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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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now at 11:00, a horrific fireworks accident landed this guy in the hospital. >> we were on the floor, burned. i just, i just look at my wife, her skin was falling from her leg. >> why he hopes this story and this video will get your attention. we had one of the worst, worst years for these types of accidents. the big thing doctors say people forget when they light fireworks. >> like small bombs. why nancy pelosi is doing major damage control. >> it is up to the president to decide if he is going to run.
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>> there were some misrepresentations of what i had said. the more you hear about this arrest the weirder it gets. >> you are under arrest. >> he is in the leopard print. >> the curious case of the gerbel bandet. hi, i'm sara donchey. the fourth of july parties are long from over but illegal fireworks lingered long after. maybe you heard some of them going off where you live in the last few nights and the big push to get people not to light them at all may not have worked. a man from the south bay learned a painful lesson. he was visiting friends and he was outside for a couple of minutes when fireworks came blasting at him. this was the worst year ever for these kinds
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of injuries. first, a warning, some of the images you are about to see may be disturbing. >> reporter: this is the moment that a crate filled with high-powerful fire works tipped over. a blast of fire came at this man, his wife and another couple. >> in one second that was it. we were on the floor, burned. i just look at my wife. her skin was falling from her legs. >> he wanted to speak out about his frightening experience to let others know about the dangers of illegal fireworks but he did not want to share his name. his group was just 10 yards away trying to walk around the fireworks in the middle of the street. what may of stunned him the most was the lack of concern from those there that night. >> we were on the ground and one of my friends, she was very injured. we had to carry her
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away, right? they were still lighting the fireworks they did not stop for a minute. when we asked to call 911 they said no, no, no, we don't call 911 here. >> reporter: he is one of many being treated for burns. his guess is that the hospital is off 100 people with burn injuries during the fourth of july holiday weekend. >> unfortunately our attemptsa the preventing these injuries have not been successful this year. we have had one of the worst years for these types of accidents. >> reporter: the doctor says burns from fireworks cause severe injuries and it equates them to small bombs. >> a child lost fingers, we got a call for a patient that literally blew off testicals.
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>> reporter: they responded to more than 90 fires. >> hopefully it has come to an end now, through the whole weekend we were responding to fires from fireworks. >> reporter: they saw 25% increase of service calls this fourth of july. this man is from france and he was shocked at the amount of fireworks that were lighting up the sky. now, he knows how dangerous they can be. >> definitely they are not safe when you are 10 yards from it. not safe. >> reporter: a few days ago we reported that a teenager in berkeley was left with a serious hand injury after an accident with illegal fireworks. the last week or so has seemed longer for people living inland dealing with the worst of the heatwave. a lot of people are doing everything they can to find relief from triple digit temperatures. >> i think it is the hottest summer i ever had in concord. it does not usually get this hot until august, august is
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usually our hottest month. one can only think about what is going to happen next on month >> i am ready for this heat to pass. so, darren, what are we in store for, for the rest of the week? >> what is in store for the rest of the week? especially tomorrow. the most intense day of the whole week is coming. you can see a sign when you look out the window. last night there were clouds out there. looking at the marine layer. not a single cloud in the view. i will use the virtual map to go to one specific point in time tomorrow morning, this is at 6:00 a.m. as much of the marine layer as we are going to get and that is not a lot. there is a thin ribbon sitting off of the coast and a little band working off shore. without much help from the onshore. and, a strong building center of high pressure, the numbers are spiking tomorrow. let's pick out a couple trouble spots here. this is the peak. that is the good news. it will get better after this. concord,
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107. livermore, going to 108 tomorrow. san jose really quick, your temperatures will be on the verge of the temperature, just going to the north bay. 103 tomorrow. you can see the numbers up there. there number was in question. we were not sure up until tonight if you would be getting enough onshore influence to keep you in the 70s tomorrow. it looks like you will. there is still just enough in terms of the wind here. this onshore breeze will keep san francisco from having on spike. you don't have a heat advisory tomorrow. everybody else does. i will see you with a full forecast and how it gets better. >> thanks, we will see you for that. right now, following breaking news, minutes ago the police department told us multiple family members have been shot at a home on kitty hawk road, three of them, they say, are dead. the details are murky. they got a call from someone saying their neighbor had been shot the police found multiple family members shot inside of a home including juveniles. a person of interest is in custody right now. again,
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three people were killed. other family members were taken to the hospital. officers say they don't think there is a threat to the public currently. cal fire says 44 new wildfires erupted across california in just the last day. today, governor newsom warned people to get ready for a long and rough fire season. >> we already experiencing a disperportion at disproportionate high number of fires. after his remarks about the fires he talked about his own political future. >> in september you said in an interview with chuck todd that you would not oppose or run against kamala harris in a presidential campaign. i am curious if you still feel that way? >> yes, of course. >> calls for biden to stretch out have been stretching into hollywood. george clooney who fund raised for biden a few
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weeks ago wrote a blistering editorial. i love joe biden but we need a new nominee. nancy pelosi is fueling more doubt after she spoke out on the msnbc show morning joe. >> does he have your support to be the head of the democratic ticket? >> as long -- it is up to the president to decide if he is going to run. we are all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. he is beloved. he is respected. people want him to make that decision. >> he has . >> not me. >> she also signaled that biden would have more to say about his political future after the nato summit wraps up tomorrow. after that interview with nancy pelosi, "new york times" published this headline saying pelosi suggested he can reconsider but later on capitol hill she pushed back against that headline >> do you think president biden
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is the best to defeat donald trump. >> why would you think i would have that interview here. i think the president is great and there is some misrepresentation of what i had said. i never said he should reconsider his decision, the decision is the president's. they make up news but if that is why you are here, it is not true. >> cbs news did confirm that senate democrats scheduled a closed door meeting with the president's campaign team. biden is set to take questions at a solo news conference tomorrow. back here in the bay area oakland firefighters said good-bye to one of their own today. anne macovec shows us the tribute. >> reporter: the bag pipes rang out from the uss hornet before today's final farewell to
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25-year-old firefighter caeden. >> he was a firefighter. he was an athlete rose he drowned in pacific beach in san diego. he was there for the firefighter olympics, he went in the water and his body washed ashore after a three hour search. today, dozens of his fellow firefighters and paramedics came to say good-bye. they are all considered extended family. his father, shawn, was an assistant chief when he died on duty four years ago at the age of 42. >> when i close my eyes i see them embracing in one of those warm hugs. i see them smiling, joking around. >> reporter: his little brother, cooper, is an oakland firefighter recruit, remembering how he was determined to fill their father's void. >> he stepped up and did an excellent job. from the
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coverings he would have with us or the way he pushed forward he led from the front. he was always patient with me. even when i gave him no reason to be. >> their mother is a department outreach specialist with the oakland fire department. the chief recognizing the family's unimaginable pain. >> i just want to say take your time to pause. let's hug each other, let's support each other, we don't have to get right back to business. this is a huge loss. and i am hoping it is the last time we have to join each another this way for a very, very long time. [ bell ringing ] [ bell ringing ] >> good-bye caeden. thank you for being our protector, our guiding light, our brother, i love you. [ cheers and applause ] >> he started his career at the
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stockton fire department, people who worked with him say he was a rised star. deputies on a routine call stumble upon a criminal ring what they found in the santa cruz mountains that prompted a rescue mission. casinos are known for taking your money but this one is giving it away. does not get stranger than this. a man named pancakes being called the gerbel bandit it's your time to cash in. so don't just play. stay... at northern california's premier casino resort.
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. deputies made a disturbing and unexpected discovery in the santa cruz mountains. take a look at there. >> very rare that we see these cases and more rare for our deputies to quite literally stumble upon something like this >> this is what we are talking about. deputies, yesterday, doing a wellness check in an unincorporated area, when they found a cockfighting pit, discovered unrelated to the case they were looking into. they went back with a search warrant and spent most of the night looking through the property. they found over 200 roosters. all of them, they say, mutilated to attach cockfighting knives. they gave the birds food and water and turned them over to animal control. the deputies found 10 guns, they arrested a 40-year-old man and booked him in jail on 12 charges. they are still trying to figure out more what exactly was going on there. police save a teenage girl
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in the nick of time after she was kidnapped from a b.a.r.t station. people saw her being take friend powell station. b.a.r.t police used surveillance video to track down the suspect. early this morning they found the suspect and his car. they arrested 37-year-old jamal blew. >> i would express my appreciation for community member like that who is willing to come forward and say something that, you know, something does not seem right here and let us know that we need to respond and to help the person in this case. >> the police also found the teenage girl. they say she knew her suspected kidnapper but would not tell us how. while the heat returned across the bay it was cooler in san francisco today. check out the time lapse of the marine layer moving in over the city. earlier we talked to people visiting from texas who were surprised about how hot it was in the bay area. >> it has been cooler this career in texas. i feel like we got here and drove in it was a
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lot hotter here >> we were equipped for the heat in texas, you know, we are all ac'd up. we did not come here for the heat. but it is good. [ laughter ] >> i don't know what texas they have been living in but when i lived there this time of the year it was scorching hot, particularly down in houston. >> oh, man what a story coming out of houston right now, too. to come back home i left off looking at the day time highs which is the headline. we will do it again. i will show you the day time highs again and get to the good news. before i get to any of that i want to bring you back to tomorrow morning. it has important numbers on it. you can see where the marine layer is. we will look at three regions on the map. one of them expected. 55 degrees in half moon bay, nothing out of the ordinary. one of them, kind of interesting, take a look back at antioch. morning lows by the way. get a close-up number can you read it? your morning low is 72. that is as colas you are
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going to get. that is why there is an excessive heat warning. 107 in the afternoon is the main reason. if you are only cooling down to 72 that is an important number. not getting enough of a cool down. that marine layer is not getting far enough in. it is not helping you much. that is the number that is interesting. now, the number that is just weird. let's go to the north bay. two numbers up there, actually. let's get rid of the fog. when you look up there, morning lows for santa rosa and for mount st. helena. santa rosa, sea level, a little above it. around sea level. that is the morning low. that is as cool as it will get for the top of the mountains. low 80s. with we are so used to thinking of this in reverse. mountains are supposed to be cooler. marine layer is what really cools us down here. it is only about at most say 1,000 feet high. if you are above it you are also going to
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be warmer. you will not just be inland. that is part of the reason why mount st. helena is in the heat warning, thankfully no one lives up there. santa rosa will be 103 but start out in the middle 50s. it does help and it is a short term spike in heat. going back to the day time highs really quick. the most important part of this visit with you by far. i want you to see how high your numbers will be going and we will get everybody on the map here really spotlighting, of course issue the inland valleys, let's start out there once again. this is a jump of 5-6 degrees where you were today. we had excessive heat warnings and a heat advisory for the bay. it is going to be hotter tomorrow. we know santa rosa is going to go to 103. middle 90s here, redwood city, 95, just, just to pick out a few more details for the south bay. three degrees shy of 100
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in san jose. here is the good news now, saying good-bye to the virtual map. i am going to bring in the seven-day forecast. we are go took look passed to next weekend. that is where things get so much better. next weekend i really mean this coming weekend. i should speak clearly. we will see the numbers dip by saturday by 92. sunday, 88. these numbers right here, these are average. we are finally going back down to average day time highs for this time of the year. so, there is reason to celebrate. i don't see any significant spikes in heat down the road in the next 10 days, we do have a serious heatwave tomorrow and friday that you still have to make sure that you are taking care of yourself through. sara, back to you. >> thank you. why a casino in vegas is scrambling to give away money. straight ahead in sports, team usa men's basketball was on display. kid brother of a
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san francisco giant has made a decision while the giants 6 runs 9
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. there is a run on the casino in the mirage. they need to give away $1.5 million of unclaimed jackpots before they close their doors next week. nevada law says they have to be paid out before it closes. it will turn into a new hard rock casino set to open in 2027. >> how about they take it ask put it in the account with the flame of sara donchey and vern glenn. >> i don't like to gamble i like to thereby >> yes. people watch. >> yes, i know, i know, i love it. >> yes >> we go to the giants. >> got to talk giants. sara, they are so close to an even loss record. tonight, it is a step back. they had all-star
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logan web on the mound, too. against toronto. teammates gave them early runs, runners in the corners in the first frame. and a pair of two out rbi singles including the bloop into the center field. patrick bailey played it 2-0. next inning, let me show you how good of an athlete he is. up first baseline. look at webb get after it. ending the inning. still 2-0 in the 5th. webb wanted to have this pitch back. gave up a fro run jimmy jack to earny. giving it 3-2. next inning, up a run. snyder, one hopper, 8, wisely up. scoring a run. webb allowed four straight hits to start theiping and his night was over. did not look much better. giving it up, george springer, off of the wall, an rbi double. that is
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enough. 6-run inning made it 9-three. toronto won the game 10-6 and now san francisco has lost 3 of their lost 4. a's win in boston. happy birthday to butler. celebrated with a third inning double in left field. making it 3-0a's. two hits, two r.b.i. oakland won the game by a final of 5-2. basketball, steve kerr, steph curry, team usa in a game against canada. president barack obama courtside. let's pick it up third quarter. vintage curry, dribble, dribble, drive, a lay in, 12 points, later in the corner, look at this. a little schoolyard. the dunk. united states won it 86-72 for their first game at the paris olympic games it is july 28th. at chase center. brandon,
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jackson davis, suiting up for the warriors, summer league squad against sacramento. running point. found jackson for the lay in. they had 15. golden state beat their i-80 brothers and took home the mitch richman cup. college baseball news and notes. harrison, kid brother of giants pitcher announced he is transferring from saint mary's to texas a&m. hitting 322 as a freshman. he now joins an a disp &m team. if paul was here he would love it. he is an aggie. i am sure his folks have travel ahead between oracle park for kyle and blue bell park for bear. >> exciting. we wish them well.
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paul would be excited. >> he would. >> all right. everything about this crime scene was weird down to what was in the suspect's pants and what he was wearing >> he literally had the gerbils in his pants >> it left them a little confused
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. before we go we have the case of a man who the police are calling the gerbil bandit. the fact that he stole the animals is not the weirdest part. it serving else. we show you the crime spree that left cops in ohio more and more
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confused. >> oh! >> they are gerbils in there. animal abuse. >> what the heck. >> what the heck! >> multiple gerbils in his pants >> recovering rodents. >> for your safety, is there a gerbil inside you? >> reporter: how did pancake end up in this sticky situation? let's go back to 3:12 on thursday morning. officers respond to the roosters near hillyard after getting an alert from the security system. trying to break the thieve's code they retrace his steps. >> i don't see blood anywhere else. does not make sense he would have a blood on the rock before he put it in the window >> 10 minutes later the officer responds to pet land and finds this pup. >> come here. come here. okay.
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okay. come here. okay. come here, okay. you are okay. >> inside the store. you can see the suspect smash their cages open. pancake let out 15 animals before taking flight. >> you got blood all over you, buddy. come on. >> i don't know. >> fast forward to just before 4:00 a.m. the police find famous footwear is broken into as well. >> anybody in here make yourself known. >> finding new boots to book it from the scene. >> yes. here. >> in style for his alleged crime spread. >> have you heard about the guy that broke into petland? i am looking right at him. he is asleep on a bench. he is in the leopard print. >> mr. pancake you are under arrest. >> don't move >> officers find glass in his pants and a dog collar on him
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and? >> gerbils are in there >> animal abuses >> what the heck? >> what the heck! >> multiple gerbils in his pants. multiple gerbils recovered. >> busted in an outfit appropriate for his wild adventure. he now faces breaking and entering and vandalism charges. >> i mean if they can not sell them they can keep them as mascots. >> the investigation later revealed they are hampsters, no doubt, a memorable mission for these officers, too. >> we got the gerbil bandit. he literally had them in his pants. >> so, they can not sell them after they have been . >> no. >> in such places. >> you would need a long disclosure >> that is a story to sell for years >> you are right. before you sell them you have to inform
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the public. >> right. >> okay, we wish that man well and hope he gets the help he needs. thanks for watching. stephen colbert is up next. good night >> a party divided, a president defiant. democrats' fear and desperation about joe biden's candidacy is palpable, but only a few are willing to say it publicly. >> democrats who might have been willing to air their grievances, their concerns, their panic, in some cases, about biden as the nominee privately have not been willing to do so publicly. >> are you a democratic lawmaker who has a very


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