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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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. now at 11:00 t is about to get hot in the bay area. >> people are just so hot. and i mean they have no energy for anything. >> how a group in the south bay is working to make sure this heatwave is not deadly like the last. a dog that bolted during the fourth of july fireworks turns up where her owner least expect. >> i saw it had a collar and a leash i thought something is not right. >> more on an unlikely island rescue. the zoo is going without a fan favorite for the first time in 75 years the popular
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resident there losing to a sanctuary in tennessee. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey. hi, i'm sara donchey. we got a break today, not from the workweek but from the heat. it is coming back and a lot of us have to brace ourselves for. we learned a dozen people in the south bay died because of last week's heatwave. we will get back to that in a moment. we are tracking the heat for us and smoggy air coming with it. what is it looking like for tomorrow? >> interesting part about that air quality, sara. take a look at us. sunset, look at the haze. you can see the clear air. look at the messy stuff that we are living in underneath that that is part of the reason why we got an air quality advisory tomorrow. it will be hot. so much direct sunlight that we are going to be turning a lot of the
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pollution in the ground level ozone. with the heat in mind, look at the factor that we have to deal with tomorrow. you got a heat advisory if you are anywhere in orange and in the neatly out lined santa clara area. heat warning, i will so you tomorrow's day time highs really quick. it is higher than it is today. some places 5-9 degrees higher. concord, you are climbing, there is a difference here, areas in the orange in the immediate bay for a heat advisory. areas inland have the fuchsia, look at the coast, question marks here how you will experience the heat on wednesday and thursday. if we lose the flow the number could be higher. we will talk about that and i will show you why there is good nows after that by the time we get to friday, late friday, things will improve. i will see you with that in a few minutes, back to
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you. , sara. the heat could have serious consequences some, cases deadly. the santa clara county medical examiner told us they are investigating 14 deaths that could be related to the last heatwave, several of the people who died were homeless. tonight, we talked with a woman who works to help the homeless population saying she is not surprised at all. >> reporter: for the past week, shawn has been trekking across santa clara county checking on all of the unhoused people. >> people are just so hot and they have no energy for anything. >> reporter: shawn is with unhoused response group. all volunteer team that provides supply and aid to the homeless. she says the latest heatwave continues to be unbearable for so many people living on the street. >> i mean you go out there and you go see women in minimal clothing and all of the guys
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are in minimal, you sweated through everything you have, everything is filthy, not like you can go to the laundra-mat. >> reporter: 14 deaths are being investigated as potentially heat related. two of the individuals were unhoused and one other was an unhoused person in transitional housing. shawn told me, sadly, the numbers don't shock her. >> it is just in this heatwave people can not sustain that. your body is not made to basically be left out in the heat with no food, no water. >> cooling centers have been opened across the county to help people beat the heat. but she says it is not much help to the unhouseed when they don't stay open overnight >> they should be open overnight to follow along with the county recommendations. that would really be helping people, you know, cots that people can lay in, things like that to give people some sort
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of respite but they are not. >> shawn told me she is certain more people will die in the coming days as the temperatures, again, peak over 100 degrees. >> i am not worried i am just, i accept that they are going to die because nobody is getting it together. people say that there is an emergency but no one is responding like it is an emergency. >> reporter: shawn says all she can do is continue to check on all of the people she knows and provide what supplies she can. her hope is that more people will join her in doing that to try to save as many lives as possible. >> valley water just delayed a vote to fine hundreds of homeless people camped out along the creeks. the agency claims they are concerned that trash from encampments can pollute the water. during public comment a lot of people criticized the plan calling it inhumane. support ares say they will try to find housing for
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people living by the creek. now, oak land, wrapped up in a scandal. after a raid at the mayor's home. they not only raided the mayor's home but three other locations connected to duong family, they are major donors. now, a federal grand jury sedemanding that the city of -- jury is demanding that the city turn over documents. >> reporter: the fbi has not answered any questions about why the mayor's home was searched in the early morning hours of june 20th or what agents were looking for. on, june 25th, the fbi demanded documents from the city attorney related to the case. asking for any communications around mayor thao's campaign, meetings she has taken who she met with and what was discussed as well as communications having to do with the duong businesses. they want the documents going back to january
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of 2022, a few months after thao announced she was running for mayor >> the feds are looking at both the campaign of the mayor as well as conduct that occurred afterwards. >> stephen clark is a former prosecutor and now a defense attorney. based on the documents that the fbi is asking for, he believes this is a pay to play investigation. and, the fbi is looking for evidence of possible bribery or public corruption. >> was there some connection between campaign financial activities and the subsequent conduct of a city official? >> the fbi is also requesting information about the player's partner andre jones, including any documents or communications with him as well as information about any meetings he might of attended. but, just last week in an interview with cbs news bay area, thao denied jones had any involvement in her administration. >> absolutely not. you know, i have been on the city council, he never, actually been on any panel, that is really easy to
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conif you remember. you know, he is hardly even been in my office. so, yeah. that is, there is no truth to that at all. >> in the same interview the mayor denied any involvement in a federal investigation. we also reached out to the city attorney's office that told us they had no comment. when the splash brothers broke up fans knew it would be weird. we knew the day was coming. vern glenn is here with more on klay's new home. >> no sense of sugar coating it. as of today, klay thompson is officially a dallas maverick player. thompson's view it was time. even though it takes him away from his beloved ocean and bay. >> everyone knows i love the ocean. it can be a lake, a creek, i got a fishing rod, i got a kayak, something to just, some water sport, it gets me excited. >> it was all smiles from klay thompson on tuesday in dallas where he says a change of
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scenery was exactly what he needed >> there were times. last year it was tough and not as joyful as it had been in the past. nice to shed that and have a fresh start. sometimes, you know, break ups are necessary to do what is right. i look forward to just kind of being rejuvenated here. >> the fresh start comes with a new number because number 11 was already taken. he will now wear number 31. >> well, kyrie took my number. no, i am just kidding. reggie miller wore 31, i thought i would have a chance to pass him so that would be a cool way to honor someone who really paved the way for a shooter like me. >> thompson will always be a proud californian but ready to embrace his new chapter as a texan >> excited to eat bbq. i am excited to go to a cowboys game, just do all of the things, not too much bbq, i am getting older. that diet is
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serious. on cheat days for sure. >> he has a lot of time to think about this one. he will be excited, though. to return to chase center to face his hold team, that first mavericks warriors game at chase. i tell you what, we will find out when that game will be in august. that game will be the hot ticket to get. you know what an event city san francisco is. klay's return who doesn't want to be in that building. >> i know, still weird, it still is weird. i know we have time to get used to it a little bit but not natural. >> it will draw double takes. >> yes, it will, all right, thank you. twisters, blackouts, the record-breaking storm that is leaving behind a trail of destruction in other parts of the country. a year's long debate on how to handle an iconic piece of bay area land, the plan finally set in motion. plus, a dog
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. that was really scary sight for people in southwest indiana today, a tornado touched down and tore through a city there. i just got missed by a -- [beep] -- guys. >> you can say that again. the remnants of hurricane beryl, downgraded to a post tropical storm, stirring up tornadoes and causing flooding. tonight, over a million people in houston are stuck without power in major heat after the hurricane slammed into texas on monday. it does not help that the outage map for one of the
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state's largest electric companies went down. a burger chain has been tracking outages by seeing which stores are still in the dark. that is creative. that is a creative way. hurricanes have challenges when the power goes out, lasay tough one >> back here at home sara. we have an entirely separate challenge. there is summer, a great example that it is not just winter when we got to be really paying attention to the forecast. there are significant issues coming our way. we had a newscast part of this newscast earlier tonight where we were talking about over a dozen confirmed deaths in santa clara county from the heat so far. we got a little bit of a break over the course of the last 24 hours. but, we are going to take a look at the numbers over the next three days. today is the easy day. today is the day the temperatures went down. livermore, you can go to 100
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for the inland valleys. this is the bottom, we got to move on. just to show you the progression, tomorrow, of course, heat advisory territory. we looked at it a moment ago. i will spend a little bit of time on wednesday's day time highs, pick out your part of the bay on here, you can see the inland valleys are going back up into the 100s. higher on thursday, so, we will say good-bye to wednesday's numbers now. we will look at the peak. come over towards livermore. i got you going back up to 108. you have a heat advisory here. you can see the difference in number and why you get a different color scheme. excessive heat warnings, inland, heat advisory where i am standing. going down, 24, through the tunnel, you get towards oakland you are in a heat advisory. better. there are question marks over here. look at san francisco. day time high, in the 80s, half moon
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bay. you are not included in the heat advisory. you can see why. the depiction of the marine layer. looking at the thursday forecast here. you still have enough help from the marine layer that the temperatures are staying pretty comfortable. look at half moon bay again and how it aligns, however, if the clouds, marine layer is not strong enough, if we get a bit of an off shore flow from the winds and degrades the influence you could see your temperature go up more. san francisco it is possible here for thursday. a little bit of a change in the breeze. closer to 90. you are going into the middle to upper 80s. another item back here. take a look at the number for antioch. that is the day time high on thursday. that is only half, really, of the story. it is a pretty big half of the story. pretty big number. i am going to switch the number. you would not think of morning lows as still being factored into an
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excessive heat warning but if you have been watching along on the forecast no surprise they are. look at the morning low, 72 is as cool as you are going to get. starting out there. not enough of a break in the overnight hours, that is part of the challenge for why you have an excessive heat warning out there. it is because you don't, your body does not get a chance to recuperate. let's get into the seven-day forecast. good news on here. technically friday is still in the excessive heat warning, still a hot day inside of this tube here. it gets better. now, take a look back here. now we are out of it. sunday, monday, day time highs, inland valleys, back down into the 80s. feeling much better. we got to get over kind of a unpleasant hump in this road before we get to that big cool down for the weekend. just, start making plans, thursday, friday, take it easy on yourself. >> the farrlon islands are
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heavily protected and home to sea birds, but a mouse invasion is threatening them now that took place decades ago. >> i always have to stop right here. i love this view so much. >> reporter: jerry has dedicated part of his life to studying and protecting the islands. every time he comes he soaks in the views and the habitat. >> that colony there is 20,000 birds. bigger one over here, though. >> reporter: remote islands are heavily protected by people like jerry and the u.s. fish and wildlife service. to get to the islands required being hoisted on the land by crane. largely untouched by humans, hosting just a few researchers throughout the year. several hundred years ago a european mice population jumped on the islands bypassing fisherman. that population exploded into
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an estimated 60,000 nonnative mice that the officials like jerry say pose a threat to the rare bird. >> the mice have an impact. islands like this that evolve without, you know, predators in them and when you bring in things like a-rod ent like mice they can throw everything a bit out of balance. >> reporter: together, with conservation group the services propose a plan to eradicate the mice. when the population drops each fall a species of owl that migrates across the island and preys on the mice wind up preying on the birds and its chicks >> for this pop flation it does not get taken care of in the next 10 or 20 years this population will be at a point of jeopardy. >> reporter: the team plans to use a chemical, it poses a threat to some of the sea bird population but jerry says plans are in place to mitigate that
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risk. but, not everyone is on board with the idea of messing with that largely untouched echo system. senior fellow with the ocean foundation, he and a group of conservationists argue they are too fragile and important to risk poisoning any population. >> so, we just feel it is the wrong tool, the wrong mechanism for one of the most sensitive environments on the planet. >> he supports a mice contraceptive that poses a lower risk to other species and be repeated until the mice population is wiped institute what is the hurry? in other words, if we have an alternative that is developed rapidly, being used successfully elsewhere, why take the risk with the national treasure? >> reporter: but for jerry he
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says the rodent is just too big of a risk. >> it is like the ground is moving with the mice. a sensitive place that we all care about really deeply and we want to make sure when this happens it is done right. >> it was expected to happen in a couple of months but funding for the group and the plan may be pulled this week during budget negotiations. a good-bye at the zoo. the elephant will be transferred to a sanctuary in tennessee. they are moving him to be around other elephants to be happy and healthy. the zoo will use a special trailer to move him across the country. still ahead, a very cool dog meets a hot dog. the snack in the stands getting a lot of attention tonight, vern? straight ahead in sports, the bay area big leaguers front and center. it certainly was
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. one of the bay area landmarks is in one of the bizarre legal battle. remember the flintstone house. you probably have seen it. stone age made headlines because it was supposed to open inside of the house come friday. it was advertised as a pop up restaurant offering a 15 course japanese tasting menu that was going for $230 bucks, reservations sold out in seconds, last week the city sent the owner a letter to shut it all down. the letter said that operating a restaurant is illegal in a residential zone. but the company says it say misunderstanding and they are a catering business classified as a restaurant. back in 2019 the town sued the owner over decorations installed at the same house. they ended up having to pay her $125,000 in a settlement. drama comes with
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this house. >> poor pebbles, poor bam-bam. >> the whole bunch >> that is right. >> let's talk about sports. let's talk about the giants. >> you got to the way they have been playing. giants, blake returned to the mound. the giants were hoping he would return to cy young form. toronto bluejays were waiting. >> snell-zilla. >> indeed. winless over nine. the line tonight, struck out three, pitched five scoreless innings by far his best start of the season the first game for elliot since he was named an all-star on sunday, how did that go? a solo shot in the fourth. ramos has 13 home runs since he was called up may 8th. in line for the first win of the year. in the 7th. he gave up a 3-run homer. bluejays went
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ahead 3-1. san francisco trailed by a run going into the 9th. down to the last strike got through. patrick bailey, tying this game. the next batter, up, and trevor richards spiked the pitch into the dirt. fritzgerald scored. and on a wild pitch that is how the game was won. giants rallied 4-3. they won 9 of their last 14. oh, the attractions outside of boston's fenway park. that is where the a's show took place. the stage belonged to the red sox. bottom second, three-run smash. part of an 8-run sox inning. high scoring tonight as boston won it final of 12-9. you know, say what you want, for the giants, scrappy play has them in the mix with a record of 45 and 47 and very relevant in the wild card race.
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that is right, i am talking wild card in july. i would rather be relevant than the alternative. >> yes. that is true. we have a lot of baseball to be played yet. >> thank you, vern. a lot of interesting things happen in the stands at baseball games, this hungry dog was the center of attention. you don't say, the dog with a guy dressed up wanted attention? wow! he was on the broadcast, chewing a hot dog aggressively. he did it in style because he was wearing this hat. yes. baseball hat. and a gold chain. and red sun glasses to top it off. >> style points >> very cute. all right, now for stylish dog to a lost dog that had the most unusual journey home ever.
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when her owners watched fireworks and a dog got scared . >> reporter: if one thing is clear, that the eight 8-month-old dog does not like fireworks. they had the dog with them. once the first firework went off she bolts, freaks out, jets off. so quickly i could not move in time, react in time. >> reporter: lost, the couple was crushed. they searched the area most of the night and the whole next day but with no luck >> it crossed my mind she might not have made it, drowned, lost her, she might of died. >> but then, two days later, roger dunn was cruising in his canoe passed bair island. a large mud flap. >> as i looked across the channel on bair island i saw a
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dog running. did not think much about it for two seconds and then i saw a collar and a leash and thought something is not right. >> i am a foot from her in the water, she leaned in, sniffed me and then sat back and growled at me. i said we will sit here for a minute and did not take much more than a minute when she sniffed me again and got into the water. >> roger still does not know who owned the dog so he took it to a vet's office to make contact. that is where he met watch dogs. with the dog clinging to her rescuer deniece began recording it on the phone as the message to kevin got through. >> i listened to roger's voicemail, i was just in tears. just, you know, it was just
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full of emotion. just leiloni is back. >> when kevin arrived the move changed quickly. >> that is how the island rescue made it on to social media. >> and little did i know it would go viral and then i put it on tiktok and he had, i think as of this morning over 40,000 views. >> reporter: on this day, the group got back together right where it started and with a lesson learned the hard way about dogs and fireworks. as for roger, he is a little surprised by all of the publicity. he says he is just a guy who happened to be there and did the right thing at the right time. >> she looks so much better with a bath. so cute. she there was for two days on the island, no food, no freshwater. doing physically okay now. the owner say she is staying really close to them these days, a little scared. >> you and i are dog owners can you imagine two days with having no idea? >> no. >> no, >> i don't think my dog is a
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survivalist. he is used to everything being handed to him at this point. >> your dog would be in the finder's lap on a canoe like that dog was. >> the canoe would sink he is 100 pounds. it would be going down immediately >> chubby is 85. that would, yeah. >> you are going to need a bigger boat. [ laughter ] >> thank you very much for watching, "the late show," with stephen colbert is next. the news continues streaming on cbs news bay area. good night >> south dakota governor kristi noem's official social media accounts temporarily disappeared without explanation. according to reports, her accounts on facebook, instagram, and x were all deleted and no one is sure who did it. ♪


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