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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  July 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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>it's pretty difficult to find housing here. and you're going to have to expect it to be pretty expense. shipping containers are making way for new student housing. >i definitely think that a lot of people would benefit from having closer housing to campus. but this >place >>has a past paved with protests. >rise in the middle of this park destroys the historic nature of the park. the fight over people's park and where we go from >here. it's not over until it's over. history should not stop us from progress. >liz>yeah. the fight to transform the park. made it all the way. to the state supreme court. now we know the area does need more housing everyone agrees with that, but does it really need to be built here?
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we'll hear from both sides, including the mayor of berkeley, who is here with us today, and we'll talk with him in just a few minutes, but 1st, let's get to that brush fire. that's forcing some evacuations in napa county. the so called toll fire is burning near the base of mount st helena north of calistoga. here's anne makovec with the very latest >ott-1>there was taking no chances with this 1. they went into full attack mode to try to stop this fire they brought in 7 planes and 3 helicopters. circling the fire. they're taking turns dropping fire retardant.
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smoke there in that heat. hellfires says this is a win. driven. fire. you can see trees being blown around their cal fire says the fire is moving downhill to the southwest right now. it is not reached the silverado trail about 114 people are in the evacuation zones. this is the latest evacuation map from cal fire that line on the west. there is highway 29. the area in red is the highway or is the evacuation order the yellow is an evacuation warning. and, of course, that's just 1 of 15 fires that cal fire is battling across the state right now the largest 1 is the basin fire that is burning near fresno. we're going to keep an eye on all of them list, >liz>all right, and thank you to all that is happening on a 1st alert weather day due to this dangerous heat, so many of you are feeling. in fact, the national weather service just extended the excessive heat
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warning for inland areas for another week. chief rogers, paul hagen is in our virtual view studio with our attempts well into the triple digits. paul, this is intense. >paul>we expected the heat to really settle in today, and it has we'll start with the conditions around the toll fire and not just the fire that the fire crews are battling. they're also just fighting. the weather is 103 degrees in that part of napa county, and the humidity is a very low 8%. that's 1 of the factors helping to drive this along with those offshore winds only around 10 miles an hour, some guts a little bit stronger than that. by pushing the fire downslope instead of the direction that the fire wants to grow, which is upslope. and the red flag warning for much of the bay area does continue. this is in fact have been extended all the way through 5:00 on friday morning, so it's basically all the higher terrain of the bay area and all of solano county as well. but the north bay mountains, the east bay hills, the santa cruz mountains, the winds are going to be turning a bit over the next few days, but humidity levels are going to be bone dry in the afternoons with the hot air mass locked in place, and the excessive heat warning has been extended all
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the way through next tuesday. now the heat is gradually going to subside just a little bit every day after tomorrow. aro. but it's still going to be really hot all the way through the holiday weekend and even to start off next week that excessive heat warning for all inland parts of the bay area and they're still the heat advisory around the bay that continues through next tuesday as well, so it has been extended except in san francisco, where it's going to be allowed to expire a little bit later on this week, temperatures here are going to be well into the 80s for the next several days, which is substantially above average. it's all because this heat dome is just locked in place, but the maps in motion and this is motion. trust me, but things just don't move around a whole lot. the big picture features are really locked in place, and that's why we're going to see a continuation of this very hot weather pattern all the way through the holiday weekend into the west, not even a hint of fog on the horizon right now, temperature stands at 105 in concord. it's 1 of 4 in livermore and 4 degrees in santa rosa has been verified yet, but that would break the record high temperature for santa rosa for the 2nd of july. and it is 100 degrees on the nose right now in san jose temperature in san francisco
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and oakland in the 70s and 80s, but very much above average as well as we head through the rest of tonight. temperatures are going to retreat very much, which is part of why we have that excessive heat warning. we don't get much relief during the overnight hours temperatures in the upper 60s and low 70s for most inland regions in the east bay and south bay upper 50s and low 60s for the north bay with 50s around the bay and right along the coast, not as much of a factor there, but high temperatures tomorrow just as hot, if not even hotter than today, temperatures reaching up into the low 80s in san francisco around 90 for oakland, near 100 down the peninsula and inland temperatures. between 101 112 degrees 112 for high temperature in fairfield by tomorrow afternoon, the heat risk is going to be in the very high category. the hottest spots are going to be at or above 110 degrees. let's take a look at the 7 day forecast and we will start with inland parts of the bay area where you can see all these triple digit temperatures continuing through most of the 4 day holiday weekend and even once temperatures back down, it's still going to be hot monday and tuesday of next week with high still in the mid to upper
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90s around the bay. it's a similar, gradual decrease in temperatures but still around 90 tomorrow, then retreat into the 80s and finally back to the upper 70s by monday and tuesday. if that holds that retreat to the 70s, then we should see that heat advisory being allowed to being canceled just a little bit early around the bank temperatures along the coast in the mid 70s tomorrow, prepared for crowds along the coast because you're going to have plenty of folks flocking your way to try to beat the heat by just escaping it from inland parts of the bay area and heading for the pacific shoreline. your temperatures are going to stay in the 60s after tomorrow, liz >liz>paul thanks so much. meanwhile, pg and e issued public safety power shutoffs in some areas at high risk of wildfire nearly 4000 customers are currently without power. and today, officials in half moon bay warned beachgoers to be careful as specially with the heat and the fourth of july holiday just around the corner they gathered at surfer's beach to launch a public safety campaign warning of coastal hazards like sneaker waves and in san jose city leaders are
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reminding everyone to avoid lightning fireworks to lighting fireworks. scuse me to minimize the risk of starting a fire. they said. leave it to the pros will have fourth of july fireworks shows that, like cunningham and almaden like park now, if you do see illegal firework activity, you are encouraged to call 311 and stay with us for continuing coverage of the heat and its impact on air online at and streaming on the free cbs news app. other headlines. we are following here in san francisco. police say a man killed an elderly woman by pushing her in front of a bart train. it happened at the powell street station last night. the victim has been identified as 74 year old corazon dandan, bart. police arrested 49 year old trevor belmont. we've learned he has a lengthy rap sheet. you know? oakland today, city council members discussed the city's massive budget shortfall. they face a 177. 0 budget deficit city services are being
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targeted for cuts, including the police department. today. the city's police union is fighting back asking, see leaders to reject all current budget cuts. any more cuts right now would be impactful. this is the time to increase the police department increased staffing. and then look out for the citizens here that are staying in the city of oakland, protect them and also keep businesses here, too. this is the time to build our infrastructure. and i want people to stay in oakland want people to do business here? >liz>and, of course, also top of mind for oakland city council, the fate of mayor sheng thao council members will vote this afternoon whether to place a recall on the november ballot. last month, the city clerk said organizers of the recall gathered enough signatures to qualify for the ballot. her opponents blame towel for high crime rates and business closures for half a century people's park in berkeley has been a hotbed for protests. now the future of the park near the uc campus appears much clearer or da lin has more
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on what's next for a neighborhood in need of options for students. the university says uc berkeley can only house roughly 20% of its students. they say that's the lowest amount of student housing of all uc campuses. like many uc berkeley students, cassidy soner walks quite the distance to attend summer classes. 35 minute walk from 1 of my classes. i was just coming from cassidy will be a senior in august, she and other students say housing shortage means paying for higher rents and living farther away from campus. it's pretty difficult to find housing here and you're going to have to expect it to be pretty expensive. the academic rigor here is like is just insane, and it's so much pressure on so many people that the last thing that i think students should be worrying about is just having to know if they're going to be able to afford red or like having a stable place to live. the university hopes they can reduce some of that problem now that the california supreme court has ruled that can build housing at people's park, the
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university plans to build housing for 1100 undergrads. permanent, supportive housing for more than 100 homeless people and preserve about 60% of the site as public park space. we see this as a win win. we're going to house our students. we're going to house the homeless. berkeley mayor jesse edition believes uc berkeley will start construction very soon, possibly within weeks. the shortage of student housing it impacts everyone in our city because it constrains our housing market. it makes it more difficult for people to be able to live in berkeley drives up rents. opponents of the project say they're not against student housing. they sue the uc regions because they say there are better housing sites than people's park. the park is a hub for activism and political protests. it was placed on the national register of historic places in 2022. to rise in the middle of this park. destroys that open space and of course, it destroys the
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historic nature of the park. harvey smith with people's park historic district advocacy group, is 1 of the plaintiffs that lost the case. his group had argued the university failed to analyze noise impacts from future residents. state lawmakers recently passed a bill that voided that argument. are representative basically concocted a sweetheart backroom deal. um with you see, after years of litigation and protests, some believe housing will finally be built on people's park. obviously, our options are becoming increasingly limited, but it's not over until it's over. history should not stop us from progress, while many students like cassidy don't want to take sides, they do want more housing. i definitely think that a lot of people would benefit from having closer housing to campus. uc berkeley has not announced the construction timeline yet they say they're finalizing the schedule and we'll announce it soon.
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>liz>the university plans to spend more than $400 0 on the entire project at people's park officials say the costs have gone up significantly due to their initial estimates due to a number of lawsuits and higher construction prices. still ahead, the mayor of berkeley joins us live to talk about the future of people's park and the battle to get to this.
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yeah. yeah. i know. >liz>know. m today. we are diving into the few of the historic people's park in berkeley and the plans to transform it into housing. joining me now is berkeley's mayor and state senate candidate. jesse arrogant. thank you so much for being >tfxw mic>here for having >liz>me give me a little bit of back story on your perspective on people's park because your opponents to this project have argued that big projects like this are going to take away. what makes berkeley special people's park has so much history and there are other locations. is that carry a lot of history of the city and really of the bay area with all these projects that's going to be taken away. what's >tfxw mic>your just say that 60% of the site will still be public open space? so it will still be a park, but it will be a park be a home for thousands of students who desperately need housing in our city and housing for 125 formerly homeless individuals. we see
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this as a win win win for our community are sitting in our region or state is facing a significant shortage of housing. this will help alleviate the housing shortage in our city. we frankly build on all of the sites that the campus is identified, including at people's park. in order for us to make a difference and addressing the housing needs of our students. berkeley has the lowest number of beds per students of any uc campus in the entire uc system. this will make a significant debt and yes, the history of park is something that we should honor. we should celebrate. but as i said, history should not stand in the way of progress. the current state of the park, where there's rampant crime and homelessness is not a good situation. i don't think we're honoring the spirit of those that create the park years ago as a as a former uc berkeley student myself. i can certainly say that the park wasn't a place i wanted to be. it wasn't a place that i felt safe walking in and around, and there's a lot of students who feel that way as well. and so i think we can have a new vision for the park are the history of the park and and move forward, addressing our cities or states needs as well? >liz>okay, so where are we on construction of the park? it's already been approved. we know it's going to be costly, so when are they going to break
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around >tfxw mic>1 of the reasons why it's increasing costs along as the significant delays that the project has number do too. i think frivolous litigation. and efforts to stop construction physically by people. carrying on offense. fences and storming the park and occupying the park. the reason the university put up that that barricade around the park was because of the rampant vandalism and destruction of property on the park. and so we would have actually been able to move forward with construction 2 years ago if we didn't have all these delays, but i think we're poised for construction to start soon. we don't have a date yet one critical component of project is the permanent supportive housing 125 beds, permanent, supportive housing, the city has contributed $14.5 0 to help support the construction of the project and really, this project is an example of a unique city university partnership one that i don't think we've seen in any campus. in the state of california, where we are working together to address the crisis of homelessness in people's park and around people's park together, we've
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been able to successfully housed 200 people that lived in and around people's park due to our collaborative efforts. the outreach we've done getting people into hotels getting people into permanent housing. that's the partnership. that's the foundation with building on. and i'm excited to see construction starts >liz>soon. okay, so let's talk about the brass tacks of this and the noise because where people's park is located at surrounded by a bunch of homes, classic berkeley homes that 99% of them >tfxw mic>are >>homes to students who neither sleep. how are you going to handle the noise issues with this and still get it done at a reasonable amount of >tfxw mic>time? well, the area around people's park is largely commercial and residential. and a large student population. there are long term residents who live in that neighborhood. um and so construction has to happen. there's going to be some noise concern. construction will be somewhat impactful. but the long term benefits of having new housing having a renewed park at people's park, i think will be beneficial for our community,
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our entire community. um and i'm glad that the supreme court overturned. a finding in their in the previous legal decision that said that people are pollution that, um california equality act under it that the noise that people create constitutes pollution under a california violent quality act that could have been weaponized by people who want to stop student housing or affordable housing or permanent, supportive housing and cities all across california. so while >liz>this >>this court decision is a victory for this project it's also a victory for housing throughout the state of california as well. >liz>you mentioned the need desperate need for student housing in your city and you know this is a big project is 1 project. what other things you're working on? and is it the cities responsibility, or should it really be the school's responsibility as well? they're admitting all these students and they don't have a place to >tfxw mic>live. think it's everyone's responsibility. certainly, the campus needs to do a lot more to build more housing, said um, we need to build thousands of new beds to make up for the existing needs of students, let alone the
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thousands of new students that would be coming to the berkeley campus. and unlike some neighbors, who believe that we should freeze enrollment and not let new students come to our city because of the impacts of increased student population, i welcome all the students coming to berkeley. you know if it wasn't for our investment in our higher education system, i would not be the mayor of berkeley. we need to make sure that other 1st generation college students can get a world class education. so the city has a responsibility to we are we have up zoned the area around the campus to allow for 12 story developments. so we expect thousands of new apartments to be built private construction in the area around the university. and that coupled with the university's efforts, we think we can make a dent addressing the student housing shortage. >liz>berkeley mayor jesse arrogant thank you so much for being here being here in person, all right? looking now at housing in san francisco officials there say a new law in effect will speed up the approval time for most new housing. from over 2 years to just 6 months is supposed to streamline the permitting
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process for multi family developments specifically for cities behind on building affordable housing. and coming up a unique housing solution in oakland how the city is teaming up with nonprofits. >yeah. >>yeah. yeah.
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>liz>this half hour. we've been talking about the plan to transfer people's park. in berkeley. into stew. housing, which, as we all know, can be tough to come by and, well, tough to afford to nearby oakland, there is some progress in creating new housing for lower income families and apartment complex. it's a unique collaboration between the city and local nonprofits. recently held its grand opening acts. sherri hill apartment is located at 94th avenue and international. it is 55 units and a community health clinic. families entered a lottery for a chance to live here.
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>trump going to a shelter to here. just having a roof over my head. you know the favorite part. i love that. you asked that it's hearing him say, get out of my room closed my door here, my kids finally say, get out of my room cry so hard because what is the odds? here? i am a stroke survivor, single mother with mikey is 1 supposed to be going to college and that they pulled me out of 5000 plus people. on the lottery. blessing. that's a blessing. >liz>full gospel church and the city teamed up to bring this project to life. >people can see that east oakland can be as beautiful as downtown oakland. and the people in east oakland deserve to have a nice, clean, beautiful place to live. >liz>bob jackson says the original idea behind the project came about when housing construction largely stalled about a decade ago. he hopes these projects will encourage more developers to invest in
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east oakland right back.
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coming up tonight on the cbs evening news hurricane barrels. shatters record as it roars towards jamaica the powerful storm hit the us we're tracking its path tonight on the cbs evening news. >liz>and coming up right here at 5:00, replacing fireworks with drone light shows. we'll hear from an oakland business
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owner who is helping to make the switch we'll have that story and much more with ryan yamamoto in myself coming up tonight at 5 and thank you so much for joining us for today's conversation about the future of people's park in berkeley. we'd love to hear what you think. posters, thoughts online using the hashtag kpi x, the cbs evening news is next, and local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area i'll see you at 5. yeah. ♪ ♪ >> major: hurricane beryl rolls towards the bank after hitting popular tourist towns. >> it's on the move. >> it's sets a precedent for a very, very dangerous hurricane


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