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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  July 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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guns. guns. gone. they've been a plague. it's very, very scary that a gun can be used in a situation like this. will the assassination assassination attempt to change the conversation? over guns? is imperative. >for >>everyone in our country to feel safe. how california. is trying to crack down with a four digit code? i think time will tell if this is something that will change. you know what? with what has happened, going forward.
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>liz>now you would think a gunman fire at a presidential candidate would spark get another debate over gun control, right? but any calls in congress have been pretty much silent. in fact, according to brady, united every day about 107 people are shot and killed here in the us now we know that california has some of the strongest gun laws in the nation and now the state has a new tool to try to curb the violence. a bay area. lawmaker joins us today to explain how it works we'll have that conversation in just a few minutes, but first a look at your news headlines. the us navy has exonerated 250. black sailors who were wrongfully punished following the poor chicago disaster and contra costa county. 80 years ago. today on the shore's of susan bay, 300. sailors and civilians were killed. and hundreds more injured after munitions
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exploded while being loaded onto ships. most of the victims were black. the sailors said they weren't properly trained to handle the bombs and many of them refused to work after the explosion and were court martialed. 50 were convicted of mutiny and sentenced to hard labor. today's paperwork officially clears the sailors of any wrongdoing. none of them survived to see their names cleared. california. congressman adam schiff is the latest democrat to call on president joe biden to drop out of the presidential race, he said it's time to pass the torch and allow another candidate to defeat trump in november. shift is among nearly 20 congressional democrats who have called on biden to step aside. the president has insisted he will stay in the race. the new gop vice presidential nominee, jd vance will headline the republican national convention tonight. the junior senator from ohio used to live here in san francisco working as a venture capitalist former president
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trump, who did his own convention stage walk through today, is expected to be back in the hall tonight. sales forest, reversing course on its work from home policy. we've got to look at an internal memo obtained by the sf standard. it requires most employees will be in the office at least three days a week, starting in october. salesforce is the largest private employer in san francisco. the city of oakland says it's making record progress when it comes to road repairs. it says crews have paid 47 miles of city streets so far this year. that's more than any other previous year. the goal is to fix nearly 400 miles of roads by 2027. and a new ferry service set sail across across the oakland estuary today, and it's free the oakland alameda water shuttle runs between jack london square and alameda landing. it is scheduled to operate wednesdays through sundays until 2026 all right on the first alert weather now the bay area heating up yet again,
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and meteorologist darren peck says we could be in this for awhile. darren again. >paul>i know it's not. it's not what many of us want to hear. there is some good news on this, liz. it is not going to get as hot as it did in this last heat with. i don't have temperatures going to 110 inland. but i do have temperatures in this forecast that are going to climb back to the low hundreds and, yes, may stay there for a good little while, so let's go in order here's today we lost our marine layer. it'll come back. we'll see a little bit of it built back in tonight. i'll show you how you know why. widespread it will be. but it won't be much. but before i get to that, here's the headline. the first little uptick in heat coming our way is going to last thursday and friday before we get a mild little break over the weekend and then it's going to warm back up again. so the national weather service has put out the first heat advisory. this is for the thursday friday time frame. usual suspects are included in this one inland east bay. santa clara valley. and the north bay. so this is it starts tomorrow late morning. it goes
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through friday. let's look at some of the numbers on this here. your daytime highs for tomorrow. so these numbers are already jumping up about 5 to 7 degrees from where you are today. and today is already 10 to 12 degrees hotter than yesterday for some inland locations, but we'll go in order first. here's the daytime high lineup for tomorrow. we're back to the mid nineties for many of these inland valleys. we're going to progress through a couple of days here. the first thing i want you to see is the transition into from friday. and it might not look all that different, but we just transition to friday so friday, the numbers did tick up a little bit over here. this is when we start getting back into those low triple digit numbers got 100 on there for concord. so remember the last heat wave. that number was getting up to 110. so we don't want to downplay the fact that this is still hot, but it's at least if you're thinking not again, it won't be quite that bad. saturday and sunday. the numbers are going to come down a little bit, so i'm going to transition this now to show you next monday and next monday. we're still pretty much in the same spot. you'll see a little bit of a dip in the 70 forecast
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when we get there. in the meantime, here's tomorrow morning, the marine layer does build back in a little bit, but it's not nearly as widespread as it had been. so that makes perfect sense on a day when we're warming up, we're losing the onshore influence from this and just to show you how this heat wave is working. give you an idea on what this looks like, in terms of why we're losing this nice little break. you never see it out here off the coast, but there is a nice little feature out here that helped us over the last three days. watch this area of low pressure that was shielding us. from the heat that area of low pressure over the last 24 hours now has migrated up there. look what's happening. you can see the center of high pressure, replacing it and we can watch the warmth. from the desert southwest. just start migrating right back. so as soon as we lost our little friend off the coast that big dominant center of high pressure just started. moving right back our way again. so let's get to the seven day forecast. you see this little bit of a break here saturday and sunday. this is the one part we didn't look at. on our tour of the daytime highs. so after friday's near 100 it will be 100 for some
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spots. some of the hottest spots inland east bay we go down about seven or eight degrees from there. you're still low to mid nineties for the weekend and then monday and tuesday, we start warming back up again. so this will stick around for at least the first half. it looks like of next week. i know that's taken us past the seventies, but there's your early heads up. expect the warmup to take us into the first half of next week. that's where things stand for now. list so, yeah, hot but not as hard as we were back to you. >liz>all right. we know what to expect. thank you, darren. the recent assassination attempt on former president donald trump is bringing the issue of gun violence gun violence here in the us to the forefront. but really, honestly, it's never left while the u. s. is on pace to see an overall drop in mass shootings compared to last year, our country is still averaging more than one mass shooting every day in 2024. every day. that's according to the gun violence archive, mackovic has been looking into the numbers and efforts towards more guns, safety and
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>ott-1>liz first, the latest on that assassination attempt. investigators still don't have a motive there, but we are learning more about what happened in the moments leading up to it. the photo taken by local law enforcement and obtained by the new york post shows that gunman shortly before he opened fire at saturday's campaign rally, they say a sniper from a local tactical team took a picture. sought the shooter. looking through a range finder and called for backup. but by the time other officers responded, the shooter had scaled the building. one person was killed in that attack. three others, including trump, were injured and well, president biden has avoided making gun control a rally cry in the days after the shooting. he addressed the national convention of the yesterday. came out swinging. >must speak about violence. we're going to speak about guns. more children, america. dying of gunshot wounds. that heavy other reason that studying and that is sick.
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>ott-1>let's statistic has been true for children and adolescents since 2020 in the us and that is what has prompted surgeon general vivek murthy to issue the nation's first ever public health advisory on gun violence. >hope is that if we understand this as a kids issue that we will raise it on the priority list that we'll see it. not as a political issue, but as a public health issue that should concern all of us. >ott-1>40 page document calls for banning assault weapons for civilian use universal background checks and requiring safe, insecure storage for firearms. but the measures have little chance of passing in congress or second amendment advocates opposed. gun control efforts. two years ago, congress passed bipartisan gun safety legislation following the math shooting at rob elementary in vivaldi. texas. but since then new gun safety legislation has gone nowhere, of course, california has some of these strictest gun laws in the nation. governor newsom has made it one of his p political
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talking points he posted recently on x, saying if every state in america had california's gun death rate over the past decade, 100 more americans would be alive today. california's homicide rate is 33%. below the national average, but this remains a largely partisan issue list >liz>certainly does all right and thank you so much well, still ahead could change in the gun buying process, actually make a difference. we'll talk to a bay area lawmaker about his bill that just took effect. last him how it works and what more can be done to curb the violence. >>
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gun control activists are hoping a new california law will help determine mass shooting. it requires credit card payment networks to provide a four digit i'd code for gun and ammunition retailers they're known as merchant. category codes. the numbers already appear on credit card statements for most types of businesses. these codes helped payment networks off route boards and track spending trends. gun control activists hope it will flag suspicious purchases but gun rights advocates fear the codes will lead to unnecessary. tracking of gun owners. >are advocating for with this code is closing one of those exemptions where the gun industry is not treated like every other business, even though it should be hope and belief is that because of that oversight we'll see a decline
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in active shooter situations. and we'll see the banking system closing its door to gun traffickers. this is a normal protected lawful activity. and to carve it out as something that needs to be identified and data mined for evil. really sets a very bad tone for how gun ownership lawful gun ownership is viewed while simultaneously. adding zero predictive value, and it's stated purpose of detecting patterns that mass shooters may engage in. >liz>california is the first of three states including colorado and new york to pass bills requiring tracking codes for gun stores. 17 states have now passed some sort of limits on category codes for gun retailers. joining me now is assembly member phil ting, who authored that law. thanks so much for joining >anne>us. thanks for having >liz>me no surprise that after the assassination attempt on former president donald trump that he is not calling for stricter gun laws. president joe biden coming back and
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saying that all assault weapons should be banned, but >anne>yet >>after that, that's kind of where the debate ends after this case, were you surprised by that >anne>surprised at all, because, but if you look at the data that you saw the tweet from the governor's office in california that we have some of the lowest incidents per capita of gun violence in california simply because of all the protective measures we take here in our state as the president had just talked about gun violence is now the biggest killer of youth in america. the number one killer >liz>so as you mentioned, california has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, some of which you helped pass, but yet we still have issues of gun violence honestly, in our newscast, we don't even report most of the gun violence incidents are just happening in the bay area. so what more needs to be done >anne>one of the things that we talked about for my bill was having this merchant category code, which is again we had an international organization of standards that developed this merchant category count in the developed category codes for everything from gas stations to
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bookstores, too. restaurants. anytime you buy something, there's a code. this is just saying they developed a separate code for gun retailers. gun manufacturers to again make sure that that code is used in and again. this is something that law enforcement can use as a tool because for many of the mass shootings that were perpetrated over the last number of years, the aurora theater, the orlando pulse nightclub that individually used a credit card to go by all those weapons. and so if the credit card companies see some questionable behavior they let law enforcement know and that's across the board. fraudulent behavior across the board. they let with colette, law enforcement notes. say. hey, this person's going from store to store to store or they keep going back to the same store every day for a week, stockpiling. weapons, and so those are flags. that law enforcement could could use as a tool. >liz>you know, it's important to note that gun violence is not discourage people from purchasing guns. in fact, in 2020, the attorney general noted that 65% actually gun sales. hen gun sales were up 65. that's pretty remarkable.
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and there's also a lot of people who want to carry those concealed carry permits. more and more people want to buy these guns. what do you say to gun owners who are saying hey, look. i'm following the rules. i'm doing what i need to do to a responsible gun owner. why all these restrictions on >anne>me? there's no restriction on this this code is being used for every kind of retailer. all around the country. and so this is a code, not just all around culture around the world. this is just a simple code and it would only get flagged. if there is some suspicious behavior and again. that is somebody who stockpiling weapons or, in essence, going back to the same store numerous times to get more and more and more guns. >liz>gun control legislation has been a passion project of yours. this is not the first gun control legislation that you've passed. i'm curious. what do you want to see happen in the next five years or so, what do you think the answer is to gun control? gun violence in this country is an insult weapons ban, is it something else. >anne>again. we would love to see in our country an assault
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weapons ban like we have in california. there is no reason that people on the street should have a military. military style assault weapon that's meant to take out multiple people in a very, very short time. i think there's a number of things that we did. i've been in big champion of red flag laws to make sure that people can go to law enforcement. people can go to court. people can just flag. hey, maybe this person shouldn't have guns. you hear the gun lobby, calling the county talked about. it's not the guns. it's the people when we do the red flag loss they're the first to oppose it here in california. so again, they need to be part of the solution. not just part of the problem >liz>member phil ting, thank you so much. >anne>thank you for having >liz>me. well, still ahead, talking about gun safety with your pediatrician. why, some doctors say the conversations are crucial. >the bay area events calendar. brought to you by broadway san jose what's happening in the bay area this weekend, the third annual peninsula international dance festival in san mateo, showcasing traditional dances from all around the world and e g. m artist. selenium kicks off
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his double weekend residency at the bill graham civic auditorium in san francisco. >broadway, >>san jose is hosting family night on broadway for disney's frozen on august 28 as the musical makes it. san jose premiere ticket holders for the family night performance are welcome to free pre show activities. for children, 18 and under, plus an exclusive q and a with members of the cast after the show. get your tickets now for best availability of broadway, san jose dot com. yeah. this is picks plus more of what you want. more often. in the morning and the prime time edition. at and nine pm news. devon feely elizabeth cook, juliette goodrich. and sara donchey groundbreaking original storytelling from the kpx newsroom plus bear politics project, earth and weather like you've never seen the prime time edition. night on the new
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>liz>with firearm deaths among children up nearly 90. in the last deck. the america academy of pediatrics is urging doctors to talk about firearms safety. with their patients and for a lot of people, it's remained a taboo topic. cbs is nikki batiste looks at how doctors are working to change that. this gun range may feel a world away from a doctor's
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office. but these are medical professionals training to save lives by learning about guns >felt like i had a real deficit and talking about firearms of patients. we sat in on the class, dr james bigham teaches at max creek gun range in wisconsin. >first thing i want to start off with is the bullet with shop and gun owner steve d'orazio. >that's part of being the responsible gun owner is knowing right from wrong a primary care doctor and professor at the university of wisconsin school of medicine. doctor bigham asks his patients about how they store their weapons in routine visits >people may feel it's too personal, but as a physician. absolutely. i have the space to say we got to be doing everything we can to protect our children, our communities. in 2018. and tweeted regarding this topic. that doctors should stay in their lane. sure. your response to that. i think this is our lane. as a primary care, doctor. if i'm willing to
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counsel you on alcohol consumption tobacco use how you're driving your car. i got to be talking about firearms as well. is this a second amendment issue? i don't think so. i mean, we have the right to bear arms. i found dancer that's the last thing i want to do is take away my guns. it's not about taking away. it's about safety, and that's it. nearly 500 people a year die from accidental shootings gun suicides are at an all time high for adults and suicide rates for children have risen dramatically. access to unlocked firearms and homes. make suicide nearly four times more likely. there are about 30 million children across the country living in homes with guns. >studies show a child as young as three has the strength to pull this trigger. pediatricians. at the children's hospital of philadelphia. say asking parents about safe gun storage is as important as asking about bike helmets and pool safety. >guns at home. in the army,
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so there is one but we actually got a lot here for it to share your experiences. dr dorothy novick is also teaching these soon to be doctors held to broach the triggering topic. >all of the injury prevention safety counseling that we offer we now wrap firearms right into that conversation to really make it normal. the hospital provides these gun locks to families one step in making homes safe for >this is really a conversation about safety. this is not a question about politics or ideology. and in fact people from all across the island ideological spectrum. all agree that firearm safety is really a fundamental tenant. of responsible firearm ownership critical care starting with a lifesaving conversation.
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>yeah. >>yeah.
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introducing togo's new barbecue beef sandwich. it's piled high with tender beef
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that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today. coming up tonight on the cbs. evening news. from the republic. national convention. senator jd vance takes center stage in his first speech as trump's vice presidential pick.
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the days top stories from right here in milwaukee that and more tonight on the cbs evening news. terry. right here. andy card network of pain. i canine colleagues to serve those who respond to emergencies in our community. that story coming up. >liz>breaking news. we're just getting word that president biden has tested positive for covid. he has mild symptoms. and, will be returning to delaware, where he will self isolate and continue to carry out his duties will have much more tonight at five and much more on the cbs evening news that's next. also local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area will see you at five >> tonight we are following several political stories on day three of the republican national convention. here in


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