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tv   BBC News The Context  PBS  March 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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announcer: funding for presentation of this program is provided by... woman: a successful business owner sells his company and restores his father's historic jazz club with his son. a raymond james financial advisor get to know you, life well planned. brook: these are people who are trying to change the world. start-ups have this energy that energizes me. i'm thriving by helping others every day. people who know, know bdo. man: cunard is a proud supporter of public television. on a voyage with cunard, the world awaits. a world of flavor. diverse destinations. and immersive experiences. a world of leisure... and british style. all with cunard's "white-star" service.
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announcer: funding was also provided by, the freeman foundation. and by judy and peter blum kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs. announcer: and now, "bbc news" >> it's 7:00 p.m. in london. this is "the world today." kensington pals confirms the footage taken at windsorover the weekend is of the princess of wales. warnings about the worsening humanitarian crisis in gaza from antony blinken. also, the first person jailed for cyberflashing after it becomes a new offense in england and wales. al, the new james bond, who will play him? we look at the racers and
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runners to become the next 007. hello and welcome to "the world today" on bbc news in recent days there has been growing concern and speculation over how katherine, the brain says of wales is following her abdominal surgery. foot of new foot an shows her walking and smiling with her husband. the images were published just over a week after the princess admitted editing an official portrait of her and her children. today the prince of wales was back at work visiting housing initiatives in sheffield to promote his heless efforts. >> the first pictures of the
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princess of wales since her surgery, out shopping at the weekend with her husband at windsor farm shop. her recovery, it seems is going well, but still, the rumors persist. the safety of a selfie. royal photos has been a tricky issue recently. today prince william was in she have field, trying to shift the focus onto the more serious side of public duty. >> a lot of people just think give people a house and it's all fixed. >> yeah, it's not being taken care of very well outdoors. >> his project to ends homelessness in six areas of the u.k. >> how are you? >> very good. >> very nice to meet you. >> he is one of the most famous people on planet and a lot of people may say well, surely a prince won't care about an issue like homelessness or a lack of
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pathways to housing because he may not have ever experienced it. still understanding that so many are suffering. >> there were challenges faced by young families, an area the princess of wales has worked on, something herb husband mentioned. >> my wife's surgery. at least she's not here to hear this. >> containing all the speculation is impossible for the team around the print and princess of wales. the footage from the farm shop will dampen some of the more outlandish theories but things won't feel anything like normal again until the princess of wales returns to the routine of royal duty after easter. >> the rumors and gossip were off the gentle today, replaced -- aagenda today, replaced programs by relief that
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a regular royal event went smoothly. >> let's speak to steven bates, a former royal correspondent for the guardian and awe nor of the book royal inc. , britain's best known brand. a lot of people are saying this hasn't been handled very well but the royal family's press people, p.r. people. >> i can you can say that. almost anything that happens to the royal family has bear craps attached to it and the original problem of the slightly ma any lated photograph of princess katherine and her children struck me at the time and sense as a pretty minor problem. all royals throughout the centuries have manipulated their
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public images and this was a pretty minor example of that. of course in the age of social media, it sends all sorts of hares running and the absence of sightings of the princess in the last two or three months has led to the rumors. it's actually rather good that she's seen out and about and i'm sure that the pals -- palace wot object to the fact of her and prince william being photographed at the farm shop. >> given all the speculation, given the fact that there was a vacuum, let's say, in terms of information about what the princess was doing from christmas tim now, why do you think the palace or the princess decided to release a photo which clearly had been $ed and then was -- doctored and then was
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killed, so so to speak by the big news organizations. surely that was a mistake. >> yes, it was a mistake but a pretty minor one on the scale of mistakes. i think it bean agencies are ultra quotient and cautious about photographs from bitter experience. i think movement of a slight or a slightly odd positioning of a hand is something a lot of people who photoshop and manipulate their images do all the time. >> but it's a trust issue, surely between the royals and the press and indeed the public and the royals. >> i guess you can call it a trust issue but it's something pretty minor in the overall scale of things and i think the problem where it has arisen has been over the fact that the royals, trying to be more public about what was going on in
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revealing that if princess was going into hospital for an an domal of -- abdominal examination and operation rather gave the game away and you can't as royal help be a little bit open. >> look at these pictures taken by a member of the public at a garden center wednesday. these aren't official. taken by someone from the press. however, kensington palace obviously allow ready "the sun" to publish these pictures. i guess they want to quell in ill further speculation but wh not do it in an official way? why do it this way? it just feels like -- i don't know, it could have been handled better >> well, that's always true. you may know better than i do but i very much doubt a member
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of public sought the permission of buckingham palace. >> no, i assume "the sun" would have asked permission. >> they may have asked about whether this event had occurred but i doubt very much they ask permission from the palace to to publish the photographs in the first place. >> a debate many are having. thank you very much for joining us. the role of social media in spreading conspiracy theories about the princess of wales is key to the whole discussion that's being had. i spoke to our correspondent about all of this. >> anyone who has used social media i'm sure has encountered the questions surrounding the prince of wales. some of it is real but some of it is extreme conspiracy nery.
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in foot an was shared by tmz and the sun newspaper and it showed kate out shopping with prince william. social media went into full drive immediately. >> what were they saying on social media? >> some were saying this was a body double, that it wasn't her. this was false. the algorithm, and computer generators were pushing it to me. i found that there were more than 12 million views on this specific conspiracy theory on x and for than 11 million views around this conspiracy theory on tiktok. that's probably a generous underestimate. i tracked down some of the users as well. they're based all over the world, from germany, australia, the u.s. and here in the u.k.
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too and all of them said to me i can most what i want and i just want to put theories out there and see what people think. they're getting lots of likes, views and followers out of this. i asked the social media companies. tiktok said the social media site doesn't low misleading or harmful content and x didn't respond but they do say in ther guidelines that defending and respecting the user's voice is one of their key values. >> turning our attention to the middle east. the u.s. secretary of state antony blinken has said the entire population of gaza is in need of humanitarian assistance and is suffering from severe levels of acute lack of food. american pressure on israel continues to grew. mr. blinken has urged israel to
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prioritize supplies into gaza. let's listen to some of what mr. >> according to the most respected measure of these things, 100% of the population in gaza is at severe levels of acute food insecurity. that's the first time an entire population has been so classified. we also see, again, according to, in this case, the united nations, 100%, the totally of the population, is in need of humanitarian assistance. >> that was a stark warning from the u.s. secretary of state but benjamin netanyahu saysst no way to destroy hamas and rafah other than by a ground incursion. as talks in qatar continue to pursue a cease-fire deal. >> we, of course, share in this desire to allow an orderly exit
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of the population and provide aid to the civilian population but i made it clear to the president that we're determined to complete the elimination of these battalions in rafah and there's no way to do it other than the ground invasion. >> earlier early got the reaction from our northeast correspondent and our north america correspondent. >> well, israel has consistently claimed that it is hamas that has been disrupting aid efforts on the ground in gaza and has also suggested that the u.n. has failed to district much immediated aid but really all the reports we get from the ground in gaza and all indications are that israel has consistently limited aid deliveries by restricting access points for truck deliveries into gaza and slowing down those few trucks that are getting in with cumbersome checks and turning them around en route. i went to a briefing with the
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head of the palestinian refugee commission, who said for example, in somalia, it has been a result of climate change, failed policies and conflict but now there is an entirely man made created famine in the space of just a few months and the u.n. had been warning about looming hunger. it has happened and if it is officially declared at the end of may, those warnings will have come true that gassens are basically starving toset death. >> those words from anton blinken strongly worded feels like the words from washington towards great are getting stronger and stronger but how far do you think america is potentially willing to go? >> you're right, the words are getting stronger in all sorts of areas, not just on the question of humanitarian aid but also on the question of any incursion
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into rafah. the americans made it very clear they think that's a very bad idea simply because of the number of civilians in an urban area. that's why they've usuallied israel to send a delegation here next week to discuss those plans. we're expecting that at the beginning of next week programs. one things i would say the americans have stopped short of agreeing with is an assessment by one of the officials from the u.n. who said that israel may be using hunger as a weapon of war. >> that's gary o'donoghue and also mark lo albuquerque en from jeers lem. a man has become the first person to be found guilty of a new offense of cyberflashing in was. he pled guilty to sending unsolicited explicit photos to a
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15-year-old girl and a woman in her 60's. >> it's happened to many thousands of women and girls. without warning a photo appears on their phone or their com computer. explicit, shocking and unwanted. and, cyberflashing and these other forms against women and girls has significant and profound impacts to women and girls' cents of safety, sense of well-being. sense of being able to operate in t online world. >> seven weeks ago, sending independents like those became a criminal offense and today at south end crown court, the first person was jailed for cyberflashing. nicolas forks admitted sending picturings of his genitals to a teenage girl and a woman in her 60's. the court heard that nicolas suffered from severe post-traumatic stress disorder after being kidnapped ask
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assaulted some years ago. his attorney said he got no gratification from sending those images. the judge did not september that. >> cybersplashing is a degrading crime. he said today sentence sends a message that such behavior will be severe consequences. many home this conviction will give victims renewed confidence. >> it's so important that the statement shows women and girls that they're on their side, that violence against women and girls is not acceptle, not going to be tolerated. so-called lower-level offenses like cyberflashing actually result in prison sentences for men who seek to dominate and force themselveses in public space on women by sending them indecent images. it's not acceptable. >> this prosecution was straightforward, as nick lass
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hawks pleaded guilty but future cases may be more difficult, as, cork to the law, prosecutors need to show those sending the images intended to cause alarm or distress or dwayne sexual gratification. >> sill to come, we speak exclusive to the president of zambia about the country's economic problems and the role of the g20 to help solve them. and the name is bond. the runners and riders in the rails to become the next 007. around the world and across the u.k. this is "the world today" on "bbc news." ♪
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>> a new chapter in britain's economic history. that's the promise from the chancellor rachel recoveries. she's currently addressing business and finance leaders in
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london. let's listen in. >> to report on the long-term impact of capital spending decisions and as chancellor, i will report on why the measures of public specter assets and lie bits at fiscal events, showing how the health of finance is bolstered by good economic decisions. >> she has underlined during this speech the difficult balance that labor couch to make in terms of impossible trailedoffs, is how she put it when she was interviewed by the bbc a little bit earlier. let's speak to our political correspondent pete who is in westminster. what trailed officer are labor potentially talking about? >> you heard a little bit of a snippet there of a speech i don't think will get many repeat views. it's not about mass appeal.
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it's about speaking to those in the room. lots of financial institutions. and we've had previous great economic aniers speaking at this lecture in years past going back to former chance legislators like conservatives norman lamont, nigel lawson and gordon brown and just a couple of years ago the then-chancellor, now prime minister richie sunak gave in lecture. we've not heard a great deal in terms of new, fresh inside and it's all about setting out -- as an economist she left the universities and went to work for the bank of england for several years and is based on this idea of secure economics. which i don't think is going to get repeated on the doorstep of many voters when we get to the general election but it's the
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idea we need a really safe economy with a safe steward at the helm in order for the economy to grow. i think it's like what the biden administration has done in the united states, investing in the green initiative. they watered down what about they decided on years ago. e question is how are they going to do this without putting up taxes? that is going to be the detective when we get to the general election. but lots of detail from rachel and lots of long words. difficult to follow, to be honest. >> thank you very much, indeed.
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let's take you to haiti next and there seems little the world can do for the moment but watch as the country slides further into anarchy. gangs control much of the capital, port-au-prince. the u.s. is hopeful a transitional council might be able to restore some sort so have order along with the deployment of international troops. the humanitarian need in haiti is also critical. the u.n. has estimated some 3,000 pregnant women are at risk of having to give birth with no maternity care because of the closure of so many hospitals in port awe prince. our correspondent will grant visited the maternity ward of one of the hospitals. >> just a day old, baby woodley's first cries are the same of those for children born everywhere, for food and
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comfort. but as they get older, babies will finds such essentials far from guaranteed in haiti. she tells me she would take her newborn boy out of the country altogether if she ge the chance but she doesn't have the money to three. this doctor says the gang's control of the roads is making it impossible to find enough fuel to keep the lights on, let alone to bring in the drugs and equipment they need. >> as you can see, we have beds and staff but often the patients just can't reach us because of their economic situation or more often than not, their safety. >> for some, it has had terrible consequences. will you weise was 8 1/2 months pregnant when she came into hospital. by then she had dangerously high
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blood pressure and lost the baby. preclampsa is treatable if treated early. she knows her loss was avoidable. >> spokes pressure for humanitarian aid organization said health system in haiti is collapsing. >> the needs today are everywhere. caring for the many people injured in the direct violence, the direct victims but also the indirect vicms, those left without options for health care. the health care system has basically collapsed. there's only one still functioning public hospital but the problem is not just health careacets shutting down. it's increasingly a problem of people not being able to move in the city because of the insecurity, because of the fear of being caught in the crossfire. >> the u.s. secretary of defense lloyd austin has tried to reassure allies about his
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country's commitment to ukraine. the latest u.s. military aid package remains stalled in congress. he was talking to his supporters in ramstein, germany. here's what he said. >> today ukraine's survival is in danger. and america's security is at risk i they don't have a day to waste and we don't have a day to spare either. so i leave here today fully determined to keep u.s. security assistance and ammunition flowing and that's a matter of survival and sovereignty for ukraine and it's a matter of honor and security for america. and make no mistake, putin is watching. the world is watching. and history is watching. >> we'll have plenty more news after this short break here on
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"bbc news." stay with us on the bbc. announcer: funding for presentation of this program is provided by... financial services firm, raymond james. bdo. accountants and advisors. r of public television. announcer: funding was also provided by, the freeman foundation. and by judy and peter blum kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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