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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  August 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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claims of hacking >iran specifically seems to have advanced their efforts and false accusations of campaign crowds generated by ai. >are you worried at all about the size of harris's crowds? oh, give me a break in history for any country. nobody's had crowds like i have. so how do we know what's real on the road to the white house? >we have a long way to go in this election >liz>we know in any election season there is the threat of
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misinformation. but with technology advancing and the growing use of ai, how do we know what to believe? well, we're going to talk to a uc berkeley expert on this coming up in just a few minutes. but first, a look at your news headlines. people rallied outside san francisco county jail today after more than two dozen pro-palestinian protesters were charged over the weekend for causing a commute nightmare on the golden gate bridge back in april, their supporters called on da brooke jenkins to drop those charges. jenkins said the exercise of free speech cannot compromise public safety, and that some people caught in the traffic that day missed important medical appointments. the protesters face charges including false imprisonment. they have until the end of the day to turn themselves in >as we have a bit of an earthquake here in los angeles, so we're just going >liz>wow. she stayed calm that was the moment an earthquake rocked parts of southern california. it shook the espn
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la studio during a live interview usgs says it was a magnitude 4.4. it struck just after noon today south of pasadena, but luckily no major damage. but here you can see a water leak at the pasadena city hall that was reported just after the earthquake professional sports will stay at the oakland coliseum even after the a's leave for sacramento next season. the oakland roots sportsb announced it will play at the coliseum for their 2025 season. mayor shengtao says this move will keep jobs in the city students in the oakland unified school district will be back in class today in january, the school board scrapped a plan to close some campuses as it faces declining enrollment and a budget deficit the district is restructuring to centralize resources and services but there is also an ongoing conversation about potentially merging schools all right, on to first alert weather. now a bit cooler around the bay area today, but we're about to get a little bit warmer. meteorologist zoe mintz is in
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our virtual view studio with more on that. hey, zoe. >zoe>hey. we are going to get a little bit warmer, but not too much. and that's the best news of all. it's not going to be anything crazy heading our way. no record breaking heat, just a couple of degrees warmer than what we're feeling today. but it's been a beautiful day all across the bay area. an absolutely gorgeous time lapse here at black mountain. it doesn't even look like the camera is moving because yes, there are a little bit of cloud coverage. couple of clouds out there but it's not doing all too much in terms of blocking the sunshine. the sunshine will continue across the bay area throughout the day. it's actually going to be a little less foggy tonight as well. right now though. again, you can actually see the golden gate in the distance for forecast. that is awesome. it's not fog right now. we are seeing plenty of sunshine even here in san francisco, but that doesn't mean our temperatures are too hot. that's the good news today. even with the sunny skies, we're looking at a bit more of that onshore flow. that's keeping us nice, cool and comfortable temperatures in oakland in the upper 60s. san francisco we're in the low 60s, in fact, so don't let the
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sunshine fool you. jacket always necessary here. places further inland like concord, mid 80s, santa rosa, low 80s up in the north bay. so it really depends where you are. but heat safety is not going to be top priority as we step out today or into tomorrow. it is going to be very low heat related illness risk as a low pressure system is sitting basically overhead. that low pressure system, what it does is it allows the air to expand as it air expands, it actually cools down. so that's the reason that our temperatures are going to stay a couple of degrees cooler throughout this afternoon. and over the next couple of days as well. it's not going to be anything too crazy. yes, it is going to be a few degrees warmer by tomorrow. we'll be seeing those high temperatures in the upper 80s instead of mid 80s. like what we're expecting today. but compared to average, it's going to be very seasonable. maybe just a couple of degrees above average, maybe a degree below average, kind of depending on where you're located. either way, lovely weather is on the way this week. heat safety not going to be top priority again as we step out this afternoon slight risk for heat related illness
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tomorrow slightly higher as again, that slight warm up is on the way. but again slight slight slight is the name of the game. it is all going to be tiny little changes over the next couple of days, and over the next seven days. we'll also be seeing that inland areas are going to be warming up again slightly for this time of year. we will continue to see low 90s. that's normal. that's what inland areas normally see in august, with plenty of sunshine inland as well. again, it will be a bit warmer over the next couple of days, a bit cooler by the end of the week and into the weekend. kind of depends where you are. a bay area communities are going to be feeling a little bit more of that heat, but low 70s, that's not too shabby for this time of year. that fog isn't going to be top priority, at least for our bay area communities. but if we take a look at our coastal seven day forecast, that fog sticking around for the later parts of the week. but if you want to enjoy some sunshine get out today. that fog is actually not too not too thick along our coastal communities right now liz, back to you >liz>so much
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cybersecurity is top of mind on the road to the white house, and so are the roles of ai and social media. our anne makovec is following this all for us anne. >live>yeah, and a warning today as the technology gets better, we could be seeing more doctored photos and potentially cyber attacks releasing proprietary information as we get closer to election day. case in point, the most recent example former president trump's campaign says it was recently hacked. it's blaming iran for gaining access to what appeared to be its research on republican vice presidential candidate j.d. vance, that material was sent to politico and the washington post in late july from an anonymous email account. cbs news cybersecurity analyst chris krebs said on face the nation that more cyber attacks are likely >we have a long way to go in this election. iran specifically seems to have advanced their efforts, moved him to the left, perhaps a
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little bit. i wouldn't be surprised to see russia enter the fray soon. >live>trump also falsely claimed that vice president harris used artificial intelligence to fake pictures showing large crowds at her rallies last week, but cbs news was one of several news organizations on the campaign. swing and verified crowd size estimates were, in fact, accurate. now mr. trump also returned to x for the first time in nearly a year, posting a video ahead of his conversation today with elon musk, the tesla and spacex owner endorsed trump for president shortly after a gunman tried to assassinate trump at that campaign rally in pennsylvania last month, musk said that his conversation with trump is going to be unscripted and that no subject is going to be off limits. meantime harris's campaign says that she is working on some of her economic policies right now. those are going to be made public later on this week, and as for her vp candidate, tim walz he's going to be in los angeles for his first solo campaign event. he's going to
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be speaking with a labor union, which is, of course a key demographic for the campaign. back to you, liz. >liz>all right. anne, thanks so much. still ahead, we're going to talk to a uc berkeley professor about the use and threat of artificial intelligence in the upcoming election stay with us. we'll be right back
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breaking news from oakland, right now where there's some sort of police activity going on. our chopper is overhead at 38th and international. that's where that is. right now. you can see police are sandwiching a minivan with it looks like someone sitting in the driver's seat. it's unclear what that person may be wanted for. if that's the person they're pursuing. again, this is at 38th and international boulevard. that's in oakland. we're going to stay on top of this and bring you any updates as we get them meanwhile, vice president kamala harris is back in washington a day after a quick campaign stop here in the bay area. ardalan reports billionaire techies and other democrats donated millions of dollars at a fundraiser. he also spoke to some of her
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longtime political allies it was an event of who's who at the fairmont hotel, a lot of tech billionaires ceos and politicians from governor gavin newsom to state senator nancy skinner to lateefah simon, who's running for congress. incredibly exciting and inspiring and kind of surreal, right? for those of us who've known kamala for a long time and those who have been on the journey haven't seen each other in a long time. so it's kind of like this big reunion in homecoming. old friend steve phillips has known harris for 25 years, and supported her in the san francisco district attorney race and the state attorney general seat. be able to see her. we haven't seen each other in years. the warmth and the her eyes and the greeting. and so in this context, it was actually very, very moving, he says there's a sense of pride for him and many old bay area friends to see harris running for the presidency. the room was very full and very enthusiastic
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and it was, well, this is this is a home turf organizers say about 700 people attended the fundraiser ticket prices started from $3,300 to half $1 million. you're telling me you don't have a half $1 million to go inside i wish i did, but you know what? i just want to get a glimpse of her and show her that i'm supporting her how much did it cost you guys to go inside? we went at the cheap baja seats. we had. we had the red, the red play bracelet on. but i'll tell you, it's worth not going on vacation. her campaign confirms no running mate tim walsh. just harris in the bay area after the two had gone on a lengthy campaign tour in battleground states organizers say harris talked to supporters for 30 minutes. nancy pelosi introduced her, and then she recognized gavin newsom and i think she spoke very much from her personal roots that they were elected together in san francisco 20 years ago and also
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they were behind the change in gay rights that started here and speaking to how that's under attack she covered roe versus wade. she covered economics. she covered domestic issues. supporters and old friends say harris has re-energized the democratic party. steve believes she will inspire young people to turn out in swing states. the enthusiasm is just off the charts and i'm quite optimistic it's going to propel her into the white house, organizers say harris raised more than $12 million at this fundraiser. so the question is not if, it's how many more times will harris return to the bay area before the november election? >liz>now with artificial intelligence getting more advanced by the day, there are growing concerns about people using it to affect the outcome of the upcoming election. homeland security held a hearing with a panel of experts back in may >the real concern is that you can micro-target, of course, precincts you can micro-target small towns and
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cities with these ai disruptions that can have real impacts in certain states to presidential elections and i think that's something that i think we have to really consider and think about as we move forward and how we get these small towns and city clerk's the the technology, but also the education that's needed to take on these deepfakes and ai concerns. >liz>joining me now is doctor olaf groat from uc berkeley. thanks so much for being with us. let's start with the use of ai in the upcoming election. we've seen how even tech savvy teenagers can manipulate images and data. is there a big concern that ai could play a role in potential election interference? and how can that be prevented? >live>in fact, there is lots of concern here. liz, as we've seen deepfakes in the united states take up by about 245% this year, and that's a fairly standard number for any country with elections this year in china where there is no elections, we've seen a 2,800% increase of deepfakes. so
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deepfakes are on the rise as it were, in much to the chagrin, of course, of those who want to warned but guarantee election integrity. to your question, what can be done well, so watermarking is one solution. watermarking however, is flawed because watermarks can be stripped from digital. from digital, output from code. and so we need laws such as the ones that we have on the books currently that forbid that we also need humans in the loop and need to make sure that we have people watching over those deepfakes. so we don't have them entering legitimate political campaigns. so the human in the loop and then what i call speed bumps, right? that slow down artificially generated election content are equally important to make sure that we buy ourselves the time to intervene and do quality checks, >liz>because it's remarkable how well ai is at doctoring images and messing with data.
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is there anything that just somebody, the average viewer, the average consumer of information, either on their phones or online, anything that they can look for when it comes to these deep fakes >live>well look, i mean, sometimes you can if you if you're very discerning and you look very carefully, then you can see that the mouths don't quite sync up with the narrative, most unfortunately most viewers of this content aren't that discerning or are too rushed to pay attention. but if you are discerning, then one thing reverse search on google. and if it comes up with nothing, then there's a good indicator to be skeptical >liz>yeah, that's great advice. all right. let's switch gears for a second here. president trump meeting with elon musk today on musk's x, formerly known as twitter. both these men are hoping to get something out of this. musk is hoping of course, it will also help bring x back to its political roots that it had when it was twitter. can you tell me a little bit about what you think the the impact of this meeting
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will be on on this platform and the and the influence of elon musk when it comes to political issues? >live>yeah. look, elon musk i think is doubling down on his committee and his commitment to the republican party and, and he's doing that with, with twitter while keeping twitter, more relevant or making it more relevant again, trump, of course had, you know, withdrawn into truth social, but there he only has seven, eight, nine, maybe 10 million followers on twitter. he had 88 before, he was cut loose, as it were. and so i think for twitter, as well as elon musk, it's a way to stay in the dialog in the current stream of news, keep twitter relevant and and for trump, it's a way to amplify his message to a larger audience. and so i think it's a it's a win win for those two. we'll have to see though, whether it's a win for democracy, the european union
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has already warned musk not to, you know, facilitate this. and misinformation, which is against the digital services act. so regulators around the world are actually watching this quite closely. >liz>yeah, that was going to be my next question. you know, musk has made no bones about it, that he wants to see donald trump get elected. he's trying to essentially buy 800,000 votes, buy enough influence to encourage those people to come out and vote for donald trump do you think that he has the power to change the algorithm that people that are using that platform will see more positive stories about donald trump? >live>oh, i think most definitely the algorithmic power is there. that algorithmic power is not just, you know there at at exits. they're in every one of the global platforms that have a lot of followers, one slight tweak or changes to the weights of these nodes in these large models can have a very significant impact on the output on what we see. you know, whether or not that then has an actual impact on how we
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vote is a different story and can't always be proven, but the the algorithmic power is definitely there to have us view different types of information than we otherwise would. >liz>all right. one last question. two big ties to the bay area with this presidential race. you have jd vance, who used to work in venture capital kamala harris, of course, da and san francisco attorney general of california. who do you think has more sway here in the bay area >live>look, i think the the vast majority of people in the bay area vote democratic that is not necessarily the case for the santillian heirs. and billionaires, in silicon valley, where i think it's more 5050, but i think, but i think clearly the general electorate, leans more left than right, in terms of the impact that either is going to have on silicon valley, i think we can expect more regulation of big tech, whether it's on the antitrust front or on, on privacy and agency. at least the latter
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when it comes to the democratic candidates. >liz>all right. doctor olaf grote with uc berkeley, always great to talk to you, sir >live>always good to be with you, liz. thank >liz>you. all right. see you soon. well, cbs is your election destination. stay up to date with everything, including the upcoming democratic national convention on and the cbs news app. still ahead, find out why a music superstar is slamming the trump campaign
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it's a little strange. celine dion is denouncing this use of her song my heart will go on by former president trump during a campaign rally friday evening in montana. the singer released a statement saying, quote, in no way is this use authorized,
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and celine dion does not endorse this or any similar use. and it ends with, quote and really, that song i have to agree with her on that one. and right now it's unclear whether the trump campaign will stop using that song. meanwhile, on the democratic side hey i'ma keep running cause a winner don't quit on themselves >liz>our vice president harris, did receive clearance to use beyonce's song freedom in her first appearance as a presidential candidate three weeks ago.
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy >liz>with august being transgender history month, we're highlighting the work of veronica fimbres that she's doing as the manager of the clinical assistants and volunteers at the san francisco aids foundation, and how she helps transform the lives of other transgender people who are also hiv positive veronica's path to get to this role was far from easy. she arrived at san francisco back in 1996 and dedicated her life to helping others navigate the challenges she once faced herself. her advocacy with the san francisco aids foundation focuses on ensuring that transgender people receive the health care they deserve. >coming here saved my life when i was in new york city. they told me, get your things together because you're getting ready to die. and, that was pretty devastating. of course, here it is. years later, and
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i'm a long term survivor of hiv and aids, so i'm very thankful. if you need help, always feel free to reach out for help. it is available. mental health help, financial help, all different kinds of help are available. >liz>check out veronica's full story coming up tonight at 5:00. you can also go to our website, for more on our transgender history month coverage. well, thank you so much for joining us for today's conversation on the use of ai on the road to the election. we'd love to hear what you think. is this a dangerous tool or do we need to adapt and do our own research? post your thoughts online using the hashtag kpix. cbs evening news is next. local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news, bay area i'll see you a ♪ ♪ >> tonight israel on high alert as they rushed io e


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