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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  June 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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decades ago people had to enter in secret. >> there used to be a chinese restaurant next door, people would go through the restaurant to get to the gay bar. >> reporter: the colorful history of an oakland watering hole that is believed to be the oldest gay bar in the united states. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. track in your neighborhood, hard to keep track with how much garbage gets illegally dumped in san francisco there say special team dedicated to figuring out who is responsible. so, for a time, covid sidelined the trash detectives. now, they are back. giving out citations if necessary. we followed along
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with the team. >> reporter: shanon is madly motivated on a mission to keep san francisco streets as clean as they can be. >> it is really bigger than there is garbage on the street. no, this area needs to be properly maintained so everyone can use it and has access to it. >> reporter: the 23-year-old is an illegal dumping investigator and part of the public outreach and enforcement. >> reporter: armed with plastic gloves in she needs to sleuth for evidence, she inputs details of new offenders into her tablets, issues citations in warnings were ignored and checks on complaints. >> i am more i have a harder time just laying down the law. for me personally i think education works better. enforcement is necessary part of what we do >> she comes across dumpsters with no lids and overflowing with trash. violation on grounds with hefty fines
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>> we are doing enforcement on fillmore street. i noticed your garbage bins are overflowing. >> illegal dumping of trash reaching up to $1,000. small businesses in the district say they appreciate the city's efforts to keep perpetrators accountable. there is a bigger problem. >> trash is not the main concern. it is the human waste. sometimes it is right in front of the shop. >> reporter: other retailers say it is the homeless they want addressed. but come to accept they just have to deal with it on their own. parts of the bay view are hot spots for wide scaled illegal dumps. ramsey oversees the trash investigation team. >> san francisco public works has a lot of folks cleaning up the public right-of-way. in the end it really takes all of us, right? >> people have to dispose of their trash in the right way. >> staffed up the team to six investigators after covid halted operations and recruited the unit to other duties. sweeney has found taking a
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softer approach initially is working in her designated neighborhoods >> to me, education works better for long-term solutions and actually getting a business or residents to be in compliance in the long run. >> reporter: they say they received 30 service requests a day across the city. the investigators can not get to all of them. my feel like establish more responsibility for the community just this is our city, let's take care of it, you know. >> they hope keeping residents and businesses accountable one illegal dump at a time is making a dent. >> reporter: the team is getting busier and busier. not back to precovid staffing levels. the numbers from the city show it all. look how high they are. around 15,000 a year. then, a huge drop off during covid. since then, we are seeing a steady increase a little bit by the day and we
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are only halfway through 2024. so, reminder, you can report trash in your neighborhood by calling 311. the police are investigating the shooting deatof a security guard at a cv s. tay someone left flowers at the entrance, it happened at 11:00 last night at the shopping center. the guard got into an argument with someone and it turned violent. the officers say the guard was shot and killed and the other person stabbed several times. that person was sent to the hospital. no word on charges at this point. the police are looking for witnesses. after years of catastrophic wildfire seasons insurance costs are soring in california. if you can get coverage at all. now, california's top insurance official unavailing a new plan to help get the crisis under control. so, under the plan insurance companies will be asked to increase the number of policies they offer in certain fire-prone areas. in
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exchange the companies would be allowed to use risk calculation formulas to set rates that are expected to be more favorable to the industry. the plan has supporters and critics. >> once the pieces near place we are confident they will come back to california. >> too many loopholes to be workable. >> too many off-ramps. >> reporter: the bay area, it covers marin, and santa cruz counties and small patches of santa clara county and the east bay. >> reporter: fire danger may be a concern further north. the winds are picking up. a red flag warning issued. now, the red flag warning is for the central valley and not the bay area. wildfire danger is managing that we have to monitor and evaluate that with the fire danger index. it is a statistic that combines all of the things we look at. air
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temperature, humidity, wind speed, dryness of the fire fuels and combine today in one statistic, from 0-10. you want to be close to 0, we hardly ever are. today's values we are running around the midpoint of the 0-10 scale. that is normal for the middle of june. not going to change a lot heading to the weekend. winding the clock to tomorrow, we will be, once again, the midpoint of that 0-10 scale, maybe lower than what we had today. the numbers go up a little bit on sunday. the winds will be a little stronger. but, we are not going to have the gusty off hurt shown winds that we associated with a higher fire threat. we will not have hot temperatures. so, this could be a lot worse. something we have to monitor, a few locations essentially in the north bay, getting us higher on the scale by sunday afternoon. again, lack of heat, helping us out. the temperatures will be slightly above average. 80s inland, for the middle of june, not bad at all. we will take a look coming up.
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thank you. another unsettling incident on board a boeing 737 max plane for a flight coming into oakland. anne makovek has more and if it is raising red flags. certainly raises concerns. the plane went into a dutch roll. a figure 8 with the tail wagging and the plane trying to right itself as it goes from side to side. happened back on may 25th on a south-west flight from phoenix to oakland. only coming to light now. the ntsb says they are going to recover from the dutch roll, they did. landing safely in oakland. an hour later. we spoke about it with a former pilot who is now an aviation consultant. 737. killed somewhere between 150 and 250 people. depending on
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who you believe. >> that was back in the 1990s. they said they thought the problem was solved and now the investigation into this incident is underway. federal officials think it might have been caused by a damaged back up power control unit. it all comes as the 737 max remains under heavy scrutiny in the wake of the door plug blowing out of a brand-new alaska airlines 9 that led to a temporary grounding of that model. he says the faa has to be a better watch dog of the industry. that things happen during every flight of which passengers are just not normally aware. usually works out fine. >> you are in a threat-rich environment. you are seven miles in the air in an atmosphere you can not breathe in, too cold to survive and you find something with millions of parts in it. things can happen. >> does not make you feel too good. he flew the 737 for 10
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years. he dealt with a dutch roll himself during that time. he got out television and still has a lot of confidence planes. southwest says they are working with the feds on their investigation. >> they are going to give you dutch roll of where to go and who to talk to. don't quote me but they said it is safer to fly than drive. maybe my parents told me >> no, that is true. i am surprised passengers did not have video or hear about it sooner. >> absolutely. that is our eyes and ears nowadays.. >> reporter: yes, yes t is lighting up x like that. >> all right, anne, thank you. coming up, a gay bar that has been open for 90 years. how the owner is preserving the history and inspiring future generations. you definitely brought me a lot of good luck, energy, home runs, good hits, just great to look up there and see that it is a piece of me up there. >> good luck charm for sure.
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meet the ballers littlest good luck charm.
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. welcome back. celebrate pride, check this out. the bay area is home to what is believed to be the oldest gay bar. located in oakland. we heard from the owner about how she tries to keep the bar's decade's old history alive. >> reporter: when patty noticed her favorite bar, the white horse, was up for sale a couple years ago she knew it was her moment to take the reins >> it is a place where i used to come and party. i would thought i would want to be part of this legacy. >> opened in 1933. this unassuming venue on the corner
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of telegraph and 66th street in oakland. it is believed to be the oldest continuously operating gay bar in the country. over the decades it has weathered many storms. during the lavender scare in the 1950s, the white horse had a no touch policy, a bartender would walk around with a ruler and measure the distance between customers. if they got too close >> everybody is good. >> you hit them with the ruler. even entering the place required discretion >> there used to be a chinese restaurant next door. people would go through the restaurant to get to the gay bar. you can understand why in 1933. >> reporter: perhaps because of that it somehow never got raided boy cops who would bust down the doors of similar establishments. >> i have a theory. i think law enforcement may have been coming here and enjoying themselves come is why this place has been protected for 90
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years essentially. >> now, the bar, which served as a refuge for white men is owned by a woman of color. it's customers are mix of gay men, lesbians and non-bionary folks. sara started coming here in the late '90s the bar has changed over the years, she said, in her words it always had the same heart. >> this bar is, it is a monument. it is an establishment that i am so happy it made it through. >> reporter: a gaming executive by day, patty says the little profits she makes on the bar goes right back into the business. >> this is not about making money for me. this is creating a space for our community >> now she is determined to not only preserve its storied past but to keep the white horse alive and kicking. >> what a great place. watch
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our pride special hope, love, pride. starts at 10:00 a.m. on june 30th on pix plus and streaming free on the cbs news app. all right, paul, you think he is a good pool player? he looks like he is going on. >> i am not going to under estimate anything he puts his mind to. >> oh, 100%. leave it at that [ laughter ] the weather for the weekend looking good. spend some time outside. agreeable weather. got audio interference while i took my earpiece out. warmer temperatures settled in today. a couple degrees above average. the onshore breeze, gusty as the atmosphere is getting squeezed for high pressure to the south and to the north that is the case heading into the weekend. let's take a look at where the temperatures topped out today. they were a couple degrees above average in spots. climbing to 84 degrees in santa rosa and in napa. only into the middle 70s. vallejo, stuck? the 60s. climb back into the 70s
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beginning tomorrow. the temperatures made it up to almost 90. a few degrees above average. 59 degrees at the coast. that difference it is normal for the middle of june. that is about the range that we are going to see with the temperatures across the bay area this weekend. lower 80s for high temperatures earlier today in the valley. let's check out how things are going to evolve over the course of the next few days, beginning with a look at how things look. temperatures dropping off through the rest of the evening, around 60 degrees in san francisco and middle 60s. 70s for the pay area. 72 in san jose to 78 degrees. you dropped more than 10 degrees in concord. after the high of 90. the fog, not terribly widespread early in the morning, some of it out there. not going to take long at all for this to dissipate. we should see plenty of sunshine for the rest of the day. it means the sun's energy will go into warming up the air as opposed to dissipating in the fog. we will warm up. temperatures in the lower to
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middle 50s to begin the day on saturday. climbing up to the middle 60s. not bad. middle to upper 70s. 80s in the santa clara valley. upper 80s for the warmest locations from fairfield to antioch to brentwood. when the warmest spots are below 90 in the middle of june we are doing just fine. middle 70s for oakland. temperatures in the north bay, upper 70s, kentfield to the lower to middle 80s making your way inland. upper 80s by saturday afternoon. a degree or two cooler. the breeze it will be stronger on sunday. our hour by hour, every 6 hour wind gust as we go to 5:00 p.m. on sunday. it shows the colorful time frame, the winds will be strongest around 5:00 in the evening saturday and sunday. a few more red bricks showing up there on sunday indicating gusts over 30 miles an hour. even away from the coast. a lot of stuff going
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on this weekend including the juneteenth block party. temperatures around 70. most of the day, the temperatures will be in the middle up toker 60s. not too many changes -- middle to upper 60s. not too many changes, things looking good over the next seven-days, the warmest day, the last day of of the seven-day outlook. the first full day of summer. it is supposed to be warm the temperatures will not change a lot heading into the seven-day outlook. lower to middle 70s. but for wednesday and thursday, cooler by the water for just a couple of days, cloud cover, keeping a lid on the temperatures, not a big impact farther inland. on the coast, very little change. the coolest days, wednesday, thursday, upper 50s, climbing back into the upper sicks for the first full day of summer a week from today. jules? >> why it is an extra, extra
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special father's day. he contribute today to the biggest little
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. the oakland ballers, an extra special father's day for the team's best home run hitter. >> reporter: the pitch is a
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high, deep, drive to left field. two more runs. >> reporter: when hubbard is not busy hitting home runs, he has another job. a far more important one. >> it will be cool. cool to be a father for the first time on father's day. an awesome experience. >> the player welcomed his son, aidan into the world five months ago. >> he is just a happy baby. every time i look at him he starts smiling. i have a bad day, i look at him, he smiles and everything goes away. >> reporter: he could be considered a baseball brat. he moved around quite a bit as his dad chases his baseball dream. >> he has been to texas, he has been to pennsylvania and he has been to california so far. yeah, just, i mean, in his little short life. he has been on a lot of flights. >> reporter: he would not have it any other way. he believes there say reason he has been on a tear to begin this year. >> he has homers in him.
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>> he brought me a lot of good luck, energy, a lot of good hits, home runs, great to see that is a piece of me up there. >> reporter: his role as an assistant coach for the ballers is prepping him for his future little league gig >> i will be out there for all of the games. i will be cheering him on. giving him tough love when he needs it. i am excited for it. >> having him at his games reminds him of his own dad and their early baseball memories >> my dad is there, bought me my first glove. i remember playing catch with him. an awesome experience. >> he knows the time spent with the ballers are things they can talk about years from now. >> it is awesome. always like a little dream. i have been having like i just want my son to watch me play. when we get older i can tell him, hey, man, i know what i am doing. he can not say dad, you don't know what you are talking about. he will still probably do it but cool to have him here with me.
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>> happy father's day with all of you dads. all of the ballers, watch them on pix plus. up next, big warriors good-bye. this little guy to a dog that has been protecting fans for years. he etch got special treats today.
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. a send off fit for an mvp. a member of the security team is retiring. this is adobe. he has been keeping fans safe for six years. to thank him, his co-workers surprised him with a jersey, a tennis ball and a cake what is next? he will become a normal house dog looking forward to hide any sock he can get ahold of, belly
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rubs, treats. lots of attention. good job. happy a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month.
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plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: come on, girls. welcome to the show. good. how y'all? i appreciate that. thank y'all. thank you, everybody. i do. i appreciate that. well, welcome to "family feud," everybod


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