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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  June 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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resigns as the city faces more challenges ahead. no more wait list. now, anyone in san francisco can hop into waymo's driverless taxis so we gave it a spin. >> that is weird for the first time, at least. but i got to say so far mostly smooth. good evening. they are certainly frustrating. extra fees tacked on when you buy a concert ticket or book a hotel room. well, starting next week the so-called junk fees will no longer be legal in california. and that is good news for us. restaurants have been sounding the alarm saying the new law can force them to change their prices there could be an 11th hour exception.
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>> reporter: a cook sears a skirt steak to make a taco. >> the thought of raises the prices more it keeps me up at night. >> reporter: joe founded his small business 14 years ago when he charged $3.50 for a premium taco, now it is $seven .50 and likely to change soon. >> we are in the right sector. afraid of what the sticker shock will look like. >> reporter: he is in the process of printing menus and determining how much more to charge if service fees like the 6% service charge that helps pay for the mandate to cover worker health insurance gets eliminated >> they say just put it in the bill. it is not that simple. it is jeopardizing our customer base >> hidden fees by banks, airlines and other sectors grown into a national movement with 11 other states trying to
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ban junk fees. polls showed an overwhelming majority of consumers support these efforts. >> i would love to walk into a store and restaurant and order the price on the menu and pay that price when i get to the cash register. making our lives easier. >> hidden fee is annoying. obviously it is nice to be up front of what the price is. >> reporter: it would impact the operator's bottom line and cooks, buskers and servers like sammy garcia. >> i am a student. i really rely on my tips. >> reporter: state lawmakers are scrambling to pass an amendment for restaurants and force eateries to increase menu prices across the board. >> you take that away it is a gut punch to restaurants. what california is dealing with and seen it across the board, so many closures this just puts more and more pressure on the
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$20 minimum wage environment. >> reporter: the manager director. >> you can dejunk these restaurants is one that should be excluded but hotels and others there is always bad apples that ruin it. that is really what they are going after. >> the u.s. bureau of labor statistics show the consumer price for food purchased at restaurants was up 4% in may from 2023. while food at grocery stores was up 1%. that is partly why he is in a balancing act. >> it is a strange little tug of war that we are in right now. i want to hope everyone has an empthetic approach and hope it will not scare the customers away. >> the changes will allow them to charge extra fees as long as they disclose them on their
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menu or website. it passed the assembly. all right, more so-called entertainment zones could be coming to san francisco city streets. earlier this year the city officials approved the first entertainment zone on a stretch of front stretch downtown. now, the city approved expanding the pilot program. within the zones, restaurants and bars will be allowed to sell alcohol during outdoor events. ♪ . a new staffing shake up for oakland mayor sheng thao, today the mayor's chief stepped down t. comes on the mayor's first public comments about last week's fbi raid on her home. she has denied wrongdoing. this is just the latest in a series of challenges that oakland mayor has had to deal with during her 18 month tenure and
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there are more to come. so, anne makovec with what is ahead for the city and the mayor. >> in the short term they are trying to fill in a $117 million budget hole. the mayor releasing a statement reiterating what shed yesterday, despite the distractions she is on top of city business. saying i will remain focused on supporting the city council this week as they vote to pass a balanced budget. we will complete the transaction for the african american sports entertain am group that helps shore up that budget. she says we will continue to address crime head on. we heard today from political strategy and public affairs expert who says the crisis that the mayor and the city of oakland is facing is not really the investigation that came to the mayor's home it was the compounding of many different crisis from crime and upheaval at the police department and the hacking of the city's it to the loss of the oakland a's >> if this was a normal course
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of events it would be a one day story, a two day story, but, because of, i think, the challenges that oakland has faced over the last year and a half and the fact that there is a recall election in november this one event is more significant. >> in the meantime, the budget negotiations are significant. several measures on the agenda this friday including the possibility of declaring a severe and unanticipated financial event. that is the wording on the agenda. >> okay. >> measures like that can allow them to make cuts to park maintenance and also remain the below minimum staffing level for the police officers on the street which i know a lot of people who live in oakland are not happy about. safety is number one. we are all trying to guess. what does it mean?
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when her lawyer quits. we are looking for it to surface. okay, anyone in san francisco can call for a ride from one of waymo's robo taxis. and kevin summoned it. >> reporter: this is paul's first time seeing a waymo are robo taxi up close >> it is a nice looking vehicle. room for luggage and whatnot. >> this is as close as he plans to get. >> you would not get in this thing? >> no >> similar to uber and lyft. anyone can call it. unclock the doors through your phone, hop
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inside and start your ride. >> i can see why paul was hesitant. yeah. that is kind of weird for the first time at least. but, i do got to say so far mostly smooth. >> reporter: riding in a waymo can include sudden braking. and during one pick up my waymo did not park at the curb but instead stopped in the middle of the single lane street blocking traffic. this driver had to go into the opposite lane, avoiding traffic before the waymo car eventually got the idea and pulled over to the curb. >> we will have real congestion problems and at times more serious problems. we have seen the accidents and collisions. >> reporter: the state senator sees the potential in the technology. but, thinks it needs more regulations. >> it is a little bit of the wild, wild west situation. i don't think individual passengers need to be fearful
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for their lives or anything like that. you are probably experiencing a comfortable drive yourself right now. we are not fear mongering here. all we are saying is there are practical things that need to be in place and should be in place >> pushing for a bill to put the power for automated vehicles in the hands of local governments. he pulled his bill after he says it was dwindled down by amendments, he plans to re-introduce it. until then, waymo is up and running in san francisco but paul is holding out. >> if it has been tested for a few more years and i was incapacitated and unable to drive i might. [ laughter ] >> reporter: san francisco is now the second city in the country where anyone can ride in a waymo taxi. joining phoenix where waymo has been open for rides since 2020 >> nice job, kevin.
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the fourth time may be the charm. the vote to crack down on dangerous sideshows in antioch. a wall of orange. lightning strikes many fires we have an update on the firefight. our shower and thunderstorm threat has come to an end. now back to a typical weather. the temperatures today were still hot inland. we should take a step back from the inland heat tomorrow. details
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. antioch is discussing a new ordinance to crack down on will lill illegal sideshows. sideshows have drawn crowds as large as 200 people in the city. right now the police have no authority to punish anyone but the drivers. the ordinance before the city council will
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hold sideshow organizerses and promoters accountable. >> that has been the most effective tool as a city to stop the sideshows, we are proactive in law enforcement and finding those who are organizing these and dismantling them there. >> the mayor proposed an alternate ordinance that hold spectators responsible. urging the council to pick one and move forward. >> in san jose our photographer was there as firefighters put out a brush fire not far from highway 101. this was one of the three separate fires spotted along east taylor and 23rd streets just before noon. all of them deemed suspicious. now, one person was taken into custody. firecrews say they have seen other suspicious fires in that same area earlier this week. and, lightning strikes have sparked several fires in fresno county. the bolt fire, the flash fire were ignited by lightning happening yesterday. so, the bolt fire scorched more than 850 acres
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since it broke out. it is 10% contained tonight. 100 firefighters are working to knock it down. the flash fire, it burned at least 700 acres. the fire is 15% contained as crews struggle to reach it. recent thunderstorms brought more than 100,000 lightning strikes to the county overall. with that, going to the weather, lightning strikes quite a concern this time of the year. let's go to paul heggen. >> wherever we get the moisture heading up towards us, watch dry lightning and the fires that can start. we had five or six lightning strikes over the course of the past 36 hours in the pay area. the good news is, the fleet is coming to an end. you see the fog streaming through the golden gate. a spectacular day. again, showers all quieting down. back to normal weather beginning tomorrow, few changes to the forecast through the weekend. and then, as we turn the calendar page from june to july the inland heat is going to
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return. the temperatures are well into the 90s for the first few days of the month. switching perspectives, there is that mix of clouds and sunshine. 81 degrees there. only 71 degrees in santa rosa, backing down quickly. still in the middle 80s from concord, oakland, east bay, you will return to below temperatures tomorrow. lower 50 exps 60s. the marine air moving in quickly this 50s and 60s. the marine air is moving in quickly. widespread reduce visibility beginning the day oned with. will not last long. back up throughout the inland valleys. a lot of the coast you will have a hard time shaking it entirely. gray skies over head over the course of the next several days. call it partly cloudy. a little bit of sunshine glimmering through those clouds. today's high
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temperature in san jose was 90. lower 80s the warm spots, far inland. only in the upper 80s when you near the upper 90s today. temperatures in fremont, redwood city, reaching the 70s. just about 60 in half moon bay. 60s in san francisco and below average for late june. temperatures in the north bay, a mix of a lot of 70s. warm spots, 80 degrees, it is the retreat of the heat dome allowing the temperatures to return to average. also, descent onshore breeze. tracking it every six hours tomorrow. and the middle afternoon to late hours gusty. probably not as strong on thursday, a lot of orange panels here. it is pretty much what we expect in the afternoon
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hours this time of the year. farther down-the-line what we see through the normal temperatures for the weekend there is a warm up in store. the latest forecast data is in getting 100 degree temperatures on tuesday. the second day of july. a bit of a drop for indpend ance day. independence day. let's focus on the next seven-days instead of the 10 day outlook. temperatures running close to normal. including inland through the weekend. then heating up, back in the 90s on a widespread basis inland on monday and tuesday. enjoy the normal temperatures while they last. passing clouds over the weekend. lower to middle 70s around the bay, upper to middle 70s by monday and tuesday. the warm up barely noticeable. we will not have off shore winds to push the air down the coast. you should at least climb up into the middle 60 s climbing
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through. it is breaking through monday and tuesday. not boosting your temperatures all that much. >> all right, paul, thank you. governor newsome moving his family from sacramento back to the bay area. we will hear from one of his neighbors. and, tonight at 8:00, nearly a week after the mass shooting injured 14 people in oakland. the community group trying to turn the tide in the fight against gun violence
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. governor newsom delivered the state of the state. it was a preproduced and prerecorded address posted on line. the governor struck a partisan tone defending the state against quote conservatives and california bashers. >> they want to impeach what made us successful to turn america towards a darker future. they do so in the name of quote unquote freedom, they want to pull back social justice, clean air, clean
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water, and basic fundamental fairness. >> the governor went into some of the national debates on abortion, fentanyl and the border with mexico. also tauted california's progress in cutting crime rates and implemented care courts to try to help the homeless. after the video release some of the republican leaders held a press conference of their own. >> what we saw today was not a state of the state, it was someone who is defensive about his record. it is someone who has no record to defend and would rather talk about anything else other than daily pressures that californians feel. >> also today, word that the governor is moving his family back to marin. they are planning pilot their time between the north bay and sacramento. a spokesperson says newsom's children are transitioning grade levels and they want continuity in their education when the governor term ends. paul kelly lives next door and says they have been good neighbors. >> the governor and his family are very gentle, nice people,
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polite in every way. >> reporter: they have not said what schools the children will attend. the governor and first partner will keep their house in sacramento and will stay with family while overnighting in marin. all right, still ahead. it is the rainbow lasers. they return for pride weekend with an added celebration. ga, the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration, can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre.
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syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years with increasing effect over time. it's the only fda-approved treatment to slow ga in as few as 6 doses per year. don't take syfovre if you have an infection, or active swelling in or around your eye that may include pain and redness. syfovre can cause serious side effects, such as eye infection and retinal detachments, severe inflammation of vessels in the retina which may result in severe vision loss, wet amd, eye inflammation, and an increase in eye pressure. most common side effects are eye discomfort, wet amd, small specks floating in vision, and blood in the white of the eye. tell your doctor right away if you have any side effects. every moment counts—act now to slow ga with syfovre. ask your retina specialist about syfovre.
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[music] ♪ sing my life with his words ♪. >> lauren hill is reunited for the miseducation anniversary tour. they will make a stop at
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mountain view shoreline amphitheater on september 13th, tickets go on sale this friday. ♪. >> it is a great song. san francisco rainbow lasers are coming back for pride weekend. a stunning four mile rainbow flag lighting up the city that we had last year as you saw. this year it will be bigger than ever. it is the 20th anniversary of the winter of love. when san francisco issued the first marriage licenses to same sex couples. and, arts organization illuminate is marking the occasion with 20 laser space cannons lighting up market street. the rainbow spectacle kicks off this friday. be sure to watch our special "hope, love, pride" june 30th on pix plus and streaming on the free cbs news app. catch up on all of our pride month stories on thank you for watching. the
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news continues at 8:00 on pix
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: how's everybody? i appreciate that, folks. my man. how y'all? i appreciate that, everybody. thank y'all very much. thank you, now. well, welcome to "family feud,"


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