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tv   CBS News Roundup  CBS  July 15, 2024 3:00am-3:30am PDT

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hello and thanks for staying up with us. i'm courtney kealy in new york. and here are some of the stories we're tracking on "cbs news roundup." the fbi says it's investigating the attempted trump assassination as an act of domestic terror. also, we're learning more about that shooter who was able to get so close to that stage. and chaos at a soccer match when thousands of fans showed up without tickets. we begin with president biden urging unity in the wake of saturday's assassination attempt on former president trump. >> we do not know the motive of the shooter yet. we don't know his opinions or affiliations. we don't know whether he had help or support or if he communicated with anyone else. law enforcement professionals as i speak are investigating those questions. tonight i want to speak to what we do know. a former president was shot, an
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american citizen killed while simply exercising his freedom to support the candidate of his choosing. we cannot, we must not go down this road in america. we've traveled it before throughout our history. violence has never been the answer. >> the fbi's investigating saying donald trump's would-be assassin had explosive in his car and house. and in milwaukee on sunday evening the former president arrived ahead of this week's republican national convention. cbs's norah o'donnell has the latest on the investigation and the victims of the shooting. >> reporter: bomb squad vehicles were seen outside the pennsylvania home of the 20-year-old shooter after the fbi said it found explosives. this comes just 24 hours after the assassination attempt on donald trump. >> this is a big crowd. this is a big, big beautiful crowd. ♪ i'm proud to be ♪ >> reporter: the crowd had waited in 90 degree heat for hours for the former prrnths who took the stage at 6:03 p.m. on
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saturday. >> hello butler and -- >> reporter: as trump spoke about 410 feet away just outside the security perimeter a shooter was taking aim. >> saw the guy move from roof to roof. >> reporter: eyewitnesses say they tried to alert the secret service while trump spoke. >> we had the strongest border ever. >> we're pointing. we're pointing at the guy crawling up the roof. we could clearly see him with the rifle. >> reporter: cbs news has learned one local police officer even encountered the gunman but was forced back when the shooter pointed his weapon at him. this was mere moments before the shooter fired toward the stage. >> take a look at what happened -- >> reporter: you can hear the bursts of fire over the crowd. between six and eight rounds. this photo captures the moment a bullet whizzes by his head. as his head was turned, trump says he was hit by at least one of those bullets in his right ear.
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seen clutching it as blood dripped down his face. here you see the secret service sniper taking out the would-be assassin within seconds. this video shows the gunman, identified as 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks, dead on the rooftop. the ar-style rifle he used still in his hands. trump was rushed into a waiting suv less than two minutes after the first shot was fired. several of the bullets that missed the former president did hit his supporters, injuring two people and killing corey comperatore. the 50-year-old former fire chief today hailed a hero, died shielding his young daughters. >> he was a father. he was protecting his family from the bullets that were being fired. and he lost his life. god love him. >> cbs news anchor norah o'donnell. as we reported at the top of the broadcast, president biden made a rare oval office address, asking for calm. cbs's nancy cordes reports from
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the white house. >> the investigators will have every resource they need to get this done. >> reporter: the president was briefed in the situation room by his national security team this afternoon. he said he has instructed the fbi to be thorough and swift as it investigates the shooter. >> i urge everyone, everyone please don't make assumptions about his motives or his affiliations. let the fbi do their job. >> reporter: with the republican national convention set to start tomorrow, president biden said he has directed the head of the secret service to review all security plans for the four-day event. and as questions swirl about how the shooter was able to get so close to a presidential candidate biden said he had ordered an independent review of rally security to assess what went wrong. >> and we'll share the results of that independent review with the american people as well. >> reporter: security around the white house is still elevated, with pedestrians blocked from pennsylvania avenue and
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lafayette park across the street. president biden has postponed a planned trip to austin, texas tomorrow. and the biden campaign has hit pause on tv advertising as the president looks to strike a unifying tone. >> there's no place in america for this kind of violence or any violence for that matter. >> that was cbs's nancy cordes. we're learning new details about the 20-year-old gunman shot and killed by a member of the secret service's sniper team. cbs's charlie demarr has more on the investigation, the weapon and the search for a motive. >> reporter: secret service and federal agents swarmed this neighborhood in bethel park, pennsylvania where the shooter lived an hour south of the butler county fairgrounds. two law enforcement sources say the gun used was legally purchased by and registered to the shooter's father, matthew crooks. residents in this small community are reacting to one of their own attempting to assassinate the former
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president. >> 20 years old. what a wasted life. for who? for what? >> reporter: the shooter graduated from bethel park high school in 2022. video shows the moment he received his diploma. >> thomas crooks. >> reporter: former classmate jason koehler says the shooter was a loner who was bullied. >> you know how kids are nowadays. he didn't dress like everyone else. so -- >> did you ever think he was capable of something like this? >> no. like i said, that's not something you want to think about, though. >> reporter: another former classmate said he was a good student, especially interested in government and history. >> it was nothing out of the ordinary. he was a nice kid. and i had never had an experience with him where i was like he, you know, isn't nice. >> reporter: the shooter was registered as a republican, though federal records indicated he previously made a $15 donation to a democratic-aligned group. the 20-year-old worked at a local nursing home. in may he graduated with an
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associate's degree in engineering and science. and at this point investigators believe that the shooter acted alone and he was not known to law enforcement before this shooting. in bethel park, pennsylvania i'm charlie del mar, cbs news, chicago. it was a frightening scene at a miami soccer match on sunday night. thousands of fans without tickets tried forcing their way into the stadium for the copa america final between argentina and colombia. the match was delayed more than an hour. straight ahead on krrnds we'll take a look at the timeline of the attempted assassination of former president trump. ♪ so when they stand and tell the stories ♪ ♪ of who we are and what we've done ♪ ♪ of a thousand things that we could leave behind us ♪ ♪ if they say just one word ♪ ♪ let that word be ♪
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♪ kindness ♪ ♪ you can save the world with kindness ♪ ♪ your kindness ♪ ♪ kindness ♪ it's so hard to predict a sick kid who just keeps getting sicker. but we needed to be together as a family. my family is my entire life. my family means the world to me. when we're together and we have support from ronald mcdonald house, we can be a little stronger.
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they provide food and a place to rest your head, and they will help you through every step. that's what gets you through every day when you don't know how else you're going to make it. makes you feel like you're not alone. substance use disorder and addiction is so isolating. when you don't know how else and so as a black woman. in recovery, hope must be loud. it grows louder when you ask for help and your vulnerable. it is the thread that lets you know that no matter what happens, you will be okay. you do. this is "cbs news roundup." i'm courtney kealy in new york.
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the investigation into the attempted assassination of former president trump is in the hands of the fbi. the bureau says it's already received nearly 3,000 tips. agents are working to dissect the would-be assassin's life and determine a possible motive. maurice dubois reports on the timeline of the shooting. >> we must have a strong president -- >> reporter: despite 90 degree president thousands descended on the butler farm show, about 100 acres used for agricultural exhibitions and a place where donald trump has appeared before. ♪ and i'm proud to be ♪ butler county voted overwhelmingly for trump in 2020. so this was expected to be as friendly a crowd as you'd find in the country. the former president and presumptive republican nominee took the stage at 6:03 p.m. >> hello, butler. and hello to pennsylvania. >> reporter: at about the same time a man was spotted on the roof of a building about 160 yards away. he was carrying an ar-style
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semi-automatic rifle. spectators alerted police. >> we noticed a guy crawling army -- you know, bear crawling up the roof of the building beside us. 50 -- 50 feet away from us. so we're standing there. you know, we're pointing -- we're pointing at the guy crawling up the roof. >> and he had a gun, right? >> he had a rifle. we could clearly see him with a rifle. absolutely. we're pointing at him. the police are down there running around on the ground. we're like hey, man, there's a guy on the roof with a rifle. and the police were like, huh? what? you know, like they didn't know what was going on. we're like hey, right here on the roof. we can see him from right here. we see him. you know, he's crawling. and next thing you know i'm like -- i'm thinking to myself, like why is trump still speaking, why have they not pulled him off the stage? >> reporter: an armed officer attempted to check the roof. michael sloop is the butler county sheriff. he spoke with cbs station kdka. >> all i know is the officer had both hands up on the roof to get
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up onto the roof. never made it because the shooter had turned towards the officer and rightfully and smartfully the officer let go. >> and then what happened next? >> well, assuming that the shooter turned his rifle back over towards the crowd and the rally and started shooting. >> probably 20 million people. >> reporter: at 6:11 p.m. mr. trump was talking about immigration. then the first three shots, which came from his right. >> take a look at what happened -- [ gunshots ] >> reporter: followed by three more. and what sounded like an outgoing shot. video recorded by a member of the audience shows snipers for the secret service aiming at something in the direction of the gunman. >> if you want to really see something that's sad, take a look at what happened --
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[ screaming ]. >> when you're ready. on you. >> ready. >> move. >> up. >> go. >> up. hawkeye's here. >> sir, get ready. >> are you ready? >> we're good. shooter's down. are we good to move? >> are we clear? >> let's move. >> we're clear! >> let me get my shoes. let me get my shoes. >> i got you, sir. >> let me get my shoes. >> hold that on your head. it's bloody. >> sir, we've got to move to the cars. >> let me get my shoes.
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>> reporter: it took a minute and a half to get the former president off the stage. and as they tried to hustle him to his waiting suv he raised his fist several times in defiance and seemed to say "fight." some people in the crowd turned their attention to three others who'd been shot. they included corey comperatore, 50, a firefighter, dead and big fan of donald trump. he had been shot in the head. josh shapiro is pennsylvania's governor. >> i asked corey's wife if it would be okay for me to share that we spoke. she said yes. she also asked that i share with all of you that corey died a hero. that corey dove on his family to protect them last night at this rally. corey was the very best of us. may his memory be a blessing. >> reporter: two other people were critically wounded. cbs news has learned one of the victims is in a medically
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induced coma. trump was treated at a nearby hospital for the wound to his ear. at 8:42 he posted on truth social "i was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. i knew immediately something was wrong in that i heard a whizzing sound, shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. much bleeding took place." president biden made a statement in delaware. >> there's no place in america for this kind of violence. it's sick. it's sick. it's one of the reasons why we have to unite this country. we cannot allow for this to be happening. we cannot be like this. we cannot condone this. >> reporter: mr. biden returned to the white house, where he was briefed on the assassination att attempt. this morning the fbi identified the gunman as thomas matthew crooks. he was 20 years old and lived about 50 miles from the rally site in bethel, pennsylvania. he'd graduated with an engineering degree from a
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community college but worked at a nursing and rehabilitation center. he was a registered republican. a classmate told cbs news that crooks had tried out for the high school's rifle team but failed to make it. throughout the night and morning investigators searched crooks's home and car, where they say they found explosive devices. this afternoon former president trump released another statement on social media. "i was going to delay my trip to wisconsin and the republican national convention," he said, "by two days but have just decided that i cannot allow a shooter or potential assassin to force change to scheduling or anything else. therefore, i will be leaving for milwaukee as scheduled." he departed from newark airport in new jersey and traveled to milwaukee for the convention, where he will officially be nominated as his party's candidate for president. >> that was maurice dubois. this is "cbs news roundup."
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pennsylvania retired chief corey comperatore's fire gear hangs in his locker at the buffalo township fire department. >> he was a family-loving god-fearing man. >> reporter: witnesses say the 50-year-old veteran firefighter died trying to shield his family from gunfire at the trump rally. second lieutenant greg sirns yoeni. >> what's it like when you look over and see his gear hanging here today? >> heartbreaking. i almost don't even understand it, how it could happen. >> reporter: comperatore was married to his high school sweetheart, helen. the couple had two daughters. after the shots rang out rally attendee jim sweetland, an emergency room doctor, tried to save comperatore. >> i looked up to see his family, who'd witnessed my efforts at resuscitation. and the look on their faces said it all. >> reporter: two other gunshot victims are in stable condition. 57-year-old david dutch and
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74-year-old james copenhaver. back at the firehouse comperatore's firefighter brothers are paying tribute with flags flying at half staff. >> he was a man that was full of love. and there's too much hate going on right now. and we don't need to make this about hate at all. it's just hug your family, keep them close. that's what he would do. >> reporter: as the fire department and community mourns comperatore, his wife paid tribute in a private facebook post saying her husband died the hero he always was, he would have it no other way. >> that was meg oliver reporting. reporting. "cbs news ro “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common.
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in as little as seven days. now i can help again feel the difference with nervive. the attempt on former president trump's life has drawn reaction from leaders around the globe. cbs's ian lee takes a look at the response from allies and rivals at this sad moment in american history. >> well, donald trump has survived an assassination attempt. >> reporter: the assassination attempt on former president trump shocked the world. [ speaking in a global lnguage ] reactions came pouring in. >> this was an attack on america. it was an attack on democracy. >> reporter: ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy called the attack an appalling crime. on social media many allies sent their best wishes for a speedy recovery including leaders of the uk, france, canada and japan.
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around the world politicians have increasingly found themselves in the assassin's crosshairs as extremists look for extreme solutions. in 2022 a gunman shot and killed former japanese prime minister shinzo abe while he was giving a speech. slovak prime minister robert fico survived an assassination attempt, being shot several times. while president trump has had a rocky and at times tense relationship with many world leaders, the condemnation of political violence was unanimous. even from america's foes. a spokesman for xi jinping said the chinese leader expressed his sympathies for trump. and kremlin spokesman dim ri it's time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars.
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it's monday, july 15th, 2024. this is "cbs news mornings." former president trump's motorcade arrives in milwaukee


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