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tv   Republican Debate Preview Show  KRON  December 6, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ >> 2024 election year is nearly. candidates have one
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last chance to make their case to voters before them. caucus next month. if you don't do well in the first few states, you should get out the down. >> former vice president mike pence today announcing he is suspending his campaign. senator tim scott of south carolina announcing suspending his campaign. north dakota governor doug burgum is now ending his presidential campaign and the rounding up nikki haley. she's cated for some of the more liberal moderate elements of the party. establishment republican party has more. >> former president donald trump, we're going to win the iowa caucuses. on big stage in alabama and for the first time. cwm news nation. from your local election headquarters. is big night.
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>> well, the stage is set and less than one hour for the republican candidates will make their case to be their party's nominee in the 4th gop primary debate. and this is a live look at the university of alabama in tuscaloosa. the site of tonight's showdown. >> welcome to debate night in merica. i'm dan mannarino and i'm shirley chan. this latest matchup between the republican candidatecomes 6 weeks before the primary contests begin starting with the iowa caucus. that's right. tonight. we're going to give you a full picture of where the race for the republican nomination stands ahead of this debate. our coverage takes us across the country headquartered here in new york city and live from the debate stage in alabama will also have live reports from some of the states holding early primaries, which could determine the outcome of this race. those would be iowa, new hampshire and south carolina. and you'll hear from this team of reporters with some of the latest polling overall. the numbers continue to show former prsident trump running away with this race. a
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new poll that just drop monday from news nation and decision desk hq shows the former president with a nearly 50 point lead over his closest competitor. >> and though he will not be on station night, the candidates will likely seized on comments he made just last night, mister trump appeared on fox news. sean hannity discussing accusations that a second term would look like a dictatorship. take a look. >> you are promising america tonight. you would never abused power as retribution against anybody except the day one. >> except he's going to face with closing the border and with drilling drilling drilling after not to do you in any way. >> the dnc and the biden campaign rapidly condemning those remarks and they will likely be brought up at tonight's debate. also likely to be discussed. the mass shooting today at the university of nevada ls vegas. authorities say there are at least 3 victims, but at this time their conditions remain unknown. we do know that the suspected shooter is dead and there's no further
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threat. reporter david charns is live in las vegas with the very latest developments for us. we'll get to him in just a few minutes. also here in new york, reporter henry rosoff stationed at our polling desk. breaking down the numbers from the latest news nation decision desk hq paul and new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis and republican strategist chapin fay will be with us throughout the hour as well to give their analysis. >> but we begin debate night in america by heading to where all the action will take place. that's right. now would be the university of alabama in the city of tuscaloosa reporter reshad hudson is there live for us in shot. but evening to you. you've been there on the ground. >> you've seen the stage so set the scene for us on the ground. towing less than 60 minutes out. >> dan shirley, good evening to you. just moments ago, people started making their way into the music building here on the campus of the university of alabama. people are eager to hear from the candidates. is thes 4 candidates take the stage tonight? center stage main attraction for these
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candidates. they're going to try and prove why are better alternative to former president trump. >> so talk to voters and get their polson and what they're hoping to hear. >> yeah, people we've talked to just being here in the media walking by. talked to one person and he was telling me that candidates have got to prove specific. got to talk about specifics tonight when they talk about their plan for the economy, the southern border foreign policy, they want to hear specifics. that's going to be the thing that really captivate not just audience, but voters and iowa ahead of those important caucuses on january 15. >> they were shot. i know you've been following the candidates very closely. so what has changed among them going into tonight's debate shot. yeah, a lot has changed. going into tonight's debate. it's a smaller field of candidates. some of the candidates of
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>> recved some pretty large endorsements. nikki haley, for example, received the coke brothers endorsement. she's getting now the funding from them, which is a large fundraising arm of the republican party. that's going to be huge for her to be able to compete, not just throughout this debate but also go on to those iowa caucuses. ron desantis continues to, you know, maintain his second place lead of. but he and nikki haley are sort of tied for second place. that's what we hear from the political analysts are saying that they're going to have to close that gap to get even closer to former president trump because for president trump is leading the pack by a mile essential. >> all right. richard hudson, our eyes and ears on the ground reporting live from tuscaloosa, alabama. thank you. now this debate will now play out against the unexpected backdrop of yet another national gun violence tragedy. a gunman today shooting at least 3 people at the university of nevada, las vegas. the city absolutely heartbroken as the shooting
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brings up terrible memories of another scar on las vegas. the 2017 mandalay bay massacre. and while people in about a grief and investigators tried to figure out exactly what happened. election officials there are preparing for the state's gop caucus which is >> in just over 2 months on february 8 guns and gun violence will now be at the top of mind for so many voters. reporter david charns joining us live from las vegas. >> on this somber evening, david. yeah, thanks for having me. and i want to let you know that metro police confirming that 3 people and the shooter are dead in this mass shooting. unfortunately. >> the second mass shooting, our las vegas valley has seen in just a couple years. you mentioned just a 6 years ago, 60 people lost their lives, many more wounded in that shooting outside of mandalay bay on the strip. this latest shooting very that that police just confirming that number of 3 dead. we expect that number to increase at a news conference in about an hour. but obviously this is also a
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night of politics in this comes on a day when ard attorney general here in the state of nevada indicted 6 so-called fake electors from e nevada republican party, including the party chairman for sending in that slate of fake electors saying former president trump won the 2020 election now 3 years ago. that also happened today. when you talk to republican voters here, a lot of people just want to know what's happening with the economy. what's happening with inflation in that message that the white house is trying to get across about bidenomics that inflation is coming down, that things are almost where they were pre-pandemic that this is a global problem that isn't really resonating with this group of people. i want to show you some poll that we have for you. then they basically show that this is former president trump's race to lose. he well ahead of every other candidate in this caucus that is happening on february. 8th. if you look at a potential head-to-head with
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president trump and president biden, you have donald trump ahead here now. one quick as i wrap up here is we're going to have bth a primary in the state and a caucus. president trump is on the caucus ballot for for that caucus. happening on february 8th nikki haley and some other candidates are on the primary ballot, but it is the caucus that will count in send delegates to the national convention later this summer reporting from las vegas for debate night in america and david charns. david, thank you. you're one of the rare states does both the primary and caucus and one person that we will not see on the debate stage tonight, the far and away front runner former president donald trump. once again, he is skipping the debate. >> instead attending a fundraiser in florida and the numbers show that the former president does not need the exposure. >> a debate brings the former president was asked about his interest in tonight's event while he was in iowa yesterday.
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>> democrats funding the a finding everybody wants to run against violence. >> so let's head now to our polling desk for henry rosoff is breaking down the latest numbers, especially focusing on former president trump's impact. henry where the number showing. well, let's start with that poll that we've shown you very, very quickly. the former president trump getting 60% from this newsnation decision desk hq poll that dropped on monday. but i want to go to the second choices because this highlights the folks that we will see on the stage of florida. governor ron desantis seems to be a clear second choice. according to this poll. he really hasn't had a breakout moment in debates just yet, but could use one to cement that role and then perhaps take on former president trump more directly. now, why is trump,you know, remaining in this this sort of leader position? well, the fact of the matter is all of his legal woes, some stemming from january 6th in the attack on the capitol on the last day of his days of his presidency. don't matter to voters. voters in this survey said no 72% don't care about a potential
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criminal conviction. 17% said yes. that only matters really. when you come down to it in the general election, others are really buying the former president's argument that former president biden, our current president by not legitimate 63%. and then let's move on to the issues because really tonight will be about the issues we know making telling elizabeth vargas have promised to make it about the issues, border security. the top issue for 52% of those surveyed in this news nation decision desk hq paul inflation at 30% crime, percent that's incredibly low for a republican primary. but this really shows where we're at right now, border security and inflation than these are the important issues right now. yeah, the numbers certainly tell a story. henry, thank you. you'll be at the big board all evening. let's now turn to our panelists, new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis and republican strategist chapin good evening to you both. thanks for being part of this debate night in america. >> and it's not talkative begin with. you just heard henry lay out those numbers right? former president trump far away in the lead here with the poll numbers do think it is a wise to not take the
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debate stage and let voters who are undecided. hear from him on the issues. >> well,look, i think that the president such a comfortable he can go on truth go on tv and make his case anytime he gets a lot of attention. gets a lot of media coverage, both good and bad. unfortunately for him. but the reality is that he has such a lead that a less. one or 2 or 3 of the other candidates drop out. it's hard for anyone to really to consolidate and take him on. and so i him just not participating. it's worked from so far. and i think he's just going to continue to do that act as if he is the nominee already and not give much attention to these other candidates. interesting take congress, mister chapek laboring into the conversation here, right? because there are 4 candidates on the stage. what do they have to do to stand out and are one of them vying now to possibly be >> a vice president pick. i
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many if not most of them are vying to be a vice presidential pick. i to some extent this is a race for second place here. cabinet official, something like that. but you asked what do they have to do to set themselves apart? that's what they've been trying to do for months now and at the previous debates. and it's very difficult for them to do so. they need to have their moment. they need to land some knockout punches. they also need to go into details on their plans as and strike that balance in the but it's going to be a little easier with 4 people rather than, you know, twice as many people on but it's still very difficult. you know, there have been some viral moments from these debates and it relly hasn't affected the president. trump's lead, right? except nikki haley. her numbers have gone up with some of those viral. is that shaping congresswoman will have an extended conversation throughout the hour. you're not going anywhere. so thank you for your input so far. >> and shirley. >> dan, thank you. and we're just getting started here. still to come on debate night in america, t -40 days until the first contest in the republican primary tonight, we
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are taking you live to where the candidates will first face off. each race will play a key role in the quest for the presidential nomination. it is all counting down to the 4th gop debate happening in less than an hour in tuscaloosa, alabama. stay with us. we will be back right after th
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>> you're watching good debate night in america.
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>> and welcome back, everybody to debate night in america. i'm dan mannarino and i'm shirley chan. we are counting down to the 4th gop presidential debate which will be able to watch here on the cw and over on news nation. and in just 45 minutes now, 4 of the leading 5 candidates vying for the republican nomination will appear on this very stage. they'll be answering tough questions about the most important issues facing our nation. but the real showdowns happened across the country iless than 6 wes, starting with the iowa caucus on january 15. here's the calendar. >> that was quickly followed by the primary in new hampshire and the caucus in nevada and a few weeks later, the crucial south carolina primary. let's start with reporter lise johnson alive in des moines, iow where the caucus is just right around the corner. elias. >> surely thank you. good evening to you. good evening, dan. welcome to the heartland. the center of the countr. there's a lot of pride in taking part in setting the tone for the next president of
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the ited states, whether you're democrat or republican, as we focus on the republicans, it's safe to say if they were not in alabama tonight, they would be he as they have been for the past year, whether it's walking in parades or flipping pork at the iowa state fair. they've spent a lot of time here and for good reason since 197, iowa republicans have had the honor of setting the tone for the nominating process. you don't have to win the iowa caucus to be successful. the goal for these candidates here in the state of iowa is to finish in the top 3. if you can do so you can gain momentum. you are considered viable and you will likely gain the support. you need to continue if you forgo iowa, which we know that chris christie is doing as he hoped focuses on new hampshire, that is not proven to be the most successful strategy moving forward. but this is the first contest to be able to really set the tone for the rest of the process. the reason they're spending so much time here is obviously the
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attention, the accessibility to voters and how serious everyone takes here. we don't have sports teams. so we do take this ery seriously here in the state of iowa and the governor getting involved with the endorsement of governor desantis had a little bit of a bot here in the last month or so for governor desantis. but all i waiting to hear some key issues for these candidates talked about. we're going send it back to dana. surely, yeah, we know all iowans take great pride in setting the tone for the rest of the nation. thank you allies for that report. >> and just after a week after the iowa caucus, attention then moves to the granite state for the new hampshire primary reporter ted nisi is live in hollis in the southern part of the state with more on what it will take to win there. ted. >> well, surely i'm here in hollis, new hampshire where the new hampshire fedration of republican women has gathered for a debate watch party tonight. new hampshire, of course, has been holding the first in the nation presidential primary since 1916, and voters here take
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their role in winnowing the presidential field very seriously. i spoke a short time ago with the president of the federation of republican women, elizabeth first in the nation. primary is so unique. there is really every election cycle, especially in 2024. as we head into 24, there's a real in the air and people in new hampshire. we take our politics pretty seriously. >> they you can find in diners. you can find them walking around and you get this one on one experience that you really can't get any place >> coming up, hear from some undecided voters about what they're looking to hear in tonight's debate reporting live from hollis, new hampshire for debate night in america and >> all right, ted, thank and ust 2 weeks after the new hampshire primary, republicans will caucus in nevada and then comes the all important south carolina primarided many nomiat the past. and that's where we round out our coverage with reporter kelsey o'donnell live
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from greenville in the upstate and healthy. this is nikki haley's home state. he was former governor, but yet she's still a solid number 2. well behind the former president, what are you hearing from voters there? >> absolutely. all great information. we'll get to thaom here for the state. are republicans here in southpresid donald trump won that cycle there and then went online to be our president of the united states. but right now in recent polls, he is a very strong frontrunner to take a look at those recent polls. there by winthrop university. that margin of error is 2.4% do want to note south carolina has open primaries which means anyone can vote regardless of their party affiliation. again, we mentioned former president donald trump is very
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strong front runner, but we're starting to see it. former u.s. ambassador, the united nations and former south carolina governor nikki haley gain some traction here in her own state. as you mentioned, florida governor ron desantis is 3rd in that post not too far behind. hey, leon, there. but an interesting note here, the 4th most popular person senator tim scott who recently just dropped out. we're starting to see a lot of people. it's kind special votes over to nikki haley. so of course, we'll wait to see what turns out and a lot can happen between now and the republican primaries here in south carolina, which is scheduled for february 24th in downtown greenville, south carolina for debate night in america. i'm kelsey o'donnell. it will be an interesting race to watch for. sure. thank you. kelsey dance. >> all right, our reminder here are some of the busy political days to keep in mind starting in 2024. for big contests in the first 2 months of the year alone. to be a very interesting time with these key dates here. and despite top heavy polls
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favoring former president trump, his fellow republicans gearing up for a fight in less than 40 minutes. they will outline how they will handle the top issues from immigration to inflation. our analysts, congresswoman nicole malliotakis and republican strategist chapin fay back with weighing in when to buy big debate night in america returns. and welcome back to
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debate night in america. once again joined by our panel us
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new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis and republican strategist chapin fay. so you just heard henry lay out those issues and the numbers and newsnation decision desk hq polling shows the top issues for republicans. as you both know, come down to the 2 eyes, right? inflation. >> and immigration, especially order security, something that republicans have historically done well with. so, congressman, to begin with you here, when you look at the debate stage in the 4 candidates, how should they address these 2 important issues? >> well, first and foremost to immigration by far has become a big issue because biden put in place executive orders that have allowed for an unsustainable and on say flow of individuals into the country where even seeing cities like new york, voters are overwhelmingly democrat saying that they are very upset with the issue of open border. and so i think that this is a real issue where republicans gain a lot of steam. and so i what i would expect to hear from these individuals is that hey
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restore the policies of the previous administration that they would undo biden's executive orders on day one. president trump's already said obviously, they they certainly can also have a balanced approach, right? we a welcoming nation. we are a nation of immigrants. however we want people to come the right way following the proper protocols not to be paying the drug cartels. thousands of dollars to smuggle them. so asked you, chip in really quickly here. do you think you need to stand out on their own policies or do you think they will go back to former president trump's policies and try to align himself with that on these 2 key issues. >> i think it's a little bit of both. and that's the trick, they can't just up on stage agreeing with president trump the entire time. >> though he had the right policies. the previous administration had the right have better immigration policies than this one the trick is can they distinguish themselves? can they build upon what president trump has done? i think the poll are showing that they have not yet been able to do that are clearly enunciate that. all right. tight, you both are
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going continue in our next half hour, congresswoman shape. and good to have you both here for debate night in america, which will continue right after this.
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>> the race for the republican presidential nomination heating up. former president donald trump holds a commanding lead. still smash mouth campaigning in foles haley calling ramaswamy on
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that. he at one point called her dick cheney three-inch heels. crucial moment for the candidates is just 30 minutes away. anybody's going to slingshot and iowa or new hampshire now is when it begins. voters are looking for to be joe biden 2024. from your local election headquarters. this is big. >> on alabama tonight, this is a live look at the university of alabama in tuscaloosa, host of tonight's debate coming just weeks before voters head to the polls for the primaries and caucuses. the candidates face off there in a half hour from now. and also right here on the cw and over on news nation, republicans across the country are watching to decide if one of the 4 candidates on that stage tonight will get their vote. this is a live look, by the way, at one watch party. >> in hollis, new hampshire. and if any of the candidates on stage tonight, hope to surpass former president trump, a lot of mines, we'll
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need to change. take a look at these numbers right here. he is dominating the field with 60% of the vote. >> good evening and welcome to debate night in america. i'm shirley chan and i'm dan mannarino. and tonight we will watch for of the candidates make their case to voters. >> governor ron desantis, nikki haley, ramaswamy and chris christie who just made the cut for tonight's debate. we are joined tonight by our panelists, new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis and republican strategist chapin fay. 2 of the debate host tonight, elizabeth vargas and making kelly. let's hear how they prepared. >> really pressed these candidates for the specifics. the details to those talking points that they've been repeating on campaign trail and sometimes on the debate stage. now we have the chance to go more in depth with each of these candidates and really hopefully spark a real debate between them makes the difference between okay, debate and a great debate is every question should be a fastball. >> no one should get a pass. that shouldn't be an easy experience for them. it should
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be fun for you at home watching it. you should be learning you should be into it. you should be enjoying yourself. they should be on their toes. they should be. >> and we will see if they're on their toes for a further look behind the scenes. i spoke with news nation's political director chris tire wall earlier today. he told me all about how the team decided what to cover in tonight's big debate. chris, thanks for joining us tonight. obviously, you're been in the room where it happens cfting the questions with the moderators, right? a lot of top secret things going on behind the scenes. so you've been around for these debates for quite some time. what can we expect tonight in terms of questions and topics? are you making me feel old? but yeah, i have been around these debates for a long time. been part of putting them together for more than a decade. >> and i can tell you that this is going to be a good these moderators, elizabeth vargas, megan kelly, elliana johnson are ready for this. and for more than a month, we have been crafting questions and working on these questions and what sets a good debate apart is that the voter is the one that the moderators have
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in mind. right? this isn't a show about us. this is a show about the moderators. this isn't a show about news nation or any of that stuff. this is really a public service opportunity if you do it right. and republican voters are at a point where they're trying to make up their minds about who should be in the finals, basically to go up against donald trump. we're 50 days out from iowa and these republican voters have a decision to make and that comes down basically to ron desantis and nikki haley there at the center of the stage, which of the 2 of them do republican voters think should be in the final pairing with donald trump. you mentioned nikki haley and ron desantis in total. there are 4 on the stage. the smallest group now on a debate stage that we've seen thus far. how does the smaller group >> of the candidates on the stage really impacting shift the dynamic of the entire debate. smaller is better. >> you have more time to delve into issues. you can let things breathe more. it's just simple math. so with this, the smallest group yet, and if i dare say the best team of
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moderators, you're going to get to see things breahe and open up more. then you have in the previous debate. so it's an opportunity. >> yeah, breeze and open up more but issue base from what i understand what you're saying here, right? but these candidates obviously are fiery. they go after one another often times. and we've seen that happen specifically with nikki haley and bank ramaswamy what you expect to see tonight and controlling that back and forth between the candidates on the stage? well, i'm not at all concerned about any of these 3 women and their capacity maintain order. haha. >> the structure will be at here, too. i feel that i feel very good about that. >> but, you know, leadership is about to thanks. it's about your policies and it's about your character and you have to delve into both of those considerations on behalf of voters. how do people feel about the issues but also who these people really are and how they conduct themselves as it relates to the moderators and with each other matters, it's something important for voters to and i know you se the numbers, right? the latest polling numbers have the former president. donald trump
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was not on the stage far and away ahead in terms of the poll numbers. >> how does donald trump's absence play into tonight's debate? well, i'll tell you something. long as you don't tell anybody else. >> you got donald trump will be in this debate now. maybe not in person, but he will be part of the debate in the sense that the candidates are going to have to address issues about trump, their views on trump, trump's policies and what he thinks about them. he will be present in this hall. you might even get to hear his voice. all right, chris, get tall task ahead to tonight. been hard at work. good luck. thanks ch. >> and while the candidates focus on the debate tonight, the real test comes when the caucuses and primaries begin and voters make their voices heard. the first won the iowa caucuses. now just 6 weeks away on january 15th. that's quickly followed by the new hampshire primary and nevada caucus and the big one, of course, south carolina's primary that is set for february 24th. tonight we're
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zeroing in on the first 2 contests with live reports from iowa and new hampshire. we begin with reporter lise johnson in des moines where the caucus is quickly approaching and allies. i was really take great pride in being the first in the nation. >> they truly do. surely it will be a cold monday on january. 15th that does not deter people from going out and taking advantage of setting the tone for this election. new numbers released just today show that things are starting to shift just a little bit. the big thing in this recent poll just released today showing donald trump still with that commanding lead. he now sits at 45%. that's down a month ago from 50%. ron desantis, the biggest boost in this recent poll. 22% up from 13 and the news of note there is the november 6 endorsement of iowa governor kim reynolds getting behind governor desantis in this poll. nikki haley, though, 19% also up from 15% a month ago. the victim a swami 5% up from
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4%. we've been hearing and talking a lot about issues throughout the course this program. there are 2 big issues that iowa voters have indicated. they want to hear these candidates talk about the number one far away is the economy. inflation and wage they want to know what these candidates will do to make their lives better. second big issue that they want to hear about is border security just this last month, governor kim reynolds, welcome back and had a press conference from 109 national guard soldiers. and 31 state troopers. she sent down there to help along the texas border. the big reason for that fentanyl drug overdoses that are taking the lives of folks here in iowa. 2 big issues they want to hear from those candidates here in the stte of iowa tonight reporting for debate night in america here in iowa. alize johnson, back to you. and those are issues that are important nationwide as well. thank you. allies. >> and now to new hampshire, the primary there exactly. one week after the iowa caucus reporter ted nisi s live in hollis. and ted, there are a lot of undecided voters and that you've been speaking
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>> that's right. surely we're here hollis, new hampshire at the debate. watch party being hosted by the new hampshire federation of republican women poll show donald trump has a strong lead in the new hampshire primary with nikki haley now in second place tonight, we spoke with several republican voters to find out what they're looking to hear in the usually at this point, i know home voting for. >> i'm one who takes the time to do your research shows many expenses like cayou take in what they're going to say? and usually by now, mike, yet this is who i'm voting for right now. mike, i don't know. i don't know. we have some really great candidates out there ad it's a toss up i'm just really hoping that can make my decision or in new hampshire. very cold tonight. so energy is at the top of the list people are really struggling to look toward christmas for the christmas dinner and the presents that go into the tree. wel, i keep an open mind i wait until all
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the factors you everything's been said. >> and of course, time is running short for all the candidates. only 7 weeks to go before the new hampshire primary. reporting live from hollis, new hampshire for debate night in america and techniques. >> will be an interesting 7 weeks for sure. thank you, ted. all right. still to come, everybody, we will check in withour polling desk. reporter henry rosoff crunching those numbers for you from the pollsters at news nation decision desk hq. take a look at what that data tells and just about 20 minutes to go until 4 gop candidates go head-to-head at the university of alabama debate night in america. we'll be rightback.
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>> you're watching debate night in america. >> and welcome back to debate night in america. everyone. we are a little more than 15 minutes away from the republican presidential primary candidates squaring off live right here on the cw and over on news nation. let's recap where the race for the republican nomination now stands with a quick look at the numbers. issues. >> and fundraising reporter henry rosoff has been breaking it down for us. henry first, remind us what are the latest numbers in terms of polling? well, former president donald trump dominating this field as of now. that's why tonight is so important for those on the stage, he's getting 60% according to this news nation decision desk hq poll. >> i want to show you the
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second choice polling that was done in the same survey. it shows floida governor ron desantis with a sort of clear vantage but has yet to have breakout moment on a debate stage. so tonight would be a really big step to him, perhaps make it a little bit closer iowa, south carolina and new hampshire. some of the states that we've been highlighting shirley. read, the former president may not be at tonight's debate, but his presence certainly looms large. he's got a multitude of legal cases against him. but so far what you're eeing that the voters are still strongly behind the former president, they absolutely are. i mean, if you take a look at if they care, if he's criminally convicted of a crime, 72% say no. if you take a look at. >> and his is a main cases he's been making president biden was elected illegitimately 63% by that. you know, these these may be some general election problems for him. but right now in a republican primary, he sitting really, really well. all right, henry, i know you'll be crunching the numbers for us all evening. thank you so
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much, dan. >> well, right now i'm sitting down with new york state republican chairman ed cox, mister cox. thank you for being part of the big show here tonight with you. then a lot of discussion about the identity really of the republican party. you just saw the numbers right there with the former president far and above in the lead right now, other more moderate rip up the republic republicans trying to break through. >> in this cycle. so for republian or a voter, what do you need to look for to break through in the 2024? issue is always the president and the general election. >> and as so as and the opposition is being critical. so it's not so much what the opposition is. it's where the president is where the economy is. and those are the things that would decide the general election. want to talk about 2 big issues. you bring up some of the issues, right? and take a look at this news nation decision desk hq paul, 60% of republicans say they do not believe president biden fairly one, the 2020 election. a lot of talk about trust in the system. so how do you manage the mistrust in the electoral?
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well, you have the same misses. clinton still says that that president trump a solid president, the minority leader was saying for a long while that he that president trump was not legitimately elected. so this is going back for a while and it's just but in the end, the american people make a decision. and that's the decision. there's so many conversations to happen in this specific cycle. the front runner in this race for president trump, a slew of legal battles ahead. some of them right here in new york where we're broadcasting from tonight. so how does this impact looking ahead? the caucuses and the primaries, which are really just a few weeks away at this point, could just days before one of the court dates know i know most of those cases, if you're going to go after the leader of the opposition with president trump is at this point, you better have a lock solid case and none of those cases are in that category. they're all political cases. they're they're dragging a poll statutes to users that use that really don't apply the situation. i've looked
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each of them carefully as a lawyer. i know the background on some of them very well from my experiences being living in the white house. i mean, that part of of the presidential papers issues and of these cases are thatind of a solid case that should be brught there all political cases. and that's why some voters may be saying we're still going to support that was republicans generally, even if they don't from, they are gathering around them and say way that on this issue, we support so when you look though, that what what should republican voters look for in tonight's debate, right? the former president obviously going to be talked about in some form or one another from the candidates and from the line of questioning. but you think that the 60% who are supporting him currently could possibly change their mind after hearing from some of the other candidates on the stage tonight. i don't think that's going to happen. he is a former president state. he's got a four-year record to run on, which frankly is a very good record. the economy is going well. we have peace abroad. we didn't have the problems that we have with respect to russia. respect to
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the terror hamas terrorists and so he will stand on his record. and i don't think that number is going to move that much. now what happens in iowa and happens to new hampshire is a different issue. what you mean by that? because those that that's where that actually decides the real momentum governor desantis's desantis has covered all all the counties in iowa. the fields that by that faces one iowa caucuses happen. he will and off as the main challenger course. nikki haley is getting a lot of support from donors because a he's a very traditional republican position with respect to foreign policy, peace through strength and respect that cutting taxes and cutting regulations and owners have rallid around she's going to get a lot of support on the ground from those donors. and there's an issue about independent voters and undecided as well. so what are you looking for? is the key point? maybe drag some this is about republican primary as
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and soe of the state's independence or or blank says the coleman can vote in the republican primary here. we are really looking for who is going to appeal to the republican base for president trump has a lock on part of that base. and cox, i appreciate you being here for part of a night. america. pleasure to be here. good to have you here. and we will be right back with our panel and final predictions for debate night in america. stay with us.
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>> welcome back. and we conclude debae night in america with final predictions from our panel, u.s. congresswoman nicole malliotakis and republican strategist chapin fay. all right. so let's get back into it. you both. congresswoman, let me begin with you here, right? when you look at the totality of who is going to be on this stage tonight between these 4 candidates who needs to perform well here and who can make a real impact moving forward in the republican race. >> well, i think in the last debate, nikki haley did really well. and i think that she has the opportunity to continue to build a little bit of momentum. as i said, it's going very difficult for any of these candidates to catch up to president trump for the nomination. but i think they are in many ways are to be the vice president or nikki haley's case. you can certainly be a great secretary of state considering her background as ambassador to united nations. >> and take the mone. you the same question here about who you're looking for to make the most impact when it comes to what you're looking for on the stage tonight. >> are the converse of is
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exactly right. everything she and i there will be some fireworks from all of them. i think they all need to differentiate themselves. and i too nikki haley has a little bit of momentum coming into this one and we'll see how she capitalizes on that. i think they'll some fireworks and they're going to try and create their moment. you know, as usual for these debates. >> and now the field of candidates has certainly narrowed the only be 4 of them on stage tonight. congresswoman, will any one candidate be the main target tonight? >> it's hard to say at this but i think whoever going to be doing well is going to be that hard. i think nikki haley, quite frankly, has been the target and will continue to be be the target. i think that, look, i think what's really important tonight is that they focus on the major issues and you meant we talked a little bit about immigration before, but i think the other big issue as was mentioned, was the economy, right? we're paying higher for gas prices right now. mortgage interest rates are out of control. people for to for their first home with their young family, even keep their phone home. if
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they're older family, there's a lot of problems the current economy. i think that's an area where they can really differentiate themselves from this president and possibly from eac other member. 3 of them have been governors. they have actually they should be talking about their credibility, what they've done as a governor to get their state on track. i think that's something that could be very well the case. and chris christie's example inheriting his state from a from a democrat. but i think at the end of th day, the people want to hear how you can make life more affordable in the united states. how you make a safer and how we got to get this out of control. southern border out of back in a back to be secure. so we're not seeing the type of fentanyl flowing into this country, killing americans. and we're not seeing this unsustainable migrant crisis, which is hurting americans in the pocketbook again today. they're paying for it. >> and jason, let me ask you the same question. will there be one candidate tonight will be the likely target of the
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other 3? >> well, i think they proved that that that throughout the course of this campaign, got into fights with with each of you know, altogether and and listen, you know, in campaigns and politics, you have to put yourself in the best possible position to capitalize on opportunity. and that's what these 4 candidates are doing. they're trying to put themselves in the best possible scenario that maybe, you know, president trump's legal problems preclude him from be able to continue campaign or something like that. so that's what they're all going to be doing in trying to do today. will one standout. i'm not sure we haven't seen that just yet. and i think there's, you know, plenty of ammunition and fodder for each of them to go after each of them. i think, you know, i think nikki might have a little momentum. so she may be the top target as she has been over the recent but vivek has to stand up. we haven't really talked about him very much today along with chris christie as well. i mean, they all they too, have to stand up. so they'll be taking shots at all of the other opponents on the stage.
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let me go back to the point about the vice president, the cabinet positions. congressman, you made interesting point that and they may b looking for that position, right? but something like chris christie >> has been anti-trump pretty much whole campaign attorneys running on and the only person on that stage who looks like they may be support the farm president, even back who many have said could be eyeing the vice presidential spot. so what's your take on on there? the way that kind of handle their campaigns leading up to this point? >> well, look, as we know, there are so many people fighting with donald trump on the stage last time around and many of them ended up being in his cabinet or working very closely with him right? so i think you know, don't always take these things personally. you're there. you're debating. you're fighting to show the american people that you are the best candidate that can do the job and at the end of the day, we really all working against president biden because he's the one that has causedo much pain for arican families. his agenda, anti energy agenda as increase cost american family. we're
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less safe because of our open border. we are seeing fentanyl killing more americans than ever before. and so i think that there's so much that will unite this party following this. all of this when the dust settles, we figure out who is going to be the ticket. i think it will. it will be a ticket that we can all rally around because quite we have to win this election because we cannot another 4 years of this president's policies that have made america so less affordable and has made the world quite frankly less safe. we didn't have these types of international situations that we had under the previous president congress. and we have to leave it there because we're up against the clock for the big debate. so congressman, shaping appreciate you being here for your insight debate night in america. we appreciate you at home for watching as well. and thank you to all of our viewers for watching. i'm shirley chan, i'm dan mannarino, the republican primary debate hosted by news nation and the cw big night here. >> begins right after this break. good night.
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