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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 6, 2024 2:06am-2:35am PDT

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francisco. they have a new tactic to stop an event before it starts. not all neighbors are convinced. plus? >> we are still very much in this heat wave. for some of us tomorrow may be the hottest thing of the whole thing. but there is good news. even if it is not going away entirely. i'll show you the end of it at the end of the tunnel. president biden sits down for one of the most high stakes moments of his political career. >> but it seemed like you were having trouble from the first question in. >> and he is responding on questions about whether he should run. hi, i'm sara donchey. we're going to talk about an unofficial event that's very popular. we have followed it for years. police say it is suppose to happen tomorrow. skaters take over the streets in san francisco mission district, plunging down very
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steep hills, flying off ramps. this is called the dolores hill bomb. you've probably heard about it. it's seen clashes with cops. major injuries, even a death. . >> reporter: this is the video that has the skate boarding community up in arms today. >> showing off the skills of san francisco's most talented skaters ended horribly for one young woman. >> reporter: the friend was riding his bike when he collided with a skate border. >> so the city is taking scraps like installing these speed bumps on the streets for 2020. >> as i have been standing here watching, it's definitely slowed the cars down, but will the speed dots make a difference for skate borders?
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>> those are all over dolores street. last year's hill bomb exploded with police in riot gear. >> fireworks going off at the bottom. kids are getting on top of the muni. kids were smashing out windows on the bus i was on. people were tagging the bus that i was on. at first it turned into a little bit of the riot. >> in the end, more than 100 people were arrested and claiming officers wrongfully detained dozens of young people including the police department. >> they were kids, they were young kids. they were terrified, they were cold. >> it was the police that endangered these youth. >> and what is excessive about the officer putting on safety equipment when they have an explosives thrown at them, bottles thrown at them, getting punched in the face, spat on.
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>> one year after that chaos, the cops are sawing people. our andrea nakano asks people if the plan to block skaters from showing up will work. >> reporter: it's a confrontation the san francisco police department is trying to avoid. >> we're here to say officially we do not intend to allow a hill bomb tomorrow. >> reporter: but some residents are concerned the warning by san francisco police may have paveed the way for another explosive bill bomb. >> it sounded like a good set up for a nice conflict. >> reporter: jeff skilton remembers these scenes from 2023. >> in light of what happened last year, they should have been a lot more sensitive on how to address this now. they were very heavy handed there, i know their losses were coming
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out of that thing. >> reporter: san francisco police chief, bill scott though says as soon as they heard about it, they responded. sfpd set up a meeting to get feedback. but the toughest thing is things that happen. >> there are no rules at all. that's what we cannot allow. >> reporter: so police put out barricades to stop skaters from barreling down the hill, something skaters were able to easily move last year. this year sfpd plans to have enough officers on duty to handle any type of confrontation. >> we are not looking for confrontation. we are not looking to spoil people's fun. what we're looking to do is keep our community safe. >> reporter: while many residents are supportive of the police department's actions, others wish this could all be
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handled differently. >> to have these kids come out here and ride their skate boards down the hill. and to have it in that situation. >> and he's worried the police's response may just drive the skaters elsewhere. >> here is the deal. they are playing over a fixed idea. they'll do it some place else. in fact when they started doing this thing. the focused on church street okay. that's the game you're going to play. that's the game you're going to get. >> you heard scott say the hill bomb is an unsanctioned event. there is a whole website declaring that it will happen on july 6 and listing street closures and muni lines being rerouted. all right, we have been in what feels like a very long, hot stretch of weather. i think darren, a lot of people inland
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are wondering when this whole thing is going to end. >> at the top of the newscast, tomorrow will be the hottest day. let's get right to it. what will it feel like tomorrow? saturday of this long weekend for so many of us, and this is kind of peak heat. you were a little hotter in the inland east bay on tuesday. but take a look at the number for saturday and concord at 106 tomorrow. you were there tomorrow. look at the trivalleys. thankfully you're only in the 90s. close to 100 already through the heat wave. if you're until the immediate bay, you're getting help. the numbers have started to come down a little bit. san francisco, only 71 degrees today. it was marine layer gray most of the day. in the north bay valleys, you're also getting a break. cool air that has been streaming through the
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petaluma gill out there and if you want to see what that looks like today as we're getting closer till sunset. look what's still there. the marine layer is putting on a show. this is a good sign for things to come down the road with an excessive heat warning and goes until 11:00. tomorrow is the worst. i'll show you why sunday is better than saturday if you're trying to make outdoor plans for the weekend. sunday would be the day to think about it. don't go crazy with your sunday plans. sunday is still hot, but if there is something that you're looking forward to, i'll show you why you need to do it this weekend. as long as you do it responsibly, sunday might be a better day. for now, back to you. >> thank you. president biden has had a rough week one. he is facing questions about the ability to run the country. now he sat down for one of the more
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political interviews with an explosive. it was a crucial opportunity for biden to reassure the american public that he has what it takes to win and to serve currently. >> it is a bad episode. no indication of any serious condition. i was exhausted. and they did a test to see whether or not i had some infection virus. i didn't. >> reporter: what some call the big debate. >> did you watch it afterwards? i don't think i did, no. >> reporter: in a set down on abc news, he, as it was
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happening. >> i'm prepared. what i would usually do is come back as foreign leaders for explicit details. what i looked at is he also lied 28 times. i mean it's no one else's fault. >> it seems like you were there even as he smoked. >> biden was asked if he would drop out in the race. >> if hakeem jeffries, nancy pelosi came down and said we're worried, but if you stay in the race, we're going to lose the house and senate. how would you respond? >> i'll joan the detail with them. every one of them. they all said i should stay in the
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race. but they do? >> it is like they're not going to do that. >> reporter: biden was asked about whether he's fit to run the country right now and if he waldo be willing to do that in the country. >> there's a lot of time in this campaign. it's over 125 years. i like the decision. >> the right answer right now is no? >> i've done it. >> tonight they're reporting the top democratic leader, representative hakeem jeffries is planning a virtual meeting with his peers. the agenda? to discuss the presidency and a path forward for the democratic party. all right, a fireworks malfunction is going viral. people said it happened like that. >> i was just in shock like it hurt and it sent a shock through my body. >> one of those fireworks hit a
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teenager right in the body. what she did next that will probably surprise you. and how fans can say good-bye to a giants legend. the public celebration of life for the say hey kid. plus, it's been so hot that people could barely cool off. but try dealing with all of that heat dressed like that.
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fourth of july got kind of crazy after fireworks started shooting into the crowd at this packed stadium in utah during a big celebration. some kind of technical malfunction caused them to fly right into the crowd as you saw. one person got hit in the face. several people had burn injuries. one of the people were hit there. >> i remember seeing the fireworks going into the crowd in different places and it came right behind me, so i wasn't expecting it at all. i was just in shock. like it hurt. it sent a shock through my body. i was just thinking owe measure i was so excited and pumped.
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>> oh my gosh. so the fireworks burned her arms and legs. she got banned from the shop though and went back to performing the routine. in the end, six people did have to go to the hospital. one of them serious injuries. back here in the bay judging from what we saw in the sky, a lot of people did not listen to warnings from cops not to set off illegal fireworks. this is how it looked over oakland last night. similar scenes over san francisco and the way since. they could cause life changing injuries if they explode near your body or hand. we learned today illegal fireworks left a juvenile with very serious injuries in berkeley. we sent our jose rivas say .
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>> it is super concerning because after covid, we had seen this rise in people doing fireworks that aren't regulated just in their backyard or on the street. >> reporter: rose clark is the owner of rose's adeline, a restaurant she opened two months ago located just a block away from where police say a juvenile was injured when a firework exploded in their hand last night. >> it is so unfortunate that somebody was injured in such a bad way and it is really concerning. >> reporter: neighbors tell us at least 30 people gathered in this street lighting fireworks. just before 10:00 a.m., bin of those is rushed to the hospital. >> i think we all heard them last night starting at 5:00 p.m. until 2:00 a.m. it's just
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a little bit crazy. >> reporter: that is why sofa-clark decided to close. >> and his girlfriend decided to go out early in the expected chaos. >> i flew until 8:30. >> reporter: as the community comes to terms with this tragic accident, authorities are reminding everyone that fireworks are illegal in berkeley. a lot of people were out celebrating the fourth of july. very hot again today. darren, it sounds like even hotter tomorrow in some places? >> it will be hotter tomorrow in some places. tomorrow will be the peak. before i get into the numbers. i'm just going to harp on the fireworks thing again for one second because there is one other element to that story. all of that smoke and particulate matter. you can see the winds coming through the golden gate, talking about how they are keeping the city
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cool. only 71 in san francisco today. but look at where that wind goes. it will continue down the south bay going south here and comes in the air got picked up in this flow and do you want to see what the air quality was like when we woke up this morning? check out the forecast imagery over my shoulder. you'll see it. these are the air quality sensors. look at the pattern. if you were on the peninsula or the south bay, you woke up this morning with moderate air quality and because all that smoke from last night's fireworks got corralled and just kind of piled up in the south bay. got better by the afternoon. that's what we look for. here is an interesting image what the air quality was like over the last few days. look what happened last night. each one of these bars is an hour of time. there are six bars on there last night that went into unhealthy. three of
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them get into hazardous. you see the purple ones? you had two to three hours last night where the air quality in oakland was hazardous to breathe because of the fireworks. considering where we are with fire season and everybody's got such an elevated awareness of this, we are all doing our best to spare our lungs in light of the fact that it could be a long summer from the smoke and poor air quality standpoint, three hours. stuck with the hazardous air. it's not what you want right now. all right, that's when the marine layer was doing today just to see it because it makes you feel good hopefully. that's cool, wet damp air that's streaming into the bay. it will help the city tomorrow, you will still stay in the low 70s. it will be medium at golden gate and napa. more sunshine tomorrow. as we look at sunday, there's more of it. sunday gets cooler. we saw saturday's numbers. i showed you where we would be for that. but since we mentioned the numbers are going up. let's take a look at tomorrow's numbers one more time. probably the most important part of the forecast at this point is to
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get you ready for what's coming your way tomorrow. 106 in livermore. 106 in concord. the numbers that will look at where you will be. but the numbers in the north bay. you could easily be as hot as anyone else, but you're getting a nice break because of the onshore influence right now and that is helping. let's get into your seven-day forecast and i'll show you how this goes. for our micro climates, we already know about this one right here, it's an issue. sunday is a lot better. it's not good, but it's a lot better than saturday. 95, you're still about six, seven, eight degrees above average in some places. a little bit of a break in the middle of the week and a little warm up. remember that excessive heat warning stays in effect until wednesday night. these numbers are why. it's the duration of time that we're staying well above average. it's not just the individual days where we really top out with the highest numbers. all right, over to you.
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>> thanks, darren. coming up in sports, the giants bullpen walks the tight rope in cleveland. and klay thompson breaks the silence and stays out there with the sign for the dallas mavericks. all right, the klay thompson story has reverberated around the country. everybody is looking at the warriors.
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people were trying to cut the deal. people have been wondering what does klay think right now? >> any time you break up a team like this, there will be a lot of eyes on it. it's been almost a week since klay left to go to the mavericks. we heard the good-byes from the warriors from steph, draymond like sara cede. but now he's probablies on similar times. these are the best times of my life. it was such an honor to put that dubs jersey on from day one. don't be sad it's over. be happen until it happens. until we meet again, sea captain out. perfect way to do it. in baseball the giants and cleveland for manager bob mel win vs. he's got the guardians as one of the top teams in the american league. san francisco came out swinging. five in the first six batters reached base. michael conforto ripped a two run double to give the giants a
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quick 3-0 lead. in the ninth, he likes to make people nervous. jose ramirez, duvall gets him to chase the slider in the inning. next up, josh belted a homer in this game a 4-6-3. cleveland is 0-11. giants win 4-2. they've got a chance to get back to above .500 tomorrow. the a's lost 3-2 to the orioles at the coliseum. but here is what we want. a rare friday night top five. we start with number five, braves manager, brian snitker. thank god he has children. when ozzy elvis is at the plate. make sure they're sitting. number four, euro cup quarter finals. spain and germany. tied in
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119th minute when marino went airborne. spain knocked out germany. they will place in the semis. number three back to cleveland. matt chapman's walk-up song may not be like us. but the over-the-shoulder catch before sliding along the tarp, oh, what a sweet play by chapman. number two, george costanza bobblehead at the game. great shirt, thanks for the souvenir. that number one 97-year-old, maybelle swing. she played in the girls professional baseball league that in. and the part was actually played by madonna. >> everybody calls me madonna all the time because of my name that is may and i'm pretty wild in those days. i had more fun. even when we got to base, we would get strawberries. you could still dig out the gravel in my rear end here. but you
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know, we didn't care. we would have broken fingernails. got to be cured before i make that $2 million. but we like to go out and watch baseball. real baseball. >> oh, 97-year-old maybelle blair, one of my favorite interviews of all time. >> yeah, she's so fun. >> i could listen to her for nine straight innings. she had so many stories. she's growing the game. she wants a women's hall of fame by itself away from cooperstown in rockford, illinois. she's working on getting that done. >> if anybody had could get that done, it is maybelle at 97 years old. giants fans will have a chance to say good-bye to the say hey kid. willie mays died in june. he's considered one of the greatest baseball players of all time. now the team is inviting fans everywhere and friends to remember the hall of famer and the legacy he left behind. on
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monday, doors open at 3:00 p.m. at oracle park. celebration of life is set to go on until 6:00 p.m. on the field, buffalo new york, one pitcher was not enough for the savannah bananas. they had seven. but there is a catch. >> they've got some trickery afoot. who has the banana ball. it came from the right side of eric jones jr. >> yeah, from the way they celebrated a home run in the bottom of the fourth, you would think they won the game. >> as they walked off too many, they leave two parts to nothing. and they love what they're seeing. >> yeah. i wish we could do that in the office. frown upon here. >> get off some steam. >> yeah. the show didn't go well. time to break out a table. >> pick out whose desk you want to slam. >> i already know. it's written down. >> we'll be locking the doors at the sports department. paul heggen, count your
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days, buddy. >> he's not even here. now from bananas to furries. in this case, a very sweaty furries that were left out to roast. matt, can't wait for this one.
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all right, we've been talking so much about the heat. it's been so hot out there, like crazy hot. everybody in the bay area is just trying to cool off and chill out. try enduring sweltering temperatures though while wearing a furry costume. sounds like an interesting problem. thousands of furries eager to register for a furry convention. we're stuck. a lot of them to deal with heat and humidity while wearing their thick fluffy costumes. everything from heads to full body get ups. some of the furries said that's their title. the uncomfortable wait was all for nothing in some cases. >> considering it was 90 degrees on top of this. you get so sweaty and so fatigued that
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it is crazy. >> i waited two hours in line and it felt forever. >> how do you wash one of those? that is not tumble dry low. >> you know, that is a really good question. i don't know. i can't imagine they smell great either. [ laughter ] despite the heat, this guy looked stoked to be there. nevermind how it felt to be in that costume. imagine just the aroma. furries have a very active community when my producer attended santa clara university a few years ago, a group of furries would all meet at the wicked chicken sports bar every wednesday night without fail. and that is not firsthand information. she passed that on to me to share with all of you. >> hopefully it's cooler at the sports bar. >> yeah. >> yeah. >>


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