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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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. >> now at 11, people forced to run for their lives as the massive park blaze continues to spread like wildfire. >> it was terrifying. there were flames on both sides of the roadway. >> it was coming at us. we thought that was bad.
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and then we put everything in the car and took off. >> and we'll see how the weather and terrain are affecting the fight right now against bay area blazes. that plus bowlers hitting some off the field bumps. why some say the players aren't safe and how management is pushing back. we'll begin tonight with one of the largest fires california has ever seen continuing to spread threatening homes and lives. the park fires burned more than 350,000 acres in butte and tahima counties. it's now the seventh largest wildfire in california history. thousands of people have been forced to evacuate since it started near chico wednesday night and 20 buildings up in flames. now the very latest on the fire fight. >> can't get too comfortable. >> it's a race against time. >> things change quick, obviously, like it is right now. >> there are areas out there that have no fire history. >> after 4 long days, crews
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catching a brief break. >> this is the best day as far as weather conditions that we're going to experience this week. >> it comes just a day after the park fire explodes yet again in size. burning 150,000 acres on friday alone. plumes of smoke and fire shooting into the sky. at times creating their own weather system. by saturday afternoon, that smoke kicking up once again. >> we have multiple plumes working together. very dangerous situation out there. >> it's forcing people from their homes and communities like forest ranch. these homes burning on highway 32. from the sky and the ground. protecting homes is a top priority. >> it's a little unnerving for sure. >> mark miller isn't here to check on his home but help feed animals left behind. >> this is a really tight community and we look out for each other and my truck is loaded and ready if the fire gets close. i'm not trying to be a hero or anything. >> the fire burning 12,000
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acres an hour is overwhelming crews. >> today we have three times the personnel we had yesterday morning. we still don't have enough. >> a fact not stopping them from doing everything they can. >> yeah, they're rock stars, man. >> to get the upper hand on these flames. >> my prayers are with them and i wish them all to be safe. >> cal fire determined the fire was started by arson. witnesses say they saw a man push a burning car into a gully in upper bidwell park in chico. the fire took off from there. investigators have since arrested the 42-year-old suspect in the case. the latest evacuation orders are for shingleed town east of redding. one of the evacuees a bay area native. amanda has that story. >> the park fire continues to rage on filling communities with fire, smoke and ash. shingletown, located about 30
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miles east of redding, is one of the towns feeling the impact. it's where kelly lowe now lives, but she's staying with a friend after she was forced to leave her home. >> i have had a rough day of emotions and anxiety today. i had a huge since of displacement. the possibility of losing not only my home but my employment and my community is really overwhelming. >> she says when she left, the town was unrecognizable. >> it was very eerie. the smoke had come in because the winds had had changed. the light was a very odd yellowy color. there was ash falling down like snow. >> cal fire is continuing it fight the fire. fire fighters say it's important for people to continue to stay alert and prepare for fires. whether you live near the park fire or anywhere else in california. >> how am i receiving the emergency alerts? when i signed up to get the
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notifications in a timely manner. do i know my escape route? where will i go if separated from my family at different times. where will we meet up is this and then the other question is what will i take with me. >> and it's important to have your go bag ready. the fire could pop up at any time. fill it with important papers, pictures, money and things you'll need like medication and a change of clothes. he suggests keeping in your car so you're ready to go. >> and it's terrifying. there were flames on both sides of the roadway. >> in the town of paradise they're only under the evacuation warning and it brings back memories of the 2018 camp fire and the deadliest fire in california history. paradise is still recovering and adapting from it. >> we feel uniquely situated to take what we learned, especially from the camp fire, to recover more resiliently than we have.
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so we've taken many, many steps to be more resilient for the fires that are are going to come. >> lowe also survived the camp, car and dixie fires. right now she doesn't know what's next. >> we'll go back to life if shingletown stands. i go back and unpack my stuff. if shingletown falls, i have to find a whole new way of life. >> lowe said community leaders have updated her saying they believe shingletown will be safe for the foreseable future but she won't go home until the evacuation order is lifted. >> well, all that's up north in the bay area. crews are making progress on the smaller fires burning in and around the main area. the pass is now 95% contained with just under 400 acres burned. this is video from last night. also tonight, crews are making progress on the point and creek fires. evacuation orders have been reduced to just warnings for
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the point fire. burned 470 acres between bay point and concord. no word on containment. it is over 70% and forward progress is stopped in the creek fire that is burning just south free mont in the wilderness and despite that containment remains at 10%. it burned 730 acres since the afternoon and let's come in with why the terrain is such an important factor in that fire fight. >> and i want to talk about the creek fire. this is yesterday. just south of pleasanton. that's a d.c. 10 doing one of those incredible drops on the line. this is here. this is in the bay yesterday afternoon. some pretty spectacular imannualry here -- imagery here of just how intently they were working on the fire. let me show you part of the problem with this. the creek fire is the local standpoint which is the the more important one.
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the topography is the big challenge so when this is burning in the wilderness park, most may not know where it is, but the creek fire back there in that canyon down in the diablo range and freemont here and pleasanton over there. if you get on calavaras road and get in the canyon there. the winds have been somewhat cooperative today. it's windy, but not terribly windy. and when we put the stream lines on here, not too crazy. that is a terrain driven fire and that is why they've only got 10% containment on it. great news they have forward progress on it but it's a challenge there because of the topography here in our backyard. let's go now to the other story which is all of the smoke that started filtering our way from the park fire. this is the view from mount diablo at sunset. the marine layer down here. that's all smoke. and it started drifting our way today. and as we got to sunset, watch the sun go down and split the difference between the two
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right there. so the park fire is really the significant fire, obviously, going on right now. there it is for perspective in relation to where we are are with the closer look to chico and perimeter and that satellite derived front lines where ther detecting the front line -- they're detecting the the front lines. look at the patch work and those are logging plots and that stuff is particularly flammable. it's not really managed in the best way to stop fire. fire tends to eat through that quickly and we'll likely see more action on that fire. it was a good day weatherwise up there and it kind of calm down a little. but don't, the park fire is still going to be with us and i'll show you about the significant cool down we had and how long that might raft. >> 4 bart stations in oakland remain closed tonight because of the power outage and the possible fire. trains were stopped late this
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afternoon at the 9th and 12th street stations with lake merit and fruitvale. there was smoke in one of the tunnels and more than 200 people had to be evacuated. no injuries. bart has not given a reason for the closures or estimated time for when the stations might re-open. meanwhile when it comes to treating members of its team well, there are allegations the oakland managers aren't playing ball. the allegations against the oakland baller management come from the agent of some of the players and john ravis has the story. >> as a start up team, the ballers have done well in their inaugural season, but as they work to build a fan base, management had to responding to criticism posted on social media. >> we'll get there. >> on friday the oakland ballers released a lengthy statement to the fans that had less to do with baseball and more to do with damage control. in it the team said we continue to work hard each and every day
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to build something great. we always knew there would be missteps and hard days along the way. end quote. it was a response to criticism leveled at the team by the professional sports agent lonnie murray who posted comments on x saying she requested and received trades for 3 of her players. trevor holsima, austin davis and miles jefferson who suffered a season ending ligament tear. >> i highly question what they truly think about players. i have always looked at players as individuals. and i question if the way that they look at players is as simply property. >> murray said the injured jefferson went 2 and a half months without being seen by a doctor and eventually had to pay for his own mri. she said she had taken her concerns to the former manager, micah franklin. >> micah says lonnie, just be patient. i'm getting a meeting with the
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owners. great. he then let's me know i had had a meeting with the owners. give them a couple of days to figure it out. a couple of days later, micah was fired. >> there were also concerns about safety with the housing changing twice after 3 instances in the week of street crime against players. the team will not comment on the reasons for the trades or franklin's dismissal, but the ballers' co-founder said the complaints seem to be coming from one voice. >> there is an agent who made claims about the situation of the players in our organization. we take the subject matter of those claims to be very serious. player safety is incredibly important to us and we think the pattern demonstrates we took those issues extremely seriously. >> freedman said to his knowledge jefferson suffered the season injuring injury june 4th with the other season ending injury in july. the team is investigating the
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timeline now but the owners felt it was important to respond to the allegations. >> our fans were asking for a statement. they wanted to hear from us what is going on and we felt obligated to tell them what's happening. >> baller has said they are committed to the community and feel more need to be transparent than others might be in the situation. >> wouldn't happen with most teams in the country and to some extent we take that as an honor because we think it shows we're building something bigger, more special. >> baseball has never been an easy game to play. the ballers are finding that owning a team may be even harder. >> ballers say they will provide information about trades on monday. miles jefferson has been release from the team after his season-ending injury. still ahead tonight, progress on the problem that won't go away. how one group is trying to build more housing in the bay area from the ground up.
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and later in sports, it hasn't happened since 1901, but it happened at the giants game today! matt lively with sports. as for weather, we'll be back.
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. >> welcome back. construction workers have broken ground on a san francisco development that will have 145 units set aside for low income seniors. it is in the triangle where
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mission and valencia streets meet cesar chavez and that is the rendering of the building. rebecca foster is the ceo of the housing accelerator fund. her non-profit is spending 50 million for the building. much of it coming from private donations, but she says taxpayers are going to have to pony up as well. >> we still need that public sector funding at a pretty dramatic scale. so we definitely need across the spectrum thousands and thousands of more units. tens of thousands of more units of affordable housing. >> if all goes to plan, construction should wrap up about christmas next year. which i hope we'll see sun before then because, darren, today was fairly brutal. >> it was dramatic today. we're doing it again tomorrow, brian, but it won't with last all day. let me show you what marine layers will be up to tonight and tomorrow morning. this is impressive with the wide view on the map and
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starting out clear because i want you to watch the whole show. as the marine layer builds, it is in much of the bay, but by tomorrow morning, a pattern on here and take a look back there. see the marine layer is going out those windows. haven't done that yet. and it did it this morning and it's doing it again tomorrow. out those windows is marysville in sacramento. so this is one of those mornings where tomorrow, where the marine layer is so widespread, it goes well into the central valley. now it is going to have another impact on daytime highs tomorrow. but the difference is this is not going to hang out as long tomorrow as it did today. it got a significant assist today. from an area of low pressure that was overhead. it is a fascinating story which i shared in the 5:00 newscast. i won't have time to go into it in this visit because it's leaving anyway. but the fact it's gone by tomorrow and get more sunshine and warm up a little bit so pick out your part of the bay.
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the temperatures in the 60s in concord and have to go back to 82 tomorrow. it's still below average and livermore 82 and freemont 74. san jose the numbers going to 7 and saw the north bay numbers on there, as well. okay, that covers tomorrow. there is a gradual warming trend and you'll see that in the 7 day forecast. 90s are coming back. it is not crazy. it is a little above average and it is 90s and we'll get to that in one second. i'll talk about smoke first again and this incredible time left and that is the marine layer and that's all smoke coming our way. watch it moving in and that's all from the park fire. made for really cool looking sunset. but what we care about is how much of that are we going to breathe? two ways to look at this! when we forecast smoke, we look first at where is it throughout the entire calm of the atmosphere in including all the elevated stuff. and tomorrow is going to be right overhead. so we're going to see it, but how much of that gets dun on
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the ground and to do that analyze another way. now ground level smoke and when we play that forward, the shades of it are much lighter. bottom line is some of that smoke will filter down to the ground tomorrow. there are no air quality advisories. so the bay area quality management district at this point is not overall concerned about this, but you don't want to breathe in anymore of this stuff than you have to. and it's cumulative. so just go easy on yourself over the next few days. as long as we're looking at the potential for a little more smoke in the air we breathe here at home in the bay. all right, there are the 90s. by the time we get to the weekend, so it's a warm up here. enjoy the next few days. this has implications for us here at home. this also has implications for fire weather. because as these temperatures go up, the atmosphere's ability to dry up the landscape even more, that's why that park fire is going to be around for awhile. and meanwhile here at home on the bay a 7 day stretch. in the mid70s and marine layer
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in the morning. all right, brian. back to you. >> change up. coming here instead because in sports, it was a chilly day in san francisco as derrek just said and it might have something to do with all the whiffs at oracle park and manufactured by giants starting pitcher but mostly snell who did something we haven't seen in a century. ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer.
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♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. . >> the giants know they have work to do to get back in the wild card race. but if they decide to sell, san francisco could have the best pitcher on the trading block. >> run! >> it's snell-zilla! gets me every time.
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snell-zilla has been in great form since returning from the injured list. only allowed 2 runs over 24 innings. where would the giants be if they had this version of blake snell all season long? 30 swings and misses and a career high 15 strike outs in only 6 innings. he's the first pitcher to do that since 1901. i'll just keep talking so you can watch him overpower the rockies' line up. it's the most strike outs by any pitcher in the majors this season and he said he was going for it in his final 2 innings and once he knew he was close to the previous career high of tlan. he joins schmidt, perry and another as the only san francisco giants to have 15 or more k's in one game. if he does get traded before tuesday's deadline, what a way to go out. the giants rally late to beat the rockies 4-1 in game 1. to the night cap, logan webb helped keep fans entertained between games of the double header. country music might be in his future. shout out bronson arroyo. bird song had a tough act to
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follow and not talking about webb singing. pitched 5 shut out innings and struck out 8. the giants three starters had 3 strike outs in the series but enough with all the pitching. tyler fitzgerald in his final at bat homered for the 8th time in 10 games. he's the first giants rookie to go 9 straight games with an extra base hit since, get this, 1924. century marks all over the place in this sports cast. san francisco beat colorado 5-0 for their third straight win. the a's clenched a winning month for the first time in 2 years and pitching staffs across the league are learning you do not mes with the law. ♪ i fought the law and the law won ♪ >> the law dog! lawrence butler has been on fire since the all-star break. 2 more hits tonight. the 7 game last 9 and good for the batting average and another reason for the recent success is the long ball. the fur11 feet and 3 run blackblast and oakland leads
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the majors with 31 homers in july. maybe the angels 3-1 for the 4th straight win. still to come, niners' offensive line takes another hit as the first week of camp draws to a close. and when might we see the all pro left
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. >> all off season we knew there would be a wait for a new contract extension and the surprise was that williams wants one as well and he's been holding out. >> out of time. >> come back to it? >> i don't know. you call and ask them. >> just need the phone number, divo. don't expect to see trent on monday when the niners put pads on for the first time and won't be the only offensive lineman missing. berford suffered a broken hand. he'll be sidelined for most of camp and that means the rookie could be the next man up. the other football at levi stadium. nearly 50,000 fans to watch the quakes in shivas from the mexican league. they saw a great finish. costa here scoring the game winner and penalty kicks. san jose gave up a late goal but comes away with two points to start the cup.
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jim harbaugh back running his first with the chargersment it's next to the metro train line that runs by the field. normally harbaugh would be paranoid about outsiders getting a glimpse of practice. not in this case. >> i was happy to see somebody is riding it to be honest with you. i was trying to calculate the amount of money -- do people just not know there's a train service? that seems like a pretty cool thing. i mean the clickity clack, clickity clack, there's no better way to get around in my opinion. >> my grandfather was a brake man, long-time brake man on the railroad and became an engineer. the harbaugh affinity for trains is -- >> all right, back to the giants. 1901 and 1924. two things we saw tonight and amazing they have stats so well documented. but what's not considered is that those guys were beer belly
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plumbers. >> and not making 60 million a year. >> not making 60 million a year. >> how did they do
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. >> another sunday and another concert tomorrow in san francisco. the british dj frank moody will be the headliner with chicago house duo drama. tickets are free but you do have to reserve them ahead of time. and if you don't feel like getting stuck in all that traffic and just want enjoy the show from the comfort of your own home, we have your plan! catch the full show emceed by jessica birchbeginning at 2 tomorrow afternoon. well, tens of thousands of runners will be hitting the street tomorrow morning for the 47th annual san francisco marathon. it begins and goes over the golden gate bridge and back through golden gate park. i'm tired just reading this. if you think of heading into the city tomorrow morning, you may want to think about with taking bart or swimming. the marathon is set to start at
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5:30 in the morning, but street closures begin at midnight. we have to hurry home! streets are scheduled to be opened back up tomorrow afternoon by 3. >> a lot going on tomorrow! >> thanks for watching. the next local newscast tomorrow morning at 6 and 7:00. updates always on from 1901 to 2024! that's the news for tonight. we'll see you tomorrow. thanks a lot.
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