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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  July 22, 2024 2:00am-2:31am PDT

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♪ ito i'm margaret brennan in washington and this week on "face the nation." donald trump charts a if you course for the republican party as democrat's anxiety over their own presidential ticket reach a fever pitch.
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the contrast couldn't be greater between the two candidates. trumps on the heels of securing a running mate and the republican nomination for president appeared at a rally last night for the first same since his attempted assassination one week ago. >> they keep saying he's a threat to democracy. last week a took a bullet for democracy. >> the former president argued it is actually the democrats who are prepared to thwart the will of the voters. >> at this very moment, democrats are trying to over throw the results of their own party to dump crooked joe biden from the ballot and the calls for joe biden continue to multiply with just weeks to spare before his party's convention. [ crowd chanting ] but the president remains defiant. reportedly angry and frustrated
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by his criticsment spending his weekend recovered from covid in delaware. could democrats pull themself together to defeat trump. we'll hear from joe manchin and congressman dean phillips. the co-chair of president biden's re-election campaign cedric richmond will join us. and what more could the secret service have done more. we'll check in with the chairman of the house intelligence committee ohio republican mike turner. finally we'll take a deeper look at what a potential trump second term could mean for america and the world. it is all just ahead on "face the nation". ♪ ♪ good morning and welcome to "face the nation."
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as we start a new week here in washington, the country is still making sense of the tumultuous moment that we're in. on monday, just two days after donald trump survived an assassination attempt at a pennsylvania rally, a federal judge in florida dismissed the charges brought by jack smith for trump's mishandling of classified documents. those counts have been widely viewed as the most serious charges out of all of the felony counts he faced in federal and state courts. smith plans to appeal. that same day the republican national convention kicked off in milwaukee and mr. trump selected ohio junior senator j.d. vance as his running mate. and it was a rough week for mr. biden following his kocovid diagnose is and whether he should remain at the top of the ticket. we have a lot to get to and we begin this morning with the republican chairman of the house intelligence committee ohio congressman mike turner. good to have you here.
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>> thanks for having me. >> despite this epic security lapse, donald trump has praised the secret service and their actions. you know you is he the director of the secret service should resign if she's not fired first. >> correct. >> you get to ask her questions tomorrow. what do you want to know. >> the failures are outrageous. and incredible. first you start asking the question, is this a failure of resources, is this a failure of protocols or a failure of management and it appears that now we know it is all three. now that people on the ground at trump's campaign who were involved with security had asked for additional resources and they identified there were gaps. and what issin interesting when had our briefing and in their own time line they admit that 9 minutes before donald trump took the stage they were aware of a particular threat and still let donald trump take the stage. and then as we also know from their own timeline, they didn't take a shot to take out shooter untl donald trump himself was shot. and what you see from this, is
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that obviously you thank god donald trump is alive. as he's alive we look at this as incompetent. but if he would have been killed, it would give an opportunity to shoot donald trump and that is going to be the major issue, how did this happen and she needs to be fired. president biden should fire her. she's clearly not going to resign. but her failures are incredibly well-known. throughout the organization and even as we look at that day, there were very basic failures. >> but she's at very top. you are saying this is not an operational problem on the ground. >> she's the leadership and the request from the resources they went to the top of organization and clearly she's responsible for ensuring the safety of donald trump and joe biden, and these failures are so extreme that you know that they need new leadership. >> the secret service which has denied that they had turned down requests, now said that there
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were some specific units or resources that were not provid and they relied on local police. bigger picture, pennsylvania's concealed carry state and this firearm was legally purchased by the shooter. we have mass shootings in this country, unfortunately all of the time. large gatherings are prime targets. it is hard to stop a lone actor. is the plain fact here is that this could easily happen again, no matter what the secret service director is. >> not in this way. a superior position and their footprint and their communication structure was insufficient. there was no way for anyone to communicate forward what was occurring. and on that day, everything that occurred resultd in a president donald trump not being protected from this site and resulted in almost him losing his life. >> we looked at our polling this week and 62% of the voters expect to see an increase in political violence in this
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country over the next two years. this was one instance of it. do you expect more violence? >> well i think we're in a temperament, whether it is very difficult right now, but so far as bart of the fbi investigation, they're letting it be known early, that it doesn't appear that he was politically driven or motivated, perhaps he was tied to an interest in mass shootings and in his loner status and obviously his fixation on guns, then brought himself to do this. we'll have to find out the whole picture. we have to find out is he a lone acor. he was a lone shooter, was he a lone actor. what motivated this shooter is very important. >> so, in other words, he may not have been motivated by politics. would you consider him a domestic violent extremist, or this could have been any mass shooter at any mall and he picked a rally. >> the early reports from the
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fbi, that he was zwjust looking for places and picked this rally. we don't know, the investigation will have to be completed. but what is clear, regardless of what kind of threat he was, the failures by the secret service are extreme. he walked in with a ladder. he a range finder and a weapon. he got on to a roof that was within short distance. all of these failures are obvious failures and that is clearly where the secret service needs scrutiny and the director needs to be fired. >> you are one of the strongest and most influential advocates for additional aid to conukrain. you just went there. >> yes. >> now j.d. vance is one of the most vocal opponents. are you going to worry he's the last person in president trump's here if he wins? >> no. and vice president's don't have significant impact on foreign policy. but the other aspect is that he certainly wouldn't impact or
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change donald trump's foreign policy. he was the first to provide lethal weapons to ukraine when barack obama would not and when russia first began to attack kyiv. he just yesterday had a phone call with zelenskyy and it was reported by both sides that it was very positive. in his heart, trump is a negotiator and he sees an opportunity to end this war and that war does need ending. >> on ukraine's terms and not russia. >> i believe that ukraine needs to be the determineer and they can't place unbelievable restrictions on the use of weapons and their ability to take the fight to russia. this is a status and this is on ongoing forever border war under the biden administration's current restrictions on ukraine, i think that donald trump will walk in and let everybody know that ukraine is going to get everything it needs, they're going to get the authorities
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they need and russia is going to have that point, a motivation to come to the table. >> russian foreign minister praised the appointment of j.d. vance and moscow's preferred candidate remains donald trump. does any of that concern you? >> i think everybody around the world wants a strong leader for the united states. and what we currently have is a leader incapable of making decisions. we need a leader that will step up and represent the united states and as donald trump has said into these conflicted, it is going to a strong leader and donald trump has shown that. >> he said the other day to bloomberg, i think taiwan should pay us for defense. we're no different than an insurance company. taiwan doesn't give us anything. that doesn't sound like stalwart dedication to defending america's allies. >> i think what is important here, back to the negotiations and donald trump's focus on a
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negotiator, one thing is clear, we cannot have the united states be a guarantor around the world. we need military alliances, they need to be strong and they need to participate. that is certainly what his criticism of nato has been. we're not a guarantor. we want a strong nato and united states. all of those positions are consistent really wlith the las four and five administrations and i think he'll continue to say that. >> on taiwan. strategic ambiguity shouldn't be the position any more. >> strategic ambiguity has no decision on taiwan. they're making the decisions as to the strength of their military should be in line with how they're going to fight and defend their country not just that the united states is going to come in and back them up. >> mike turner, good to have you here. and we are joined by west virginia independent senator joe manchin. good to see you. >> good to be with you. >> so you have made some news this morning, senator, saying it
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is time for joe biden to pass the torch. did he know you were going to publicly say this? >> they were informed, let me make sure that we preface this by saying how we got to where we got to. for three weeks i haven't said anything because i thought after the debate that the president needed to process that and i took a week and thought there plight be some movement there. and then the next two weeks have been from my colleagues around the country, whether it be congress, congress districts or whether it be states or senators in challenging areas now you're hearing from them with down ballot and how it might affect them and you have the donor class showing great reserve right now. with that, i do this with a very heavy heart in saying that, i would like for president biden to be able to finish his five months of leading this country, truly leading this country, the way i fknow he can. i've known him for many years. he's a patriot and wanted to do the right thing and heal and
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bring people together. and if, at this point in time, he would pass that torch, he would be able to focus all of his energy toward the next five months of how do we heal and stop the fighting in gaza and get to a peace treaty and support ukraine so they have a strong position at the bargaining table. these are the things and basically show the rest of the world how the superpower of the world is able to have a transfer of power and do it in the most beneficial way for the whole world to see. that it can be done. >> but republicans are saying if he can't stand for re-election and he can't -- you think he's capable of serving the next five months. >> congressman turner and i understand this, that the rigors of a statewide campaign are rough. these are tough and it takes a lot of toll. the president needs to be the president. okay. but being in a campaign mode every day, every day being in campaign mode, thinking about the next speech and the next fundraiser, it takes away from the needs that we have in the
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world today and in our country. i definitely believe he can do that and i mrbelieve he could leave with a legacy unmatched. that is what i know can be done and should be done and i'm just very hopeful that this torch is passed to a new generation to allow president biden be the president i know he is and can be and we have our disagreements, we get back and forth. but i have all of the confidence in the world he can do that. >> how much time do democrats have to settle this. >> i think the time is very short. if it goes into the -- into the convention itself, that changes the whole dynamics. but before the convention, i believe there could be an open primary process and let the cream rise. i have two governors in my neighborhood, i have kentucky andy bashear and josh shapiro in pennsylvania both working if challenging areas, both able to work we legislature that is not of their own party, not to villianize everyone who has an r by their name or a d by their name and bringing states
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together and having progress. let' hear from the rising stars of the new generation. >> but black women are the backbone of the democratic party. if you bypass the vice president kamala harris, doesn't that undermine. >> this is not about race. >> it is about votes and turnout. >> the bottom line is 51% of those people who are participating in voting in america are registered independents. they're not registered democrat or republican. they're 25% republican and 23% democrats. these are people that want issues solved. so worrying about whose agenda and who race you are, other than what the issues are, how do they lose democrats like me? life long democrat from virginia. i was raised in a family and also in a understanding that that is not me enemy on the other side. democrats were held accountable and responsible. we're fiscally responsible and sociall social compassionate. >> so if you go through this
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open process before the convention and kamala harris and vice president emerges as the nominee, would you be able to support her. >> i want to see what the platform is and the policy. >> would you consider in a vice presidential spot on that ticket? yourself. >> no, forget about me. >> you're not going to run? >> no. this is a new generation. we have a lot of deep people on the bench to conserve and they've proved by being in a executive position. give them a chance to rise and give the president a chance to do what he could do. i believe that a president should have one six-year term and thereshould never be another election. you need a president from day one to the day they finish. >> last night in michigan this is what donald trump had to say about the disarray among democrats. >> they hve a couple of problems. number one, they have no idea who their candidate is and neither do we. this guy goes and gets the votes and now they want to take it
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away. you talk about democracy. let's take it away from him. >> do you fear that by speaking publicly, not dealing with this earlier, democrats are not only hurting their own candidate but faith in the process. there was a prime. >> let me say this. that first of all, we saw that -- the convention for the republican party, four days and perfectly scripted and done a great job of unity. and then president trump spoke. and the last hour in his speech never changed so i still have the concerns about orderly transfer of power. i know that january 6 was real. i have all of these concerns about these continuing to attack the judicial system that we have and the rule of law. i have all of those same concerns i've had and also sending signals he might not be there to help the free loving countries that are our allies and nato allies and people that count on us to have that leadership and be there for them. those are my concerns with what i've heard and nothing has changed. >> j.d. vance is from a similar
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part of the country that you are from and he has made a virtue of that said he's going to go out and campaign in michigan and ohio and pennsylvania and talk about his appalachia roots an he called himself the most prounion republican in congress and railing against corporations. do you find this pitch to be authentic and will it work? >> j.d., i've said this, whoever you send me from your state i'm going to work every way i can to make sure we're all successful. i haven't had that much experience with j.d. he hasn't been here that long. seems like a nice person. i came with my roots, mein tire orchard is about west virginia. and they want to know what happened to the washington democrats. -- we have more people that have given blood and life supporting our country patriotic and now we're not good enough, we're
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nort smart enough and we're not green enough. what happened. we're the people that helped build this country. don't leave anybody behind. so with that, that is why i am not -- because i believe that the far left of the democratic party has captured truly the party that i knew. and they've captured and taken it away. i want to see that party come back. they should be trying to get the 51% of the independents like myself that have left. >> and you think bashear and shapiro are the top two choices? >> i've seen those two people operate in very difficult situations and do it successfully and not val annizing and keeping their states whole. that is accomplishment and that is what we're looking for. they want a sensible moderate middle. who we are. we don't operate our life that way. why is there 51% of the people in america that said i'm not affiliated with either party. something is wrong and you better play to that because you're not going to win with 23% or 25%.
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>> if this change doesn't happen and all of the reporting today is that president biden is dug in here, will you be able to support him. >> again, i've said, i'm not endorsing or supporting anyone right now. >> will you vote. >> i always vote. i always vote and i will make that decision when i walk into the booth. but i would like to see the movement toward the sensible middle and i've waiting for my friend joe biden, who i've known forever, you could always make a deal and bring people together and accommodate you some way and i know that and i've worked with that more in years. >> but now you can't get through to him. >> when you have joe manchin on one side and bernie sanders on the other side, we should respect each other and it can't be one way or the other. >> thank you for sharing with us. "face the nation" will be back in a minute. stay with us. (fisher investmenti understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle,
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of the few democrats to run against president biden in the primary. good to have you here. >> great to be with you. >> so when you suspended your race in march, you endorsed president biden. do you tstand by that and what are you telling your delegates to do at this point. >> i do stand by it and i ran because i saw a solution delusion, a country in a very different place. over 50% of democrats at that time wanted a different candidate and i was on a police to expose the truth for biden alternative and do what i saw in the numbers and through intuition was necessary. it didn't work out, of course. but i was trying to create the conversation that i knew was a matter of when, not if. and now we're having it. the president did call me in march. a very gracious conversation and i still endorse him, but it is time to step aside and turn this over to a new generation. i'm encouraging that and the country is encouraging it and
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has a chance to make a american hero. >> he said he's made a decision but it is not the decision that many lawmakers would like. >> it is the wrong decision. leaving a career in public service is not easy. when i ran for president, i knew i would give up my career in congress, a career that i love. but there is something more important. joe biden has had an extraordinary career. i can't come close to what he has done. but it is hard to leave this. and i recognize that. but he had as to. he's got to put this country first. this -- by the way i want to send a mess oth to optimism. this could be the most extraordinary opportunity in nations to re-set and recommit and not just change the narrative, which would really make donald trump upset, but to succeed and i know the president recognizes that. i hope he concludes that quite soon. >> so, we have, what, 40 odd lawmakers who have now spoken out, there are over 200 house democrats. so where is the majority at this
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point? because a relative small number are actually going on record as you are right now. >> well starting with one. me. now we're at about 40. but truth is -- >> does he have the confidence of congress? >> no, he does not. and i just wrote a op-ed that appears in the wall street journal today that calls for a vote of confidence. a secret ballot because so many are afraid if they speak the truth they will be punished which is what happens in this business. it is repulsive. to show the president where congress stands would be helpful, because he's either ignoring the truth or those around him have failed to perform the national duty. >> we have to take a break. but please stay with us. we want to continue the conversation on the other side of it. >> sure. and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds.
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welcome back to "face the nation." we return to our conversation now with minnesota democratic congressman dean phillips. congressman, you were just saying that in your