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tv   BBC News The Context  PBS  July 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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announcer: funding for presentation of this program is provided by... woman: a law partner rediscovers her grandmother's artistry and creates a trust to keep the craft alive. a raymond james financial advisor gets to know you, your passions and the way you enrich your community. life well planned. announcer: funding was a, the freeman foundation. and by judy and peter blum kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs. announcer: and now, "bbc news" . i'm christian fraser. . you're watching the context. >> this campaign is not just
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about us versus donald trump. this campaign is about who we fight for. >> now that the process has played out from the grassroots bottom up, we are here today to throw our support behind vice president kamala harris. [applause] i'm clapping. you don't have to. >> she will fight for our freedom. she will fight for our families. she will fight for our future. i'm proud to struggling endorse, harris. ♪ >> harris writing always of newfound optimism in the democratic party. in her first rally in milwaukee, she promised there was no going back. we will bring you the highlights
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and reaction to it. tonight, benjamin netanyahu arrives in washington ahead of his speech tomorrow to the u.s. congress. the vice president will meet with the israeli prime minister but has informed the senate she will not provide -- preside over the session. emmanuel macron has called for a political truce as paris prepares to open the olympic games. the conservative party is looking for someone to unify their party. the nominations to be leader open tomorrow. we take a look at the long list of hopefuls. good evening. perhaps it's a sign of how far democrats had slipped this past month that kamala harris opted for milwaukee as the city to launch her presidential campaign. wisconsin voted for biden four years ago. since june, polls suggested is moving toward drug. that was before the extra neri events of the past 48 hours.
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harris has secured the support of enough democratic delegates to become the party nominee. she now has the endorsement of the two top democrats on capitol hill, chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries. all the democratic governors and the former house speaker nancy pelosi. they've had their best 24 hours of grassroots fundraising of any campaign in history. over $100 million donated in just two days. the campaign says kamala harris is for the middle class of america. >> do we want to live in a country of freedom? compassion? rule of law? or a country of chaos, fear, and hate? and here's the beauty of this moment. we each have the power to answer that question. the power is with the people.
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we each have the power to answer that question. and in the next 105 days, then we have work to do. we have doors to knock on. we have voters to register.. we have an election to win. christian: officially kicking off her campaign for president. joining me to discuss it all, the former chief of staff to president joe biden. angela wright, head of political advocacy firm impact strategies, the narrator of the congressional black caucus. let me start with you angela riot. goodness me. you could feel the excitement, almost relief in wisconsin. a real energy to that first appearance. >> yeah. i definitely think that's true. i can't use a better word than
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relief. i was relieved when joe biden announced that he thought it would be in the best interest of the country, the party, for himself to step aside and clear the way for kamala harris. i was relieved that he honored his commitment to her that he made four years ago, to ensure that she would have the oppounity to carry on the legacy of the party and what would be best for the battle of the soul of the nation as he named his campaign in 2020. to see him step aside in such a marvelous way cements his legacy. the type of leader he wants to be remembered by peer get there was a lot of pushback about who joe biden was in the late 80's and early 90's. we heard it over and over again. the fulfillment of what he wanted to become, the transformation you saw in real time. the ways in which he pushback against police immunity. donald trump is touting immunity
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for police and himself. it demonstrates the kind of leadership he wants to be remembered by. there's the rest of this term to be fulfilled. he can continue on that legacy there. for kamala harris, to say this is what i'm going to do, i'm going to secure the nomination and raise the type of money that she raised in a 12 hour from small donors was reminiscent of what so many of us felt in 2008 with president obama. the difference is that then we can concentrate on hope and change and optimism that came along with that ticket. now we have to focus on winning political war. this is not your run-of-the-mill campaign. it's not just for the soul of america but it's a war for protecting and preserving the type of democracy that was enshrined in those documents. christian: no going back was the message today. susan flat, i know you formally worked for joe biden.
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the split screen moment of him on his way back from delaware, recovered from covid. and what we saw there in wisconsin. it really does speak to that relief that angela is talking about. there's just a whole different feel around the campaign. that's no detriment to joe biden. she's younger, energized. it was a spirited first speech. >> no doubt the last few weeks have been tumultuous to say the least area for everyone in our country. for joe biden and for those of us who love him and care about him and have worked for him. i just got done watching kamala harris give a barnburner of a speech. i know that most democrats believe in helping the middle class, moving forward, passing the torch which joe biden has gracefully done. he will be, he is a transfortional president.
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he will lay out for us tomorrow night on what he intends to do to complete his term, to pass the torch to kamala harris. as kamala harris said, she knows donald trump's type. she's prosecuted predators, fraudsters, cheaters. do we want to go back to the chaos of those years? do we want to go forward for a future expanding opportunities for more of us? we will see. it will be a close election. i think we will be victorious. i haven't felt this kind of energy in our party in a long time. christian: i do want to talk about the moment yesterday in wilmington. it was notable that joe biden called into the campaign headquarters. from what he said in that exchange, it's clear that he intends to campaign alongside her. have a listen. >> they truly are like family to us. [applause] >> it's mutual. [laughter] >> i knew you were still there.
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you are not going anywhere joe. >> not quite yet. i'm watching you kid. i love you. >> i love you joe. [applause] christian: clearly the republicans are going to come after her on joe biden's record. they will try to attack her for his record and particularly his record on the border and immigration. how much does she need to plow her ronan farrow away from the president? would you advise that she stands alongside him on this campaign? wasn't that a wonderful moment -- >> wasn't that a wonderful moment? you see the care and consideration that these two have for each other. to talk about the way donald trump and j.d. vance has gone after her personally. you talk about the issue of the border. there was a deal that was worked out with the white house, with kamala harris and the leadership in the house. both democrats and republicans. donald trump killed the deal. why?
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not because he wanted to solve a problem. because he wanted to campaign on it. it was a political measure. i think we have the ability to solve these things. they can try to hit her. they will hit on her with personal attacks. it's what they've been doing. go ahead. as a prosecutor, she will do a job prosecuting our case against them. christian: we've heard in the last few minutes that donald trump does want to debate kamala harris. he said he would like to debate her more than months -- once. that's interesting. we don't know the state of the polls yet. if it was a tight race, i could see the wisdom from former president trump's perspective. it might be dangerous to take on a former prosecutor in that sort of setting. >> it absolutely will be dangerous. as joe biden said in his initial challenge to donald trump, when he wanted to debate him he said, make my day pal. boy will it make our day to see donald trump going up against
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someone who probably has the most solid closing argument for why this man should never see the inside of the oval office again. i would venture to say that this isn't just something -- a desire of half the american people. closer to a majority. a lot of folks overseas want to see the same thing. a lot of misinformation out here about what donald trump actually did in his four-year term. a lot of in -- misinformation about what he did as the head of the trump organization. christian: do you feel that's not been properly prosecuted? it certainly wasn't in the first debate that joe biden to pardon. >> certainly. there has been a trial where he was found guilty. at least some part of it was prosecuted. it would be remarkable to see someone stand toto with donald trump and take him on. all 88 indictments. the rest of the things that he's
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not prosecuted for come the things that the supreme court said he can't be prosecuted for. the american people will make a decision about whether his guilt or innocence should provide an opportunity for him to serve in the white house. christian: we will talplenty more about that first appearance. kamala harris speaking in the last hour in wisconsin. breaking news to bring you before we get to the break. -- has announced that hwill be running to succeed richie sunak as the leader of the party. formal nominations will open tomorrow. james cleverly saying he will be putting his name forward as a future leader of the party. we will talk about that over the course of the next half hour. around the world and across the u.k., you are watching bbc news.
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let's take a look at some of the stories here in the u.k. today. keir starmer has faced his first bell -- rebellion since dispelling seven labor mp's. the bbc understands they are being removed from the party in part for a. of time. it's likely that will be months rather than permanently. the seven labor mp's rebelled to support the s&p lead amendment to t king speech, calling to the division list released on tuesday evening. they are john mcdonald, richard bergen, rebecca long bailey, and ron has same, and zara saldana. more than 40 labor mp's reported no vote with some of those listed spotted in the chamber throughout the day while others will have had permison to miss the vote. the house of commons voted 363 to 103.
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that was a majority of 260. the count was introduced by george osborne. you are watching bbc news. monday, kimberly cheadle told a congressional committee she was still the best person to lead the secret service. this afternoon, she resigned, bowing inevitably to the pressure she's been facing since the attempted assassination of donald trump. in her opening statement, she acknowledged the agency had failed. >> the secret service mission is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13, we failed. as the director of the united states secret service, i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. christian: one moment, the director confessed that they had been alerted to assistances just individual -- a suspicious
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individual before the government open fire. there's an ongoing investigation into what went wrong but this particular exchange in the hearing reminded us how close they came to disaster. >> i've never had any long gun trainingn my life. i own an ar-15. i shot it one time my whole life , six years ago. that is until saturday when we re-created the events. i was lying prone on a sloped roof at 130 yards at 6:30 at night. i knew we had a scope. i didn't know what kind. i shot eight rounds from both. you know what the result was? 15 out of 16 kyl shots. the one i missed would have hit the presidency or. -- president's ear. that shooter was a better shot than me. it's a miracle president wasn't killed. christian: a republican state senator in virginia, close ally to donald trump, and is with us live. good evening to you.
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thank you for coming on the program. there had been bipartisan calls for her to step down. your reaction to her resignation? >> i think she should have stepped down her first hearing. she closed the door. one speak to congress. you know, she was another one of bidens appointments. that's where we are lacking. if you talk to agents in the field they will tell you, they were denied several times from this director. i think it's fitting that she resigned. now we have to move forward and figure out what's going on. they have made some progress. they put some more folks on the presidentsetail. the president also has a threat from iran as well. people are starting to take these things seriously. what happened on that saturday day should have never happened. it just shouldn't have happened. total lapse of continuity of the way the secret service works. christian: does the buck stopped
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with her as far as you're concerned? >> i don't know. the investigation will have to continue. it's not just her. it's the people underneath her. what level did the incident happen? if you talk to the street agents out there every day, they can tell you what they needed. i think the investigation will reveal that. i'm curious to see who they will put up now though. christian: i want to talk to you about the race. vice president kamala harris looks to have secured the nomination. there's a peace that everyone has been talking about. it really refers to this concern that there was in with republican circles that if joe biden stepped aside, then the democratic party machinery would get its act together. that's what they were most concerned about. do you think what they witnessed in the last 48 hours, the record fundraising, the excitement within the democratic be, is
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that cause for concern for you and your party? >> certainly we are concerned about who the candidate is going to be. it looks like the democrat will choose kamala harris. when you look at her, she's been the borders are ever since. we have almost 10 million by the end of the year into the united states. that doesn't tell me she's doing a great job at that. if i was the democrats, i would take it a step farther. i'd ask him to resign if they were smart, maker presiden she's the one pulling the strings at this point with the president in his absence. i wouldn't be surprised to see this president resign. christian: it's a pivotal week for joe biden. he said he will make comments about his decision to stand aside tomorrow. and then he needs prime minister netanyahu on thursday. he seems to be back at the white
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house, ready to begin business. e you not reassured that he is fit and proper to do the job? >> no. not at all. the only reason -- if he was, why would they be replacing him? why would he be stepping down? that's the truth. everyone can see it. his cognitive and abilities on the way to alzheimer's. that was the big lie from the left the whole time. people saw him degrading slowly but slowly. they covered up and then the debate happened. then the saw, we can't win with this. the american people know we are exposed and we've been lying about his mental health condition this whole time. not once have they addressed that he has cognitive and abilities. they are just replacing him. those same inabilities keep him from running for office. shouldn't it keep him from being president? christian: let me put that to our democratic pal -- panel if i could. how would you answer that?
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it's going to be a criticism and an attack line for the republicans, that kamala harris knew about the situation around the president, new that he wasn't fit to carry the campaign. why is he fit to stay in office? >> what we just heard is just reckless talk. just reckless talk. conspiracy theory, one after another. he had a bad night. he was sick at the debate. you saw him perform at his press conference after the nato summit. i challenge many people to be able to answer the questions on foreign in such detail and expertise that he did after that. clearly he's mentally there. this reckless disregard for the truth has got to stop at some point from these republicans. christian: angela, let's just take what the senator says at face value and talk about putting kamala harris into the
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job. is that something that might've been discussed? why wouldn't she take the job if she's running to be the commander-in-chief after november? >> let me just do this first. it's hard for me to respect what somebody is saying when they can't even produce -- pronounce her name right. kamala harris. given the fact that she is the vice president of this country, he certainly should put some respect on her name. now he went in talki about -- i have to do this. in some instances, journalists don't believe in fact checking. i do. it's important that we report the news as is. he talked about 10 million border crossings. he has inflated that number almost three times. it's been 2.4 million border crossings. he didn't recognize the fact that border crossings have decreased by 32% in june in texas. if she is the border czar, she's
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doing her work. there hasn't been any conversation whatsoever about joe biden stepping down early. he's made his intentions clear to finish out his term. i think kamala harris doesn't need for that to happen. e can run a fair campout -- campaign as prosecutor in chief. as many of us hope, commander-in-chief. she will be able to fulfill that role. christian: there's a lot there. how would you respond? >> she didn't answer your question. do they think joe biden has cognitive impairments? >> that was not the question. you are making the question. that was not the question. which she fulfill and finish his term? i answered that question. you just don't like the answer. christian: let's get the senators reaction. >> let's talk reality. let's talk with the world is today. if you look at israel since
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everything has been happening in the democrat party, since we've had this situation where they want to replace the president as their nominee and go against all the voters who ved for him to be that, that is his prerogative. certainly he can do that. israel is getting more missile strikes and attacks from hezbollah. you have china now looking at encroaching on taiwan and the south china sea. looking at developing an island to see how the u.s. will respond to that. the world is in a different place since joe biden and vice president harris have announced this. christian: he's meeting prime minister netanyahu. he was at the nato summit last week. it's plainly obvious that he is sending the secretary of state off to try to get the cease-fire agreement. he's been working tirelessly to get it. which bits of this to you not think the commander-in-chief is overseeing? >> what i'm talking about quite frankly is, look at the rate to
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which the israelis are getting missile strikes from hezbollah, basically the proxy for a ron. -- iran. what are we doing to help the israelis fix that situation, besides trying to ask for a cease-fire? they are trying to prosecute the war and get rid of hamas. christian: the americans have troops on standby in that region and they are supplying weapons. what about the accusation that you are inflating the figures coming across the border? it's closer to 2.4. >> 7.8 has actually crossed. 1.5 got away. you can look that up. >> he already changed his numbers. >> go look it up. >> you go look it up. christian: these are all different numbers being bandied around. >> i don't change the math. the numbers are the numbers. christian: your math -- >> your math has changed in this segment sir. i will just give you this. >> 7.8 plus 1.5 getaway.
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9 million. almost another more million. christian: is nine and 10 the same? christian: let me just take you back to what's happening on this campaign if i could. i am interested in virginia. it's a state that joe biden carry. the polling suggests it's back in play. does the decision of the last 48 hours change the dynamic in virginia? >> it possibly could. you know, she's a millennial. not a millennial. generation x. that will bring a different dynamic. she's a female. i think that will be a lot different. when people were looking at joe biden, they looked at an older gentleman who has cognitive impairment. christian: the you think you have that focus on your candidate as well? >> not at all. if you looat the way trump
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reacted when he got shot in the head. he got up. he had his wherewithal after getting wounded. he is sharp as attack. -- atac. >> have you listened to him talk all the way through speech? >> yes. >> he talks about hannibal lector. he talks about getting electrocuted by sharks. it's ridiculous. i happen to live in virginia. i will tell you, virginia will come in big. we have a great senator who was running for reelection in tim kaine. there candidate -- christian: we are running out of time. i could go on with this for another half hour. really interesting. announcer: funding for presentation of this program is provided by... financial services firm, raymond jame announcer: funding was also provided by, the freeman foundation. and by judy and peter blum kovler foundation,
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