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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. now at 11:00 after police threatened arrests and tried to block the streets a smaller version of the dolores hill bomb went on at a different location . >> got to keep doing otherwise, you'll be repressed. >> just let them skate. i
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don't see the big deal about it. a gas station take over, what the owner has to say about oakland police officer spots and the response he says is taking over the neighborhood. another intense day of heat on the way to read where they area residents are flocking to read good evening, i'm andrea nakano. despite vowing to prevent anyone from participating, a small group of skateboarders found a simple but effective solution to avoid police blockades, and that was to literally move across the park and calm down the hill on church street. the barricades in extra enforcement where san francisco policeman department's way of avoiding last year, where police in riot gear led to clashes, many teen arrests resulted . hour amanda
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harry was out there for today's more muted event talking to people about why they decided to go through with it despite the stern warning from police. >> you've got to keep doing it, otherwise you will be oppressed. >> reporter: greg runnels still showed up for the annual dolores hill bomb . what he found was san francisco police shut down the road next to the park to cars, pedestrians, and skateboards . despite social media post saying it was canceled, police and many skateboarders still showed up. >> i talked to the cops and asked , what am i love to do? they said as soon as you hop over that fence you are rested. >> reporter: amir lofton decided to test it and went down a small portion of the hill between the barricades.
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>> it's fun, it gives you adrenaline. >> reporter: while he didn't get in trouble he said it's nothing to past years. in 2023, san francisco police came out to the hill bomb in riot gear citing and arresting hundreds of people, most of them, teenagers. runnels believes efforts by sfpd simply escalated the matter . but police chief, bill scott, says they are just trying to keep people safe. >> we want people to have fun with their skateboards, but what we can't have is a community that has been taken over, criminal activity, vandalism, assault, assaults on officers and the public-- >> reporter: scott says, many community members don't want the hill bombing to happen. sarah jane lives nearby and says she has mixed feelings
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about the event. while she liked how fun and unique it is she feels it's become unsafe. >> the past couple years it's gotten pretty violent, and property has gotten destroyed-- and so much graffiti-- and one of our neighbors was like punched in the head, he was an elderly gentleman. so, it's taken a pretty negative turn. and, because of that, we are not fully in support of it happening. >> reporter: some skateboarders still found a way to get their ride in, they moved to the other side of 18th and church street at dolores where a smaller hill bomb took place as some officers looked on. omar hernandez went down in hopes the event would continue. >> i think this can work if the city works with us. we will see how many people this could make happy. >> reporter: next year is yet to be determined, but police say the event is unofficial and
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unsanctioned making it difficult to execute safely. >> and we are going to switch gears to weather now. we are in store for another day, triple digits for inland's as a heat wave goes into its sixth straight day. let's go to darren peck to figure out how hot it's going to be. >> this was the peak heat, the hottest day, for good news. it will be 10 degrees cooler for some of us tomorrow. on that positive note, it's still going to be hot tomorrow. we were breaking records today. to point out the positive, you're going from 111 in livermore, you broke the record today. concord, 105 at the airport, and for santa rosa that breaks the record at the airport as well. we did not break records in the immediate bay due to the marine layer. so here's
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tomorrow. better, but still 100 degrees in livermore. 98 in concord, 97 in pleasanton. excessive heat warning tomorrow. we will keep the cooling trend going, we will bottom out on tuesday, and this is as low as numbers are getting all week. for some it means low 90s. inland valleys. this also means after that bottom on tuesday it's going to start warming up. we'll show you in the complete first alert forecast. >> thanks, darren. the fog has been a big help for communities along the coast. we saw 40-degree difference between them in the inland areas. one of the most popular spots to escape the heat has been pacifica. john ramose reports. >> reporter: people often joke how readily you see the sun in pacifica, but after this week that's become a tourist attraction. in the east bay the
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warnings about extreme heat continued, but shortly before noon the temperature in walnut creek, 91. that seemed pretty good for this family who were setting out an outdoor reunion party at heather farms. >> i like it like this, i can deal with heat up to 90-something, then i'm miserable [ laughter ] >> reporter: walnut creek was forecast for 103. this phoenix resident laughs . >> it's probably maybe 105 or 106 right now in arizona. this feels good. i wish the summer for the whole summer i wish it was like this, but it's not. >> reporter: but if there's one place that can be envied it's the town of pacifica at 2:00 p.m. temperatures stood at a balmy 66 degrees, and fully clothed beachgoers were at tip-off they had come to get away from inland heat.
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>> we were planning for the national parks, but the temperature over there is also over 100 [ laughter ] so we decided for the beach. >> it feels like an oven literally, at home. >> this change in climate is, it's been brutal, it's hot. >> reporter: from san ramon, where heat and power failures took their toll on residents. >> 6:00 a.m., and it's 78 in the house already. as i get up, first thing is to go downstairs and open up all the windows, and the garage, to get all the cool air into the house as soon as possible. by 8:00 close everything up. >> reporter: they brought the dog along to watch the solar and the surf. all the talk about a heat wave may be helping them appreciate what they have. >> i'm just grateful it's not happening here. i mean we've developed a narrow comfort zone , 65-71. so this is perfect. [
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laughter ] >> well you know, there are days where i want to look at the sunshine, get a little vitamin d and c, but i think it's beautiful here. fog is beautiful, ultimately, i think, especially on a week like this for sure. >> reporter: is may, who works at the local bagel shop, loves to hear the compliments on her chilly hometown. >> they come in and say like oh yeah, it's hot from where we are, and it's super nice and super pretty here. it's a nice escape. >> reporter: what might be considered gloomy has become a nice escape . turns out weather, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. evacuation orders remain in place for parts of placerville after fire broke out behind an airport runway. 80 acres are included airplane hangars and
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other infrastructure are in the fire's path. >> my aunts and cousins lived through the paradise fire, so this is not something you want to see in your own town. not after all the fires we've had. >> there's a 0% containment and no word on a cause. same thing all over the state that prolonged hot temperatures, creating perfect conditions for fires to spark and spread quickly. elise preston has more. >> reporter: blistering temperatures, high winds, and dry brush, are all fueling the santa barbara lake fire, one of several that erupted in the past 24 hours . the fast-moving flames already burned about 12,000 acres . crews are starting to get control of the french fire, which threatened to overtake a tourist spot near yosemite national park. at one point nearly 1100 had to flee from the flames. first
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responders, like julie whitney are working 72 hour-shifts dealing with a spike in calls for heat -related illnesses. is there anything surprising to you about this summer heat? >> i feel it came on a lot faster. >> reporter: arimidex worn it only takes about 15 minutes outside before you can feel sick with cramps, dizziness, or nausea. stay up-to-date with everything related to this heat wave and fires on our website,, and the cbs news app . understand what we all know in 122 days we each have the power to decide what kind of country we want to live in. >> vice president kamala harris talking at an essence festival in new orleans, one of the high
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profile democrats crisscrossing the country trying to shore up support for president biden. governor newsom is another one of the people stopping for biden today. pennsylvania, where he continues backing the president after a week of speculation about him out of the race. >> i believe in the president, his character, his competence, and his capacity. >> but democrats in washington remain divided, another has called for him to step aside, angie craig, who represents a swing district in minnesota, says she doesn't believe the resident can successfully campaign and win against trump. the president's comments postdebate have not eased his concerns. >> now is the time to be candid with ourselves. i appreciate loyalty. this is not about loyalty, this is pragmatic politics to avoid a second trump term. >> house democratic leader hakeem jeffries will hold a virtual call with top democratic committee members on
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sunday. still to come here at 11:00 an oakland business owner is mending accountability from the city, after his store was ransacked in a flash mob robbery. and it's a done deal, the first trade in nba history sends a splash by the to dallas after 13 years with golden state.
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we are going to see a little cooling trend . >> some of us will get a 10-degree drop . >> that's nice. >> it's still excessively hot, but it's so much better. then we'll warm up 3 to 1st, that's today. this is what it looked like at sunset from our salesforce tower camera. here's the marine layer, there was a fascinating aspect of that. look at the cold air off the coast of california. that creates what we call the marine layer, all that cold air directly above all that , as we were seeing from the newscast, the beaches were wonderful places to be today, temperatures didn't get out of the 60s along the coastline. and we always say inland it's
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much hotter. it's true, you'll get away from the invert , and that marine layer is only several hundred feet high. when you go above the marine layer it's pretty much just as hot as inland. it was 101 today for the high . that's crazy, you think going into the mountains you'll cool off. but when you get above this wonderfully cool marine layer you really feel the influence. that's the 8:00 a.m. 1000 feet below on panoramic highway, if you've ever been to the mountain home restaurant there. it was 40 degrees cooler. just going down 1000 feet. it's amazing, the influence on the microclimates from the marine layer. let's look to the better news. i showed you how tomorrow you are a bit cooler. and then tuesday, we will bottom out, those are
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tuesday's highs , then we will warm up. thursday, the numbers go back up to 100 for concord, 103 livermore . there is really good news by saturday. before we get to saturday, don't forget, we have the excessive heat warning until wednesday. the national weather service might extend this until thursday. we'll let you know if they do, but that's their call. the marine layer will go back in tomorrow. so we will wake up with the marine layer. that will help us cool down. but it's not getting inland. watch the heat migrate away. this is how we will cool down to monday, the center of the heat where the purple is, it's too close to us. then it migrates east. that's where the center will be, saturday.
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on monday when you can see the difference, this is where we start the week. we have strong northerly winds here. i'm going to skip ahead to see saturday. area of low pressure will deepen the marine layer. saturday is going to be notably cooler. take a look at the end of the seven-day forecast. oakland you'll go down to the 70s, san francisco, upper 60s. north bay valleys, from 99, thursday, to 91 on saturday. 10 has a camille go from 95 on thursday got to 91 on saturday, and for the inland east bay from 100 back down to 91 on saturday, so some relief coming, but you've got to be careful. matt, over to you. giants are fighting to get to .500 as they try to keep their hot streak going. no turning back now. the signing of clay thompson is official for the mavericks, and steve kerr weighs in.
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goes for second, matt chapman breaks for home, first steal to home since 2017. kinsey noel goes deep of jackson, makes it a two-run game, cleveland hung on, 5-4, san francisco's fourth lost in their last 12. i hope those hats can shield their eyes after what the a's did to baltimore. 18th home run of the year, fell to list one, two innings later, homers for the second straight game, this two-run blast made it 12-0 in the third inning. we jumped to the eighth, 17-6. no relation,
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and that's probably good. the 45-mile-per-hour pitch was taken for a two-run blast, oakland's fifth of the day, 19-8, the most runs scored in baseball this season behind the 20 runs the a's scored on may 4th. a big start warriors fan, klay thompson is going to wear number 31 for his new team, and steve kerr started off his press conference with a thank you message for thompson. >> these things rarely go like you want, where you get to draw it up and execute it, and everyone goes out together. we were hoping that could happen, but it didn't. and, we wish klay well. but, we'll miss him. klay, if you're watching, thank you. the sharks signed and
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introduced the new face of their franchise, saturday. plus the kings made just one of the biggest moves of the nba off-season with a major new addition. for moderate to severe crohn's disease,
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it's a new era at san jose, signing macklin celebrity to a three-year deal on saturday. he could have gone back to school but instead he's headed to san jose. the former junior shark already has fans excited. team president jonathan becker tweeted a couple hours after the signing was announced they already had to restock on his jersey . the 18-year-old's debut is a little over three months away, but he's already excited for the night. >> it's something i've dreamed of, playing in the nhl, and the debut will be exciting , and i cannot wait mac for it. it still seems so far away. i am trying not to focus on it too much. bay fc hosts washington
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spirit at paypal park. 21st minute, trinity rodman, dennis rodman, scores with ease on the penalty kick. washington wins 3-0 . back to basketball, warriors leading the w's at chase center, fourth quarter against miami, spencer comes up with the steal tomatoes down the poster dunk, scored 16, golden state blew out the heat, 105-66. bronny james making his lakers summer league debut. he will play with his father this upcoming season scored two. the warriors plate bronny and the lakers tomorrow. the kings have acquired six-time all-star demar derozen
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, sending barnes to san antonio. this may be the biggest signing since they moved to sacramento. he received an ovation from fans at golden 1 center when he arrived at the kings league game. andrea , they don't want to be the warriors' little brother. demar derozan is pumping up fans. there it is. warriors' fans, don't worry. >> thank you matt. why oakland police say it took them hours to respond to this robbery and an oakland ga
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one oakland business owner
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is demanding accountability from the city after his city store was ransacked in a flash mob robbery. a mob ransacked a convenience store friday morning. owner , sam mardaie, said the two workers inside called 911, but police did not show up for hours. the mob spent 30-40 minutes cleaning out his entire store. >> whatever excuse you give me it's not enough for me. i won't accept it. in a matter of minutes , 30 minutes later, everything was destroyed. this is where i feed my family. >> oakland police showed up roughly 9 hours after the call, they said the report came in after thieves had left, so it was not a priority while they were handling other active cases. if there's ever been a dog deserving of the title, bad boy, it may be this colorado springs one. security footage
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shows the moment he switched on the stove after sniffing some boxes of treats left on the counter. well, it quickly spread from the boxes into the cabinets, and luckily the owners security system alerted them to this, so they managed to put out the fire before firefighters even arrived. just got to be careful what you leave on the counters. [ laughter ]
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dr. charles stanley: and the son of god, jesus the lord, said, "i am the way, the truth, and the life. no one comes to the father but by me. therefore, go into all the world, teaching and preaching


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