke out in his los gatos neighborhood and it burned right up until his property line. but santa clara county
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firefighters say tyrone willingham had already cleared di fenceable space around his house. they say that move saved his property. today willingham called on other bay area residents to do exactly what he did. >> our grass is cut. our neighbor's grass was cut. and that made a huge difference in what the firefighters were able to do. it could be a different story, me standing here crying talking to you, okay, about what happened. yet we were able to avoid any major disaster. >> so calfire has this time lapse video as an example of this. on the left, a building that was not prepared for wildfires. took less than 15 minutes to burn down. the structure on the right, which had space cleared around it, didn't spark at all. calfire says you should clear at least five feet of space around your home for this very reason. flood waters have been trapping people in their homes and cars in florida, but this guy thought why not break out the wake board. and it's hard not to notice this guy making a big debut at a bay area zoo.
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why zoo workers are hoping he can make a special connection. the fog has been rolling back in this evening. our time lapse looking northward from salesforce tower shows that fog streaming through the golden gate. looking ahead to father's day weekend, details coming up in the first alert forecast. later in sports, the loss of nba's iconic jerry rice -- jerry west, i should say, a gut punch to the league. fond memories of the logo from the one who knew, worked, and revered him. and they are known for lowriding, but now they're riding right into the state capitol. >> see cheech and chong. >> the hollywood stars taking up a cause baked into their identities. i can announce this weekend, pope francis is going to meet me at
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well, flooding in southern florida was so intense today some people eactually kayaked down the streets of some neighborhoods. parts of the florida gulf coast saw more than ten inches of rain just today, and there's more on the way. some people tried in vain to stop water from getting into their homes, but sandbags were not enough to stop ankle-deep water from pouring in. dozens of people had to be rescued from their cars when they got stuck trying to forge through flood waters. and one guy decided it was the best opportunity of all to wake board down his flooded street. he was being pulled by a pickup truck. dangerous business, obviously. he almost hit a pole before letting go. and it feels like, paul, every time we see flood videos like these we see somebody doing something like
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this. >> yeah, not recommended. play stupid game, win stupid prizes, that's usually the advice in that kind of thing. you never know what's swimming in that water, especially in florida. around here, no such concerns. we just have the return of normal june weather. temperatures did trend back towards average today. one day of cooler than average temperatures tomorrow, but the same pattern is going to repeat itself over the next several days. plenty of afternoon sunshine, noticeable onshore breeze, but temperatures just running very close to average the the end of the workweek through the weekend and through the first half of next week. let's take a look at the aforementioned fog. it is streaming through the golden gate as we look to the north from the mark hopkins hotel. temperature downtown down to 53 degrees already. 52 in santa rosa. inland temperatures retreating to the 60s as well. the warmest spot on the map is 65 degrees in san jose. it's a far cry from the temperatures that we were tracking just 24 hours ago. the fog is going to be pretty widespread to start the day tomorrow, or at least low cloud cover pushing into the inland valleys. inland
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it's not going to take too long for that to dissipate. backing up to the coast as we head towards late morning and even along the coast. i think we're going to see at least a little bit of sunshine peeking through those low clouds as we head towards midday and early afternoon. temperatures tonight will drop down to the upper 40s in the valleys of the north bay, otherwise we're talking mostly about low to mid-50s. not much of a drop in temperatures in san francisco, just kind of hovering in the low 50s over the next several hours, and even the warm spot on the map right now, san jose, should dip down into the upper 50s by early tomorrow morning. and then we warm up, but not a lot. some of the warmest locations will be in the santa clara valley up into the neighborhood of 80 degrees in san jose. low 80s for los gatos. low to mid-80s for parts of the east bay farther inland, but only upper 70s around concord a few degrees below normal. only upper 50s along the coast to half moon bay. kind of get used to that. you might get around of degrees as we head into the weekend. low 60s in san francisco and temperatures in the north bay
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are only going to hit the middle portion of the 70s. yesterday afternoon we had temperatures close to 100 degrees in the north bay. 20 to 25 degrees cooler than that tomorrow. as we look at the wind speeds, those are going to be picking up as we head through the day tomorrow. those are going to be most noticeable during the afternoon. so our winds gusting up to the 20 to 25-mile-an-hour range at the strongest point during the afternoon. and the wind direction does not change at all. it's going to be a consistent southwest onshore breeze as we head through the next several days, which is why our temperatures are coasting back to pretty much what's normal for this time of year. looking farther down the line, though, the 8 to 14-day outlook from the climate prediction center takes us from the summer solstice on june 20th through the first week of summertime officially. it does show a return of above average temperatures for not just the bay area but most of california and most of the western u.s. so enjoy this trend of near average temperatures while it lasts. take a look at the seven-day forecast. we'll start inland where after one day with temperatures kind of a
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mix of 0s and 80s tomorrow, we turn to the middle portion of the 80s from friday through the weekend and into next week. it's warm but it's normally warm for this time of year. temperatures around the bay will also be at their coolest tomorrow, mostly topping out in the 60s but then returning to the low to mid-70s. morning fog giving way to plenty of afternoon sunshine. high temperatures in early afternoon tumbling off once the onshore breeze kicks in. along the coast, morning fog gives way to afternoon fog and evening fog and nighttime fog. sunshine sprinkled in every once in a while. not much of a difference from day to day. does look like it's going to be pretty nice for father's day weekend across pretty much the entire bay area. no interference from mother nature as we head towards father's day, sara? >> paul, thanks. a 10 month old dog is safe and sound after falling 30 feet don a lava crack on hawaii's big island. her owner knew just who to call to save misty.
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misty's owner knew that a hiker had rescued dogs after seeing videos of other rescues online, and she called him to help. after about nine hours, he was able to rappel down the dark crack to put a harness on misty and lift her up to safety. and there's video to prove it. all right, back here at home, the oakland zoo has a very new, very tall resident. this baby giraffe came to the bay area from louisiana, and after a public vote, he was named nuru. he's been in quarantine until now and as itay hod shows us, nuru is making his big debut and zookeepers hope he'll get busy making a connection. . >> reporter: from the moment amy phelps met her first giraffe, she knew right then and there she found her higher calling. >> my parents lived down the street from one of the bay area zoos when i was a child, and so i spent much of each week there. >> reporter: now as an adult, she's the manager of the
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african savanna species at the oakland zoo, where she takes care of six gentle giants. >> they're pretty amazing. they don't look like they should be real, but they are. >> reporter: these days much of her attention is focused on one particular giraffe named nuru who arrived here from new orleans. nuru, which means light in swahili, is making his public debut after spending a month in quarantine. and while it may seem like a tall tale, zookeepers hope his arrival will spark a love connection. >> he is here to breed with kijiji, who is this little tiny girl way down here, and possibly some day kendi, who is our young calf who you see out in the middle of the exhibit. >> reporter: the giraffe is the world's tallest land mammal and a prime attraction at zoos around the world. sadly, it's also in great peril as illegal trade and loss of habitat threaten its survival. >> good boy, nuru.
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>> reporter: nuru is what's known as a reticklated giraffe, which was designated as an endangered species in 2018 with a little over 11,000 left in the wild. the idea, amy say, is to have nuru and the rest of the gang serve as ambassadors for conservation. >> one thing we know about conservation is that people conserve what they love and they care about what they know. >> reporter: and it wouldn't be a stretch to say that visitors here have fallen in love with this big bundle of joy who at 13 months is already ten feet tall. >> he's wonderful, and i just really hope that when people come here and see them they want to do their job protecting them. >> reporter: as for nuru, he's still a little shy. for most of the time we were there, he kept his distance, though clearly curious about who we were or maybe it was just the food. >> basically he's like the new kid at school. >> he is, yeah. so just like any kid at their new school --
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-- -- and jerry west played in nine nba championships, how many did he win? he was finals mvp once, and that was one of the lakers losses.
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all right, you know we talk so much about sports icons, and this was an actual sports icon in every sense of the word. >> and an absolute stunner when you wake up -- it's one of those things you don't want to believe it. >> mm-hmm. >> but it happened. we got the nba and the logo jerry west gone today at age 86 after living a full basketball life. elected to basketball's hall of fame three different times, west spent his entire 14-year nba career with the lakers making the all star team in every season. one nba title in nine tries. he went on to become a head coach, general manager, and league executive, helping build the showtime lakers of the 1980s and the kobe/shaq dynasty in the early
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2000s. he joined the warriors in 2011 and had a huge hand in helping fwoeden state win four championships. >> made an imprint on the warriors through their championship run, made an impact in the warriors getting kevin durant. but he was just an icon. he was the logo. only one player can be that. >> how many people are great in one job? he might be one of the best that's ever done two different jobs. when you're incredibly good at two different things, being a player and executive, if anybody deserves to be the nba logo, it's jerry west. >> tribute to west tonight in dallas, site of the nba finals game three. final seconds of the third, boston in white up 13, former cal bear jaylen brown took flight. could brown be the mvp? celtics would push their lead to 21, and the mavericks try to make a comeback. star luka doncic fouled out with four minutes left, now boston up three.
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kyrie irving's bucket cut the lead to one. dallas engineered a 22-2 run. irving scored 35, but it wasn't enough. little over a minute left, you saw what happened there, nobody could stop brown, who scored 24 of his 30 in the second half, and boston won it 106-99 for a 3-0 series lead. one win away from an 18th nba title. pivot to baseball where oracle park was a wedding setting during the giants/astro game. san francisco led 2-1 in the fourth, and then austin slater poked a liner into right center. that added two more runs. giants won it 5-3, took 2 of 3 in the series. a record of 34-35, they host the angel farce series starting on friday. a's in san diego, mason miller on the mound, a 4-4 game in the bottom of the ninth. when you throw hard, sometimes
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this happens. miller taking deep for a walk-off homer. padres swept the series. padres won two games on walk-off home runs this series, and that hurts as the a's have now lost five in a row. and shout-out elijah pleasant, the oakland ballers pitcher was picked up today by the giants. he's in arizona right now for a physical. so tough for the oakland baller, but hey, you play that game to try and get noticed, and the giants noticed this guy. >> it's kind of the way it works, right? they're a victim of their own success. >> yes, yes, well done anchor woman. >> thank you, that's what they pay me the small bucks for. okay, vern, thank you. up next, hollywood's most famous stoners swooping in to try and save a struggling industry.
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lowrider, get lower. >> this next story sounds like a movie pitch, but california's legal cannabis business is really struggling, and as steve large shows us, cheech and chong are rolling into sacramento to try and save the day. >> reporter: cheech and chong, the comedy duo who made pot smoking part of american cinema
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in the 1970s. >> is that a joint, man? >> reporter: now cheech and chong are 79 and 86, the pair have their own brand of cannabis products, and cheech and chong global holdings company just registered with the california secretary of state's office to hire a lobbyist. >> they are my bosses. i talk to them quite regularly. they are highly intelligent gentlemen who care about cannabis use, right? >> reporter: black works for company and says the lobbying move is no laughing matter. >> so it's pretty serious. we're trying to protect the hemp-derived drinks we have. >> reporter: a california cannabis consultant who says the state of the marijuana industry is in distress. >> the promise of, you know, the big wave of cash and resources and all of that was -- lasted about 18 months. >> reporter: he says greed got the best of the industry. what
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was once described as the wild west now has too many regulations and taxes, leaving many businesses closed. he estimates a third of the businesses exist now compared to when recreational weed was made legal in 2016. >> see cheech and chong, the original high riders. >> reporter: now it's cheech and chong riding to the rescue as the california marijuana industry goes up in smoke. >> all right, now you can ask a kid what do you want to be when you grow up? they're going to say, i want to be a marijuana lobbyist. >> i just wond ter employee of whatever state regulatory agency when they see the cheech and chong's global holdings cross their desk. hmm? >> i know. i don't know what this says about me, but i see those targeted advertisements all the time on unnamed social media platform. >> you know they just show you what you like a lot. >> i'm not sure. >> it's the algorithm. >> i don't know how targeted
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it is, but now that's a job you or i could do in sacramento. >> all i see is golf


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