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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  June 24, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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5:00. cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich starts right now. >> thank you. right now at 6:00 oakland mayor sheng thao defiant in her first public comments since the fbi raid on her home and we just heard from the mayor about some new twists in this case. >> but i will not be bullied and i will not be disparaged and i will not be threatened out of this office. >> her fiery response after four days away from the spotlight. >> i have not been charged with a crime and i'm confident that i will not be charged with a crime because i am innocent. >> but now a shake-up on her legal team. are you still mayor sheng thao's attorney and, if not, why? did you withdraw from the case late this afternoon? >> i withdrew from the case. i asked to withdraw from the case earlier today. >> why her now former lawyer says he stepped down. plus showers moving across the south bay and lightning in the santa cruz mountains, where there could be more of it
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tomorrow. and later an all out blitz on solano county voters, how the billionaires planning a new city are trying to build goodwill in the community. >> we're seeing a front of a building right now. let's see if it does happen. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> good evening. thanks for joining us at 6:00. for the first time in the four days since the fbi raided her home we are hearing from oakland mayor sheng thao. now the mayor defiantly denied any wrongdoing this morning at a press conference that apparently caught even her own lawyer off guard. we'll have more on a new legal shake-up in a moment, but first let's get to wilson walker outside city hall with how mayor thao is defending herself now. wilson? >> reporter: juliette, there's still so much we do not know, questions that can really only be answered by the
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fbi, federal prosecutors, the u.s. attorney's office, people who know what is going on with the investigation, but we are left with these sort of two avenues here. one is the investigation that literally went into the home of the mayor. now the mayor says this investigation has nothing to do with her, but i think we're all fairly left to wonder what is the proximity of that investigation to the mayor and then the political side of all this, a mayor who is embattled to put it fairly, facing a recall. she herself mentioned her opposition today. who was the mayor talking to today? a lot of folks in oakland. let's take it apart a little bit. >> it's hard to imagine now. the time i first thought the fbi was at my door to help me, to protect me. >> reporter: a kind of nightmare is how mayor sheng thao described the morning raid at her home and she says she is
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not part of any investigation. the raid she claims was unjustified. >> without the courtesy of a conversation. >> the thing about search warrants people get confused about, the search warrant doesn't target the person. it targets the location where the fbi feels there may be evidence that's tied to the crime. >> reporter: security analyst jeff harp spent years in the fbi. he says the agency does take political implications seriously and often does offer to cooperate, though not always, with a search warrant. >> no. the fbi, no. that makes zero sense because if you're going to serve a search warrant, you don't somebody the heads up that you're coming. >> what i do know is that this wouldn't have gone down the way it did if i was rich, had gone to elite private schools
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or had come from money. i know that for sure because former elected officials are sitting safely in their houses in the hills right now with campaign financial violations piling up, mountains of evidence that prove actual wrongdoing. their front doors remain intact. >> she cited her origins again, her compelling biography, where she's come from, how she's poor, this is a conspiracy of the billionaires who are trying to flush out all the liberals in government. >> reporter: university of san francisco professor james taylor says the mayor seemed to be using the raid of her home with no formal accusation of wrongdoing as a rallying point for her political coalition. >> now we get to see if there's anything that comes out of this, but somebody's going to look back, either mayor thaoor the fbi. there's no way nothing comes out of
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this after she's been embarrassed after a recall that can only hurt her politically with the recall going on. >> when my parents came to this country fleeing genocide. they never could imagine their daughter would one day become mayor of oakland. i am my ancestors wildest dreams and i am your mayor, mayor sheng thao. thank you. >> reporter: the response from the mayor, a deeply personal one and it sets up a deeply personal fight over what is going on here, again as we all wait to learn more. what are federal investigators looking into? why did it literally take them through the front door of the mayor's house? those obviously are the big questions we are still waiting to understand. >> wilson walker, thank you. there is more to this. late today tony brass, the attorney who signed on to represent mayor sheng thao following the fbi raid, said he is no longer
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on her legal team. i interviewed brass right after he told the mayor he could no longer represent her. >> when i heard the press conference this morning, a couple of things happened. one is i did not know there was going to be a press conference and then when i heard the content of the press conference, it became clear to me that the mayor and i had very different approaches or different philosophies about how to proceed which is fine. she is the client. >> so shortly after you saw that she was handling this news conference, did you then decide you weren't the person for her and then you withdrew and let her know? >> that is correct. >> okay. you were also quoted earlier and i think you told our station last week she was not the target of the fbi raids. if that's the case, do you still stand by that? >> she is not the target of the investigation as far as i know. i don't have any information that indicates she is the
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target. i know search warrants are executed and when they're executed at someone's home, it's not illogical to think they must be the target, but sometimes other people's items can be in the home. there can be electronic items that have communications that may be there and other people are the target. so it's not -- it doesn't necessarily mean she's the target and i have no information still that she is the target, although my information grows more and more stale by the hour. >> last question. is she going to have to find new representation and what should the mayor do now? >> certainly she should find new representation and she should find new representation that at least agrees or can make the best of what she wants her approach to be. so i'm sure there's many fine
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attorneys who would agree with her approach and will advocate for that approach. i just don't think i'm the right person for that. so i don't think i'm the appropriate lawyer now in this case. >> all right. tony brass. thank you for talking with us today. >> thank you. >> so the mayor just released a statement in the last hour saying, "i appreciate tony brass for providing me with legal guidance. over the weekend i obtained new legal counsel and thanked mr. brass. i will share the flame of my new counsel once agreement finalized. outside city hall a rally calling for the mayor to resign. anne makovec joining me now with more on the political pressure the mayor is facing today. >> it's certainly intense. it's no secret mayor sheng
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thao has plenty of enemies, including those who worked to get their signatures on the ballots. her statements today did not gain any favor with them. >> come out now almost. >> these people gathering outside of city hall listened to the mayor online and then they had their say. >> she'd rather deflect and play victim which we don't need my more of. >> no more. >> the ream victims in oakland are the people who are suffering and who are going to suffer when this city goes bankrupt. >> they say they cannot focus on the needs of the residents of oakland and the news conference demonstrated the mayor is not ready to take accountability. >> that is not the kind of leadership oakland needs. oakland is in a crisis and you don't get out of crisis by
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blaming others. you take action and she has failed to take action. >> he cited her response to speak of the juneteenth shootings. mayor thao insisted she will not resign. >> >> agents also raided a home on viewcrest court linked to andy duong. he's a member of the family that owns cal waste solutions and has become a face in local, state, and national politics. we also saw fbi and irs agents taking boxes from cal waste solution's office along the waterfront. the vietnamese business association office was also raided. we reached out several times to the duong family and have not
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heard back yet. however, california waste solutions did release this statement to us last week saying they are confident investigators will find nothing wrong or unlawful. we have put mayor sheng thao's entire preference on our website, we will continue to follow the latest developments on the raids, on air, online and on the free cbs news app. turning now to first alert weather, a lot of cities flirted with triple digits over the weekend, but today we had some rain in the south bay and that's not all. let's bring in chief meteorologist paul heggen. hi, paul. >> we do have showers and even a cloud-to-ground lightning strike, fortunately just of with those. this is our time lapse view of the showers rolling over the santa clara valley, a mix of clouds and sunshine the rest of the day. we've seen very little shower
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activity here. all this showing up offshore is ground clutter. the bulk of activity has been through the central valley. that's likely to remain the case, a chance of a few pop-up showers tomorrow morning and into the afternoon. temperatures should be closer to normal after it was toasty inland once again today. we'll look where our high temperatures ended up and we're going the last week of june in a few minutes. still ahead, the new promises with the hope of sweetening the deal. >> this being clinic is what's possible with the right capital and right partnerships. >> why some locals remain skeptical of the plan designed to develop thousands of acres of farmland. ♪
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this november solano county voters will decide whether to
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allow a group of billionaires to build a new city. it's a project called california forever and the group promises to return 64,000 acres of farmland into a thriving community. an april poll found 70% of likely voters were opposed to the plan. so now the group is offering all sorts of community incentives to win people over. as john ramos reports, that includes plans to build healthcare clinics all across solano county. >> reporter: when some silicon valley investors decided to build a brand-new city out in rural solano county, it raised a lot of suspicions here in small towns like rio vista and now the project leaders are desperately looking for a way to build goodwill amongst the locals. it's meatball monday at pizza-a-go-go and owner robin seibertz said there had been a
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lot of questions about what's across the street. california forever is proposing the called east solano plan which would create a giant new planned community on rural land between fairfield and rio vista. on this day the founder gathered the media to announce the company's sponsorship of a series of new primary and urgent care health clinics throughout solano county, including in rio vista, a community that currently has no healthcare facility of any kind. >> so having something closer by where they can get assistance with transportation to someplace more reasonable than 45 minutes away is what's going to be provided here. >> to me this clinic is a prime example of what's possible with the right capital and the right partnerships. >> reporter: but it's also a prime example of why california forever is having such a hard time gaining the trust of local citizens. the building they were standing in front of is
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empty and won't be open until sometime in 2025 and robin says she never saw signs on the window until this morning. >> i'm right across the street and i didn't know it was going to be a health center until today. >> reporter: california forever has faced a lot of questions over its secrecy, uncertain water supply, and battles with local land owners and some believe the offer of healthcare clinics is an effort to mend some fences. >> all those kind of things just created a lot of mistrust and suspicion and a lot of negative feelings. i think you're starting to see that turn a little bit. i think you're starting to see as more people become aware of some of the positive impacts, it's starting to turn a little bit. this is a big positive, probably one of the bigger ones i've seen. >> people who might have started skeptical and jaded, they realize they are trying to build it for the right reasons. >> reporter: but california forever also needs public support to pass a voter initiative to rezone farmland
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and so far the polls show the public remains skeptical. robin is afraid of what will happen to her quiet city if thousands of california forever residents begin cutting through downtown for their commute. >> i'll tell you what. i would rather team my small town and have to drive to the doctor. >> reporter: that's how you're feeling. >> that's how i feel. >> reporter: a new clinic for urgent care would be helpful to a lot of people, but a loss of trust is something that can take a lot longer to heal. >> the solano county board of supervisors will discuss the project's rezoning at tomorrow's meeting. they could choose to make the changes themselves or wait to let the voters decide. the health clinics are the latest incentive california forever is promising to voters. over the past few months officials claimed at least 12 employers are committed to creating jobs there. they it also say they will play for highly skilled job training. they pledged half
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a million dollars to dozens of solano county nonprofits and say they'll use part of the land for the largest solar farm on the west coast. still ahead, the summer starting off with some heat and then a little rain in the south bay. paul heggen has a
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let's get to our first alert weather. we had the heatwave and now some rain in the south bay. >> this time of that come up , a couple showers, one lightning strike. if 'gog to have lightning, one strike is our best case scenario opposed to the 10 to 12,000 we had in that weekend in august four years ago. still a few showers possible tomorrow and you thought it felt a little muggy in the east bay. a lot of the moisture is up in the atmosphere, but enough at ground level, it's usually so not humid around here that any increase in humidity we're like oh, what is happening? i don't live here for this. let's look at the big picture pattern and talk about what's been causing this shower activity. it's just a surge of monsoonal moisture rotating around the heat dome that brought us the hot temperatures inland over the weekend. the moisture traveled from mexico around the periphery of the heat dome and it set up towards us. it's been traveling for
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thousands of smiles miles of tropical storm alberto. they're having showers through the central valley and quite a bit of cloud-to-ground lightning into the foothills of the sierra. we'll be watching for the possible of a few showers as we head towards early tomorrow morning, very few and far between, about a 15 to 20% chance of a trace of moisture and the same chance of maybe a couple lightning strikes, once agn something we always monitor this time of year with such dry fire fuels, especially the grass and smaller shrubs. that should quiet down tomorrow evening. then we're back into our normal june weather pattern, but today's temperatures were still toasty. let's put the map underneath all these locations. temperature reached the upper 80s in santa rosa, the middle
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ground for inland temperatures today because it was 97 degrees in concord and 100 degrees this afternoon in antioch. made it up to the mid-70s in san francisco, low 60s along the coast in half moon bay, mid-80s in redwood city, 83 degrees in fremont, 93 degrees in livermore with the south bay reaching the mid-80s in san jose and low to mid-90s around los gatos and morgan hill. now temperatures are backing down a little bit from the warm readings earlier, still 93 degrees in concord, 73 degrees in oakland, 91 in livermore. we'll see 50s and 60s by early tomorrow morning and then temperatures warm up much closer to normal for this time of year. in late ju inland spots it's a little bit too warm for an afternoon walk. duke, nellie and stella should get out eay in the morning or late evening, three dogs looking at the camera. it means bribery was definitely involved
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in taking that picture. temperatures reach mostly 80s inland, up to 92 degrees for morgan hill. a mix of 60s and 70s around the bay, 80s for the north bay, a few degrees cooler than the highs today, but still into the 90s for inland mendocino and lake county. temperatures return to basically normal levels wednesday through the first half of the weekend and the warm-up heading into monday with temperatures reaching the mid-90s the first day of july. you'll notice the warm-up to a greater extent inland. there will be a warming trend around the bay after normal temperatures through the rest of this week, mid- to upper 70s by sunday and monday. not bad for late june and early july. we'll see how much the temperature increase is going to stick around into the fourth of july weekend, a week from thursday. along the coast the back and forth cloud cover will be with us, temperatures not changing a lot, even once the rest of the bay area heats up
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early next week. >> here comes summer. thank you. when we come san francisco's been through tough times.
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london breed led us through the pandemic, declaring an emergency before anyone else, saving thousands of lives. from growing up in the western addition housing projects to becoming mayor, london has never given up on the city that raised her. london is getting people off the streets and into care. london never gave up on me. i found a home, and my life is on the right track. london made it super easy for me to open my small business, by cutting city fees. and she's reinventing downtown to make our city vibrant again. she's building 82,000 new homes and helping first time homebuyers, just like us. and london's hiring hundreds of police officers, and arresting drug dealers. san francisco has been through difficult times, but our hard work is paying off. working together, we're building a better future for the city we all love. ad paid for by re-elect mayor london breed 2024. financial disclosures are available at
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in a few minutes, the giants will play their first home game since the death of willie mays. they have not won a game since then. they plan to honor mays in a new way no
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matter what happens on the diamond. mays was the only san francisco giant to ever wear number 24. that will change tonight because every giants player and coach will wear 24 as part of this evening's tribute to the say hey kid. >> we get a chance to, like everybody that's going to be in the stadium tonight and i'm sure at points during the rest of the season, we'll get a chance to honor willie. those of us that got a chance to know him personally miss him greatly, but we get a chances to say thank you in tonight's game and beyond. >> vern's on the field. we'll have more on that tonight. cbs evening news is norah o'donnell is next. we'll see you at 7:00 with more news. thanks for joining us! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the structural integrity of the dam has been in question for a long time. >> norah: tonight the new threat in the midwest. a major dam at risk of immediate failure after catastrophic flooding hits the region. >> the devastation is severe and it's widespread. >> norah:


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