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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 16, 2024 1:37am-2:12am PDT

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call t t the bnenes fi,,get the anjujury aororneys v♪ call 1-800 eight million fcall us being inju now at 11:00, former president trump seen for the first time since being shot. >> trump had a near death experience, and that tends to change people's point of view. >> and from a vocal critic -- >> i'm a never trump guy, i never liked him. >> -- to a fierce supporter. >> we need to win and we need to win big. >> what we know about the vice presidential candidate who used to live here in san francisco. >> i will shoot you. >> a violent robbery spree at three east bay businesses in just one hour. what happened days before the crimes that's getting so much attention. and the rockets' red glare -- >> and a struggle to keep a straight face. the performance that raised a few eyebrows.
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from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hi, i'm sara donchey. tonight former president trump appeared in public to applause for the first time since he survived an assassination attempt. he arrived with his ear in a bandage. trump stood side by side with ohio senator jd vance, a man who spent years living here in the bay area which who criticized trump before flipping to support the former president. we'll have more on him and his local ties in a few minutes, but first natalie brand is in milwaukee with day one of the convention. >> reporter: with his ear banded, former president donald trump made a surprise appearance on night one of the rnc, once again pumping his fist in the air. earlier he announced ohio senator jd vance as his presidential running mate after months of suspense and speculation. >> i love that jd is young. you
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know, my father built trump tower at 37. you can be young and accomplished. >> reporter: vance was a harsh critic of trump during his white house run back in 2016, but now he's one of his most vocal defenders in congress. he's also known for his memory hillbilly elegy about growing up in poverty. what does he bring to the ticket? >> he understands what working people go through from his background, and he will be a tremendous advocate for donald trump and donald trump's agenda. >> reporter: monday night's session is focused on the economy with speakers ranging from lawmakers to everyday americans, including this single mother. >> i know americans can relate when i say that every time i fill up my gas tank, go to the grocery store, and try to pay the bills i think, who doesn't miss the trump days. >> reporter: monday's keynote speaker is teamsters union chief sean o'brien. >> everyday families see it,
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the american people aren't stupid, they know the system is broken. we all know how washington is run. working people have no chance of winning this fight. >> reporter: earlier monday, delegates made trump's nomination official with the roll call of states. supporters still processing saturday's shooting. how do you think the tone changes this week given saturday's attempts assassination? >> i think it's changed it a great deal, and especially because they tried to assassinate him. and he's still coming back fighting. >> reporter: delegates say this week they want to hear a message of unity. >> well, that investigation into the shooter and his potential motives is still going on strongly right now. our kelsi thorud asked local voters and asked experts how they think the attempt on the former president's life will impact the election. >> georgia. >> reporter: as former president donald trump and
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other top republicans gather in milwaukee for the republican national convention, many people across the country and right here in california are still reeling from saturday's assassination attempt. >> this whole, like, battle between republican and democrat, like, it doesn't matter who and who, this just shouldn't happen in america. >> reporter: the shooting has put even more of a spotlight on this week's convention. some people we spoke with tolds it's making them follow the race for the white house more closely. >> it'll be honestly my first time really ever paying attention. so after what happened last week, over the weekend, you know, obviously, there's way more interest in what's going on. >> reporter: it's that heightened interest and attention former chair of the california republican party and author of the lessons of the american civilization, tom, says trump would be smart to use to try and unify the country. >> i have advocated that he have nothing but a positive
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message at this stage, to almost ignore joe biden and talk about where he thinks the country should go. >> reporter: he says he's not sure whether trump will ultimately take that approach. one thing he does believe, though, is trump's choice for vp, ohio senator jd vance, is a strong one going into the final stretch of the campaign. >> jd vance comes from the middle of that rust belt. he understands those people, and trump picked him because of his chance to communicate with those people. >> reporter: republican voters we spoke with agreed. >> jd vance is incredible. if you know his story, he's just a great person, you know? smart, former marine. >> reporter: after tuning in tonight, they're now awaiting what the president will say in his first speech since nearly
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being killed. >> curious what his new message was going to be. i know he modified his message after the shooting. >> when donald trump made his famous escalator ride at trump tower in 2015 to announce his presidential campaign, jd vance was living in san francisco. he spent years as a venture capitalist working for billionaire peter thiel before founding his own firm. when vance eventually ran for senate in 2022, thiel donated $15 million to his campaign. vance, who is now the youngest person to sit on top of a main party ticket in over 160 year, has certainly not always supported former president trump. in 2016 he suggested trump might be america's hitler, called him cultural heroin, and referred to him as noxious. vance also said he believed the women who accused trump of sexual assault. >> and at the end of the day do you believe donald trump who always tells the truth -- just kidding -- or do you believe that woman on that tape? i'm a
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never trump guy. i never liked him. >> vance made a switch, changing up his tune on trump. >> i was wrong about him. we need to win and we need to win big. >> here is what vance said about san francisco when he did this 201660 minutes interview. >> this presumption that the only people who live here are people forced to live here, and that's just not true. people are here because they care about their communities and want to build something special here. >> in june, vance went with trump to a san francisco fundraiser hosted by billionaire david sacs, and at the convention tonight, sacks didn't have anything nice to say about the city. >> in my hometown of san francisco, democrat rule has turned the streets of our beautiful city into a cesspool of crime, homeless encampments, and open drug use. >> now, vance's wife actually just left her job at a san francisco law firm. the company gave us a statement tonight
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saying that she informed them she decided to leave and has been an excellent lawyer and colleague. still ahead, what prosecutors say happened just days before a violent crime spree. plus, the effort to save lives at the most famous bay area landmark. a comfortable start to the workweek with the onshore breeze pushing that marine air far inland. temperatures actually ended up a few degrees below average for highs this afternoon. just the warmest spots got up into the 80s. one more day of relatively comfortable weather, and then the heat starts to return. we'll take a look at the full seven-day forecast coming up. and what happened outside of this stadium is overshadowing what
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we showed you a video of a violent robbery in oakland that happened this month here on the late news. prosecutors say that same suspect was recently freed from prison after his sentence was shortened and that he robbed three restaurants in the span of an hour. da lin spoke to a victim who says the attacker should not have been out on the streets. >> give me the money right now. give me all the money right now. give me all the money right now. >> reporter: the workers say the robber attacked two female employees inside cassave taqueria. a cook, santos sanchez, who was cleaning in the back room ran toward the
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man to push him away from the women. a struggle ensued, and the suspect punched sanchez in the face. >> open it. open it. open it. open it. oh come on. >> if i touch it or i push my cheek, yeah, it still kind of hurt. >> reporter: the taqueria was one of three restaurants the man robbed on the evening of july 5th. all of the robberies happened on san pablo avenue. he robbed a papa john's pizza restaurant. employees shared the video of the suspect chasing and attacking a cashier. he demanded all the workers their money, when they refused to hand over their wall its he went to empty out the cash register. he also robbed a nearby mcdonald's. he beat up and robbed these two asian women. police say they were still trying to identify these two victim who is did not file a police report. police later
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arrested 31-year-old clarence esteen. in all, they say he robbed two women, three restaurants, and beat up a handful of people. >> this very bad and scary at the same time. >> reporter: district attorney pamela price says esteen was released from prison 11 days before the robbery spree. esteen was serving 30 years to life for a robbery in which he shot and injured an elderly woman in 2009. price says since esteen was 16 years old at the time, he was eligible for a new sentence under a new law. her office recommended a shorter sentence. a judge signed off, and esteen was released on june 24th. >> we all bear responsibility for that. and certainly my office will continue to redouble our efforts to provide effective reentry services. >> reporter: the owner of the taqueria's outraged by the shorter prison time. he says aside from the robbery they had six break-ins in the last two months. he says there's no accountability. >> that's pretty bad. that's pretty bad, because i know for sure that they're going to
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keep doing it. and they should stay in jail. >> reporter: the cook, sanchez, hopes the suspect will be put away for a long time. >> kind of frustrated, because you can do anything. the laws right now, they protect, like, the criminals. >> prosecutors tell us now the suspect could face up to 30 years in prison because of his criminal history. now staying in the east bay, firefighters had to be very careful pulling out a car that plowed through the front door of a real estate office. that happened just after 4:00 today on mission boulevard. firefighters tell us they don't know why it happened, but thankfully nobody was hit inside of the building or sent to the hospital. but they added the operation was a tricky one. they not only had to shore up the building, but they had to pull out the electric car very carefully because they were not sure if its battery was damaged. all right, paul, we are back to work hoping for a cooler path ahead. i know we got a bit of a break over the weekend, is that going to continue? >> at least one more day of comfortable weather, and we're
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not going to return to the extreme heat that we had on a couple of different occasions so far in the first couple weeks of july. one more day of near or slightly below average temperatures in store for us on tuesday. and then the warming trend begins midweek on wednesday. friday's going to be the hottest day in this little stretch of warm weather with high temperatures into the upper half of the 90s for inland parts of the bay area. the 100-degree ratings are going to be few and far between. a little cooldown over the weekend, but then a return of a longer stretch of above normal temperatures as we head into next week. the big story statewide today has been another day of hundreds of cloud to ground lightning strikes in the sierra, in the mountains of northern california. these weren't entirely dry thunderstorms, but it's still possible the lightning strikes into those very dry fire fuels could lead to new fires developing over the next few days. holdover fires as the fires that get sparked by lightning smolder for a couple days until temperatures warm up, the winds pick up, and the lack of rain
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on the dry vegetation might allow new fires to get going. if we're lucky enough to avoid that, things are looking pretty good from an air quality perspective for the bay area. the smoke being produced by the various fires burning around california looks like it's going to avoid us for the next couple of days. of course, if new fires get going, that could change. something we're going to watch carefully over the course of the next couple of months basically. looking outside from salesforce tower, not seeing fog yet. temperatures range from 56 in santa rosa to 65 in san jose. less than a ten-degree temperature difference across the entire bay area. and temperatures tonight are going to drop down to the 50s across the board. the exception is going to be in the santa clara valley around 60 degrees in san jose and 60 degrees far inland and the east bay. otherwise, hey, free air conditioning for those parts of the bay area that were so hot last week. let's take a look at the fog simulation on the floor map and we'll look at where the fog is spreading out. try to push across the bay into the inland valleys. it doesn't look like
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it's going to make too much progress into those inland valleys compared to what things looked like earlier what fog there is is not going to take long to dissipate at all. even the presence of that fog for the first couple of hours of daylight would slow down the warm-up enough to keep temperatures near or slightly below average. 81 in san jose, is exactly the normal high temperature, but mid to upper 80s on the warm end for los gatos and morgan hill. low to mid-80s inland. in the east bay, spots 105 degrees just a few days ago, full 20 degrees cooler than that. 70s for fremont and redwood city. 60s in san francisco and along the coast, as you would expect in half moon bay. and also a little bit cooler in the north bay with temperatures only in the mid to upper 70s on a wide spread basis by tuesday afternoon. temperatures long range, let's look at the ten day outlook for livermore. we are going to see that spike in temperatures on friday then the retreat on saturday. but here's the longer stretch of hotter weather. back up flirting with triple digit territory monday through at least wednesday of next week,
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which does carry us beyond the seven-day forecast. there's a lot that could change between now and then. we will keep you updated as we head into the homestretch of july. temperatures will be at their hottest over the course of the next several days on friday and then again monday the temperatures start to climb. but the weekend, while it looks hot inland, it's not going to be excessively hot. i think outdoor plans just have a plan to deal with the heat, but common sense precautions should be able to keep you safe. temperatures around the bay not warming up much but to around 80 degrees on friday and retreating over the weekend. and along the coast while you are going to see gray skies on a pretty regular basis, the warmest days for other parts of the bay area will be the sunniest days along the coast. friday and then again by monday of next week. but temperatures aren't going to change a whole lot, running in the lo to mid-60s on a regular basis, sara? >> paul, thank you so much. the golden gate bridge is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the entire world. unfortunately, it is also known as a place where people go to end their lives. but a new addition to the bridge that took years to complete is aimed
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at saving lives. the ceremony was held today to commemorate the completion of the bridge's suicide net. itay hod heard from a survivor and a mother who lost a son on the bridge about why they say this day is a long time coming. >> reporter: walking along the golden gate bridge, dayna whitmer is headed to a spot that looks unremarkable to most but for her it's sacred ground. >> being out here alone with the fog and just nobody with him, it just -- it's hard. >> reporter: here at the 97th lamppost is where her son matthew stood for the last time before jumping to his death 17 years ago. >> i woke up with that feeling that everything was wrong, because he was calling for me as he was falling. >> reporter: since then, dayna has been fighting for a solution, hoping to spare
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others the same pain. on monday, her wish finally came true as the city commemorated the completion of a suicide prevention net on both sides of the nearly two-mile span. for dayna, the moment is bittersweet. >> i know it's a good thing that fewer people or no people are going to die here, but i didn't get that this is great feeling. it just -- it wasn't. if it was here, so many of our children would not have died. >> reporter: the nets are already deterring people from jumping. according to the golden gate bridge highway and transportation district, each year on average there are 30 suicides from the bridge, making it one of the most deadly landmarks in the world. in 2023 whole the net was still under construction, the number dropped by more than half. >> the moment my hands left the rail, i had an instantaneous
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regret for my actions. >> reporter: in 2000 kevin hines jumped off the bridge and miraculously survived. these days he's working on a documentary about the nearly century long effort to get the nets built. >> there was a lot of resistance from the sitting members. >> reporter: he says for decades bridge officials dismissed the idea. it was only after a small number of parents, including his own father, formed a group called the bridge rail foundation that it finally happened. >> i appreciate what the bridge district authority has done to raise this net, but it is 80 years too late. >> reporter: the golden gate bridge highway and transportation district says the project faced resistance from people who didn't want to alter the iconic landmark. >> we had a lot of people, thousands, weighing in saying don't do it. we had thousands more saying do it. and so it's a very challenging process to navigate. >> reporter: for dayna, it's a full circle moment. is it hard for you to be here? >> initially it was, but then i
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realized that it's just a bridge. >> reporter: and now that the nets are finally up, she hopes that's all it will ever be. >> and perhaps most importantly, if you or anyone you know is struggling, there is help. just call or text the national suicide and crisis hot line at 988. still ahead, before the world cup comes to this stadium, city leaders say nothing like this can ever happen again. the chaos that had people scaling fences and climbing into air ducts. >> fun to watch. coming up in sport, two giants all stars are getting ready for tomorrow's midsummer classic, but one important person won't be in attendance. plus, smashing went down in texas. no, cowboys didn't get crushed per usual, it was the home run derby.
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reminder, bent finger appointment. i don't want to wait or have surgery for my dupuytren's contracture. i want a nonsurgical treatment. and if nonsurgical treatment isn't offered? i'll get a second opinion. take charge of your treatment. if you can't lay your hand flat, visit to get started. argentina won the copa america title in miami, scoring against colombia in extra time.
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the third major international crown they've earned in just three years in a game that seemed to cap off lionel messi's international career. but what happened right before the game is part of what's making big time headlines tonight. >> thousands of fans, many of them without tickets to the game, rushing one of the gates. >> some of those people did have tickets. the match started almost an however and a half late because fans stormed the stadium. some of them did push past the gates. they jumped fences and barriers. we've everyone seen videos of people climbing through air vents and ducts to get inside. many people who had tickets could not get inside because it was so overcrowded. some of them spent thousands of dollars. the hard rock stadium is set to host multiple world cup matches in 2026. the miami mayor says a situation like this cannot happen again. hard to overstate that given the fact that we are going to have those matches here. it was not a good showing. >> here's how we know that soccer fans are more passionate
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than football fans in america. no miami dolphin fan has ever attempted to sneak into that stadium because there was never a reason to actually do it. >> i mean, this was really crazy. and we were talking earlier about all those people who spent, some of them, tens of thousands of dollars on ticket who is could not get in. >> and it delayed the game. but nonetheless, we go to baseball. in a year where offense is down across the major leagues, there is no other way i wanted to spend my night than watching a couple of juiced baseballs fly out of globe life field for the home run derby, and the same sentiment was shared by all star pitcher logan webb. >> been watching the home run derby. i like watching. i don't like giving up homers, but i like watching home runs, so it'll be fun. >> we jump top the final. teoscar hernandez against bobby whit jr. hernandez, he's up first. got off to a slow start, then he caught fire. at one point hitting five home runs in six swings. hernandez finished with 14 dingers. whit jr., he grew up in the dallas area, so
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it was special to him. down to his final two outs, three home runs. he went deep on back-to-back swings, so he's within one. now he's down to his final out. he needed this one to get out. it comes up just short. he needed it to go 410 feet. it goes 409. hernandez wins the home run derby, becoming the first dodger to ever win the event. sorry, giants fans. elliot ramos is joining logan webb for his first career all star game this. season ramos wasn't called up to san francisco until may 8th, and the trip to the midsummer classic was such a surprise his mom's not able to make the game. >> my mom, she's going on a trip to spain. >> she's not going to be there? >> with a friend. no, she's so mad. she's so mad, because she's planned that trip for like two months already. so i mean, i was obviously not expecting to be here, but i think my dad and my brother are going.
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>> in tomorrow's game, paul skeen gets the start for the national league. he becomes the first rookie to start the all star game since 1995. american league manager bruce bochy had high praise for the 2023 number one overall pick. >> what i think? he's a beast. >> yeah, bochy's going to have to count we are orioles starter corbin burnes. the former saint marys gael had the second lowest e.r.a. in the american league. the a's drafted rodney green jr. in the fourth round. he hit 14 home runs last season, started every game for the bears the last two years. sure he wanted to play at the coliseum, he's going to play in sacramento and then maybe las vegas at one point instead. but very exciting because the home run derby just got off to such a great start. the all star game tomorrow starts at 5:00 p.m. ramos, webb, the two giant, and mason miller for a's. from i know you're happy,
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and you were talking about football coming eventually. >> yes, i am happy that football's almost here. all right, matt, this is a story you personally requested. >> yeah. >> that our flag was still there. >> oh. >> yeah, the national anthem performance going viral for all the wrong reasons.
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okay, singers do kind of put their spin on the national
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anthem at games. that's what country artist ingrid an dress did today when she sang at the mlb home run derby. her performance is drawing attention, but maybe not in the way she expected. >> and the rocket's glare, the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. >> well, some players kept a straight face through her performance, but the cameras did catch philadelphia phillies third baseman alec bohm trying to hold the laughter in. it's drawn comparisons to fergie's performance at the all star game. >> oh say does that
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star-spangled banner yet wave . >> that became a meme. both ingrid and fergie took singing in cursive to a whole new level. their performances are going to be ones that some people will never forget. >> i hadn't heard the fergie one since it happened. it's not nearly as bad as tonight. >> okay, well, so in my mind, i imagine that -- i can't sing, so there's that -- but i imagine that, i guess if you can't quite hear yourself. >> if there's a mixed problem, the monitors. >> i don't know, she's a grammy-nominated singer. >> i mean, we mispronounce things all the time. >> we mispronounce things, i don't sound like a cat's being skinned on air. >> i think to each their own,
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