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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  February 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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>> cleanup is underway after a massive tree came crashing down, nearly crushed in apartment building in daly city during last night's storm. officials say the 70 foot tall tree on, you know, pro sarah boulevard uprooted and broke down a fence near the complex, causing some damage that building. fortunately, nobody was hurt. but of course, with more heavy
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rain on the way that could cause some slippery roads. more. trees to fall. flooding as well as power outages. here to give us another look at what's coming. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow large at this point, everything saturated. yeah. and that means a really all the rivers, creeks, so many of the trees all in play to have some issues. >> if the storm system sets up right off the question that's actually going to happen out the door right now. still a lot of clouds. we're still dealing with this first storm system. it's not done yet. more showers throughout the night. sfo has been having trouble all day long with rain and delays will they continue to see delays of 48 minutes there right now? looking good. the other airports? here's a look at some of the rainfall totals around the bay area. san anselmo over for almost 4 to 30 inches of rain in the last 36 or over 4 inches of rain. but not all that's in the northern sonoma county. almost 5 inches of rain, even downtown san francisco over 2 and a half inches of rain. oakland, just about an inch and a 3rd an inch in san jose
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and all around the bay area. we just have tremendous amounts of rain, richmond, almost 2 and a half inches of rain. napa over 2 inches of rain. but luma over 2 inches of rain. they're dealing with flooding in that area right now or end over an inch and a half an inch. plus in concord and scott creek in the santa cruz mountains over 4 and a half inches of rain. so the of the ideas grant mentioned things are saturated now. so we'll see the showers come through. and even though they're going to be nuisance showers, we could see some rapid rises on some of our creeks and streams around the bay area. some of these storms come through as some of these are some thunderstorms rotating off to the bay area. they can bring brief heavy downpours outside in the jose. some scattered showers continuing toward mount hamilton. >> the east bay more widely scattered showers there to north bay. few more rain drops continuing to fall in around some of the areas where we're dealing with some flooding. in fact, a flood warning is been continued. their impending rohnert park saint rose and sebastopol. watch out for some of the creeks there and around the state. we're seeing some issues as well as the flooding
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likely to be an issue on through the weekend is now things are saturated. we're going to watch so full of watches and warnings coming up all weekend long as that next storm approaches will take a close look at that storm and trying time it out for you. coming up next. >> thanks, lauren. stick with kron. 4 for continuing storm coverage. scan that qr code on your screen to be directed to our website where you can find all the latest information on what's going on across the bay area. we're going to. tell you about another big story, which is oakland's mayor reporting continuing progress on a particularly troubling problem for the city. >> getting a 9-1-1 dispatcher pick up the phone in a timely matter. mayor sheng thao talked with us this afternoon and says things are getting better. kron four's. catherine heenan is with us live in the newsroom. now to explain catherine. yeah, well, you know, it is troubling. a grand even potentially life-threatening long delays getting anybody to pick up. when you call 9-1-1, some oakland residents even get a busy signal.
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>> oakland's mayor says it's a problem that's more than a decade old. she knows all about it says she once called 9-1-1 and got a busy signal. the mayor updated us today on better news, including staffing numbers. she says by mid february, there will be only 3 vacancies in the department. it has been a huge mess at times. for example, records show between april of 2022 and april of 2023, nearly 1000 applications for vacant dispatcher jobs. we're not even processed. the city is now doing better with hiring and uses what it calls a cohort system to improve training. >> it's a hard, difficult, emotional job. and so we want to bring them in as cohorts so they can lean on each other for emotional support. with that being said, you know, that answer calls in the city of oakland for emergency calls was at a low 37%. and this is a call for the statewide
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emergency calls that you pick up the phone within 15 seconds. and by december of last year because of these investment, it's improved to now 50%, which is still not that strong, of course. and we have a lot of work to still do. but moving from 37% to 50%, 50% calls be picked up within 15 seconds. i think that's a huge accomplishment. and we're going to only continue to do more. >> as the mayor indicated that 15 0nd pick a parade not a suggestion for 9-1-1, it is a state mandate. she says that for context, a lot of better funded to bigger cities still struggle with trying to do that for every single call. coming up at 6 o'clock, the mayor reacts to the fact another string of oakland businesses is making big changes based on a fear of local crime. back to you. >> catherine? yes, as she was mentioning another restaurant near the oakland airport has shut down citing crime as the reason why the denny's restaurant on heggen berger
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road had been in oakland for 54 years. yesterday, though it shut down for good. in a statement, the restaurant citing, quote, the safety and well-being of dennis team members and valued guests on quote as a reason for the closure. the restaurant is a short distance away from the oakland in and out burger that announced it will be shutting down in march. also over safety concerns. >> one of great commissioners on the entertainment commission that one. >> mayor london breed. what she new legislation to turn offices in downtown san francisco, new housing if passed prop c will temporarily waive the city's transfer tax to make it. >> more affordable to convert empty downtown office buildings into places to live. today, the mayor was joined by small business owners and pro housing advocates who say prop c will improve the downtown economy that was hit so hard by the pandemic. >> its an opportunity to get more housing built and to
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incentivize housing to look at downtown has a real opportunity to get more units built and to create a whole new neighborhood with thousands of residents. the idea that we can convert some of the 30 or 40% vacancies that are existing right now. >> and make it a place where people can live is tremendous. >> props. he will be on the march ballot for san francisco residents. >> plans to build a major development in solano county are getting smaller. investors in california for ever filed an amended proposed ballot initiative with solano county this week. it reduces the size of its proposed 60,000 acre community by 1100 acres. the updated version also adds a section of railway connections to the community and clarifies water resources could be developed elsewhere in the state. the proposed initiative must receive more than 13,000 signatures from registered solano county voters before it can appear on the november ballot. members of the hindu
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and sikh communities came together in solidarity today after 2 hindu temples were vandalized in recent weeks. kron four's ella sogomonian reports from union city. >> international tensions between the hindu and sikh communities have hit home in the bay area. both religious groups met to break bread and pledged peace and solidarity and russia sweets and indian cuisine in union city on thursday. they're condemning recent vandalism of to hindu temples in the tri-city area did not come. our spoke on behalf of the sikh community. >> good too. was the culprit all this, because of other was just going to put bottom committee. does gore wood goes to each >> and we don't want elected officials and local law enforcement shared their support and say they're searching for the culprits whether the graffiti might be investigated as a hate crime has not been determined yet. well, no one knows who did this community leaders worry that it's sowing division
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between both indian groups and member of the hindu community also shared their thoughts at the meeting. >> and the ideology is so often trying to divide us fueling violence and hatred within our communities. know that we are stronger together that we stand against this kind of rhetoric and action that we've been seeing. and then we strive to build a vibrant, inclusive community, especially here in the bay. we're all of us can coexist. worshiped, and be together. >> there's no surveillance footage. they recorded the vandalism. so they're asking if anyone has information to report it and union city, i'm ella sogomonian kron. 4 news. >> police are warning of a series of wallet. fef said trader joe's stores in their liver more try valley area. they say the people's wallets are being taken from unattended shopping cart. see, leave your while there and go shopping or while people are just distracted. here are some tips. police are offering help prevent the thefts. first, keep an eye on your surroundings and be aware of
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who is nearby. second maybe most importantly, keep your wallet. secure in, you pocket or purse, something that is close to you not laying there in your cart. and lastly, they say minimize distractions. avoid leaving items, unattended wearing ear buds. and just, you know, follow your instincts. >> senators are concerned that scammers are taking advantage of americans. bank accounts. basil, john reports while online apps offer easier ways to transfer money, it might make it easier for criminals to steal your cash. >> from stealing checks, the devastation is so real to scamming people through apps. these are tough times for people to go through. senators like montana, democrat jon tester, one solutions to deal with the rise in scams and bank fraud throughout the country. the bad guys are going to use every method they can to try to rip people off the most popular way to send money is through online apps and ohio. senator sherrod
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brown says scammers take advantage of many americans through these apps through unauthorized transactions or fraudulent purchases. 2022 one major app had more than 100 million dollars and quote, unauthorized transactions. another had 60 million. however, these scams are not a new problem. check. fraud has been an issue in the u.s. for decades and some senators like south carolina republican tim scott say it's only gotten worse. >> check fraud as it nearly double from 2021, the 2022. >> as on pace to increase even more, some experts say criminals will steal mail to find checks and tools to watch the checks clean or make copies. frankly, it's a very challenging fight for us to try >> stop these trends unless we can start securing the mail. and pennsylvania democratic senator john fetterman says major banks need to do more to fend off scammers. they should held accountable. not been a
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customer. it was an authorized in the consumer. didn't do it then. yes, they should be reimbursed reporting in washington. i'm basil, john. >> lawmakers on capitol hill also responding to high college costs across the country. republicans introducing the college cost reduction act which would make significant modifications to how colleges and the student loan system operate among the biggest change is holding colleges accountable for debt held by graduates who don't make enough money to pay down their loans. schools will be forced to pay up if those students end up earning less than predicted. >> new economics of college have left millions of families across the country, questioning what to do next. a band-aid simply won't do. >> meantime, democrats are pushing back pointing out that plan would leave schools with a mountain of debt. another controversial provision putting a $50,000 cap on federal student loans for undergrads which democrats
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claim would leave half of all students without the help they need. >> coming up, california set to become the first state to introduce to reparations bills. what these measures and tail. >> for education and health care.
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>> i welcome back as we take a live look outside on thursday. and it is been a wild day. rainbows rain sun unit. >> yeah, pretty gloomy right now at this hour, lawrence karnow has details are going to continue to see the scattered showers aren't yet more. the showers going to
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continue on and off probably a little less. so i think as we head in toward tomorrow, but we still got the possibility of more thunderstorms. you get caught under one of those. you can see some brief, heavy downpour. some lightning, of course, then behind that. if you get lucky, maybe a little rainbow, too outside. right now, the golden gate bridge get dark again as another round of storms begin to move on shore right now. something to watch out for. and i was along the coastline this morning out there and boy, it was just pounding out at the beach is 22 to 26 foot breakers out along the coastline. that advisory for the high surf continues until early tomorrow morning. but even after that, it's still going to be large up there right now. we still have that area of low pressure. this is all part of the same storm that moved through the bay area last night. all that moisture kind of rotating through. now. and that's we're going to kind of see where in the unstable part of the storm. so that could give rise to some of those thunderstorms. so here we go. looks like for tomorrow. we're going to see that door still open to some more rain on and off throughout the day. and then as we head into even lingering shower on saturday morning. all right, taking you through the night tonight, models start to pick up on what looks like another round
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of thunderstorms possibly moving to the san francisco area as we head in toward about 9 o'clock tonight. behind that more scattered showers, possibly rain moving into parts of the north bay by about 2. 45 3 in the morning. and then cold enough that we start to see some sleet showing a person mountains in the south bay. how about that? so things kind of change in the atmosphere that cold air kind of moving in now and then we start to see unstable air and more of those thunderstorms are right on through tomorrow. looks like on and off. alright, long-range forecast. this work. it's interesting. i showed you that area of low pressure spinning up in the gulf of alaska. here it is in our forecast model by saturday starts to drop to the south. at the same time, we've got an area of low pressure developing south near the hawaiian islands is bringing up some moisture. watch what happens these to start to interact with each other models are having difficulty with this right now. boy brings a lot of that moisture up in the bay area. maybe some heavy rain as we get into sunday. but really all depends on where that area of low pressure and a pivot acres right off the coastline. we're talking about not only heavy rain but extremely gusty winds and then to keep going right into monday. 2 more showers as we head in toward tuesday.
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another storm moves in on wednesday. so you start to get the idea. we're just kind of lighten things up over the next few days. and well, i hope this one hits further south. we really don't that much rain. that comes on shore. that's forecast. we could be talking about another for maybe 7 inches of rain over the santa cruz mountains, especially temperatures tomorrow generally in the 50's over the next couple days on and off rain scattered showers tomorrow. again, i think a brief break really on saturday backed more rain on sunday. more thunderstorms possibly on monday. but right now models are having difficulty really timing out that storm figure out, you know, come we started these 2 areas, low pressure, kind of interact with one another. the models are really having a hard time figure that out. but we're going to try and keep our eyes on that and see if we can get a good forecast here the next day or so. least a few more rainbows. maybe definitely think time's running out. yeah. on this first day of black history month reparations for descendants of enslaved black americans are now. >> one step closer to becoming a reality in california. members of the california
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black legislative caucus have formally introduced a slate of bills they say will lead to the start of operations across the state. eytan wallace shares what's inside that legislation. >> well, right off the top, here's what the just announced. reparations bills do not include direct cash payments for descendants of the enslaved as lawmakers behind the proposals insist reparations are about much more than >> just this. this is a defining moment. a defining moment says senator steven bradford just after he and his colleagues in the legislative black caucus formally introduced more than a dozen bills they say will lead to the start of reparations for california. descendants of enslaved black americans. say we value reparations and wanted to hill the harms of slavery in this country. and in that state, we have to make this a it comes less than a year after the california reparations task force submitted this 1000 plus page recommendations report to the governor and legislature in total. it featured 112 recommendations about how
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reparations could work in california. a state bradford acknowledges was never formally a slave state, but one he says and that the policy since its founding in 18, 50 negatively impacting black californians to this day, we were free state in name only but again, the first governor state of california on slaves. you know, if you were brought here the slave, you were treated us like we had a fugitive slave law. so you ran away from alabama and came to california. they take you back. many people say california didn't have a role. california did have a role in slavery. that's why something member reggie jones lawyer says he's offering one of the reparations. bill is calling on the state to write a formal apology. letter is not a document making people feel guilty document that hopefully will start the healing process for all californians about what happened to after the mayor other bills introduced include one tough and career education, financial aid for redlined communities. another to prohibit discrimination based on natural and protective hairstyles and all competitive sports with in california.
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>> and want to restrict solitary confinement in california state prisons, but not included in any of the proposals direct cash payments. so many people, the first thing they think of when they think of reparations is. >> cash money, direct cash payments. but we've seen from the legacy of discrimination. there's been a lack of investment in communities that needs to be made all communities and everyone will be the beneficiary of the that we're doing. >> important to note, senator bradford hopes to see direct cash payments in future years. as for the latest reparations bills, no word yet on costs. but i'm told the legislative black caucus is in regular communication with the governor's office to make reparations a reality in california reporting from the state capitol. a tom wallace kron. 4 news. >> and today, the state capitol, california treasure led a group of state leaders who signed a pledge to help keep kids and families out of poverty. the pledge for prosperity leaders to help reduce the impact of poverty on children through support of
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california's earned income tax credit. and the young child tax credit last year. both of those credits combined provided more than 1.3 billion dollars to more than 3 million california families. >> we're here with the county itc coalition just urging our legislators and the governor to maintain funding for our count, the itc programs and outreach. it could mean up to $10,000 into our constituents pocketbooks to help ends need. >> the treasurer's office is encouraging california families to take advantage of the tax credits available for both state and federal returns. >> coming up next, we are celebrating black excellence. the woman holding one of the highest ranking positions within bart.
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>> today marks the start of black history month. that's right. and the warriors have announced their planned celebrations which include a variety of events to celebrate legacy, inspire change, strengthen the future and empower voices through community impact. we'll be taking place throughout the month at a home games and upstanding community member will be honored for their work and contributions to the local black community as what they call an impact warrior. there will also be multiple events set up at thrive city outside the arena for a full list of events. you can head to our website kron 4 dot com. >> also in honor of black history month, bart is honoring their very own terrace. stokes hankins, the first woman to serve as
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bart's. chief transportation officer stokes hankins, joined bart in the summer of 1995. fresh out of college. back then she worked part-time as a station agent. at else plaza today. 28 years later, she oversees not only else plaza, but all of bart stations, day-to-day operations as bart's chief transportation officer. it's one of the highest ranking positions within the organization. she is the first woman to hold that title at bart. she grew up in oakland and still lives there with her family. >> what a story right out of college hometown hero yan sticking with it. i love it. all right. that wraps up kron. 4 news at 5 lot more coming up on kron. 4 news at 6. ken and vicki are here with. it's going hey, guys, here's what we're working on for kron. 4 news at 6 crews across the bay area. the russian the. >> clean up the damage from yesterday's storms ahead of yet another wet for the weekend as some people are still without their power tonight. thanks to damage from all that rain. plus, we're digging deeper into a new report investigating a
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hazardous materials release at the martinez refinery skews me which cites human error as one of the likely causes of what happened. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the news at 6 is next.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> like this pretty familiar across the bay area today. crews spending the day cleaning and patching up those areas that bore the brunt of the atmospheric river that rolled through. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. the storms still affecting all corners of the bay area. you can see crews here working to repair. >> roads, clear rotunda, fallen trees in a fix. power lines out there in the south bay, the neighborhood in los altos still without power and water tonight after a large tree came crashing down our coffers and kerman has the story. >> the storm stops. the sun comes fooled thinking that all the impacts from the storm are over. not the case here in los altos. >> we could hear it loud and clear.


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