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tv   The Late News  CBS  August 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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rogena rapid wrinkle repair. it has derm-proven retinol... ...expertly formulated... target skin cell turnover... ...and fights not one—but 5 signs of aging. with visible results... just one week. neutrogena an alarming attack inside of a high school. >> so many different emotions going through my head >> and a mother demanding
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action after learning another parent was involved.. plus, a deadly drive. the moments caught on a dash cam, just before a truck going the wrong way slammed into a car. plus. >> harm reduction is important but it has to have a look at the harms not just on the individual but the community as well. >> what san francisco can learn from how another major city approaches an overdose epidemic. and, rally for change. san francisco teachers saying something has to be done about staffing. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. trying to distract him or something. i seen them walking. >> we just want answers. we want justice. good evening i'm juliette goodrich in for sara tonight, a mother is speaking out after
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her teenage son was attacked inside of his high school locker room t. happened after school. one person helped carry out the attack. tonight, the victim's mother and the victim are demanding action to keep something like this from happening on school grounds again. >> guys coming to the locker room. one of the dude sucker purchases me. i stand up and start fighting expwak they all start jumping on me. >> i am hurting for him. i don't know how it will effect him, the lifelong trauma he endured. >> they are shaken up and concerned for the future after he was jumped inside of the locker room inside of dublin high school. >> so many emotions going through my head. >> reporter: even more so after the police say a parent helped carry out the attack. >> i can not fathom how another parent can bring bodily harm against another child and just
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get away with it. >> reporter: dublin police say the parent approached him before four teenagers in hoodies began assaulting the team. one of his teammates rushed in to stop the attack. >> i bushed someone off. that was it. >> reporter: barfield says her son suffered a concussion and a broken nose. it is the fact that the people who did this could so easily get into the school that now has her questioning the safety of others and demanding action from school leaders. >> i just want my son to be safe. i want all kids to be safe in this community. we live here. we started a restaurant here to bring the community together. and i feel like my son is great. he has been great ever since he was born. and for somebody to try to ruin that it is just, it is unjust, and justice will be served. >> all right, the school principal released a statement. sent us a statement to parents saying quote we are outraged
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that this happened on our campus. school must be a place where all feel safe and supportive. we are working with the police to -- supported. we are working with the police and following it to the fullest extent of the law. now, this is chopper video of the scene, you can see scattered evidence markers around this area. the police say they don't have suspects for the shooting. a got the call, they found the victim dead at the scene that honor has not yet been identified. tonight, oakland family hoping for justice and answers after their loved one was killed crossing the street. 17-year-old lopez and her mother was hit by a vehicle last monday. witnesses say the driver took off after the crash before hitting another car just one mile up the road. those
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witnesses took video of the driver and blocked him from leaving until the police arrived. the family says since then they have not heard much from investigators. we reached out to both the da and opd to get information on the suspect. in an email the da said they were waiting for a referral from the arresting agency. opd tells us the suspect was taken into custody after the crash but they did not identify who that person was. all right, here is dash camera video posted on redit. it shows moments before a deadly wrong way crash in san jose happened. tonight we learned chp will recommend felony manslaughter charges against the driver of the pick up truck, 39-year-old duncan mcquarry. chp says he crashed head on into a tesla killing both inside including a 14-year-old boy. he is still in the hospital and has yet to be
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charged with a crime. for about a decade now, vancouver, like san francisco, has been fighting to save lives amid the explosion of -- of fentanyl. both cities have seen numbers sore. as we showed you last night vancouver tried strategies we have not so how are those different approaches working? what can san francisco possibly learn from that? >> wilson walker gives us a look in part two of our series. >> weeks went out and became more and more of a stronger favor. and what you got, fentanyl. no heroin. everybody is [beep] >> it may of started a few years earlier but it is the same story as san francisco. overdose crisis that arrived with fentanyl and drags on now with plenty of other drugs mixed in. >> they let the staff know what drugs they are planning to use,
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what drugs they think they have on them. >> the response here has been different. 2016 british columbia declared a health emergency expanded from one official safe use site to dozens and started offering users the option of a regulated drug supply. >> we have seen sort of the risk that have come from unregulated drugs. we know people use them. so, we legalize them and make are regulated versions and people don't immediately die when they consume them. >> vancouver coastal health say the goal has been to reach for every tool in slowing the epidemic that continues to claim lives. the overdose rate has risen and dipped before climbing again by comparison san francisco has followed a roughly similar path if on a bit of a delay. finishing 2023 slightly higher. now, one might look at the per-capita numbers and say they are not fairing better than san francisco in
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limiting overdoses but health officials say they would be doing worse if not for all of the different steps they are taking. >> we have done or the bbc for centers of disease control take home the overdose sites and therapy and it shows we are reducing a third of the overall overdoses, you don't see them because they are not happening. so, we would see a third more over doses were we not doing those things >> look at this poor soul on the ground here. these are our neighbors, our neighbor's children. >> reporter: the outcome of the policies, the question on if it is all working is now the subject of intense debate and public push back. >> we have to do better. >> reporter: a former police officer now a member of the bc legislature >> good to see you. >> reporter: she is part of a political shift, local and beyond, that has criticized the policies as having moved too far in one direction. >> harm reduction is important but harm reduction has to
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include a look at the harms not only on the individual but the harms on the community and the promise as well. the impact on first responders particularly firefighters in the city of vancouver has been extraordinary. >> reporter: beyond the frontline challenges he points to evidences that some of the safe supply and making its way into the black market. >> first and foremost, giving people medication we should make sure they are taking the medication. >> reporter: then the 2023 move by the province to legalize simple possession of all drugs as part of a 3-year study. >> we, we try to do this decriminalization pilot around drug use >> one was a wave of complaints of public drug use from playgrounds to hospital rooms. >> you know, maybe we should allow crystal meth smoking in the minister's office. and then she can experience what health care workers are facing in their workplace every single day! [ cheers and applause ] >> in april the province
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decided criminalization should be rolled back >> too many communities and not all of them were on board of decriminalizing drugs. so when it happened there was a lot of opposition, instead, the pilot really galvanized people on two sides and made it more stigmatizing to use drugs. >> reporter: and then the overafternooning concern of drug freedoms did not -- overarching, to help those that would need their way out of deep addiction >> it was not with any administrative process or way for us to compel people into those services. >> we built a treatment above, onsite. >> how successful are you getting people from the chillout room upstairs to the help in. >> the addiction treatments we have available are not perfect. you know, they are good for opioids, not so good for stimulants, work for people
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sometimes, not all of the time. and people are not always ready to accept them. >> reporter: so, just like san francisco vancouver, for all of the different policies, is having the familiar debate over the balance of priorities. even what it means to provide help. >> people's hearts were in the right place you don't want to put people who are sick into prison but at the same time we need, you know, to stop being the one-legged stool of harm reduction and get back to the pillar approach that has multiple entrances for people to get into help. >> but we need people to stay alive to access the services and that is what harm reduction does. >> if you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse and addiction call the number on your screen right now. 1-800-662-help. up next, teachers concerned for the future of their school system. >> we can not be patient about
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this any longer. >> educators running out of patience over a lack of support. how the school system is responding tonight. . and problems with a new proposal. they already live near a facility for the homeless, why some in san jose are more concerned about what could be taking its place. after a little break from the fog this evening it is now slithering back in after a warm to hot day. the temperatures approached 100 degrees in the hottest places east of the oakland hills, played it close to 80 degrees in san francisco. starting to back down tomorrow, looking ahead to labor day weekend coming up in the first alert forecast. i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things
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is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses.
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. teachers in san francisco rallied tonight to bring attention to staffing shortages. the teacher's union says the district is in need of counselors, nurses, social workers. we spoke to them and heard their concerns. >> reporter: the school year at sfusd has gotten off to a rough start >> this year we were expecting to be fully staffed and expected to welcome more than 10 new social workers and we were only able to welcome 4 >> several schools are without critical support staff like counselors, nurses, social
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workers and psychiatrists. the reason? they say, california department of education's oversight of the district's budget and personnel has created an onboarding process that takes longer to get employees approved and in the classroom. she says she knows several people caught up in the process including one counselor who is new to the district. >> completed his onboarding, fingerprinting, got his letter, you know, got his contract. even showed up to work for one day and less than a day he was asked to go back home. >> when we fight, we win. >> they gathered to protest and show their displeasure with the current process. >> i am so mad and so tired. >> the president of united educators of san francisco. >> she is awesome. >> we can not be complaisant any longer. our students deserve us to be fully staffed on the first day. hopefully we will not publish in this
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position next year. >> a spokesperson says the role of the state is to ensure every staff member hired by the district can actually be paid through the entire cool year. sfusd has been working in's deficit for years. the state came in two years ago to help the district balance the budget. after a lack of real improvement the state stepped in even more this past spring. with fiscal advisories. the district says have the power to directly engage in any district operation deemed counterto fiscal stability. we reached out to the district regarding the union's protest. they told us they continue to work collaboratively with the fiscal advisories and labor partners to hire for vacant positions and say the escalated state oversight shows the need to eliminate deficit spending. still, she wonders what all of that really means when it comes to getting support staff in the classroom. >> it is disheartening. it is
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definitely making me upset. i know that my supervisors and managers are stressed out for sure. you know, we were really excited to have a year of being fully staffed when it came to school social workers. >> the cde says they are currently prioritizing certain support staff hires within the district. trying to get people into the class room as soon as possible. >> i was the first one to raise my hand and, i said, well, my head is spinning right now. >> all right, residents in south san jose are about up to their arms about a proposal to use a homeless shelter as a jail site. they don't have time to properly address their concerns over the decision t. started a couple weeks ago when those residents got a notice for a neighborhood meet and greet. at the meeting santa clara county behavioral health
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services announced they are using a grant to buy two homeless sites, they want to use them as a site for mental illness, substance abuse disorders or both. residents shared their thoughts and for now the council put the matter on hold while they gather more information this proposal. turning to our first alert weather and another hot day around the bay. despite that, people out and about enjoying the sunshine as they should. why not. that is what we do when the sun is out. especially when it happens in san francisco. >> right. >> a lot of people go i don't know what to do with this and i don't have any ac. >> one of the warmest days so far in san francisco and in 2024. i did not check the rank >> it is a warm one. >> yes. one of the warmest days. >> yes, we don't hit peak warmth until deep in september and october. hard to believe labor day is around the corner. let's take a look ahead. what we need to approach for the
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holiday weekend, we will see a slight reduction tomorrow. it will still be warm. 5-10 degrees above average. instead of 10-15. sunshine for most of us, fog lingering, i think you will see sunshine coming through for coastal parts of the bay area. the cooling trend, noticeable by thursday and friday. labor day weekend looks nice. pleasant temperatures running a degree or two below average. far inland. the temperatures will stay just below what is typical for the last days of august and september. let's take a look outside. we will check on the monitor and our current temperatures and check on the progress of the fog. not making too much of a push away from the coast. they are lurking in the distance. the temperatures retreated only to the upper 70s right now. concord, making it up to 99 degrees as did livermore. drop back to 74. 77 degrees in san jose. wait figure are that free air-conditioning to kick in for inland parts of the bay area. down to the lower to middle 60s. in the north bay, santa rosa, 66 degrees, heading
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through the rest of tonight, the shallow layer of fog is pushing across the bay. not able to climb over the oakland hills, inland parts of the east bay, fog free, the fog infiltrate the valleys of the north bay and santa clara valley. it will linger around. your temperatures will not warm up as fast. retreating midmorning and away from the coast midday. giving sunshine dplirming through the clouds as we head into the afternoon. talking about tomorrow's high temperatures that will climb up into the lower to middle 90s once again in the santa clara valley. close to 10 degrees. not as warm as the 95 degrees that you had today. the temperatures reach the upper 80s around 90 in redwood city and the hottest spots will be east of the oakland hills in the middle to upper 90s. the hottest spots should stay below 100 degrees tomorrow with a bigger degree drop temperature on thursday. temperatures in the north bay, mentioned the fog hanging on just a little longer that is evidence by the temperature staying in the 80s
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instead of the 90s like other parts. we will drop back to the near average and slightly below average temperatures, that is not going to last forever. we look at the 10 day outlook for temperatures in san francisco and you see the big spike. everyone returns to work. we will be running close to 10 degrees above normal. at least a few degrees above average by thursday and friday. similar trend that'll be more noticeable farther inland. lower 80s for much of the holiday weekend. back in the lower to middle 90s. typical for early september, the hot spots will be east of the oakland hills, back up to around 100 degrees in livermore. on wednesday of next week. trending in that territory by tuesday and thursday, kind of book ending the latest spell of hot weather that still far down-the-line. last day of the seven-day forecast when that starts to kick in. enjoy the pleasant conditions over labor day weekend. nice overall. not much, whatever you have planned
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outside. the temperatures around the bay, around 70 degrees on saturday and sunday and warming up for the holiday itself. temperatures along the coast does not change much. what does change is the amount of sunshine that you will see which will be limited, saturday, sunday, monday, the fog, thick enough to register the moisture. not the showers from last weekend just a little bit of drizzle from here and there. >> time to plan something outdoors this week end >> got to get on it. >> thank you. well, the nation's fully electric school bus fleet launched today in the oakland unified school district. 74 buses in the fleet and each carry 100 people. parents can track the bus routes. for now, only available for students with special needs. still ahead. facing legal action. this time nothing to do with prescription drugs but instead, music. straight ahead in sports, the 49ers 53-man roster is out.
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. vern, so you are saying they have a chance? >> last night the giant his a 3% chance. >> that is a chance. >> of making the playoffs >> they won tonight. so, the curve is gone up just a little bit. 86 wins is the number for the giants. they are running out of time with 29 games left. they were at the brewers picking up the 4th inning, matt was swinging the lumber. >> home run number 21 tying the game up at 2. he was 3-4 tonight. meantime, the parent needed run support. the brewers were not going away. willie hit
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this one to madison, wisconsin. a 2-run six inning blast putting them ahead. giving up four runs to 5. giants and the long ball it was big. parking a 2-2 pitch with a man on and now the giants have a 5-4 relief. number 11 for yaz. that set up a save opportunity for closer ryan walker. go-ahead run at the plate. warning track power. yaz was there and giants won it 5-4. still chasing atlanta 5.5 games behind with 29 games left. all right, the a's and the reds. court was in session because the law dog struck. lawrence butler in the seventh inning, a two-run bolt gave them the 4-1 lead. what happened in the ninth? >> well, well, miller time. mason slammed the door. save number 22. a's won it by a
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final of 5-4. pivot to the nfl. twenty24 iteration 2024, now down to the 53 mandate. there will be one player noticeably absent. mitchell was placed on injured reserve that means he will miss the entire season. mitchell same old story, just can not seem to stay healthy. injuring limited him to only 27 games in three years. meantime, safety, adding to the 53 man rost, a good sign that he is close to returning from knee surgery. he was held out of training camp but started to wrap up his individual workouts. the niners and the faithful, once again, are going to be gunning for that allusive sixth lombardi super bowl trophy. can you believe it? 13 days from now. we kick it off.
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>> question for you. do the 53 men know the night before they know they are the 53 in >> no. >> it is a big question mark >> it is drama from sunday to tuesday. all drama, those that are on the bubble, they are just sitting there and then, they get a knock on the door. hey, coach wants to see you. and bring your, it was a playbook now it is a tablet. you turn it in and the coach says we got to let you go. we have to trim the roster. or if they like you, bring you back to the 16 man extra roster. >> right. >> okay. >> they like to call the practice squad. >> already. >> which is paid. i learn from you each time >> good money. up next, this is an interesting one. a rap battle, once known for taking pride in raising the cost of life-saving drugs now he is facing legal action over a secret album.
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it's so important in this time of change that we reclaim our sacred ways. i had to open my eyes. you can't continue to do this. deep breath. i'd want to ask them “why?” (♪♪) pete g. writes, "my tween wants a new phone. how do i not i'd wabreak the bank?"why?” we gotcha, pete. xfinity mobile was designed to save you money and gives you access to wifi speeds up to a gig. so you get high speeds for low prices. better than getting low speeds for high prices. right, bruce? -jealous? yeah, look at that. honestly. someone get a helmet on this guy. xfinity internet customers, get a free unlimited line for a year when you buy one unlimited line. bring on the good stuff. learn more at today.
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i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses.
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. let's end it on wrap music talk, shall we? >> why not. >> if you are a fan of rap music, are you? >> sure. >> you know it is here forever but that is not the case for the man known as pharma bro. the former businessman convicted over a list of financial crimes is facing more legal trouble, here is why. sued by a group of nft collectors over a one of a kind album by the wu ta, ng clan. they worked on the album in secrecy for six years with a
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plan to release one and only one copy, who does that? the collectors bought the copy now they are suing him after he claimed he has digital files of the album and threatened to share them. once upon a time in shalen. sold in 2024. explain that to me? >> nft collectors versus this dude? >> he has one album supposed to be secret. >> right. claims to have the digital. do you have a favorite wu-tang. >> i don't. >> i am sure you do? >> no, i can not choose. >> there are so many. >> there are, actually. >> i did like the secret album. it was a good one. trying to talk out of school here. stephen colbert is up next. >> fire up liq


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