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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  June 20, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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thank you so much for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. it's thursday, june 20th. >> let's get started.
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>> first thing i said was -- oh no. not willie. >> the tributes are just beginning for willie mays. how he's being remembered for the barrier he is broke in baseball. we had 28 officers and four sergeants out here so we had a full detail monitoring this event. >> a huge police response when shots are fired at a juneteenth event at lake merritt. the latest on the investigation. it's going to be put out of office and thao is toast. >> oakland mayor sheng thao fictioning city and trying too keep her job. i figured it would be a great conversation piece. >> we introduce you to the oakland artist hitting the road with an unusual art piece meant to raise conference about race and history. it's san francisco so it's still a built chill but i'm excited for it to get summer and get warmer out. >> some advice on how you can soak it up safely. i mean, let's sing it. here comes the sun. >> i know. >> i love it.
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>> we ready for it? get that spf though talk about that. i'm gianna franco. >> that was not in the song right? that's in another song called wear sunscreen which has some great advice, good morning, everybody. i'm reed cowan. and let's take a live look outside this morning and when did i get an accent all of a sudden. >> hi. >> hi. okay. resetting the computer. i am me now. look at this. this is from mount diablo looking over in the east bay and that's already a beautiful golden glow out there. jess, first day of summer, did you put the first day of summer shoes on. actually really funny. i stuck to heels and i just can't do it on tv guys. i tried. nees, it is the first day of summer. the longest day of the year. and we're off to a cool, chilly marine layer start throughout the bay area. well, specifically along the coastline too. 51 fairfield and there's the marine layer just giving us a hug saying joke is on you. summer is not real in san francisco right? here's what we're looking at and
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always so funny watching tourists come in from off town and they're thinking wait, what do you remember i have to wear a jacket? it's the middle of summer right? that's what we're dealing with today. of course that pesky marine layer just holding on tight to us today and wind speeds this morning around 5 to 10 miles per hour and nothing too extreme right now. we get an on shore breeze this afternoon and that's what i'm concerned about about 25-mile-per-hour wind gusts along the coastline and that's at the surface level around 3:00. but drop that and head over to the virtual reality map and take a look at the daytime highs today for the langest day of the year. beautiful summer here in the bay area. 60s near san francisco. 60s across the bay bridge over into oakland and then we warm up in the 80s just like yesterday near antioch and livermore and fremont holding on tight to the 70s for one more day. yesterday was a cool day down into the santa clara valley and we're starting to warm up back in the 80s near los gatos. close to the 80s in san jose. we have more on what you can expect in the first couple of days of summer. the big warm-up around the corner. for now over to you, g. hi jess, let's talk about
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the roadways right now. and getting a live look here at the golden gate bridge. you can see a little fog hanging out a bit on the north end. so just keep that in mind. as you head into the city. might cause a visibility issue this morning so something to think about. metering lights are on at the bay bridge toll plaza. so we've got that backup building looks like to just right around that mid lot. mid caltrans lot there. not quite to the first overpass but we'll watch that and as we get into that 6:00 hour, you can see things are already busy in the altamont pass and starting to see a few brake lights along # 80 southbound into hayward. well, we have developing news out of oakland this morning. a mass shooting at roughly 5,000 people participated in juneteenth events at lake merritt. in all police say multiple people hit by gun. around 8:15 an illegal side show involving vehicles and motorbikes started near grand and bell view avenues. police say a short time later, a fight broke out and then the crowd moved towards the
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conflict. soon after police say multiple shots were fired by an unknown gunman. in all, four people hit with multiple others injured and police say as they moved the crowd to safety someone started hitting and pushing officers and some emergency workers rushed victims to hospitals. while some we understand drove themselves. right now, no arrests have been made in the shooting and another thing to consider. police say they're not really sure if there was one or multiple gunmen. police staff juneteenth events fully hoping something like this wouldn't happen. >> we had 28 officers and four sergeants out here so we had a full detail. monitoring this event because we knew events were going to happen and we wanted to make sure people had a safe time but unfortunately that did not happen. >> so police arrested one person for assaulting an officer. but once again, no arrests for the gunfire. stay with us for the very latest on this night of violence in oakland. we'll keep you updated on air on our website
6:06 am and streaming on the free cbs news app. in san jose, police also attacked as they responded to a call for help. you remember this video right here. it's footage last week as people climbed on top of a patrol car in san jose. it did some damage to the vehicle. we've got the update this morning, police say they have arrested two of those men. both were from out of town and san juan bautista. they're in jail on charges of inciting a riot and felony vandalism. well, the tributes and grieving continue as fans remember hall of famer willie mays who died at age 93 and reed in just a few hours, the gates at oracle park will open up for fans to watch a game played in the same alabama park where willie mays' career began. >> so many events planned for that park. you know, all across the bay area, tributes remembering what he really meant to all of us. andrea nakano in pleasant hill where people gathered to reflect on
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those who paved the way before them. >> reporter: this is only the second annual juneteenth celebration in pleasant hill. she was here with her husband and two boys. she was in disbelief when she heard of mays' passing. >> yeah, first thing i said was oh no. not willie. >> reporter: mcday not only admired mays from afar, she works at a law firm that he frequently visited. >> when he would come, it was -- he was so down to earth. he knew the gravity of what he carried. the weight of his legacy. but yet he didn't treat people like he was above them. >> reporter: while jackie robinson was the first the "say hey kid" continued to keep the playing field open. for black players in baseball. >> i play shortstop, second base, center field, pitcher,
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and first base. >> you see willie and the amazing thing he's done it lets me kids, my young boys, know that that can be them too. >> reporter: on this juneteenth, a message couldn't be clearer. ♪ ♪ lisa sanders and her daughter malia are celebrating the progress that's been made and the work still left to do. >> i am my ancestors' wildest dreams. so it's like the step that my ancestors was not able to have, the opportunity and freedom of, i'm the dream now to show it's more diverse and everything they fought for in the past we're able to do today. >> reporter: mcdid has a message for mays. >> rest in piece peace willie and you will always be remembered and never forgotten. >> never forgotten. and there's a brand new mural of the "say hey kid." this is in downtown birmingham, mays as
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far his career with the barons and he was 16 and he signed the new york -- with the new york giants three years later. and in our own ryan yamamoto is in birmingham to bring you live coverage of today's historic event. and for much more on how the bay area is remembering willie mays. just head to we are hearing more from organizers of a recall campaign against oakland's mayor sheng thao. signatures gathered asking voters to reconsider her position as mayor are now certified and voters will decide whether to keep or boot mayor thao. critics blame her for the a's' leaving and also a rise in crime in oakland. >> we are asking the mayor to resign. save the city some money. we're almost broke. if you were to resign now, as i have said, we can have november 5 as the date to elect a new mayor. >> well, the recall vote will likely happen on that november 5 date you just heard the woman talking about. at the same
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time, alameda county voters also decide whether to recall da pamela price. who has faced wide criticism for being too soft on crime. 6:09. progress in the fight against the wildfire burning in sonoma county. evacuation orders have been lifted. what residents can expect as they return home. celebrating a bridge builder in our community this pride month. new leader at the helm of the san francisco church wanting to make glide memorial a place for all. here's a live look outside right now before we head to break. we promise it's first day of summer and doesn't look like it in that shot right there. but hey, it's coming. jess will have
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helping you revive and thrive this morning. it is the first day of summer. and doctors are talking about skin cancer and ways to protect ourselves. shawn chitnis now with why we are seeing really the highest rates of sunburns since 2020 and some ways to do better. >> reporter: angelica gorman is looking forward to summer and spending more time outside. >> well, it's san francisco. so it's still a bit chilly but i'm very excited for it to get a little bit warmer and for the sun to come out. >> reporter: ahead of the warmer weather, she's hoping for, and her summer plans, she's checking in with a dermatologist. >> i was on vacation for a couple of weeks and i was
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pretty negligent with my sunscreen. when i came back, i found some new moles on my arms so i got pretty concerned. and so i came in today got my skin checked and thankfully, everything looks okay. >> reporter: dr. malcolm piles does a routine skin exam to make sure any changes are normal and healthy. >> i'm not seeing any signs of skin cancer or even some preskin cancers that can be seen on the skin. >> reporter: and angelica is learning about how to be better at preventing skin cancer. realizing there are some common mistakes. >> before i didn't know you were supposed to reapply your sunscreen. i would maybe apply it once in the morning and then go, you know, with my day and not reapply it. but it doesn't last that long. only lasts a couple of hours. so -- now i reapply it and then when i'm inside. >> reporter: dr. piles says it's an important lesson because it can be the difference in avoiding serious issues in the future. >> a lot of people come to us for, you know, skin exams but i
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also see an e all the number of people who have had sun damage throughout their lifetime and so i'm spending a lot of time helping to undo wrinkles and fine lines and freakings and things like that. but all of the things could have been prevented if we just wore sunscreen from the very beginning. >> reporter: which is why he recommends everyone wear sunscreen each day. he says it doesn't matter your age or race. >> it is true that people of color are lease likely to develop a skin cancer, it's still very important to wear sunscreen because the sun's rays are so damaging. >> reporter: reminders that will help angelica and others be ready for more time outside. >> looking forward to some summer trips and spending time in our parks in san francisco. >> all right, so as we look to the first day of summer, sound off friends and use the #kpix on social media and let us know your favorite summer activity. but remember, wear sunscreen. >> and check the expiration dates. >> oh. that is so smart. >> it is. it actually expires. and i have run into that and checked it last-minute and think i have to grab some more because i don't always go
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through the whole bottle every summer. but we live by the beach and spend a lot of time outside which is my favorite summer activity. temperatures warming up and jess, what's your go to summer activity when you slather on the spf. >> thanks for saying that because i actually had no idea that it expires and i 100% have some from three years ago. >> just like anything you would -- >> ibuprofen. you can still kind of use it. my favorite summer activity? flying. my at least favorite is when the marine layer comes in and ruins the visibility but we'll get into that in just a minute. actually better wet now. it's kind of floating over the golden gate bridge. you can see the roads decent right now when it comes to getting into the city or out of the city. but over near the marin headlands you are watching it just kind of float down and you know that exact drive i'm talking about. heading into the next couple of hours notice how the whole bay has been just filled with it. we're going to continue to kind of watch it pull back into
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the 9:00 hour. but then we're expecting partly cloudy skies to kind of blanket the bay area as we head into this afternoon. so just keep that in mind. it's going to be a mild start to the first day of summer. not that sunshiny setup that we were hoping for but you know what? daytime highs are sitting right around average and we're still expecting coastal breeze too. and truthfully this is summer here in san francisco and the bay area in general. we all know that. there's a reason why we call it may gray and june gloom. it's always a little bit cooler now then it warms up nice as we head into the september and october months right? here we go into the 3:00 hour today. 25-mile-per-hour winds near san francisco. almost 30-mile-per-hour winds near bodega bay and we actually hit that heading into the late evening hours tonight. this is just around 8:00. so let's actually drop this and let's dive right back into what we can expect heading into this afternoon. beautiful mild conditions today. upper 70s near areas like santa rosa and novato. we cool down into the 60s just near san francisco. someone said this to me the other day. if you live in the bay area there's a climate for you know matter where you live
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and that's so so true. if you like cool cloudy conditions live near g along the coast. warm sunshine and move into antioch right? now down into the santa clara valley, 70s in the forecast for us this afternoon. near san jose and los gatos. we're actually warming up into the 80s just along the foothills and watch what happens with the 80s as we head into the next couple of days. we actually warm up into the 90s by friday. there's saturday's forecast. there's that sunshine. it's the summer sunshine we wanted and it was just teasing us of course this first day gloomy conditions to wake up. now as we head in the next seven days we'll continue to see that sunshine stick around as high pressure ridges its way in from offshore. now here we go all the way into the bay. a little bit cooler of course today. 60s in the forecast on average. we warm up into the mid 70s by saturday and a beautiful day to get out there and get some fresh air and notice how each of these days despite the fact that we have cloudy conditions, they're still dry so any outdoor activity is a go and then next week we kind of flirt back and forth with 60s and 70s in sight. we'll keep you updated on the forecast g, how are the
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roads looking? you know, not too bad jess, and in fact as we take a live look at the golden gate bridge you know you were talking about that marine layer. visibility could be an issue. it's looking okay for the most part and checked some of the mapping systems not seeing brake lights or delays out of marin. so an okay ride as you head across the fan there into the city. not quite the case for the bay bridge and you can see the roadway just fine but you are seeing a lot of brake lights and a lot of taillights in front of you headed here out of our east bay routes. so busy ride already with the metering lights on and stays slow across the upper deck into the city. richmond-san rafael bridge, starting to slow down as well for that westbound commute and we've got brake lights already for supercommuters heading into the altamont pass. let's get a quick live look here at the san mateo bridge. you can see on that right hand side of the screen, taillights heading west and getting crowded if you are headed everyday to the peninsula side. quick look at the travel times before you head out the door and 580 certainly one of the slowest spots. as well as highway 4. but 80 westbound and 101 out of san jose so far, so good. all right, let's cruise on over to another hallmark of our
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nation. this friday, a new world's ugliest dog will be crowned and competition as you can see is pretty steep here. so let's take a look at the few of the dogs who are up for the big prize. this is ziggy. he seems very pleased with himself. >> adorable. >> like you know. tongue out. 3-year-old chinese crested mix is from new jersey. adopted from a shelter in 2021. not sure where the name came from or if he's supposed to look like kind of a mix of ziggy marley and danny devito. the tongue out is charming to his mother. >> he looks really sassy. >> he's french. >> it's cute. he wants to french kiss. >> okay. let's look at this little guy. this pup's name is freddie mercury and i guess they have a lot of names after famous people. look at that smile as maybe a nod to freddie mercury a very distinctive smile with his large teeth there. but this little pooch has some pretty big underbite there. his -- teeth are just
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kind of sticking up there. very, very cute little guy and freddie is a 14-year-old brussels aggressive on the pub mix and he was found in solano county and adopted by his familyback in 2012. >> is that pug mix? maybe go to the pub to -- kiss that dog. that's what i look like before coffee in the morning. this is daisy may. there's the accent again. the 14-year-old is the reigning queen of unconventional beauty in lafayette and now riding to ride her unique looks to the championship. good morning daisy may. you are gorgeous. >> beautiful. rome, let's meet rome. a 14-year-old pug from rohnert part and currently lives at the appropriately named pug hotel and he winks and spreads joy at local hospice centers and schools to teach children about why it's important to adopt and rescue pets. oh. a sweetie. >> how about cadence ii? or the second. i mean i'm going to declare a winner right there. bless its heart. this senior
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chihuahua was found on the chilly streets of chicago in the winter of 2013. before she was adopted by a local comedian. her owner says despite many health issues, cadence ii still has plenty of energy and loves meeting new people. you know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. that dog has a beautiful spirit. a beautiful spirit. >> no. i think it's adorable. [ laughter ] >> just -- stay out of my nightmares. >> you picked the winner and i think you got the winner. >> oh cadence. run. >> cute. cute. all right, 6:21. how the giants and the mlb plan to honor the player who changed the landscape of the game. >> never like making fun of any dog. they entered it though. still ahead, the story of a traveling art piece generating conversations about race and history and here's a live look outside before we head to break. now that is beautiful. beautiful cloud layer and beautiful sunrise. and a beautiful first
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hey, flex. considering there's a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh.
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and welcome back. 6:24. let's get a live look over towards san jose this morning. the sun is up and looks pretty good down there. we'll get a full look at the forecast coming up in a few minutes but not too many clouds out there. well, tonight the giants will be in birmingham, alabama for an emotional and historic moment as they pay tribute to the negro league and the "say hey kid" willie mays. giants take on the st. louis cardinals
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at rickwood field, the oldest pro baseball park in america. but last night, they were in chicago wrigley field held a moment of silence for plays. as for the game the giants were trailing 6-1 at the top of the 8th and they had bases loaded with power hitter jorge soler at the plate. he smacked a bomb grand slam that brought the giants within one run. 9th inning though. catcher patrick bailee and that was the tying run at third but he grounded out to actually end the game. cubs held on to the lead and won it, 6-5. and we'll see what happens with the cardinals tonight. our ryan yamamoto will be there at rockwood field. well, as for the a's, they hosted the royals last night. and they were fired up about it. had a chance to start a win streak. they led 4- 1 in the 8th. food start there. second baseman on a tear against the royals. he took a deep shot to
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center field and they weren't fooling around in the 9th. closer miller slammed the door and secured a oakland win. one more game tomorrow but the a's have won the series. their first since may 23rd. well, time right now 6:26 in the morning and inflation cooling. but families are still feeling the heat. we're going to take a look at the cost of parenting with business analyst and our friend, jill schlesinger. and here's a live look at oracle park as fans are honoring giants'
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪♪)
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half past the 6:00 hour and good morning to all of you. right now on cbs news bay area, that is the view from the top of the mark on this first day of summer. looks cool out there and there's that layer that jess was talking about. jess, we know one of your summer activities you love to do is flying but you said when it's like this. makes flying no bueno. >> i went flying yesterday and you couldn't see the golden gate bridge at all. the marine layer is thick but hey it's summer right? in the city it's as good as it's going to get. here's what's happening for us. we had the marine layer holding on tight. getting across the golden gate bridge into the marin headlands not an issue. however i will say, let's actually head over to the virtual reality map where you can see this in live time.
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that marine layer filling the bay right now all throughout areas like san francisco stretch aig cross the bay bridge which you can see right behind me on the live cam from the rooftop here at kpix. over into oakland and yeah, it's groomny and it's cloudy and it's summer. here in the city right? here's what we're looking at for our daytime highs today. we're expecting 80s in the forecast off into the inland areas near livermore and all the way over into areas like concord and antioch. we warm up in the 70s today. near san jose and then we head along 101 up into redwood city and we're down into the low 70s and you know the drill. you continue to head north all the way up into the san francisco. then suddenly it's chilly and jacket weather. and breezy today too. goodness we have wind speeds anywhere up to around 25, 30 miles per hour closer to 3:00 this afternoon. so gear up for that too. heading across the golden gate bridge, all the way up into novato, petaluma and stretching your way into wine country, we have 70s in the forecast today. so beautiful, summer-like weather here in the bay and believe it or not, this is actually average for this time of year. but we have a nice little warm-up right around the corner as we head into the
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weekend's forecast. with a lot more sunshine and i'll have more on that coming up in just a bit. gianna? how the roads looking out there? hey jess, thank you. a report of a traffic alert this just into the traffic center. it's up in the napa area. severe traffic alert with a crash and injuries reported north and southbound 29 north of oakville cross road all lanes are blocked. expect delays and use alternate routes in the area. no word on to when lanes will open up. san mateo bridge right now. westbound already crowded for the ride heading to 101. bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights are on. and it's getting busy already for anyone making that ride over into san francisco. that is one of the hotspots right now. and you can see traffic is pretty slow too out of hayward this morning working your way towards the san mateo bridge and over at the golden gate bridge we're keeping a close eye on this area because of that marine layer right now it looks okay for visibility. not seeing any brake lights or delays or issues heading into the city. travel times, looking okay on 80 and 101. but those supercommuters, you have got a busy ride coming out of tracy. all right, gianna, we have
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some developing news out of oakland this morning. a mass shooting as roughly 5,000 people participated in juneteenth events at lake merritt. in all police say multiple people hit by gunfire. so here's the timeline according to police. around 8:15 an illegal side show involving vehicles and motorbikes started near grand and bell view avenues. police say a short time later, a fight broke out and the crowd moved towards the conflict. soon after, police say multiple shots were fired by an unknown gunman. pretty confusing situation and the crowd there. four people were hit and multiple others injured. police say as they moved the crowd to safety, some people started hitting and pushing officers. emergency workers rushed victims to hospitals while some drove themselves. no arrests so far to report this morning and right now police say they're not even sure if there was one or multiple gunmen in this case. we can tell you one woman who knows of one of the victims said she's fed up with the violence in her community.
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>> we all came out here to celebrate our culture and our freedom and you see people are still out here singing and dancing. this is not fun. just -- two, three years ago this happened and it seems to be a repeating cycle. and it needs to be some kind of change in the community. >> people calling for change in their community. police arrested one person not for pulling the trigger, but for assaulting an officer. so stay with us for the very lathe e on this night of violence in oakland. keep you updated on and streaming on the free cbs news app. robert f. kennedy jr. will not be allowed to participate in next week's presidential debate. they said he didn't meet two criteria by the deadline today. to do that he needed to get at least 15% in four national polls. but so far, there are only three. he also did not get on the ballot in enough states for 270 electoral votes to be a reality. that's the threshold for winning the presidency.
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both president biden and former president donald trump have been hoping to keep that independent candidate off the debate stage. nearly a dozen fires still burning near california. the sites fire has burned more than 19,000 acres and it's only 10% contained. it overtook the post fire in los angeles county for the biggest fire currently burning in the state. meanwhile, in sonoma county, fire crews say they've stopped the forward progress of the point fire near healdsburg and it's now 60% contained. prompting a lift for all evacuations orders and warnings. and right now, it's scorched more than 1200 acres. and look at this. we even saw the vibrant orange sunset drifting across bay area. now keep in mind an air quality advisory was extended through today. ♪ ♪ well, today the gates at oracle park will open up for
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fans to watch a game played in those same birmingham, alabama park where willie mays began his career. the statue at willie mays plaza has turned into a memorial with fans leaving flowers and mementos. amanda hari has the story of one fan. >> reporter: a statue that has become a landmark outside of oracle park is now providing a space for people to breathe, gather and remember a legends in the sport of baseball. some even shedding tears. in the hours after willie mays died, fans immediately started paying tribute to the hall of famer by dropping off flowers. >> just the greatest giant. of all time. >> reporter: james fitzgerald traveled to san francisco from santa rosa to say good-bye to mays. he said it's only fitting to say good-bye after mays gave him one of his most
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memorable hellos. >> i got goose bumps all over. >> reporter: he said that's what happened back in 2010 when he was riding on the elevator at oracle park and realized he was sharing the space with mays. >> i said hey, how are you doing. put out my hand and he said hey kid. good to meet you. >> reporter: he says having the "say hey kid" say hey to him is a moment he'll never forget. he was heartbroken when his sister called him to tell him about mays' passing. fans say he was a living legend. >> it's these kind of a link to -- to baseball's past. and because he lived till 93 he lived a long time for that. >> reporter: nathan is a lifelong baseball fan and lived in both new york and san francisco. the two major cities mays played in. and now, he's passing down the love o■f baseball to his 3-year-old son, teddy. >> he doesn't quite get the gravity of it. but i think part of it is -- bringing him here
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so that we have a faux toe in a couple of years. >> reporter: once he's old enough to understand. >> the pitch to willie. >> reporter: mays regards mays as one of the greatest baseball players in history not just because of his stats but because of his cultural influence. he first played in the negro american league for the birmingham black barons before moving over to the major leagues just several years after it was integrated. fitzgerald says he has no doubt that 100 years from now, people will still be talking about mays. >> that will be -- never be forgotten. forever be missed. >> well, our own ryan yamamoto is in birmingham to bring you live coverage of today's tributes and the historic game. and for much more on how the bay area is remembering willie mays, head to our website, reed? time right now 6:38. as your kids grow, so does the cost of raising them. just ahead, we're talking about the most expensive part of bringing
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up a family. the market opened this morning and this is how it is opening. a little bit down right now. this is what the big boards are looking like over on the east coast. we're going to be talking to jill schlesinger a little bit later about our economy. you told mom to send her prescription to amazon pharmacy. she didn't. now, you're stuck behind this guy.
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as he uses the pharmacy line to purchase half the store. including a ceramic dolphin figurine. without a price. (over loud speaker) price check in pharmacy. ♪♪ all mom had to do was use amazon pharmacy. and her meds would get delivered right to her door. ♪♪
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welcome back. a report last week showed inflation is starting to ease but the cost of child care remains high and many struggle to afford it. cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger is here with ways to make child care more affordable. this one hits close to home, i have got two little ones, jill, what is the cost of child care right now? >> reporter: it's probably the cost of what you have to buy in your liquor cabinet to get through this. because the national average last year nearly $1,000 a month and i know for the both of our coasts, we see people who are paying two, three, four times that amount and we know that child care costs nationally, they are up by more than 30% since 2019. and that's faster than the overall inflation rate. >> yeah, my family and i we joke all the time once we're done paying for child care we're going to get a raise literally. how are families managing jill, and what are the risk of the work arounds? >> reporter: well, i'm sure
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you see this all the time. that one result of the costly child care out there is that it pushes workers out of the labor force. and this is particularly dangerous for women. because they're waiting until your kids go to school, remember you are going to lose five years of putting money into your retirement account or maybe you are off track to get raises. it's a really detrimental impact. i also see a lot of people turning to the grandparents for help. and look, the grandparents are really going to have a hard time saying no. but just remember that helping their adult children could put them in financial -- at financial risk so we want to be really careful about asking that older generation without having a very open conversation. about how much money they really can afford to help out with. >> okay, so besides family, what other resources exist to help people out with the cost of child care? >> reporter: well, states and territories receive funding from the federal government to
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provide financial assistance to help families with lower incomes pay for child care. and you can find these programs at eligibility requirements vary state by state. also, if you are working, please take advantage of those employer based dependent care flexible spending accounts. you get a little help from uncle sam the pay for your care and also don't forget to claim the child and dependent care tax credit when you file your taxes every year. look, we know these costs are exorbitant so i don't want to tell people not to have children because of it but try to factor this in as you contemplate what choices you are making in the future. >> yeah, it's all about planning and well, great information jill and thank you so much as always. and you can see jill regularly on "cbs mornings" and the cbs "evening news" with norah o'donnell for more analysis. go to ♪ ♪ happy pride month
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everybody. here in san francisco floyd memorial church has long been a haven for people across the spectrum and that legacy continues with its new leader. who has some very big and historic shoes to fill. lauren toms now, this month, showcasing someone who wants to make glide a safe space for all. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: song and spirit fill the air at glide memorial church sunday mornings as reverend marvin white takes the stage with his inclusive sermons and he's continuing his beloved predecessor's cecil williams' messages of welcoming with uncan't love but doing it with his own twist. >> always say you are not cecil or you are the next cecil. you know? and i went to cecil and i was like, what do i do with this? and he was like, he said, you have to be you. >> reporter: one of his first acts as the new leader of glide, he chose to hoist the pride flag directly outside of
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the sanctuary. a first for the historic congregation in the heart of san francisco's tenderloin. >> that's the other part of being gay is that i have been on a campaign to make sure that beauty and aesthetics are a part of unconditional love and how we serve community. if we don't have a building that people are proud of, then we won't be the community anchor that people need. >> reporter: and he's doing just that through the lens of his upbringing as member of a religion that he knew couldn't accept him for being gay. but with a longing for a spiritual home. >> to just staying away from church, to -- chasing boys and to their churches and being -- told not to stay in those churches because my freedom would put their freedom at risk. all of that was created so i would never come into my power as a black, queer, prophetic you know, believer
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who has access -- a particular kind of access to the divine. >> reporter: he applies that story to his practice. using himself as an example of why the church should welcome with unconditional love. >> when the church runs out gay people. they're saying you will be too powerful. and i can never have you get close to your power. and we believed it wholesale. and we -- you know, when they ran us out we didn't come back. what an amazing thing would be if this world could benefit from queer folks coming back into their spiritual power. >> reporter: his journey to glide is as unpredictable yet thoughtful as his outfit choice for his sunday sermon. but one that can only conclude with fate. >> i was 18, i came to glide. and i didn't understand it. i was like -- what is all of this? you know. there are black people and white people and straight people and gay people. people are saving seats like they're at stern grove. what is even happening? i didn't
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get it. >> reporter: 40 years later, with white in the pulpit, that scene remains. hand-in-hand. >> you know, i just have to step into it. not on top of it or over it. i don't need to make my mark or overwrite anything. i just need to step into it. and that's what i'm doing. >> reporter: spreading his predecessor's message of unconditional love one he searched for himself. and breaking molds to show others that they are welcome just as they are. >> just as i am. right? you can find more stories like this all month long on the special pride section of our website that's and be with us on parade sunday. sister station pick plus and streaming muddily on the cbs news app. you know what today is? >> well, today is the day to celebrate gianna. and we have marching band. >> we do today. >> in there with jess.
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>> can i say it? as a meteorologist. it's the first day of summer. doesn't it look like it with all the gray? >> that too. >> literally, it's like such a -- staple living in san francisco. just having that june gloom as it chokes on you summer is not real here right? and that's true. i mean we're waking up to the marine layer all throughout the bay area. we're on the virtual reality map right now to show you that cloud layer and you can see it behind me too over the bay bridge as we head out the door this morning and cross the bridge into oakland or back over into san francisco and here's what it is looking like on futurecast. we kind of see it float around the coastline for a bit longer and clearing up down into the santa clara valley by 9:00 a.m. and then we kind of get a huge blanket of clouds just kind of filling the bay into the afternoon hours. yes we're kicking off summer in style. and that style is the color gray. here's what it's looking like for daytime highs though. pretty much around average all throughout the bay. yeah a little bit cooler near oakland and a little bit cooler near san francisco. san francisco, sitting at 63-degrees -- excuse me, 63-degrees today. back in 2008
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we hate 96 degrees on this day. so just put that into perspective. we are well below average right now. or actually we're sitting where we should be for this time of year. now as we head all the way over to the virtual reality map again, i want to show you the daytime highs for today. all in areas like san francisco across the bay bridge into oakland. holding on tight to the 60s into this afternoon. east bay, it's a summer day. upper 80s in the forecast near antioch and low 80s near livermore and plenty of sunshine this afternoon all the way off in the east bay but we kind of hold tight to the marine layer closer to the coast through the afternoon and into the evening hours tonight. we make our way down into the santa clara valley, 70s and 80s in store for us and the next seven days we are gearing purpose more summer-like weather as soon as tomorrow. 80s this afternoon through the inland areas and turning into 90s by friday. we continue to warm up into the upper 90s by saturday and then averages out into the mid 80s upper 80s into early next week. look at all the sunshine though not a drop of rain in sight. and we see a similar trend for our friends along the bay. just with the little bit more of that june gloom holding on
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tight to the bay shoreline. now once we head all the way into the weekend forecast beautiful weather for saturday for any outdoor activities and it's the first weekend of summer and it's definitely going to look like it too as we head into our sunday and monday forecast of next week. 70s and 60s kind of flirting back and forth with each other. gianna, how are the roads looking? a little bit busy in some spots jess. unfortunately we have a traffic alert to look out for this morning. this is as you commute in and around napa this morning. highway 29 both directions right at oakville cross road lanes are blocked due to the crash with injuries. lot of activity in and around this area. so plan for that some extra busy slow and go conditions as you commute through there. okay. the rest of the bay. southbound 880 just as you head into hayward getting word of a crash there possibly blocking lanes. but that will certainly change the traffic patterns heading to hayward and over to the san mateo bridge and look at this. a live look at 880 near paseo grande and you can see it's slow as you head through there. northbound though moving along well. but certainly as you make
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that ride over towards the san mateo bridge, some flashing lights there off in the distance so we might be getting word a new trouble spot there but in the meantime, it's starting to get a little bit slow westbound over towards 101. and over at the bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights are on and you can see that backup is pretty significant a slow commute as you head into san francisco this morning. golden gate bridge, you know, it's looking okay as far as speeds go. there's extra volume but not a lot of slowdowns. however, we're starting to see that marine layer atlanticen up just a little bit for that commute into san francisco. so visibility could be an issue on 101, sausalito, as you head through there. and maybe on the north end of the golden gate bridge. and a quick look at the travel times before you head out the door. animal welfare advocates who oppose bringing giant pandas from china to the san francisco zoo plan to show up at a committee meeting that's happening today. the city's joint zoo committee may talk about mayor london breed's initiative to acquire the pandas with private funding.
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critics say they should focus on existing animals instead. time right now 6:52. good morning to you. just ahead, the oakland artist sparking conversations about race and shining a light on generations of black farmers with a traveling couch. and how about a live look outside as we peek towards the bay bridge there? and you can see the bay off in the distance. we'll be right back.
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welcome back everybody and celebration of juneteenth. oakland artist hits the road today. he expects to log more than 20,000 miles through the midwest over the next three months with what's called the watermelon couch. kenny choi shows you it's more than just a piece of furniture. he's helping to use this piece of art to help people to connect and have conversations about race. >> reporter: two years ago, james shields was using his marketing background working as a labor organizer. but he closed that chapter returning to his roots and passion. >> oh. a lot of the symbolism in my work has to do with like -- paying homage to nature. >> reporter: he tinkered with
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abstract art and pivoted to sculpture. designing what he calls watermelon couch. >> i was vaguely aware of why the watermelon represented black people. and that was mostly associated to stereotypes. i figured it would be a great conversation piece. >> reporter: so he took his couch on the road last year. starting in california to the deep south states like alabama and georgia to strike up conversations with black farmers who have overcome immense obstacles and systemic racism over generations. >> i never ever gave up on my dream. i continue forth until i persevered. >> reporter: u.s. census numbers show less than 2% of farmers in the country are black. he sketches a farmer who's been selling watermelon for nearly two decades in front of the tombstone of a ku klux klan leader to make a stand every day. >> there was a need to hear these stories from these farmers and showing a
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connection through my art that could platform them. >> reporter: bypassers took notice of the watermelon couch on a recent afternoon in oakland. the 39-year-old will soon embark on the second leg of his journey. >> so cool. >> reporter: this time to the midwest. following the migration routes of 20th century southern black families seeking opportunities. >> this couch represents one, the disbursement of stereotypes meaning let's showcase these black people who have a history of being master farmers. >> reporter: it's not just farmers but highlighting the plight of other workers too. >> all types of fields, cultural workers, artists, farmers, you name it. i really think it's a great idea. >> reporter: shields is raising funds and has applied for grants to continue his artistic adventure to discover and share untold stories. >> it's a spiritual mission. and regards to just being on a
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journey and tapping into the people that people have laid before me. >> reporter: the road ahead for the couch is unknown but there's a seat for anyone willing to listen, connect and learn. >> i love using art to start conversations. absolutely fantastic. we wish him safe travels as we goes all across the country. >> that a beautiful piece of artwork just sew you can see as you walk by and it really incites a great conversation too. >> we need more of that. coming up at 7:00 over on pix+ 44 cable 12, it's pride month. and a film festival brings some colorful stories to the bay area and our communities. all of them bringing those stories to the forefront. and hey guess what today is? the first official day of summer. so that means warmer weather and possibly more sun exposure. we have some tips on how to protect yourself from the sun's harmful rays. and yeah, make sure you pack the sunscreen wherever you go when you are going out in the hot weather conditions. live look outside right now and you can see all of the
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beautiful sunshine. the clouds out there hovering. thank you so much for watching and we hope to see you over there on pix+ 44 cable 12. ♪ we love those trumpets on this thursday. hello to our


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