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tv   The Late News  CBS  August 13, 2024 1:37am-2:12am PDT

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an attorney wants to know how one woman's walk across the street ended in this encounter with police. >> get off of me. >> why he's accusing one bay area police department of violating his client's rights. >> i saw a situation that seemed like overkill. we have a bit of an earthquake here in los angeles. >> plus, the jolt caught on live tv. and this california town is famous for its priceless coastal views and charming downtown, but it's lacking something very basic, street addresses. the fight to change this unusual quirk a century in the making. >> uber will work better. the ambulances will be able to find
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us when i have a heart attack. plus, where someone captured a rare sight on a bay area hiking trail. >> from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. good evening, i'm devin fehely in tonight for sara. the attorney of a bay area mother says that all she did was walk in a crosswalk moments before she was forcibly detained by a san francisco police officer. her attorney released this video saying that it shows a blatant abuse of power that left the mother of five injured. our kelsi thorud spoke with the attorney who says the police department violated its own policies and his client's civil rights. . >> i'm not resisting. get off of me. >> reporter: this video was shared with us by attorneys representing 34-year-old christina porter. they say it was taken on july 29th in san francisco and shows what they
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believe was an unwarranted stop and violent arrest. >> i saw a situation that seemed like overkill. i saw an officer who, it appears, behaved like a bully and went above and beyond what he should have been doing. >> reporter: according to porter's attorneys, the confrontation with the sfpd officer came after porter allegedly jaywalked through an intersection. this surveillance video also shared with us by her attorney's office shows her walking through an intersection and moments later being stopped. porter's attorneys say several bystanders pulled out their phones and started recording. >> get off of me. get off of me. give me my phone. i'm not resisting. >> put your hands behind your back. >> what are you doing? >> reporter: porter's attorneys say they believe the video shows a clear case of excessive force. >> what i saw was a mother of
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five who is a domestic violence victim and a recent domestic violence victim be subjected to a use of force that she shouldn't have been subjected to, especially not for jaywalking. >> reporter: porter's attorneys say she was cited for resisting arrest and crossing against a red light. they're now calling on the district attorney to decline to officially charge porter and on sfpd to discipline the officer involved. they say they're also filing a lawsuit. >> what comes of the lawsuit we'll see, but externally we're filing a lawsuit, internally we want the san francisco police department to look into this and discipline this officer or at a minimum retrain him. >> we reached out to the police department for a statement about the arrest and the pending legal action. they have not gotten back to us. meantime, there is new fallout tonight for the anti-war protesters who brought traffic to a grinding halt on the golden gate bridge. it happened last april, and you
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might have been stuck in the gridlock yourself. now all 26 people arrested are facing a laundry list of charges, including false imprisonment and unlawful assembly. well, today members of the group that have been dubbed the golden gate 26 turned themselves in. our wilson walker was at the main jail where people showed up to support them, and he spoke to a defense attorney who says the district attorney is going too far. >> drop the charges. >> drop the charges. >> drop the charges. >> everybody with over 40 charges each. it is a very dramatic, draconian charging decision. >> reporter: those facing charges for blocking traffic on the golden gate bridge surrendered to a show of support at the san francisco jail. an attorney for the protesters calls the charges, any charges, unjustified but specifically points to the last protest. >> i don't think this case should be charged personally, but what happened on the bay bridge and what happened on the golden gate bridge are
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basically the exact same. >> reporter: it was back in march when the bay bridge 78 walked out of a courtroom to a cheering crowd. that day, in the words of organizers, a complete vindication and victory. >> essentially the judge dismissed our case as of may 15th with a diversion offer of five hours community service and a little under $4,500 in restitution. >> this is really about time, place, and manner. >> reporter: the district attorney says the second act, the golden gate bridge, comes with more charges partly because of the outcome of the previous incident. >> there are elevated charges for eight of those individuals who we believe went to further lengths to plan that demonstration, and we have charged them with felony conspiracy. >> it is her discretion, but what we expect from district attorneys is consistency and a response to similar crimes with similar charges. and we don't
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have that here. >> reporter: so the district attorney will have to make the case again, though this time with the help of several dozen people who were stuck in traffic and have been in contact with investigators. >> and so, yes, we believe that those people will come forward and testify as this case moves forward. >> the first court appearances are set for tomorrow morning, but the outcome is still in the hands of a judge who could exercise their discretion and downgrade the charges from felonies to misdemeanors. elon musk, who owns twitter, now turned x, is a vocal supporter of president donald trump and tonight he held a public conversation with trump on the platform. but it came after some major technical glitches that kept many users from accessing the livestream. more than 40 minutes after the scheduled start time over 878,000 users were finally connected to the meeting. but the interviews still hadn't started. many users received this message reading details not available. at one point, musk blamed the delay on a
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massive cyberattack that he claimed overwhelmed the company's system. he says it was the type of attack that floods the server or network with traffic to shut it down. once it got underway, the conversation was audio only, and trump's voice sounded muffled at times during that conversation. the former president claimed that russia would not have invaded ukraine if he were still president. >> i know putin. i know president xi. i know kim jong-un of north korea. i know every one of them. and let me tell you, people will say, oh, this is terrible, he said -- i'm not saying anything good or bad. they're at the top of their game. they're tough. they're smart. they're vicious. and they're going to protect their country. >> trump spent much two-hour discussion focused on the recent attempt on his life. illegal immigration and his plans to cut government regulations. he also falsely claimed that kamala harris had been appointed border czar. >> kamala was the border czar. now she's denying it.
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everything that i do, she's saying she was strong on the border. we're going to be strong. well, she doesn't have to say it. she could close it up right now. >> a counter on x said that 1.3 million people were listening to that conversation 45 minutes in. meantime, it's not unusual for an elected official to hire a photographer to document their political milestones, but tonight governor gavin newsom's office is defending the decision to hire a director of photography. and as steve large reports, it's all because of his six figure salary paid for by taxpayers. >> reporter: the clicks and careful composition of governor gavin newsom at a wildfire or an encampment cleanup, the images captured by the governor's new $200,000 a year director of photography, charles omani. his own website shows a past list of prominent politicians he's worked with,
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including president barack obama and george bush. his linkedin page shows his former work as a photo journalist for newsweek and shows he's been published by vanity fair and rolling stone. the governor's office issuing a statement reading in part, unlike nearly all of his predecessors and gubernatorial counterparts, the real story here is that governor newsom did not have a dedicated photographer for over five years. we're thrilled that changed when charles joined our team. >> i think newsom is very conscious of how he comes off and what's -- how they're projecting. >> reporter: jack is a political cartoonist and columnist who's drawn gavin newsom's caricature over his career. he's not calling out newsom for this hire. >> i just am not cranked up about this enough to really get angry about it. safe government is highly paid. and you know, a lot of the time. the reason that it's highly paid is it's really expensive to live in
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california. >> why is it that the governor feels the need to hire somebody for $200,000 to take pictures of him? >> reporter: the price is not right for doug a political strategist, who sees a problem with the six-figure salary the state's recent $73 billion deficit. >> that photographer should be hired as a contractor to governor newsom's campaign. and there you wouldn't have all the questions raised about taxpayer dollars. >> reporter: if the pictures are worth 1,000 words, now this debate, how much should taxpayers pay for them? >> as a comparison, the chief photographer makes $200,000. that is not far off from the governor's own salary of $230,000 a year. well, still ahead tonight, the southern california quake that shook buildings and rattled nerves. plus, where do you live? it's a complicated questions for residents of this northern california town. the debate over an unusual tradition and whether it preserves small town
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charm or just makes life difficult for residents. a nice start to the workweek today. temperatures actually ended up a couple degrees below average. we'll take this in the middle of august. we'll see how long it lasts coming up in the first alert forecast. there he is. noticed a really large dorsel fin and a very large tail. >> how two ka
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an earthquake jolted los angeles today, shaking windows, knocking things to the floor, and serving as an unwanted wake-up call for pets. captured on live television, the quake rattled the espn studios. >> getting behind -- as we have a bit of an earthquake here in los angeles. so we're just going to make sure that our studio light, everything stays safe, everything shaking. >> that's an earthquake. >> oh, that is a real earthquake. >> this afternoon's 4.4 magnitude earthquake is the second to hit in less than a week. the epicenter was north of los angeles and felt as far away as san diego. >> it felt almost like the whole room was buzzing for a brief, intense period. and i
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dived under my desk and waited it out. >> the shake alert app did push out a warning four seconds before the rattling began. despite the intense shaking, no injuries were reported. >> pretty intense for a 4.4. >> yeah, i was surprised by that. >> it was pretty shallow. only about 12 kilometers below the surface. so the closer it is to our feet, the more you're going to feel it, even if it's a relatively modest quake. >> and we're enjoying a bit of a cooldown, right? >> we are. july was hot for not just the bay area but much of the state. lot of locations recorded their hottest july on record, so we deserve a little bit of a break. we'll take a look at the weather headlines and what you need to know as we head through the rest of the week as we look out from salesforce tower towards the east. a few clouds on the horizon, we are going to stay in this typical august weather pattern for a while. it's going to be more widespread for the next several nights. enjoy that bit of sunshine along the coast tomorrow. it's going to be in short supply beginning
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wednesday. slightly warmer tomorrow. today's high temperatures a few degrees below average. normal on tuesday. very few day-to-day changes into the upcoming weekend. switching perspectives, looking outside from the mark hopkins hotel. temperatures from 57 in san francisco and santa rosa to 64 degrees is the least cool spot in san jose. but those temperatures are going to continue to drop off as the fog is going to continue to try to spread out. let's take a look at the floor map, and we're going to talk about the fog and our temperatures. we'll start with how the fog is going to behave. and again, it's not going to be tremendously widespread. it's going to be patchy, establishing itself along the coast but not spreading too far into the inland valleys to begin the day tomorrow. it will retreat out of those inland valleys very fast, which means temperatures are going to have a chance to warm up a little bit faster than they did today. let's check out those forecast lows. where are we going to start tomorrow morning? mid to upper 50s in the santa clara valley. numbers close to normal this time of year. even the warmest spots, though, in the delta
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temperatures often stay in the 60s. you dip into the upper 50s around antioch and brentwood. low to mid-50s along the coast, and low 50s in the valleys of the north bay. couple of cooler spot, santa rosa, petaluma may drop into the upper 40s by early tomorrow morning. tomorrow's highs are going to be once again almost exactly normal. mostly low 80s in the north bay. upper 80s around santa rosa. warming up almost 40 degrees from where you start the day. the warmest spots are only going to top out a degree or two below 90. not bad for the middle of august. lot of 80s east of the oakland hills. mostly 70s around the bay. santa clara valley, temperatures top out in the low to mid 80s tomorrow afternoon. similar temperatures in store as we head through the rest of the seven-day forecast as well. but we can look even farther ahead and look at the ten-day temperature forecast. and that is going to push us up, hopefully, that's going to pop up here on the map. okay. it's not going to pop up at all. something happened to our virtual reality graphics. we'll get that fixed. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast.
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forget about the next ten days, we'll just worry about the next seven. temperatures run close to normal, which means even the hottest spots are going to top out around 90 degrees. again, it's not bad for august. lot of inland temperatures are going to stay in the middle portion of the 80s. temperatures around the bay in the low to mid-70s. a mix of morning fog and afternoon sunshine. again, the fog is going to be much more of a factor along the coast after tomorrow. tomorrow's fog is going to take a bit of a break during the afternoon, and then you're back into gray skies, pretty much across the board as we head into wednesday, thursday, friday, and the weekend as well. some patches of mist and drizzle every once in a while wetting things down as well, vern? all right, straight ahead in sports, if you ever wondered when you would see klay thompson again at chase center, we got
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sports director vern glenn joins us now, and vern, you were telling me we got a pitcher's dual tonight at the ballpark. >> you got to see a real -- blake snell got up there with
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an sf on his cape. but the guy he was going with, just one strikeout nastier than he was tonight. man, would you believe a historic night in the 24-year oracle park history tonight, two starting pitchers accounting for 23 total strikeouts. battle of the top level pitching at its finest. at third and king street, braves chris sale left, giants blake snell, clinics on how to pitch at this level. snell struck out 11 braves. he now has 45 punches in his last five starts. snell took a no-hitter into the seventh inning. third time in his last six starts he's had a no-no through six. doubled down the left field line for atlanta's first hit of the night. snell was done after 6 1/3. now randy rodriguez came out of the bullpen, and with two on, he caught him swinging to end the inning. snell was pumped, but
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chris sale was matching zeros with snell and the giants, finished with 12 strikeouts in seven shutout innings. again, the 23 combined strikeouts by two starters an oracle park record. still, nine innings wasn't enough. game went to the tenth. still scoreless. each team starts now with a ghost runner at second in extra innings. travis d'arnaud to right. deep enough to score orlando for the first run of the game. giants could not answer in the bottom half of the inning with a runner at second, patrick bailey flew out to jorge soler, traded two weeks ago. braves win a pitcher's dual 1-0. atlanta move to 2.5 games ahead of the giants for the final wild card spot in the national league. segue to the nfl and the 49ers. safe to say, under steve welks, the niner defense was up and down. so chris sorenson was
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promoted to fix things as the third defensive coordinator in the last three seasons. the quarterback has bought in. they know they have to play 60 minutes and must finish these games. >> i feel like it's just -- it's finishing. i feel like it was games that, you know, i mean, we start off fast but we didn't finish real strong. so i mean, the games that we lost, i felt like if we just finish, you know, finish in the fourth, you know, do -- keep our foot on people's necks, we'd be super bowl champions. nba news and notes, dub nation, tuesday, november 12th, the return of klay thompson to chase center as a dallas mavericks player. could be the most in-demand regular season ticket in that building's history. now, you know, devin, san francisco is an event city, so everyone will want to be at that game. again, november
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12th, write it down. >> always going to be a little weird to see him in something other than a warriors uniform. >> oh, i bet you when he hits his first three he'll be applauded. >> he should be. he earned it. >> yeah. >> he earned the right to free agency and everything else. he brought us four championships. all right, thank you, verny. coming up, this town once threatened to secede from california to hold on
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if you've ever visited or spent any time there, it's pretty undeniable that caramel by the sea is a gem along the northern california coast. the town is known for its coastal views that come with multimillion dollar price tags and its quaint downtown, but it also has one very unusual quirk. >> we have just never had street addresses within the city limits. and that's one of the charms of carmel. >> for more than a century, the town has had no street addresses, as you heard. when asked for their address, some residents use larks to describe how their homes look. the only town with an address is the u.s. postal office. that's where all residents have to pick up their mail. that might
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all change. in july the city council voted to advance a plan to issue street numbers. some favor keeping the status quo. others say the small town tradition has just run its course. >> i think it's more communal when you have to come down to the post office to get your mail. >> i'm in favor of it because of delivery issues. uber will work better. the ambulances will be able to find us when i have a heart attack. and my ups driver will be able to deliver my books. >> the city did pass an ordinance almost 100 years ago requiring house numbers, but it was overturn. and in 19 53 carmel threatened to se ed to secede. up next ,
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visit your local volvo retailer to explore plug-in hybrid vehicles during the summer safely savings event. tina zimmerman: five years ago, i reconnected with my estranged father, and that's just something i never ever thought could happen. during the summer safely but when he became a believer, he just had this insatiable appetite to learn the bible, and he began to watch dr. stanley. dr. stanley: god always blesses obedience without an exception. tina: he teaches in a way that it just makes sense, and i feel like that's the way our heavenly father would teach us.
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all right, so before we go tonight, we leave you with a dose of wild encounters here in the bay area. go ahead and check this out. early this morning a hiker in the east bay caught something pretty unusual. it looks like a pack of cougars along a trail. now, these big cats are normally solitary animals, but there were four of them. you can count them on the ridgeline trail in pleasanton. the person who said if they hiked slower they would have actually crossed paths with that pack. >> good thing to hustle. >> and across the bay, two kayakers had a very close encounter with a shark. you can see the fin there. now, that's ian walter, an earth science teacher from oakland. he says he and a friend were on pedal kayaks near the harbor. he says the shark, that he thinks was a great white, tailed him and his friend for a couple of minutes before it got distracted by some seals and moved on. and being followed by a shark doesn't sound like the most
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pleasant thing, not at all, but he actually claims he wasn't scared. >> i just noticed a really large dorsel fin and a very large tail behind my buddy's kayak and let him know. and we tried to keep each other calm and the shark was totally peaceful. and it just felt like a -- i don't know, kind of more surreal than it was scary. >> all right, so here's my question, here's my question. >> yes? >> mountain lions on a trail or a shark from the kayak if you had to pick one -- >> to encounter? >> yes, you have to pick one. >> i would -- i would go with the mountain lions. >> yeah, me too. especially at that distance that they had. >> but at least in the kayak you've got -- i mean, i'd rather, i mean, you weren't in the water, you were in something. >> yeah. >> but the great white's twice as long as this desk, at least. >> there's four of them. i
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don't know. >> there's no good answer here. >> there is - [announcer] the following is a paid presentation sponsored by lifelock. - i thought i'd be the last person on earth this would happen to. i change my passwords all the time, i shred my documents, and i lock my documents up, so i thought i was bulletproof, honestly. someone stole my social security number and filed a tax return in my name. - nearly one in four consumers in the u.s. have been a victim of identity theft, but not you, yet. you check your bank accounts and credit, set up complex passwords, shred important documents. no one's getting past your protections. but the reality is, identity thieves don't have to because your information is already in the hands of others and out of your control. - i did everything right,


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