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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  February 2, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> now on the kron 4 morning news, the alameda county sheriff's office is hit with a lawsuit after a woman accuses them brutally beating her. we have the body camera video. and a possible. funnel clouds
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spotted this weekend in the north bay. there's a lot of people talking. we're live this morning where it all happened. how the forty-niners were back on the practice bill bringing in the first phase their super bowl game plan for the >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning far. >> good morning thank you for waking up with his really on 4 morning news. >> today's friday and we've got a wet week talk about a possible tornado spotted. john has all that and more lot happened in the wake of the world. i know everyone's been asking you what i call it was definitely a funnel cloud and possibly tornado up in sonoma county yesterday. good news is not reporting any damage from that, but certainly made for some interesting video. and it was just an unsettled day yesterday to say the least. we saw those heavy areas of downpours, some strong winds here and there. but we also got a little bit of sunshine in between.
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>> you got just a little bit of everything for your thursday and today going to be kenda similar. we'll get those times of sun and those times of stormy weather to this is your east bay hills view. right now. we do have some showers in the vicinity of it. we are seeing spotty showers rolling across the bay area right now. you can see right here pocket of heavy rain right in the hills above east. my bills and oakland insanely andrew right there as well as richmond. this to richmond up the north bay and contra costa county right there seeing a pocket of heavy rain to light to moderate showers across the south bay right now. so what is the next few hours? bring for us? what you can see those spotty showers do continue relatively unsettled through the morning and on through the afternoon, 2 years right after noontime fremont sitting right under a convective cell that could pop thunderstorm, brief area of heavy rainfall. so today is going to be highly similar to what we had yesterday moment to just look outside. look at the radar. see if you spot in the dark clouds and if you are getting
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outside, try to time it out. just right. saturday is also going to bring some morning showers along with that. winds are a lot calmer than they had been. but we do have a strong westerly breeze winds shifting direction ahead of our next big weather maker, which is on its way on sunday in this one is going to pack a punch, especially for southern california. have a lot of flooding risks, especially for neighbors to the south. temperatures right now are in the 40's to 50's and we're going to stay nice and cool this morning in fairly cool this afternoon at or very warmest only looking at mid 50's chance of a thunderstorm yet again today. i'll be talking more in your forecast as we go as far as the roads go, things out there are doing just fine. so far. looking at the metering lights of the bay bridge. they are off so far. so you're just slow your roll a little bit as you're getting through there. only 8 minutes to get you across the bay bridge this morning. san mateo bridge, a 13 minute hall for you. just slow yourself down because, you know, roadways are wet and saturated as we're all driving to work this morning, we noticed spots
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where theee's just some ponding water on roads. so always so good idea to give yourself plenty of extra time after all this rain. great. thank you, john. well, a pretty big story we're following out of the east bay. a woman is suing the alameda county sheriff's office. >> after she says she was brutally beaten by sheriff's deputies. civil rights lawsuit included body camera video. we have to warn you. the video can be very disturbing to watch. kron four's dan thorn has that story. >> it's in this video that civil rights attorney adante pointers says his client was brutalized by alameda county sheriff's deputies. the lawsuit filed against the sheriff's office thursday claims malia, a shot was waiting to get a ct scan at the hospital before she was beaten. she had the tax. >> you know and it help protection but on the relies
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once, not twice, several. >> pointer says the video from last august shows a shot first being attacked by another woman in a courthouse in hayward. but instead of stopping the woman, the lawsuit claims deputies hit a shot in the head and holder away in handcuffs. a shot was later taken to kaiser san leandro medical center. it was there. the lawsuit says a shot was waiting for a ct scan to rule out a severe brain injury. the body cam video capturing a conversation between a deputy and medical worker during which the deputy said the ct scan was not >> yeah. did video then cuts to a shot, screaming and being pinned to a hospital bed and then it shows her being struck and then handcuffed on the ground next to a wheelchair. pointer says a shot never got
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the ct scan. so not only did >> love. to show. >> the shot did not speak on thursday, but her mother, ramona bishop question the deputies protocol. >> who is the black community turn when it comes to our state? ready to turn to. when hands man. >> in alameda county, dan thorn kron, 4 news. >> we'll find alameda county deputies have been named in that lawsuit. the site was arrested on charges of resisting arrest assault, officer which was later dismissed in response to that lawsuit and edited video sheriff's office spokesperson says they do not represent the totality of what happened. the say didn't receive appropriate medical treatment they would not comment any further at this time. well in the south,
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but we're learning that a man who was hit by a garbage truck in san jose 2 weeks ago has died. it's now march the city, 6 fatal traffic collision. 4th pedestrian death of the year. this is january 22nd on elm street just a couple blocks down the street from san jose mineta airport. investigators say the garbage truck driver hit the victim was crossing the street where there's no crosswalk. they say the driver stayed at the scene and is cooperating with the investigation. the identity of the victim has not been released. more oakland companies now hiring security for staff and trouble 9-1-1, system. the city is making some changes starting with the 9-1-1 system which he's about to get the first major upgrade and more than 2 decades, the system under scrutiny last year over the slow response times playing line. understaffed department failure to fill vacant positions, an outdated tech. after pledging millions of dollars to help fix the system. they are saying how says department has already seen improvement. city is now
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taking more calls and the number of staff vacancies doubt, mayor tell addressed the next steps in a one-on-one interview with kron 4. >> i'm so happy to announce that by mid february, positions within the 9-1-1 dispatch and will be completely full -3 vacancies. and so that is a huge accomplishment. however, we're going to continue to have the revolving door around hiring practices. >> meantime, when kron 4 asked about the fact that another string of companies has been increasing security, she defended the city's current strategy to deal with the problem. >> under my administration, we have the most officers, the most officers here in the city oakland operating out and walking around our streets patrolling our streets than we've ever had in the last 3 years. and will later that with working with kaiser were clorox and blue shield and others to ensure that we have a response i'm very optimistic
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that we're going to see the crime numbers come down. not just people are going to start feeling safe. >> the mayor also side of the fact that oakland so-called ceasefire program is being run by. it identifies people consider likely to commit crimes. it intervenes with mentoring and other programs. she says the program has helped to reduce crimes, including shootings and homicides. and the a citizen coalition in solano county will formally launch their opposition to a proposed new urban center, my california forever. the move caught a lot together made that announcement days after california ever filed an amended ballot proposal that must be approved by voters. solano together will hold an event at the joseph nelson community center and sassoon city this sunday at noon, they're going to share details about their opposition, california forever needs 13,000 signatures by july 27th to have their initiative
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appear on the november ballot. after several days off. that included taken in a warriors game forty-niners. they back on the practice field. put it in the first phase. their super bowl game. well, 4 sports director jason dumas has the latest. >> the forty-niners hit the practice field on thursday for the first time since winning the nfc championship game. george kittle an air armstead. they didn't practice as they were nursing injuries. meanwhile, trent williams, he took the day off to rest at this point. all the focus has shifted to the kansas city chiefs. this matchup have a number of intriguing storylines, but most notably is that it's a super bowl rematch. we all remember the niners in chief. they played in that tight game in 2019. the niners blew a 10 point lead. all since then. homes in company, they've been really successful. won a super bowl since then and then to 3
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additional ones as well. meanwhile, the niners, this is their first time back since that super bowl, fred warner said he took a valuable lesson from that last few years ago. you turn it off. >> you've got to play full 60 minutes, you know, to say. you know, we're we're we're about 10 points late in the game and i'm thinkin, you like we were about to win a super bowl and that thinks was pretty quick, you know, and that scarred me for life like kuz. now to this day, it doesn't matter what if it's preseason regular season playoff game. you know, i never start getting cited until that clock is 0, you know, and so the u.s. that's got to i sit, i'm playing all the way all the way to the very end because they got pretty special guy back there on the football you know, we've got to do our best to stuff them. >> all right. that's your look at sports. >> don't forget to tell gate with us on kron 4, just the water will join chicago's jarrett payton for a whirlwind tour of las vegas. we'll get
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an insider look at allegiant stadium. we'rgoing to sing along with wayne newton and all-star chef michael mina. catch the big game tailgate next thursday, february 8th at 6.30. still ahead on the kron morning news warning for trader joe's shoppers after several reports of steve's targeting customers while they shop. and after the break, recent rains are now lead to a rise in rodents. they are scurrying into homes in the east bay. >> what experts are urging you to do to try to
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to know today level where
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police are warning people about an alarming crime trend. at trader joe's locations. they say have been stealing wallets on that in a shopping cart sort. open person is while victims are shopping. this happened at danville and san ramon, pleasanton locations as well. an investigation into the martinez refinery finds at a mechanical malfunction human error led to the toxic released 2022. and then up in committee also found that they inadequate repairs. component. committee plans to meet again in march. more layoffs, a bay area tech companies. barr report says that settles a bases, zoom. they're cutting about 150 jobs in a bloomberg. also reports at a san francisco based okada laid off about 400 workers. at the state capitol. the black legislative caucus introduced bills they say will lead to the start of reparations for
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black californians. this is less than a year of the california reparations task force submitted its recommendations report to the governor. lawmakers say one of the bills introduced calls on the state to right. >> a formal apology letter. all right. well, let's switch gears here. get into the weather story. we're talking about. funnel cloud spotted john and a storm on the rise in good morning. yeah, definitely yesterday. >> we'll clarify that. that's when we saw that funnel cloud. no reports of damage and the national weather service is not reported that actually even touch the ground. so officially at this point, still calling it a funnel cloud yesterday that was up in sonoma county where we're sitting this morning. we do have a nice, relatively calm start in san francisco. saw some showers within the past hour, though. so in those shower acts are still moving across the bay. lot of snowfall up in the sierra nevada where we're sitting on radar right now. pockets of heavy rain here. and there you've probably heard those as you were sleeping last night.
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san jose. you've come down after you saw some showers rolling overhead just moments ago. and we still do have some pockets of i would say moderate rainfall moving across the north bay and east bay, san ramon. you're about to see rainfall picking up likely have just these past few moments, same down towards the south end of san francisco. past daly city. now, futurecast shows these pockets of rain continuing on and off throughout the day today, you will get sometimes of sunshine, especially late this morning, looking pretty nice towards the afternoon, though. you can see that we will see some pockets of thunderstorms developing much like yesterday. so wash rinse, repeat of what we had for your thursday as well. we will see some showers as well into saturday morning saturday will bring sometimes of clearing, but especially morning. and then late afternoon hours really picking up some energy. now sunday is what my eyes are focused on because sunday is going to be a really interesting day. lots of rain pushing in an especially for southern california. the big
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winners out of this next storm system is going to be the santa cruz mountains. you see overnight hours saturday night into sunday morning that deep red just inundating the mountains above san jose in the peninsula. in some heavy rain falling down there. this will or increase or flooding risk, especially for our neighbors in the south bay. notice the north bay not seeing nears much rainfall. intensity is our southern neighbors. well, but this is going to be a major system rolling through to finish out the weekend today. and tomorrow's rainfall fairly moderate sunday comes around. we've got a lot of it coming down that moment just in one day, looking at around 5 inches of rainfall. now, if the system does stall out to our south, it's actually not the bay area. but southern california around los angeles that could see some major flooding potential some of the mountains up there as much as 8 inches of rainfall. all depending on how fast the system moves. so could be a very interesting start to the week, especially for southern california right here in the day. our flooding risk does
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continue. flood watches still in effect and a flood warning still in effect for sonoma county. we do have a winter storm warning up in the sierra nevada. we have multiple feet of snowfall set to come down really picking up into sunday, although it's going to come down all weekend long going to be measuring it in feet. and if you have plans on heading up to the sierra, do expect that heavy snow paired with gusty winds that does result in blowing snow, drifting snow and low visibility. so it can be very treacherous getting up there in the mountains. as i mentioned, multiple feet of it can be expected up there in those higher elevations. today's daytime highs are going to be a touch cooler, mostly mid-fifties and tomorrow is going to be much the same saturday brings those morning dose of sunshine. middle of the day. rain picks up again saturday night and heavy rain on sunday. likely into monday too. unsettled into next week. as for your roads where we're sitting this morning, things are looking just fine. we do have the bay bridge toll plaza here. just slow you down a little bit as
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you're about to make your crossing things out. there are rolling find. but you do need to take it slower because we do have a lot of standing water on roads after past several days of rainfall, things are saturated. water doesn't have as much room to just go right into the ground. so kind of hangs out with us on the surface longer just a little bit slick out there as we do kick off last morning commute of the week. great. all right, john, the for that. well, members of the hindu and sikh communities, they're all coming together in the east bay. >> after 2 temples were vandalized in recent weeks. the temple in newark was vandalized late december. and in just 2 weeks later, this temple in what was tagged with similar vandalism, sikh and hindu leaders said the incident was intended to sow division between the 2 face. dozens of them gathered raja sweets and indian cuisine in union city on thursday to pledge peace, elected officials and local law enforcement shared their support and they say they are now looking for the culprits. there's no surveillance footage that record of the
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vandalism. so they're asking anybody with any information to report it. kron 4 is your local election headquarters in new development in the race for u.s. senate right here in california after vowing to remain neutral. former senator barbara boxer, he's now endorsing congressman adam schiff. that endorsement coming in interview with inside california politics. boxers as recent attacks congresswoman katie porter against schiff made her change her mind. >> talk to all 3 candidates. i told them the reason i was staying neutral is i have very warm relationships with bart early and adam schiff very close to both of them adam, i was kind of his mentor and i really urged him to run for the house. you know, you look at this polling and it's clear that it katie porter is in second place tied with garvey. adams pulled ahead in barbers way behind. so my view is now
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it's time for me to say enough of this. this is terrible. you know, run a positive campaign. and i also think because there's no question that democracy is on the line. each of our candidates are democratic candidates have great portfolios. but one of adams is democracy. so i'm proud to give him my endorsement. right now. >> you can watch former senator boxer's full interview sunday night on inside california politics. fallen 11 o'clock past. like on for. and a reminder we're hosting a debate on february 12 for the top 4 california candidates for u.s. senate. watch it live at 7 o'clock here on kron. 4 and also stream it live on the kron on app or watch it on kron 4 dot com. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. >> man who left a pedestrian. fighting for his life in a hit and run crash. it's now under arrest. well, what led up to that crash and how he found
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in san jose say they've arrested the driver who was left. >> left a person at the brink of death. want to show you video from march of last year. so read circle highlighting the victim as they walk across the street when a silver truck, you can see that they are rams into them. police say the driver left the scene. they say the victim was not in the crosswalk, the person was actually helping. a family's car broke down. police say they use license plate readers to find the driver. well, san francisco mayor london breed is now pushing new legislation
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to turn offices into downtown into new homes if passed, prop c will temporarily way the city's transfer tax to make it more affordable to convert empty office buildings into housing. the mayor says this would improve the downtown economy. prophecy will be on the march ballot for san francisco residents. prop c will be on the okay it's going to be on the ballot for as have residents. well, flooding or and leaky roof is already a big enough problem to deal with. but recent rains are now leading to rodent issues. rats and mice are making their way indoors to escape the wet weather. contra costa mosquito vector control says reports of rodents inside homes more than double the january compared to the same month last year. to control recommends closing any holes and gaps lead into your home and replace damaged it screens. many of the food sources pick up the fallen fruit, fallen you know, the fallen bird seed. you can put something underneath that to catch the bird seed and remove
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it. >> and don't leave pet food outside overnight. >> if you do find mouse or rat droppings inside that took control says avoid sweeping are vacuuming, they say wear rubber gloves and use forming yesterday d -seriously? -why do you do it? -you ignore the signs and the flashing lights. -that's my dad. -that's my mom behind those cones. -how would you feel if that was your family? -flashing lights mean "move over." bipolar 1, i got help to push back. i got help to push back. we got help to push back—with lybalvi. once-daily prescription lybalvi is proven to treat manic or mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults to help you push back. elderly patients with dementia have increased risk of death or stroke. do not take lybalvi if you are taking opioids
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easy to apply for the whole family. vicks vapostick. and try vicks vaposhower for steamy vicks vapors. -listen up. why do you drive so fast?? you're ignoring the and the flashing lights. please slow down. pay attention. how would you feel if that was your mom? flashing lights mean move over. >> hi, welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news that quite a bit happening over the past few days. seems like storm after storm. finally get a little break job. but there's another one on the horizon and then funnel cloud
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was spotted yesterday. how yeah, it's been interesting. that's for sure. it's been fun to watch but not necessarily finding commuted or step outside in. >> we've absolutely need the moisture to, though. so that has been a little bit of a plus side of it. >> looking outside this morning, touch of a break right now. but today is still going to stay active. we're still looking at spotty showers rolling across the bay area as we speak. in fact. so if you're driving to work this morning, you are driving amid some shower activity that will pick up from time to time, including in parts of san francisco down the peninsula right now. portions of highway 24, especially through the caldecott tunnel and then san ramon right along 6.80, right there. also in the midst of it, we are seeing a few spotty showers as well on the southern end of the peninsula into the south bay. now it has been enough overnight to keep roadways very saturated. so we've got a lot of slick spots out there. a few pond areas on roads to watch out for it. pockets of rain will continue especially this afternoon. chance of some more
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thunderstorm building. so almost identical to yesterday with times of sunshine. but times were you going to see those dark clouds rolling over had some pretty intense shower activity, maybe even a roll of thunder, too. and this includes all of us across the bay area tomorrow morning. get to see a few light showers as well. now winds are a little bit calmer but have shifted directions ahead of our next major system. mostly out of the west. now temperatures are cooling down. we saw that cold front swinging through. we've got an even colder system on the horizon for us. this is great news for sierra snow pack. not the best news. if you've got a lot of travel plans, especially into sunday itself. today's daytime highs will reach the mid 50's staying unsettled. so keep the rain jackets close at hand. as for your roads where we're sitting this morning, things out there still rolling and rolling fine. bay bridge toll plaza right here. 11 minutes to make your crossing. go back up just yet. no need for the metering lights just yet either san mateo bridge, things are doing fine there as well. 13 minute crossing
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richmond center fell at 8 minutes right now. it's just like the slick out there. so you're going to have to slow yourselves down. obviously, you've got the road yourself at the golden gate this morning, right? all right. let's stick with the weather or because of possible tornado sighting has a lot of folks talking. >> it was spotted yesterday morning in sonoma county members. michael thomas is live a little with the story. so, michael, what are people saying? service is saying it's a funnel cloud that formed, but there's really no damage. they can't necessarily call it a tornado, right? take a look. this is it up on your screens. you can see it for yourself now. this funnel cloud or possible tornado again was spotted around 11 o'clock yesterday in the national weather service says they're still investigating. it happened just west of petaluma in the small town of to rock. now, according to the national weather service, it's working with the sonoma county department of emergency management to decide if it was in fact, a tornado. but again,
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the department of emergency management went out there and he did not find any as of yet in. tornadoes are rare in the north bay or the general area just to say the least. the last time we saw something like this was back in 2011 and that was when a twister touchdown over in santa rosa. and it did make contact with land and sent debris flying all over. took down a couple of cable and telephone lines and streets think it looks like and what the national weather service says will keep you updated, right. all send it back to all right. thank you for that update. michael. >> okay. we'll fairfield. police are now looking for a man who they say broke into a home and sexually assaulted a woman. police say it happened wednesday night in a neighborhood on the east side of the city border by graham,
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mercy circle. the victim told police that she did not know the man. she describes him about 25 years old with a thin build short brown deer. police are asking neighbors to check your home surveillance video for any clues about the suspect. fairfield police also plan to add additional patrols in that area. little more. police are warning people about an alarming crime trend. it's happening at trader joe's locations. so they say that these events stealing wallets on that in a shopping cart sort. shoppers, purses, kron harry talk to customers and they share how to protect yourself. >> i spoke to several people on and off camera here in the trader joes parking lot. many said they hadn't heard about the deaths, but now they'll be more careful. >> wheelchair came here in town. i've never had that happen. a warning for trader joe's shoppers livermore. police say there's been a series of wallet. thefts at trader joe's stores in the tri
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valley area. police say the thieves are taking wallets from shopping carts left unattended. angela white frequently shops a livermore location. she says she never leaves her wallet in the cart. always keep it on myself. i don't ever leave anything in a tent in the heart. police offered a few more tips on how to protect your belongings. they say keep an eye on your surroundings and be aware of who is nearby. keep your wallet in a secure location like a front pocket or zipped bag that is close to you, reduce distractions and try not to leave items unattended. they also say trust your instincts, if you notice suspicious behavior. one woman who didn't want to appear on camera says she's more vigilant now than ever before. more is not as safe of a town that used to be and and his rampant. have to take care of yourself. she says she even loads her car strategically to keep herself and her possessions safe. first thing that goes in as the purse
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groceries go. and i never leave my first on on card don't be a victim. don't set yourself police did not say specifically how many thefts have occurred. >> there are 4 trader joe's locations in the tri valley. those are livermore, san ramon, danville, and pleasanton in livermore. amanda hari kron. 4 news. a mechanical malfunction and human error. that is what is reportedly led to the release of a toxic catalysts. >> in martinez on thanksgiving 2022. so on thursday, a committee they released the results that independent investigation. it found 8 main causes for the release, including inadequate repairs to a failed component. several flaring incidents in the days prior and missteps by what's described as a dedicated, but overworked employee, the contra costa, public health department also says the fiery failed to alert the community about the release in a timely manner. committee plans to meet again in march.
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forty-niners. were going hard at practice as they get ready to leave this weekend to go to las vegas. have a little over a week before they face the kansas city chiefs for that big game will tran is live at levi's stadium with the some lifting and stretching yesterday. let me show you some video. they were back at practice for the first time since taking the field on sunday against the detroit lions. this being a bye week. meaning they don't have a game this sunday. they could stretch it out just a little bit longer, then say getting back on the practice field on a tuesday for regular week. so that's why thursday yesterday was when he took the field work done. some new wrinkles for the kansas city chiefs. we
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do know that some key players they took the day to rest, including george kittle as well as eric armstead. they were not on the field yesterday, but it appears no major concern. they just want to heal up. or they take the field next sunday against the kansas city chiefs. and there's a lot of work to be done on the field and in front of the media. we've got a chance to track down coach kyle shanahan. the good news is according to him, he'll make the super bowl the bad news a little bit for him. he has to talk to us. >> as much in this first week as possible when you get out there we go through it again. but it is different. our mondays totally different with the media deal. our routines off because you've got to do you got to do these press conferences every day as you can about our offer more your normal time. so we're usually do red zone stuff. your 2 hours behind a little more tired and all that stuff out. so >> the good news is he has
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plenty of practice coach kyle shanahan. it was in the super bowl just a couple of years ago and then many years before that he was offensive ever throughout the super bowl history. and i'll tell you why. back to all right. look at those numbers. will i guess i will not be going this year either. thanks for >> okay. so niner nation gearing up for the big matchup against the kansas city chiefs and a well-known sports bar in the city. the whole so watch
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parties super bowl sunday, but it's only for chiefs fans. kron four's their senses will with the owner about that decision. >> no. sorry. if you're wearing niners cure, you will not be allowed in ba's works on super bowl sunday. chiefs fans only the owner will direct you across the street, get this. he owns and he's allowing niners there. football sundays. this san francisco sports bar can be seen packed with fans wearing red and gold. but these are niners fans there. kansas city chiefs fans. it's starting 2016 and it's just grown was works. became a known chiefs bar soon after opening. >> when fans like rick miller started to take it over and feel that 5 and that passion that we all you know, for the >> not only is miller a lifelong fan. she also used to be a cheerleader for the chiefs. she now runs a facebook group for chiefs fans in san francisco.
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>> organizing watch parties. and you can bet there will be won on super bowl sunday. the catch, only chiefs kingdom will be allowed. they've been enjoying our place for, you know, for so many years. now. >> and they deserve this opportunity to have it for themselves. the owner of buzz works. flag food is inviting niner nation to his other bar thunder across the street where we'll be only admitting niners so this just for you, we're going drink specials. usually all fans are welcome at ba's works, but could says for the big game keeping the fans separate. it's about safety. a chiefs fan recalls what happened the last time the chiefs and the niners faced off in the super bowl in niners fans come in and start to make trouble because this is a very well-known kansas city the bar staff led and his team were wonderful about it because they did not want any drama happened during the game. so they just asked the san francisco forty-niners fans to go across the street to butter the niners, get every other bar in san francisco. every other bar in
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the bay one. >> ok, you can have one owner bust work says he's very excited. this matchup with the chiefs and may the best team win. >> the super bowl chiefs only party starts at noon. it's free. first come first serve and they expect around 300 people to show up and by people. i mean, chiefs fans reporting in the studio. back to you. >> natgg icon. understand the logic there. alright, so forget to tell with us on kron 4, we've got justine waltman was chicago's jarrett payton for a whirlwind tour of las vegas. we're going to be insider look at allegiant stadium sing along with wayne newton and also feast on tailgate tips. star chef michael mina. so catch the big game tailgate next thursday, february 8th, 6 o'clock 6, 36, 30. still ahead, a call for morning news. >> reparations for descendants of enslaved black americans. are now one step closer to becoming a reality white here
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo.
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now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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things we need to know today. the man was hit by a garbage truck while crossing the street san jose has died. it's had on january 22nd. the victim's identity is not been released. this marks the city's 6 fatal traffic collision and forth pedestrian death of the year. open their state house defending her administration's strategy when dealing with crime. the couple asked about the fact that another string of companies has been increasing security. he says more officers have been patrolling the streets. she's optimistic that the city will see crime numbers go down. warmer you. senator
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barbara boxer endorsing congressman adam schiff. she had initially said she would remain neutral, but says a recent attacks. and congresswoman katie porter, again, schiff made change her mind. contra costa county officials are warning residents and more rodent sightings and homes say they are seeking shelters indoors. thanks, kate. the wet weather. the recommended closing holes or gaps lead to your home the place damage. 6 screens. and that recent rain causing concerns for a far children go for the therapy. >> santa rosa farms call forget me. knot farm organizers say it is a haven for abused and at-risk children that help them bond hill with the animals. now flood waters are threatening 2 main areas of the facility putting the animals in the barn at risk. volunteers are now laying out sandbags prep green for the next storm. john. >> you've been tracking that about how much time do we have before that next storm hits? yeah. looks like the next
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storm is honestly can already hear. we're not really getting much of a break in between, but we are seeing the heavy rainfall picking back up as this next system arrives into sunday. so today going to be a very similar one yesterday. spotty showers and a time some stormy conditions out there. your view outside at the coastline this morning, a little bit gray, but we are looking at just unsettled weather generally across the whole region. snow continues in the sierra. if you're heading up there this weekend, you're going to get every single day this weekend. as for the bay area, pockets of heavy rain right now we are seeing lighter showers across the south bay currently. but take a look at this. we have a little bit of thunderstorm building going on right now in the east bay, especially right above walnut creek. and then right above mount diablo, 2 cells moving through a contra costa county out that direction right now. so we definitely have in active morning ahead of us. active day to today were really repeating a lot of the same factors we had yesterday, little bit of sunshine. and
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then as you can see here right afternoon pockets of heavy rain, some lightning strike, some strong winds and heavy short-lived downpours tonight into tomorrow morning. much the same. in fact, tomorrow morning, a good soaking rain as you're waking up in the morning, we will see a midday lowell and then it really kicks back into gear. saturday night in saturday night leading into sunday. this is what we are looking at right here. heavy rain, especially for areas further south in the bay area. this time around. it's flip-flop from last time. north bay you get are lighter amounts south bay getting our heavier amounts in especially the santa cruz mountains. sunday is going to be nonstop. heavy rain up there in those redwoods in the santa cruz mountains really filling up those small streams. flooding risk becomes prevalent. we'll also see some heavy rain across the east bay and peninsula north bay. as i mentioned, you'll still get it. but your rainfall totals won't be quite as dramatic today. and tomorrow's rain around a quarter of an inch normally that's all right. but take a look at what happens into sunday and monday. and
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bam, we are looking at some heavy rain moving in that moment, looking at 5 inches of rain in just a whole day's worth. san francisco of around 3 and a half inches of it. santa rosa, 2 inches. so you're still getting it just not quite as much as areas further south. if this system does stall out in southern california, socal will be looking at the potential of a lot of flooding into early next week. so that is something that meteorologists are watching really closely as we advance through the tail end of the weekend and into next week, flood risk with watches still in effect across the bay area. and one flood warning for sonoma county still under winter storm warnings in the sierra nevada. we will continue to see that heavy snowfall ramping up into the tail end of the weekend on sunday will see multiple feet of it as much as 4 feet of snow on many of those slopes. and that doesn't mean the potential of road closures delays, whiteout conditions, drifting snow, blowing snow on roadways. not going to be a fun day to travel, especially on sunday as you're heading back from your weekend of
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skiing. today's daytime highs are going to be in the 50's with mid 50's for most of us tomorrow is going to be right around the same as well as sunday. tomorrow is your best chance to get outside. but still count on some showers here and there sunday. absolutely. your worst day to get outside and we stay active into next week as well for your roads. right now, things out there are smooth sailing just a little bit of a backup now beginning to form right there at the metering lights of the bay bridge. they just turned on. as for your san mateo bridge, things out their role in a okay. you are definitely slowing yourselves down this morning because there's not a lot of traffic, but i want you to give yourself plenty of time on the roads. things are very slick out there after last night's continued rain. great. all right, john, thank you for that. >> at our state capitol reparations for descendants of enslaved black americans are now one step closer to becoming a reality. why here in california? because members of the california black legislative caucus have formally introduce a slate of
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bills they say will lead to the start of operations across the state. rosa comes less than a year after the california's reparations task force submit recommendations report to the governor and the legislature while state lawmakers acknowledge california was never formally a slave state. senator stephen rapp for thinks otherwise. >> we were free state in name only but again, the first governor state of california on slaves. you know, if you were brought here the slave, you were treated as we had a fugitive slave law. so you ran away from alabama and came to california. they take you back. many people say california didn't have a role. california did have a role in slavery. >> lawmakers say one of the reparations bills introduced calls on the state to write a formal apology. in addition, state senator steven bradford introduced legislation to provide homeowners assistance for descendants of enslaved black americans. what is not included in any of the proposals. our direct cash payments. >> so many people, the first
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thing they think of when they think of reparations is cash money, direct cash payments. but we've seen from the legacy of discrimination. there's been a lack of investment communities that needs to be made. >> question from lawmakers is how much is going to cost legislaaive black caucus is they are in communication with the governor's office regularly to make reparations a reality. as we are honoring black history month all month long here on kron 4. bart is also honoring one of their own. so this is tara stokes hankins. she's the first woman to serve as barnes chief operation officer. so sanctions joined barton the summer of 1995. she's fresh out of college back then she worked as part-time station agent at the else plaza station 20 years later. so are sees all bart stations day-to-day operations, one of the highest ranking positions within the transit system. stokes hankins grew up in
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oakland and still lives there with her family. she is black history. kron four's honoring black history through the end of february. want to make sure that you tune into our special honoring black history in the bay area. there's thursday, february 29th at 06:30pm. in bay area basketball. steph curry joining the 2024. all-star team. it's no surprise there was named an all stars are. this is going to be 10th all-star game that he's played in, which is tied for a franchise record during all-star weekend on february. 18th staff will also compete in stevan versus sabrina. the first ever nba versus wnba. 3 point challenge. can't wait to see that. all right. coming up in the next hour, my costume little extra. >> if you are throwing a party for the big game this year, we'll take a look at how much more you can expe
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>> well, at the state capitol, california treasurer fiona ma let a group of state leaders to sign a pledge to help keep children and their families out of poverty. plus, for prosperity calls on state leaders to help reduce the impact poverty on children through the support of california's earned income tax credit and the young child tax credit last year. both of those credits combined divine more than 1.3 billion dollars. more than 3 million california families. the treasurer's office is encouraging california families take advantage of the tax credits available for both state and federal returns. coming of the next hour of the kron. morning news. >> alameda county sheriff's office is being sued for
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allegedly beating a woman who needed medical help. we have the body camera video on that. plus, a possible tornado spotted in the north bay during the recent storm or live where it all happened. and the forty-niners getting in one last practice today before they take off for vegas. we're live levi's with the latest.
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>> right now, the kron 4 morning news, the alameda county sheriff's office hit with a lawsuit after a woman accuses them of brutally beating per. we have the body cam video possible tornado
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spotted this week in the north bay as a lot of people talking. we're live this morning where it happened and the forty-niners back on the practice field putting in the first phase of their super bowl game plan for the chiefs. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> good morning. and happy still it friday at aria and on change. a little dark outside little wet. i ran into handful of showers on the way and i didn't need the wipers, but i definitely need to take a slow cause. i could feel a little bit morning, john. yet is exactly the way it is. even if you're not running into the rain, it's still wet on the roadways. a few areas that he's pedaled up out there. see, you don't want to be hitting that going too fast tarmac out there. that also still very wet this morning. >> looking outside at downtown san francisco. we're actually seeing some moisture pushing right back into downtown right now. you can see in a second here that cloud cover pushing


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