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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 27, 2024 2:06am-2:34am PDT

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darkness, the wildfire threatens bay area homes right now. another fast-moving fire into a hellish scene. residents forced up to pack up immediately and counting their blessings tonight. plus, progress to start containing this monster fire. just went up in smoke. the fire that can go into the third bay area couldn't and burn an area as large as chicago. congress is allowing one bay area city to allow more police chases [music] from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. good evening i'm juliette goodrich in for sara tonight. one of the biggest fire necessitate history. the
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so-called park fire exploded to over 239,000 acres in butte counties with no containment at all. but first here at home, right now, firefighters in the east bay are trying to protect homes from a wildfire that ballooned to 500 acres in just a few hours, it is the so-called creek fire. it broke out in alameda county burns on welch creek road. so far the fire has torched over 570 acres with no containment. and multiple structures are threatened. we are keeping an eye on the fire and darren peck will have an update in just a few minutes. going back now to the park fire in butte counties the wildfire only broke out on wednesday afternoon. it has turned into a monster. there is no containment tonight. the flames have already torn through 134 structures, many of them homes, and tonight, 4200 buildings are threatened. the
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fire torched an area larger than the entire city of chicago. the flames broke out in upper bid well park in chico area and marching closer to the town of paradise that was almost completely wiped out by the camp fire in 2018. the fire is burning so fast it is torching at least 4,000 acres every hour. now people in a third county are being told to evacuate. >> reporter: fears from the town in the line of the park fire. shingle town. a steady stream of cars tonight going the opposite direction, away from this fire. this is mandatory evacuations here in shasta county. the gas stations full of people filling up and getting out. >> i got all of my important papers, all of my pictures, off of the wall, all of my bank
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accounts. my cats, my dogs. >> reporter: we talked to a woman who has lived in this area for 40 years and she told me she feels, she said good-bye to her home and her seven acres for the last time tonight. >> it looked like it was red. it was something like the fire when we had years ago. we may not be so lucky this time. >> reporter: there is urgency to get out and we are doing the same. after we tape this we are leaving. highway 44 is two lanes and it is not safe to be here any more especially because of the evacuation orders that are in place as well as just what we have seen from this fire, how quickly it has moved and how large it has gotten so fast. so, we are following along tonight and taking highway 44 out. >> that is smart. a camera caught this wildfire tornado from the park fire breaking out in the mountains northwest of chico. darren peck will join us now. what can you tell us about the smoke patterns tonight? >> it is a unique fire that is
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able to spawn a fire nado. a lot of it verifying there is rotation in the atmosphere. talking about the fire burning right now. that one is a little more important. so, we are going to take a look at where the creek fire is burning using the virtual map right down over here you can see there a canyon, south of the try valley. you go down and before you get to the reservoir down there it is called sunol regional wilderness park. that is where the majority of the acreage is burning. the winds they are 10-15 miles an hour. you can see the wind indicator, we have a 12 mile-an-hour breeze on the fire right now. it is not terribly strong. if anything there is good news on that. more perspective on this. i want to give you another vantage point on what it looks like in map, that is satellite
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detection for heat signatures. it is not a fire line. we will keep an eye on this obviously t. is wilderness and that is a good thing right now in terms of any homes, we don't know of any evacuation orders on that. a relatively new one. just started in the afternoon. earlier today we had another fire on the other side of the bay. this one was on, just on the delta side. as we were watching the plume of spoke in the foreground you can almost get distracted by that. and that is actually the nibulous cloud. it was sparked by the park fire. on the other side of the state. that was so high in the terms of putting the smoke in the atmosphere the radar was reading that as 30,000 feet high. you need to get a plume that is intense lie high like that in order to pull an updraft strong enough that you
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get rotating clouds like juliette was showing you. we entered a different time of the year right now. the park fire is the prime example of that. not to mention the fire burning in our own backyard. we will keep a close eye on. for now, over to you. >> appreciate all of that. back here in the pay area people living in bay point were forced to drop everything and clear out when another wildfire broke out around 3:00 p.m. the point fire, nearing 500 acres at last update with a 20% containment. it was first reported just north of highway 4 in between concord and bay point before growing and threatening homes to the east. that is where kelsi thorud went and spoke to someone who almost lost everything. >> reporter: this entire road was doused with fire-retardant. scorched by the flames, we spoke to a man who lives here who told us his wife was
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actually home at the time and watched in terror as the fire got within feet of their house. >> thank you. >> reporter: he says he was at work in dublin when his wife called him >> gave me a call at 3:15. noticed a bunch of smoke in the back on the hills and it looked like it was more by the station. i said keep an eye on it. was not more than 20 minutes later she is crying, the fire is behind the house and i am getting out of here. >> he hopped in his car to race home, minutes later, his wife told him firefighters arrived. they broke through his side gate and ran to their backyard. >> started hosing everything down. by the time i got here the fireman seemed to have it under control. >> to help in the fight, a plane dropped retardant over the street. they put out the flames 20 feet from his house. he told me he still can not believe just how close it got to destroying everything. >> you know, you hear these things, right? watch the news, see it. never until you are part of it you don't realize
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how quick a fire can move on you and how fast everything can go, including your life, right? >> reporter: dino is forever grateful to the firefighters who protected his home but more importantly protected his wife. >> we grabbed each other, we were in tears, yeah, it is insane. like a shock, right? >> so, yeah, no. no. like, when these kind of things happen it really makes you think about things. >> reporter: dino told me now bigins the long process of cleaning up all of this retardant. he is much happier doing that than not having a home at all. >> good perspective, thank you. cal fire will be on scene fighting the point fire throughout the night. oivment to alameda county now. a fire that broke out last night is 70% contained after burning 500 acres. firefighters had challenges with their weather and terrain but managed to get a handle on the flames.
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govern newsom calling on oakland to allow more police chases. the policy he says is actually putting public safety at risk. and, uber driver in the bay area want on a mission to find a rider that probably saved his life. their reunion, caught on camera. plus, the south bay sisters for with a need for speed hitting the track . governor newsom is urging oakland to step up its police
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pursuits the police department's strict policy on chases is letting too many criminals go unpunished. newsom sent a letter to the city council and police commission saying oakland is an outlier imposing restrictions on opd's ability to police criminal activity. generally permitting pursuits for violent forcible crimes. we spoke with city leaders including one who says he has seen criminals get away. >> this walgreens fell victim just a few weeks ago. the front of the building were boarded up. the police are still here. governor newsom says that needs to change. governor newsom is calling out an oakland police department policy that prevents officers from pursuing suspects at a high speed but in incidents where the suspect is known for committing a violent
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crime or if there is probable cause that the person has a gun. city councilmember says that policy resulted in people getting away with thousands of dollars worth of merchandise from this walgreens. >> sadly enough i was here to witness this robbery at walgreen as we were cleaning the neighborhood at 7:00 in the morning. i noticed they drove in here with a forklift, tore the door down. >> reporter: he immediately called the police. the police showed up, three, four, five cars and all the young people with their merchandise ran out, got into their cars here but then the police said they can not chase them. >> reporter: he says criminals know that the police can not pursue so they take off, fast. this time of crime resulted in dozens of businesses in his district which includes the fruit vail area shutting down. he supports the governor's request for updating apologize to close low align with other agencies and so does mayor thao. >> we must be in line with our
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policies with other jurisdictions so that we can ensure our community is safe. >> reporter: city councilmember points out they already asked opd leaders to reevaluate the policy that was put in place a decade ago by a former police chief. >> it is the tblans we have in our current policy for the past 10 years, the right balance that is why we asked the police commissioner to review it and back with recommendations this calendar year to potentially make changes. >> reporter: saying the current policy is in place to protect people. >> nobody wants innocent pedestrians or whoever else is out on the street to be hit by a car and die. >> reporter: still, he insists that something needs to be done to continue to make the streets safer he is glad the governor is bringing attention to it. >> we need to follow the rules on the street that is not, it is not all right to run red
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lights, go 90 miles an hour and break into the stores and get away with it. you can not do that. >> so, the oakland police commission told us tonight they are reviewing the governor's recommendation. all right, let's get back to our fire coverage now. take a look at the time lapse video, showing the creek fire breaking out near sunol regional park in alameda county. the video starts just before 8:00 p.m. you see the smoke rising just as the sun starts to go down. flames begin climbing up the hill. right now, the creek fire is just about 600 acres in size. let's go to darren peck. obviously i live in the area, a lot of people seeing the smoke, reaching out to me to see how large it is. let's go to you to help us out. >> reporter: the difference of seeing the smoke and breathing the smoke is an important one. a lot of people did see that. that is why we made it an important story at the top of the newscast. i was looking at
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air quality. we are okay. that means they are not putting out a lot of smoke. i will try to get to the fire context in a minute. we will show you what tomorrow looks like when we start. this is the marine layer tomorrow and how widespread it is going to be. take a look out there. going out to the windows out the top of the screen there. it means it is one of those days where our marine layer goes so far inland it goes towards sacramento and they wake up in the morning with our clouds. when the marine layer does that and it is so thick along the coast i have indicators out there. let's get rid of the clouds. those are the rainfall that comes out to the coast. come out to an angle where you can read these. it will mist a little bit. you might get 5/100th of an inch out of t. berkeley hills, 100 to 2/100th of an inch of rain in the east bay hills. it is that kind of marine layer where it will be thick. when that happens, not
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just that the morning is gray and misty near the coast or in the hills, it is also a sign that tomorrow is going to be noticeably cooler. so, let's put that perspective on the map now. the first thing that i want you to see is i will pick out spots, some spots will be missed let's look at the places that represent the six microregions of the bay and show you how different tomorrow is going to feel from today. are redwood city, 11 degrees cooler tomorrow, you noticed that. you really notice it back here. 15 degrees cooler tomorrow in livermore. you will be just about 17 degrees cooler tomorrow for concord, san jose you will cool down 8 or 9 from there. the north bay will get a bit of a drop. let's go to the wide view. we will populate as many of you as we can. i am going to show you what your part of the bay experiences in case you are not one of the six representative spots and we will put the day time high here. pick your spot out. the draw, going to 75, in the
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middle 70s tomorrow. inland. you have been flirting with 100 for so long. middle 70s tomorrow. this, this is the bottom. it is going to start warming up on sunday a little. you might not notice it. but a little bit each day. that will add up. we will get to that in the seven-day forecast. you will see the 90s back there. they are coming back by the time we get to like next weekend. if we have a moment, just a little more context on the extraordinary fires happening, the most important one here at home obviously is the fire that is burning up near sunol regional wilderness park. that is the creek fire and we just gave you an update on that one. we will track it over the next day or so. hopefully it stays rural. that is what the park fire looked like today. and when we visualize it differently the satellite is able to see the heat sources on it and visuallize the heat sources for the flames, where the frontline is, a huge fire. this is how it
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went to 200, nearly 250,000 acres today. it just started the day before yesterday, so the growth on this it is extraordinary. we have seen this before in wildfires past. we are no strangers, we have had two years where we have not had to deal with a fire in the landscape like that in california. we knew it was going to be a short-lived break. here we are going into late summer and, you know, really, it is always fire season now, really, getting into august, september, especially when we get to the off shore winds, especially with the intense heat coming our way likely going into august. we could be in for a long wildfire season. that park fire will be a big one for the next week and probably much longer. okay, here is the warm up, remember, going back up to the lower 90s. not back to the intense heat that we just had. but there are signs in the long-range forecast as we get into early middle august for
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another significant increase in heat. we will have more on that closer to it. for now, back to you. >> thank you for all of the updates there, a bay area uber driver, trying to find a passenger who probably saved his life took to social media and our airwaves to try to find her. we first told you about christopher hunt earlier this week. looking for a passenger he thought was named christine who saved him after he had a seizure behind the wheel. his attempts to find her were successful. today, the two reunited at the very place he picked her up last week. first, here is what happened. >> i started twitching, violently. unable to speak, really. she knew something was wrong, right away. >> driving along hop yard road in pleasanton when he had a seizure. >> i am losing it fast, you know. instead i hit the break. then she comes up through the
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middle here. once the car stops, she comes up and puts it in park for me >> things got foggy from there. that is the last thing that i remember her on the phone calling people. i blacked out. the next thing i remember, i was strapped in a gurney going into the er. >> christopher posted this on the facebook page as a way to track her down. when the story aired a friend of christina's her correct name, made the connection. >> thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. >> i am just a big ball of emotions right now. >> and today we were there for their reunion. >> i am so happy to see you. you have no idea. >> she was so happy to hear christopher was all right. uber could not disclose the details to her. >> honestly it was a gift, just seeing you again. i called uber. if you can just tell me he is okay. that would be
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awesome. they said no, we just can't. i tried any way. >> inside of her card from christopher. [ laughter ] >> i am so appreciative. >> reporter: christopher's mom so happy to know angels like christina appear when you need them most down the road. >> excellent reporting by the great juliette goodrich. brock purdy is not holding out. he is not eligible for an extension. he must be awaiting his payday after big paychecks were handed on out
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. baseball trade deadline is tuesday. i think they found their answer at the shortstop for the rest of the season. kyle harrison, the alum had 10 strikeouts, almost ran out of room of all of the k's on the sign. talking 14 of the final 15 batters he faced. tip your cap. at the top of the order, well, taking care of the rest. 418 feet to left. his 12th homer of the year. boy, he has reached base nine straight times. nobody in a giants uniform is hotter than tyler. he was just getting started. at the next at bat fritzgerald went deep again. seven homers in the last eight games the first giant to do that since some guy named bonds. they have a doubleheader tomorrow. trent williams, brandon aiyuk, they
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are both waiting for good deals. he will sound like jerry mcgwire, soon. show me the money! >> that is because thank you thank tua tagovailoa has the highest paid quarterback in the league and it resets the market for purdy who will be in line for a new contract next off season. oh, start throwing the football in the backyard if you can. starting friday night top 5 with the swinging ace with the first winning month in two years. brent does not want july to end. he hit his 10th home run this month. most in the american league. a's beat the angels, winning 6 of 8 since the all-star break. number 4, they traited in seattle. he spends his last night in tampa bay as a fan cheering on his
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former teammates. number 3, mason buckley into the water. leading to a double bogey. clearly the state got in the way. things went better on the next hole, though, one hop, in for his 30 career ace. buckley ended up missing the cut. say you're sorry. holding camp in orange county, avoiding the heat. throwing shade at the defending champs who won the super bowl in vegas, by the way. they made a kermit the frog wearing a jersey. >> is it a good idea to fire up patrick mahomes. >> we don't spend a lot of time here with puppets. >> stuff like that happens, it will get handled whrd it gets handled snow personally i would not make a puckett that looks like patrick mahomes if my team can not beat them. >> i can hear the kermit a little bit, right?
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>> don't belittle the young man. >> what does your line say, that is it for sports have a great day. people are done watching this 11:30ish, have a great day. drag races will take over wine country. the hot rod celebration is in. it is a homecoming for two san jose natives, sisters have followed their dad mike into the family business. they joined vern in the studio earlier this week. >> i guess the thought is f dad is not here let's join him on the road? >> pretty much, pretty much. it was something he started doing as a hobby for him and, you know, it is now 20 years later a full-fledged family operation. we joined him, you know, a couple years ago, racing alongside him. >> you are on the bikes. >> yes. >> tell me what did you get from your dad that you can apply to your game? >> oh, man, my dad is a bike
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person, he loves cars but at the end of the day he was a bike person. i knew that everybody that raced motorcycles were pretty crazy because we are going more than 200 miles an hour. less than seven seconds in a quarter mile on a motorcycle that makes almost 400 horsepower. and i said that looks crazy, i want to try it. [ laughter ] >> love them. the sisters will be blasting off on the track this weekend at sonoma raceway. still ahead, these filming notices, posted around new york city and they look
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so, when someone is filming a show in a common place. it is common for them to notify the public. so notices were put up for a hbo show but they realize they were all in for a big prank. it for show "and just like that" a spin off on "sex and the city." this one of the fake filming notices it makes an attempt to look official listing the time and date and the project name, location manager. but the project details say that kerry starts a go-fund me to get the world's
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sickest count-chocula tattoo. this one saying after winning a trip to the kay yowla factory she falls into a ball of wax and does a thumb's up as she sinks. like in terminator. judgment day. if you are not familiar with that scene showing schwarzenegger lowered into steel, here it is. take a look. >> good-bye. >> all right and this fake plot line is bizarre. carrie can not prove it but shy thinks her dentist is switching out her teeth. who are these creative people with so much time on their hands for one? >> i can imagine the mayhem this is causing. >> my goodness. >> yes. >> new york city is shutdown >> thanks for introducing togo's new barbecue beef sandwich. it's piled high with tender beef


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