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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  June 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT

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>ryan>and good afternoon. i'm right. yamamoto. major supreme court. court ruling. today and homeless camp. coming with wide reaching implications for the bay area. the highest court says the enforcement of laws to regulate campaigning on public prop is constitutional. the case centers around a group of
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homeless people in oregon, who sued the city of grant. pass. saying its ban on people's sleeping in public punish people for being homeless. today in a 6 to 3 decision. the court rejected that challenge. justice neil gorsuch. wrote the opinion for a conservative majority, saying enforcement of the ban did not amount to quote cruel and unusual. punishment. and the descent justice sonia mayor to said that the practice of jailing or finding people for being homeless as quote unconscionable and unconstitutional. governor gavin newsom reacted to the decision, saying the ruling will give official the ability to clear unsafe encampment. adding that california will quote continue to work with compassion to provide individuals. experience. homelessness. with the resources they need to better their lives. december's in time. count found that more than 180. people were experiencing homelessness in california. that was up 6%. before the year before. and we spoke with in a system.
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professor of justice studies at san jose, say. university, who said this ruling will not stop the core. problems that lead to homelessness. on home. blasted the ruling. they plan to continue a lawsuit. against san francisco. adding the city should not use this. ruling as a green light to unlawfully crackdown. on unhappy housed residents. the group says. city leaders must work to move people into affordable housing. or emergency. shelter. our wilson walker will have more reaction to that ruling. what it means for dealing with the homeless crisis. here in the bay area coming up at 5:00 pm president biden back on the campaign. trail, trying to do damage. control after last night's presidential debate, mr biden
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acknowledged the criticism about his shaky performance at the rally in north carolina. but try to energize his supporters. people. watch. president biden former pro trump spar for 9 minutes last night over issues like the economy. immigration and abortion, rights. jared hill has a recap. reaction.
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and according to a gallup poll. gathered before the debate about 60%. of u. s adults, said they were very concerned that president biden is too old to be president. only 18. had the same. level concern about trump. and all across the bay people gathered at watch parties for the debate. many local voters told our andrea nakano democratic party might need a plan b.
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>ann>nothing. yeah. okay? yeah.
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>ryan>and we're gathering more opposed debate responses. from bay. area. residents. are lauren toms will have that report this evening starting at 5. oakland. city. council holding a special meeting to try and pass its budget. this afternoon. the mayor's proposal relies on revenue from the $100 0 sale of the coliseum. to a private developer. group. but there is a concern the deal won't close and times. so the council is considering contingent. plan. calls for 60. million in cuts, including to the police and a fire. fire departments. there is a chance that council could ask for an extent. past the june 30th. deadline. st farm is asking for a major insurance rate hike a sign of potential financial trouble for the company, state farm submitted a request to the state's department of insurance, to raise rates by 30%. for a home owners. and 52%. for renters. just last march. the company raised rates by an average of 20. state insurance commissioner says the request raised serious questions about the company's financial condition. and there could be a hearing before there
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is a decision on whether to approve that request. still ahead at noon and streaming on cbs news bay area big weekend of pride celebrations. kicking off all around the bay area. we're going to hear from some 1st timers. coming to san francisco. to celebrate pride.
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>ryan>yeah. well. be an epic weekend of pride celebrations in san francisco and all across the bay area. thousands of people arriving in town for the festivities. all leading up to the big pride parade on sunday. and 1 of the largest lgbt q celebrations. in the world are kevin koe. spoke to some excited tourists. and businesses.
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>ann>yeah. operator. yeah. >ryan>and pride is looking different in the east bay this year. that's because for the 1st time, the city of oakland and the lgbt key has a cultural district back in november. oakland leaders joined mayor sheng thao and passing a resolution that designated the lakeshore. area as a safe haven for the queer community. the district aims provides services and accept acceptance. especially for youth and transgender. individuals.
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>ann>yeah. yeah. >ryan>our amanda harry will have more on how this committee plans to make the streets a sanctuary for the lgbtq. community tonight at 5:00 pm pm, right here on kpix. and be sure to watch our special hope. love pride. it starts at 10 a.m.. am this sunday on our sister station. pix. plus and streaming on the free cbs news >ann>app >>and you can catch up on all of our pride. month stories. on our website at k p i now to our 1st alert weather. let's take a live look outside looking at sutra tower standing nice and tall. let's check in with meteorologist zoe minutes. >ann>you got that right? yeah. okay? no. doesn't matter, right? you have to go. ah!
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yeah. hey. yeah. know. all about but every day it was
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to help. of those areas. wow. it weird. i don't know. students. sorry. okay? yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. should work. yeah. >ryan>and coming up on the afternoon today. edition.
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are the sounds of the psychedelic soul. band. chicano batman up next, we're going to introduce you to the latino artists. headlining stern gr nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer.
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>ryan>well, the stern grove summer. conscious series returns for its 2nd week on sunday. and this time it's got a little latin. flavors. lorraine to you've spoke to 1 of the members of chicano batman ahead. of their performance. >chief. >>batman. a trio of 3 latin artist. from l. a who are authentically themselves. the band will be performing at stern grove. this year, and they are eager to connect with their fans says guitar player eduardo are >it just makes us feel really, amazing. you know? san francisco always had always had open arms. well, the sound described as psychedelic. soul, eduardo says those open arms did not happen overnight. in fact, his parents had a hard time initially. accepting his path. has a musician. >parents are not very happy. we're not very happy about us doing music. because you know we have master's degrees. we have multiple degrees. i mean, we had careers before this. and we give it up, giving up the
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traditional path for a more rhythmic. expression. now that the band's influence has grown their parents have a better understanding. of their talents. >mom sees me at the hollywood bowl. or at the forum. you know, and we're playing the way we're playing right now. uh, um you know it takes over her body it takes over. her her soul. sounds that the band is emitting. will be reaching certain grove. attendees with lots of passion. eduardo says. >identity. gonna by man is brazilian. music. music. apart. part of fusion of latino are overflow. with funk. rock. and soul. >ryan>and we'll be bringing you concert from stern grove all summer long on our sister station pix, plus 44 cable 12. still ahead on the afternoon. edition. america has a favorite condiment. detail. on what many are calling a hot sauce.
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across the country, 1 particular condiments. is flying off. store show. and record numbers. michael george shows us why america is hot. for hot sauce. >jack >>adam wasn't into spicy food, but once he started trying hot sauces he was hooked. >acquired taste got into like thai cuisine. vietnamese cuisine. dabbling in spice that way, and now it it's taken over. most of the food i eat. the hottest condiments in
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america. is hot sauce fortune business insights. says north american sales jumped 6%. last year. and the global market is expected to grow from 3 million to almost 6. 0 by 2032. no. the chamber is founder of heat. honest craft hot sauce shop based in new york. >hot sauces. is a great way to take roll it what would otherwise be kind of a repetitive recipe into really create something new with it? sales are heating up because more americans are cooking at home. and his immigrant populations. rise. so does interest in global cuisine. there's also a growing number of vegans using hot sauce to add
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>> hope: how much do you really believe in thomas's new relationship? >> steffy: what do you mean? i don't think it's fake. >> hope: so do you rea


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