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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. >> frightening news tonight. new details emerging in the attempt on the life of donald trump in butler, pennsylvania. >> we do not currently have an identified motive though our investigators are working
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tirelessly to attempt to identify what that motive was. it is still an active crime scene. >> minutes ago, authorities identifying the gunman, a 20-year-old man from pennsylvania and new questions about how he got so close to mr. trump. >> and we are tracking the latest statements from donald trump himself and how president biden is reacting to this act of political violence. i'm brian hackney. >> i'm andrea nakano. a dark day in american politics. something we haven't seen for decades. an assassination attempt on a leading presidential candidate. the new york times just released this image appearing to show the bullet right next to mr. trump's head. showing just how close it actually came to hitting him just inches away. >> authorities have now identified the shooter as 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks from bethel park, pennsylvania. no motive yet. crooks was on a roof of a nearby business and shot and killed. chaos erupted in the crowd before the secret service
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even got to mr. trump. one person at the rally was shot and killed. two others are in critical condition tonight. people afterwards said they didn't even have time to react. >> i heard the shots. i thought it was fire cracker to begin with. someone was screaming he's been shot. so i made my way over. i said i'm an emergency department physician. let metepa you. the guy had spun around, was jammed between the benches. had a head shot. a lot of blood and brain matter. >> we are breaking down what happened to the trump rally. we are joined by juliette goodrich with the latest on the investigation and the president's condition. >> reporter: it is so hard when you hear the words assassination attempt. it is unreal. and a lot still happening in the early morning hours now in pennsylvania. in fact, a full investigation underway and it is still an active crime scene. so trump was treated and released from a hospital. this was his poke kid as it headed to the pittsburgh
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airport. trump himself tweeted that he was quote shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. president biden cut short his weekend at his home in delaware . he called the assassination attempt sick and said there is no place for violence. it was a hot summer saturday in butler, pennsylvania. some in the crowd had been waiting hours to hear this speech. >> look at what happened. [ sound of gunfire ] [ screaming ] >> get down! [ screaming ]
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>> on you, move. >> let's go. >> shooters down. >> are we clear? >> let's move. >> let me get my shoes. >> sir, we have to move. >> watch out. >> so you can see just how fast it played out there. less than two minutes from when the first
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shot was fired. to when the secret service whisked trump away to a waiting suv. shortly after trump posted on truth social saying he is doing well, thanking the secret service agents that jumped in and offering condolences of the family of the rally goer who was killed. two other attendees are in critical condition. as we watched all of this unfold live, it was hard to believe we were witnessing what was really happening. >> take a look at what happened. [ sound of gunfire ] >> get down, get down. [ sound of gunfire ] [ screaming ] >> reporter: secret service agents rushed former donald trump off stage after shots were fired moments after he started speaking at the evening rally in butler county, pennsylvania. >> we had an assassination attempt against our former president donald trump. it is still an active crime scene. >> reporter: the secret service
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says a man attending the rally was killed. a doctor standing nearby tried to help him performing cpr. >> a guy was jammed between the benches. >> reporter: trump raised his fist as he left the stage. on his truth social site, the president said he was shot by a bullet that pierced the upper part of his right ear. i knew immediately something was wrong, i heard a whizzing sound, shots, and felt the bullet ripping through the skin. much bleeding took place so i realized then what was happening. he was treated at a local hospital and was released hours later. >> everybody screaming drop. you can see the blood splatter on his face. >> reporter: standing on an elevated structure, the shooter was shot and killed by a member of the counterassault team. >> we are not prepared at this
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time to provide the identity of the potential shooter. we are in the process of doing confirmation. >> reporter: they tried to warn police after spotting the suspect. >> there was a guy on the roof with a rifle. the police were like what? they didn't know what was going on. >> reporter: this was trump's last rally ahead of next week's republican convention in milwaukee. he was taken away in a motorcade and held up his fist as he got into his suv. president joe biden was briefed on the incident soon after it happened and talked with reporters. >> i have been thoroughly briefed by all the agencies as to the situation based on what we know now. i have tried to get ahold of donald. he is with his doctors. apparently, he is doing well. look. there is no place in america for this kind
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of violence. it's sick. it's sick. we have to unite this country. we cannot allow this to happen. we cannot be like this or condone this. i want to thank the secret service and all the agencies that engaged in making sure that the people, we have more detail to come relative to other people maybe injured in the audience. the idea that there's political violence or violence in america like this is just unheard of. it is just not appropriate. and everybody, everybody must condemn it. everybody. i'll keep you informed. if i'm able to speak to donald, i will let you know that as well. so far, it appears he is doing well. number one. number two, that there is thoroughly investigating what happened to anyone else in the audience. >> reporter: we are also getting new images of the secret service snipers posted at the rally raising more questioning about how the
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gunman had such easy access to trump after several witnesses saw the man and reported them to the police. right now, i'm joined live by former fbi agent jeff harp who can shed some life on safety precautions when talking about these open air events. thanks for joining us at this hour. can we talk about the reports that the shooter was outside the perimeter and how did in fact he get away in terms of the agents surveying the rooftops with the line of sight ahead of time? >> they are saying he is outside the security perimeter. they talk about layers of security when you are dealing with any sort of dignitary protection. this person appears to have used a high powered rifle. now high powered rifle shot from 130 yards or so is extremely accurate. you could be outside the perimeter 130 or
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530 yards even and still make an accurate shot. so the fact that they are saying he was outside the perimeter, to me that is not good enough to understand how this occurred. the better question to ask is who was observing the rooftop before, during, and after, and was that rooftop identified as a possible threat area where someone could take a shot from? i think that is the bigger question that need to be asked. >> as former fbi, i'm curious, you had said earlier, you are baffled and trying to wrap your head around how this could have even happened so when you saw this happening, what was your initial thought? >> my initial thought was how did someone not observe this individual from a law enforcement perspective. if there was as many people at that rally as they were saying they were, the guy marchs in with a high powered rifle. even if you are 150 yards, 200 yards, a mile away, if you are
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walking in with a long gun, that is suspicious. and people normally say something. if you are at an event that is a political event, it just doesn't look right. the hair stands up on the back of your neck. you normally pick up the phone and call 911. now it does appear as though there was some individuals who saw something. i don't know how law enforcement reacted to that. we are going to find out very shortly. because it appears as if they did see something. >> what happens now? when are we going to get more information? >> first of all, we'll go back to the fbi coming out with their statement. they wanted to make certain they had the right individual. think back to the olympic bombing with richard jewel being the accused person and he was not the person that did the bombing. the fbi is very sensitive to making certain that they have 100%
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certainty of when they will come out with an announcement. because they don't want to put themselves in a position where they are giving bad information or information that is going to lead the investigation in the wrong direction. now they are going to look at this individual, they know who he is. they will identify him probably through pennsylvania uses some bio metric data, photographic data. able to back trace that. and now they know who he is. they will start looking at his social media. certainly they will have his phone records. this just didn't happen like he didn't wake up this morning and say i'm going to go shoot the president. i don't think. many of these things we have seen in recent years. likely a mental health issue involved here and a lot of things people second guess and wonder why we weren't able to prevent this from happening just like every single other shooting that we see. why couldment we prevent
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it? >> yeah. jeff harp, former fbi agent. jeff, thank you for your live interview at this hour. we appreciate it. all right, so still a lot of questions to be answered. already calls for the head of the secret service to appear before congress to answer questions about the shooting. there's a long way to go before we get to know exactly what happened and who this person is. >> okay jules, thanks. well, thank you. we are now going to turn to amanda who has been trying to get the pulse of the public in the bay area. what can you tell us about what this means for the political discourse right now? >> reporter: yeah, we spoke to people across the political spectrum. all of them said they were saddened by the news. some even went as far to say they were disgusted. it doesn't matter whether you are a republican, a democrat, an independent, or anything else. this was a bad day.
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>> no one should get shot. period. >> reporter: the impact of trump's attempted assassination at a campaign rally in pennsylvania is being felt across the country. including right here in the bay area. stephanie hill says when she heard the news she thought it was awful. but she wasn't surprised. >> i kind of expected it, to be honest. >> why? >> because it feels like the democrats are kind of running out of chances here. and so, they really, really don't want him to win. >> even if you don't agree or agree, it's still not okay to shoot somebody because they have different opinions. that's why we live in america. to have different opinions and that's okay. we should have different opinions. >> reporter: olivia says she doesn't understand how something like this could happen. >> i think it is really scary what happened. because you know, they do all the security measures and it is still not safe. i want to live in a world that's safe. it's not right
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what happened. >> reporter: peter black spent his saturday running errands and didn't have a chance to watch the news. he was taken aback when we explained what happened. >> no kidding? it's not good. you don't want that for anybody. you know. very outspoken. has a lot of people in favor of him and a lot of enemies. >> reporter: people say they are relieved the former president is okay. when asked how this will impact his campaign, everyone believes it will have a positive impact. >> it shows he is strong enough to be president. if joe biden got shot, there is no way he would react the same way. >> he will turn it around to make it work for him. trump's good at that. >> reporter: no one we spoke to said this would impact their vote in november. back to you. >> all right, thank you so much amanda. and we'll have more on the assassination attempt just ahead. including how the shooting could change security
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at the upcoming republican national convention that begins on monday. plus a live report from dozens of agents descend upon butler, pennsylvania.
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the fbi and multiple agencies have investigations going on in pennsylvania. >> they are scrambling to pin
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down a motive and figure out how it all happened. >> the fbi has deployed a number of our resources including investigative agents. our everyday response team. bomb technicians. and we have additional resources coming from other field offices as well as from fbi headquarters. >> and this is cbs reporter lauren lender who joins us now live from butler, pennsylvania. lauren, can you give us a sense of what's happened where you are now? past 2:00 in the morning. is it still fairly active out there? >> reporter: it's still active in the sense at that we can see. because we are still blocked off here at the butler county fairgrounds. it is still blocked off by state police and we are not able to get through to where the rally occurred. as far as we know, it is still very active in that sense. but we are not able to see exactly
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the investigative work that they are doing behind the scenes where this all occurred before the rally, during the rally, and while the former president was speaking about from the last few hours, there were some state police helicopters that did come out here. they have since left. i want to say the last half hour to assist with the investigation which is being led by the fbi at time as an attempted aassassination of a candidate. it is very much blocked off. hopefully we will learn more as the days go on. back to you. >> lauren, the big question out here tonight. and i'm sure it is, is how this sniper could have gotten unobserved into position in order to take a shot at donald trump. i know they are not going to say well,
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here, just in chatting with folks in the area. >> it was in an area that was not on the property. when we were witnessing all of this, nobody that i have spoken to saw the shooter where we were. colleagues of mine have been reporting from the area where the shooter was from the perspective where that shot came through. that is behind the bleachers that were behind the former president. so to figure out how he was able to have that shot toward the president, toward the former president is still very much a question that people are asking
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tonight. >> all right, thank you very much. >> that shooting comes just days before the republican national convention in milwaukee. >> juliette is back with details on the impact it is already having. >> reporter: absolutely. talk about the timing. republican delegates start showing up tomorrow in milwaukee. the convention kick off monday. so security was already tight. so we will show you now if authorities decide things have to ramp up and clearly they will. in milwaukee, extra security will be sorely needed. >> i'm seeing off the police officers and i think we should have more of that. >> when it comes to the republican convention, there is no credible or specific threat that has been identified in an assessment created by the fbi and secret service as of now. we are waiting to hear more from the secret service into the investigation of how this all happened. implications of the shooting could have a major impact in the coming weeks as
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we get closer to the election. so we'll have more on that as the days unfold. >> a lot of question to be answered. a lot of work ahead. thanks jules. well, in the meantime, you can always find the very latest on our website, and the cbs news app. we'll ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer.
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the bay area. so we'll see a few scattered showers. 5:00 a.m., 6:00 a.m., 7:00 a.m. there were a few little blips. but we have a chance tomorrow morning like 10:00 a.m. for an isolated shower to move across the bay. there could be a rare embedded lightning strike. it's a small chance. but that is one part of the forecast. don't count on a lot from it. it doesn't seem like a concerning scenario. these are tomorrow's daytime highs and this starts to cooling trend. you were in the low 90s today, tomorrow, we are getting you into the 8 0z. this is a cooling trend. look at the first half of the week. maybe you don't notice it so much for san francisco and oakland. they have had it made. but when you look at the north bay valleys you see it. these temperatures are going back down to average. we haven't been able to say that for a
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while. matt, over to you. coming up in sports, the giants are looking for some momentum headed into the all-star break but had their happens full. and a 49ers legend got his look
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11:29 pm
the giants were swept by the blue jays on but on saturday, a chance to take it against minnesota. the four relievers enshrined at oracle park. throughout the first pitch, as for the game, all-star elliot ramos continues to put up numbers. fifth inning. hard hit ball up the middle gets through the infield. drives in jorge from third. ties the game at two. in the sixth inning, carlos santana hits a moon ball down the left field line and it stays fair for the go ahead shot. twins win 4-2 and even the series. giants will play sunday so try to win. brandon and the warriors in vegas for summer league taking on the suns. a good chance for them to continue to develop. had 16. also got it done on the other end. coming one a steal in the
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third quarter. warriors won 90-73. saturday, a special day for 49ers legend patrick willis. he received his gold jacket from the pro football hall of fame. it arrived ahead of his enshrinement in canton august 3rd. i hope it is already
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a final update on the shooting of donald trump. the fbi identified 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks as the gunman. he was shot and killed by the secret service. there is no late word on a motive. something that with will looked at in the coming days. the president trump presidential candidate was grazed by a bullet at the top of his right ear. one other rally attendee was killed and two more seriously injured. of all the questions surrounding the events of the day, one of
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the most troubling is how a would be assassin was able to set up on tom of a roof and yet go unnoticed by the considerable security presence at the rall. we'll have much more on this throughout the day right here on >> for now, thanks for watching. next local new casts tomorrow morning at 7:00. >> and updates are always available on have a good night.
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