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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 5, 2024 1:37am-2:12am PDT

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i'm taylor tomlinson, and this has been "after midnight"! good night!
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now at 11:00. the fourth is supposed to be all about fun from the coast to the fireworks show over the bay. this year is a dangerous trifecta. it might be harder for first responders on what is a notoriously busy night. a new fire burning out of control is burning closer and closer to a famous california attraction. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hi, i'm sara donchey. on the night of the fourth it is
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all about the fireworks. which you can divide up into two categories, the ones that are part of the official shows and the illegal ones that here in the bay area as we know, can look almost as big and official as the real deal. those are the ones that cause problems, several fires popped up in different coroners of the bay -- different corners of the bay area. we will take you live to one in just a moment. these were the legit ones that the big slow in san francisco tonight that happened without the fog getting in the way too much. now, the sky was clearer over the marin county fairgrounds. vern glenn was there and sent us a video but it is the tower cameras that give you a good view of the illegal fireworks going off tonight this is how it looked all night from one of our oakland cameras. fireworks as
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far as the highs can see. tonight, an alert wildfire camera caught this fire blow up off of foothill court. we are waiting on word from san jose fire to see how close it has gotten to homes. still burning as far as we can tell. we will keep you posted on that. >> reporter: tonight, in martinez, the illegal fireworks were going off right behind firefighters who were busy working to put out a brush fire on michelle drive likely started by illegal fireworks, thankfully they gotten this one stopped. another fire just sparked as we speak. andrea nakano just got there. have they made progress on this one? >> reporter: they made really good progress. i want to show what you is going on. we are in a shopping center off of hillcrest avenue. there are a few hot spots on the hillside here. there was a dozer that just went by, basically cutting
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a line between this area and a row of homes that are right up on the top of the hill. there have been evacuations put in place for residents on lodus court. now, crews here are still kind of mopping up the fire. cutting down trees and trying to get the hot spot out. the dozer is all of the way over here on the left-hand side. i don't know if my photographer can get to it. really they made quick work on this fire. they have been chasing one fire after another because of the fireworks. i want to show you what the fireworks were like in pittsburg earlier today. >> reporter: we started hearing popping noises during our first interview, residents say they have been going off all day. those sparks combined with the weather are creating extremely dangerous conditions. >> reporter: a fire ripped
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through the tall dry grass by the railroad tracks in pittsburg just around 6:00. eric got the hose out right away and started spraying his front yard. >> we started seeing the smoke coming. when we come out the place was burning. >> some of the resident in this area are nervous, worry about the fireworks going off all day. >> all day long, all day long from probably 10:00 in the morning i could hear them everywhere. not just here, everywhere. fireworks >> confire investigator was just driving into work when he heard the fireworks. >> well, i was on the other side of highway 4. i heard the sound of fireworks. coming from this general direction. about two to three minutes later i looked over and saw smoke from this area. >> reporter: within the first few minutes of his shift he knew he was in for a long night. >> it is going to be crazy. it
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has been too hot, too long. our fuels are at the salute driest and now we have a wind on top of it. >> reporter: this is the worst case scenario for firecrews throughout the bay area. con fire tried to get the message out to warp people about the dangers of illegal fireworks. but that did not stop some from setting off sparks into the air. >> this week especially we are in a red flag warning and in an excessive heat warning, those combined it is a lot for us. >> reporter: still, you can see and hear one illegal firework being set off after the other. the loud booms shaking neighborhoods and colorful sparks raining down in the middle of the street. >> i know it is a big celebration for us, but, yeah, we, definitely we have to be cautious. and be responsible for our actions. >> reporter: these fireworks
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going off behind me are right behind the pittsburg police department. we have seen officers drive by earlier in the night but there are just not enough police and fire resources to go in there and cite these people when there are emergencies going on like other fires. >> reporter: back live out here in antioch. we are talking about these other fires. there have been one fire, there has been one fire after another all throughout the night. we just came from a fire in bay point and the crews that were just released there were then sent here and those crews are some of the crews that are fighting this fire here in antioch right now. but, amazing progress that they have made. it came out as a pretty intense fire. they were able to put it out quickly and just as crews are starting to arrive here some of the other crews are leaving to go to another fire. so, it just has been a crazy, crazy night for these firefighters, we just want to mention, though, that there is no confirmation yet that this was started by a
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firework. but we do see and hear fireworks all around us, sara? >> andrea and that shot of you in front of the fireworks by the police station was something else. busy night for firefighters, busy night for you. thank you very much for keeping us posted. you know, the question, of course, is when another fire like that will pop up. that one is under control now but as you heard her talking about firefighters across the east bay are busy right now with this wack-a-mole of fires. that is key. i can tell you why antioch came up first. high resolution depiction of where the winds get the strongest of the bay area this time of the evening going into the late hours of the night. you see that big signature going there 24 mile-an-hour gusts, that is the right now gusts. we have been seeing the wind rushing through the delta and out along highway 4. here is good nows here. while this is a trouble spot
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for wind, watch the forecast over the next 12 hours. it weakens. the winds will actually die down a bit through the overnight hours. we will take any kind of help like that that we can get. look at the winds here, rushing on shore. we saw the fog come in here. does not have the intensity once you are over the hill. if you snake your way through and go along the water it gets gusty out there. that is a major area of concern. we need to talk about the excessive heat warning, still staying in effect until we get to wednesday night that is next wednesday, by the way. this is a very long time frame on this. there is a lot to go over in terms of the temperatures. it is actually going to get hotter tomorrow and saturday than what you did today. when we get back together for the first alert forecast i am going to give you the numbers for your part of the day and looking ahead for the next 7 to see how, if at all, it gets better. >> darren, we have to talk about the heat. beaches were packed all
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over the area. this is the view the stenson beach. four san francisco beaches parking lots were full. this is a good illustration for what they were dealing with. in pacifica lines for ice cream stretched across the street. the beach was full of people just trying to cool off. >> it has been hot to say the least. you know, i grew up in the central valley, fresno. it felt like it was all of my childhood. feels like the air-conditioning is on and we are outside. it feels nice. >> a south bay water park is back open just in time for the hot holiday. it has been renamed. parades are always a big fourth of july tradition, a lot of them around the bay area today. pleasant hill, fire trucks, police, motorcycles for their parade. san jose also had
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its own lively celebration. their possession has aztec dancers. one of the most well known fourth of july parades was over in danville. despite the heat, it was a big turnout. among them,a i head and wife who have been coming to the parade together for 45 years >> we come early. i sat down here all day yesterday down by the store to save our family's spot. our family has grown. >> a lot of people spent their holiday at the fair that just opened yesterday. today, there was a familiar face. >> hey, sara, broadcasting to you from the marin county fair, absolutely gorgeous. there is the lagoon. a great breeze, on the ferris wheel right now with my mom. say hello, mom. >> hello. thanks for filling in. reporting on marin county fourth of july back to you. >> i had to do her shows so she can do the serious job of
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having fun. keeping notes. how an animal shelter is keeping pets calm while fireworks are going off. battling this fire is like going skiing in 110 degree heat. >> what, what are you doing? >> and we hear from back up terry on how this viral fourth of july moment has changed his life. i'm not gonna do anything flashy to announce... munchies under $4— the items you crave like tiny tacos or french toast sticks
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for less than four bucks! but i will do something explosive. [fireworks and car alarms] at jack, every bite's a big deal! welcome to jack in the box!
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getting 2 of my sausage croissants with a freshly cracked egg for just $5.50 means you've already won the day. add a sweet cream iced coffee for an extra buck with any breakfast item between 6 and 11 a.m. at jack, every bite's a big deal. welcome to jack in the box!
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. right now a new wildfire is going off near yosemite park. this shows how quickly it is spreading tonight. it is leading to evacuations of neighborhoods and a shelter in place at a hospital. the fire burned 400 acres so far. right now, close to 30,000 people are spending their fourth of july evacuated from their homes as firefighters are trying to get a handle on the thompson fire. it burned 3,000 acres, firefighters upped containment to 20%. it burned four buildings, though, another toll. eight firefighters have suffered heat-related injuries fighting it. >> anywhere from the 115-120 degrees so that is, that is incredibly hot. >> standing outside here in this heat how does it feel to you? >> if you were to put on all of your winter gear to go skiing in 110 degrees and go and do yard work at your house. that
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is what it is like. they are doing hard activity in multiple layers of clothing. >> it is even just impossible to imagine how difficult that is. a woman turned her bar into a makeshift fire shelter. she is letting people and their pets sleep there. and in their cars in the parking lot. >> the first night we were all sleeping on the floor. we were extremely anxious that night because we could see the fire out here coming over the ridge. yesterday, these cats were brought to us by some people that were on the road for several days. it was very hot. they had no air-conditioning in their car. >> the owner of the bar says at one point they had a horse tied up out front. >> cal fire is starting to downgrade evacuation orders to allow people to come home from that fire. all right, this is, this is what we have been talking about, darren. all week basically. always the concern in regards to the heatwave. the temperatures have lived up to
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the hype and these are some of the consequences. >> i am watching the fireworks going off on that monitor, too. i have the day time highs on the map right now. this is the main story. we are going to come back to this in a second. we will do the comparison between today's day time highs and tomorrow. tomorrow, some of us have to warm up 3-5 degrees. before that, i got to show you the high resolution satellite of us today. first of all, clearly you see the marine layer. tracking that. something else i want you to see. keep your eye out over there. do you see it? that is the plume of smoke that emanated late this afternoon from that french fire that we have been covering throughout the newscast. this is a classic view of us this time of the year. thankfully the marine layer came back and watching new plumes of smoke that appeared on the satellite. that is one to watch. you know the small community outside of the northern edge of that is under evacuations right now from that one. before we talk about the heat warning, let's
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go back to the numbers on the map. back to regularly scheduled programming. for perspective. here is today. i want you to come over here and look at the numbers from the inland, east bay. you got a little bit of a break today. you cooled down about 2-3 degrees from where you were yesterday. that means you were in the lower 100s. concord, 103. livermore, your number, 103. we will take the numbers and now that we got the perspective. how is tomorrow going to feel? i hate to have to say this, 4-5 degrees hotter. we got a little bit of a dip today. could have been a head fake if you were keeping track. probably felt just as hot honestly. the technicalities are, we will get hotter tomorrow and saturday will be close to this. this goes along with that main point of this forecast. it is the duration of this one. none of these numbers are really breaking records tomorrow. might be close in a few places, not like these are extraordinary off of the charts. what sets this particular heatwave apart is
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the fact that this is going to keep going. friday, saturday, the numbers are similar to this. north bay valley, you got a break. look at the number for santa rosa. 94 up there today. got to warm up tomorrow. you are getting help. cool airstreaming in from the gap out here. see the low spot? just like the golden gates a gap. the petaluma gap is a huge favor for north bay communities today. dropping 7 degrees, some places 8 degrees from where you were yesterday. it was a huge improvement. you got to warm up more tomorrow. let's get into the forecast and i will show you how it will play out. going back to the most important theme of this particular heatwave is. it is the duration. tomorrow and saturday. salute game plan here. absolute game plan here. day number 5, intense heat, this stuff adds up, the toll it takes on our body adds up. gets
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better. the national heat service has it in effect. most of the first half of next week. a little better in the bay. the heat advisory will be in place here as well. all right, sara, back to you. >> all right, thanks. we know the sound of fireworks could be traumatic for people serving in combat and ptsd and the loud bangs and booms can be upsetting for pets. one northern california animal shelter got creative to keep all of their furry friends calm. >> i surpressed a smile. can i get you something to drink? >> curled up reading a good book and strumming some soothing music. >> this guy just wants to be petted. >> reporter: more than 270 volunteers are spending their fourth of july helping keep animals calm at the shelter. >> it will be scary for them with all of the fireworks around. >> the loud booms, bangs on independence day can be stressful for pets, especially ones confined to a cage. >> they are stuck here. the
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least we can do, know, play with them and socialize them from all of the chaos going on around town. >> reporter: that is why they invite people to read, sing and play music for animals in its kinels. >> they are all really calm. like they are not stressed at all. >> we have a number of firework shows that happen around the shelter here. a number of illegal fireworks. just an opportunity to bring the public in and let them spend time with the animals. >> the program coordinator says the individual attention helps keep these furry friends from getting anxiety over the sounds of explosions. >> many times they just fall asleep in the kennel. >> the shelter is at capacity and filling up with strays. this is often the busiest >> the fifth of july is crazy. not like every animal will be picked up and brought in the next day. there are animals that will be out there for weeks >> it might spark a condismeks some of the cute critters get
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the freedom of a new forever home. >> we are hoping to catch the eyes of perspective adopters >> awesome! go adopt. trying to keep up their red hot ways in hotlanta. warriors have a nack for making big moves, harlem has everything. but i couldn't find pilates anywhere. so i started my own studio. and with the right help, i can make this place i love even better. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business.
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on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. . sometimes we like to bring matt in for stories without sports just to hear what he has to say. it looked more like halloween than independence day. imagine seeing this in the hallway after getting off of your flight. green liquid. it happened this morning. it started pouring down from the ceiling. taking me pack to the glory days of nick nicelodean slim. >> that is the peak of my childhood. >> you are 27. going back to that mysterious liquid, the airport claims it came from a broken
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pipe. it is water with green dye in it. why? you might ask? the airport says there is ever a leak they can trace it to the source using the dye. they also terrified everyone in terminal 2. >> yeah. let's think about the public safety aspect of this dye. [ laughter ] >> any way. i resent that comment you don't think i am old enough for the slim [ laughter ] >> i assumed you did not know what that is. >> you are old enough to cover sports. >> yeah, yeah, thanks, thank you, sara donchey. now to the serious stuff. us here in the san francisco area. giant his no problem having a light show. going for the series win against the braves. they found themselves down 2-0 in the fourth. elliot, 2-run homer to center to tie the game. he has 10 home runs since the start of june. the 24-year-old could be selected to his first all-star
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game. two batters later. matt chapman, barely over the wall. his 12th long ball. giving them a 3-2 lead. chapman just getting started. bottom of the inning, austin riley doubles into the left field corner off of logan web. michael makes a great play on this. relay from chapman to a strike to throw his former teammate with matt olson. at the plate. keeps the giants out in front. half swing, it stays fair, rolls in right field. patrick bailey scored, chapman doubles, san francisco won 4-2. taking it in the series. giants getting hot. they are 7-3 in the last 10 games. grills were out this afternoon at the coliseum. bottom 1. first batter of the game. jj drives this one to center. he is thinking he got all of it. former giant, scales the wall, making an incredible catch. robs the home run. he had to tip his helmet for that
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grab. throwing a shutout. today, jp followed it up by blanking l.a. over five innings, allowed two hits, struck out 6a's, they found themselves up 4-0 in the bottom of the 8th. butler, crushes one to center. no, no, no, you are not bringing this one back. butler's second home run of the series. oakland wins 5-0. finishes off the sweep. the first time in almost three years the a's had two straight shutouts. that is not great. steph curry might feel lonely this july 4th grieving his splash brother's departure. he did gain a splash buddy on thursday. >> hey, buddy. hey, buddy. [ laughter ] >> golden state completed a signing trade with philadelphia for sharpshooter buddy. he will sign a deal worth $21 million guaranteed over the next two years. warriors dealt a future
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second round pick to the sixers. 40% shooter from deep. since 2017 that is the most in the league behind just one man, steph curry. that is a pretty good duo right there. slightly bigger warriors deal. kevin durant infamously announcing he was leaving the thunder in a post. not as dramatic as lebron announcing at the boys and girls club near him but it changed the basketball world forever. two rings out of that with warriors with kd in town. maybe he has the magic for the warriors >> they are hope sog. >> everyone is praying deeply tonight >> yes. deeply praying. >> thank you, matt. not the fourth of july without seeing people dip hot dogs in water and shove them down their throats. nathan's famous hot dog contest in coney island this year. one champion
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was missing from the bun fight. patrick berleti was named top dog. >> fake, fake. >> defending women's champion from florida took home her 10th title and set a world record for the girls, 51 hot dogs in 10 minutes. >> i will be back to beat my personal best. i am really excited. >> the record is 76 in 10 minutes belongs to 16-time champion joey chestnut, banned there year after sponsoring a vegan meat product. one fan was outraged he staged his own protest. >> joey! this is america. >> travesty. absolutely unamerican. will not stand for it. >> joey chestnut! >> chestnut continued chowing down on hot dogs against a team of soldiers at a texas army base. the results, not really a
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surprise. >> 90 seconds in and he is on 21 and 22 of 39 and 40. >> 3, 2, 1. that is it. [ cheers and applause ] >> these are fort blitz hot dog eating champion joey chestnut. >> it never gets easier watching that. oh! he ate57 hot dogs in 5 minutes while the rest of the group ate49 in total. he is the champion. every fourth of july this video of a fireworks mishap pops up again and again. b
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lymph if you are an internet connoisseur like we are you remember back up terry, the viral video from a few years ago when a man in a wheelchair could not get away from exploding fireworks. l we are hearing from the man, the legend, tonight >> back up, back up, terry. put it in reverse, terry, oh, lord, lord, oh, lord, jesus. oh, lord, oh, jesus, what are you doing, terry? >> that was terry. get out of there. that viral video shot in 2017. thousands of people donated to him he lives in memphis. >> what has changed for you >>. >> getting to be known all over. >> the first year we get the
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money we used almost every penny on his wheelchair and getting him a van. >> i appreciate how they helped me out. >> we are crying. >> terry who is stuck in a wheelchair, he said the viral video has brought a lot of good to his life >> some people purchased t-shirts they say, they thought that it was money going to terry. >> i am not getting any percentage of the sale of them t-shirts. >> oh, no, terry. a google search shows a lot of sites where they can buy back up sites, he relies on funds to fuel his van and family is trying to make his house more accessible for him. his mother says you need to look out for shirts with his signature so he
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gets the money. that video is legendary. >> i am buying a shirt to help terry. i love that guy. >> that video is (upbeat music) - hi everyone, and welcome to legal help center. this is where we have professionals standing by to answer your questions regarding personal injury. so if you've been injured in an accident that was not your fault, like a car accident or a slip and fall, we can help. as a matter of fact, we are here to help. so take that first step and call the number on your screen right now. we have legal professionals standing by to answer your questions. they'll tell you if you have a case and how much your case is potentially worth. and if you know someone who was recently in an accident, send them our number and tell them to give us a call. i'm sure they'll be glad that you did. now, this is a service to you, the viewers


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