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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 8, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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now at 11:00, he's the california governor, but he's on a battleground blitz. >> i decided instead of just rolling over and giving up that i would step up. >> how newsom is becoming a key mouthpiece for the biden campaign while biden faces questions about doctor's
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visits to the white house. plus -- >> why those of us who are lucky enough to know the say hey kid. >> a star studded public celebration of life for a giants legend. and an east bay woman's trip to the lake turns to tragedy. >> i wanted to share because i hope this will save someone's life or someone's dog's life. >> her warning to other dog owners visiting a popular vacation spot. plus, a rescue mission in the shad boy of a wildfire. how a search crew pulled it off against all odds. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> and god evening, i'm juliette goodrich in for sara tonight. the democratic party has been consumed by in fighting over president biden's future, but our governor, governor gavin newsom, has emerged as a key
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figure in his campaign. he's been touring around key swing states to try and convince voters that biden is the way to go. so we call this map where in the country is newsom. he was in south carolina during the presidential debate and since then he's been traveling around key battleground states, doubling down on his support for biden. he was in michigan and pennsylvania last week and today he popped up in new hampshire. >> i decided instead of just rolling over and giving up that i would step up. >> but governor, do you have a -- >> -- cognitive ability, president biden's? >> i don't, and i have spent as much or more time as any other governor in the country with him. >> newsom was on a conference call where he insisted voters continue to care deeply about biden. in the past few days, newsom's staff has referred all questions about his travel schedule and political plans to
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the biden campaign. president biden is now doubling down on his bid for second term. he is pushing back on calls for him to step aside, saying this during a phone interview with msnbc just this morning. >> i am not going anywhere. i wouldn't be running if i didn't absolutely believe that i am the best candidate to beat donald trump in 2024. we had a democratic nominating process where the voters spoke clearly. >> and the white house is facing new questions about biden's medical history. cbs news has learned a parkinson's specialist from walter reed national military medical center visited the white house at least eight times over the last year. and white house visitor logs show the specialist met at least once with the president's personal physician. >> has the president been treated for parkinson's? no is he being treated for parkinson's? no. >> the physician to the white house says president biden has only seen a neurologist during
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annual physicals. the president's exam last february showed no findings of a neurological disorder. all right, back here in the bay area, trs only july, but san francisco mayoral candidates just faced off for a third time on the debate stage. our kelsi thorud was there as she reports much of the night was spent pointing fingers at what candidates say the mayor is doing wrong. >> reporter: well, in a room filled with mostly staffers or the different campaign's supporters, four of the top five candidates for san francisco mayor took to the stage to debate crime and safety here in the city. from homelessness to drug use to public transit, mayoral candidates ahsha safai, daniel lurie, london breed, and mark farrell all took to the stage to talk safety in san francisco. >> my top priorities as i run for mayor are addressing public
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safety, tackling the widespread corruption in city hall, addressing street homelessness, and dealing with the massive overdose crisis this city has faced. >> we need to send a message to the country and to the world that you do not come to san francisco to deal drugs, to do drugs, or to sleep on our streets. >> reporter: much of the discussion between the candidates was focused on incumbent mayor breed's policies while in office. former interim mayor mark farrell criticized the mayor's approach to public safety while the mayor defended her platform. >> as part of my fentanyl state of emergency we will capitalize on building thousands of new shelter beds throughout the city of san francisco and focus on project homeward bound. i quadrupled that project's budget when i was mayor, and this mayor haslet it disintegrate. >> all of these guys are talking about goals and ideas -- >> time's up.
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>> -- that i've been doing on the ground every single day to move san francisco forward. >> reporter: after the debate, we found one woman in the audience who told us she wasn't yet backing any specific candidate. i asked her what she thought of the night's performances. >> they answered the questions well. i thought it was really rather a good the ebait and got an where had of where they stood on the questions. >> reporter: now, given that the audience was so much made up of the different camp's supporter, it's difficult to say how this debate will impact the rest of the cam pafrn. one thing we do know after tonight, though, is that public safety remains a top issue in this race. fans and friends said good-bye to the say hey kid tonight in a star-studded celebration of life, and our vern glenn was there to see it
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all. take it all in, vern. >> i had no expectations at this beginning of this. i mean, it was going to be good because the giants were doing it, but i didn't know it was going to be that good. there were stories you could hear over and over about willie mays on a celebration of his life. what a turnout at oracle park to honor the say hey kid. many giants legends such as barry bonds, juan, dusty baker, even a couple of former presidents, bill clinton was at the ceremony and barack obama taped a message and told the story of flying mays on air force one to the 2009 all star game. >> as president it was rare for me to be the second most important guy on air force one, but with willie on board, it wasn't even close. the flight attendants kept passing me by to ask, can i get you something else, mr. mays? and as far as i was concerned, that's exactly how it should have been.
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>> everybody says that willie mays, including hank aaron, that's the other thing he said, he said he would have broken ruth's record way before i did if he hadn't moved to candlestick. he said when the wind's blowing wrong, god cannot hit a home run in candlestick park. >> i think god looked down on him one day and watched him play and said, boy, i really created a good one there. >> anybody that knows willie mays know that willie signs everything. you go to willie's house, everything's -- ashtray's signed, everything's signed. so willie signs my table. said, man, what are you doing? he said, boy, i do what i want. >> willie, 55 years ago, you put your arms around a 5-year-old boy and you said, hey, kid, you're coming with
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me. and i knew at that moment what i wanted to be, and that was a professional baseball player like my father and willie. thank you, willie. thank you. >> willie mays was really, really good with kids. the event was scheduled for two hours, went about 45 minutes past that and nobody complained. the stories were just too good, jules. >> you could still be there this evening listening to those stories on and on and on. >> absolutely. tell me again. tell me again. >> one more time. oh, vern, thank you so much. tonight an east bay woman has a warning for dog owners visiting a popular vacation spot. as tori apodaca reports, she doesn't want other people to suffer the same heartbreaking loss that she did. >> i've just been crying for a day straight, but i wanted to share because i hope this will
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save someone's life or someone's dog's life. >> reporter: a tiktok gone viral a woman claiming her dog died hours after being exposed to toxic algae while swimming in two south lake tahoe beaches. >> it's very concerning. you just want to make sure, you know, that your dog's always safe. >> reporter: it hasn't been confirmed algae caused the dog's death, but the potential risk triggering the water quality control board to test the water at el dorado and nevada beaches. >> i just got her out of the water right away. >> reporter: jennifer morgan let her dog swim around for a few minutes monday until someone warned her. >> did you notice the sign that was posted? >> no, i didn't, where is it? >> it actually is right over there posted for the first time today. >> no, i didn't see it. >> reporter: her dog wasn't too happy to have to leave. >> every summer it seems to pop up and it affects certain spots usually where the water is warmer. >> reporter: carson olson rents out kayaks, saying it's been a
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problem on south lake beaches practically every summer. >> just keep an eye on her. >> reporter: he and his coworkers started warning beach goers after seeing this new caution sign posted monday. >> it doesn't take a whole lot that would be ingested to cause problems. >> reporter: dr. robert tells us within a matter of minutes the toxins can attack you or your pet's nervous system and liver. but where do the toxins come from to begin with? the doctor says often from agricultural and nutrient runoff or stagnant water. >> be aware of the look of the water. >> reporter: because if it's looking too blue or green it's best to play it safe for you and your pet. >> she's our baby, and we protect her from everything. >> so the city of south lake tahoe says they are testing the lake water and they will post warning signs until they get the results back. so today for the first time
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in a week didn't feel oppressively hot across the bay area when you stepped outside. we checked out heather farms in walnut creek today where people were enjoying a reprieve from this heat wave. >> the last couple of days were absolutely miserable. today's a lot better. there's a little breeze. she just came from swim lessons. now we're going back home to jump in the pool again. and yeah, it feels much better. >> it feels much better, but let's two to paul, who's going to tell us when things are supposed to heat up again. >> thursday. >> darren, darren, i'm sorry, hi, darren. >> juliette, that's fine, paul's normally the one doing this shift. this is the first time since last tuesday that there is not a heat advisory or excessive heat warning on this map. it's coming back on thursday, so don't let your guard down, but let's enjoy this for a moment. i want to show you what today's daytime highs looked like, because this is almost exactly what tomorrow's daytime highs are going to look like. pick out your part of the bay. i think
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the number we just need to have a moment with is concord. concord's daytime high today didn't get into the 90s. that had to have felt fantastic. livermore, sorry, in your opinion the mid-90s today, and it was 84 in concord. so if that's where we were, and you can see what today's daytime highs look like, i'm going to skip ahead to thursday and by wednesday and thursday we are back into a heat advisory. in fact, if you look at the numbers on here, 108 coming in. we now have to bring back on the heat advisory. there is a definite pattern on here. most of the bay going into wednesday and thursday is under the heat advisory, but there's one part that is going to dodge it. and when we bring in the visualization for what the marine layer and its impact will have along the coast, take a look down here along the san francisco and the san mateo county coastline. these are thursday's daytime highs. you can't read half moon bay because it's within the marine layer. watch what happens when
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we get rid of the clouds. and look at that strip of the bay that is not within the heat advisory. it's that location that's going to kind of be insulated by this. thursday's the peak. we're going to get better after that. so when we get back together in the complete forecast, i'll show you how the numbers go down finally in a meaningful way and hopefully in a sustained way as we get to next weekend. i'll see you with that in a few minutes. juliette, back to you. >> darren peck, darren, thank you. an east bay synagogue bought bullet proof glass but didn't anticipate being targeted like this not once but twice. >> got a 1001, we were just told a tire came off your aircraft. >> that's not what you want to hear after a plane takes off. plus, in this sandwich, the deli meat and cheese are just the guest stars. it is the pickle that takes center stage.
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you might remember this from a few months ago. in march a wheel came off another united plane during takeoff at sfo. that wheel fell right into the parking lot and crushed a parked car. well, it happened again, this time in los angeles, a wheel falling off a united flight just this morning. this time it came close to hitting another plane. >> 1001, we were just told a tire came off your aircraft. >> okay, stand by. >> okay, the plane a 29-year-old 757 took off from los angeles with 181 people on board when that wheel came off the mainlanding gear. the plane
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ended up landing safely in denver. this evening oakland police just released video of a brutal attack and robbery that happened in broad daylight, but in this case officers aren't looking for the suspect. instead they are looking for the two victims. now, the whole thing happened at 6:30 friday evening and just a warning, the video of the attack is very difficult to watch. the two victims were walking on san pablo avenue when a man walked up to them and grabbed the older woman's bag. there was a struggle over the bag, and the suspect punched both victims in the face and head. the suspect got away with two bags, but police say an off-duty officer saw the attack and followed the suspect who ended up dropping the bags. when officers on duty responded, witnesses actually directed them to the suspect and they were able to arrest him. police say the suspect had actually committed three other robberies in that same area. and so tonight 1/3 asking for
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help to identify those victims you saw in that video in that attack so they can file a report. all right, staying in oak land a synagogue was vandalized twice in two weeks prompting two hate crime investigations. the night of june 2s, surveillance cameras captured someone throwing a concrete block at the window of a chabad jewish center of oakland which is on lakeshore avenue. then the same thing hatched again this saturday just after midnight. someone was throwing a concrete block right at the window. tonight the rabbi told us he believes this was an antisemitic attack. the synagogue already has bullet proof glass installed and security guards during services. rabbi said they had anticipated graffiti but nothing like this. >> we're totally outraged. it upset everybody. it takes away the sense of security that when you go to a place of worship you can worship without worry. knowing that it's been targeted twice already made
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people feel very uncomfortable. >> the rabbi added they will use the blocks thrown at the window as part of a future construction project. a rescue mission in rough terrain is challenging enough for search teams to pull off, but try doing it in the shadow of a growing wildfire. so that's what happened to a group of young backpackers who needed help after vanishing in the woods in placer county. michelle on the rescue against all odds. >> thank you. >> reporter: grateful parents showed their appreciation to the rescuers who found their sons. >> thank you. >> reporter: the 13 teens ages 16 to 19, neighborhood friends since kindergarten, can finally relax in cascade lake after their all night ordeal escaping the royal fire. >> how's the water feel? >> amazing. >> even better. >> relief. so relieved. so happy. it's just, you know, that period of time when you don't know what's going on. it's like i know all these kids are capable, but yes,
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it's pure relief. >> reporter: placer county sheriff's deputies doing a sweep of the area to warn hikers of the royal fire knew the group might be in trouble when they found their cars parked at the trail head of the palisades tahoe trail. that was 8:00 sunday night. >> not sure if they, you know, got caught up in the fire or, you know, were trying to outrun it, trying to get back to their cars. we weren't sure how they were handling the situation. >> reporter: the teens had a plan to move away from the fire with one of the older hikers familiar with the trail, and he knew where to go. they shared photos of their campsite and the plume of smoke they knew they had to get away from. >> said i can't wait two hours, go swimming, fishing, see what looks to be a campfire, but it spreads. >> reporter: they hiked an extra five miles to the other side. the sheriff's helicopter spotting them just after 7:00 this morning. their parents waiting to greet them. >> we knew that they were okay and they were safe, so that was a huge relief when we heard
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that. but to see eyes on them was good. >> huge relief to the parents. so glad that there was a happy ending to all of that. darren, obviously, temperatures are going to go even to the extreme in the next couple of days. >> they are. >> so thankfully all is good in their camp. >> yep, and it's nice. we've all got a break. we've got a break today. you're going to get a break tomorrow. these are actually tomorrow's numbers. i wanted you to see these. i showed you today's numbers first the last visit. these are the comfortable bridge. no heat advisory anywhere tomorrow. pick out your part of the bay, because those numbers have to go i way. i want you to visualize the bay for me in a slightly different way. what we can do on top of the virtual map now is in detail recreate the exact locations that the national weather service has issued the heat advisory. everywhere in orange has got it. of course, the coastline doesn't. let's get a wide view of the coast if we can see out to the water for a second. coastline's the only place to doesn't have it. now come up here to the city. the city also
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is one location right back this way that does not have the heat advisory on thursday. this right away tells you what's going on. the marine layer is still going to be an influence, and it's going to keep you relatively cool on thursday. you're getting help here. everywhere else, if you're inlamentd, you're not going to get that benefit. looking at tomorrow's numbers a moment ago, and we did this at the top of the newscast, but since this is probably the most important part of tonight's forecast, these are thursday's daytime highs. this is going to be a very fast return. so enjoy tomorrow. wednesday the numbers are going to jump a lot. but thursday's when they're going to peak. by thursday now we are looking at temperatures here that are at 108 for livermore. look at san jose, 98. see the fuchsia back there? that's the central valley, and they've got an excessive heat warning. again, they're right back in this. and you might be asking -- and you know, rightfully so, wouldn't 108 for livermore on thursday and 10 # for concord,
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look at antioch's number going to 108, shouldn't they have an excessive heat warning? and the reason why they don't because what's different about thursday, this is a two-day spike. so the duration is shorter, and there's also one other thing that's going to be hole upping here. we're going to lose the numbers. we've been getting a subtle onshore influence. we saw it in the marine layer which came back. you see it in the coastline and the city spared from the worst of this. follow the streamlines towards inland parts of contra costa county. your morning lows on thursday should stay at least as cool as the upper 60s. that's going to help you. this will be a little bit better from that standpoint. it is still going to be hot in the afternoon. and they may have to change that heat advisory for those inland valleys to that fuchsia. you might get upgraded anyway. when we look at the numbers, it kind of makes sense
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they would. stay on top of the forecast with us. i want you to see the seven-day. we're going to do the two. here's the inland microclimate seven-day. you know tomorrow no heat advisory on tuesday. it's a lot like today. look how fast it changes on wednesday. thursday's the peak and then it does start getting better. by the time we get to sunday we're right back down again by next weekend into early next week. when you look at the bay, a similar story. uptick on thursday and then better back here by sun. all right, vern, over to you. >> straight ahead in sports, the warriors introduce two of their newest ballers. x the face of the franchise, steph curry weighs in on the departure of
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when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ all right, vern glenn in studio now. what is it like when your good friend has to leave the team or, you know, your soul mate, they fly away. >> it's got to be tough. you used to hang out. you go in the locker room, they used to be there. there were habits, jokes.
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>> don't leave me, vern. don't leave me. >> okay, we'll work on that one. >> all right. >> we'll talk about the nba, new look, new direction. dawn of a new era as the days of the big three and splash brothers is over. here's two of the dubs newbies, kyle anderson and anthony melton. the season will be their first since 2010 that klay thompson has not been a part of golden state, and melton knows it'll be hard trying to get in where he can fit in. >> i understand everything they went through the last, what, 13 years. you know, they was together, and you know, four championships they won, so it's nothing i can do to replace him emotionally and mentally, all i can do is go out there, play my game, play hard and show why other fan bases, other fans love me too. meantime, tomorrow klay thompson will be officially
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introdoused as a dallas maverick. and steph curry told yahoo sports it's going to take some time getting used to seeing thompson wearing number 31 on a different team. >> it still hasn't really sunk in. just because you've been doing it for 13 years together, and you know, coach made a joke, he's like sometimes you can't really find klay in the off-seasons, and you don't really hear from him as much and then he shows up at training camp ready to go. i kind of have this idea that october he'll still, like, hey, guys, what's up? like, but i know that's not happening. >> i'm no splash brother, i've never hit an nba three, but when i did come across the street after 23 years on the channel one digit less than ours, the strange thing was holding a mic with a different mic flag. it's just, what? it's supposed to be, what? >> yeah. >> it was weird. >> then you get used to it.
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>> yes, now it's old habit. >> vern, thank you. up next, we get vern's take on a sandwich. >> oh, i like sandwiches. >> yes, giving people a case of pickle mania. do you like pickles? >> i do like pickles. >> dill or sweet? >> dill. >> all right, be - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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we love to talk food during this show. >> yes. >> so in new york people have a case of pickle mania. it's over a sandwich, right? >> okay. >> a long island deli is serving it up. they make it by scraping out the core of a giant pickle then filling it up with deli meats and cheeses. it's almost like that's the bread, right? >> yeah. >> creation so popular the deli has a designated pickle sandwich line. people waiting up to an hour to get their
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hands on it. the deli says some people have been traveling from as far as florida and boston to eat it. this might make you ask why not make it at home. well, apparently people are having a tough time finding pickles big enough to make anything more than a mini slider sized sandwich. can you hear the music? so i think that's a great idea. you know it's like when someone else makes your sandwich it always tastes better. >> i like to make my own sandwich. daddy likes himself some pickles, but that's too much pickles. >> i was thinking french fries in there. from maybe it's not >> the pressure is rising on president biden to drop out of the campaign. >> right now, the first and most important question is, will joe biden be the democratic nominee?


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