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tv   The Late News  CBS  June 14, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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- it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.
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>> now at 11, a jewelry smash and grab unlike anything we've ever seen. almost two dozen robbers rush into a south bay shop and smash their way through it. how police mad a break in the case. plus... >> people are definitely selling smaller amounts and more fights are happening. >> could drugs be growing scarcer in one of san francisco's most troubled hot spots ? the crack down in tender loin some say led to a big shift. and... >> i just love to be in the sky. >> for some sky diving is a once in a lifetime treat. for this 80 year old woman, it is just another thursday. >> hi! i'm sarah dachi. it seems an all out war with
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the fbi and the police trying to cut off the line of fentanyl making its way for years. they say they've been extraditing suspected drug makers that fled to america back to the united states and say they're doing more to stop the night markets we've all seen and the overall operations to do that allowed them to file 20 federal criminal complaints. the neighborhood has, of course, a long-standing reputation of being a place that's easy to find drugs. but as our wilson walker hit the streets and talked to some people, he says they have seen that start to change. >> what i'm noticing during the day, it's difficult to find at all. >> jj said the trend started months ago and it only accelerated in recent weeks. drugs, like fentanyl, are getting harder to find in san francisco's tenderloin.
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>> definitely. definitely. people are definitely selling smaller amounts and more fights are happening because of it. people are getting ripped off. >> yeah, i have a couple of friends. one wanted to move to philadelphia and another elsewhere because they wanted to get drugs easier. >> they say the ready supply of drug is the direct result of the fewer dealers. >> of the main ones selling for years, you know, and established themselves probably less than 10 out right now. >> like you walked these streets, right? there used to be 6-10 drug dealers on every block during the day. >> special agent in charge of the san francisco field office, brian clark, said combined federal, state and local efforts have turned a corner and drug dealers are now on the run. >> i think we had a significant transformation during the day. we've been able to change how the drug market works right now.
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>> yeah, it sucks, dude. in the daytime it was so (bleep) to buy it so you have to wait until midnight to get decent stuff. >> so gnaw they offer at night. they feel safer at night. we adjusted that. >> and now it's an around the clock offensive with the the swarm of agencies targeting the streets and overnight markets. >> they're working from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. they're following around the drug traffickers at night and deputized narcotics officers so they can file cases they work on and file federal cases on individuals. >> federal charges thot only come with the risk of the further federal prison sentence. >> you may be turned over and deported based on the felony conviction. >> clark says the agency knows the arrests are affecting the market, but he acknowledges enforcement can only do so much.
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>> that's why education, treatment and prevention is more important than ever. it is like our colleagues at public health need to get out here to provide resources and prevention of treatment to make a change and turn this around. >> i don't like to see my friends, you know, be arrested or in withdrawal or any of that. it does suck. but i understand where the general public is coming from, you know. it was pretty crazy out here. >> yes, brian himself says the pressure on dealers is making a difference. >> yeah. the city, in my opinion, is starting to, like, look better, you know. more vibrant and stuff. used just drug addicts everywhere. now you see tourists and stuff, you know. >> well, staying in san francisco, rather than relying on just police officers to handle calls about drug users and reach out to the homeless
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population, the city rely on the team of community ambassadors but funding for that program is on the chopping block. it is part of the plan to close the 800 million dollar deficit, but as andrea reports, some city leaders are pushing back to keep a program they say has become essential. >> community ambassadors cover more than half a dozen neighborhoods in san francisco. they help connect the homeless with resources and speak over 8 languages to reach diverse communities in the city. john britt was one of them and worked in the tenderloin. >> it provides a service that no one else is doing. >> he said he covered every inch of the tenderloin, going up alleys and seeing many struggling from drug overdoses. >> we were going down church street and saw a woman laying halfway on the sidewalk and
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halfway in the street and she was od'ing and we had to narcan her and bring her back to life. so that really, that really put in me that, you know, that the job really is important because people walking by may not even notice her. >> according to dean preston, the office of civic affairs ambassador program is nationally recognized and used as a model in other cities. >> there was never a discussion about phasing it out or winding it down so we were really shocked when the budget basically cancelled that program. >> the supervisor said the program cost roughly three million dollars a year and feels the city can find other ways to make up the deficit. >> this is one of the last things to be on the chopping block. do we have to make cuts in the budget? of course. but we don't need to target a program like this that is a source of pride and so important for public safety and
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for positive interactions in our neighborhood. >> john britt is hoping community ambassadors will continue to walk the streets. >> if the program is cut, it will be a really big loss for the community at large because they really do provide a great service. >> 5 other sprfrs are cosponsoring the the resolution. the hope with a united voice, the program will be saved. >> all right, from san francisco to the south bay, it looks like there was some serious planning that went into this smash and grab. it happened at a sunnyvale jewelry store and those that pulled it off, the crowd was huge. >> it started just smashing all the counter tops and all the displays. starts grabbing the things and within a matter of 2, 2 and a half minutes, they were out. >> it was that quick? >> yeah. >> this robbery happened
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yesterday afternoon at p & j jewelers near lyndon avenue. as you see about 20 suspects in masks and hoodies smashed through the doors. while employees ran to the back, the group busted through almost every display case they could find. police say they had several getaway cars waiting for them but officers chased 2 onto highway 101 and others threw evidence out of the window. police caught up eventually and arrested 5 people. no word on exactly how much jewelry was taken. a san mateo neighborhood had to shelter in place this evening after someone was shot there. tactical police swarmed with guns drawn. they blocked off part of the road surrounding the building. san mateo police say they got the call about the shooting at 4:45 p.m. and found one suspect hiding inside the apartment and just a few minutes away in san
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carlos they say they found the victim of the shooting on holly street and el camino real. they say the driver was driven to the san carlos gas station and taken to the hospital. it's unclear how they are doing physically tonight. and in san mateo, the police eventually arrested the suspect and lifted the shelter in place about 7:30. they have not released any details on what led up to the fight in the first place. an all out brawl in the last place you expect it see one. an airplane terminal. and a plane bound for oakland rocking back and forth. what we know about the incident known as a dutch roll. and a puppy gets itself in precarious situation. why it took an entire crew of fire fighters to get him out of a very tight spot. and the idea of sky diving at 85 sounds wild enough, wait until you hear about how many times this woman has done it.
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. >> airports can no doubt be chaotic,. we see examp wills of that all the time. but they are supposed to be at the very least safe. tonight we get a closer look at a brawl at lax that left an elderly woman in critical condition. our reporter has the story. >> a shocking incident at lax. and now police need your help finding a suspect. >> i didn't see anything like that before. >> absolutely crazy. >> take a look at this video. police say it sfarted from a road rage incident that continued in a fight and
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continued until a man slammed into an elderly woman checking her bag at the airport. she fell to the ground and was knocked unconscious according to officials. l.a paramedics responded and she was taken to the hospital where she was admitted in critical condition. >> i'm very shocked. the unfortunate part of the video you don't see is after this happens individuals render aid so this poor lady could be your mom or grandmother. >> the suspect police are currently looking for is identified as jason gibbons sr. another identifier is his car, chevrolet sedan with 5ual384 license plate. the vehicle is described with visible damage to the front driver door. >> we're trying to deal with public safety and get this gentleman's side of the story. we have the other person's side of the story and we want to have both sides of this before it goes to the district attorney. >> they say it serves as a reminder to maintain the right attitude as you head out of
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town. >> that's ridiculous! at the airport. just everybody chill out. it's not that serious. we're all going to get where we're category. >> the elderly -- where we're going. >> the elderly woman has since been released from the hospital and police have not made any arrests. >> when you hear about a dutch roll you may think of a dessert. it is nothing like that at all. in fact it's something terrifying that can happen to an airplane and tonight we learn that is exactly what happened during the flight from phoenix to oakland last month. according to the f.a.a. report it happened on southwest flight 736. a boeing 737 max 8 plane. the plane apparently started rocking side to side and swaying left and right in the middle of the flight because of a damaged power control unit that ended up making the plane much less stable. the airplane was carrying 175 passengers and 6 crew members. thankfully no one was hurt. the the plane first delivered to the airline back in december of 2022, but it has been
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grounded or it was grounded until june 6th before it was sent to boeing for repairs. we reached out to southwest but they say they did not have anymore information. >> let's talk about weather. nice day out there but foggy, hazy. how do we describe that? >> it was definitely foggy and the clouds were really tough to shake over the area as well. and fog transitioning to low cloud cover and i think we'll lose more of that fog as we head through the day tomorrow but won't lose gusty onshore winds. the atmosphere squeeze between a couple of features down to the south and up to the north while air is funneled in between and it is blustery for the next couple of days. the onshore winds upon below average across the bay area today and keep in mind a couple of days ago it was 94° in santa rooza and 67° for the high in napa this afternoon.
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only 63 in valejo and san francisco didn't make it up to 60°. while the coast the temperature only reach in the mid50s and at half moon bay that is cool even for coastal parts of the area and warmest spots in the upper 70s and into the the east bay and 82° for the other warm spots in los gatos this afternoon. temperatures a tiny bit below average for most of the bay area today and make up for that beginning tomorrow. we'll have a look outside at what has not changed. the clouds have lifted a little bit and the first hour was shrouded in cloud cover and now just above. 52 at santa rosa and 59° in san jose. won't see a lot of actual fog by early tomorrow morning. cloud cover just off the ground? sure. but this trax the fog sitting on the ground. there will be a bit of it but not long to dissipate.
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just a bit of a wind shift to scour out that fog and see it on the coast as we head towards late morning and early afternoon. temperatures farther by early tomorrow morning and some of the coolest locations in the north bay valleys will end up in the upper 40s to begin friday, but end up a couple of degrees by tomorrow afternoon and that is the difference that almost summer time sunshine does make. 60s and 70s around the bay and back to the 80s farther inland. only low 60s near the coast. near 80° down the peninsula with temperatures in the low to mid80s and the santa clara valley and then the hottest spots far east getting close to 90°. but when the hot spot is 90 in june? we're doing just fine. temperatures should approach 70 in of san francisco and mid70s in oakland and much for the north bay until you go farther north into the 80s for santa rosa and temperatures
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approaching 90° in windsor and santa lita and hot spots in the region. the winds are still noticeably and this chart tracks the winds beginning at 11 a.m. tomorrow and continuing through 5 p.m. on saturday and the strongest winds will occur in the mid to late afternoon hours. so around 5 p.m. and widespread gusts in the 30-35 mph and 35 mph gusts possible saturday afternoon. mainly closer to the coast in san francisco and half moon bay. temperatures will still warm up to 70° in the city over the weekend. if you're heading out to the juneteenth block party in san francisco, this is happening in the filmore district and temperatures will warm up nicely and that gusty wind will make it feel just a little bit cooler. let's look at the 7 day forecast and start with the inland area and temperatures hover in the 80 which is is close to normal for this time of the year. the warmest day is the last day of the 7 day forecast which also happens to be the summer
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solstice so it seems appropriate to warm up for summer time and it is beyond the scope of the 7 day forecast and leave that alone for now. not much in the bay with passing clouds by sunday and monday and nothing threatening there. more clouds along the coast, but used to that in june. but doesn't look completely gray like today. more of a mix with morning clouds and afternoon sunshine but temperatures mostly to the low 60s and whenever that wind gets stronger perhaps confined to the upper 50s. typical june stuff. >> thank you. it was a more than 3 hour rescue mission to save a tiny 5 pound puppy that fell down a floor vent. >> come get your treats! (puppy whining) >> i wish i could see you! >> fire fighters in colorado had to pull out all the stops to save little archie. the pup jumped off the bed and fallen right into the open floor vent.
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fire fighters had to basically tear the apartment apart just to figure out where the puppy was even stuck. they heard him crying but couldn't see him. >> every time i hear him cry, wherever i am, whichever vent i'm next to, it sounds like that is where he is. that's why we can't tell where he is. >> eventually crews were able to stick a small camera through a hole and spotted archie and then gently pulled him through the vent. and after all of that the little puppy is expected to be okay. poor guy. if you have a fear of heights or flying, perhaps you can turn to this 85-year-old woman for inspiration and courage. why she made it her mission to jump from a plane not once, not twice, but hundreds of times. >> straight ahead in sports. a shark sighting in san jose! this one skates and coaches. the future hall of became baseball career to vintner. a lot of guys do that --
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ventner. a lot of guys do that, but dusty is not a lot of guys!
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. : >> you know something i love? and this is especially true about sports. is learning when people have like hidden interests and talents. you know, when you hear about an athlete like who makes pottery or somebody who's really into wine, it's always interesting to me. >> i found out a lot of new stuff that i -- i thought i knew everything about dusty baker, but tonight i found out
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something new. the last few times i was in backerville, there were a few stories and tonight a fan favorite and had to go to the local nugget store to get it! he had the especially item of the night. baker family wines! dusty baker stopped by to meet with fans who sampled and bought his vino! it started off as a hobby while coaching, but now in retirement the wine business is an even bigger passion. the former skipper still had time to talk ball, though, and told me, as bad as he feels for oakland, he is excited for big league baseball to come to his home base, sacramento! >> sacramento site and sacramento is really excited. they're retrofitting the stadium to make it fit. i feel terrible for oakland because half my relatives live in oakland. my daughter lives in oakland. and oakland lost every sports
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team and they're about to get a soccer team i hope. oakland deserves a team. i'm happy for sacramento, but sad for oakland. >> speaking of the a's, where were they? i know that girl! prince night in minneapolis! prince grew up here. the native on the mound for the twitchingeries tonight and kept the a's bats guessing. struck out 5 oakland batters over 7 innings of 2 run ball and gave up just 3 hits and a's going down in the 7th and an upper deck two run shot to left field and they won this 6-2. somewhere paul hagan is miling! san jose sharks hockey have a new head coach! ryan was promoted to replace david quinn. he spent the last 2 seasons as a sharks assistant. the 36-year-old becomes the youngest head coach in the nhl. hockey night in edmonton! oilers host the florida
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panthers. down 0-2. the stanley cup final series. i know mr. hockey, but even i know you can't turn over the puck deep in your zone! here is sam benit lighting the lamp and florida won again 5-3 with an 0-3 series lead and they can win the first championship saturday night. golf national championship. the u.s. open in piners, north carolina. one of the few courses tiger woods has never won. looked pretty good here on his opening hole. a birdie gave him the lead over the field! that's nice to see. but it was only for a moment. woods ended up shooting a 4 over 74. now let's check roy mcilroy's game. i thought it was impossible to hold the putt on the green. a decade-long drought winning and injuredan with the share of the lead and patrick smooth out of the catbox and picked it up clean and holding out at the 11th. shot a 565 and is tied with
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mcilroy as the weekend is approaching. i won't see before sunday so shout out and happy father's day to my dudes out there. >> and happy father's day to you! >> thank you! >> a great dad to many and an uncle to me. say hi to uncle bernard. thank you so much. we appreciate it. the oakland city council approved the sale of the city's half of the coliseum. the african american sports entertainment group agreed to buy it for at least 105 million dollars. it could take years before we see any new construction on the site. sky diving is on a lot of peoples' bucket list, but for one senior citizen doing it once was not enough. why she's taken to the sky hundreds of times.
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. >> icons of comedy and pop music are heading to the bay area for final bows. catch ellen degeneress last stand up tour in san francisco. and cindy lauper's girls just want to have fun farewell tour is november 26th. tickets are on sale at and brought to you by live nation.
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>> have you guys gone sky diving? >> yes, i have! >> did you love it? (laughing) >> i loved it on the way down. once the chute opened, nothing you can do. just enjoy the ride. but getting out of a perfectly good plane? >> that's a tough one. paul and i have yet to do it. an 85-year-old pennsylvania woman keeping her head in the clouds with notice signs of stopping. -- with no signs of stopping. she's jumped more than 600 times while traveling the country. as we're shown, she won't be done until she gets her golden wings. >> jump head-to-head to get your golden wings. 600! >> the 85-year-old. >> it's wonderful! >> now here you can enjoy that.
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>> for 671st jump. >> that was really, really fun. i just love to be in the sky. >> and floating through it. >> aside from surviving it. >> what makes an enjoyable parachute jump? >> i think to jump with friends. >> kim, sponsored by the international sky diving museum and hall of fame which she was inducted into in 2013. >> it when what i travel around in. >> is touring the country in the rv making jumps at places like pegasus to gain the coveted jone wings with 1,000 jumps and the first jump in chicago. >> the first jump i took down a lot of porlines. >> you did yourself? >> no, i got over the power lines but the chute brought them down. >> she quickly grabbed wings grabbing headlines and for the clas. >> the world championship in 1962. >> at the same time meeting her
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husband and fellow jumper and yugoslavian defector during the cold war. becoming an inspiration along the way especially for this woman who just landed her first jump. >> it was such a motivation and is my first time and i hope one of many. >> as kim climbs to her goal, she has a message that lands. >> we have responsibilities in life and always looking for the release to go have fun! that's all part of living is the fun. >> couldn't be me! >> that would be comforting though. your first time? >> yes! >> octangenerian? pretty secure. >> that would probably make me feel more comfortable. >> we went out for pizza after my jump. >> not before? >> we could have put grass topping
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- it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.


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