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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 3, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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. now at 11:00. thousands of people forced from their homes, bay area strike teams joining the fight against an exploding wildfire, threatening a major power source. plus, triple digit heat baking the bay. there is just the beginning. it is crazy that i am out here doing this. that this is my job >> try dealing with the heatwave in a blackout. the bay area neighborhoods in the dark tonight. plus, how an unlikely encounter. >> i am hitchhiking home from my local mountain and a guy picked me up and i said what do you do for a living. i said you got to be kidding >> led a man to make a career
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out of this. >> there it is. whoa! from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm juliette goodrich in for sara tonight. >> i'm paul heggen. >> so, paul, it was not comfortable. we can say across the board. we are talking triple digit heat. just the start of it. we saw people doing everything from going to the coast to buying cool drinks to visiting cooling centers just to get some relief. take a look. >> no ac, no friends, no place >> you need a place like this? >> yes. this is my place here. >> these s■ummers have een getting really hot lately. really hot. considering going somewhere else. [ laughter ] >> do you handle the heat well? >> no, i am not. i am a hot sleeper. hot everything else. this is definitely uncomfortable. >> ouch, bad news. does not look like this heatwave will be
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over any time soon. so, paul has been telling us a lot about how to keep cool. give this woman a lot of credit. her dedication for her job she worked the hot oil fryer at the holy donuts food stand in triple digit temperatures. >> it is crazy i am out here doing this. that this is my job t. is really hot, very slow, not a lot of business. this oil is 375 degrees. [ laughter ] >> she say trooper. >> yes. a sense of humor about it. can she work tomorrow? no. >> she can but . >> in for another doozey, right? >> if you work outside, she was in shade, likely staying hydrated. just as hot if not hotter tomorrow. we will step over to the other monitor here and see where we topped out ermer today. temperatures were in record territory across the bay area. eight degrees short of a record in san francisco. two degrees away in oakland.
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setting records in a couple of places. santa rosa, 106 degrees, breaking the record of 103. santa rosa tied at 102 degrees, hotter spots, concourt at 107. we might take a step up from that tomorrow. the excessive heat warning all of the way through tuesday next week. might be a couple days too long that these heatwaves can be persistent. we will keep evaluating things. it is going to be dangerously hot all of the way through the holiday weekend >> the heat advisoried in of that. around the bay, pushed back all of the way until next tuesday. in addition to having a red flag warning. we had a fire break out earlier today. dangerous fire weather conditions especially tomorrow. then, with the fourth of july holiday on thursday, the weather service just pushed that red flag warning back through thursday night, expires at 5:00 a.m. on friday. all of that was not enough, we do have air quality, spare the air alert was posted for tomorrow
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because of ground level ozone in the east bay and santa clara valley. now smoke from the thompson fire has been drifting down towards us. in the upper levels of the atmosphere. some of it could drift towards the ground level and deteriorate our ground level throughout the bay area. watching that. looking at the seven-day forecast to see if we find relief in a few minutes >> sounds good, paul. minutes ago pg&e told us they are working to restore power to 5,000 customers over 3,000 of them are in the east bay. here is a live look at the pg&e outage map. they started just after 6:15. you can see the cluster there in the east bay. that is where we sent kelsi to find out how they are dealing with them. >> reporter: it was around tinner time. the concern with
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outages right now is the heat. thankfully the outage happened as the sun was going down but temperatures still remanipulated in the remained in upper 80s. if another long outage were to happen during the peak of the day time heat, that might be a different story. >> i mean obviously with the heat, you know, without ac, with no power it can be, you know, uncomfortable. you know, we will be fine. i have friends and family that are not effected. so, we can always go somewhere if we need to. >> reporter: when it comes to this outage, pg&e says the cause is to be weather-related. >> all right, kelsi, thank you. we are keeping a close eye on the outages and heatwave on our website. this is how the sky looked
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over oroville tonight. thousands of people were ordered to clear out, evacuate in the middle of an exploding fire. while the temperatures sored, the thompson fire sparked 150 miles north of san francisco this morning. in a few hours it grew to over 2,000 acres. tonight, local crews headed to the fire lines, our chopper spotted more than two dozen members of the san francisco fire department gearing up for urgent call for help. firefighters are not only worried about protecting homes as ashley sharp shows us, the flames are burning close to a dam that is critical for our energy supply. >> the fast-moving fire exploding in size on tuesday. burning this home to the ground on canyon drive. in the distance the firefight continues. hand crews moving in as every butte county unit and
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dozens of units outside of the county close in. dark smoke, billowing in the sky. more structures burned. >> scary t is moving fast. >> reporter: a fire of this magnitude a first for long time north oroville neighbors >> this is the closest that it has been. we had embers driving on the driveway. we got to go. i can't, i can't do this. >> reporter: and kelly ridge among the 13,000 people under evacuation orders on tuesday night. >> i got my dog, i packed up the car. i came down here and then i was going to take a run into town. they will not let me come back up here if i go down there. i am going to sit here for as long as it takes and pray that it is over soon. that no one is hurt. >> cal fire telling us a top priority is holding the thompson fire at the dam, look at the difference a few steps can make from where i am standing off in the distance where we have seen flames but right now this incredibly dense
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smoke. structures stained pink. evidence of where a retardant drop was able to stop the thompson fire in its tracks at long bar road. crews holding it to the north. still, the fire moving quickly. >> jumping the feather river and making the run towards olive highway in the kelly ridge area according to cal fire on tuesday night. crews from more than a dozen helicopters and air tankers attacking from the sky. a firefight that will continue now into the early morning. >> all right, back here at home. an aggressive air attack on a north bay fire. it is paying off. it is the toll fire, it broke out this morning off of old lolly toll road. cal fire did not hesitate to break out the air tankers and helicopters. the 40 acre fire is about 15% contained tonight. firecrews say because of their air attack they were able to stop the flames from spreading
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to properties. firefighters will be out there all night beefing up those containment lines. then, further south in san francisco we have another news to tell you b. the district attorney just announced they are charging the driver accused of plowing into a bus shelter and killing an entire family. the 78-year-old is facing four felony vehicular manslaughter charged tonight. the crash happened in the west postal neighborhood. driving 65 miles an hour on the wrong side of the road and slammed into the bus shelter where a family of four was waiting.. >> it is pretty traumatic for everybody involved. these types of incidents never leave your mind. >> prosecutors ruled out mechanical issues with the suv and toxicology tests ruled out drugs and alcohol. tonight, some neighbors in the west portal neighborhood tell us prosecutors made the right call. >> i don't understand how she
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could have been that aware of the four people. >> the family, the husband, the wife, and 2-year-old son and an infant were all killed. friends tell us they were celebrating their anniversary that day and waiting for the bus to go to the zoo. after the crash there was a push to redesign the intersection there to make it more pedestrian friendly but plans were halted until the fall after local business owners rallied against the plan over currents that the redesign could discourage people from visiting their stores. staying in san francisco now, we are learning more about a woman that the police say was killed when someone pushed her in front of a b.a.r.t train last night. she lived in san mateo county. she was killed while coming home from work. we spoke to her nephew on the phone this evening. she told us she worked as an operator for
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hotels in san francisco. she also taken the same b.a.r.t route for years. kevin spoke to her neighbors and have details on the man arrested for her death. >> she used to give us vegetables and all of that kind of stuff. a very nice ahead. i talked to her. she used to wave to me all of the time and stuff. >> reporter: robert did not know her well, as other neighbors told us today, they all say she was a quiet, giving, hard-workingwoman. >> so much violence now in the world. >> reporter: neighbors and records confirm this was her car with the philippine flag and symbols on it. we found it parked at the daly city parking garage. b.a.r.t police tell us that she was pushed into a oncoming train last night at the powell street station. the chief says witnesses pointed out the suspect who was nearby. 49-year-old trevor belmont who
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is booked in county jail. court records show that he has a lengthy criminal history. since 2013, belmont has been involved in two dozen criminal cases in san francisco as well as several misdemeanors in alameda county. >> we are working to make b.a.r.t safer, we have people out and about in the system. this is the first homicide of the year. this is an extremely unusual incident. i can not recall another incident where somebody was pushed into a train like this. >> reporter: her neighbors are remembering her as a kind person who was tragically taken away >> she was really friendly. i talked to her all of the time. she came up to the house. nobody cares about anybody. it is kind of sad how the world is now. >> her nephew told us she was an incredible and independent person who moved to the u.s. as a sungel woman and helped support her relatives back
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home. still ahead, an important reminder tonight to try to keep yourself safe in these sweltering temperatures, the rescue mission that bay area firefighters just pulled off. >> are you ready to leave the country if necessary. >> what vice president harris is saying about the biden back lack. it is the most unlikely encounter that led a man to dedicate his life to working with highflying dogs
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i've always wanted a big family. but one moment can change your whole entire life. i went to the doctor and was told i had stage three cancer, and i would most likely never carry another baby. right before i was about to start chemotherapy, i was told about a new clinical trial, funded by stand up to cancer, that used immunotherapy and after my ninth treatment, my tumor had completely disappeared. because of this trial, i was able to welcome a beautiful baby girl and watch my family grow. help push cancer research further at
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. today, texas congressman became the first congressional democrat to publicly call for joe biden's withdrawal from the presidential race. this comes after last week's disastrous presidential debate and growing concern regarding biden's ability to reassure voters. >> we must have the strongest possible candidate. i don't believe that is joe biden. >> we can provide a candidate who is a genuine new alternative to the criminality of donald trump. >> so, vice president harris was in san francisco today to fund raise for the biden campaign. cbs news asked her about the calls for biden to
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step down from the race. >> joe biden is our nominee. we beat trump once and we are going to beat him again, part. >> are you ready to lead the country if necessary. >> i am proud to be his runningmate, thank you >> biden campaign says they raised $127 million in june and insist support has not changed. all right, when it is this hot across the bay area it is important to always be aware of how your body is feeling especially when you are at the beach. a few hours ago, firecrews in san francisco rescued a person at marshall's beach, they were reported missing but firecrews found them around 7:00 and it turns out that the person had fainted on the beach. so, of course, paul, in weather like there it is important to take a moment you are not overheating. when you are thirsty it means you are already dehydrated? >> you need to stay ahead of that as the heat continues to persist as we head through the
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holiday weekend. heat has debilitating effect. the longer it lasts it takes not as much heat every day to weigh you down more. this is going to be a major story over the next several days. the heat extended to next week. triple temperatures through the inland bay area and pleasant along the coast. you will have company, a lot of people will be heading your way. the red flag warning continues all of the way through the fourth of july. expires at 5:00 a.m. on friday. let's take a look at forecast humidity levels and the wind arrows on the map as well. humidity will be running in the 10-15% early in the morning and bottoming out in the single digits for a few hours every day. that is low. it goes along with off shore winds far in the north bay. the north bay mountains. having the off shore winds at higher elevations and that is a bad combination. hot temperatures, low humidity, and the off shore winds, that is what the firecrews are concerned about. low humidity levels will persist as long as
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the heat does and that is for the future. the next seven-days will be hot, still warm right now in concord, 87 degrees. middle 70s in santa rosa. you are backing down, lower 70s for oakland and down to the lower 60s. san francisco, some of the coastal air making its way into downtown. the temperatures later tonight, dropping down to the 60s. the 60s and the 70s, well above average for this time of the year. higher jumping off point for temperatures to heat up again tomorrow and it limits the amount of recovery time we get overnight. we don't get to enjoy the longer cool hours overnight when the heat is so persistent day after day and the heat will be persistent. in fact, tomorrow, might be hotter than today. up to 103 degrees in san jose and los gatos. closer to 110 degrees in the east bay. 109 in livermore. 101 degrees in redwood city, that
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will be close. it is the warmest day you will see and it will be in the middle 70s. above 80, around 90 in oakland, temperatures in the north bay getting up to or above 100 degrees on a widespread basis. now, as we head farther down-the-line the heat will back off slightly by the fourth of july and into the rest of the weekend. by a couple of degrees each day. that slow glide down leaves us to a high to very high heat risk. a little bit of a push of that yellow category. a bit farther away. fraction alley, early signs that some of that marine air will try to make its way inland. not having success over the course of the next several days. take a look at the 10 day outlook. you see the stepwise drop. the coolest day in the whole outlook, 97 degrees for a high temperature, full 10 degrees above average. we will have to deal with this for awhile even though it is not the record setting heat. it
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will be dangerously hot. just lasting day after day after day. you see the coolest day, monday, tuesday, still in the middle 90s. that means most of us inland will be around 90 and 100. should be back to the upper 70s by tuesday and wednesday. cancel a couple days early in that part of it holds. one day in the 70s, then, back in the 60s, fog and low cover plan. temperatures in the lower half of the 60s for the second half of the weekend. the last day of the four-day fourth of july weekend. the fire danger will be sky high. we will watch the air quality as well. >> no doubt, thank you. still ahead, the south bay sports fans behind the ultimate tailgate. straight ahead this sports, the warriors moving on. making noise in free agency and added
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fresh faces to the coaching staff. and the giants, are they playing at the top of their game. they keep taking down national league heavyweights
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. so, i tell my kids it does not matter if you win or lose. you know what? >> it is how you play the game. >> i know, i am happy the giants are winning >> no secret that this show will be hot with you anchoring it. the giants picked up on it, down in hotlanta. >> oh, wow! >> baseball up top, it is happening, winning, taking 2 out of 3 for the dodgers, and the atlanta braves tonight, birdsong had one strong outing with another. what did he do with the second career start in the bigs? aced this test. struck out five batters and gave up two runs on four hits
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over five innings. set himself up for his first victory, jules, of the season for his career. and soler understood what was asked. now, solo shot to left field for the giants on the scoreboard. and the very next batter, lamont, found some right. got all of this shot to tie the game up at 2. second longest homer of wade's career. and if we fast forward to the ninth inning, giants up 1. elliot ramos, continuing to be a bright spot in this lineup. and took a few seconds for him to figure out it was staying fair. they won it 5-3. best now back-to-back wins over the two top teams in the national league. meantime, oh, looks yummy. the a's fans, staying cool on a hot night at the
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coliseum with the frozen treats against the angels. this moment in the fourth it was sweeter. butler, send this the opposite way. stayed fair. just got over the wall. three-run shot. this guy. the occasional pick tonight. the a's won it final 7-5. nba, busy day for the warriors. they reworked the coaching staff. golden state plans to ad as assistants. the head coach in portland for a decade. and stack house, recently coached at vanderbilt. player front, all signs indicate buddy is headed to the bay. now, according to reports the warriors are in serious talks with the sixers to acquire the sharp-shooting guard. the doves reportedly growed to a 3-year deal with anderson. worth $27 million.
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nicknamed slo-mo for his slow release. he spent the last two seasons with minnesota. all right, now, let's enjoy some soccer. inside levi stadium. brazil, colombia in black. brazil up 1-0 but in the 47th minute, daniel munoz snuck it in. huge goal, it ended in a 1-1 draw with both squads advancing to the knock out round. let me get it in, shout out, angel and caitlin clark, named all-stars in the rocky season of the wnba. man, levi stadium was lit, as the kids say for soccer time. >> all right, and you have a story coming up, vern will be back. even though today's match ended in a tie it was a big win for fans celebrating the love of the game and their countries. look at that. thousands spent time partying outside of levis. it made for
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the ultimate tailgate and don't get me started on the food. >> we will make brazilian pbq pork, meat, everything, with coke some drinks. we got here at 1:00 p.m. to enjoy everything. full of colombians here, made a lot of friends. >> as great as the energy was, the crowd inside was even louder. all right, spending your day working with highflying dogs, pretty unusual job, but the way this guy got into the profession even stranger, we will have that story
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. all right, before we go tonight, vern you met a dog lover with an unusual job >> it is just north of my
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house, jules, the 82nd marin county fair opens its doors through sunday in san rafael. featuring the flying dog show, a classic tale of a boy with his dogs. >> reporter: these days, jd platte is sharing the stage. >> they love to play anywhere. >> he is not the star of the show. >> i absolutely love the unconditional joy they bring to everybody's lives and blessed to have animals as my career. >> platte was a professional snowboarder until a ride home changed his life nearly 30 years ago. >> back in the day we used to hitchhike. the guy picked me up. i am a professional nfl
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halftime entertainer with frisbee dogs. he was my mentor for a couple of years. now, the dogs are getting big air. >> that was pretty. his k-9 kings, all of them performed all over the country. >> you rescue these dogs and sometimes people don't realize what they have. you start working with them and it is amazing. >> he has a new member in training this week in marin >> amelia "ear" hart >> she is living the life. she already is retrieving and biting the heels of the other dogs. a great edition, look forward to seeing the future with this little girl. >> just added to the roster. amelia "ear" hart. just three months old. >> charming her owner >> did you get out there and give it a whirl? >> no, i did


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