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tv   BBC News America  PBS  August 9, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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is provided by... woman: a successful business owner sells his company and restores his father's historic jazz club with his son. a raymond james financia advisor get to know you, your passions, and the way you bring people together. life well planned. announcer: funding was also provided by, the freeman foundation. and by judy and peter blum kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs. announcer: and now, "bbc news" >> i'm caitríona perry in washington and this is bbc world news america. a commercial plane crashed in sao paulo state in brazil killing all 61 people on board. russia sends reinforcements to the kursk region to try to deter
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an ongoing incursion by ukrainian troops. israel says it killed a hamas commander in an airstrike in the lebanese city of said on. >> hello and welcome to world news america. we begin with devastating scenes in brazil. in são paulo i played crash killed all 61 people on board. the final pictures leading to the moment of the crash are distressing. footage on social media shows the aircraft spiraling out of control. the plane was en route to the main airport of sao paulo city when it came down in a residential area. authorities report nobody on the ground was injured.
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authorities described the terrifying moment. >> i thought it would fall in our yard. it was scary. thank god there were no victims among the locals. the 62 people in the plane with the real victims, though. >> following news of the crash the brazilian president paid tribute to the victims with a moment of silent at an event where he was speaking. emergency services are on the scene of the crash and firefighters military police are being dispatched and the governor is heading to the crash site. let's get the latest with our south american correspondent. what do we know about what happened? >> a lot is clear from the footage we have seen of the plane spiraling out of control.
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it was a plane completely out of control. there was no attempt at any kind of controlled crash landing. falling out of the sky with its final moments documented in this country side of town where it crashed and a big cloud of black smoke and flames erupted. tragically, all 57 passengers and four crew members on board were killed according to the airline and local authorities. the names of the passengers has thus been -- just been released in the last couple moments. at the moment there are no reports of fatalities or injuries around the area where the plane went down, a residential area. one of the homes in the residential complex seems damaged. but so far there is no sign of anybody injured or killed. out what exactly went wrong in the case. the brazilian air force has said it was flying normally and
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minutes after it received its last normal signal it did not receive any kind of signal as it was trying to approach the são paulo international airport and there are no records about whether, with communication being lost entirely around 22 minutes past 1:00 local time. there are still questions about what exactly went wrong for the families and friends of those that have tragically died in the accident. >> as you have said and we can see from the picture the plane crashed into a very residential area. how are authorities handling and dealing with this at the moment? >> well, dozens and dozens of emergency responders, firefighters, ambulances, and police have been drawn to the scene to attend to what has happened. we can see from the pictures widespread damage and destruction around the immediate area where the plane has crashed.
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going down in flames and smoke. the remnants of the plane can be seen in some of the footage that has been shot by eyewitnesses on the ground and we are still waiting for updates from emergency services at the moment. all they have confirmed is all those on board were killed. but, nobody in the area was affected. eyewitnesses that were shaken by what they have seen. some feel lucky to be alive. in very close proximity to where the plane went down. clearly there is a significant damage to the plane itself. there are already investigations underway to try to establish what happened. and also try to recover some of the people that were on board the flight. >>ione wells thank you for that. it's day four of what has been called the most significant ukrainian attack and to russian territory since the start of the war in ukraine. the surprise ukrainian cross-border incursion into the
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kursk region began tuesday. now reports suggest ukrainian troops are more than six kilometers, 10 miles come into russian territory. russia is continuing to repel activity in the area. the united nations nuclear agency urged both sides to exercise maximum restraint as fighting draws closer to the kursk nuclear power plant. ukraine launched a drone attack on a russian airbase north of kursk friday. volodymyr zelenskyy says russia needs to fill the consequences of its invasion. the u.s. continues to support ukraine in its recent campaign and announced a $125 million aid package including air defense and artillery shells. our editor steve rosenberg has been assessing moscow's reaction to the incursion and send this report. >> it's an astonishing site. russian jets scrambling to bomb
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russian territory. they are targeting ukrainian troops who have attacked in large numbs across the border. it came out of nowhere. the ukrainian assaults on russia's kursk region began tuesday and suddenly russia's war had come much closer to home. this drone footage from the ukrainian military unit is purported to show russian soldiers surrendering. several villages were seized. in the border town of sudzha residents reported this video appealed to vladimir putin: on the criminal leader for help. the chief of the general staff says everything is under control. the man says, but, there are big battles going on around here. president putin met his security chiefs to discuss the battle against terrorism: the ukrainian attack of provocation. but not an invasion.
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perhaps, to downplay it. the kremlin trying to keep calm and carry on. for the last two .5 years the message from the kremlin has been the special military operation, russia's war in ukraine has been going according to plan. this week's extraordinary events in southern russia suggest otherwise. even one of russia's program the newspapers admitted today the ukrainian assaults represented a strong move by president zelenskyy and that it was having painful consequences for russia. >> it is unclear how many ukrainian soldiers attacked and how they got through. >> what happened? there was no border patrol? how could thousands of thousands of troops get through? these questions will be asked. we know that putin is very good at deflecting attention from his mistakes or russia's mistakes into something else and that is
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what i think we will see in the near future. >> now, russia is bringing in reinforcemen to the kursk region. military chiefs promised their presidents they restore control. steve rosenberg bbc news moscow. >> russian forces launched a missile attack in a city in ukraine's eastern donetsk region killing at least 40 people. at least 43 others were injured in a strike close to another town in donetsk that russia has been trying to capture. video of this aftermath shows residential buildings, shops command damage caused -- damage to cars. rescuers are searching for survivors. our ukrainian correspondent james waterhouse follows the attack from kyiv. >> in this part of ukraine russia is advancing. and with every mile they go the more common strikes like this
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become. once again, a missile hits a hub of civilization, a supermarket where people are duly -- doing their daily or weekly shopping. we are still searching the area says this police officer. we are trying to find out if anybody else can still be under the rubble, anyone. >> russia always knows where it hits with its missiles and this is deliberate, targeted russian terror. >> seems like this have been replicated bore. in times of a full-scale invasion it's not clear if it is a response to ukraine's cross-border assault. here it is hoped a counteroffensive like no other might bring respite. but that is hard to come by when this is the reality. >> joining me to discuss these developments is the former u.s. special envoy to ukraine and the former u.s. ambassador tomato. thanks for joining us.
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ukraine is continuing and incursion into kursk. how significant is this move, this counteroffensive? >> it is significant. the most important thing is it disrupts vladimir putin's narrative as your reporter earlier said. he was trying to say his war on the russian people was not significant. that it a special military operation. that's not the case. if ukraine is able to penetrate inside pressure and seize territory. so it is bringing the war he to the russian people in a way that has not been done before. that is significant. and it is significant for demonstrating to the west that ukraine is still very capable and it should not just to be pushed into negotiations to give up, that it has the ability to fight and recover territory. >> do you think that the selection of kursk in particular
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was strategic? it seems to have surprised everyone. >> there are several things. one is russian forces had amassed a there earlier to threaten to open a new front in northern ukraine. ukraine flipped that on its head by attacking there now forcing russian forces to pull forces away from the front lines in southern and eastern ukraine to reinforce in southern russia. ukraine has turned that on its head. as you may remember, russ you -- russia has all that occupied the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant for some time. they booby-trapped it and threatened nuclear detonation. this is also getting close to a russian nuclear power plant and that is significant. it takes some of the pressure off the fighting around kharkiv, ukraine's second largest city, potentially facing a very difficult winter. >> you mentioned this does not fit with the vladimir putin narrative of how the war in ukraine has been going so far
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within russia, on russian what kind of response might we expect from president putin to this? >> more of the same. it is not as if putin has held back the last two years. he has thrown everything he has at the board trying to destroy and defeat ukraine and has not been able to do that. what we saw on the most recent report, a few rockets, drums every night hitting ukrainian cities if they can, but that it's about all putin is able to do. >> from a ukrainian perspective how sustainable is the counteroffensive? weapons have now arrived from nato partners, from the u.s. and we also hear president zelenskyy talking frequently about a shortage of troops. >> it will be difficult for them to sustain over a long period of time. maybe it's not as important as the symbol that they were able to do this. they were justified in doing it.
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they have exposed to the lies putin has told his own population. >> what you see the conflict going next? are we still a ways off from the end of the war? >> we e. i don't think you will see any progress towards the end of the war until after the u.s. presidential election. putin wants to see how that goes and then judge what the policies of the next administration will be before making further decisions. you are seeing some things turn in ukraine's favor now. the weapons and ammunition's have arrived. they are getting deeper into russian territory, oil depots, refineries, air. they have hit a lot of air defenses specifically in crimea and now they are doing a better job of putting pressure on russian forces at a greater and greater distance. this is something vladimir putin will have to take into account that will probably reflect his calculations about how he sees
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this coming to a close sometime next year. >> thank you for joining us colts -- kurt volker. israel says it launched a deadly ra targeting a member of hamas in lebanon fueling wars of a wider conflict. the israeli military confirmed friday it killed a senior hamas official in the lebanese city of sidon amid heightened tension in the region after iran filed response against his real after the death of ismail haniyeh last week. israel agreed to send a delegate to a new round of talks next week on a possible cease-fire deal with abbas -- hamas that would potentially see hostages released. hamas has not responded. the united nations agency for palestinian refugees said 60,000-70,000 people have been
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forced to flee from gaza's southern city of khan yunis since thursday. al humanitarian zone is overcrowded with displaced families from across gaza and is the target of israeli strikes, most likely -- recently in july when palestinians were killed in a displacement camp where israel said they were targeting the hamas military chief behind the october 7 attacks. the chief humanitarian officer at care is in central gaza. i spoke to her. tell us what the situation is like today? >> the situation is like nothing we have ever seen before as humanitarians. yesterday we were driving through the evacuation order where people in eastern khan
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yunis were asked to evacuate at a very short eunice one more time. it was almost surreal and absolutely heartbreaking. hundreds of people walking with whatever thehad on plastic bags, garbage bags. sometimes, i looked at a family and was like, something isn't quite right. why is this dad walking with three children? why is the mom? is she here, or already gone? i remember seeing a girl maybe two and a half years old walking with a baby carrier. elderly people, disabled pill -- people. small children carrying much more than they should have been, with no shoes. shoes are not in supply. the weather was so hard, so hot. everybody was sweating. i looked at the faces of the children. they weren't able to open their
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eyes because the sun was so strong. as if it was a flower left out and it open without any water to protect it the sun. i kept thinking, when did they last eat? where will they sleep tonight? how many times have they done this before? when they go to sleep? -- when they go to sleep, what will be the last imagery in front of their eyes? there was an absolute sense of exhaustion, fatigue, and hopelessness. the humanitarian needs are massive. as a humanitarian this is not the first conflict i have seen, but absolutely, it is one of the greatest. >> speaking in the evacuation order that came for khan yunis where are people able to move to? >> where are people able to move to? absolutely. this question was on everybody's lips. like, they are asking us to
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evacuate, but to wear? mostly people are setting up tents in formal or informal temporary shelters, like groups of people. we saw some of them today. one was what they call a formal shelter with about a hundred 50 families. another one had a 600-700 tents and was usually overcrowded. we drove a bit and walked a bit along the coastline. the entire coastline maybe 10-15 kilometers it was rows and rows of plastic tents. at the beach by the sea the weather is very hot and humid. a lot of people have said it's practically impossible to be in the tent during the day. we have heard about children getting skin disease because of the heat and humidity and the sand and no ability to get any treatment or even to wash properly. people are in hugely crowded
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conditions. and the incinerators aren't working, so garbage is a huge issue. and, of course the frequency and diversity of the diet that people have is extremely limited, extremely limited. people are restricted in a very small area, sometimes called a humanitarian zone. but, it's are protected. it's not safe from attack. and it doesn't have the required humanitarian services within it. i met a family today that has evacuated 21 times. there was a baby that was six months old. that means when they started evacuating the lady was pregnant. they had two twin girls. d a six-month-old baby. and they were living in a strict -- in a destroyed building. it looked so dangerous, like it could fall at any moment. they had very limited belongings. the little girl, the twins sat
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in the corner holding onto their mickey mouse. they said, in l these evacuations the child has not been able to leave her toy. this is one of many stories. >> speaking of safety we have heard reports today, yesterday and for many days now schools that are doubling as shelters and houses, residential areas being struck. have you seen that? >> i have seen it in abundance. the amount of rubble and destroyed buildings, it's hard to imagine if you aren't here. we were in gra a city today whee the destruction was mind-boggling. people pointed out destroyed buildings saying they believe there were bodies there by no means to bring them back. you can hear it. in our house here can feel the impact. >> fewer than 90 days remain
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until the u.s. presidential election. both kamala harris and donald trump are out rallying voters. vice president harris is campaigning in arizona. it's a critical battleground state. former president donald trump is set to campaign in montana where a key senate seat is up for grabs. the events come after the candidates agreed on the details for their first debate on the 10th of september. the white house says it shared intelligence with austria to thwart planned attacks on taylor swift now canceled concerts in vienna. at the austrian interior minister confirmed a third arrest in connection with the attack o an 18-year-old iraqi citizen per the plot was inspired by the -- islamic state group and al qaeda. bethany bell has reaction from vienna. >> austria's interior minister says a third person has been
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arrested in connection with the planned attacks on the taylor swift concerts in vienna. he's an 18-year-old iraqi citizen understood to be an acquaintance of the main suspect in the planned attacks. the 19-year-old austrian citizen was arrested in a town just south of vienna wednesday . a 17-year-old austrian citizen has also been arrested. there is widespread shock here in austria that an attack like this was being considered. meanwhile, the city of vienna is full of disappointed taylor swift fans. the city has been trying to lay on compensations for them. a number of museums in the city have offered them free entry incling the strauss museum. as well as set, a number of restaurants and cafés are
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offering people with tickets discounts and in general, people are saying to me that the fans say they are very disappointed, but they do understand that has to come first. >> japan's prime minister fumio kishida canceled a planned trip to central asia after scientists warned the country needed to prepare for a possible major earthquake. following a 7.1 magnitude tremor of the country's southern coach thursday, japan issued its first ever mega earth kirk -- earthquake warning. residents living in a highly populated region that faces a highly active trough have been told to be on alert. huge earthquakes occur between every 90-100 years normally accompanied by tsunamis. let's return to breaking news. from brazil, a plane with 61 people on board crashed in são paulo brazil. these are the latest pictures
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from the crash site. the fight was was traveling to são paulo's international airport. a video posted on social media appear to show it plunging to the ground followed by a large cloud of smoke. i witnesses said it crashed into a house as it came down. so far, there are no reports of anyone on the ground being harmed. i will keep you up-to-date with that story on that is it announcer: funding for presentation of this program is provided by... financial services firm, raymond james. announr: funding was also provided by, the freeman foundation. and by judy and peter blum kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for amera's neglected needs. ♪ ♪
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