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tv   BBC News The Context  PBS  March 22, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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announcer: funding was also provided by, the freeman foundation. and by judy and peter blum kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs. announcer: and now, "bbc news" >> you're watching bbc news. we are bringing you special coverage of an announcement by the princess of wales in which she is she is undergoing preventative treatment for cancer. it comes after she stepped back from public life to take time to recover after undergoing abdominal surgery. catherine says that although it was thought at the time that her condition was non-cancerous, tests have found that cancer had been present. she is in the early stages of preventative chemotherapy. here is her video statement in full. catherine: i wanted to take this
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opportunity to say thank you personally for all the wonderful messages of support and for your understanding whilst i have been recovering from surgery. it has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family, but i have had a fantastic medical team who have taken great care of me, for which i am so grateful. in january i underwent major abdominal surgery in london. at the time he was thought that my condition was noncancerous. the surgery was successful. however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy, and i am now in the early stages of that treatment. this, of course, came as a huge shock, and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. as you can imagine, is has taken time. it has taken me time to recover
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from major surgery in order to start my treatment. but most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte, and louis in a way that is appropriate for them and to reassure them that i am going to be ok. as i've said to them, i am well i'm getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal in my mind, body, and spirits. having william by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance, too, as is the love, suort, and kindness that has been shown by so many of you. it means so much to us both. we hope that you will understand that as family, we now need some time, space, and privacy while i complete my treatment. my work is always brought me a deep sense of joy, and i look forward to being back when i'm able. but for now i must focus on making a full recovery. at this time, i also think of
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all those whose lives have been affected by cancer. for everyone facing this disease in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone. >> a very person note to end that video statement from catherine, princess of wales. that was recorded on wednesday but released within the last hour. let's bring in our royal correspondent sarah campbell. a very personal statement, personal message from catherine. we should also remember king charles undergoing his own cancer treatment, and buckingham issued a statement. sarah: they have indeed. a stark reminder that you have two senior members of the family undergoing a very similar process, similar treatment. this is the statement from buckingham palace, which is saying that the king is so proud of catherine, the statement says, for her courage in speaking as she did.
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of course they spent time in hospital together. she had her operation on the 16th of january. the king was in same hospital for this procedure on an enlarged prostate. they were in at the same time and they knew they had seen each other inside. since then his majesties remained in the closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law throughout the past weeks. both their majesties will offer their love and support to the whole family through this difficult time. st a reminder that these are people. we think of them, they are in this position, but they are fundamentally people this is a father-in-law, this is a daughter-in-law, and this is the mother of three very young children. >> yes, and they have faced incredible scrutiny in recent weeks. lots of speculation about what may be or may not be behind her not being in the public eye. but a reminder of the power of
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going public with a statement like this, and certainly after king charles's statements about the enlarged prostate, that spurred a whole number of people to get medical checks. this may be something similar, too, that people might be more aware taht young people can be for people to cancer, but survival rates are high if caught early enough if you are going to a similar situation, you are not alone. sarah: well, we know, don't we, that one into people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their life. -- one in two people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their life. we have been hearing from members of the health community. the leader of nhs england making that point that catherine coming up and speaking so openly as she has does make it easier for lots of other people, and whether that is going and having a check, because shocking to think
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that someone at the age of 42 could now be going through cancer treatment, but catherine is not alone. there are people dealing with this on a daily basis. will this mean more people get checked? health care professionals are saying this is a positive thing that she is talking about. christian: there will quite clearly -- >> there will quite clearly be a hope that it will end weeks of speculation. from kensington palace, some insight into what we know and what we don't know, and what will remain private. quite clearly it is a private medical matter, but quite a distinction between what they are prepared to talk about publicly and what will not be discussed publicly. sarah: and just to give you some context in terms of how we know what we know, the palace has provided briefing notes, a q&a if you like, which happened back on the beginning of february when the king's cancer die nurses came out, simply because they don't want the wrong information out there, and for
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people to make assumptions. they've made clear what they will give details about and what they won't give details about and they won't give details about what the original abdominal surgery was for. they are not good to be specific about the cancer -- not going to be specific about the cancer that was discovered and why she is having this preventative treatment. there will be lots of questions people will be asking kim even though we are just processing this diagnosis. people will be asking when are we going to see the princess, what they have been seeing for the last six weeks, which has led to this vacuum of information, this social-media frenzy. when will the princess be returning to official duties? the answer is clearly that the princess will return to official duties when she is cleared to do so by her medical team. but she is in good spirits and she is focused on making a full recovery. we have to make the assumption that she is doing what she can to get back, to get outhere,
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as soon as possible. but that is very clearly on medical advice. the important thing at the moment is to be with her children, to be with her husband, and to recover. >> yes, and speaking of her husband, in that statement she said "it has taken us time as a family to expand everything" to their very best to explain everything to their very young children. we have discussed the already, but focuses on the person undergoing the treatment. but prince william in a horrible position, with his father facing cancer treatment and now his wife. sarah: and he has been out and about. they have had this diagnosis, they have known this for some time. we don't know exact when the diagnosis was given. we know that the date we have is that she started this preventative chemotherapy at the end of february. you will remember that the
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social-media frenzy, if you like, really went up a notch when there was a memorial for king constantine of greece, which prince william, who is his godson, pulled out quite near the time of the memorial service. he had been due to give a reading. that made everything ratchet up. now we know why. but they couldn't say that at the time. prince william has been out in the past few weeks. he was in chatfield -- he was in sheffield carrying on his project to end homelessness in certain locations across the u.k., and he has been going about his engagements, he has been going about trying to carry on. i think for the next three weeks, the children are at home, the easter holidays are at home, and this is a time for prince william, for catherine to be on their own and be with their children, now that the news is out there for everybody across the globe to digest and for them
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to just focus on her recovery at home. >> sarah, stay with us i want to remind people that they are seeing on the side of the screen the other major story we are following for you this hour, news that a shooting is underway, or has been underway, very few details at the moment, in moscow. lots of images on social media. we will talk about that some more in just a moment. you can see the qr code if you want further details. the bbcl ive page -- the bbc live pages up and running. we can speak to steve rosenberg, our russia editor. we were speaking just a little while ago about what we know so far, but this is very much an ongoing situation in this moscow concert hall. what can you tell us? steve: very much a developing story. all we know is that this evening
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, shortly before the start of a rock concert, a number of gunmen stormed into the concert hall, crocus city hall, quite a prominent concert venue, and began shooting. we don't know how many gunmen there were or are f some say that at least 4, 5, possibly more. we don't have official figures about casualties come how many people were killed or injured. there have been all kinds of reports on social media. we do know that 70 ambulances were called to the scene, which gives some idea about the concern that the casualty for this could be high after this shooting. the situation is still continuing. the latest information is that a number of special-force groups have gone into the building, stormed the building, and the building is on fire, crocus city hall is on fire. some reports say there is concern that one of the floors could collapse. and concerned that there are
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still people trapped inside. this is very much ongoing situation. the moscow mayor has called this a terrible tragedy. the russian foreign ministry has called it a bloody terrorist attack. all sporting, cultural events, mass public events have been canceled in moscow in light of this, and security has been stepped up at airports and train stations, places like that. some reports suggest that possibly one of the gunmen may have escaped and is being looked for by police. again, chaotic situation, not clear exactly what is happening right now. what is clear is that there are going to be a lot of casualties from this. and certainly a shocking incident in moscow tonight. >> yes, steve, as you were talking to us, a line from the reuters news agency suggesting 21 are now dead.
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as you said, that number chging all the time. we are looking at some of the images that have been posted on social media to give us a sense of what the concert hall looks like and some ofhe chaos in the immediate aftermath. there are a lot of images on social media that we will not show for obvious reasons, they are distressing. but steve, there will be big questions tonight. another line here suggesting that the roof of the concert venue has now collapsed because as you were telling us, that has been on fire. the russian news agency saying more than 100 have been injured in this attack. there will be big questions tonight about how this was able to happen in moscow. steve: yeah, absolutely. how was it that armed men were able to get inside a very prominent venue, quite a famous venue, where you would imagine that security would be tight? i mean, that particular concert
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hall, i think up to 6000 people can fit in. i don't know how many tickets were sold for this particular concert, but potentially several thousand people could have inside at all. --inside that hall. you would've thought that security would be tight especially considering everything that is going on right now. but they got in and started shooting. as i say, although we don't know for sure how many people were killed, the actual official casualty figures, it seems as if the death toll is going to be quite high. >> steve, thank you. we will let you go to find out what further details you can. that is our russia editor steve rosenberg in moscow there. there is a lot of speculation about what exactly is unfolding there in moscow on social media, so let's try and make sense of some of it. just explain what we know , crucially right now, what assumes in situations like
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this there is a lot we don't know. >> as you said this is very much a developing story. or you know thus far is just before the start of the concert in crocus city hall outside moscow, gunmen burst in and started shooting. there are unconfirmed reports that as many as 14 people have been killed with many more injured. people have been filming the dramatic events on their phones and posting them on social media. that me show you what we have been looking at. this video begins as people start leaving the hall, and something appears to have gone very wrong. you certainly hear gunshots and people running--you suddenly hear gunshots and people running. in this video you can see many people in the hall. screens begin to ring out and people begin shouting "close the door." people begin to fall onto the floor hiding behind the chairs. gunshots continue to be heard inside the hall. as you can see, there are scenes of panic and people trying to escape. here's another video we
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verified. this is from outside the hall, and you can see that there is a significant part of the building on fire with smoke, plumes of smoke rising. we see another video from a different angle again showing from the outside of the building, again on fire. witnesses have said that the shooting started in the foyer. we've also seen another video with four gunmen which is too graphic to show you. and if you can see people shooting with several casualty -- in it you can see people shooting with several casualties on the floor. the u.s. embassy in moscow had issued a warning for people to avoid crowded places in the capital city. we have also seen reports of another explosion inside the hall and that some of the gunmen barricaded themselves inside. as i've said, this is a developing news story, and we will verify more footage as we get it. >> grateful for your time. thank you for explaining what we know so far. there is full coverage of course on the bbc new website, with
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the latest lines as we get further details. the reuters news agency just confirming 40 now dead, and more than 100 wounded. that coming to us from a russian news agency. 40 dead after that shooting in a concert hall in moscow. more than 100 wounded. continuing coverage right here, but also if you want it, right now on the bbc news website. but i want to return to the other major story we are following for you this hour, special coverage of that announcement by the princess of wales, in which she said she is undergoing preventative treatment for cancer. this comes after she had stepped back from public life to take time to recover after undergoing abdominal surgery. catherine says that although it was thought at the time that her condition was noncancerous, tests have found that cancer had been present. she is now in the early stages of a course of preventative chemotherapy. here is her video statement in full. catherine: i want to take this
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opportunity say thank you personally for all the wonderful messages of support and for your understanding whilst i have been recovering from surgery. it has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family, but i have had a fantastic medical team who have taken great care of me, for which i'm so grateful. in january, i underwent major dominal surgery in london, and at the time it was thought that my condition was noncancerous. the surgery was successful. however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy, and i am now in the early stages of that treatment. this, of course, came as a huge shock, and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. as you can imagine, this has
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taken time. it has taken me time to recover from a major surgery in order to start my treatment. but most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte, and louis in a way that is appropriate for them, and to reassure them that i am going to be ok. as i've said to them, i am well. i'm getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal in my mind, body, and spirits. having william by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance, too, as is the love, support, and kindness that has been shown by so many you. it means so much to us both. we hope that you will understand that as a family, we now need some time, space, and privacy while i complete my treatment. my work has always brought me a deep sense of joy,w and i look forward to being back when i'm able. but for now i must focus on making a full recovery.
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at this time i am also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer. for everyone facing this disease in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone. >> very personal end to that message from catherine, princess of wales, that was filmed on wednesday but released within the last hour or so. buckingham palace has made a short statement including comments from king charles about the princess of wales, saying that his majesty is so proud of catherine for her courage in speaking as she did, that his majesty remained in the closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law throughout the past weeks. he goes on to say that king charles and queen camilla will continue to offer their love and support to the whole family through this difficult time. let's take you to windsor. our correspondent is helena
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wilkinson. the family just getting used to this news, as all of we are right now, coming is a huge shock. helena: yes, and a norm instructor people across the world. -- an enormous shock for people across the world. the indications we heard were that the princess of wales was making a good recovery following what she has this evening described as major abdominal surgery in january. but following that surgery, which was deemed a success by doctors, it had been plan to surgery, tests were carried out and cancer was found, and we now know that the princess of wales is undertaking course of preventative chemotherapy. it is here in windsor that the family live. the princess of wales, prince william, and their three young children. and they have had some time and taken some time to speak to their three children in the best way that they can.
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we know from catherine's statement that they've been very careful in terms of how they have approach to that, and they wanted to do that privately, away from the glare of the media d the world, and a taken some time to do that. it is at the start of the easter holidays for the couple's three children, and they felt now that it was the best time for them to make or put the news into the public domain about the princess of wales's cancer diagnosis. but it must be incredibly difficult time not just for the princess of wales herself from anyone who receives a cancer diagnosis can it will be a huge shock, and it will take time for her to get used to that. but also for the children as well to try and understand what that means for their mother. they will be wanting to spend time here privately at their home in windsor, of course, over the easter holidays. we of course don't know how long the chemotherapy will last and
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when we will next see the princess of wales carrying out public duties. that has not been made public. she wants at the moment to be able to focus on her treatment, her recovery, and also her family in private. >> helena, there will be a hope that by going public in this way this evening, it will draw a line under the and the speculation we have seen in some parts of the -- endss spec elation we have seen in some parts of the media and certainly online. helena: yes, and often at times absolutely wild speculation about the princess of wales's health, which has gone on for the last couple of months or so since she had that surge at the hospital, the london clinic, in january. some people had been speculating wildly about her health. there was a picture that was released by the princess of wales on mothering sunday with her three children, and what followed was her admitting to
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editing some of that picture. it then lead to even more speculation after that. it is hoped given how serious the diagnosis is in terms of that it is a cancer diagnosis, even though kensington palace say that she will make a full recovery, it is a very difficult time for the family, and so yes, absolutely, it is hoped that all of that speculation will now go away and catherine will be able to, as i say, have that treatment that she has already started the chemotherapy and the recovery that will follow that to be able to do that in private. >> yes, and helena, of course this coming after the king himself undergoing cancer treatment. a rare situation in which two senior royals are, to put it bluntly, out of action whilst undergoing this treatment. helena: yes, exactly.
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the king also is having treatment for his cancer diagnosis. he was treated for an enlarged prostate at the same hospital where the princess of wales was being treated. just to repeat that statement we have had from the buckingha palace this evening, from the king, which says that the king is so proud of catherine for her courage in speaking as she did and remains in the closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law. that is from buckingham palace. and a statement from the king. >> good to have you there in windsor for us. helena wilkinson live from windsor. want to take you to the other story we are following for you. this is the scene, recent pictures in moscow. we have been telling you there are a significant number of deaths and injuries reported from a gun attack at a concert hall near moscow. reports of at least four people
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dressed in camouflage opened fire at the crocus city hall. there social media, some of it very distressing. now russia's foreign ministry has described the incident as a terror attack. announcer: funding for presentation of this program is provided by... financial services firm, raymond james. bdo. accountants and advisors. cunard is a proud supporter of public television. announcer: funding was also provided by, the freeman foundation. and by judy and peter blum kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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