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tv   The Late News  CBS  June 25, 2024 1:37am-2:12am PDT

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[cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ the rash on your back, has traveled south to well... let's just call it south. thanks to amazon pharmacy, you've avoided the added discomfort of having to pick up your itchy bum cream... in person. this is a "got up too fast from tying your shoes"
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back injury. lucky for you amazon one medical can help. they're great for sneeze related back injuries too. (♪♪) now at 11:00 -- >> i'm not going down like that. >> -- the oakland mayor breaking her silence with a fiery speech, days after the fbi raided her home. >> i will not be threatened out hoff this office. >> and her words were a big surprise to her lawyer. >> there was a press conference that i didn't know about. >> why he says he dropped the mayor as a client. >> i'm not the right advocate for her. >> plus, the raid happening right in the middle of after effort to oust her. >> she's scared and she's desperate. >> why some community leaders say they are not happy with the mayor's response. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area.
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>> hi, i'm sara donchey. a lot of oaklanders and people beyond oakland even have been waiting very patiently to hear what the mayor would say after the fbi raided her home. at first, she was radio silent, but today she spoke, and she was defiant, even emotional in her claims of innocence. but people didn't even get long to process what she had to say before the next big twist in this story. katie nielsen has more on why the mayor's lawyer dropped her as a client. >> reporter: tony brass became mayor thao's attorney last friday, the day after fbi agents were seen searching her home and carrying out what appeared to be boxes of documents. but after a press conference today, brass says he called the mayor to say, i quit. >> i have not been charged with a crime, and i am confident that i will not be charged with a crime because i am innocent. >> reporter: this is only part of a heated and at times
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emotional press conference where oakland mayor sheng thao blasted the attorney's office and the fbi. >> i did not know there was going to be a press conference. >> reporter: tony brass is a former federal prosecutor and is now a defense attorney specializing in these types of cases, but after her remark, he says it became clear he could not represent the mayor. >> it appears to me that her messaging was inconsistent with the way i intended to manage this case. i asked to withdraw as her counsel today. >> reporter: brass declined to comment on the specific messages in the mayor's press conference that concerned him, but she did imply the fbi search of her home could have been politically motivated. >> the timing of all this is troubling, and we should all be concerned. i want to know why the day following the qualification of a recall election funded by some of the richest people in the bay area seemed like the right day to execute a warrant. >> reporter: she went on to claim it was her lack of political connections that allowed her to be a target of an investigation. >> this wouldn't have gone
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down the way it did if i was rich. if i had gone to elite private schools, or if i had come from money. >> reporter: within hours of those remarks, brass said he quit. >> people come to me for a certain type of approach to a case, and this was not consistent with that. so this is her approach, and you know, we'll see how that turns out. >> reporter: the mayor did issue a statement about the change in counsel, saying over the weekend i obtained new legal counsel and thanked mr. brass for his counsel. i will share the name of my new counsel once agreements are finalized. we asked brass about the mayor's statement. he said he couldn't get ahold of anyone with the mayor's office or even the mayor herself over the weekend. the first time he talked with them was today. >> all right, katie, thank you. tonight it's important to remember the mayor's house was not the only place that the fbi searched in oakland that same day. agents also raided a home on view crest court that is linked to andy duong a member
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of the family that owns cal waste solutions. we also saw fbi and irs agents taking boxes from cal waste solutions offices along the city's waterfront. that company did release a statement to us last week saying they're confident investigators will find nothing wrong or unlawful, but we have reached out to the duong family multiple times since then and we still have not heard back. at the same time, federal authorities are still not saying anything at all and haven't told us what they are investigating or who is being targeted. security analyst jeff harp, who spent years in the fbi, told us this tonight. >> the search warrant doesn't target the person. it targets the location where the fbi feels there may be evidence that's tied to the crime. >> mayor thao says she has questions for the u.s. attorney overseeing the investigation, including why she was not given the opportunity to cooperate, in her words. her questions are
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directed at ismael j. ramsey. he is the u.s. attorney for the northern district of california. ramsey is a biden appointee who was confirmed by the senate last march. before that, the aforce vet was a partner at a berkeley law firm. he once worked as an assistant attorney at the office he now runs. an option does offer to cooperate but not always with a search warrant. >> the fbi, no, that makes zero sense, because if you're going to serve a search warrant, you don't give somebody the heads up that you're coming. >> just two days before the fbi came knocking, a group fighting to oust thao collected enough signatures to lead to a mayoral recall election, and today recall supporters rallied for her to step down. >> come out now. come down here. come down here. come down here right now. >> so members of the recall
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movement pushed back against thao's comments today that right wing forces are trying to push her out of office and that billionaires in san francisco and piedmont are bankrolling the recall. >> all of our money comes from inside of oakland for the most part. we're going to report it and you're going to see it june 30th. >> come and tell me to my face that this is a right wing -- -- >> -- they say nothing they heard from thao yesterday changed their minds about their efforts. >> we do not hate you. we don't like what you are doing to our city. >> and tonight the oakland naacp is once again calling on thao to resign, saying she, quote, cannot focus on the needs of the residents of oakland, end quote. one local naacp leader told us thao's comments show that she's not ready to take accountability.
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>> that is not the kind of leadership oakland needs. oakland is in a crisis, and you don't get out of crisis by blaming others. you get out of a crisis by taking action. >> a former chief of staff for thao believes she should resign following the raid. agents interviewed her about a year ago. while the fbi has not linked mayor thao to any kind of wrong doing, the former confidant of the mayor spoke out. she first contacted our reporter da lin back in november of 2022 saying she resigned from her position over concerns about pay to play allegations. now she's sharing her side of the story. >> and then i met eher at her birthday party that she had up in montclair. >> reporter: renia webb worked closely with and had access to sheng thao that few people had for a year and four months. webb served as thao's right hand person working as chief of staff when thao was the
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district four councilmember. webb says she volunteered and spent countless hours on thao's mayoral campaign in 2022. she says she also led thao's transition team after thao won the election. >> a lot of what's coming out now is the reason i resigned shortly thereafter winning the election. >> reporter: she was more sad than surprised about fbi agents raiding thao's home on thursday. >> i wasn't surprised. i was like, finally. finally the truth is coming out. >> reporter: webb accuses thao's boyfriend, andre jones, of being the mastermind and running pay-to-play schemes during thao's campaign for mayor and after she won. >> i had found out that andre, her boyfriend, was promising people jobs in our administration, promising people appointments on different commissions and boards from out of the mouths of people that told me they were promised positions, they were promised board positions at the mouth of what they would always -- andre. you know, that was who they would say. andre promised me this. >> reporter: webb claims jones
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was controlling and calling the shots. she says thao went along with him. >> it's sad. he's making her do things, pushing her to do things that i don't believe she would do otherwise. i just really don't. >> reporter: webb says thao and jones met when they worked for councilmember rebecca kaplan. jones was kaplan's chief of staff and thao was an intern. >> when i first mentioned to sheng at the house that got raided yesterday that people were coming to me, you know, with what andre had promised them, and her response to me was just ignore andre. you're going to be making close to $200,000. just ignore it. and it just hurt my heart. like i just looked at her and i told her, i don't care about the money. >> reporter: after thao won the election in november, webb says she resigned on new year's eve 2022. she says in early 2023 she complained to the city council and the public ethics commission about the pay-to-play allegation. she says the council ignored her
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complaint. the ethics commission sent a follow-up email requesting evidence but webb could not prodouse physical evidence, so that complaint went nowhere. webb says thao at the time denied all the accusations, telling others webb was disgruntled, had mental health issues, and made up lies. >> what sense would it make that i would help her win an election, run her transition team, and then all of a sudden i just lose my mind? >> reporter: the fbi contacted webb and interviewed her for two and a half hours on february 3, 2023. she says agents asked a lot of questions about thao's campaign funding. >> it was about campaign contributions, about some of the appointments, you know, like to the port. >> reporter: webb says the fbi agents did not offer specifics about their investigation at the time, and she doesn't know if the fbi raid is related to the pay-to-play allegation. the fbi remains tight lipped about the raid at thao's home. whole the fbi has not accused thao or
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jones of any wrong doing, webb believes thao should resign. >> i texted her and told her i'm praying for her, but we still have to deal with the consequences of our behavior, you know? i and i just hope she gets the help she needs. >> reporter: we contacted thao's attorney to get a response to the pay-to-play allegation but we did not hear back from the attorney. as for jones, he has so far declined to speak to the media. it's unclear if he has retained a lawyer. >> we are closely following the aftermath of the oakland fbi raids on our website, this fireworks display over the bay bridge was not from a city putting on an official show. the sideshow that wasn't the only thing that stopped traffic on the bay bridge. plus, if you are afraid of heights, this might make your stomach turn. why people were forced to walk down this famous northern california coaster. nothing quite that
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adventurous in our weather today, but a couple of passing shower, even a thunderstorm rolling through the santa clara valley. the time lapse looking down at the santa clara valley from black mountain shows activity scooting through, maybe a couple showers tomorrow. tracking what happens the rest of the seven-day forecast coming up. later on in sports, on june 24th at 24 willie mays plaza a number 24 had a hand in victory tonight as fans and the entire team paid tribute to the say hey kid.
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a shark attack in hawaii has claimed the life of a world renowned surfer and actor, 49-year-old pro surfer and life guard had appeared in pirates of the caribbean, charlie's angels two, and blue crush. he was killed in a shark attack off the north shore of oahu. life guards pulled his body to shore by jet ski. he suffered multiple shark bites. the second shark attack on the island this month. a sideshow with over 150 cars took over the bay bridge early sunday morning, and there were a lot more than just drivers doing donuts and burning rubber. the chp says the sideshow shut down traffic for an hour on the bridge. officers say that drivers were shining lasers at the chp helicopter, that they were setting off huge fireworks. officers did make several arrests, including one
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connected to a hit-and-run that happened during the sideshow. kind of an interesting weather situation to talk about, paul, because this is not the time of year you expect to see showers anywhere. but we did see a few of them earlier, right? >> yeah, even a couple lightning strikes near the -- basically around los gatos early this afternoon. that activity could repeat itself again tomorrow, but it's an even chance across the entire bay area. it's courtesy of passing moisture in the mid levels of the atmosphere. so no real dramatic increase in humidity at ground level, but it's that moisture that's traveled several thousand miles to get here. it's associated with what was tropical storm alberto in the gulf of mexico. it traveled into mexico and got caught up in the flow of weather in the heat dome over the southwest. a chance for showers maybe dry lightning strikes tomorrow mainly during the first half of the day. something we'll have to monitor because dry lightning, even a couple strikes, can
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cause new wildfires. then back to a normal weather pattern rest of this week. temperatures returning to typical june territory, back to our fog pattern as well. looking at futurecast as we head through the rest of tonight, we are going to see a few of those showers skirting through quickly, at least the potential for those showers as we head through tonight and early tomorrow morning. but they're going to be more miss than hit. a 15% to 20% chance of anything more than a trace of precipitation in your neck of the woods, which means there's an 80% to 85% chance that you remain dry. a mix of clouds and sunshine for the rest of us with temperatures warming up, but not nearly to tex tent that they did for inland parts of the bay area today. 100 degrees in antioch this afternoon. that will not be the case tomorrow. back to our average temperature pattern. the view from san jose again. few clouds left over, but no showers at the moment. temperature anywhere from of degrees in oakland to 75 degrees right now in concord. numbers backing down pretty nicely after another hot afternoon for inland parts of the bay area. and while we'll see some fog to begin the day
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tomorrow, temperatures are a mix of 60s and 50s to start off tuesday morning. then we start to warn up, the coolest spots along the coast dipping into the upper 40s. high temperatures tomorrow will be much closer to average. the exception to that is going to be the santa clara valley. the southwesterly wind is going to block the push of marine air into the santa clara valley. you're six or seven degrees above normal. a mix of upper 80s and low 90s there. low 90s for inland parts of the east bay, close to average this time of year. 91 in antioch. 80 for fremont. 83 in redwood city. 63 in half moon bay tomorrow afternoon with mid-60s in san francisco and low 70s in oakland. very close to average for late june. mostly in the lower half of the 80s for the north bay. i think everyone's temperatures are going to take another little step back as we hit the middle of the workweek on wednesday with the return of a stronger onshore breeze pushing that marine air farther and farther inland. it'll be noticeable tomorrow, but i think the winds are going to be one category higher by
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wednesday into wednesday night. so the strongest gusts tomorrow are 25-mile-an-hour, mainly closer to the coast. but some 30 to 35-mile-per-hour gusts possible on wednesday and thursday. that pushes temperatures down to what's normal this time of year. the ten-day temperature outlook for livermore, average temperature 85, within a few degrees on either side of that through the majority of the weekend. then a big spike in temperatures for the first few days of july. the ten-day temperature outlook actually takes us through the fourth of july a week from thursday. cloudy inland, but that's what you expect for independence day. we'll focus on the next week or so, which does take us into july. the beginning of that warm-up is visible for the very tail end of the forecast. enjoy the near average temperature pattern from wednesday through at least the first half of the weekend. that hotter air isn't going to arrive all at once. we'll have a chance to get used to it. back to our back and forth fog pattern. temperatures around the bay in the upper 60s and low 70s until the warmer weather begins to arrive. once again, like most of the hot
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weather spells that we've had so far this year, doesn't look like it's going to last too long, and it's mainly going to be inland. we're not going to see that offshore wind pushing the warm air to the coast a modest little warm-up for coastal parts of the bay area into the low to mid-60s by sunday and monday. but for the rest of this week, along the coast, you're going to see plenty of clouds, which is what you expect here for the last week of june, sara? >> indeed it is, we wouldn't have it any other way. paul, thank you so much. check this out, people riding the giant dipper roller coaster at the santa cruz boardwalk were forced to walk down the tracks. this happened on sunday. the boardwalk claims it wasn't a mechanical issue with the roller coaster. they had to stop the ride because someone had a medical emergency in the middle of the ride. these local hip hop artists didn't get together to put on a show. why they say they need major changes in their industry to help their music survive. hey, straight ahead in sports, it finally happened, 24 willie mays plaza the site and to borrow a line from the old
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giants campaign, there was magic inside.
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all right, so i actually got the chance to drive by oracle earlier today, and i saw the big 24 out there, willie mays plaza, the flowers were there, the fans were there, and what came later it was what was really important. >> this one had it all. it was like warm inside during batting practice warmed up, but then the cool came in, candlestick park. in the end, hey, the last time the giants won a game, they came from behind, who was it against? the chicago cubs in chicago. and tonight history repeats itself. the spirit was willing, sara, maybe the spirit of willie howard mays jr. hovered over the giants tonight as they found what they have been looking for. on willie mays night at third and king,
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all the tributes, they've been piling up at the mays statue outside of the ballpark. mays' son and godson barry bonds took part in a pregame ceremony. and the entire giants team wore mays' number 24. third base coach told me about all the memories he's received since the say hey kid's passing. >> since his passing, i'm starting to get pictures of he and i. and they're special, man. like sitting on the bench, me sitting on the bench looking up like this with willie standing over me talking about hitting. >> matt williams, one of my favorites. game time, defense reigned supreme in the seventh. watch austin slater sacrifice his body to get this one. plays like that kept the game close. you know mays saw that one from above. giants trailed 4-2 going to the bottom of the ninth.
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with the bases loaded, how about a walk-off walk. wilmer flores drew the walk. patrick bailey scored the winning run. and san francisco snapped a five-game losing streak on mays night, 5-4 the final. meantime, the a's in anaheim, former a's coach ron washington is running the show in that dugout. bottom one, taylor ward took luis medina deep to give los angeles angels of anaheim a 3-0 lead just three batters into the game. angels won it 5-1, oakland has lost three straight. hockey night in florida. could edmonton in white win four straight and take the stanley cup over the florida panthers? tied at 1-1, under five minutes left in the second, sam reinhart put it in the back of the net to give florida a 2-1 lead. same score,
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under four minutes left. bobrovsky stood on his head as he stopped shot after shot. oilers could not capitalize, and florida won a thriller game seven 2-1 final to avoid blowing a 3-0 series lead and win the franchise's first stanley cup title. meantime, another winner take all game, tennessee and texas a&m playing for the college world series in omaha, nebraska. bottom of the seventh, volunteers' dylan just over the right field wall to make it 5-1, tennessee. peyton manning, the ut alum, loved it. and the vols hung on to win it 6-5, rocky top tennessee won their first college world series title. switching to the nba, free agency is less than a week away. contract talks between klay thompson and the warriors are reportedly frozen. now, general manager mike dunnly jr.
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spoke today about the difficulty of negotiating with a franchise great. >> guy like klay thompson who's meant so much to this franchise to completely strip the emotion away from it, i think that's almost impossible. this is a business, and we will talk through things. we continue to talk through things, and you know, like i said, we're hopeful, but we'll see. got to figure things out. speaking of this is a business, here's some 49er news, brandon aiyuk returned to the bay area on sunday, and we now know why. aiyuk reportedly met with the club at his request to continue discussions about a new contract after he skipped all of the team's off-season workouts. and the man is still under contract. so the contract shenanigans taking place. what if we decided to just start skipping random newscasts? what do you think would happen? >> don't give me any ideas. because i would be somewhere eating a whole medium pizza.
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yeah. >> okay, all right. >> i don't know what would happen, but i can't imagine they'd look at that kindly. >> they have to work this out. aiyuk's just upset because a lot of receivers out there are getting -- >> big bucks. >> -- they're getting bags, two bags. we all want a bag. some bay area hip hop musicians gathered in downtown oakland not to perform but for an intimate chat at town fair cafe. the artists shared what hip happen means to them, the economic challenges, and how to move their art forward. >> there's so many artists near the bay area who don't necessarily know where to go for support. >> it's difficult to survive out here, especially as an independent artist, especially as an independent artist in the hip hop world. >> things like this, we're coming up with solutions, talking, building camaraderie, building our network. >> the program is part of a new initiative called humans of hip hop. it's sponsored by music care, affiliated with the
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national recording academy. parisians are threatening to go all out by using the sine river as their own personal toilet bowl. more on the very messy demonstration ahead.
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i love the olympics. i'm so excited. >> it's coming up. >> summer games around the corner. >> paris. >> the citizens of the city are waging a protest the likes of which we personally have not seen. parisians have been threatening to poop in the seine river. >> like you do. >> like one does after a few too many glasses. so the 2024 summer olympics are a month out. locals have been concerned about high levels of bacteria and sewage in wastewater in the river. the government has spent $1.5 billion trying to clean this up. the president and local officials have insisted the water is safe, so much so that they were promising to swim in it, but the mayor canceled her swim for now. locals made a website that transslates to ishi -- you know the rest -- in the seine. people are saying this is what they're going to do in response to all of the controversy.
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>> you see that first level of the eiffel tower? that's where i want to be. >> not down >> the following is a paid presentation for home title lock. >> the american dream. for most of us, our home is without a doubt our most valuable and precious asset. but for too many families, this dream has become a living nightmare. they've become victims of a cybercrime the fbi calls house stealing. >> nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that. you, as a homeowner, think you still own a house. three months later, you start getting foreclosure notices and you realize that you've got four mortgages on your house that you didn't even know existed. >> anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so lucrative. >> believe it or not, a simple fraudulent document filed with county officials is all it takes to transfer proof of ownership out of your name.


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