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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  July 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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>the prospect of a bay area. pressed area democrats seem to have their presidential contender >prosecutor a former former prosecutor ... of a prosecutor. who's running against the guy who's is a felon 34 times the vp pick, not so clear and what does silicon valley think about a potential trump harris >faceoff? >>81 million. million. and counting. that's how much the presidential campaign for vice president kamala harris raked in ever since president biden ended his bid for reelection. her challenge now is to unite.
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democrats to get a bay area woman at the top of the ticket. today. we're asking about potential running mates and how republicans are pivoting their political attacks will have that conversation in just a few minutes, but first today is a first alert weather day with excessive heat, jessica is tracking temperatures for us, jess. over the weekend. we were near normal for our daytime highs, but now we're starting to see it. heat up a lot in our inland areas as a high pressure system moves its way closer to our california coastline. moving in from our inland areas now all throughout california, this afternoon, we're going to see triple digits from palm springs stretching up in the sacramento and we're getting our fair share of triple digit weather, to specifically over in the east bay livermore. concord in antioch this afternoon, all hitting triple digits there and excessive heat warning is in effect issued by the national weather service, and that last until wednesday was also dealing with a heat advisory for the rest of our inland areas anywhere from napa over into sonoma down into the santa clara valley. it is a hot day for us today, so let's take a look at what that means for
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us daytime highs this afternoon. well, it's warm in san francisco. we're holding on tight to seventies today, they're 72 today in san mateo, watch what happens as we head off into the east bay, though you just pass that that bay bridge you keep heading out east suddenly are hitting triple digits once you make your way into walnut creek and conquered a similar trend over into livermore throughout the afternoon hours today. yeah. down into the santa clara valley nineties. today near san jose, and you move along 101 up in the redwood city. it's a similar trend is going to be a warm next couple of days for us, so let's take a look at what that means this heat wave is going to last until wednesday, but luckily we catch a break in some fresh air as we head into this weekend setup. up. so these upper nineties we have today and tomorrow we're going to quickly turn into low nineties by thursday. eighties just into our friday forecast so 10 degree jump and just within one day and then we hold on tight to that cooler weather lasting into the weekend forecast. that's our inland areas once we head over to the bay, we see kind of a similar trend with a little bit more clouds mixed in the forecast, to seventies and eighties, flirting back and forth until thursday, suddenly we're down
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into the sixties friday, saturday and sunday, anywhere from oakland over into san francisco. >liz>with a similar track along our coastline. all right, jess, thanks so much. president joe biden just called into a campaign staff meeting promising he will be out on the road for kamala harris, he says the mission hasn't changed since he bowed out of the race. we also heard today from bryce president. harris. take a listen joe biden's legacy of accomplishment over the past three years. is unmatched. in modern history in one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents who have served two terms. in office. and his honesty. his integrity. his commitment to his faith and his family. his big heart. and it's love. deep love of our country. and i am firsthand witness. that every day. yeah. president joe biden fights for the american people, and we are deeply deeply
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grateful for his service to our nation. >liz>kamala harris is inheriting biden's campaign team and met with staff members in delaware. this afternoon. meanwhile, bay area democrats wasted no time throwing their support behind harris for president and mackovic has a look at who is endorsing her candidacy. so far, >ott-1>and harris just got the nod of approval from one of the biggest names in bay area politics. former speaker nancy pelosi. the two spent years working side by side representing california on capitol hill. pelosi had originally said she favored an open process to replace biden. but today she sent out a statement saying that her enthusiastic support for harris is official. personal. and political, she said harris is brilliantly astute and i just spoke about her endorsement with cbs news, congressional correspondent scott mcfarlane. >thank >>you. that was to make from our perspective. fiend gorse mint of the past. 24 hours. that seemed to put to rest. the
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likelihood of anybody else getting in this race. nancy pelosi remains such a kingmaker here. >ott-1>of course, the president endorsed harrison was immediately after stepping out of the race yesterday in a growing list of democrats has since followed. suit. including governor newsom and the clintons. a grassroots effort is taking shape here in the bay area to get harris elected democrats saying they're ready to make calls and knock on doors to let voters know about someone who has mentored and supported them. for decades. >some of the stories you may not know is how when barack obama announced his presidency and screen illinois. in 2000 it was cold. it was like 10 degree cold. and i got a chance to attend that. announcement. with no other than kamala harris. and the great news about that is from that point forward. i could see that this woman had potential because the way that
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we got in there to say hi to him was her 26 years ago. i was a new assistant d a i was told if i wanted to learn how to be a prosecutor. i need to go watch the closing argument. of a prosecutor whose name was hard to pronounce. and i got to tell you what i'm wearing. today is the founder of the first asians for kamala organization. i have a t shirt on. that is 21. years old. that says that asians for comma, i'm ready to be shipped off to the atlanta suburbs. i'm ready to go to pennsylvania and knocking every door necessary to get kamala harris elected. >ott-1>grew grew up in oakland. she served as the d a for alameda and san francisco counties and the attorney general of california. and she was elected to the u. s senate before becoming the first woman in african american and south asian ever elected vice president. of course, she's not going to be the official democratic nominee until the convention in chicago, starting
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august 19th and she needs joe biden's delegates. behind her when ap survey of those delegates finds that harris is consolidate. support. our political experts sonoma state professor david mcewen says it's all but a done deal. >this is really a push that are strong at it seems inevitable, but it has to be an open process and that open process means that it's laid out. it happens at the dnc. it's not a coronation, but it is something that begins to general election. virtually virtually today. >ott-1>a democratic political action group future forward packs as it raised 150 million million ever since president biden took himself out of the running list. >liz>thanks. thanks so much. prominent bay area democrat is suggesting that president biden should even considered not finishing his term san francisco mayor willie brown has known harris for decades, even admitting that they dated back in the nineties and brown is suggesting one move. biden could make that, he says, would increase harris chances to win.
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>i would hope that he would understand that her chances go up. if he would at this moment, saying not only am i no longer the candidate i'm no longer the president and she is joe will not resign. he will finish his presidency. in a very dignified and honorable way. >liz>attorney joe cotchett. he is a longtime friend and supporter of president biden and has known him for almost 50 years, it says. says he also supports terrorists based on her experience. >she's a prosecutor. a former prosecutor. ... of a prosecutor. who's is running against the guy who is a felon, 34. times. >liz>california republicans are also speaking out on kamala harris is endorsement. we spoke to harmeet dhillon from the california republican party, and she called kamala harris unappealing. a democrat. governor. senate candidate uh representative for
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congress in a close race. i'm panicked by this choice because i didn't kamala harris is actually got negative coattails. she's biden effectively. and the country wants something else right now. that's what the polls are showing. that's what business leaders are showing. that's what americans were afraid for their safety security in their pocketbooks are all trending towards so this doesn't really help >liz>them. yeah. former president trump is weighing in on social media, claiming democrats stole the nomination from joe biden after he won it in the primaries. his running mate, senator j. d. vance, hosted his first solo campaign event in his hometown of middletown, and the key battleground state of ohio. he took aim at harris and promised to fight for policies that lower the cost of groceries and housing. >i was told i was going to get to bake kamala harris and now president trump. is going to get to debater. i will fight every single day to restore in
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america. that works for american. i will fight for policies. that lower the cost of your groceries. lower the cost of your housing make life more affordable. not less affordable as it has been under the democrats. >liz>i meanwhile, there's already talk of who could be. harris is running mate. cbs news chief election and campaign correspondent robert kosta shared on social media. he talked to veteran democrats and they told him they hope harris considers some names beyond politics from retired military leaders. to even business leaders joining me now is political analyst marc sandalow. thank you so much for being here, sir. so what do you think about kamala's running mate? prospects? jd vance was picked for his connection to white middle class americans. want she needs to pick someone. similar who can ignite that voting bloc. >live>we've seen kind kind of obvious when you have a bay area woman of color, which would probably not be the first choice, demographically. for
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who democrats want to put forward, but i mean, kamala harris has all sorts of campaign skills again reach a crowd of democrats, but it makes sense you'd want to complicate complement that with obviously not jd vance, but somebody who can appeal to two to to biden's voters to, you know, just scranton's joe. to the lunch pail working class democrats. you also we have to remember that a lot of people don't know if kamala harris is up to the job. i love governor willie brown's idea of elevating her to the president. immediately, so that people presidency so that people can see that she has the gravitas but in terms of vice presidential picks that points towards maybe, you know, a governor, a governor may be from a swing state and that's why you hear these names over and over again, which most people haven't even heard of. roy cooper from north carolina, josh shapiro from pennsylvania. andy bashir from kentucky. these are very, very popular. democratic governors. in states
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that maybe not kentucky, but the others that could go democratic. and at least demographically it balances the ticket in a way i've heard some outside the box possibilities. you know what i mean? people always throw oprah out there. anytime we're talking about democratic politicians of the oprah is going to do this, but you do have some military leaders. you've got this guy admiral mcraven. who led the attack against uh, osama >liz>bin laden? to cut you off there just for a second there. i'm sorry to cut this interview short, but kamala harris is actually speaking live to her supporters. >live>let's go. to hear it. and when congress passes a law to restore reproductive freedoms. as president of the united states, i will sign it into law. yeah. ultimately to all the friends
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here, i say. and this in this election we know we each face a question. what kind of country do we want to live in? yeah. country of freedom. compassion and rule of law. yes. or a country of chaos. fear and hate. oh, you all are here because you as leaders know we each including our neighbors and our friends and our family. we each as americans have the power to answer. that question. that's the beauty of it. the power of the people we each have the ability to answer that question. so in the next 106. days. we have work to do. we have doors to knock on. we have people to talk to. we have phone calls to make and we have an election to win.
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work. and frida. yeah. we believe in opportunity. we believe in the promise of america. what are we willing to fight for it? and when we fight yeah. bless you all and god bless the united states of america and job. biden. >liz>vice president kamala harris. addressing her supporters. as she begins her official >live>run. >>for president >live>their >>marc sandalow, our political analyst, standing by mark, you know, it's just it's only been about 24 hours since joe biden made his announcement that he would be stepping down from the ticket. what do you make of the reaction from both parties? the democrats and the republicans on this? historic announcement. there really isn't any kind of precedent for this. this has never happened before in this
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manner. >live>right. i mean, the closest you have to do is go back about, you know, half a century to lyndon johnson, who dropped out and let his vice president hubert humphrey run, but but that was late in the process. but that was in march. i mean, that was not weeks before the convention, you know, watching her speech just now she's got an issue. i mean, she has a her speaking to >liz>live >>for those who are not going to be natural supporters. comes across adds. lady as sort of very, very happy, but not serious, obviously, this is a very, very complex, serious woman. she was district attorney in california. in san francisco and then for the state and the u. s. senator, she needs to project that and just going back for a moment. what willie brown had to say. that's why resigning the presidency, which is not going to happen at this point, but something to give her the chance to have that gravitas. you know, the east room press conferences that the photo ops she has to project somehow that
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she's able to be commander in chief and i'm reminded of that. i watched that clip of her right just now how the life she can be as a human being. but for most americans to take your her seriously as a commander in chief she needs to project authority and she's going to have to work >liz>on that. all right, marc sandalow, thank you so much. a lot of tech titans and silicon valley threw their support behind former president trump. so would kamala. harris.
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>i'm excited for kamala. i'm sad for biden. i i think he you know. did a great job. he, you know, gave five decades of his life for camilla in terms of like the opportunity to have a first female president. it will give some incentive too. the general population but also especially to the women of the country. ah, come out in favor of her over >liz>trump. now. support for kamala harris is also coming in from bay area leaders on social media. that includes oakland mayor sheng thao. and congressional candidate and former san jose mayor sam liccardo. joining me now is professor olaf broke from uc berkeley to give us some insight on silicon valley support. very interesting, dynamic kamala harris, obviously from here has history here in the bay area, but j. d. vance was a venture capitalist in silicon valley. so who do you think wins silicon valley support >anne>they're always happy to be here, liz. so look, let's be
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clear. silicon valley is by and large democratic. some 70 plus percent of elected officials are of the democratic party, so i think in terms of the pure electorate count, it's a democratic win. but when it comes to the capital elite, so the stratosphere of venture capitalists people with big money we're talking in excess of $100 million and the billionaires. then it's more of an even picture. and so those people are now i think. to some degree looking at trump advance for various reasons. there are others on the democratic side, like eric schmidt and uh mark benioff, founder of salesforce that are on the democratic side as well, of course, but it's more of an even picture >liz>there. i think a little bit more about that. support for the trump campaign from these uber rich billionaires. in silicon valley. is it just about the money? is it just about the tax breaks or is there something deeper going on is about the antitrust a lot of people view the biden harris campaign is being very anti startup, very anti. uh it not
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favorable to those antitrust lawsuits. >anne>so >>what do you think it's more >anne>about? i think about three things fundamentally, one is, of course, the money right? so the proposed tax on not yet realized capital gains that's a big problem for silicon valley venture capitalists and the start ups that they fund so yes, money, of course, billionaires want administrations to do good things for them and so money is a big issue that i think is number one number two is regulation for new technologies that are disruptive that are breakthrough. such as a i or a, for instance, crypto we've seen marc andreessen horowitz come through for trump events. for that very reason, or at least that's one of the pronounced reasons there. so the current administration has been perceived as being overbearing on things like crypto. and will likely do more on things like data ownership. privacy. etcetera, and then the third reason is that a lot of these billionaires onto to the degree that they are on the libertarian side i actually
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think america is not yet merit based enough. and that they want a redesign of america reinvention of america, and so they're looking toward trump vance to essentially tear down what we have and then let them rebuild jointly. >liz>question real quick, do you think president biden they have a lot of folks in silicon valley not in favor of another. president biden term. do you think camilla can win back those voters? >anne>think kamala can win young voters. especially hispanic and black voters. but i think silicon valley is idealistic and it is the eye focused. and so i think they're going to come out for her. yes. >liz>professor. >>always >>a pleasure. thank you >anne>for being here. thank >liz>you. so what's up with all those memes? of coconut trees? ha
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>liz>well, vice president kamala harris bid for president has spark much khan. online. including a new wave of means of the vice president in particular one about a coconut tree. in fact, just yesterday, democratic us senator brian schatz posting a photo of him climbing a coconut tree to the platform, formally known as twitter, he says madam vice president, we are ready to help. now this reference dates back to may of 2020. we're harris spoke at a swearing in ceremony of commissioners for foreign an initiative focused on expanding educational
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opportunities for hispanic and latino americans. in that speech, harris repeated an anecdote. her mother told her about the difference between equality and equity. she said her mother would tell her quote. i don't know what's wrong with you young people. you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? now? viral sound bite. it sparked plenty of jokes and references online and is seeing a resurgence. as harris takes the spotlight. in this election cycle. we'll be right back.
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coming up tonight at five plans. for a new city. in salah. county now on hold while they are being dropped in the 2024. ballot, and thank you for joining us for today's conversation about the democratic shake up and the road to the november presidential election. we'd love to hear what you think. post your thoughts online using the hashtag kpx. the cbs evening news is next local news continues on our streaming. service. cbs news bay area all see you at five. ♪ ♪ spin on tonight vice president harris makes her first appearance since announcing she will run for president after president biden dropped out of the race. >> we are deeply, deeply grateful for her to lament his service to our nation. to speed on


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