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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 12, 2024 1:37am-2:12am PDT

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. now at 11:00. neighbors asking how could this happen? >> we were in shock. >> just hug your children tonight. a man accused of killing his family. >> they were always kind and why they say they did not see it coming. biden is doubling down. how he tried to convince reporters but the day did not come without awkward moments.
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>> president putin. >> not all heroes wear capes, some wear nothing at all. a pair of naked men help someone on a san francisco street. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey. on cbs news bay area. hi, i'm sara donchey, tonight, a bay area father is accused of doing what is considered unthinkable. killing his own wife, inlaws and 6-year-old son. the police department says the 54-year-old shot his family last night. the police say in one last did desperate act his wife's father tried to get help before he died. tonight he is behind bars and his 1-year-old son, also shot, is fighting for his life. his neighbors gather tonight for a vigil on try to make sense of all of this. andrea nakano was there. >> many of the neighbors thought the shots were fireworks at first. then the officers started arriving and the details of what happened inside of this home began to
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unfold. >> reporter: neighbors in shock and disbelief. >> they were, you know, a family, two kids, two boys, just like us. >> reporter: diane lives just a few doors down from the home where a mother, her two sons and her parents were gunned down. >> last night when we, when it was all going down we came out and somebody said get inside there is an active shooter. and, we were just, we are like oh, my god it is william's house, there are kids in there. what do you mean. i went inside, grabbed my baby, there are windows in the room. >> reporter: neighbors say william is the 6-year-old boy killed in the home. those that knew him are still trying to understand how a father can open fire on his family. >> when someone was finally arrested, my husband said it is shane. i can not believe it. so, we were, we were in shock.
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complete shock. we thought there was a stranger. our mind did not even go there. like it could be him. >> reporter: the police say the father in lawmanaged to get out of the -- father-in-law got out of the home to a neighbor's home to plea for help. officers arrived they identified this man in the picture as shane and his wife. >> it is a tragic and sad incident. these are the actions of a coward. >> reporter: there was a vigil for those that knew the family at a beach in alameda. people including william's friends left cards. coach brought a bat and left william his last game ball. >> give your children a hug. i lost a sister, i know the feeling that everybody in this thing is going through and
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there are so many people, wow, that, it just sucks. >> reporter: police have not released a motive. they are saying they are talking with the suspect to find out what led to this tragedy. as a mother she can not imagine the horror the family experienced in the final moments of their lives. >> unbelievable. imagine what they must -- must be thinking, why is, what is happening to their mom? why is their dad trying to hurt me. >> reporter: the 1-year-old survived his injuries but he is in critical condition at a local hospital. the heatwave we have been dealing with has gotten deadlier. 19 deaths are being investigated. many of them were inside of their home that did not have ac. cooling centers have been open. one of them saratoga senior center. a music group came there to cool down and had fun on this hot day.
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>> we play music, okay? we also play ping-pong. and also we will roll the ball. okay. we are so happy. we are all gathered together and that is what we are doing at the senior center here. please come and join us. >> the person trying to take a nap in the corner a little less successful, paul. but, definitely important to cool off on hot days like this one. >> today was the peak of in latest spell of hot weather. the temperatures were hot across most of the bay area. let's take a look at those observed high temperatures today. it was over 100 degrees in santa rosa and in napa. really want to call your attention to the contrast in the temperatures across the bay area. we go from 111, the teens in fairfield to the 100s in concord and antioch to the 90 s in vallejo to the 80s in oakland to the 70 s in san francisco to, still, the 80
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exps 90s around fremont and redwood city to the middle 60s at half moon bay. temperatures of 45 degree spread across the bay area. of course, there were a lot of hot readings across the region. one more day of hot weather, not as hot as the conditions we had today. still enough that the heat advisory in orange continues in the bay area with excessive heat warnings in pink. everyone where east, oakland hills and for the santa clara valley. we are not alone in this. this is a region wide event. take a look at how many locations will be flirting with or above 100 degrees across much of the united states. we are talking about temperatures that are going to be above 115 degrees, again, in phoenix. seventh day in a row vegas will be at or over 115. and another day that death valley will be at or above 125 degrees. for us, in the bay area, there is relief
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right around the corner. details on that coming up in the forecast. >> all right, paul, thank you very much. all eyes are on the biden campaign. there have been calls for him to step down. with the pressure on biden seems to be doubling down. there were some awkward moments. >> reporter: president biden capped off the nato summit with a solo press conference, foreign affairs were not the biggest questions posed to the president. >> what makes this president in history so unique it is not your enemies calls on you to reconsider your decision to stay in the race, your friends, supporters, people who think you have done a great job. >> i am not in this for my legacy. i am in this to complete the job that i started. >> reporter: he is saying he is up to the task, how he handled the critical meeting with nato. >> have you seen a more successful conference? >> reporter: the president had a mistake thursday afternoon
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when he used the russian president's name while addressing ukrainian president zelenskyy. >> ladies and gentlemen, president putin. >> president putin? [ laughter ] >> going to boat president putin, president zelenskyy. >> many were watching the president during his press conference others say his performance goes not change their view. he should step aside. >> we happen to talk about, oh, hope he gets through it. that is not what you want. >> the president's top campaign advisories met with senate democrats this afternoon to reassure them that the president can win the election. not everyone is convinced. >> can we say we are on a path to defeat trump and holding on to the senate and holding on to the house of representatives? >> majority of americans and democrats say following the president's debate performance he should step aside. the poll shows president biden still running even with former president trump.
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>> tonight, we ask david mcquinn to give his take on the news conference. >> the questions and the expectations for him, the vitality he has to show, the buzz of his candidacy is gone, how do you get that mojo back? it is hard to do that. beginning monday the next 96 hours will be owned by the republicans. >> this evening congressman himes. top democrat on the committee urged president bid tone step away from his presidential campaign. vacaville police officer has been killed during a traffic stop. matthew bowen is remembered as a dedicated family man. ashley sharpe has more. >> matt was a magnetic personality, a smile on his face, a positive attitude >> a 32-year-old officer, matthew bowen tragically killed in the line of duty thursday morning. in the middle of conducting a traffic stop when
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a driver crashed into his motorcycle. vacaville's police chief and this department mourning one of their own. >> today is the day that every chief hopes never comes. >> reporter: a memorial grows on thursday as the community pays their respects to a man they didn't know but knew protected them until his watch ended. >> he will be missed. for sure. we have a great police department here in vacaville. >> i don't think there are any words to takeaway their pain. i hope they know they feel supported and their loss is our loss as well. >> reporter: a procession, a moment to pause taking over interstate 80 on thursday in his honor. >> everyone wants to help because everyone feels like they lost a family member today. >> vacaville mayor celebrating the community members who the police say stopped the suspect
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who after hitting officer bowen tried to run from the scene. allegedly under the influence of drugs. bystanders detaining her, according to chp, until she can be arrested >> they came to the rescue. that began the process for the arriving officers to be able to, to take control of the scene. >> reporter: a traffic tragedy taking far too soon a dedicated officer, husband, father. >> loved his family dearly. loved this community and because of that we are all brokenhearted this evening. >> the driver, 24-year-old selina rodriguez was checked out at the hospital and then booked into jail without bail. she is facing charges of homicide and driving under the influence. sometimes when you need help it comes from where you least expect it. >> at 3:00 in the afternoon random act of violence. >> where a couple of nudists swept in to save a man who was
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being attacked. governor newsom offered a bay area da help but it fell on deaf ears, how she is firing back at him. all this guy wanted to do is be alone in the middle of the ocean until this happened
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. all right, when our producer saw this video in the news room she had to find out more about what happened. a guy with a blow torch taking swings at another man on the streets of san francisco when two naked men step in to help. let's break it down. this happened last night in the hart heart of castro. someone grabbed a blow torch out of a guy's hand, running away, that man lunged at another guy and hit him in the face. a lot is happening here. two naked men who were standing around on the street decided to intervene. one hit the suspect and fell down on the street while the other naked guide called for help. we talked to the man who posted it. it was a group of good samaritans. >> at 3:00 in the afternoon you can have some random act of
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violence against anyone and nobody is doing anything. i admire the fact that we have our own self-s to look out for each other. that is what we do in the castro that is what we do in most of the neighborhoods because we have to. >> chris, the store lead at fill's coffee says the two customers and members of the community. his workers called the police but the suspect left the scene before officers got there >> i want the video to go viral not for my own sake or anything else but for our city officials to actually really do something about what they say they are going to do. it is not anything more than me wanting to know that my tax dollars are actually helping to help them get the help they need but also help me feel safe and secure in the city. >> we reached out to the cops to find out if the suspect has been arrested but have not heard back. crack downs on crime are
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coming to the east bay. governor newsom is ramping up the number of officers to oakland. but an offer to the da fell on deaf ears, kelsi th orud has more. >> reporter: it is a war of words. while in oakland on thursday, the governor expressed his frustration with the da saying her office did not accept an offer by the state to dispatch lawyers to prosecute drug crimes >> unfortunately our offer to provide california, cal guard, jags, along the lines of what we did successfully in partnership with brook jenkins in san francisco, it was not enthusiastically embraced. >> reporter: oakland continues to deal with crime and public safety and, there is a push to
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recall the da. the governor said his office waited months for the da to accept the additional attorneys but after no action he rescinded the offer, instead, inlisting the help of the attorney general's office to take up cases in oakland. >> we are moving forward, rather than complaining about it or lamenting about it we will be moving some of the prosecution to the state of california. the attorney general's office. >> reporter: da price has a different view of what happened. she says her office was always on board with bringing on the additional attorneys. they were just still in the process of reviewing them. >> it is a process. we have to prepare the mou which i have is, i believe, it is a lengthy document, it is very intensive and it was under review. >> the da also said that the governor's offer ultimately became for just one lawyer who only helped the office for the next 60 days. >> my primary concern was the
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amount of time, if we are going to bring someone on and train them and embed them in the office that i would want them to be here longer. >> reporter: da price says if the governor were to again offer more attorneys to help her office she would take them. it is unclear if it is an option. the governor said he is moving forward with the attorney general's office and plans to prioritize going after criminals in oakland, using the department of justice as well as the california highway patrol. firefighters in hawaii are making progress on this fire burning on the island of maui. crews say it has not been easy. there is heat, strong wind, low humidity, all of that has been helping to spread the flames. the fire started yesterday night and the it burned over 400 acres. no reports of damaged homes and buildings and no injuries the good news for the island still recovering from last year's deadly wildfires, obviously you never want to see a situation like that. paul, for us, the big
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story, the heat. are we going to cool off any time soon? >> we are. once we hit the weekend we will coast down to normal temperatures, that does not help us out tomorrow, another day of inland heat, not as extreme as today and the temperatures that i show you earlier but it will still be dangerously hot if you are not careful, exercising common sense precautions now the heat starts to break as we head into the weekend. does not go away but the heat dome gets nudged just a ways off to the east. by this ripple off of the coast. it moves to the north it will push away the heat dome. it can drag smoke towards us. smoke towards the lake fire burning in santa barbara county. everything going clockwise, sending the smoke across much of california. now, that is kind of the double edge sword it will help cool us off but it means smoke, it will be visible in the skies over head. but i think being visible is the worst we will see. much of it will not make its way towards
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ground level, air quality forecasted to be at moderate category. if we get the smoke it should be clearing out by sunday and monday. something we will monitor as the temperatures cool off, they are in the process of doing right now. 70s, 80s for most inland spots, 63 already in santa rosa. 65 degrees in oakland. we are looking to the west, mark hopkins hotel. not seeing much fog there yet. the fog will not be absent heading into tomorrow morning, it is going to be confined to areas along the coast, a little bit of it poking through the golden gate, then, towards midday, freezing the map here about noon, the fog will be pulling away from the coast, another day of sunshine breaking through for coastal parts of the bay area. enjoy it while it last. you will be in your familiar cloud cover heading into next week. tonight, temperatures dropping down mostly to the 60s. lucky spots dipping down into the 50s in the valley of the north bay, dropping down into the 50s for overnight lows, the high temperatures tomorrow, still
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hot, not as hot as today. middle 90s in san jose. at or above for morgan hill, closer to 105 degrees for livermore, antioch, concord, same thing for fairfield. it was 111. 80 fist fremont, 90s in redwood city. lower 70 s in san francisco, that is not bad. near 80 degrees in oakland and temperatures in the north bay, staying below 100 degrees if just barely. it does count if we are staying below 100 making a bit of progress that continues into the second half of the weekend. the temperatures return close to normal already by saturday afternoon with exactly normal temperatures in the forecast by sunday, the heat here tomorrow, unlikely that we will break records. as hot as it will be, we will stay five or 10 degrees below hottest territory. we are trending away from the records we have been close to over the course of the past several days, take a look at the
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seven-day forecast, temperatures there, the return to normal. sunday, monday, inland spots in the upper 80s to 90 degrees, that is not the breath of autumn but it is what we expect in july. temperatures around the bay return to normal faster, by sunday and settling into the lower to middle 70s by next week. once the temperatures get back near average they are going to stay there for awhile. of course, along the coast you did not stray that far from your typical july temperatures any way. the cloud cover is going to be back in abundance by sunday and monday, vern? straight ahead in sports, how a couple young warriors celebrated a summer league trophy. show off your golf skills, of course. giants took it on the chin as the first half of the season begins to wind down
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. all right, so, i don't think it went the giant's way this time >> tough to put a finger on it. they score runs, they come in bunches and then where did the bats go, just like that. baseball up top, talking about the giants, one series left to finish up strong before the all-star break. this past week, been rough. two straight series losses. although you could not tell from the hustle of the fans racing for a foul ball. get away series with toronto. former giant went to the mound and elliot ramos sent this one out. two-run first inning bolt
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for the all-star and then the giants offense went quiet after that. hicks, facing his former team and it did not go well. spencer deep and gone. second homer allowed by hicks, he gave up five runs, bluejays beat the giants 5-3 and took the 3 game series, the wins come to town tomorrow night. a's mark cotsa needed a hug in boston. first inning, bases loaded. getting this one by the defense. beyond the glove of zach, two runs open to scoring. you can say that he had a knife. he got through it. he went the distance, 3-4. blanking the a's, 7-0. a's record on the road, 13-35. home standing oakland ballers in trouble at home. voyagers loaded them up in the
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fifth. clearing them with a triple. that was the big blow. 10-4 win, the ballers will be back in action tomorrow night and i get to be in the broadcast booth on pix plus, 44 cable 12. seth curry all smiles last night. curry scored 12 points in the win over canada last night. a tune up before they head to paris. the warriors won four nba titles with curry. now they need to make room for the new mitch richmonday trophy after they beat the kings in a battle last night. playing for both franchises during his hall of fame career. they earned a day off. so, they went and swung the sticks. hitting a bucket of balls and showed some skills. you know what? they need to play in my fundraiser at the end of the month. the vern glenn invitational, we can use them.
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>> i know and it sounds like a good event. >> the team paid for a 4some, why not? >> one guy thought he would not find anything in the middle of the open ocean when something started rocking his boat and blowing bubbles.
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. a british man on a solo journey in the middle of the atlantic, his version of fun, got unexpected company, check it out. >> there is so cool. all of the whales. just coming around the boat. [ laughter ] >> i love it. i am scared they are going to hit my rotor. they are so close. i can hear them, they are blowing bubbles. >> the ski coach is trying to row 2,000 miles to raise money for mental health charity. okay, good cause. >> yes. >> he was off of the coast of
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new finland when whales surrounded the boat. it was amazing but he was nervous, they were rocking the boat, there were about 1,000 of them. >> that is what he thinks >> that is -- took about two hours to row his boat away from them. >> okay. >> i, i would be concerned. >> yes. anxious, nervous. >> i would be like this is it >> yes. severalton animals are going to bump you and capsize. >> your fear when you think about one of these trips has come through. a pod of 1,000 whales. >> not like they are violent just doing whale stuff. >> yeah. whatever it is. >> yes. they just bump you. >> he can not turn back. >> he is in the midst of them. >> you really have to be committed. >> yes. one of those things, man, just let me get through this. >> let me get through this 1,000 whales >> and then a double cheeseburger. >> thank you for watching. "the
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late show," with stephen colbert is up next. >> always goes back to food. >> it does. i know. - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+. (upbeat music) - hi everyone, and welcome to legal help center. this is where we have professionals standing by to answer your questions regarding personal injury. so if you've been injured in an accident that was not your fault, like a car accident or a slip and fall, we can help. as a matter of fact, we are here to help. so take that first step and call the number on your screen right now. we have legal professionals standing by to answer your questions. they'll tell you if you have a case and how much your case is potentially worth. and if you know someone who was recently in an accident, send them our number and tell them to give us a call. i'm sure they'll be glad that you did.


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