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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  December 3, 2023 7:00am-10:01am PST

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fit. what? steven? some people just know. well played. well played, my friend. those are the people who know you're in good hands with allstate. jack: thanks for joining me on today's adventure. those are the people who know you're in good hands from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna, hoping you'll come along next time as we go "into the wild." >> now the kron 4 morning news police in richmond have arrested a pastor suspected of kidnapping and molesting children. why there could be more victims and hundreds of people rallied outside san
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francisco city hall demanding a permanent cease-fire in gaza. plus, thousands of cal state university faculty are preparing to strike next week for a pay with pay raise. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday december. the 3rd. let's get you started with a look at the weather with dave sphar heyday. hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and the little bit of drizzle is working its magic again today to pro quickly, the radar here not a whole lot to see. you know, it's that patchy drizzle scenario a little bit of what we had from yesterday. but as we look at the cloud pattern that we're going to get for today, it looks like this will be clearing out to areas like in the south and the east bay, although we may not look that way, you'll probably see a little bit more in the way of sun. meanwhile, up in the north bay looks to be mostly cloudy. and again, those patches of drizzle possible. here's a live shot of the east bay shoreline. one of the
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scenarios we have in our atmosphere today is the does a dry patch above us. but it's very jagged and it's not as dry as it was from yesterday. temperature check for you. we're still in the 50's lower 50's east bay shoreline going inland. 47 for livermore to get a lot of 50's up north. the contrast to 24 hours ago. little bit warmer up north, but elsewhere, pretty much the same if not trailing by a few degrees winds, not a major factor that don't appear to be the next 48 hours again, a little bit of a breeze. again, mostly offshore. 59 11 o'clock by 2 will be at 62. interesting cloud pattern we have here. this the kind of favors little bit on the carquinez strait. so gives you a general idea what they're talking. but to the south, you'll probably see a little bit more in the way of sun up north. it looks to be more clouds socked in with a more in your forecast about picking next week. coming up in a bit, 70. all right, dave, thank you. >> east bay pastor is in jail this morning on accusations of molesting children from his church kron four's. amanda hari has the details. >> try to. teach your kids
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that. what's okay? what is it? a betrayal of trust, a spiritual leader, an authority figure taking advantage of a child. >> friday, 53 year-old victor hernandez penedo was arrested by richmond police oakland. he's charged with multiple counts of kidnapping and continuously molesting a child. hernandez panay to is a pastor at iglesia pentecostal moby me until gloria, a spanish language christian church on 3rd street near mcdonald's avenue in richmond, police sergeant lee and joseph is a parent herself and she knows the challenges that come with trying to keep kids safe. my kids are young. so yeah, it is. it is difficult to manage that she does. her. best advice is to talk with your children. honestly, i think that you just need to keep an open. >> communication with your kids. let them know that no matter what position. authority figures have in your kids lives, they need to know they can always come to you and talk to you about things
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when things just don't seem right. chester got hernandez panay to is being held on a 7 million dollars bail. police say there's a likelihood that there are more victims. they hope the getting the word out. they can reach by. we do encourage anyone who has either. >> been a victim or has information about the current investigation to please reach out to their son, police department or to our detectives at the family. >> and that was kron four's him in a car in the morning for us this morning. richmond police are expected to meet with county prosecutors to file charges next week. the county da's office is reversing course after keeping some journalists from covering events. a berkeley reporter was excluded from a news conference last week. the action criticized by first amendment advocates who said the move suggested reporters will be punished for being critical of da pamela price. price faces a recall effort by people who say she's too soft on crime. the media spokesperson for the da says
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prices committed to transparency and is working on developing media guidelines. hundreds of people rallied outside san francisco city hall saturday demanding a permanent cease-fire in gaza. prop was justin campbell. was there. >> the rain did not stop palestinian supporters as they chant and march in san francisco saturday, the first major rally since the cease-fire indeed. and fighting resumed between israel and hamas needs to stop because there's a lot of civilian outside city hall. the demonstrators demanding a permanent cease-fire in gaza. health ministry says israel strikes on houses and buildings have killed at least 178 people throughout the gaza strip in the first hours of fighting. israel says it struck more than 200 hamas targets. i have family in gaza died. 5 of them were children, ages 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, >> they had no political
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affiliation to hamas. the coop is with the arab resource and organizing center. he helped put together the rally and says his family members in gaza are facing hunger issues and that a pause in the cease-fire is not enough in needs to be permanent is enough and that our tax dollars can not continue to fund this cease-fire mediator. qatar said efforts are ongoing to renew the truce and release more hostages. if that this is about returning the hostages that hamas kidnapped. >> and about removing a terrorist organization from power. israel's next door neighbor, tyler gregory, ceo of the jewish community relations council says he completely disagrees with their point of view, but supports their civil rights. now we believe in freedom of speech, we believe in the right to protest when not rallying pro-palestinian protesters say they will be helping bay area cities pass resolutions calling for a cease-fire in gaza. having some type of actions really just showing their mask solidarity for the palestinian people in this moment last week, the city of oakland
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passed a resolution calling for a permanent cease-fire. >> it remains to be seen if san francisco will follow suit. >> reporting in san francisco, justin campbell kron, 4 news. >> in a show of support, former governor arnold schwarzenegger met with the families of 3 people held hostage by hamas. family members gave testimony of surviving the hamas attack. schwarzenegger spoke during the meeting. >> go get along and it's looking covid and i think this is a story that everyone in the yeah. >> the museum of tolerance in jerusalem helped bring everyone together for this meeting. the israeli government says nearly 140 hostages are still being held by hamas. south san francisco, a group of retail theft suspects are in jail this morning. they are accused burglaries in 5 different cities. police say the suspects were spotted in daly city friday and booked into
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jail. some stolen property was recovered. thousands of cows, state university, faculty of preparing to strike next week. they're calling for a 12% pay. raise labor negotiations stalled after university officials said the system cannot for the pay bump. the cal state system is offering instead a 15% pay increase over 3 years. faculty members say that's not enough. the one day rolling strikes would shut down classes at 4 of cs use largest campuses, including san francisco state and sacramento state. and employees that help maintain san francisco's public schools are planning a strike tomorrow to protest what they're calling unfair labor practices. the san francisco unified school district's common crafts. that is the name the group here. and that includes 80 plumbers, carpenters roofers and other trades people. they say the district has failed to pay wages that it owes. another group did not the other issues
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that are in dispute here. but they said that they do stem from an agreement negotiated with workers in october of 2021. picketing starts at 06:00am outside the district's maintenance and operations facilities. in alameda, hundreds of volunteers teamed up to build 600 new bikes to be delivered to kids in need the nonprofit organization, kids bike lane, partnered with local charities to make sure the new bikes will be given out in time for christmas this was the 8th annual bill. big bike build event. but an alliteration there. the organization is still accepting donations online. you can also sign up to volunteer on their website. kids by clay dot org. and happening today, it's time for the 4th annual chinatown winter wonderland. kron four's tiffany justice is live for us san francisco with a preview of the fund that's expected today. tiffany. yes, good morning, stephanie. thousands of presents are going to be given out today in a few hours. this street grand avenue is going to be filled.
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>> with festivities and even this event was actually inspired by the founder of the production company, putting this event on today. she has a child received presents from the fire department toy drive just like this growing up here in san francisco. this is all happening in chinatown today between clay in washington street from 11 this morning, all the way until 4 this afternoon. this is the 4th annual chinatown winter wonderland event here on grant avenue. it's going to be transformed into a winter wonderland landscape for children, families to enjoy. there's even going to be fake snow. now organizers say this is an annual event in to serve the underprivileged families and children of san francisco chinatown, who mostly live in poverty as the as the asian firefighters association will be here as well. they are providing the santa who will be distributing thousands of toys today to the children. there's also going to be train rides. live entertainment, fiu to enjoy at today's event as well. again, this event is
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going to start at 11 o'clock this morning and will go all the way until 04:00pm this afternoon. stephanie, back to you. all right. tiffany sounds like a great time. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news as the holiday season kicks off increase in shoplifting has been reported across the country. plus more christmas lights means a bigger price tag on your bills. we explained. and after the break, snow is in the sierra. we take a look at what you need to know in case you decide to head up there for some skiing. >> in our forecast, we'll keep it kind of gloomy for a good chunk of the clouds will re arrive into the late afternoon down to the south. but at least you're starting off with seeing a little bit of a way of patches of drizzle up north. going to check into that forecast. what's going on next week? the kron 4 morning news continues.
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i know the importance of taking care of myself. how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente.
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>> saturday with snow coming down in the sierra. as you can see behind me right here. great news for ski resorts. but a challenge for those traveling on i-80 we niche attics. reports on the conditions. >> it's really cold. i'm coming in from bay area. so i'm going to reno and i stopped because i so snow. but now that i'm out here, kinda want to >> with a high of just 32 degrees in the area of soda springs today. those passing through felt every bit of a chill didn't seem to mind too much. farc. roxanne pajama pants a way to go in the snow. but on the pants? yes, crocs. i don't recommend the crops. my feet are a little wet.
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>> i have she's in the car. so okay. haha. >> jaden smith, the reno says traffic on 80 was backed with i think people are going a little bit slower because of the and it's pretty foggy. so visibility is a little but it's local say it's about time. the snow started dumping yesterday and today a little bit more. i'm everybody excited for the season. some of the resorts of himself. >> it always gets everybody excited. this time of year when the season actually begins, it was down to 17 degrees. last time sharon had at the soda springs. general store says every inch of snow counts maybe only 3 or 4. today. they're supposed to be another 4, 5 inches tonight. the national weather service tells fox 40 that the snow is expected to taper off by midnight. >> but not before dropping a couple more inches of powder excited because it's kicking off the season mean our christmas and new year's is coming in. when everybody's
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really wants to come so we're very thankful. >> we've got day war. >> and for us this morning. >> now let's take a live look at the golden gate bridge from our sutro towers looking just a bit hazy, fuzzy out there. not sure if it's because of condensation on the lens its just really that has that the look at the color is a shunt who it looks like sun is trying to come out there a little bit like saying i'm gonna get through that fog. where are you it's so. >> yeah, good morning, stephanie. good morning. everybody mentioning tahoe, interesting heard this them say the snow is going to taper off because we're taking a break over the next couple of days and look at it comes back again. now wednesday, that snow will probably be kind that slushy type of snow in the levels look to be pretty high. but 1000 feet or so, however, they will drop getting into wednesday night thursday, particularly. but it may be a little wet to start off with. and here's a heat pump for monday. tuesday going up to about 54 lot of sunshine, particularly for tomorrow. so just don't know headed up that direction. east
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bay shoreline. right now, there's the fog right above the fog. actually, the cloud cover also now above us, the air is dry, but it's kind of jag it. and it's not like clearly dry like we had yesterday. but we do see some clearing down to the south to start the day off. it looks like cloud cover is going to start to fill up the bay throughout the day today. and then kind of clear out by monday, a little bit to ever. so briefly, here's what it looks like. in the bigger perspective, this is the traffic we get to get through here for tonight. get a little break tomorrow. and here comes our new system. this is our midweek system and the trailing cold front is what you're going to feel. some of the colder temperatures coming our way cooler. excuse me by the end of the week and that's going to facilitate maybe that shot of rain. all right. let's go with our sunday here. you see couple splotches appearing here on radar. we'll keep some patches of drizzle in there in the north bay, particularly much of the rest of the bay does start to fill out with cloud cover. it looks like by these projections, but at least you get a few hours of sunshine and it might get thin spots to love the sun. play a little peek. a boo gain. but a lot of cloud cover we're dealing with. and it really doesn't clear out till monday.
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we have a nice window here, although some low clouds will remain around portions of the bay. so it's going to be like it's not too far from home. it feels like all this moisture kind of hanging around a little bit. but again, you'll see some opening of skies tomorrow. tuesday, different story as we prepare for the arrival. the next deal temperature check for. we've got a lot of 50's on the board here. lower 50's east bay shoreline, antioch. 55. 57 for san francisco. so what's lined up here for you today? mostly cloudy morrison to the south patchy north bay drizzle only in the week variable clouds because that covers tuesday as well. so while you see a lot of sunshine monday, tuesday kind of variable clouds and then that system gets here wednesday, thursday, we cool off and all of that, mostly sunny as we head into saturday when it's all said and done. that's like basically friday and saturday. so give wednesday thursday, the 2 days to see what we're going to get. 63 san francisco, mostly cloudy, got that patchy drizzle anywhere near water. you're always going to run that risk a little bit to kind of saturation here. and oakland at 63, mostly cloudy
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and 67. meanwhile, for san jose in the wider board here, we don't see numbers pop much more than that. remember up in the north bay. they got lots of cloud cover to deal with for today. so that's not going to see much mercury movement. little bit of a warm bump will see early in the week our next system midweek. okay. still a good idea to bundle up in general. sure. why not? you know, but we only thing as i do see is we don't lows dipping into the 30's. so we'll stay at least north of 40, even up in some of those valleys. >> when you get some of the cold air in the morning hours because we're not going to dry out enough. all right. certainly feels like winter is yes, you can get is here. haha, thanks so much, dave. >> well, as the holiday season kicks off, an increase in shoplifting has been reported across the country. our nancy loo reports on the grinch is stealing the holiday spirit from businesses. >> holiday season means far more inventory on store shelves. a lot more people walking around shopping bags and millions of packages are out for delivery next. >> and entice ing set of circumstances for criminals
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and americans are spending big this holiday season. while online shopping has become the norm registers are also ringing far more often at traditional brick and mortar stores. >> the criminals like these never bother to pay over a dozen suspect bag more than $12,000 in nike gear from the los angeles area stuart sunday. before last filling trash bags with clothing and shoes. law enforcement is also on alert for crash and grabs which have been on an uptick in chicago. criminals often use stolen cars to ram their way into businesses and then grab and go quickly with billions of dollars in goods on the move this week as retailers fulfill orders. it is prime time for porch. pirates. a recent report finds they are most active along the west coast with homes in seattle, portland and san diego targeted most often. now police departments are also warning about follow home
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robberies. >> as well as e-mail scams hitting your inbox all those cyber deals. >> and aaa is urging drivers to make sure any christmas trees you take home from the lot are well secured on the top of your car. this will help prevent that tree from becoming a hazard to other drivers and motorcyclists >> he wanted to be as tight as possible because if there's a little bit of give as you get driving the when it's only going to grow from there. so that's why we try to pull everything as tight as possible and only takes one situation. all sun. you might be running the holidays for one to as many as 3 other cars. >> and this holiday season, you want to make sure you keep an eye on your electricity bill. lots of people like to run the heat for longer hours, which makes sense. it is chillier. but of course, there's also all the holiday holiday decorations that you have around the house indoors and outdoors in 2022, the national average people spend on christmas lights with $16 and $0.48.
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>> my wife is she's a stickler, you know, for don't burn the lights too long things like that, you know, >> it's just is is very really especially new ones that they make today. >> 90% of an incandescent the is wasted and electricity is why led lights are a lot stronger, drop them off a 2 story house they don't break. >> as you heard there, led lights are stronger and they will help save you more money compared to regular light this holiday season. the u.s. postal service expects nearly 400 million people to ship packages to its system from now until new year's day. the postal service suggest packing smart purchasing insurance and using apps to track your shipment with more packages expected and things being mailed faster than ever. there is a risk of things getting broken into or even lost.
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americans spend billions over the first holiday sales from black friday to cyber monday. turns out a record amount was fueled by buy now pay later purchases. that option has become more common as shoppers choose to spread payments over months to save money. but is it is not without risk. consumer experts say it's important to know the terms include late fees, interest rates and more. it is also best to stay on top of what's owed because missed payments can affect your credit score. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a bay area city made it onto the list for the most expensive cities to live in. >> the details coming up.
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>> the powerball jackpot is up to an estimated 412 million. that's a lot of money and that pot continues to grow. this morning. a new study is out revealing the powerball numbers. you should never choose the notoriously unlucky number 13 has been drawn the least out of all other numbers in all draw since 2015. so it sounds like it truly is unlucky numbers. 49 34 also ranks pretty low. there. that same study found the luckiest numbers as well. 61 revealed to be the luckiest drawn 90 time since 2015 number. 32 in 63 also making the lucky number list. francisco is ranking one as one of the world's most expensive cities to live in. according to the annual worldwide cost of living index. san francisco is the 10th most expensive.
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meantime, la is the 6th most expensive place to call home in the entire world. the city-state of singapore and switzerland. zurich tied as the most expensive cities. next is new york and geneva 5th hong kong then la 7th, this paris tied for 8th is tel aviv and copenhagen. and finally, san francisco, the list was compiled based off prices of products and services and also factoring in inflation. still ahead on the 4 morning news looking for a winter wonderland. one happening. >> right here in the bay
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. another former guard at a woman's federal prison in dublin has been sentenced for sexually abusing inmates. >> and in the north bay, a city says they've seen an increase in juvenile firearm arrests. >> all those stories for you in just a moment here. but let's get you started this sunday with a look at the forecast with dave. hey, dave. >> hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and for today, we're going to see again the return of quite a bit of cloud cover we have going on. we'll see a little bit drizzle, patchy drizzle may be up in the north bay, which we saw this morning. here it is, as you can see on storm tracker, 4 to give you a general idea again, the skies of open up a little bit for the south bay in the east bay, but up north, that's where you're going to see a lot of the cloud cover going forward. our winds relatively uneventful. there's tow kind of remaining a little bit of an offshore direction, but that's not really having much of an impact our forecast at all. just not much in the way of winds probably best way of phrasing it. it looks pokey from this picture of the east
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bay shoreline and a lot. we do have some drier air to involved in this, but it's much more jagged the profile as you go upstairs, not like the big dry bubble that we had from yesterday, but still as little drier, got some cooler temperatures going on in some parts of the bay to the south. for example, 51 san jose palo alto. 45 47 for a little more with mid-fifties up north. part of that is credited with the fact we had all that cloud cover up north where those kind of a clear patch in the south comparison kind of bears this out, too. little cooling at night to the south, a little warmer, more mild up north. so your breakdown today shows that everybody gets and socked in with the cloud cover. we talked about temperatures much the same in the 60's. again, some patchy drizzle in the north bay expected now tomorrow looks like the sun will come out and play a little better. but then we're watching for midweek system. it will cool us off in the back side and bring us another dose of some rain. look at that and your 4 zone forecast a bit. stephanie. >> all right, dave, thank you. on the peninsula, the san mateo county office of education is getting recognized by the state for
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its focus on environmental literacy. the county was awarded this year's golden bell award. wish the state presents to outstanding programs in california. schools. the san mateo county office of education launched its environmental literacy and sustainability initiative in 2017, aiming to teach kids how to implement sustainable practices in their communities. the county was recognized in an awards ceremony just last week. and there will be no bart service between daly city anglin park stations today as crews. >> remove potentially hazardous trees near the tracks. union samtrans will run bus shuttles between the 2 stations throughout the closure. but riders should expect delays of up to 30 minutes while traveling through that part of the system. this marks the latest efforts by the transit agency to remove those hazardous trees. parties calling this the largest tree removal projects in the agency's history. and another former guard at the women's federal prison in dublin has been sentenced for sexually abusing inmates. john bel house has
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been sentenced to 5 years in federal prison and must pay a $25,000 fine for sexually abusing 2 inmates. prosecutors say the case against bill haas was the 8th abuse related case against a former guard at that prison last month. former guard andrew jones was sentenced to 8 years in prison for also sexually abusing inmates. and the north bay santa rosa. police say juvenile arrest for possession of firearms has gone up this year. the department blames an increase in gang violence among youth. they report 21 teens have been arrested for gun possession this year compared to just 4 last year. 5 out of 9 homicides in the city have been gang-related. and developing news out of los angeles where police have arrested a suspected serial killer wanted for gunning down 4 victims in 4 days, including 3 unhoused people. jorge ventura has the latest. >> the murder suspect of these 3 homicides is in the custody of also sheriff's department. it has been identified as
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jerrold shows how? a male black, 33 years of age and a resident, los angeles. >> lapd chief michel moore announcing the arrest of a suspect. police say shot and killed 3 homeless men in the city this past week. the men were all killed in the early morning hours under similar circumstances from november. 26 the 29th. the shocking deaths prompting the launch of a task force to search for the killer around the clock and all hands effort. >> to identify and apprehend the person responsible for these murders. the first victim, thirty-seven-year-old whole say bolanos who was found dead from a gunshot wound on november. 26 the second victim. 62 year-old mark biggs was shot and killed while pushing shopping cart. the following day. the 3rd victim, a 52 year-old male police say has not been named yet was found dead on the 29th. but powell was restricted to homeless victims. police say he also killed 42 year-old nicholas
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symbol on on tuesday night shooting and killing the victim in his own garage were able dana fight the vehicle, we believe connected to these 2 or 3 homicides as being the same vehicle mister powell used in the murder of mister simon moore. also city handgun found in powers car was identified as the good news to kill all 3 homeless men. additionally, house car was seen at all murder sites. i'm grateful that the suspect in this case is in custody and no longer a threat to our community. >> what that is dead and 4 others injured in a shooting at a las vegas homeless encampment on friday night. police are still searching for the shooter. this incident does not appear to be related to what happened in los angeles where a suspect was arrested for killing multiple unhoused people throughout the city. health officials are tracking the spread of a respiratory illness gaining traction abroad. and some u.s. lawmakers are now pushing for preventative measures. elizabeth pran has more on the surge. we're seeing both at home and abroad and what
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officials are doing to stop it. >> we do not believe this is a new or novel pathogen that we believe this is all existing, meaning covid flu rsv michael plasma, cdc director mandy cohen tampering fears as the american public has grown increasingly concerned about the spread of viral infections. just days after the world health organization states, there is no evidence of a new pathogen in regions of china. chinese officials have shared with us that again, no novel pathogens that what they're seeing exist. >> and we were able to corroborate that across other sources from. >> our european union and others to make sure that we're getting a complete picture. but republican lawmakers still pushing back. senator marco rubio along with a group of gop senators pending this letter to president biden reading in part. >> we should not wait for the who to take action given its track record of slab. difference to the ccp.
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>> we must take the necessary steps to protect the health of americans and our economy. this means we should immediately restrict travel between the united states and the prc. until we know more about the dangers posed by this new illness. families are still triggered the images of crowded emergency rooms and mask-wearing patients reminiscent of early pandemic days. beijing children's hospital reportedly receiving up to 9,378 new patients a day and has been at full capacity for 2 months closer to home. concern is spreading to ohio county seeing an outbreak of more than 140 cases of pediatric pneumonia in warren county since august. doctors also reportedly seeing a spike in massachusetts health officials reiterating to parents that searches and respiratory illnesses are common. this time of year. i wouldn't be surprised is that you're gonna see outbreaks throughout the country. it's the it's the time of year rather than a cause for
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concern to get something to allow us to remember. >> that we do have ability to try to decrease. >> a new study finds a possible new remedy to treat pancreatic cancer and it may shock you to find out that it's a remedy that you can find your kitchen pantry. my of la has the details. >> there's a new hope to help treat one of the deadliest forms of cancer. and it's likely already in your hole. early data shows a hypoglycemic state or elevated blood sugar can make pancreatic cancer more responsive to chemotherapy. those with higher glucose levels. >> diabetics control sugar. actually live longer want getting chemotherapy. >> the research reported by university hospitals seidman cancer center along with case western reserve university. we're really excited about this research because it's an opportunity to improve survival of a very deadly disease. >> without needing to develop
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new therapeutic altogether. patriotic cancer is one of the most difficult to treat, says doctor jordan winter chief of surgical oncology at uh, and one of the most deadly roughly 60,000 patients are diagnosed every year about 95% with patriotic cancer is the 12th. most common. cancer in the united states. but it's the second leading cause of cancer related death or 3rd leading cause soon surpass colon cancer in the next couple of years. >> sugar researchers say is a relatively low-cost intervention that could bypass the years long process to develop a new treatment of the cost of developing new drugs is over a billion dollars sometimes multiple billions of dollars and can take 10 to 20 years. so if you have an intervention that could impact survival without developing a new drug. >> that is potentially a big
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breakthrough in our field. a possible breakthrough that might help thousands of people in the fight for their lives. >> in cleveland, maia belay. >> happening today, it is time for the 4th annual chinatown winter wonderland. well, first, if any justice is live for us now is san francisco chinatown with tiffany, it's great to see those iconic lanterns behind tell us a bit about the fun plan today. right behind us. grant avenue is going to filled with activities and festivities. >> we know at this point that this will happen at 11 o'clock this morning. this event inspired by the person who founded the production company who organized this event today. she has a child received presents from a fire department toy drive just like this growing up here in san francisco. this is all happening in chinatown today between clay in washington street from 11 o'clock this
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morning, all the way until 04:00pm this afternoon. >> this is the 4th annual chinatown winter wonderland event here on grant avenue. >> it's going to be transformed into a winter wonderland landscape for children and families to enjoy. there's even going to be fakes known. organizers say this is an annual event aim to serve the underprivileged families and children of san francisco chinatown, who mostly live in poverty. the asian firefighters association is providing center who will distribute thousands of toys today to the children and families. there's also going to be train rides. live, entertainment and food to enjoy as well. at today's event, just to remind you again, it's going to start at 11 o'clock this morning. go all the way until 04:00pm this afternoon. stephanie, back to you. all right. sounds like it's going to be a very speaking of fun. coming up on the kron 4 morning news, the largest pop culture convention returned to the bay area. >> from fans signings to cost played a local artist. they really had it all. i walk you through all the fun after this.
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>> 100 miles of range in 5 minutes. a look at new ev charging technology. plus new evs from lucid
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>> the largest pop culture convention in northern california. return to san francisco for a massive celebration of comics. anime and sci-fi drawing big crowds and celebrity power. i got a chance to take a look and explore all the action. >> for the second year in a row, fans of all things geek gather turtle power for 3 day
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event attracting 35,000 characters from shapeshifting robots to pokemon masters. francisco's must go. nissan like this is world through fans like sandra genell's, part of a welcome wave of tourism for the city by the i would definitely come back. san francisco is wonderful. looking around you. you've got people all different age groups, all different colors, religions. all we care about is uplifting each other. funny joyce actors showing off their superpowers. i love san francisco. i've been 3 times already this year and every time an amazing turnout. wonderful people is just so much love love. the fans lined up for sarah netter. cheney starred in the hit media franchise. oh, come for nearly 2 decades. be the very best. like no one ever was. how does it feel to be here in san francisco today, meeting your fans? >> it's amazing. sharing his affection for bay area fans. very gordon, the original voice of our favorite hero and a half donatella. i've i
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donatello love san francisco. i don't know how your sewers over an artist alley and award-winning cartoonist lives out his childhood fantasy. it's been really fun. i've been going to combat the convention. little kid and now to be on the other side of the table. it's kind of what i dreamed when i was like 12. if you're somebody who feels like in the story inside of consider telling it is right now, we need as many different voices as we can get a journey. this san jose artist is embarking on now. it's basically my family's immigration to america but told through the lens food memories. i want people to read this inspire them to write their story and there was no shortage of stories or inspiration at fan expo. >> and star wars, mark hamill and ewan mcgregor and elijah wood from lord of the rings. they all made appearances at fan expo as well. but they weren't taking any media interviews. interestingly enough, i guess they're just too big time. it's really if you happen to miss the event this year, organizers plan to be back at last goni every
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thanksgiving weekend through you plan your calendars now. and all right now, let's take look at sfo this morning. looking pretty nice out there. actually, planes getting ready to fly out there as well. let's check in now with day for more on our weather forecast a day. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and as we start the day, breaks happening here. unfortunately. >> looks like cloud cover will re spill across the bay. here is a quite our going on here for you. >> kind of overcast. but again, let's give some credit to some skies. try to open, as you can see off towards the blue, trying to peer in for us again, what shows up on radar? couple little splotches here. this is patches of drizzle. kind of like what we saw from yesterday. the bigger picture tells the tale. so will be covered back over again with cloud cover for the afternoon. and tonight we take a break. for monday. and then tuesday builds up again for the wednesday thursday event. that's a little zone. we're looking for another weather hit. and that also includes
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tahoe as well. so given the future cast for here's the cloud cover that sachs is back in again. they'll be thinning of the clouds in the afternoon. a little bit kind of on and off again. but mostly cloudy, probably the best way to maybe phrase that clearing out tonight into your monday splotches you know, little bits of patches of drizzle as well. and there's the low level cloudiness may not entirely go away even tomorrow, particularly near the water. here's what happens by tuesday morning. you see some of that start to build up again. the system still well out to sea. so let's give the long-range picture here. here's a little break coming for tomorrow. all right. cloud cover returns. there's that head of rain. this puts it about wednesday morning. so it will be striking fairly early but stick around a little bit. maybe for thursday. secondary hit there a break friday saturday until sunday. this drop south and we don't want this going hold together because this is really way up there. you start to move the systems around a little bit. they start to change. looks like a little low trust to build off a little bit to the socal along the coast to give them a little bit showers. the la basin ce 4 zone forecast to cover you for today. we've got
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63 san francisco in pretty much the same along the coast. a lot of movement. you'll see a lot of cloud cover and again, watch out for the drizzle. 63 burlingame to the south mid 60's. this is reminiscent of yesterday. pretty much upper 60's here for san jose. 67 cupertino. 64 lower 60's east bay shoreline approaching mid 60's inland and tri valley. 64 for walnut creek conquered looks like 63 san leandro, castro valley. 62 along with richmond. a hole at a chilly 59. 63 fairfield. 61. for now. will do about a 62 for santa rosa. again, we have a little break going on here for monday. looks like cloud cover back again. we've got the rain showers developing for wednesday thursday into friday with a mixture of some sunshine. there. notice the temperature drop their stephanie as we fall to about 60 or so for the middle of the week and our lows look to be behaving themselves, meaning they should stay a little bit up to the 40's. but we may graze the 30's by the time we get to friday and saturday. lot of that's dependent on how dry we get the surface to see if that actually happens. we don't dry out enough. we won't
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get there, ok? all right. we'll keep that in mindrthat you got much. >> okay. now to sports, the niners just hours away from their big matchup with the eagles. the last time that these 2 faced off the eagle stop the niners passed to the super bowl minutes into the game. brock purdy toward his elbow. it was pretty much game over from there. the niners firmly believe they say if it wasn't for parties injury, the game would have gone differently. but there is now a chance to prove it. despite the niners record on the road, they are the team favored to win kickoff at one. 25 today. meantime, happening tomorrow, the stanford women's soccer team plays in the ncaa championship game. this is video. practice at practice earlier this week, cardinals are facing off against florida state to try and win their 4th national title and there are 11 championship game appearance in school history. cardinals have the nation's top ranked defense. they've kept up a streak of know home losses since 2021. the game starts at 3 tomorrow. and last
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night the warriors were looking to be 2 la teams this week after beating the lakers. it was a close one, but the clippers came on top over the warriors won 13 to one 12. the warriors did have a hot start with the ended up losing a 22 point lead by the 4th were only able to recover a three-point lead, which they lost in the final moments of the game. if you're on the hunt for a new ride, there are some new ev suv is out now. rich demuro takes a look in this morning's tech smart. >> electric cars are getting a lot of buzz and three-row suvs are a growing segment. people buy a three-row suv because they want space. gravity is new from lucid motors. ev startup that specializes in luxury vehicles. we focus on a lot of space for people and cargo. amazing range through
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efficiency. performance on and off road. and of course, the luxury experience inside the car outside, you get compact aerodynamic looks inside their seating for 7, lots of cargo space and screens that can transport you to relaxing scenes and sounds and this might be a first. a seat in the frank. pretty comfy loose. a gravity expected to go over 440 miles on a charge and start at under $80,000 in late 2024. most are 3. let's take a right post. our 3 is an upcoming suv with seating for 5 and a focus on performance and sustainability close me is to in the post with a more narrow dynamic and to get of course the rain shop post are backed by swedish carmaker volvo and its parent company geely out of china. >> the suv expected to get around 300 miles on a charge.
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it starts at just over $80,000 because we're all about the driving experience for the customers and check this out. notice anything different. the pollstar for ditches the rear window completely all-star partnering with a startup named store not to test extreme fast charging defect was to replace some of the materials inside the boundary. you know in a busy 16th us judging a prototype polestar 5 will get the speedy battery tech next year to evaluate where you can charge 100 each 5 minutes of jogging. this is at least 2 times than anything that is out there in the i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >> and we'll be right back.
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and happening today, there will be a powwow in oakland at school needed jim, the event features native american dancing singing arts and crafts and native american food. it runs from 11 this morning to 9 tonight. it is being put on by the american indian child resource center and is free to attend. it is looking a bit brighter. check this out. that's all thanks to the winter lights lit up for the holiday season around. alameda is you can see there a winner, light celebration that happened on saturday. tap dancers and members of the alameda high school symphonic band helped ring in the holiday spirit. we caught up with some of the people there. >> just enjoy the christmas tree lighting nice family
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>> it builds tradition and community and just makes everybody excited and brings everybody together. >> it's so nice to see people out enjoying themselves donations. toy donations are also being accepted by the fire department and alameda food bank for anyone who wants to donate toys to children in need this holiday season. again, that's the fire department and alameda foodbank. they're taking donations. >> still ahead on the next hour, the kron 4 morning news today is the 4th annual chinatown winter wonderland. chinatown winter wonderland. we're live with with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt.
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another one in the books. nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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morning news. police in richmond have arrested a pastor suspected of kidnapping and molesting children. why there could be more victims and hundreds of people rallied outside san francisco city hall demanding a permanent cease-fire in gaza. plus, thousands of cal state university faculty are preparing to strike next week for a pay raise. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday december. the 3rd. let's get you started with a look at the weather with ms. >> stephanie, good morning, everybody. and for today will have to contend with again, a lot of cloud cover and we're seeing some rays of sun working its magic, a par across parts of the bay soak it up and enjoy because you're probably be socked in with more cloud cover and you folks
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up in the north my north, they might see a little in the way of some patchy drizzle return into this forecast a little bit for today. now we should see this. tomorrow. here's a quick look at your radar and there you see couple little splotches appearing. but again, patchy drizzle kind of hard to the defined in here. here's the general flow pattern. you can see the cloud cover starting to increase its basically starting from the north dropping south. that so typical in the winter months with this. we're still in this relatively mild sector sfo, a pretty good shot. now you see things opening up a little bit going on. there are no delays being reported out at sfo at this particular time. lower 50's up to the north bay in spots. but we've got napa. 55 also antioch, 54 for concord, down south little cooler with upper 40's and 51 for san jose. and that is cooler than where we were. 24 hours ago. this is partially due. the fact it's been clear there overnight with the cloud cover mostly in the north. so that kind of insulated temperatures a little bit winds here kind
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of offshore for right now, but not a big guy. we want to see a lot the way of winds today. and your breakdown today shows the cloud cover building few folks in the east and the south bay's in the north bay remaining somewhat mostly cloudy. now, besides all of that, again, the little clearing on monday, but another system to watch out for for the middle of the week. and it also brings snow is to tahoe. stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> say pastor is in jail this morning on accusations of molesting children from his church kron four's. amanda hari has the details. >> try to. teach your kids that. what's okay? what is it? a betrayal of trust, a spiritual leader, an authority figure taking advantage of a child. >> friday, 53 year-old victor hernandez penedo was arrested by richmond police oakland. he's charged with multiple counts of kidnapping and continuously molesting a child. hernandez panay to is a pastor at iglesia pentecostal moby me until gloria, a spanish language christian church on 3rd street
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mcdonald's avenue in richmond, police sergeant lee and joseph is a parent herself and she knows the challenges that come with trying to keep kids safe. my kids are young. so yeah, it is. it is difficult to manage that she does. her. best advice is to talk with your children. honestly, i think that you just need to keep an open. >> communication with your kids. let them know that no matter what position. authority figures have in your kids lives, they need to know they can always come to you and talk to you about things when things just don't seem right. chester got hernandez panay to is being held on a 7 million dollars bail. police say there's a likelihood that there are more viciims. they hope getting the word out. they can reach by. we do encourage anyone who has either. >> been a victim or has information about the current investigation to please reach out to their son, police department or to our detectives at the family justice center. >> and that was kron four's amanda hari reporting for us this morning. richmond police
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are expected to meet with county prosecutors to file charges next week. alameda county district attorney's office is reversing course after keeping some journalists from covering events. a brooklyn reporter was excluded from the news conference just last week. the action criticized by first amendment advocates who said the move suggested that reporters will be punished for being critical of da pamela price. price faces a recall effort by people who say she's too soft on crime. a spokesperson for the da says prices committed to transparency and is working on developing media guidelines. happening now, we're tracking power outages in petaluma. >> this is the area near petaluma boulevard north. >> live look now at pg and e's outage. page and at least 100 pg e customers are impacted. police say there's also a traffic incident in the area and the public is asked to avoid lakeville street from madison street petaluma blevard north. no details yet on the traffic issue or if it did indeed caused the power outage. but looking into that. but as of last check, power is
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expected to be restore at by 8 o'clock tonight. hundreds of people rallied outside san francisco city hall saturday demanding a permanent cease-fire in gaza. prof was justin campbell. was there. >> the rain did not stop palestinian supporters as they chant and march in san francisco saturday, the first major rally since the cease-fire indeed. and fighting resumed between israel and hamas needs to stop because there's a lot of civilian outside city hall. the demonstrators demanding a permanent cease-fire in gaza. health ministry says israel strikes on houses and buildings have killed at least 178 people throughout the gaza strip in the first hours of fighting. israel says it struck more than 200 hamas targets. i have family in gaza died. 5 of them were children, ages 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, >> they had no political
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affiliation to hamas. the coop is with the arab resource and organizing center. he helped put together the rally and says his family members in gaza are facing hunger issues and that a pause in the cease-fire is not enough in needs to be permanent is enough and that our tax dollars can not continue to fund this cease-fire mediator. qatar said efforts are ongoing to renew the truce and release more hostages. if that this is about returning the hostages that hamas kidnapped. >> and about removing a terrorist organization from power. israel's next door neighbor, tyler gregory, ceo of the jewish community relations council says he completely disagrees with their point of view, but supports their civil rights. now we believe in freedom of speech, we believe in the right to protest when not rallying pro-palestinian protesters say they will be helping bay area cities pass resolutions calling for a cease-fire in gaza. having some type of actions really just showing their mask solidarity for the palestinian people in this moment last week, the city of oakland
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passed a resolution calling for a permanent cease-fire. >> it remains to be seen if san francisco will follow suit reporting in san francisco, justin campbell kron. 4 news. >> in a show of support, former governor arnold schwarzenegger met with the families of 3 people held hostage by hamas. family members gave testimony of surviving the hamas attack. schwarzenegger spoke during that meeting. >> it's goal that's get along. and that's coexists. and i think this is a story that everyone in the yeah. >> the museum of tolerance, angelou jerusalem helped bring everyone together. the israeli government says nearly 140 hostages are still being held by hamas. is out there. francisco, a group of retail theft suspects are in jail this morning. they are accused of burglaries in 5 different cities. police say the suspects were spotted in daly city friday and booked into
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jail. some stolen property was also recovered. thousands of cal state university faculty are preparing to strike next week. they're calling for a 12% pay. raise labor negotiations stalled after university officials said the system for this pay bump. the cal state system is offering instead a 15% pay increase over 3 years. that team members say that's not enough. the one-day rolling strikes which shut down classes at 4 of csu is largest campuses, which also includes san francisco state and sacramento state. francisco's public school workers plan to strike tomorrow to protest what they're calling unfair labor practices. san francisco, unified plumbers, carpenters roofers and other trades people plan to strike. they say the school district has failed to pay wages. they also raised concerns about an agreement negotiated with workers back in 2021. picketing starts at 06:00am outside the district's maintenance and operations facilities. in alameda, hundreds of volunteers teamed
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up to build 600 new bikes for kids in need. the nonprofit organization kids bike lane partnered with local charities to make sure everything will be sent out in time for christmas. this was the 8th annual big bike build event. the organization is still accepting donations online. you can also sign up to volunteer other web site kids bike lane dot org. happening today, it's time for the 4th annual chinatown winter wonderland. fun family friendly event. if you're looking for something fun to do this weekend. stephanie de sus live for us now in san francisco with the iconic lanterns up behind her from chinatown, a tiffany, what people expect today? >> all right. good morning, stephanie. in a few more hours, grand avenue right behind us is going to be filled with people and festivities. we know that this is going to get started at 11 o'clock this morning. thousands of presents are going to be handed out today. and this is some video of the event last year. a great turnout. we know that this
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event was inspired by the founder of the production group who is organizing this as a child she received presents from the fire department toy drive just like this growing up here in san francisco. now this is all happening in chinatown today between clay in washington street from 11 o'clock this morning, all the way until 04:00pm this afternoon. this is the 4th annual chinatown winter wonderland event here on grant avenue. it's going to be transformed into a winter wonderland landscape for children and families to enjoy. there's even going to be some fake snow. organizers say that this is an annual event in to serve the underprivileged families and children and the francisco chinatown who mostly live in poverty, the asian firefighters association is providing santa who would distribute thousands of toys today to the children. there's also going to be train rides live, entertainment and food to enjoy at today's event. again, we do want to mention this one more once more is going to start at 11 o'clock this morning and go all the way until 04:00pm this afternoon. stephanie, back to. >> all right. tiffany sounds
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like it's going to be a great time. thank you. coming up on the kron 4 morning news as the holiday season kicks off an increase in shoplifting has been reported across the country. >> plus, more christmas lights means a bigger price tag on your power bill. we explain. and after the break, snow is in the sierra. a look at what you need to know before you hit the slopes. >> we had a little in the way of some drizzle going on to start the day will probably see some of that may be returned in spots in the north bay. but cloud cover looks to be the dominant factor for everybody. temps returning to the 60's and those snow as you heard about for tahoe coming back by the middle of the week as we look at a chance of rain as well. the kron 4 morning news continues. good morning.
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welcome back to kron. 4 morning news not a big surprise, but along the coast, as you can see, kind of socked in with a lot of cloud cover. couple little breaks. >> of sun may pier here. here's half moon bay to start the day. so overcast, but temperatures not too crazy. we'll probably see the lower 60's or graze. 64 today cloud cover pattern shows the intensity of this cloud cover starting to return. and that's mostly for the east and the south bay's it was pretty cloudy overnight for most of the north bay getting further from home. you can see this. this is for later today. tonight. but by tomorrow we should open up the skies briefly before the buildup of our next system dc. the general pattern coming here west to east. now that tells you that this is somewhat mild air by this, but the standards. in other words, we do have a nice, juicy low that drop south. that brings a lot of cold air took the aloft going forward. this not the scenario we have. that also means a snow levels don't
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start off too low. they're fairly lofty when this tax thing get started by midweek. here it is on futurecast for some leftover drizzle in the north bay in the coastal areas anywhere near water cloud cover basically fills up most of the bay overnight. let's open up those skies a little bit here. might get some calling better than we've had over the weekend and overnight, just a touch there and then into your monday looks pretty good. here is the return of that low level moisture you can see by tuesday morning at spills back into cross the carquinez strait in the sacramento valley. that's certainly the surface and the high level cloud cover builds after that temperature. check for a 51 santa rosa terrifies novato. also for napa mid to lower 50's along the east bay shoreline and not much of a difference inland. a little bit of cooling there for livermore. 47 and 51 for san jose game plan is this. we've got mostly cloudy for today. more sun is expected in the south and that's pretty much in the morning hours. plenty patchy north bay drizzle early in the week, variable clouds and mild monday, a lot of sunshine. but then the cloud cover returns on tuesday.
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warmer too. and then for late in the week, we have this event wednesday, thursday, 4 to play out. no. the backside question mark, how much we going to dry out at the surface? you might get some frost potentially with it, but you got to have a lot of moisture which to do that. and of course, the cooler temperatures to follow suit as well. temperature check for you today will be about 63 san francisco also matching that for oakland. got to keep that patchy drizzle and there. but those mostly in the morning except the north bay. 67, meanwhile, for san jose and on the bigger board here, not a lot of movement going on. what we're 60's prevailed. a lot of locations and mid 60's off to the east bay south bay fares. the little best fares. the best in upper 60's. so what we see when we get the system is shower activity and snows up to tahoe. but they look to be pretty high up because this is not a really cold winter storm from gulf of alaska. that's when you get down to 4,000 people so we'll get them high level snow and all that. it will get the rain showers. but on the backside, how much cold dry air comes in here that will determine our lows to finish off the week. but at
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least we get some sunshine yeah, it sounds. so it sounds like then that a lot of those resorts up there, they're going to have to rely on more manmade snow. yeah, i think have to, you know, cheat nature a little bit. it kind of do a little ourselves for the lower lows around some of those and feet. i guess they want to get on there. so it's going to be tough to do by nature until we get the 2nd half of that system on thursday, which will colder. all right. good to know. thanks so much about. >> all right. a new study finds a possible new remedy to treat pancreatic cancer. >> it might shock you to find out that it's something that you can find in your kitchen pantry. maia belay has the details. >> there's a new hope to help treat one of the deadliest forms of cancer and is likely already in your hole. early data shows a hypoglycemic state or elevated blood sugar can make pancreatic cancer more responsive to chemotherapy. those with higher glucose levels. >> diabetics control, sugar actually live longer want getting chemotherapy. >> the research reported by university hospitals seidman cancer center along with case
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western reserve university. we're really excited about this research because it's an opportunity to improve survival of a very deadly disease. >> without needing to develop new therapeutic altogether. patriotic cancer is one of the most difficult to treat, says doctor jordan winter chief of surgical oncology at uh, and one of the most deadly roughly 60,000 patients are diagnosed every year about 95% with we had a cancer is the 12th most common? cancer in the united states. but it's the second leading cause of cancer related death or 3rd leading cause soon surpass colon cancer in the next couple of years. >> sugar researchers say is a relatively low-cost intervention that could bypass the years long process to develop a new treatment of the cost of developing new drugs
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is over a billion dollars sometimes multiple billions of dollars and can take 10 to 20 years. so if you have an intervention that could impact survival without developing a new drive. >> that is potentially a big breakthrough in our field. a possible breakthrough that might help thousands of people in the fight for their lives. >> in cleveland, maia belay. >> aaa is urging drivers to make sure any christmas trees you're taking home from a lot are well secured on top of your car. this will help prevent it from becoming a hazard to drivers and other motorcyclists. the contra costa county probation department is partnering with toys for tots for this year's toy drive. moving on to our next story here. you can bring and a new and unwrapped toys at drop-off. you wanted to be as tight as possible because >> if there's a little bit of give as you get driving the when it's only going to grow from there. so that's why we try to pull everything as tight as possible and only takes one situation. allison, you might be running the
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holidays for one to as many as 3 other cars. >> okay. the contra costa county probation department moving on to our next story here. they're partnering with toys for tots for this year's toy drive. you can bring any new and unwrapped toys at drop-off locations. and we're going to pull that information up for you on your screen right now. they include delta, fair boulevard and antioch douglas drive and glacier drive in martinez and richmond parkway in richmond. donations are going to be accepted at these locations from 08:00am to 05:00pm monday through friday until december. 15th. and happening today, the oakland african american chamber of commerce hosts their 6th annual black sunday holiday expo. the event is on valdez street from noon to 04:00pm. lots of food and fun. entertainment are expected. and this holiday season keep an eye on your electricity bill. lots of people like to run the heat for longer hours. and of course, there's all the holiday decorations around the house in 2022, the national
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average people spend on christmas lights was $16 and $0.48. >> it's my wife is she's a stickler, you know, for the don't burn the lights too long things like that, you know, >> it's just is is very really especially new ones that they make today. >> 90% of an incandescent the is wasted and electricity is why led lights are a lot stronger, drop them off a 2 story house they don't break. >> led lights will save you more money compared to regular life saturday with snow coming down in the sierra. that's great news for ski resorts. but a challenge for anyone traveling on a i-80 rowena shaddox reports on the conditions. >> it's really cold. i'm coming in from bay area. so i'm going to reno and i stopped because i so snow. but now that i'm out here, kinda want to
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>> with a high of just 32 degrees in the area of soda springs today. those passing through felt every bit of a chill didn't seem to mind too much. >> farc roxanne pajama pants a way to go in the snow. but on the pants? yes, crocs. i don't recommend the crops feature a little wet. i have. she's in the car. so okay. haha. >> jaden smith, the reno says traffic on 80 was backed with i think people are going a little bit slower because of the and it's pretty foggy. so visibility is a little but it's local say it's about time. the snow started dumping yesterday and today a little bit more. i'm everybody excited for the season. some of the resorts of himself. >> it always gets everybody excited. this time of year when the season actually begins, it was down to 17 degrees. last time sharon had at the soda springs. general store says every inch of snow counts maybe only 3 or 4. today. they're supposed to be another 4, 5 inches tonight.
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the national weather service tells fox 40 that the snow is expected to taper off by midnight. >> but not before dropping a couple more inches of powder excited because it's kicking off the season mean our christmas and new year's is coming in. when everybody's really wants to come scheme. so we're very thankful. >> we've got stay warm. >> and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, one bay area city is listed as one of the most expensive cities to
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i know the importance of taking care of myself. how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente. world's most expensive cities to live in. that's according
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to the annual worldwide cost of living index. san francisco ranks 10th on the list. meantime, los angeles is the 6 most expensive place to live in the entire world. singapore and switzerland, zurich tied as the most expensive cities next to new york and geneva 5th, hong kong, 7th paris and tied for 8th is tel aviv and copenhagen. the list was compiled based off prices of products and services and factoring in inflation. and the south bay, sonny, bill officials could put a property transfer tax measure on the november 2024 ballot. if passed, that measure would help fund the city's budget by taxing property transfers. more than 2 million dollars council members start discussing details of that tax early next year. the proposed tax is inspired by jose's measure which imposes a tax on all property transfers over 2 million. that money is used for affordable housing in san jose. park. police say they
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arrested a man on suspicion of identity theft after finding 30 or rather 43 fraudulent debit cards on him. investigators say antonio crowned was trying to use one of the bag cars at a local bank on rohnert park expressway early friday morning. he was booked into sonoma county jail on charges of grand theft and conspiracy and identity theft. investigators say the suspect is involved in over a dozen cases across the state involving bad transactions. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. if you're looking for a winter this weekend, we have one right here in san francisco. here in san francisco. when it comes to your health, you do you. you ping and pong that body. you plunge that body. you green that body. you brain power that body. you practice... and practice that body. you make it rain that body.
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you flu shot that body. and now, you spikevax that body... because even though the pandemic is over, covid-19 isn't. spikevax by moderna is a vaccine to help protect you against covid-19. you shouldn't get spikevax if you've had an allergic reaction to spikevax or its ingredients. rare cases of inflammation of the heart muscle and outer lining have been reported. the most common side effects are injection site pain, redness and swelling, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, and fever. make vaccination against covid-19 a part of your health routine. spikevax that body... ...with spikevax by moderna. ♪
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now on the kron. 4 morning news. another former guard at a women's federal prison dublin is sentenced for sexually abusing inmates. >> and on one north bay city sees an increase in teen firearm arrests. good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thank you for joining us. we'll get to those stories in just a moment. but for now, let's get you started with a look at the weather with dave. hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody in quite a bit of cloud cover in the parts of the north bay overnight here and even some coastal drizzle along the bay a bit. >> now we're going to flipping that over to everybody sharing in the cloud cover experience, if you will, as we go into the afternoon, here's how it looks like from the view from space. >> it's basing coming in pretty much due west. so it's mild and i say mild in terms of its not to we're not any of the colder air. we sometimes get with a one of those lows that come out of the gulf of alaska. and that's the trend going pretty much hold. it looks like even into the middle of the week. but we are going to some colder cooler
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air after that system midweek. a quick check in the winds are pretty much a single digits and that's not a major factor. but still remaining at the surface, little bit of an offshore trend. here's a live shot coming in from san jose state. and you can see an ice patches of blue skies working their magic looks like some sun is filtering in there. that will change as we get into the afternoon and you get socked in with more cloud cover. but because conditions were clear overnight there we did get some cooling in the south bay, even for livermore. 47, meanwhile, up north, it's pretty much been paid in the mid 50's for most of this morning. and there's the contrast more mild up to the north because of the insulation of cloud cover. clear down south in a little cooler. your breakdown today shows how cloak a cloud cover fills up pretty much everybody back to the 60's again. again, some patches of drizzle along the coast, perhaps now tomorrow opening up the skies. much better temporarily. and then we are watching for system midweek. break that down for you coming up in a bit. your 4 zone forecast for sunday. stephanie. all right. thank you. >> as the holiday season kicks
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off, an increase in shoplifting has been reported across the country. nancy loo reports on the grinch is stealing the holiday spirit from businesses. >> holiday season means far more inventory on store shelves. a lot more people walking around shopping bags and millions of packages are out or delivery. that's >> and entice ing set of circumstances for criminals and americans are spending big this holiday season. while online shopping has become the norm registers are also ringing far more often at traditional brick and mortar stores. >> the criminals like these never bother to pay over a dozen suspect bag. more than $12,000 in nike gear from the los angeles area. stuart sunday. before last filling trash bags with clothing and shoes. law enforcement is also on alert for crash and grabs which have been on an uptick in chicago. criminals often
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use stolen cars to ram their way into businesses and then grab and go quickly with billions of dollars in goods on the move this week as retailers fulfill orders. it is prime time for porch pirate. a recent report finds they are most active along the west coast with homes in seattle, portland and san diego targeted most often. now police departments are also warning about follow home robberies. >> as well e-mail scams hitting your inbox all those cyber deals. >> all right. our nancy loo reporting for us. another former guard at the women's federal prison in dublin has been sentenced for sexually abusing inmates. john bel house must serve 5 years in federal prison and pay a $25,000 fine. prosecutors say this was the abuse case related against a former guard at that prison last month. former guard andrew jones was sentenced to 8 years in prison. in the north bay santa
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rosa. police say more teens are getting arrested for gun possession this year. the department blames an increase in gang violence. police arrested 21 teens for gun possession this year compared to just 4 last year and 5 out of the 9 homicides in the city have been gang related. developing news out of los angeles, police arrested a serial killer wanted for gunning down 4 victims in 4 days or even tour has the latest. >> the murder suspect of these 3 homicides is in the custody of also sheriff's department. it has been identified as jerrold shows how? a male black, 33 years of age and a resident, los angeles. >> lapd chief michel moore announcing the arrest of a suspect. police say shot and killed 3 homeless men in the city this past week. the men were all killed in the early morning hours under similar circumstances from november. 26 the 29th. the shocking deaths prompting the launch of
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a task force to search for the killer around the clock and all hands effort. >> to identify and apprehend the person responsible for these murders. the first victim, 37 year-old jose bolanos who was found dead from a gunshot wound on november. 26 the second victim. 62 year-old mark was shot and killed while pushing shopping cart. the following day. the 3rd victim, a 52 year-old male police say has not been named yet was found dead on the 29th. but powers are restricted to homeless victims. police say he also killed 42 year-old nicholas symbol on on tuesday night shooting and killing the victim in his own garage were able dana fight the vehicle, we believe connected to these 2 or 3 homicides as being the same vehicle mister powell used in the murder of mister simon moore. also city handgun found in powers car was identified as the good news to kill all 3 homeless men. additionally, house car was seen at all murder sites. i'm grateful that the suspect in
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this case is in custody and no longer a threat to our community. >> and one man is dead and 4 others injured after a friday shooting at a las vegas homeless encampment. police are still searching for the gunman. the shooting does not appear to be related to the recent killings of unhoused people in los angeles. and health officials are tracking the spread of the respiratory illness gaining traction overseas. some u.s. lawmakers are now pushing for preventative measures. elizabeth pran has more on the surge. we're seeing both at home and abroad. >> we do not believe this is a new or novel pathogen that we believe this is all existing, meaning covid flu rsv michael plasma, cdc director mandy cohen tampering fears as the american public has grown increasingly concerned about the spread of viral infections. just days after the world health organization states, there is no evidence of a new pathogen in regions of china. chinese officials have shared with us that again, no novel pathogens that what they're seeing exist.
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>> and we were able to corroborate that across other sources from. >> our european union and others to make sure that we're getting a complete picture. but republican lawmakers still pushing back. senator marco rubio along with a group of gop senators pending this letter to president biden reading in part. >> we should not wait for the who to take action given its track record of slab. difference to the ccp. we must take the necessary steps to protect the health of americans and our economy. this means we should immediately restrict travel between the united states and the prc. until we know more about the dangers posed by this new illness. families are still triggered the images of crowded emergency rooms and mask-wearing patients reminiscent of early pandemic days. beijing children's hospital reportedly receiving up to 9,378 new patients a day and has been at full capacity for 2 months closer to home.
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concern is spreading to an ohio county seeing an outbreak of more than 140 cases of pediatric pneumonia in warren county since august. doctors also reportedly seeing a spike in massachusetts health officials reiterating to parents that searches and respiratory illnesses are common. this time of year. i wouldn't be surprised is that you're gonna see outbreaks throughout the country. it's the it's the time of year rather than a cause for concern something to allow us to remember. >> that we do have ability to try to decrease the likelihood of some of the infections. >> on the peninsula, the san mateo county office of education was awarded this year's golden bell award, which recognizes outstanding programs in california. schools. the county launched an environmental literacy plan back in 2017, teaching kids how to introduce sustainable practices in their communities. the county was recognized by the state in an awards ceremony last week. >> and reminder, there is no
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bart service between the daly city in glen park stations today as crews remove trees near the tracks. union samtrans will run bus shuttles between the 2 stations at this time. bart riders traveling through the area should expect delays up to 30 minutes. this marks the latest effort by the transit agency to remove hazardous trees. barr is calling this the largest tree removal project in the agency's history. >> happening today, it is time for the 4th annual chinatown. a winter wonderland. >> trump was to just as live for us now. it's san francisco with more activity. here is a lot of fun planned at this thing. yeah. so in a few more hours grand avenue which is right behind us is going to be filled with people and festivities. >> they just blocked off a chunk of right behind us and they are setting up for this event that set to start at 11 o'clock this morning. thousands of presents will be given out today to children and families. this event was inspired by the founder of the production group who is putting this event on today as
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a child she received presents from the fire department toy drive just like this growing up here in san francisco. now this is all happening in chinatown today between klain, washington street from 11 o'clock this morning, all the way until 4 o'clock this afternoon. this is the 4th annual chinatown winter wonderland event here on grand avenue. it's going to be transformed into a winter wonderland landscape for children and families to enjoy. there's even going to be some fake snow. organizers say this is an annual event in to serve the under privileged families and children of san francisco chinatown who mostly live in poverty. the asian firefighters association is providing santo who would distribute thousands of toys today to the children. there's also going to be train rides live entertainment and food to enjoy again. this event is going to start at 11 o'clock this morning and go all the way until 04:00pm this afternoon. back to 70 through the snow is really interesting. it sounds interesting. it sounds like fun. all right. >> well, coming up here on the kron, 4 morning news, the largest pop culture convention
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in northern california returned to the bay area from fans signings to cosplay local artists. they really had it all. take you inside fan expo after this. >> 100 miles of range in 5 minutes. a look at new ev charging technology. plus new evs from lucid and pull star. i'm rich demuro. that's coming up in tech. smart. get those fast charges on phones. here's what it looks like upstream, the pacific. a lot of congestion lined up for us, but >> mixture of sun and clouds for the fairest way to phrase it will put it all together for you a bit. the kron 4 morning news continues.
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>> well, the largest pop culture convention in northern california returned to san francisco for a massive celebration of comics, anime gaming and sci-fi drawing big crowds and celebrity power. i got a chance to take a look at all the action at expo. for the second year in a row. fans of all things geek gather turtle power for 3 day event attracting 35,000 characters from shapeshifting robots to pokemon masters. >> francisco's must go. nissan like this is world through fans like sandra genell's, part of a welcome wave of tourism for the city by the i would definitely come back. san francisco is wonderful. looking around you. you've got people all different age groups, all different colors, religions. all we care about is uplifting each other. to
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sectors showing off their superpowers. i love san francisco. i've been 3 times already this year and every time an amazing turnout. wonderful people is just so much love love. the fans lined up for sarah netter. cheney starred in the hit media franchise. oh, come for nearly 2 decades. be the very best. like no one ever was. how does it feel to be here in san francisco today, meeting your fans? >> it's amazing. sharing his affection for bay area fans. very gordon, the original voice of our favorite hero and a half donatella. i've i think donna kelley would love san francisco. i don't know how your sewers over an artist alley and award-winning cartoonist lives out his childhood fantasy. it's been really fun. i've been going to combat the convention. little kid and now to be on the other side of the table. it's kind of what i dreamed when i was like, well, if you're somebody who feels like in the story inside of consider telling it is right now, we need as many different voices as we can get
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a journey. this san jose artist is embarking on now. it's basically my family's immigration to america but told through the lens food memories. i want people to read this inspire them to write their story and there was no shortage of stories or inspiration at fan expo. >> that was just so much fun to cover star wars, mark hamill and ewan mcgregor and elijah wood from lord of the rings also made appearances at fan expo, though, apparently they weren't taking any media appearances. if you missed the event this year, organizers plan to be mosconi every thanksgiving weekend through 2026, you can already start planning your costume out now if you plan to go. well, mean, taking a live look now at the east bay. this is highway 24 in walnut looking pretty busy at this hour. a 46 this morning. and did you know it's up? i guess they just had a packed schedule of mark hamill and ewan mcgregor and those guys. but it was still really great to be at the convention
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and does feel that energy and to see people celebrating that nerd culture was a lot of fun. >> give people ideas for caution for the holidays to, i whatever. yeah, we do have a lot of cloud cover going on for today. shoppers. yeah, it's definitely a shopping cart today. not a lot of sun. we did get some of the south a little this morning and we have seen some from our camera shots, half moon bay. yes, there is little bit of a threat from sneaker waves going on for today also into tomorrow here. caution, particularly tomorrow, if you head of the beaches there to keep that in mind, doesn't look too bad from the shot here, but certainly overcast going to see a lot more of that going forward. by the way, up in the mountains, tahoe. look at how it changes tomorrow. they're getting sunshine tuesday. cloud cover builds. notice how temperatures bump up slide back on wednesday. but that may be kind of a wet snow going on wednesday. it certainly will start off with the elevation somewhat elevated and then come down a bit. but the systems we're getting are pretty much west to east. otherwise you're not coming from the gulf of alaska where that's really a cold core. you that's we start to get those snow levels at 5,000
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for an even 3,000 feet. when we get those system there. but hey, the season is young were just in early december here, storm tracker 4. there's the cloud cover some patchy drizzle to throw into the mix as well. but this is the deal that's going to be late today tonight. by tomorrow we open up before we welcome in the next system to get its act together before we finally get something out of that for the middle of the week. that's wednesday. thursday. here's how it is for today. again, lot of cloud cover refills in south and the east bay. maybe a couple of thinning patches here and there, but a lot of cloud cover it looks like for today. so doesn't look like those skies will open up too much for us today. tomorrow looking pretty good. here comes that low level moisture. again, right across the carquinez strait in the sacramento valley. so will probably be treated some fog to start things off on tuesday. but then again, the cloud cover aloft will fill in later on. here is a longer-range picture here for you. and then the system hits us by wednesday, lingering into thursday. there's your snow popping up a little bit around tahoe, but subsequent systems are a little cooler
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going forward. the kind of a dusting with. that's right. whole lot out of that. but it is a somewhat more elevated system are in the middle of the weekend next weekend. now we have a shot of something coming in by sunday. the timing has been kind of jumping around on this. so we'll kind of keep an eye on it. and it's not necessary to guarantee it will be that it might be less might be more. we'll see. we get a little closer and then post that again, another opening up 4 zone forecast cover you for your sunday. 63 san francisco pretty reminiscent of yesterday lower 60's to the coast. 63 for burlingame little patch, a little bit warmer down to the south here. mid 60's, palo alto, 67 for san jose. 64 cupertino. but they started off a little bit more elevated today. mid 60's approaching that in the east bay shoreline. also for tri valley with livermore it. 64, don't forget, it was chilly this morning. 64 walnut creek and concord. 58 for berkeley, richmond. 62 a chilly 59 balais with 63 fairfield. 61 up and 62 santa rosa. better sky conditions tomorrow. let's open it up briefly, but still warming to tuesday. here comes
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our system midweek wednesday, thursday. next thing to look out through all of this, stephanie is just how much dry air we're going to get in here to allow the temperatures to fall into the 30's. it's kind weird witch's brew here because we need some of the moisture for frost. and we've got allow the temperatures to fall enough to get into that zone. so a lot of factors have to come together. other than that, a lot of folks will probably stay in lower 40's with all of that with the moisture around. all right. got it and keep the rain gear handy. definitely have to do that. you know, we're going to the winter months now and we are taken seeing breaks with this and all these weather pattern, things you see with the pieces of systems are getting well during the drought. that was during the winter months. that was no good. we see that be like, oh, man, right here right here. but we've had some rain. so that's ok, we're okay on that front. but we do want to see this all winter long, okay. want to see some hits got it will stay tuned for what else got planned for us. thanks all right. well, now to sports and the niners, the niners just hours away from their big matchup with the eagles and the last time these 2 faced off. >> the eagle stop the niners
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passed to the super bowl 8 minutes into the game. property tore his elbow and it was pretty much game over from there. but the niners they've always believed if it wasn't for parties injury, the game would have gone differently. and now there's a chance to prove it. despite the niners record on the road, they are the team favored to win. kickoff is at one. 25 today. and meantime, happening tomorrow, the stanford women's soccer team is playing in the ncaa championship game. let's take a look at video that practice earlier this week. the cardinals facing off against florida state to try and win their 4th national title and their 11th championship game appearance in school history. the cardinals have the nation's top ranked defense. they've kept up a streak of know home losses since 2021. the game starts at 03:00pm tomorrow. last night the warriors were looking to be 2 la teams this week after beating the lakers a very close one. but the clippers came out on top over the warriors won 13, one, 12 worriers did have a hot start.
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but the dubs while they ended up losing a 22 point lead by the 4th were only able to recover a three-point lead, which they lost in the final moments of the game. well, if you're on the hunt for a new ride, there are new ev suvs out now. rich demuro takes a look in today's tech smart >> electric cars are getting a lot of buzz and three-row suvs are a growing segment. people buy a three-row suv because they want space. gravity is new from lucid motors. ev startup that specializes in luxury vehicles. we focus on a lot of space for people and cargo. amazing range through efficiency. performance on and off road. and of course, the luxury experience inside the car outside, you get compact aerodynamic looks inside their seating for 7, lots of cargo space and dual screens that
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can transport you to relaxing scenes and sounds and this might be a first. a in the frank. pretty comfy loose. it grabbed the expected to go over 440 miles on a charge and start at under $80,000 in late 2024. most are 3. let's take a right post. our 3 is an upcoming suv with seating for 5 and a focus on performance and sustainability close me is to in the post with a more narrow dynamic and to get of course the rain shop post are backed by swedish carmaker volvo and its parent company geely out of china. >> the suv expected to get around 300 miles on a charge. it starts at just over $80,000 because we're all about the driving experience for the customers and check this out. notice anything different. the pollstar for ditches the rear window completely all-star partnering with a startup named store not to test
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extreme fast charging to replace some of the materials inside the boundary. you know enables the starting a prototype. polestar 5 will get the speedy battery tech next year to evaluate where you can for each 5 minutes of charging. this is least 2 times faster than anything else that is out there in the i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. tech smart. >> we'll be right back. have heart failure with unresolved symptoms?
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it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm.
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that is definitely him. dude, that's just a guy taking a little break with a peppermint frosty. i gotta ask him. hello? hi. mind if i sit? okay. and now get 20% off in the wendy's app when you include a frosty. think it's amazing. i'm so excited here in theaters that
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we can scream and with along with it. >> kron 4 caught up with moviegoers in the east bay for the opening of renaissance, a film by beyonce. it follows the grammy award winner as she prepared for her world tour. >> the move so far? sam blue ivy. she's so inspirational as a girl, black girl she first sang the masses and i it. >> beyonce's daughter, but she's referencing there. well, the movie also include some of the main songs from the tour, including alien partition, crazy in love and cuff it. the film is out in theaters now. still ahead on the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news. holiday event to check out l- this weekend. today is the 4th annual chinatown winter wonderland. our live coverage another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters.
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[ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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kron. 4 morning news. police in richmond have arrested a pastor suspected of kidnapping and molesting children. >> why there could be more make victims. and hundreds of people rallied outside san francisco city hall demanding a permanent cease-fire in gaza. plus, thousands of cal state university faculty are preparing to strike next week for a pay raise. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. good sunday to you. let's get you started with a look at the weather with dave sphar payday. stephanie, good morning. and good morning, everybody. kind of a mixed hailed what we've got going on with some
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locations seeing mostly clear skies filling in a little bit in the north bay and >> portions of san francisco, certainly and also a little bit of the pencil, seeing a lot of cloud cover overnight. now with all of this will see the cloud cover intensify. we see some nice peeks of sun going on to start off. but that will close up as we go mostly cloudy today. and again, some patches of drizzle are possible up in the north bay, particularly. here's a quick check of san jose state. not bad. nice sunshine filtering in through those high clouds again, thickening up as we get into the later morning and early afternoon hours here for you. temperature check for you were in the cooler, lower 50's down south upper 50's to be found to the north conquer coming in. a 57 along with hayworth, though, to at this hour. and there you see the contrast up north, a little warmer than yesterday in a little cooler. even at this hour for the south bay because they had clear overnight we have kind of a mixed bag. some winds pretty much single digits. we don't see any major when pop happening with all of this until that front gets here by midweek. so a breakdown for you today. quite a bit of cloud cover going through at
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times. it will thin out a little bit. you might see some rays of sun everywhere and also some patches of drizzle not impossible. at the up in the north bay, coming up a little bit here, we'll kind of walk you through what you can expect into next week. stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> east bay pastor is in jail this morning on accusations of molesting children from his church. prop was amanda hari has the details. >> try to. >> teach your kids that. what's okay? what is it? a betrayal of trust, a spiritual leader, an authority figure taking advantage of a child. >> friday, 53 year-old victor hernandez penedo was arrested by richmond police oakland. he's charged with multiple counts of kidnapping and continuously molesting a child. hernandez panay to is a pastor at iglesia pentecostal moby me until the gloria, a spanish language christian church on 3rd street mcdonald's avenue in richmond, police sergeant lee and joseph is a parent herself and she knows the challenges that come with trying to keep kids safe.
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my kids are young. so yeah, it is. it is difficult to manage that she does. her. best advice is to talk with your children. honestly, i think that you just need to keep an open. >> communication with your kids. let them know that no matter what position. authority figures have in your kids lives, they need to know they can always come to you and talk to you about things when things just don't seem right. chester got hernandez panay to is being held on a 7 million dollars bail. police say there's a likelihood that there are more victims. they hope the getting the word out. they can reach by. we do encourage anyone who has either. >> been a victim or has information about the current investigation to please reach out to their son, police department or to our detectives at the family justice center. >> that was kron four's amanda hari reporting for us this morning. richmond police are expected to meet with county prosecutors to file charges next week. alameda county district attorney's office is reversing course
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after keeping some journalists from covering events. a brooklyn reporter was excluded from a news conference last week. the action criticized by first amendment advocates who say the move suggests reporters will be punished for being critical of da pamela price. price faces a recall effort by people who say she's too soft on crime. a spokesperson for the da says prices committed to transparency. it is working on developing media guidelines. >> happening now, we are tracking power outages in petaluma. this is a look at the area near petaluma boulevard north at least 100 pg e customers are impacted. >> police say there's also a traffic incident in this area. the public is asked to avoid lakeville street from madison street petaluma north boulevard north. no details yet on the specific traffic issue or if it caused this power outage. as of last check, power is expected to be restored by 08:00pm tonight. and hundreds of people rallied outside san francisco city hall saturday demanding a permanent cease-fire in gaza.
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prop was justin campbell. was there. >> the rain did not stop palestinian supporters as they chant and march in san francisco saturday, the first major rally since the ceasefire in did and fighting resumed between israel and hamas needs to stop because there's a lot of civilian outside city hall. the demonstrators demanding a permanent cease-fire in gaza. health ministry says israel strikes on houses and buildings have killed at least 178 people throughout the gaza strip in the first hours of fighting. israel says it struck more than 200 hamas targets. i have family in gaza died. 5 of them were children, ages 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, >> they had no political affiliation to hamas. the coop is with the arab resource and organizing center. he helped put together the rally and says his family members in gaza are facing hunger issues
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and that a pause in the cease-fire is not enough. needs to be permanent. is enough and that our tax dollars can not continue to fund this cease-fire mediator. qatar said efforts are ongoing to renew the truce and release more hostages. if that this is about returning the hostages that hamas kidnapped. >> and about removing a terrorist organization from power. israel's next door neighbor, tyler gregory, ceo of the jewish community relations council says he completely disagrees with their point of view, but supports their civil rights. now we believe in freedom of speech, we believe in the right to protest when not rallying pro-palestinian protesters say they will be helping bay area cities pass resolutions calling for a cease-fire in gaza. having some type of actions really just showing their mask solidarity for the palestinian people in this moment last week, the city of oakland passed a resolution calling for a permanent cease-fire. >> it remains to be seen if san francisco will follow suit. >> reporting in san francisco, justin campbell kron, 4 news.
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>> in a show of support, former governor arnold schwarzenegger met with the families of 3 people held hostage by hamas. family members gave testimony of surviving the hamas attack. schwarzenegger spoke during that meeting. >> it's the long and it's looking coexists. and i think this is a story that everyone in the yeah. >> the museum of tolerance in jerusalem help bring everyone together. the israeli government says nearly 140 hostages are still being held by hamas. it's south san francisco, a group of retail theft suspects are in jail this morning. they are accused of burglaries in 5 different cities. police say the suspects were spotted in daly city friday and booked into jail. some stolen property was recovered. thousands of how state university faculty are preparing to strike next week. they're calling for a 12% pay. raise labor negotiations
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stalled after university officials said the system cannot for the pay bump. the cal state system is offering instead a 15% increase over 3 years. faculty members said that's not enough. the one-day rolling strikes would shut down classes at 4 fcs use largest campuses, including san francisco state and sacramento state. temperatures goes public. school workers plan to strike tomorrow to protest what they are calling unfair labor practices. san francisco, unified plumbers, carpenters roofers and other trades people plan to strike. they say the school district has failed to pay wages. they also raise concerns about an agreement negotiated back in 2021. picketing starts at 06:00am outside the district's maintenance and operations facilities. and alameda. hundreds of volunteers teamed up to build 600 new bikes for kids in need. the nonprofit kids bike lane partnered with local charities to make sure everything is going to be shipped out in time for christmas. this was the 8th annual big bike build. the organization is still
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accepting donations online. you can also sign up to volunteer on their website. kids bike lane dot org. happening to death today. it's time for the 4th annual chinatown winter wonderland coffers. tiffany just is live for us now from chinatown with a preview of the excitement, tiffany. yes, good morning, stephanie. we have about 2 more hours before this event gets going here on grand avenue. >> they have been busy this morning. setting up. you can see that this road has been blocked off of pretty substantial chunk of grand avenue has been blocked off for this event. you can even see that they brought out the small, tiny train that will be giving kids some rights today. we know that thousands of toys will be given out during this event. this event was actually inspired by the founder of the production group who's organizing it as a child she received presents from a fire department toy drive just like this growing up here in francisco. this is all happening in chinatown today between klain, washington
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street, from 11 o'clock this morning, all the way until 4 o'clock this afternoon. this is the 4th annual chinatown winter wonderland event here on grand avenue. it's going to be transformed into a winter wonderland landscape for children and families to enjoy. we're hearing there's even going to be some fake snow. organizers say this is an annual event in to serve. the do approve families and children of san francisco chinatown who mostly live in poverty, the asian firefighters association is providing center who with the student thousands of toys today to those children. there's also going to be train rides live, entertainment and food to enjoy at today's event. we also do want to mention those times again, it's going start in a few more hours at 11 o'clock this morning. go all the way until 04:00pm. this afternoon. stephanie act. >> sounds like a great time. looking forward to hearing more about the fun out there. tiffany, thank you. well, coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news as the holiday season kicks off increase in shoplifting has been reported across the country.
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>> plus, more christmas lights could mean a bigger price tag on your power bill. and after the break, snow is in the sierra. a look at what you need to know before you hit the slopes. >> to the middle of this week. coming up, a look at today. cloud cover returns in areas. we're kinda lifted a little bit overnight. tomorrow looks pretty good. but then again, watching amid weak system here to get the forecast together for you in a bit. the kron 4 for you in a bit. the kron 4 morning news continues. known for following your dreams. known for keeping with tradition. known for discovering new places. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 16 types of cancer,
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including certain early-stage and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is early-stage non—small cell lung cancer. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies before surgery when you have early-stage lung cancer, which can be removed by surgery, and then continued alone after surgery to help prevent your lung cancer from coming back. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation or have a nervous system problem. keytruda is an immunotherapy and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials
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exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it's tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. >> saturday with snow coming down in the sierra was great news for ski resorts. but a challenge for those traveling
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on i-80, we add x reports on the conditions out there. >> it's really cold. i'm coming in from bay area. so i'm going to reno and i stopped because i so snow. but now that i'm out here, kinda want to >> with a high of just 32 degrees in the area of soda springs today. those passing through felt every bit of a chill didn't seem to mind too much. >> farc roxanne pajama pants a way to go in the snow. but on the pants? yes, crocs. i don't recommend the crocs. my feet are a little wet. i have. she's in the car. so okay. haha. >> jaden smith, the reno says traffic on 80 was backed up with i think people are going a little bit slower because of the and it's pretty foggy. so visibility is a little but it's local say it's about time. the snow started dumping yesterday and today a little bit more. i'm everybody excited for the season. some of the resorts of himself.
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>> it always gets everybody excited. this time of year when the season actually begins, it was down to 17 degrees. last cheryl had at the soda springs. general store says every inch of snow counts only 3 or 4. today they're supposed to be another 4, 5 inches tonight. the national weather service tells fox 40 that the snow is expected to taper off by midnight. >> but not before dropping a couple more inches of powder excited because it's kicking off the season mean our christmas and new year's is coming in. when everybody's really wants to come so we're very thankful. >> we've got stay warm. >> just looking at that makes me feel a little chilly. but back here at home, a live look at conditions out on peninsula. look at the san mateo bridge right now, 9.15, this sunday morning. and obviously no snow out just some nice travel conditions. it looks like for people in this part of the bay area. dave, what do you think? yeah,
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we turn off some of drizzle for the most part, although there will be some patches of some of that that will help you get around a little bit. so. >> we'll have some help on that front of a lot of gloomy skies to deal with today. sun comes out better tomorrow as it does in tahoe. now it looks kind of mild for the next couple of days. but then by the middle of the week, here it comes new system. 47 for a high on wednesday and that snow will probably be kind of a wet snow and somewhat elevated. now later on was we get to thursday at the elevation will drop of the snow, but it won't get that out of the 5,004 1000 range, at least an heavy amounts. we take a look at what's going on san jose state and in the background, you can pick up the blue skies a little bit, but some of that cloud cover already filtering through. so this is probably the most and that you're going to see through the day here. it is out to see. you can see and this will be some of the low level moisture that will get for tonight as well. so the bigger picture kind of shows what's going on later today. tonight, opening up for monday. briefly tuesday. the cloud cover returns. and then wednesday, we're looking for the system. the drop in the town the low corps is going to
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stay to the north. and this is a west to east pattern for a lot of this. so that means that it's not a really cold system to be had as far as what future cast says it, you know, concurs will get the cloud cover build up today, particularly in the east bay in the south bay, although the dew has a little filtered sunshine going on this morning and then tonight clearing out a little bit looks pretty good for monday, but that low level moisture comes back again by monday night and the fog for tuesday morning right across the quirkiness trade in the sacramento valley. then the higher level clouds coming after that. so we're kind of mostly cloudy morrison in the south as what we're seeing here, patchy north bay drizzle still in there early in the week. monday looks okay. but variable clouds by tuesday, mild warmer on tuesday as well. then wednesday, thursday, the 2 days to watch for the will call unsettled weather is this comes together could be coming colder by thursday. by the way. and then looks like we're dry friday and into saturday at this projection. 63 san francisco, mostly cloudy, some patchy drizzle is pretty much early on. 63 also for open in 67
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with variable clouds, san jose. here's the big board for the temperatures. middle 60's is what we've got going on there. nothing. 2 major and we'll keeping those goldilocks for high temperatures the next couple of days. but getting chilly for the knights as we get to thursday friday. but a lot of this has to do with how much dry air we have a much moisture some more frost talk at night in the morning hours, potentially. okay week. all right. so stay bundled up area use. and to thank you. >> a new study finds a possible new remedy to treat pancreatic cancer and turns out that remedy could already be in your kitchen pantry. >> maya has the details. >> there's a new hope to help treat one of the deadliest forms of cancer. and it is likely already in your hole. early data shows a hypoglycemic state or elevated blood sugar can make pancreatic cancer more responsive to chemotherapy. those with higher glucose levels. >> diabetics control, sugar. actually live longer want
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getting chemotherapy. >> the research reported by university hospitals seidman cancer center along with case western reserve university. we're really excited about this research because it's an opportunity to improve survival of a very deadly disease. >> without needing to develop new therapeutic altogether. patriotic cancer is one of the most difficult to treat, says doctor jordan winter chief of surgical oncology at uh, and one of the most deadly roughly 60,000 patients are diagnosed every year about 95% with we had a cancer is the 12th most common? cancer in the united states. but it's the second leading cause of cancer related death or 3rd leading cause soon to surpass colon cancer in the next couple of years. >> sugar researchers say is a relatively low-cost intervention that could bypass the years long process to
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develop a new treatment of the cost of developing new drugs is over a billion dollars sometimes multiple billions of dollars and can take 10 to 20 years. so if you have an intervention that could impact survival without developing a new drug. >> that is potentially a big breakthrough in our field. a possible breakthrough that might help thousands of people in the fight for their lives. >> in cleveland, maia belay. >> the aaa urging drivers this holiday season to make sure any christmas trees you're taking home from the lot are well secured on the top of your car. this will help prevent that tree from becoming a hazard to other drivers and motorcyclists. >> he wanted to be as tight as possible because if there's a little bit of give as you get driving the when it's only going to grow from there. so that's why we try to pull everything as tight as possible and only takes one situation. all sun. you might be running the holidays for one to as many as 3 other cars.
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>> and the contra costa county probation department is partnering with toys for tots this for this year's holiday toy drive. you can bring new and unwrapped toys at drop-off locations which are listed on your screen right now. they include delta fair boulevard in antioch, douglas drive and glacier drive in martinez and richmond parkway in richmond. donations are accepted at these locations from 08:00am to 05:00pm monday to friday until december. the 15th. happening today, the opened african american chamber of commerce hosted its 6th annual black sunday holiday expo. event is valdez street from noon to 4 delicious food and fun entertainment are planned. this holiday season. keep an eye on your electricity bill. lots of people like to run the heat longer hours, which makes sense because it's colder. and of course, is all the holiday decorations around the house in 2022, the national average people spent on christmas lights was close to $17. >> my wife is she's a stickler, you know, for the
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don't burn the lights too long things like that, you know, it's just is is very really especially new ones that they make today, 90% of an incandescent the heat >> is wasted and electricity is why >> led lights are a lot stronger. drop them off a 2 story house they don't break. >> led lights will save you more money compared to regular light poles. the u.s. postal service expects nearly 400 million people to ship packages from now until new year's day. the postal service suggest purchasing insurance using apps to track your shipment more packages expected and things being mailed at a faster pace. there's also a higher risk of things being broken or lost. so getting that tracking numbers going to be important for you. americans spend billions over the first holiday sales sales period from black friday, cyber monday, a record amount fueled by buy now pay later
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purchases. the option has become more common shoppers choose to spread payments over months to save money. but it is not without risk. consumer experts say you need to know the terms include late fees, interest rates and more. it's best to stay on top of what's owed has missed payments can affect credit score. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a bay area city is listed as one of the most expensive. >> cities to live in. can you guess which made the list? details ahead. have you heard? the xfinity mobile black friday sale is on now! don't miss out on a free line of unlimited for 2 years when you switch to xfinity internet! that's over $1,000 in savings. and get up to $800 off the latest 5g phones. connect to america's most reliable 5g network.
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and join the millions who have switched to one of the fastest growing mobile services. now's your chance to get a free line of unlimited for 2 years when you switch to xfinity internet! plus, save even more with up to $800 off an eligible 5g phone. click, call or visit a store today! i know the importance of taking care of myself. how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente.
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>> the powerball jackpot is up to an estimated 142 million
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dollars. and that amount continues to go up. well, today, a new study is out revealing the numbers you should never choose for powerball. the notoriously unlucky number 13 has been drawn the least out of all the numbers and other drugs since 2015, the numbers. 49 34 also ranked among the unluckiest the same. also, the same study also found the luckiest numbers with 61 revealed to be the luckiest number drawn 90 time since 2015 number. 32 in 63 are also on the lucky number list. san francisco is one of the world's most expensive cities to live in. how many of you guessed that correctly? that's according to the annual worldwide cost of living index. san francisco ranks 10th on the list. meantime, los angeles is the 6 most expensive place to live in the entire world. singapore and switzerland. zurich tied as the most expensive cities
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next. new york and geneva, hong 7th paris tied for 8th as tel aviv copenhagen was followed by san francisco. the list was compiled based off prices of products and services and factoring in inflation. and the south bay, sunnyvale officials could put a property transfer tax measure on the november ballot. the measure if passed, would help fund the city's budget by taxing property transfers that are more than 2 million dollars council members start discussing details of this proposal next year the proposed tax is inspired by san jose's measure e which imposes a similar tax on property transfers. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news looking for a winter wonderland. well, we have one right here in the bay area. now
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morning news. another former guard at a women's federal prison dublin is sentenced for sexually abusing inmates. >> the santa rosa police say a major surge in teens arrested for gun possession. welcome back to the proper one. just a moment here. but let's get you started this half hour >> 9 this sunday with a look at your weather forecast with dave spahr payday. >> everybody and a lot of cloud cover we're dealing with picking up in the north bay. but in some rays of sun make their appearance known down in the south bay a little bit. so having said all that going to see probably mostly clear as cover good chunk of real estate for today. but then we get into tomorrow and you see a lot more sunshine. we're waiting for a midweek system
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that will bring us some rain and will bring us some mountain snows to up there around tahoe, though levels will be fairly high. yeah. here's an example we're talking about on storm tracker. 4 there. you can see kind of cloud cover and the patches of clear skies and all that winds relatively an involved single digits and that remain the case over least the next 48 hours. that front probably will generate some winds, though. a look at what it looks like in san jose state. you can see some of the blue skies were hunting for some sunshine this morning. you see kind of glistening off the glass and the building there in the distance. temperature check for you. upper 50's down south, at least in hayward livermore. 57 60 going on for antioch with still those mid 50's up to the north bay, nevada of the 59. what happened is overnight is a lot of cloud cover up in the north bay. contrast with the clear south bailout. some cooling in the south bay. so the breakdown today keeps us mostly cloudy for the balance of the day. temperatures much the same as yesterday in the 60's and the rain probably not as intrusive doby little patches of drizzle and that's the most you'll see probably near the coast and up there in
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the north bay to that coming up in a bit. of course, while the 4 zone forecast, which is pretty close to yesterday, but will kind of break this down what we expect weather-wise next week, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> as the holiday season kicks off, an increase in shoplifting has been reported across the country. nancy loo reports on the grinch is stealing the holiday spirit from businesses. >> holiday season means far more inventory on store shelves. a lot more people walking around shopping bags and millions of packages are out for delivery next. >> and entice ing set of circumstances for criminals and americans are spending big this holiday season. while online shopping has become the norm registers are also ringing far more often at traditional brick and mortar stores. >> the criminals like these never bother to pay over a dozen suspect bag. more than $12,000 in nike gear from the los angeles area. stuart sunday. before last filling
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trash bags with clothing and shoes. law enforcement is also on alert for crash and grabs which have been on an uptick in chicago. criminals often use stolen cars to ram their way into businesses and then grab and go quickly with billions of dollars in goods on the move this week as retailers fulfill orders. it is prime time for porch. pirates. a recent report finds they are most active along the west coast with homes in seattle, portland and san diego targeted most often. now police departments are also warning about follow home robberies. >> as well as e-mail scams hitting your inbox all those cyber deals. that was our nancy loo reporting for us. >> another former guard at the women's federal prison in dublin has been sentenced for sexually abusing inmates. john bel house must serve 5 years in federal prison and pay a $25,000 fine. prosecutors say
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this was the 8th abuse case related against a former guard at that prison last month. former guard andrew jones was sentenced to 8 years in prison. in the north bay santa rosa. police say more teens are getting arrested for gun possession this year. that number is up 500% from just last year. the department blames an increase in gang violence. police arrested. 21 dean teens for gun possession this year and 5 out of 9 homicides in the city have been gang-related. developing news now out of los angeles. police have arrested a suspected serial killer wanted for gunning down 4 victims in 4 days. jorge ventura has the latest. >> the murder suspect of these 3 homicides is in the custody of also sheriff's department. it has been identified as jerrold shows how? a male black, 33 years of age and a resident, los angeles. >> lapd chief michel moore announcing the arrest of a suspect. police say shot and
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killed 3 homeless men in the city this past week. the men were all killed in the early morning hours under similar circumstances from november. 26 the 29th. the shocking deaths prompting the launch of a task force to search for the killer around the clock and all hands effort. >> to identify and apprehend the person responsible for these murders. the first victim, 37 year-old jose bolanos who was found dead from a gunshot wound on november. 26 the second victim. 62 year-old mark biggs was shot and killed while pushing shopping cart. the following day. the 3rd victim, a 52 year-old male police say has not been named yet was found dead on the 29th. but powell was restricted to homeless victims. police say he also killed 42 year-old nicholas symbol on on tuesday night shooting and killing the victim in his own garage were able dana fight the vehicle, we believe connected to these 2 or 3 homicides as being the same vehicle mister powell used in the murder of mister
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simon moore. also city handgun found in powers car was identified as the good news to kill all 3 homeless men. additionally, house car was seen at all murder sites. i'm grateful that the suspect in this case is in custody and no longer a threat to our community. >> and one man is dead and 4 others injured after a friday shooting at a las vegas homeless encampment. police are still searching for the gunman. the shooting does not appear to be related to the recent killings of unhoused people in los angeles. health officials are tracking the spread of a respiratory illness gaining traction overseas. some u.s. lawmakers are now pushing for preventative measures. elizabeth pran has more on the surge. we're seeing both at home and abroad. >> we do not believe this is a new or novel pathogen that we believe this is all existing, meaning covid flu rsv michael plasma, cdc director mandy cohen tampering fears as the american public has grown increasingly concerned about
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the spread of viral infections. just days after the world health organization states, there is no evidence of a new pathogen in regions of china. chinese officials have shared with us that again, no novel pathogens that what they're seeing exist. >> and we were able to corroborate that across other sources from. >> our european union and others to make sure that we're getting a complete picture. but republican lawmakers still pushing back. senator marco rubio along with a group of gop senators pending this letter to president biden reading in part. >> we should not wait for the who to take action given its track record of slavishly friends to the ccp. we must take the necessary steps to protect the health of americans and our economy. this means we should immediately restrict travel between the united states and the prc. until we know more about the dangers posed by this new illness. families are still triggered the images of crowded emergency rooms and
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mask-wearing patients reminiscent of early pandemic days. beijing children's hospital reportedly receiving up to 9,378 new patients a day and has been at full capacity for 2 months closer to home. concern is spreading to an ohio county seeing an outbreak of more than 140 cases of pediatric pneumonia in warren county since august. doctors also reportedly seeing a spike in massachusetts health officials reiterating to parents that searches and respiratory illnesses are common. this time of year. i wouldn't be surprised is that you're gonna see outbreaks throughout the country. it's the it's the time of year rather than a cause for concern something to allow us to remember. >> that we do have ability to try to decrease the likelihood of some of the infections. >> and a reminder, there is no bart service between the daly city in glen park stations today as crews remove trees near the tracks. >> union samtrans will run bus shuttles between the 2 stations at this time. but
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riders traveling through the area should expect delays up to 30 minutes. this marks latest effort by the transit agency to remove hazardous trees. barr is calling this the largest tree removal project in the agency's history. >> happening today, it's time for the 4th annual chinatown winter wonderland. postivity justice has been live from san francisco for us all morning covering the fun tiffany, what's expected today? >> yeah. what a special event. we know that thousands of presents will be given out today. linda, an organizer and founder of the company who is putting this event is joining us live. linda, thank you so much for joining us. you mind just telling us what's going on this morning. thanks so much for having me. tiffany, will you see here? the chaos going on behind you were setting up to received thousands of children today with partner up with the asian firefighters association and the toy program to be able to distribute toys. we have a train running through grand
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avenue. it's snowing. francisco. windy. ever see snow, right? so, >> you know, lots of magic happening today. food, free food getting past that. we have lucky supermarket sponsoring giving away free grocery gift cards. so, you i think that's just so much has went into making today really special for the community. and this is the 4th year that you have been organizing this event and putting it on. this is the 4th year. you know, i think with every single year we've learned a little bit more and it gets bigger and better with each year. and what can people expect if they want to come down? we're on grant avenue. what can people expect when they come down? do they need anything? they don't need to register. just calm down and you'll be able to meet asian santa claus, their asian entertainment going on here for cultural awareness. and we really ask the public to not just support the community, but patronize local businesses here and really pay attention to what's going on in our community. and i learned that you gun idea that put this event on because you
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as a child received place from a similar event like this. so this is kind of your way of giving yeah, absolutely. this is something that's really near and dear to my heart growing up. i grew up in san francisco in the tenderloin china town. and so we were recipients of toy drive from the fire department. and i still remember that to this day. so i think that was something really special to me. so to be able to do this for the community, for the kids out here and for the families, it means so much to me. so for those and the kids who are looking forward for president today. so what is that going to look like? a big chunk of granite avenue has been blocked out for it has been blocked off, but unfortunately there will be a line. so it's going to be chaotic and they have to get in this line with the fire department to be able to receive a toy. we also have other things going on. we have our activity booth with jumpy house with trained they can ride. balloons are being given out. so there's more than just gifts that are being given to them. it's a whole holiday experience, which is why chinatown, winter wonderland. and what about next year? are
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you already planning for next will plan for next year starting tomorrow. but anyone who is interested, we ask that they please log onto our website and also our social media handle, which imagination. fractions. >> and we look forward to making it bigger and better every single year for the community. you're a lovely person and thank you for joining us live in talking with us. stephanie, i'm going to send it back to you in studio. >> all right. thank you so much for that exciting preview. their tiffany
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have you heard? the xfinity mobile black friday sale is on now! don't miss out on a free line of unlimited for 2 years when you switch to xfinity internet! that's over $1,000 in savings. and get up to $800 off the latest 5g phones. connect to america's most reliable 5g network. and join the millions who have switched to one of the fastest growing mobile services. now's your chance to get a free line of unlimited for 2 years when you switch to xfinity internet! plus, save even more with up to $800 off an eligible 5g phone. click, call or visit a store today!
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>> all right. taking a live look now at sfo this morning. looking like decent day to fly out there, though, a little bit chilly as well. let's
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check in now with day for more on what we need to know. hey, dave. >> hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning. all those pesky clouds only to gang up on us and ernest throughout the day today, a quick check and a half moon bay. we're actually getting some sun working its magic. there got some beach walkers going on. so enjoy this part of the day later on, we'll probably see that cloud cover start to thicken up a little bit. and it's quite traffic jam out west, ok? so this is going to be the weather maker later today. tonight, we clear out for a nice, clear patch for your monday and then that over there is tuesday wednesday, thursday zone. notice the low as much further to the north. so we're not going to get a cold core low to do its magic when it finally gets here. that means the snow levels in tahoe won't be real. real low going forward with today. there you see the cloud cover just saw cuss in my kit thin and a couple little spots throughout the day today, but to see a lot in the way of sun opening up tomorrow. taking a break. there's the shower activity far up towards the north. and it looks like by tuesday we'll start to get the lower level moisture back again, some
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morning fog. but then wednesday gets more interesting. here's a longer range forecast wednesday. there it is. this is subject to change, but we will get those snows and everything up to tahoe lakers. subsequent systems might be a little lower, though, heading to the weekend saturday looks okay. but sunday we're watching for yet this other system drops out. lot of cloud cover is well with this. not a guarantee that will hold together might get drier, might get wetter. so we'll see how that all comes together. this time of year was going to watch go too far out. it does drop to the south. looks like in some showers for socal. 4 zone forecast company today. we've got 63. san francisco will do that lower 60's along the coast. bayside 63 going on for burning, nice little pocket happening here to the south in mid which is pretty close to what we had yesterday. upper 60's san jose checks in east bay shoreline. lower 60's tri valley, checking in mostly into the mid 60's for today and 6 to 59 rather for of allay 63 fairfield in a 61 for napa. we'll check in a 62. meanwhile, 4 santa rosa, 7 day
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forecast. we check things out. it's an interesting one at that, ok, we opening up the skies monday. here comes the cloud cover back for tuesday. kind of loaded up for the big batter on wednesday. thursday, as will see that unsettled weather. and we should start to clear out in time for the weekend. it looks like by the current projections, stephanie's in the kitchen with something nice. treat as you're working on. yeah. and karen owoc is here with me out for your health research shows that americans. >> experience more deadly heart attacks during the holiday season than any other time of the year. here to explain as our health expert karen owoc here. and this is a pretty serioue issue. it is. and i'm glad that it's the beginning of december to we could kind of address it. people kinda overindulge to them exactly. so it sounds like the heart attacks are tied to the overindulgence that can happen during the holiday season. yes. so the number one, day that has the highest number of a heart attacks is christmas and then the next the day after
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christmas. >> and the 3rd highest is new year's day. i the after effects new year's eve. you know, why is it that the death rate can the particularly high during the specific holidays. well, >> a lot of people, they change their patterns of behavior. they're eating behavior, drinking exercising. all of that's different number one, and that causes stress to the body. and that's the number one thing we really want it to us is try to reduce your stress because when you're stressed, those levels of cortisol get elevated, right. and when it's elevated your risk of having a car to a heart attack, a stroke or cardiovascular death is 5 times that someone else. just such an important reminder again, because >> i think it's normal for us to be like, okay, it's the end of year. yes, but see, you know, get some good food that's fees together with family. but the such an important reminder that you bring up right now. so what
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are some tips that we can implement? >> into our holiday celebrations to make sure that we're all staying safe and healthy and happy. >> well, definitely i know it's hard to say don't but that's really important because when you have a heavy meal, you you are at risk of having a heart attack within 26 hours. we have something that's called the two-hour hazard period. and that means that if you have the heavy high fat high salt meal that your risk of having a heart attack is 4 times that of someone else within 2 hours. ok, and so that's really important to remember, because we're all overindulging. and this is something we really need to think about. >> and so you are brought with you today, some alternative, a healthier alternative, but still delicious that people can try to do at home. yes, and and it's everybody so busy right and so i like things
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that are healthy and easy. this is really easy. amusing couple squash. that's the japanese pumpkin. and it's it's really sweet. it really has a nice at a nice labor versus butters net squash. you could substitute for butternut squash. >> but i'm going to have you tasted oh, yeah, it yeah, i would be i would love to taste the soup. and thank you so much to speak for you and and again, walk us through how you how you put this together. it's so easy because, well, this is the japanese pumpkin. know it looks very intimidating when you look at it. but all we do is throw it in the oven. more 100 for about 30 minutes and that will soften did enough. so i can cut it in half because i don't dare od. i i do. i don't dare cut it in half. when it's when it's like this, ok? so then and then once it's open and then don't back in the oven. the cut in half, back in the oven and let it simmer and then i also have a nia, chris
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apple's okay here to that we have that smells apples, onions and garlic. that's it. and then a lot of seasonings. i have the new mexico some cayenne and salt and pepper. so it's really easy to do it. so it in the blender. and it still i was going to say it's a little bit spicy, but then you mentioned the pepperell plan. that's where that cake is coming from. really. and what it sounds like anyone can make some variation yes of this. it would still be hope. it's a concentrated form of antioxidants in anti-inflammatory compounds which are really important to help prevent heart attacks, thanking people find this recipe in a cookbook as well or yes, it's in my book. yes, had couple to apple ok? very good. so this is delicious. was there anything else you want to add about the suit? because i know that there's a few more bullet points that you that were to. i do have of some >> yet, as you put that on top
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it says give it a little crunch. but super easy let land and when you're so busy and we want reduce that. absolutely. well, this was this is delicious and hope people have a chance to said to try this at home. so, you know, a lot of people we talk about we've been talking to medical quite frequently in our coverage here. and with this concern about the triple demic as so you're recommending that people. >> go get vaccinated. really? what definitely get the flu shot because what's important is that when you get the flu, >> you you have your risk of having a heart attack is 6 times that of someone else to have it within 7 days of getting the flu. and that's because when you have the flu, your body gets very inflamed and that inflammation can cause. if you have any kind of plaque buildup in your arteries it's going to crack cause it to crack and then you could form a clot or that that rupture can travel lot
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someplace else. that's that's why it's so important reduce inflammation. so food and try not to get sick. >> absolutely. and consider getting seriously. consider getting the flu shot. you also mention not getting too close to the fireplace. walk us through that. yeah, so i know it's hard because we love the fireplace, especially in the winter time down and center coming. but the thing is the wood fireplaces, cause little part particles get into the air. and these are really small particulates that go deep into long. >> and that can increase your risk for heart unfortunately. >> ok, got it. so that's something serious that we do have to consider here. and then lastly, just to wrap this up, you say that if you're not feeling like starting to feel some signs, go to the doctor right away. yeah. and and if you overeat, you get indigestion. and that is a
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sign of a heart attack. and so kind of really have to be. >> cognizant i know you're partying you, you're with your family. and then. >> you might not be as aware of your symptoms, but you also probably don't want to cause a scene, but it's very important to address those symptoms. >> all right. our health expert karen owoc walking us through some really important guidelines to watch out for this holiday season. thank you so much for are very welcome. all right. we'll be right all right. we'll be right back.
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of ourselves. yes, it's definitely. all right. well, thank you so much for joining us here at kron. 4 weekend morning news. we'll see you. >> back here next week. take good care of yourself this holiday season. have a great holiday season. have a great day. ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, ♪ liv efficient, savvy.state ♪ making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus.
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> anncr: the following is a paid program from joel osteen ministries.


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