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tv   The Late News  CBS  June 15, 2024 2:06am-2:35am PDT

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if you don't absolutely love it, just send it back. but keep my powerxl sealer as my gift just for trying. - [speaker] this incredible offer will not last and can end without notice, so order your powerxl versa chef now. (upbeat music) - [announcer] the preceding was a paid presentation for the powerxl versa chef sponsored by empower brands, llc. now at 11:00, get ready for the wind to kick up. the conditions putting firefighters on alert this weekend. plus. >> we need to continue our life. >> one napa valley winery is trying to help wine maker ins
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ukraine thrive in the middle of a war. and this inspires works of art. >> something catches my eye. i'm like oh my god. that's really interesting. plus, an amusement park ride gets stuck in the worst possible spot. >> from kpix5, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hi, i'm sara donchey. paul heggen is here with me on this friday night. the wind is picking up putting firefighters on edge in some scenarios. firefighters knocked down a three acre brush fire that started in antioch. it consumed an out building. the question is when are we expected to get the strongest winds? >> probably sunday afternoon. but there is good news. this isn't going to be an off the charts wild fire threat that we can get in august, september,
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october. but it is kind of the preview as we head into the peak of fire season. so let's get into how things are going to evolve. what we are looking for is the gustiest winds to be straight offshore. the winds were running more or less parallel to the coast and curbing to become on shore winds from the north bay coast down into san francisco and down the peninsula. and the humidity levels were not critically low. the lowest humidity 15 to 20% or so. let's wind the clock forward to tomorrow afternoon. pretty much that same direction at worst, being more or less parallel to the coast offshore. and the lowest humidity levels again. we are looking for the levels to be down below 10% when the wild fire threat really gets elevated. sunday. that's when the greatest fire threat occurs and the winds may pivot slightly but not straight offshore. and the strongest winds will not overlap with the
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lowest humidity levels which will be above 10%. we also have to monitor the wild fire threat. this will not be at its peak as we head through this weekend and the warmer half of the weekend, only a few degrees above average. into th 70s around the bay. things will be 90 saturday and sunday. i have the whole weekend forecast and outlook coming up in a few minutes. >> looking forward to that. it has been the subject of so many movies and it is on a must do list for a lot of bay area tourists. now, this small island in the middle of the bay is contending with global warming. the newest chapter in its already fascinating history. alcatraz was a civil war fortress, a military prison and notorious federal prison.
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where al capone, machine gun kelly and the bird man of alcatraz all did time. it is also the cradle of the modern native american civil rights movement where in the 60s and 70s , indigenous peoples occupy the island. today, alcatraz is a significant sanctuary for sea birds. and a destination for tourists around the world. now the rock is threatened by sea level rise as glaciers and rock sheets melt. juliette goodrich shows us a ground breaking 3d mapping project that will help monitor and protect this historic landmark. >> drinking my coffee. >> reporter: the early morning boat ride from san francisco took about 15 minutes. >> maybe. >> reporter: on board, an archaeology with the national park service and cutting edge
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technologist from washington state. their destination, alcatraz. >> a lot of history has happened here. >> how lucky am i that i got the call to come in and document all of alcatraz, the entire island, inside and out. every space, every building, every tunnel. using all kinds of different technology. lidar, it is basically technology that enables us to create a perfect and i mean perfect less than a centimeter, the number of millimeters accurate model in 3d of the entire island. >> reporter: they are bark on alcatraz to talk about the amazing endeavor. in december, they all volunteered, camped out for three weeks on the
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island. >> there were mornings when the rain was blowing sideways and the wind was going 40 miles per hour. >> reporter: as to why create a 3d map? >> there are portions of the island eroding. and with this pinpoint in time, we'll be able to do future scans and be able to see what has changed. what parts of the island are having more impacts than the others. >> reporter: the team scanned every nook and cranny on the 22-acre island using drones for the hard to reach areas, and a robot dog where it was not safe for humans to enter. >> we are going into d block which is where we slept for a couple of weeks where alcatraz kept the worst of the worst. >> reporter: spending the night was essential as the team had to do their work early in the morning before the tourists arrived. >> this is d block. third tier. cell number 31. this was my
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home for three weeks. >> reporter: which meant no mattress, showers or heat. but there were plenty of good stories. just a few cells down, one of the most notorious criminals in american history. >> and a rather notable inmate was in this cell for years. that was robert straud, the bird man of alcatraz. >> reporter: the team had full access to areas that are off limits to daily tourists. including the hospital wing with its dental office, x-ray room, and infirmary where al capone suffered from untreated syphilis. then there were the cells. >> i don't like this part. >> where the mentally ill were held and locked into showers. >> it is just chilling to me. >> reporter: outside the cell house, a thriving bird sanctuary. >> there are many different sea birds that nest here. >> reporter: 11 different
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nesting species now call alcatraz home. thanks to global warming it might be a more important sanctuary. morgan barnes is a park biologist. as oceans continue to warm, more sea birds including those nesting on the fair lawn islands may head to alcatraz for food. >> we think the fresh water into the bay can create a more stable food source for them. as climate change continues it will be really an important place for them to be nesting. >> reporter: saving alcatraz as the planet continues to warm. it's a passion project for both these men. >> it is the history of our nation. the history of california. the history of native americans. >> you know we need to look out for this place. >> reporter: so it is here for generations to come. >> according to legend, the federal prison building at alcatraz is haunted. one volunteer on the 3d mapping team, a 3d team, the team asked him to sleep in the mug shot
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room where something strange happened. >> this is the mug shot room where one of my team members spent one night only. he came out of there the next morning and said i'm not sleeping in there again. we asked him why. he said, there were 50 to 100 people milling around out here and somebody was playing the piano. so like, wow. okay. >> the team is now headed to a more tropical destination, hawaii, to create 3d baseline maps on the islands. these wine makers have a lot more to worry about than the weather. they have to cultivate grapes dealing with land mines. >> of course, we need to work. and our wine makers now, they work harder. >> how people in napa valley are helping wine makers across the world thrive in the middle of war. and one artist sees the work of vincent van gogh and characters like oscar the
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grouch during her daily bart commute. plus, the police were hot on his tail, but it didn't stop a string of break-ins and freezer raids and it's the time of night when your family is winding down. but then? there he goes. running in circles. we look at the science behind dogs experiencing zoomies.
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if you ride bart, you may have been the subject of an artist east work without realizing it. for ten years, a concord woman has been creating something called bar toons. she is inspired by the people she sees on her commute and transforms them into works of art. >> reporter: joanna sakua takes bart every day to go to work. >> i work for a bank. and i help small business owners with their ventures. >> reporter: when she is not crunching numbers she uses her 37 bart ride into san francisco to do what she loves. create works of art. when an idea comes to mind, she takes photo of the passengers. then when she gets home, she will sketch them out and use a digital pen to superimpose pop culture pictures on those images. >> something catches my eye, i'm like oh my, that's really interesting and i know exactly what i want to draw at that
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point. >> reporter: bart riders have transformed into scooby doo characters, vincent van gogh, superman and spiderman. some have traveled back to the future. her version of doc brown was one of many to comment. >> i am the guy in the white jump suit. i love your work. it's so much fun. you can take my picture on bart any time. i'm not as interesting as the people you make me into. >> reporter: while it mays the bills, drawing is something she has loved to do since she was a child. >> it is my creative out let. my break from that daily routine. >> reporter: she never knows when an idea will pop into her mind. she just people watches and lets the ideas come to her. >> i think the beauty of like taking bart is that you see people from all walks of life. and it just is amazing. like. it is almost like a community. >> reporter: she hopes to keep
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doing this for years to come so don't be surprised to see her snapping pictures of you on bart. >> i don't mean to offend anyone. it is just more for fun. you know. if i can make someone laugh or smile for even just a minute or two, then you know, i'll keep doing it. >> the paddington one gets me there. let's take a look what's happening weather wise as we head into the weekend. what we had today weather wise is pretty much what we will have tomorrow and sunday. maybe a subtle decrease in temperatures for father's day sunday. but the big picture pattern will be pretty consistent. there is a storm system passing well to the north, but close enough to squeeze the atmosphere over the west coast resulting in breezy conditions especially in the afternoon and early evening. more or less an on shore breeze or at worst parallel to the coast. not the offshore breeze we have to worry about to
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significantly enhance the threat. not seeing a lot of fog. temperatures anywhere from 56 to 56 degrees now in santa rosa. the fog will be pretty sparse to begin the day saturday. confined. a couple of spots with reduced visibility. where the fog manages to get itself together, it is not going to last long. should see unobstructed visible. full sunshine as we head toward late morning and through the afternoon. so the sun's energy will go into warming the atmosphere up as opposed to dispersing the fog. temperatures start off slightly below average. 54 in san jose. all the way down to 50 degrees in morgan hill. the warmest spots will be below 60 degrees. 50s for antioch. cooler spots, same thing along the coast, just above 50 for half-moon bay. low 50s in san francisco and oakland. down into the upper 40s for communities in the north bay valleys. including into the upper 40s around petaluma. temperatures are going to warm up nicely. let's take a look at the hour
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by hour forecast. they play game two against the angels. in the upper 60s warming up to around or above 70 degrees. looks like a nice day overall. but that noticeable breeze will be kicking in as we head further into the afternoon. temperatures anywhere from a degree or so above average to four degrees above normal around the bay with temperatures in the 70s there. 60s along the coast with mostly 80s inland. even the hottest spots far inland, only topping out in the upper 8 0z short of 909 degrees. if we are staying away from 90 in june, we are doing just fine. the winds pick up as we head through the afternoon. remaining on shore a little further inland. pivoting to become more northwesterly. strongest gusts in the 25 to 30 miles per hour range. once the sun goes down, the wind speeds back off. temperatures are going to be warm. but not hot in pleasanton. just in the low 80s right around 80 degrees on
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sunday. keep in mind if you will be out there, it is a paved surface. it will be significantly warmer than those temperatures that are near average in the low 80s . let's take a look at the seven day forecast. inland, we will be pretty consistent in the low to mid 80s all the way through the middle of next week. the one out lier is the last day of the seven day forecast. friday, the first full day of summertime after the solstice on thursday. a few spots cracking 90 degrees. passing clouds monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. a little cooldown bay side. for wednesday and thursday. coolest days along the coast with high temperatures confined to the upper 50s but then the first full day of summertime, it may not be what you do warm. sara? >> thanks paul. wine makers need to know
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everything about cultivating grapes but for wine makers in ukraine, some of them have to do it while dealing with bombed out fields and land mines. some wineries near the front lines of the ukraine war are still operating despite fears for their safety. and they are getting some help straight from napa valley. >> the war is in our life. but we need to continue our life. of course we need to work. and our wine makers, now, they work harder. >> how to live now. about the future. >> six wine makers from southern ukraine just visited gurgich hills estate in rutherford. they learned farming techniques to help their war torn land recover. >> our farming methods are specifically suited for regenerating land that has been abused. >> the founders of the winery are originally from croatia.
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they helped that country remove mines from the 90s after years of war. now with conflict in ukraine, they want to help again and they are encouraging everyone in america to purchase ukrainian wine. thousands of people were expected to pack into san francisco's filmore for pride. it will be games, music, dancing, performances by the whispers. and more. the party starts 11:00 a.m. and goes to 6:00 p.m. we have been terming you about a california community dealing with a bear of a problem. unwanted intruders breaking into homes and raiding cupboards. one single bear broke into not one, not two, but five homes in the span of two hours. >> reporter: a big bad bear broke into four homes and a
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garage in sierra madre. police had to fire pepper balls to scare it back into the forest but not before it walked around the neighborhood nearly two hour like it owned the place. >> it was a very polite bear. it didn't do any damage. >> reporter: it barged in through lori's screen door. on a mission for meat. >> just opened up the freezer. and pulled out the chicken. the neighbor filmed the bear running away with this hanging from its mouth. got scared by the police. dropped the chicken. and, the police gave me back my frozen chicken. >> reporter: the city of sierra madre says no one was injured and halfway through this year, people have reported more than 100 bear sightings with four bears entering homes. that is down substantially from last year when 370 bear sightings were reported with 70 bears entering homes. they say bear resistant trash cans and a ban on feeding bears has helped tremendously. >> i don't feel threatened by
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them. but you know. i think, i wish it was different. >> reporter: this officer dipped down through the screen door just like the bear. other officers kept their guns drawn until the house was confirm today be bear free. >> i respect them and i love them but i don't want them around. they should be more out in the wild and not trying to live off of our trash cans and what's in the fridge. still ahead, this is about as bad as it gets when you think about amuse.ment park rides getting stuck. dozens of people dangling in the air for an extended peer of time while the people in the ground figured out what to do about it. >> remind me not to go there. coming up in sports, the ballers picked up another big win. right on our air waves. and, if only the giants could have gotten the pitch
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this isn't supposed to be upside down like this. it has been like that for already two to three minutes. i hope the people are okay. >> oh my gosh. these kinds of stories stick with me for a long time. >> oh! no! >> something out of the final destination movie. 28 people were stuck dangling upside down when this ride malfunctioned in an oregon amuse impark. the ride call atmosphere, emphasis in fear, swings like a pendulum. when swinging it got stuck in the worst possible spot. people were dangling there 30 minutes. >> my entire bladder hurts. i
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was holding back throwup. my legs were killing me. >> i look at him, i'm like, that's not right. >> i was holding back throwup? >> oh god. >> it would have just gone immediately down below. if there was a wind, do the math. firefighters were prepared to bring everybody down with ropes but maintenance workers managed to move the ride again. nobody was seriously hurt. but the mental impact is probably lasting. >> this doesn't look like a real legit theme park. >> i have never been. i just know that this is what crosses my mind every time i go to any theme park anywhere. or a carnival. >> no shot. no shot. >> uh-uh. no. >> speaking of roller coasters. >> all right, matt, yes. we walked right into that one. the giants. >> the giants have been a roller coaster. this was a big opportunity for them tonight. a chance to get back to 500. they could set themselves up for a third series win in a row.
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instead, they dug themselves in a hole they could got net out of. we pick it up in the fourth inning. the giants down five. a two run blast. angels led 8-0 early. but the g-men didn't go down without a fight. if eighth inning. elliot ramos continues to shine in what is becoming a break-out season. three-run shot. straight away center. san francisco pulled within two. but in the ninth, they couldn't build off the momentum they sparked in the eighth inning. michael conforto goes out swinging. as in the land of a thousand lakes. more like the land of a thousand lakes. first inning, grand slam put the as up early. but the twins fought back to force extra innings in close became games have been a bad thing for oakland as of late. max kepler drives in the
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game winning run. twins win 6-5. third walk off loss for the as this week. nba, jason kidd was confident his mavericks would win game four. he manifested it tonight. dallas spoiled the celtics' dreams of a week. derrick lively, no relation, throws down the monster dunk. puts the mavericks up 36. dallas wins 122-84. they force game five on monday. so the celtics can celebrate on their own court. they are up 3-1. a frustrating 36 holes for the tiger. he shot a 73 on friday. putting seven over for the tournament. he missed the cut. after the round, he said this might have been his final time playing in the u.s. open. 24-year-old ludwig obert had a 69 today. five under. a one shot lead into the weekend. but the shot of the day
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belonged to francesco malinari. he got it. got to hit a hole in one to get the cut? that was the second of the day, he makes it to the weekend. only 15 golfers are under par through two rounds. another friday night home game for the ballers meant another televised game for the ballers right on our air waves. pix plus, cable channel 44. it also meant i got to make my baseball broadcast debut alongside tyler peterson. thank you very much, sara donchey. as for the game, sixth inning, ballers up one. a three-run blast put them in the drivers seat. they did not look back. two more games to play this weekend. they are going to unveil the mascot of the ballers on saturday. that is very exciting and i will say sara, if you have not been to a game yet, you have to get out. they are really enjoyable. it
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is impressive what they have done. i'm all in on the ballers. >> you said wear a jacket. >> wear a jacket. it was cold tonight. probably wear sunscreen tomorrow. paul heggen a little sun burnt. he was out there last week so he can tell you all about that. >> every time he return ifs anywhere he is sunburned, a four legged member of chase security team is retiring and got a send-offset for a vip. adobe has been keeping people safe for the past six years and to thank him, his coworkers surprised him with a warriors jersey, tennis balls and that cake. adobe will be a regular house dog now. if you are a dog owner you have probably seen your dog go from deep sleep to circles. how science explains the zoomies.
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okay, two of the three of us, current dog owners. former family dog owner. >> family dog owner. yeah. >> if you are a dog owner, you are probably familiar with the zoomies. if not, you have seen it when your dog suddenly goes into turbo mode and starts sprinting. >> it's the most fun thing ever. >> they seem random to us. but, i think if you think about what's going on in your dog's head, what they have encountered during that day, it might make a little more sense they need to blow off some steam. >> there is actually some science behind what this is and what it could mean given that several of us have had dogs tearing through our house at some point, we would like to know. some vets say there are good zoomies and bad ones. >> usually, if they are really loose and wiggly and carefree,
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that is a happy zoomy. if their ears are pinned back, if their eyes are really wide and worried looking, or if their body seems tense. >> zoomys they say are more common place with younger dogs. some dog trainers say the zoomies could be your dog's way of telling you they are ready to immediately exercise or they need some stimulation. >> my dog would get the zoomies on a walk when she was a puppy. it was a retractable leash and she ran the diameter of the leash and circled me. i kept switching hands. >> with my dog, when he get it is zoomies, he takes ev


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