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tv   BBC News The Context  PBS  February 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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wow, you get to watch all your favorite stuff. it's to die for. now you won't miss a thing. this is the way. the xfinity 10g network. made for streaming. ♪ ♪ narrator: funding for this presentation of this program is provided by... brook: these are people who are trying to change the world. startups have this energy that energizes me.
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i'm thriving by helping others everyday. people who know, know bdo. narrator: funding was also provided by, the freeman foundation. and by judy and peter blum kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs. announcer: and now, "bbc news". >> hello. you are watching "the context" on bbc news. >> this is the second of successful attacks the ukrainians have mounted against russian warships in the past month alone. >> they have been able to push the black sea fleet away from the western part of the black sea. this is a great achievement, a great victory for ukraine. >> the united states continues to stand in force with ukraine and america will continue to support ukraine's
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fight against putin's aggression. >> we know we are on the right side of fighting off this illegal aggression, all we need to show is we have the political will. ♪ >> hello. we will have the latest from ukraine as well as the latest from the nato meeting this afternoon and will be taking a look at what we know about these pictures. ukrainian drones sinking a russian ship, say the ukrainians. we will see what we can verify. in the u.k., inflation stays at 4%, and food prices fell in january for the first time in two years. we will look at ai fakes and elections. can we spot them, and can we stop them? but we are going to start in ukraine. pictures of the russian warship being hit by drones.
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take a look. here they are. seems to show drones hitting the ship. explosive sea drones we are told. this is a large russian landing ship in the black sea. the footage was released by ukraine's defense intelligence, and they say the ship started to sink after these moments. our team at bbc verified have been investigating -- verify have been investigating the footage. >> the black sea has been key for the russian navy. e attack this morning happened on crimea's southern coast. a pretty dramatic video released by the ukrainian -- there was a pretty dramatic video released by the ukrainian military showing ukrainian drones approaching and hitting the ship. we found other material from the same location which suggests or
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backs up the idea there was a major incident in the black sea, although we cannot be completely certain of the location. this ship, i think we can show you an image of it, has been identified by ukraine. vessels like that are big. they can hold 190 people. we don't know how many people were on board because russia has not commented yet, but this would be a big moment. this would be the second successful strike in the black sea this month. it could be a sign ukraine's drone attacks are starting to work. the war on ukraine has been stuck for months. we heard a lot about that in recent weeks. attacks like this are likely to change that materially, but it would be a bigonfidence boost to ukrainian armed forces. >> now to the ukrainian army major and press officer with the special forces brigade. thank you for coming on the program. >> thanks for having me. >> do we have details about what
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you claim happened to the russian ship? >> actually, today, military intelligence claimed another impressive victory over a russian ship. the large russian ship was hit at least three times from the port side and effectively sag in the crime. -- sank near a crimean city. the number of casualties is not known. but at least about 80 crew personnel were aboard the ship according to the official information of ukrainian general staff. >> ok, and more broadly, what is the significance of russian ships in that area and ukrainian efforts against them? >> well, actually, ukrainian law
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enforcement and military intelligence managed to sink at least 13 russian naval ships since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and effectively at least 12 naval ships have been damaged. this is a very huge thing and another sign of incompetence of the russian naval command and the inability of thrussian black sea fleet to repel attacks. and it gives an impression that ukrainian naval forces, the ukrainian army is winning this battle in the black sea fleet. so far, we have managed to destroy one third of the russian battleships in the area of the black sea. >> ok, major. stay there if you will. we will talk to you in 20 seconds. i want to ask you about another area of the war. we heard about ukraine's new chief of the armed forces. he sayparts of the front line
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are extremely difficult. this is the general. he visited the east and the northeast. russia has been carrying out offenses in both places. the general called the situation extremely complex and stressful. taras, if we can come back to you, just how difficult is the fighting in those areas? >> the general along with the defense minister made the trip to the area as you said recently. and what the commander of the armed forces said today is it is very complicated and intense. russia continue the so-called assault against the ukrainian armed forces. and according to today, russians
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lost more than 200 tan and armored vehicles during these four months of continuing assaults. so far, what the general said, there would be necessary decisions made within coming days and the ukrainian armed forces will continue their active defense operation in the area. >> but that operation and those operations on the front line, is it the truth that they are very difficult? the supplies are not coming through. there is an expectation of not a lot of supplies coming through at least this year. could we see a stalemate potentially at -- potentially the rest of the year? >> of course, the president mentioned ukraine is dependent on western armament supplies and it seems we have a situation within the united states. we mainly rely upon support of
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our european allies. but also we have plan b. ukraine is producing its own shells at armament and equipment -- and armament equipment so next month will be hard but we are still -- and armament and equipment so the next month will be hard but the ukrainian forces will continue their defense operations on the eastern front. >> thank you very much for coming on the program. thank you. taras: thank you. >> we will turn to nato now and the meeting a few hours ago. the head of nato says he expects half of its -- of its members will beae defense target number this year, a record. at the moment, 11 members spent at least 2% gdp on defense over
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u.k., poland.luding the u.s., 18 countries will be the target by the end of the year but some countries have a way to go. they don't is an alliance that promises to support each other if they are attacked. here is the head of nato responding to trump. >> the purpose of nato is to prevent war and an attack on allies and have done so successfully for decades because it is credible. so any suggestion we are not standing up for each other, that we will not protect each other, that is undermining the security of all of us, increasing risks, so it is important that we both in actions and in words communicate clearly that we stand by nato's commitment to protect and defend all allies. >> we will speak now to christine from the american public policy. thank you for coming on the program. >> thank you for having me.
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>> we have been talking about ukraine. there is clearly a big overlap but we believe ukraine for a moment just to focus on nato and the spending because there is a link with the concern expressed about armaments, countries not having enough supplies themselves, not spending enough. what is the situation? >> so nato members are getting their act together. if you look at the increase in defense spending across nato members, especially those who find themselves to be on the front lines, you have seen a dramatic increase since 2014 when russia attacked crimea in defense spending, at that has consistently increased. now we have the forecast of 13 being about 2% but the high-end is definitely in the threes. you have defense spending and more importantly capability development suspending not simply to make sure there is bureaucracy at work but spending to make sure there are arms,
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that there are well provisioned troops, that it is a war fighting and defense capable alliance. at that is a dramatic transformation. therare some countries that lag behind. there are some countries that are not on the front lines and should be spending a lot more. germany has a lot of need to spend, but also despite a lot of criticism, is stepping up. >> bringing the link to ukraine, is that thinking clearly that nato members increase their spending, increase their supplies, that has a knock -- a knock on effect, and that is a good thing? >> absolutely. the first step right now is to create enough ammunition and to create an industrial base that is going to first and foremost help ukraine. but this is also for europe's long-term strategic interest and
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for its own defense. once ukraine has protected itself, ukraine can also be part of protecting the rest of the alliance so this is the which nato was thinking about the middle east and thinking about out of area operations to going back to his basics of protecting territory and signaling a significant deterrent to adversaries like russia. but increasingly, also north korea and china. >> we just heard in my interview with the spokesperson for the ukrainian forces saying interestingly that they have a plan b, which is ramping up their own supplies. do we have any idea in any kind of context how significant that is, or is the reliance still really on the u.s. and e.u. for support? >> it depends on what kind of operations we are talking about. the first half of the previous segment was about the successful naval operations and the drones
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used the uniquere -- there. ukraine has wretched capability and is on the forefront of understanding how drones can be used in modern warfare and they are using this for strategic and psychological victories as we are seeing now with the ship that was attacd just off of crimea. now the problem is that on land, on the front lines, the russians are playing a numbers game, using all of their past refurbished artillery shells, and creating more, buying them from questionable countries to buy from north korea for example, drones from iran, playing the numbers game on the front lines. for this to be the stalemate that many see it today, there needs to be more coming from the u.s., in particular ammunition and shells, in order to keep the line where it is. and here's -- ukrainians need to maintain their defenses.
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with the increase in military production across the alliance and in ukrainian south, 2025 can be a very different year on land than 2024 b but the high pressure on the united states to pass the bill is to have the ammunition for ukraine now, this year, in the next few months. >> thank you for being on the program. kristine: thank you. >> around the world and across the u.k., this is bbc news. let's focus on other news now. the you from bournemouth -- the conservative representative from bournemouth says the protest outside of his house went too far. dozens of people with banners and flags were there on monday but no arrests were made. violence and abuse rose to 200 incidences a day last year. incidences against staff were up by 50% in september of 2023
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. a consortium criticized the woefully inadequate action taken by the government to address the crisis. liza tarbuck will present a special love songs program in honor of steve wright, who died on sunday night. we are bbc news. next to the israel and gaza war. israel will press ahead with its offensive against hamas despite international warnings. wichman netanyahu says it will happen after civilians are allowed to leave the area. in gaza, a hospital is taking a look at these images verifieby
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the bbc. people leaving the hospital. israel defense forces says its troops were opening up a secure route but it did not intend to evacuate patients and medical staff. this video shows a tank at the hospital. israel cr claims hamas uses this and other hospitals as cover for its operations, a claim denied by staff. we verified this footage coming up now showing a drone. in a separate development, palestinian authority predent mahmoud abbas urged how mass to reach a cease-fire -- purged hamas to reach a cease-fire -- urged hamas to reach a cease-fire agreement.
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more israeli hostages in exchange for palestinian hostages in jail. so far, no breakthrough. >> tonight, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has doubled down and told the israeli people we will fight until complete victory. and that includes powerful action as he put it in the city of rafa after we allow the civilian population to leave the battle zones. those were his words tonight. what he is basically saying or indicating his despite all of these warnings from the united nations, aid agencies, notably from the united states, he is going to pursue this course of action. and that means moving 1.5 million palestinians out of the city so that the israeli military can embark on this big military operation to try and wipe out the remaining hamas fighters.
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of course, fighting continues elsewhere in the gaza strip. there has been a particular focus in a city around the really big medical facility. civilians who sought shelterng there to move. they are being encouraged to evacuate. they are being instructed to evacuate. the israelis saying the patients and doctors don't have to move. all of this makes a bleak backdrop for the negotiations that continue to try to find some sort of cease-fire or a lull in the fighting. they have been taking place in cairo and we hear representatives from hamas will be joining the discussions in the days to come. today, we have also heard from the palestinian president, and he is urging hamas to do a deal very quickly. he says that has to be done, otherwise there will be in his words another catastrophe. >> that was nick. here in the u.k., inflation, the
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rate at which prices are rising, remained unchanged in january at 4% despite a rise in energy bills. figures show that prices are still going up, but it is at the same rate as december. but the price of food fell last month r the first time since september of 2021. our economic correspondent explains. >> from food tissue repairs -- to shoe repairs, they host a range of traders with one thing in common, surviving rather than thriving as costs rise. >> historically, shoe repairs saw an increase, but we have not seen anything. people just don't have the money. >> instead of buying a pound of cheese, they will buy three quarters of a pound of cheese, which is fine, but i would rather have a pound of cheese. >> the customers are struggling
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and not just because of a hike in energy bills in january. >> mortgages, bills, food, everything. everything is getting more expensive. struggling. >> some things are coming down. >> on a general basis, not coming down enough. >> just to be able to go back and be able to afford things. >> many things are still getting more expensive. inflation overall state at 4% in january and that is a relief for policymakers were concerned those energy bills would have pushed it up. but those were offset by heavy discounting in clothes and furniture as retailers slashed prices after disappointing sales in the run-up to christmas. and food prices slipped between december and january, the first such fl into years as ingredients became -- in two years as ingredients became cheaper. inflation should fall below the
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2% target when the energy cap falls back but it is other parts of inflation such as interest rates that are watched closely. services such as restaurant meals and hotel stays, those rose in january while wage growth is easing quite slowly. so they don't want to risk reigniting inflation by cutting rates too soon, leaving more cash in pockets for us to spend. but the banks are also aware of the economy is not blooming. back in warrington, a florist says customers have been finding creative solutions to afford valentine's day treats. >> these are the bestsellers and lily bouquets. a bouquet is the most popular so far th year. >> some of those customers -- for some of those customers, the ultimate delivery would be lower
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interest rates but they may have to wait until the summer. >> going to take you to the u.s., to kansas city. these are live pictures. we are getting disturbing reports. this is from the reuters news agency. multiple people were struck by gunfire in kansas city, missouri, during a super bowl victory parade kansas city chiefs. this is coming from police. the condition of the victims not immediately clear. two armed people were taken into custody. over the last couple hours, we have been reporting very different scenes really from here, kansas city, with the celebrations and the players at the fans out celebrating that remarkable victory in the super bowl watched by millions and millions across the u.s. and around the world. so these were the pictures from a little earlier. you can see there. it is relatively warm weather.
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more people getting out and about. some schools were closed so people were on the streets. a jubilant occasion clearly with the kansas city chiefs winning the super bowl back to back last year and this year. but in the last 20 minutes or so, we have got these live pictures and we are getting these reports from different news agencies quoting the police with these different details. so reports coming in of a shooting at the kansas city victory parade for the american football team, the kansas city chiefs. police say multiple people have been shot near the city's union station. huge were there to attend the parade that huge crowds were there -- huge crowds were there to attend the parade. within the last few minutes, it seems the celebration pictures are now something very different. a news agency confirming that
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two armed people have been detained. that is what the reuters news agency was quoting from police as well. so multiple people hit in this shooting. two armed people detained. and all this close to union station in kansas city, missouri, and was in the vicinity it seems of this parade, this celebration of the kansas city chiefs winning the super bowl back to back. their star quarterback patrick mahomes, travis kelce, the other star player, and his girlfriend taylor swift bringing many more eyes and attention to the kaas city chiefs throughout the season. and many people were out on the streets celebrating that win in the super bowl over the 49ers. but a pretty different turn of events it seems since we have
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been on air with two armed people detained and multiple people hit by these shots. right. let's take a look at what we are getting from social media from the kansas city police. shots have been fired around union station. please leave the area. officers are working to clear union station itself. we will release everyone inside the building once that is complete. we are releasing everyone from inside union station. so shots were fired west of union station near the garage. multiple people were struck. two armed people were taken into custody for more investigation. anyone nearby needs to leave the area quickly. so that update their from the police - there from -- there
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department. two armed people detained at multiple people hit near union station, near the victory parade of the kansas city chiefs after winning the super bowl. we will keep all the details here as we get them. this is bbc news. ♪ narrator: funding for this presentation of this program is provided by... man: bdo. accountants and advisors. narrator: funding was also provided by, the freeman foundation. and by judy and peter blum kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ announcer: "usa today" calls it, "arguably the best bargain in streaming." that's because the free pbs app lets y watch the best of pbs anytime, anywhere.
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♪ ♪ narrator: funding for this presentation of this program is provided by... brook: these are people who are trying to change the world. startups have this energy that energizes me.


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