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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  July 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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the republican president. running. mate is >announced. smart and he can articulate make make america. great agenda. as well as anybody. just days after a shooter tried to kill, donald trump. >tried to assassinate him. and he's still coming back fighting. investigators. trying to find out why the gunman opened fire. and how he managed to avoid security. >were like, hey, man! there's a guy on the roof of the rifle. yeah.
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>liz>yeah. have set their ticket. former president don trump picked ohio. senator jd d. vance's his running mate and the news broke at the republican national convention, today. all under the cloud of the shooting. over the weekend. now, jd d. vance is a senator from ohio. but he used to call the bay. area home. he lived in san francisco after graduating. from yale any worked as a venture cap. and has ties to former paypal ceo and republican. donor. peter thiel. now. of course. security is top of mind at the republican convention. just two days after the shooting. at trump's rally in pennsylvania. california has is sending 61 officers to help out and mackovic is in the newsroom for us with the very latest on the investigation. >ott-1>and we're still waiting to hear more about what motivated the 20 year old shooter. the fbi is investigating this as an assassination. attempt. and the potential case of domestic terrorism. and another investigation is focused on the security. failures at the event. that allowed this to happen. former president trump, of course, was shot and injured
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on saturday night. in a shooting that also killed a spectator and critically injured. two others. form. president could be seen touching his ear. before he was shielded by the secret service and whisked off stage. and into an suv. the shots came from a roof of outside of the security. perimeter. where the shooter was able to fire off rounds. secret service snipers, then shot and killed him. the local sheriff confirming. that an armed officer was hoisted under the roof of that building. but fell off. when the shooter points. his rifle. in that officers. direction. that is when police say the gunman turned around. and opened fire into the crowd. the attack has >liz>put >>yeah. we will see something. happening. again. whether it's you know, a presidential rally or it's a big venue. what, like los vegas? we always try to learn what did we do wrong? and how can we prevent it from
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happening? and i think what you're going to find is elevated positions are going to be extreme. screw. from here on out. >ott-1>yeah. president trump is not currently scheduled to speak at the convention today. his main acceptance speeches set for thursday. instances, speech has been completely re the new version is said to be focusing on reunite. the country. president biden has is continuing to urge americans to reject politically motivated violence. he is set to do an interview airing tonight. we'll be covering that list. >liz>interesting to see if both, you know the current president and former president trump both calling too. call down. the rhetoric. too. you know, turned down the volume so to speak. it will be interesting, to see if that actually happens because so far in the last about 72 hours that doesn't seem to >ott-1>be happening. one could only hope. >liz>certainly has changed. temperature so far. thank you, anne. oakland faith leaders condemned this weekend. politic. violence. or da lin. reports from acts full gospel. church. where they were praying
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for peace. case. >wonderful. >>gospel church in east >oakland. >>every sunday service starts with upbeat >music. >>yeah. energy. and >passion. >>on this sunday. bishop bob jackson said a few more prayers prayer for donald trump. and those killed and injured in >the shoot. were injured. that was killed. on families. church members celica. thomas says she too prayed. for the victims. it was very evil. with that. person had did. and it was very demonic that was very very demonic behavior. understand? the pain. of losing a loved one. someone shot and killed her. sister in oakland, 60. years ago. she is now helping to raise her nephew. be a role model to my nephew. it's not that many role models out here, so i have to teach him
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right from wrong and bring them to charge to make sure sure that he goes every sunday with me. and many churchgoer. say the assassination. attempt. is the result of division. and hate. we are so so divided i'm not even sure that we all are going to ever agree, but one thing we can do is that we can be courteous to one another. we can respect each other's ideas. and we can try to move. forward because we all have to live in this country together. if you didn't like the man that didn't like what he was saying. or whatever else you just don't vote for him. bishop bob says, the church's is a political and no matter how people feel about trump violence. is wrong. i think this nation needs to get back to god. so we can have some godly principles go standards. and people. can have a look. for each other. instead of the hate that we see in this country. now. for silica she's getting into politics and running for the at large. city. council seat. and oakland. to stop the violence. locally. and hopefully restore some sense. we're gonna make oakland great.
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>great. >>despite the calls for peace of political divide seems to be getting deeper. and deeper. yeah. 100. people. 100%. still ahead. how a gathering place for conservatives. became the scene of a shouty. match. on an east bay. overpass. last couple it analysts have the shoe will impact the presidential race and how the trump bans tickets stacks up against biden. and harris. sir.
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>liz>today. in milwaukee deli. made trump's presidential nomination. official republican celebrate inside the convention. there are protesters outside thousands of people. marched down the streets, they said they are focused on issues. like immigration. and reproductive. rights. and the political divide was on full. display on the freeway. freeway overpass and lafayette yesterday. our john ramos shows us how temper can to flare. despite calls to lower the temperature. this is the cartola overpass
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in lafayette. and since nine it's become a kind of gathering place. for conservatives. to express. their views. but on this day, it's also an example of how divided this nation has become. >we believe it. america. we believe we have a country to save the flags are upside down because we're a nation. industry. rehs. this is a grievous time. i'm not being quiet. i'm not going away. we're not going away. put out a call for fellow trump's support. to meet at the overpass. she's done it many times, and it's become a familiar sight for drivers on highway 24. there was nothing inflammatory about the days message. but it was enough to draw a pretty extreme response from some people. >get off this overpass. you race this your kind is not allowed up here. you come up here. all the time. no one stands with you. you racist
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what do you do with this video? you are 100%. evil. you are 100%. you are 100%. terrorist traders to this country. just like him. and god. you to burn. in ... down. yeah. will burn in .... i'm sorry. that the guy was a inch off. that's pretty much what political debate in america. has become. >what has happened? is that are people don't know. their own american. constitution. rights. they don't know they don't know they have free speech. it's an assault if nothing. else. and we shouldn't have to do that. we have mostly. older ladies. up here. wait. flags. is that really warrant? the violence that's going on. and and and the the heat. l. norman doesn't trust the government. and believes there were larger sin. forces behind the attack on trump. he says it feels like conservatives. are losing their right to free speech. and that was only
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bolstered when a caltrans truck showed >up. >>lisa says they've been kicked off the overpass six times. >now >>and with several media members. recording the exchange. she urged her friends to make a stand. suddenly. without explain. the caltrans truck >left why do you think they just left? don't want you recording. this to me. many. eyes. yeah. eyes are on. them. today. was the alamo. despite reference to the alamo. there are trump supporters who don't think politics should be a fight. to the death. joma. mueller was disturbed. by what she saw on saturday. >were you surprised? that that would happen? but it could go that far. probably was, yeah. because if he hadn't turned his head just that little fraction he'd be dead now. i think it's really hard on all of us. yeah, i think that would be a lot of people would be very unhappy about that. and it would not be good.
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a little scary. very scary. yeah, i think it's scary times. we're living in it's scary because it feels like the nation has stepped. over a threshold. >what up? and it's going to go there. and no one on either side is willing to take a step back. >liz>well, joining me now is political analyst dr nolan hig dinner. in a professor of history. and media. studies at cal state east bay. thanks so much for being with us >live>thanks for >liz>having me. to talk about what happened over the weekend. in just a minute, but i want to talk about what? the news of the day trump's vp pick jd. van, some someone who had been highly critical of trump in the past. also has ties to wealthy donors here in silicon. valley. what do you make of this pick? >live>yeah. i think it makes sense sense in a lot of ways. for what trump is trying to do. jd vance does it was that at one point of cnn. contributor, so he has his media. on a few days, which are important to trump. he published a very popular book. uh, um and i
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think also importantly, there's been so much discussion about age and this election. he's young, he's 39 years >liz>old. >>so people can look within the conservative movement can look at voting for the trump vance ticket as a way to further maggot into the future. maybe advance. is going to carry that >liz>mantle. so let's get to the events that happened. over the weekend. still really hard to watch this, the div. and the rhetoric that happened, that's happening. right now between the two political parties. but how does the shooting at the trump rally impact the presidential campaigns on both sides? moving forward is this going to give a boost to trump's campaign? do you think >live>i think ultimately trump is about biggest benefactor. politically. speaking. from what happened obviously, no. nobody wants to take a bullet or be near a >liz>bullet, >>but politically speaking, he's is the most, um, gives the most benefit from it. biden, though, does get a little bit of a benefit. um, the two weeks prior to that shooting. the media attention was focused on biden's cognitive abilities and whether or not you should step down and it looks like the
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shooting has tempered. some of those um, this but trump really looks like the one who's benefiting from this. coming out of that. he looks like someone who's projecting strength. his allies were able to use that shooting as an indictment of all of them. as if somehow all democrats are responsible for >liz>it. >>um and historically, we've seen that. when presidents um do get their life threatening an assassination attempt. attempted tend to get a bump in the polls. and for trump, that's important. candidates also going to bump in the polls during convention week, which trump has having and one of the biggest threats against trump's candidacy, where his trial and another one was just thrown out today, so i think everything seems to be going in trumpster. direction. in the last couple of weeks. >liz>that's right. that was another big story that happened today. that sort of of been trumped pun. up. intended by the other things that are happening, a federal judge dismissed the classified documents case against donald trump, saying the appointment of the special counsel jack smith, violate the constitution. what impact if
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any, will this have on his campaign? i mean, jack smith and his team said that they will. appeal this but you know this new trial probably isn't going to happen before the election, right? >live>correct. and i think this is where the biden democrats have really been hurt. it seems like their whole game plan was to run on biden beat trump once let it do it again. and they believe that the return of trump to two national politics. doubled with his trial. with ultimately turn off a lot of voters. well, they question about biden's ability to be trump has really been raised in the two weeks prior to the shooting. and now a lot of those trials. seem not to be as important of an issue. even in sentencing. has now been pushed back. as well. so i think a lot of the democrats game plan for 2024. has been taken out from under them in the last couple >liz>of months. i want to talk a little bit about the historic perspective of what's hap. over the past three days. it's been 43. years. since it president or presidential candidate was hurt. in an assassination
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attempt. but political violence in this country is not that unusual. i mean, even here in the bay area, there was an attack on paul polo. that was two years ago. assassination. of harvey milk george moscone, ian 90. and the attempted assassination. of gerald ford in san francisco. back in 19. his have, those events created more of a divide. among the parties and do you think that that we're seeing it now on an extreme? level? but do you think that's going to continue? or do you think that it might, in fact? unified both parties? i mean, that's what the candidates are. calling for, right? >live>yeah. yeah. historically. you know, these attempts have largely been unify. that has said the country unifies. against the target. you know their overall majority of the country, i think recognizes that violence is antithetical. to democracy. the whole concept of democracy is as we decide things. peacefully. through. through the ballot process or our electoral process. legislative process. um >liz>but >>the violence is antithetical.
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to that, but that hasn't been said that. um, in the last decade or so, these acts of political violence, some of which you've named there um really been used to feed into the deep polarization. so even after, um the shooting of trump, you could go online and immediately. that even though there was little to no evidence of what it happened yet? you could see, you know, folks on the left argument was a false flag or putin might be involved. and then those on the right saying it was government. orchestrated. trying to kill trump. when there was simply no evidence to back up any of those claims. and so i think that we are we are a different culture now, and we react differently to these type events. we might have said in the 19 seventys. >liz>all right, dr. nolan hageman with kelsi, east bay. thank you so much for being here. >live>thank >>you. and stay tuned. to cbs news 24. 7 for the very latest on the attempt to assess assassination. and a programming note there will be no. seven. pm newscast tonight due to coverage of the republican convention. >paul>and we're going to keep an eye on whether of course we're watching thunderstorms.
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in the sierra. and a big cool down. how long can we keep temperatures like this? we're pretty much average. i'll show you you got to warm up. in the forecast next. >yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah.
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>>all right, let's get to our weather. now. they are cool. off out. that, he wave, >paul>but >>hot weather is coming back. it's going to return. let's go to first alert. meteorologist darren peck in our virtual view studio for the very latest. darren i thought we were out >paul>of the woods. the next three days later, so there is that good news. but you're right. it's coming back. and it's coming back in waves. we're going to look at one way that gets here on friday. and then we're going to look at another way. that gets here as we get into early next week before i get to that. you see what's going on on first alert. alert. doppler this afternoon. isolated thunderstorms in the sierra again a fairly typical summer pattern. we'd be concerned, if any of those were going to come out of the mountains and head our way, and they're not and there's a decent amount of rain with him, too. so we haven't really seen any concerning fires. starts from has been a lot of lightning in the sierra, but so
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far things have gone well, look what's coming back tomorrow for us. that's the marine layer. look at that again. in a little more detail, watch the marine layer filling the entirety of the bay overnight. so this is tonight going into tuesday morning. this is how we're keeping. temperatures cool. for now. monday. tuesday. wednesday even thursday thursday, the warmup is going to start but really like the first half of this week. temperatures are sitting at average for this time of year, and that's got to sound and feel wonderful. let's do a little comparison. if we look at the forecast for tomorrow, which is pretty identical. to what today's numbers are look at the inland valleys. pretty much doing low to mid eighties out here. i mean, this is the there was a below average. actually. by a few degrees, not bad north bay valley. you're getting a nice break, will keep the temperature right around. 80 for san jose. so that's tuesday. wednesday. is very similar. i'm just going to skip this ahead. to friday. watch. the transition change. you'll see the color scheme deepens. into those shades of red and the numbers go up. and while we do have to warm back up those are numbers back in the upper nineties. this is not like the
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previous heat wave. we just had those numbers were like 107 210. for inland valleys. these numbers we don't even have a triple digit on here. so not bad in that regard. let's get into the seventies. day forecast and i'll show you how these this kind of comes in waves. so we're talking about the first part of this week here wednesday and thursday. we do warm up a little bit nothing too extreme. friday. is the peak. saturday is close. sunday is also still relatively warm, but at least it's nice to see we do one. big jump here for friday. and then we'll temper this a bit will bring the numbers. down a bit, but i have to draw your attention back here. because as we look towards early next week appear just to be another uptick. in heat. and there's a lot more to be seen on that. in terms of intensity and duration, so it's just an early heads up. that enjoy the next three days. because once we do start warming up while we don't see any signs of the kinds of intense heat that we had for much of this last heat wave, which in many ways was historic across the west in california,
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even if it wasn't shattering records left and right here. it was an intense heat wave. for the west as a whole. i don't see that coming back. but we are going to go back up. up. and it's coming by the time we get towards early next week, probably as well. alright, liz back to >liz>you, all right, darren. thanks so much, and we'll be right back. yeah. this is picks plus more of what you want. more often. in the morning. and the prime time edition. eight and 9 p.m. news. with devon feely. elizabeth cook. juliette goodrich. and sara donchey. groundbreaking. original stories. from the kpi. newsroom. plus bear. politics project earth and weather like you've never seen the prime time edition.
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coming up tonight on the cbs evening. news live from the republican national convention. here. in mill. new details about the attempted assassination. of donald trump. the ammunition the gunman bought just hours before the shooting. and what we're learning about the security failure. that's new tonight here. on the cbs evening news.
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>liz>and coming up here at five. the bay area reacting to a vice presidential nominee with ties to san francisco. plus to local political analysts weigh in on the assassination. attempt. on former president trump. that story and much more with ryan yamamoto. and myself. coming up tonight at five. i've and thank you for joining us. the cbs evening news is next. local news continues. on our streaming service, cbs news bay area lcu at five. ♪ ♪ >> president trump. >> norah: tonight the breaking news from the opening day of the republican national convention.


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