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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 24, 2024 1:37am-2:12am PDT

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thank you to our special guest june squibb. join us tomorrow when our guests will be dustin nickerson, reggie watts, and irene tu. i'm taylor tomlinson, and this has been "after midnight"! goodnight! have you been injured on a job site? call the barnes firm n we handleyou been injured construction accident ca if i was injured on a job site i'd call the bar wei wasn't sure what to do. coi called the barnet ca ibest call i could have madite i'd call the bar wei had a serious fall. do. coi called the barnet ca ibestthey got me theave madite i'd cbest result po weinjured on a job site?do. cocall the barnes firmca ibestt♪ the barnes firm,madite i'd cbinjury attorneys ♪ ♪ call 1-800 eight million
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now at 11:00, a car crash ends with a man running for his life and his business in flames. why he still considers himself lucky. >> the building wouldn't have burned, it would have burn up. plus, a bay area restaurant has been picking up the pieces over and over and over again after back-to-back-to-back burglaries. >> i'm very sad. >> plus how thieves hit them while they were down. and people come from around the world to see this spectacle at yellowstone, but this group got way more than they bargained for. and this is the kind of story that nobody would believe
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unless you had video to prove it. >> a mouthful of fish coming in, crashed into the back of the boat. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hi, i'm sara donchey. a freak accident in the north bay set off a chain of events that included a man almost dying and his business almost burning to the ground. and still the owner of a napa valley distillery says things could have gone a whole lot worse. our kelsi thorud has his story. >> this was like an indoor/outdoor experience. >> reporter: arthur says he still can't quite believe what happened to his distillery. >> i heard this loud boom. so loud that it actually shook the building. and i knew instinctively, it was something different. >> reporter: arthur co-owns napa valley distillery with his wife. it sit next to highway 29 in napa, and on monday a car
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veered off that highway and right into his business. >> came down the stairs, and i came around here and then i saw the italian cypress trees just engulfed in flames. i'm like, oh my god, am i seeing what i think i'm seeing? . >> reporter: he ran back upstairs to grab what he could, including an old book that holds all of his recipes? the windows on my -- in my office on this side of the wall just shattered, and the flames and the smoke just came right into the office. >> reporter: arthur was able to escape safely. he says firefighters arrived soon after and started working to save the building. in the end, much of the interior was spared, but their brand new outdoor seating area, known as the hollywood room, was destroyed. >> it was really charming when it was raining. you were inside but kind of outside. but now, as i said, it looks like a
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scene from a tim burton movie. >> reporter: arthur told me even with all of this damage, he's just happy things weren't worse. he's thankful he was the only one in the building when the crash happened, and he's also thankful the fire didn't reach the spirits he was aging in the back of the warehouse. >> if the heat was too close to the spirits or if the fire was to get to those spirit, the building wouldn't have burned, it would have blown up. >> reporter: now arthur says he and his wife are looking to the future. they vowed to rebuild the hollywood room, maybe even keep the burnt outside. >> it has to come back the same way. i mean, that side survived, kind of. i think that's a sign. that sign is a sign that we have to come back stronger. >> reporter: arthur says the community support has been overwhelming, and he can't wait to repay everyone with the big re-opening night party as soon as possible. going back to the crash that caused that
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fire, the driver was checked out by paramedics. we have no update, though, tonight on how that person is doing. all right, paul, let's talk a little weather. this mont has been a hot one with very few exceptions. >> right. in fact, it's the hottest july so far in san jose and livermore and in santa rosa. >> yeah, in the south bay it was over 100 degrees in los gatos where we saw people trying to cool off, doing everything from kayaking to canoeing to boating, whatever they could. it was cooler up north in san francisco as it tends to be. that's typical for summer here. we saw people lying out at crissy field near the beach and some people flying kites. i guess, you know, especially for the people inland, they want to know if things are going to get more comfortable for them. >> right, it will. but right away yet tomorrow. still one -- >> you say that just kind of --. >> i know, just one more day in the peak of the heat. we still have heat advisories, but here's the good news, there
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have been some changes. the map here on the floor. and the heat advisory that was in effect for north bay has been canceled because temperatures tomorrow retreat mostly to the upper # 0s. there was a pink shading on the map east of the oakland hills, that has been downgraded to a heat advisory. temperatures in the 90s tomorrow and temperatures in the santa clara valley still forecast to largely be in the 90s, so the heat advisory does continue for you. that goes until the 11:00 hour tomorrow. now, we are going to be seeing some temperatures dropping off as we head through the rest of tonight and, oh, our weather graphics disappeared on me, that's not fun. our high temperatures tomorrow are mostly going to be in the 90s in orange-shaded area, 60s along the coast. after that big change in effect as we hit the end of the workweek, we're going to see temperatures returning to, believe it or not, below normal levels. even inland where temperatures are on the hot side tomorrow. a mix of upper 70s and low 80s for highs by the time saturday
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rolls around. get into all the details, figure out what's going on with that monitor that doesn't have anything in it, that's coming up. >> we roll with the punches. paul, thank you. a very up-close look at the moment after snipers shot and killed a man who tried to assassinate former president trump. senator chuck grassley released body cam footage of secret service and police on the roof where the shooter was killed. we're going to show you a capitol clip of that footage now. a quick note, there is the shooter's body as well as a trail of blood. >> yes, beaver county sniper -- >> and today there has been plenty of fallout about what happened in the moments before and after this, including the resignation of kimberly cheatle, the u.s. secret service director, who took a lot of heat for not answering specific wes about the investigation into how a mistake show big could have been allowed to happen.
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>> reporter: it's been only ten days since the assassination attempt on former president trump's life, and now we're getting a closer look at what went wrong during what many say was a catastrophic security failure. today we learned to two local police snipers were posted with a view of the roof where the gunman shot from but left their post to search for him, according to pennsylvania state police. they also say a local cop came face to face with the gunman minutes before he fired. >> it was minutes. it was a very short period of time. even for his ability --. >> but not second. >> i would say minutes. >> reporter: they reportedly warned about a suspicious person, but the agency let trump take the stage anyway. despite all that and people in the crowd pointing out the shooter on the roof, he was still able to open fire. and that has angered a lot of people, including a man who was seated steps away from trump at that rally. >> i think it's kind of a slap in the face for everybody who was there that their safety was put on the line from their lack
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of competence. >> reporter: and some members of congress who grilled the director of the secret service a day before she resigned. >> i believe your horrifying ineptitude and lack of skilled leadership is a disgrace. in her first rally as a presidential candidate, kamala harris framed the race as a choice between freedom and chaos. she walked out to beyonce after getting clearance from the singer to use her music. >> i'm going to keep on running because a winner don't quit on themselves. >> do we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law or a country of chaos, fear, and hate? >> and today former president trump called out san francisco specifically in a call with reporters. >> take a look at san francisco now compared to before she became the district attorney, and you'll see what she'll do to our country. so i think she
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should be easier than biden because he was slightly more mainstream, but not much. she's the same as biden but much more radical. >> president biden's campaign headquarters in wilmington, delaware, transformed into the harris headquarters overnight. now the trump campaign has filed a complaint with the fec arguing that it's illegal to transfer a war chest of tens of millions of dollars from the biden campaign to the harris campaign. some finance experts say it is legal because the donations were made to biden and harris. president biden is set to address the nation from oval office tomorrow for the first time since he dropped out of the 2024 race. all right, back near the bay area, we're getting ready for the niners first preseason game, saturday, august 10th, right here on kpix. we're obviously excited about that. the question is for vern, how are things looking at training camp? >> well, we're going to find out tomorrow morning on the practice field. i will be very
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surprised if brandon aiyuk was out there without a signed contract. 49ers are favored to repeat as nfc champions. it all started with reporting day in santa clara. matt lively from levi's stadium. >> reporter: happy training camp from levi's stadium. the 49ers reported on tuesday ready to turn the page from a bad hand in vegas and finish the job this time around. if the niners want to win, figuring out brandon aiyuk's contract situation is priority number one. >> this has been a tough one. i think it's been hard to find that. evidenced by us not having a deal in place when we both have tried. that's a shame, but brandon's a big part of our team, and we expect he will be this year. >> reporter: aiyuk's reported to the facility as they work to get him on the field. >> do you have a date, a timeline you would like to have the situation resolved? >> no date, you know, yesterday. >> reporter: it was a fun
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off-season for the squad. kyle shanahan experimented with a new look. >> i always experiment in my off-season out of boredom, but i got very use today it and i liked it because my wife did. but i knew you guys wouldn't talk about it too much, so i had to shave it yesterday. >> inspired some people in the process. i've seen some nice staches in the early check-ins. >> reporter: the head coach debuted that style at christian mccaffrey 's wedding. >> phenomenal. any excuse to get the boys together is a fantastic time for me. i've never been to rhode island. i don't know anyone from rhode island except olivia and her family. so much fun. hopefully they have another one just for fun and invite me again. >> reporter: while camp began on tuesday, the niners won't hit the practice field until wednesday morning. >> all right, so practice tomorrow, plenty to evaluate until the first preseason game, august 1 #09. as sara told you, on kpix against the tennessee titans. and we will see you from nashville. but i will see you soon in sports.
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>> all right, yes, we can't wait for that. more mustache evaluations to come. technically this is what tourists come to see, except on this day they got way more than they bargained for. plus, a break in a cold case that haunt at northern california town for four decades. and there are plenty of bidses in the bay area that have been broken into multiple time, but this restaurant owner says what thieves did the last time was the equivalent of kicking them while they were down. and whales are lovingly known as gentle giant, but we wouldn't blame you for considering a little rebranding after this. >> it's just unreal, completely unreal. >> just all of a sudden, bam, right there. >> boaters share their unbelievable story of survival.
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common in yellowstone, but one this big hasn't happened in years. so at the very like tail end of the video there was a kid, and everybody was saying, like, maybe grab the child. >> yeah, run. >> everyone was running before. but that was the first thing i thought of, because people go there with their kids. >> right, yeah. especially in july, it's middle of the summer. it's family destination time. >> i'm just -- i mean, my list of things that i won't do because of just news exposure is long, but i might have to -- >> yeah, all of yellowstone is on top of a supervolcano. >> which is the larger point. >> unlikely it's going to go off in our lifetime. we have other stuff to worry about instead. maybe to quite the same extent, the heat, but it's still hot another day. you don't need to worry about it unlike a supervolcano kind of scale. >> we're considering it. >> treat with appropriate caution. the big picture pattern here, the heat dome is definitely still in control of our weather. and it will be for another day. the heat is going to back down slightly as we head through the day tomorrow and on thursday as well. but
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around the periphery of this, there's also been monsoonal moisture directed into the sierra. and that has sfashged a number of thunderstorms the past couple of days. we still have dozens if not hundreds of lightning strikes for the second consecutive day. all of those lightning strikes into nevada as well. it does look likely we're in for one more day of this kind of activity tomorrow. so lightning is going to be a concern parts of the sierra. dry lightning or at least too dry lightning. the storms producing some rainfall but not enough to mitigate the threat of new fires. the smoke being produced by the fires started yesterday away from us. bright moon as we look out from the mark hopkins hotel. temperatures at the moment have retreat today the 60s and 70s. still some low 80s inland and the east bay. 81 degrees in livermore. just takes a while to lose the heat that we built up during the day. and there was plenty of that heat. so
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short nighttime hours, it just is the atmosphere doing its best to lose some of that heat we built up earlier today. let's take a look at our high temperatures that occurred earlier. even 100 degrees in santa rosa, 95 for petaluma. also 59 degrees in napa. 91 vallejo. the real heat, no surprise, inland and the east bay, 108 degrees. those numbers five to ten degrees cooler tomorrow, but that's still hot. temperatures made it up to 92 degrees in fremont. 80s in redwood city. a better chance of hitting the 90s tomorrow. upper 90s in san jose. upper 90s in los gatos and over 100 degrees in morgan hill earlier today. that kind of heat is eventually going to take a little bit of a break by the time we hit the end of the workweek, but it's going to take some time for that to actually occur. so let's get rid of the number there is and bring up tomorrow's forecast low temperatures, which are going to start off in the 60s. again, it's a slow process to try to get rid of the heat to build up during the day. we'll
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even out the differences we have on the map, a higher jumping off point for temperatures to take off once again. upper 60s along the coast with mostly 90s down the peninsula. mostly 90s in the santa clara valley. the hottest spots around 100 degrees. same thing east of the oakland hills. the hottest spots around 100, but no widespread triple digit temperatures. one more day under that heat advisory, and then hopefully we'll see that allowed to expire at 11:00 tomorrow evening. # 0s around the bay with temperatures inland in the north bay mostly in the 80s until you go much farther inland. should be near, above 100 degrees around clear lake, ukiah, but the heat risk should go down the rest of this week. unlikely we're going to set records, well short of record territory. we didn't set records today, even though today was the peak of this particular heat wave. let's check out the seven-day forecast, and we'll start inland. here's the good news, once we get past the heat tomorrow we're in for some relief, and this is what you've been waiting for. temperatures on saturday averaging out
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inland around 80 degrees, which means we'll see upper 70s and low 80s jumbled together. only upper 70s for highs for inland communities on saturday. that's great for late july. temperatures around the bay are going to back down to the upper 60s far few consecutive days, friday, saturday, and sunday, some of the coolest weather we have seen so far this month. so far the hottest july on record for santa rosa, livermore, and san jose. recordkeeping those three communities goes back about 100 years. july isn't over yet, so the return to near normal temperatures or below normal temperatures might help us out and see if we can avoid setting month long records, sara? >> thank you so much. . the killing of a 13-year-old girl haunted the town of cloverdale for nearly four decades. now there is a break in the case. investigators have made an arrest for the murder of sarah gear in 192. a 26-year-old was booked into the jail. dna
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amples taken from gear's body were a match. according to to an archival art it will written in the healdsburg tribune, a group of children found her body behind an apartment complex. the article said police believed the killer dragged her body 735 feet in an attempt to hide her. her family members are very appreciative to finely get some closure after four decades. a bernal heights restaurant owner is fed up after three break-ins in just four months. the owner says that dealing with back-to-back break-ins, the first one in april, has cost them over $10,000. they posted surveillance video of the latest break-in that happened early sunday morning. a suspect smashed a window and left with an empty cash register that he put inside of a recycling bin. the owners tell us minutes later a second person saw the broken windows and decided to take advantage of it and steal the tablets that the restaurant uses for online deliveries. after so many break-ins, they've had to
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make expensive repairs and upgrades. >> i'm very sad. >> we don't leave any cash on site anymore. but just with window repairs, having to get a custom gate made, having to get camera -- more cameras installed. >> the owner says that they've been waiting on a new security gate that they ordered weeks ago and now without the tablets that were stolen from the restaurant they will lose out on income from delivery orders over the next week, vern? straight ahead in sports, first day of the new school year for the 49ers, and the people's tight end had some wisdom for his teammate embattled in a contract impasse. and the struggling giants tried against their archrival dodgers. the dodgers have stars. they got power. they got shohei ohtani and an attention grabber at hand.
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giants/dodgers and always an interesting matchup. >> but you know what, i mean, the dodgers are so powerful, so many stars, so much talent there, and the giants, you can get them every once in a while, but you're not going to get them all the time. dodgers have won five in a row, but sara, i've got some silver lining. >> okay. >> giants tyler fitzgerald homered in his fifth consecutive game that. hasn't happened since barry bonds who hit one in seven straight games in 2004. all right, to the home standing dodgers. let's talk about jordan hicks. had to like his location. looking for his first win in over a month. threw it and made a mess. finished the game with seven strikeouts. punched out ohtani twice. fourth inning, ohtani had runners at the corners, and he wasn't going to strike out a third time. hit one to the
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fence in right field. drove in two. ohtani drove in three runs tonight by himself. and that was more than the giants could deliver as the offense once again failed to wake up the scoreboard. down to the final out, lamonte wade jr. left them loaded as he grounded out to end the game. dodgers won it 5-2, giants finished the night 1 for 7 with runners in scoring position. bark night at the park at the coliseum, astros in town. and that lit a fire under the law dog. lawrence butler led off the game with a triple, hit a solo homer in the fourth, and then he wasn't done. he came back in the sixth and sent one to the warning track. enough to get max schuemann home from first. that left butler one single shy of a psych until the eighth. he got one more chance to complete it but drew a walk. that angered the crowd around. a's won big, final of 8-2.
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they've now won five of their last six games. all right, now in case you're just walking in the door, the 49ers arrived at training camp today, and other than off-season facial hair, the main talk was at reporting day and brandon aiyuk's contract talks. a week after officially requesting a trade, reports that aiyuk in the building, which could be a positive sign that the wide receiver and the 49ers are moving closer to a deal. aiyuk has one year left on his contract but has made no secret that he wants an extension before the season. his teammate george kittle had a good analogy for the business side of all of this. >> it's something that i like to tell anybody going through a contract is the same thing that sherman -- richard sherman told me, contracts are like braces. they suck the entire time, once they come off, you forget you had them. this time, in the case of the contract, you gate big bag of money. it's not fun, but hopefully when it gets done you get to play football now with my job security and my
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livelihood all secured. >> leave it to george kittle to simplify things. now, we're less than 17 days away from the 49ers preseason opener at the tennessee titans, and you'll be able to watch that game right here on kpix. i'm headed there, and we'll sample some of that southern hospitality, because it's not dinner there, it's supper. >> i knew getting braces reminded me of something, and it turns out it was making millions of dollars and negotiating for it. oh, that's what it was. all right, vern, thank you. when you think of scary stuff swimming in the ocean, your brain probably goes to sharks, but this next story will have you thinking bigger, a lot bigger.
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introducing togo's new barbecue beef sandwich. it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today.
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i don't know much about this, but i am told that boating is supposed to be something that chills you out. >> does for me. >> soothing. >> you distinguished gentlemen know more about that. but for one group of boaters off the coast of new hampshire, a whale turned their trip into the thing of nightmares. it really kind of shook things up by throwing them into the ocean. the guys made it back safely and despite that went right back out to see. >> nope. >> yes, they went right back
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out to sea with reporter mike sullivan. >> you know the risk when you come out here. it's really unusual what happened to us this morning. >> reporter: greg and rye land were fishing off the waters of ry, only then their boat had been capsized by a whale. >> thankfully, it was slow enough i could swim away from it before it completely capsized. >> reporter: these two were fishing nearby when it happened. >> we saw it like come out a few more times. >> reporter: the whale was feeding below, collin had his rod in one hand, his phone in the other. he snagged a stripe owner his line as he hit record on this video. >> yeah, all of a sudden, bam, right there. >> reporter: the whale leaped out of the water, cresting over greg and ryland's boat. >> he happened to come up, he had a mouthful of fish coming in, crashed down on the back of the boat. >> reporter: the bow rose into the air, submerging and rolling
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their boat. >> i took a few steps up and basically did a superman off the boat. >> reporter: it took ryland several frantic moments to find greg in the water. >> i think we were in the water a minute, if that. >> reporter: that's because the two boys came to their rescue. >> it was just kind of instinct, immediately started driving over. i didn't have a line in the water. >> reporter: both men made it out safely. the boat and their belongings not so much. >> oh yeah, i tried to find my iphone. i wanted to see where it was, but unfortunately, there was no signal, so. >> reporter: you have been watching our ride back to the scene where it all happened. >> oh, there he goes. >> reporter: the whale still hasn't left. >> that's the one thing we got to realize is this is their home. it's their ocean, so you know, we're in their way. >> when we drove out here, i don't think you had life vests on, and then as soon as we saw the whale again, now you have the life vests on. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> i'm always going to have a life jacket on.
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>> not dumb. >> wow. >> can you imagine you go through that, you go back out there and you see the whale again. the whale almost like -- come on, come get some more. >> you know whale, ♪♪ >> we understand. >> we understand the feelings of embarrassment of failing teeth and tooth loss. >> we understand the pain of not being able to chew or feeling confident smiling. >> we understand the challenges with dentures and other non-permanent solutions. >> we understand that more than 120 systemic diseases originate in the mouth. >> from diabetes to heart disease, the risk of stroke to arthritis. >> we understand that better oral health can lead to better overall health. >> we understand that you want to invest in your best self. >> and we understand what it


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