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tv   KRON 4 News at 2pm  KRON  February 2, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 2. i'm justine waldman. we begin with breaking news. there has just been an earthquake along the peninsula daily city feeling this jolt earthquake struck about 5 miles west of there just a short time ago. that
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means that likely occurred 2 to 3 miles off of the coast. our meteorologist john shrable said that he felt that quake. he called it, quote, a big jolt. and we'll get the latest now from kron four's gayle ong. she's in the weather center now. gayle, what's the latest? yeah, apparently people in our newsroom felt that i didn't feel it happened right before our show. you can see it right here just off the coast. >> about 5 miles away from daly city. and here are the latest numbers we got from the usgs, a magnitude of 3.4 around one. 32 pm. and as you can just see people around the daly city, kan, who really felt were john trade was he said he felt that jolt. so we're still getting some numbers in. we're still trying to learn if there's any reports of damage. but, you know, for 3, it depends where you are. if you're high up in a higher elevation are on the top floor, you can really feel it. so we're still trying to get those reports. and if you felt that our assignment desk work in the right now, so we like to hear from you. magnitude 3.4 when 32 pm right
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off the coast here in daly city. and, you know, we'll be monitoring this and seeing if there's any reports, any other places you felt it. and if you did feel at the usgs wants to know because they want to know the magnitude of this quake, it really helps them. and, you know, of course, monitoring those aftershocks back to just all right. thank you so much for join out on the phone by. excuse me, by zoom with doctor lucy jones, who's going to talk to us more about this earthquake that just happened >> outside of daly city, what do you know so far? well, i'm looking at the usgs web pages to get the information. it's ca, as you said, it's a 3.4. the location is very near the san andreas fault just offshore from san francisco, which is a place has the sort of earthquakes periodically the mechanism of doesn't look like it's necessarily on the san andreas fault itself. we often see the smaller quakes being around the fall rather than on it. hard to tell at this point which wanted this.
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>> so i always want to know when an earthquake happens. >> is this the the app is could it be an aftershock? a pretty shot? how is there a way to tell? >> unfortunately, i actually spent a large part of my career trying to find something that would let us recognize that something would be a foreshock and were able to pretty definitively say there's nothing different about for shocks. they're just earthquake that happens to have a really big aftershock. so it happens about 5% of the time be followed by something larger. but if it's followed by a 3.6, that's part of the 5%. the chance of actually being a foreshock to something significantly bigger is very, very low. well, below one percent. >> and is there a way to determine that based on the magnitude of the qucke that has already happened? is their percentage there? >> no, no. in fact, the fact the mac it's independent, that 5% is independent of the magnitude of the first earthquake. it seems to be about the same rate and all different magnitudes. >>aso we know it hit kind of near daily city and a 3.4. what would people immediately close to area feel versus
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someone in san francisco are in oakland or even in sandra fell. >> right. if you're very close to the coast, notice that pretty relatively strongly. if you have damage, really got awful place. there's no way an earthquake of this size should be doing damage in california. and even this, i shouldn't even be throwing anything off of shelves. when we look at, you there's something called the did you feel that map? you mentioned that where the usgs will receive reports of what people felt that looks like intensity for not this. intensity describes what you feel. magnitudes. the total energy released in the earthquake. intensity for near the coast going down to 2, 3, farther inland and tested before is one where pretty much everybody notices that. but you don't have anything even falling off of shelves. i you know, probably are hearing a certain amount motion when the earthquake, you know, as the waves go through, but there shouldn't be any impact. what is the scale out of? he
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said for weeks end to okay test a scale one to 10 scale it's what preceded magnitude describes you experience intensity. 7 is where we start to really be damaging. california homes. intensity. 6 is where we start to throw things off of shelves. intensity 5 is often described everybody frightened. but i think those are people that are used to earthquakes and intensity for as everybody notices it. but it's it's just not. and what should you if you're out talking, you're not feeling thing is the shaking is going through. you wouldn't feel it in the car. so a lot of people will miss it even if the tense before and after this quake has now happened. what do you do with the information about where it hit, how big it was, what people felt had to use. what happened today to get us prepared for. >> the next one. >> i would put it in the catalog. all right. that's what in the long run it any individual earthquake doesn't change much. but knowing the overall pattern is very important. it's the catalog that allowed us to determine
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that 5% of earthquakes are followed by something bigger. it's the catalog that allows us to see where the active fault structures. now, that's a a little bit of a mixed bag. we see a lot of said around the really big fault. but often the ones that produce the biggest earthquakes don't have the small ones. they only have the big ones and the small ones are clustered around them. doctor lucy jones, we appreciate you jumping on so quickly to talk to us here on kron 4. so we could get the lateut about this earthquake. 3.4 out of daly city. appreciate your. >> your expert advice. very good. good to be here. see soon. i'm sure. all right. want to talk about our forecast now as well. we'll have more earthquake coverage for you throughout the hour here. but here now is a live look at palisades tahoe. it is snowing as we speak and officials are expecting over 3 feet of snow in the next couple of days there. so be ready and be aware. tahoe ski resorts are putting out that welcome map, but they're also advising travelers to be ready as one of the biggest storms
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of the season is getting ready to hit the area this sunday, anywhere from one to 4 feet of snow is predicted to fall. kron four's terisa sauce. yeah. spoke with resort officials about how they're preparing for all the snow this weekend. >> this is a look at palisades tahoe, fresh skiers and snowboarders to light resort. officials say that the atmospheric river which slammed the bay area this week provided some fantastic conditions in the sierra nevada. so far we've received 8 inches to the storm cycle. patrick lacey with palisades tahoe says weather models show friday and saturday peak days to capitalize on the recent storms. but come sunday, it will be a far different picture, but we could actually receive up to. >> 3 to 4 feet by monday morning. lacey says that the palisades team will be paying close attention, taking precautions. >> as the storm starts to blast through sunday. >> you're coming up to the bay
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area. make sure to check your road conditions. because, you know, there's roads could be pretty icy. download a caltrans see those chain and just take the measures. make sure you have a, you know, extra pair of clothes. today. we've got bunch of have to guess out there skiing and right 100% of the lives and trainer open. >> ricky newberry, gm and vp of kirkwood mountain resort says it is always a balancing act providing visitors access to fund on the mountain, but being mindful of a big storm is always the first before you messaging and mindset is super and i think that starts looking at. >> you know, the weather forecast. i'm looking at the >> caltrans road conditions and whether there's chain control or all-wheel-drive four-wheel-drive recommended so that's super important. and then as far as you know, that the ski area goes, we're going to do all that we can to mitigate hazard and get it
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ready. just last weekend, northstar california held a special safety day emphasizing precautions and demonstrating. >> dogs digging and pretend rescue situations last month a bay area man died in an avalanche palisades tahoe. the investigation is still ongoing. resort officials say that they encourage everyone to come and have fun, but always pay close attention to signs and alerts and ski impacts out of an abundance of caution. theresa kron, 4 news. >> so this image here has the attention of one north bay community. it shows a funnel cloud or possible tornado that was spotted yesterday morning in the small town of to rock. that's just west of petaluma. the national weather service is currently working with sonoma county to decide if this funnel cloud actually made contact with the ground that would then classify it as a tornado. so far the department has not found any damage. we showed this image of the funnel cloud to residents in the area to get their thoughts.
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>> whatever it is ever seen that before. got to about it doesn't look like a tornado. her name. >> tornado >> i think just time. >> the tornado is very rare in the bay area. in the last time the north bay saw something like this was back in 2011. that was when there was a twister in santa rosa which made contact and pulled down some telephone lines also damaged a few buildings. we have some developing news now out of los altos for customers who lost power due to a large fallen tree can now turn their lights back on pg. e says all power lines and poles that were knocked down were repaired or replaced overnight. this is on communal way near canterbury christian school. the tree came down around 10 yesterday morning. the utility says power was restored about 9 last night around 800 customers were impacted. water service was also cut off because of that fallen tree that was restored this morning. new now to a
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birthday trip to the bay area. taking a terrifying turn for a 21 year-old who says he was robbed at gunpoint. this happened at the 76 gas station by the oakland airport. his family is now in shock because they felt that witnesses and the store clerk shrug this off as just another day in oakland. so now they're offering a $10,000 reward kron four's. also, the spoke with parents here of that. 21 year-old victim who says he was robbed what did they say about what happened? >> so just in the family out of texas, a but they really love to have vacations here in california. they do so a lot, actually. so this time they ended up inviting a group of about 15 people to celebrate their son's 21st birthday in wine country. it's been his dream to celebrate in this turned out to be something of a nightmare. snapshots of a serene time from a family vacation in napa valley. >> on monday afternoon, they're fun. ended on the way to return a rental car when 4 people stopped to fill the gas
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tank at the 76 gas station on heggen berger road video shows a silver or gray infiniti pulling up beside them. the victim's parents say 5 guys got out of a car, then smashed the tack window of her son's rental and hit him with a gun before taking off with valuables and puts it to my son's chest and start hitting him. >> on the chest and on the waist with a gun and my son elets and they start pulling those things off from him put their hands into. i'm sorry. >> they put their hands into his pocket and they start screaming and yelling at him. another gunman goes to the passenger and does the same. they get into the window and they start reaching into his pants. they took everything that these kids happy took their luggage. they took their so my son's cell phone. they took everything on. there are things they took school laptops, their school notes there. they've been asked by sunday the they screamed at my son's take off his clothes and his shoes back seishure and
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victor above in. >> we're further enraged by the response to the armed robbery saying the gas station clerk chuckled when their son asked for help telling him this happens every day, warning them that they should not stick around in case the thieves come back. is disappointing. and i don't think know, this was a say they >> you know, this is a gun being pulled and my jace. my name is because there is trying to fill up >> that is when a car and returned it. i had a good experience and they saw what it in a recent interview, oakland mayor sheng thao addressed crime in the hague and burger corridor. >> we're in in and out is closing blaming crime as a reason. >> and we're seeing that the burglary numbers in december because of that implementation has gone down by about 43% in these areas that we've done a pilot. so now this a citywide effort. >> phone call. so 76 gas station went unanswered and opd did confirm they are
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investigating again. maxie's sure is offering a $10,000 reward for information that will lead to an arrest. she said to call opd or get in touch with her online by calling her law office in texas reporting in the studio and ella sogomonian kron. 4 news. hello. thank you. coming up here, a bay area lawmaker wants driverless cars to be governed at the local level. why he says that the decisions >> should not be coming from the dmv and they were last seen on video attacking new york city police officers. and now authorities believe this group of violence suspects could be in california. have the latest there. plus, san francisco mayor london breed pushing to bring historically black colleges and universities
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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>> this just into the kron for news room. a judge has postponed former president trump's federal election interference case. the judge set aside the march 4th trial date while a key appeal works its way through the courts. at issue is the former president's claim that he's immune from prosecution. trump claims his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election were part of his official duties as president. the judge has not set a new trial date. the u.s. has launched an air assault on dozens of sites in iraq and syria in retaliation for the drone strike that killed 3 u.s. troops in jordan last weekend. the strikes are targeting command and control centers and other facilities belonging to militias backed by iran. the white house has been warning for days that it would strike back at the militias and that it would not just be one hit, but it would be, quote, a tiered response,
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overturn it. to kick off black history month. san francisco mayor london breed announced the black to san francisco program. it's a new effort to bring historically black colleges and universities to san francisco's downtown kron. 4 s charles clifford joins us now live from san francisco with more on how this would work. thanks for joining us. >> well, good the city of san francisco for a long time has recruited a at historically black colleges and universities for things like police officers. but now the city wants to encourage those schools to set up satellite campuses here in the san francisco. just go led by mayor london breed is hoping to attract historically black colleges and universities or hbc use to open satellite campuses in san francisco. we don't have any historically black colleges on the west coast. they're all pretty much in the south. >> and on the east coast and how do we start to bridge that gap? how do we bring more of that experience to san
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francisco? we do so by looking at a long-term opportunity, the mayor's office says that they have been in conversation with multiple hbc use, including morehouse college morgan state university tuskegee university and howard university. she says that all have expressed an interest long term. she hopes that these hbcu satellite campuses will provide higher education opportunities for san francisco's young people. this could be something extremely valuable for our educational institutions in san francisco. it will. it will be a game changer. all right, back live. now the mayor says she also hopes that if they set up the satellite campuses that they'll do so downtown and some of the currently empty spaces there. but for now in san francosco, charles clifford kron, 4 news. charles, thank you. actor carl weathers best known for his portrayal of apollo creed in the rocky films has died. his family says he died peacefully in his sleep yesterday. >> following his breakout role
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in the rocky series, weathers would have some major success in both film and television. he started hits like axe action, jackson, predator and happy gilmore. recently he appeared in the hit star wars series. the mandalorian besides having a successful acting career. he played football for the oakland raiders in the 70's. he also received a degree in drama from san francisco state. no cause of death has been given. carl weathers was 76 years old. tesla now sending a software update to nearly all of its vehicles. federal regulators determine some warning symbols and messages on the center screen are too small. regulators found the break. park and anti-lock brake warning symbols are displayed in a fight that smaller. then what is required by federal safety standards. the recalls impacting more than 2 million cars. so far, tesla has not had any reports of crashes or injuries, but regulators are worried that critical information might be too hard to read and that
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could lead to a crash. this now is the second major recall for tesla in the last 2 months. a bay area lawmaker is urging local leaders to regulate driverless cars and their city's state. senator dave cortese and union leaders rallying today in los angeles against the expansion of driverless cars like waymo waymo already operates. self-driving ride shares in san francisco in phoenix and has been testing its service in los angeles for months. as he says, decisions to allow these vehicles to operate in cities should be made by local governments and not state bodies like the dmv. first >> local governments are capable and efficient as traffic and safety. traffic control always the jurors >> center court, as he says, the agency's issuing driverless car permits do not take into consideration local street and safety conditions. he has already proposed a bill
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to give police officers the power to cite driverless cars for traffic violations. happy friday. take a live look outside some blue skies trying to kick in here as we kick off the weekend. we have gail here. we started off the hour talking about that 3.4 earthquake. that was a center near daly city. and now we've got to talk about the forecast for the weekend. yes, we had a shaker for the start of the 2 right? well, we have some major weather to tell you about. i seen a break in that brain activity here, as you can see across the bay area. we're starting to see some blue skies. >> the clouds are sticking around with us to see a light breeze here at mount tam. so that's going to be the next weather story. be some strong winds, some heavy rain come in sunday. we'll get to that in a bit. but i want to give you heads up for this weekend. we have a flood watch in place for the entire bay area. that's going to start tomorrow night and go through monday. so we've been through this before, right? we saw those low-lying areas that were flooded. i know there are some rescues over the weekend in the north bay and of shallow mudslides. so just be very careful. we're expecting some
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heavy rain starting sunday into monday. with that. we have strong winds. we have a wind advisory for much of the north bay high wind warning for the santa cruz mountains along the coast here and the central coast. so some dangerous winds here gust up to 60 miles an hour in the higher elevations. so we could see trees down. power outages, power poles down. so be mindful of that. meanwhile, here's the satellite and radar. we've had some widespread scattered showers here comes. really fast so very similar to yesterday. a closer look here. you can see some lingering showers. i did see some moderate e-zpass to san jose. it's really depends where you are. you. when i was out yesterday, rain for maybe 10 minutes and then it went away. so mix of sun clouds or rain maker right here, a cold front dropping for the north. we have some subtropical moisture from the south. and here's the rest of your extended forecast because we have to get through it sunday and monday. that is what we're concerned about. and unsettled weather until monday. back to you.
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>> thank you. still ahead, law enforcement is warning about romance scammers ahead of valentine's day. how criminals are trying to take advantage of people who are searching for love. and why officials are saying san francisco's muni is b
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officials are making it clear that san francisco's muni is back and better than ever. today the agency shared new data showing the changes that they have made to improve the ridership experience. >> they're saying that leading to more people now using the services. muni says people
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took 142 million trips on muni last year. that is a 25% increase from 2022, which also saw growth in ridership from the year before recently, muni has made an effort to provide shorter waits and faster trips as well as cleaner and better transit vehicles. as we head closer to valentine's day, law enforcement across the country warning about romance scams, targeting people using online dating apps. the scammer will talk to the victim for several weeks, then stopped responding after building a relationship with the victim, though, return to that conversation, saying that that they have lost their job or their house and then they start asking for money or gift cards. and finally, the scammer then deletes their profile, leaving the victim's heart and wallet empty law enforcement officials say if you have become the victim, she called or credit card company. again, it's too good to be true, it probably is. up next, governor
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gavin newsom witnessed a retail fact that local target. >> the shocking story that he sharing about confronting the clerk who he says refused to stop the suspect. plus, president joe biden joins grieving family members at a dignified transfer today as the remains of the 3 american soldiers killed in a drone attack in jordan are now back in the u.s.. but for san jose mayor matt mahan provides an update on bart and vta expansion project in
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>> the tea's bart silicon valley extension program is bringing bart service into santa clara county. the service will be available to
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help more than 1.7 million residents kron 4 stephanie lin spoke with san jose mayor matt mahan during kron for news at noon today. she got the latest information on the project and she joins us now with what they talked about. thanks for joining justine. thank you. well, there are 2 phases to this project in phase one is complete. that was extended service from alameda county into santa clara county with stops in milpitas and berryessa north san jose which started back in 2020 phase 2 is in the design and engineering phase. it will extend service from the various a transit center to stations at 28th street little portugal, downtown san jose and garrett on with the end of service in santa clara. that's the plan. mayor mahan says that he expects the funding for the project to be available. >> working vta and the to the project team are working with the federal government on a competitive funding, process that before the end of the year. should enable us to secure the remaining funding
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to begin the project. and this is one of those projects, these large infrastructure projects where the longer you wait to get started, the more expensive it is. so i think it's critically important that we secure those federal dollars to match the local dollars. we have already put up and that we get going on the project and get bart to downtown san jose to do it on station and complete rail around the bay. critically important that we do that. >> all the mayor does say we're still a ways away from actually being able to take bar into downtown san jose. the federal funds, as you just heard there, they do need to be secured for the project to be complete reporting live in the newsroom. i'm stephanie lin. back to stephanie, thank you. >> more affordable housing is coming to the south bay, the 4th transit property provided by the vta is being built in campbell city. officials announcing today 90 units will be dedicated to helping homeless families in santa clara county. the project will be located at the winchester station between bud and camden avenue. city leaders say this
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subject is important because it's coming at a time when the un house crisis is greatly impacting the county. get throughout the bay area. >> the housing propose that the vta helps the community providing 100% affordable housing and wraparound services. in our last. >> point in time, count of the homeless population. we saw increase in homeless families in our community. this can't come fast enough. >> the vta plans to release more developments and more details about it later on this month. in a zoom call about mental health that has now gone viral. governor gavin newsom revealed he witnessed affected his local target. he says when he alerted the store clerk she blames the governor's policies on the reason why that clerk did not stop it. let's listen. >> is that happening? the
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governor? so the true story but the governor lowered the dress. there's no, there's no, there's no accountability. i said that's just not true. as i that, i said we have a tent. hut is not a deal as a 10th of in america. and then she goes. she looked at twice and then she breaks out. she goes everyone over. think i'm like, no, i'm taking blow conversation with your manager. are you blaming the governor? it was $380 later as i you everyone can bill right >> the clerks argument may have been representing referencing prop 47, which classifies the theft of items under $950 from a felony to a misdemeanor. in the south bay woman has been arrested after being caught with a number of stolen items from different stores. here are some of the items police say were stolen from a walgreens, a safeway in a cbs, los gatos. the suspect was seen taking some of these
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items off of the shelves and placing them in her bag. employees notified officers who caught up with the suspect who they say was attempting to leave the area. and as zipcar, the suspect was placed under arrest and booked into the santa clara county jail on various charges along with a warrant from san jose police for theft. several suspects involved in a brawl with 2 police officers and new york's times square may have fled to california. several outlets are reporting including pix, 11 news. they're saying that their sources within the nypd say at least 4 of the men involved in wednesday's fight were seen boarding a bus going to california in an area that's right near the california-mexico border. the suspects among 14 man charged and released without bail after the attack. they are all believed to be migrants who were staying at a city shelter in times square. police say the fight broke out when officers asked some of the men to move from the front of the building. president joe biden
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joined grieving family members today as the 3 american soldiers killed in a drone attack in the middle east brought back home. washington correspondent basil john reports on the longstanding but uncommon tradition. at dover air force base friday, president joe biden received the remains of 3 soldiers. >> 46 year-old sergeant william jerome rivers. 24 year-old sergeant kennedy sanders. 23 year-old sergeant brianna moffatt, who were killed by a drone attack in jordan. >> president biden obviously was taking this moment very, very seriously. the president met with the families privately, both connecticut senator chris murphy and rhode island senator jack reed. ceremonies like this show how important it is to honor the men and women who died serving the country. they're doing it knowing that they may not come back home and it's not just that young man or woman that serves as the whole family. we have to pray for their families or their families. this is the second dignified transfer biden has attended since he became president. the
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first time was in 2021. when 13 service members were killed during the u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan. had iranian proxy groups shooting at u.s. troops for. >> the better part of the last 4 years as the u.s. begins to retaliate against the group's it blames for the deadly drone attack. >> read and murphy agree. it's important to keep current conflicts in the middle east from escalating. we're now situation where we do want selectively and precisely takeout. >> threats to our soldiers in the air. we have to do that. erupting a new major war. >> reporting in washington. i'm basil, john. >> california. it's no longer have to pass a background check to buy ammunition. a ruling by a federal judge this week struck down a state law requiring background checks on people by bullets. that process can you their costs one dollar or $19 depending on eligibility supporters of the
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statutes say it's meant to help law enforcement find illegal guns. a u.s. district judge from southern california says that this violates the second amendment. this ruling is now in effect. in san francisco. you'll notice some sandbags at the doors of businesses and homes. people are preparing for the next round of rain, especially after seeing the flooding that happened in some areas on wednesday. several spots in north bay also dealt with a lot of flooding. officials are asking homeowners to use this time now to check their drains and all their pipes and everything ahead of sunday's storms, which is what we'll talk about right now. but first, a live look outside at the blue skies here in san francisco. looking out towards the bay bridge, a beautiful friday out there. gayle ong is in the weather center now with details on the rain. that's coming our way for sunday. >> yes, sunday is what we're eyeing so entire. but watch for the bay area here. this is going to go into effect starting around 04:00pm saturday. we will see some moderate rain pastor saturday evening. but sunday is the one we're watching. so poor
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drainage areas. you could if it's not clear you could see some issues there. and of course, those shallow roadways. and of course, you just want to be careful out there. we some troubles over the last a few days. now with that, we have strong winds that we're really concerned about these winds, especially for you in the south bay here, ll the way down to the santa cruz mountains. even like southeast of livermore and san jose over there. there's a wind advisory and high wind warning in place also this weekend. so gusts up to 60 mile an hour for those higher elevations. so trees down power outages and of course, power poles down. so we just want to be careful out there. here's the satellite and radar now. i'm starting to see the scattered rain start to diminish out here. but moore is on the way. our rainmaker here coming from the gulf of alaska and some subtropical moisture coming from hawaii. so we have all these different air masses out here is bringing some unstable atmosphere here, as you can see. so let's take you through saturday morning. so you can expect this on and off light
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showers to linger on to the overnight and then some rain for your saturday morning saturday evening. there's that heavy downpour now sunday. yeah. as you can see why we're worried all this orange and red stretching from the north bay now to the santa cruz mountains are really worried about the santa cruz mountains. and these are the rain totals so up to 4 inches almost and ben lowman and 3 nches, 2 inches elsewhe over the next few days. and when i come back, we'll show you that 7 day forecast that to you. thank you. niner nation gearing up for that big in san francisco is hosting a watch party for super bowl sunday. but it's for chiefs fans only kron four's. sara stinson spoke with the owner about this decision. >> football sundays. this san francisco sports bar can be seen packed with fans wearing red and gold. but these are niners fans. their kansas city
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chiefs fans. it started in 2016 and it's just grown was works. became a known chiefs bar soon after opening when fans like rick miller started to take it over and feel that 5 and that passion that we all you the teams not only is miller a lifelong fan. she also used to be a cheerleader for the chiefs. she now runs a facebook group for chiefs fans in san francisco organizing watch parties. and you can bet there will be won on super bowl sunday. the catch only chiefs kingdom will be allowed join our place for. >> you know, for so many years now and they deserve this opportunity to have it for themselves. the owner of buzz works flag who'd is inviting niner nation to his other bar. >> but across the street where we'll be only admitting niners fans. >> so this just for you. we're gonna have drink specials. usually all fans are welcome at ba's works, but could says for the big game keeping the fans separate. >> it's about safety. a chiefs
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fan recalls what happened the last time the chiefs and the niners faced off in the super bowl in 2020 niners fans come in and start to make trouble because this is a very well-known kansas city the bar staff led and his team were wonderful about it because they they did not want any drama happened during the game. so they just asked the san francisco forty-niners fans to go across the street to butter the niners, get every other bar in san francisco. every other bar in the bay area does have one. >> sara stinson reporting for us. the owner bus to work says he's very excited for the big game. the super bowl chiefs only party starts at noon. it's free. >> it's first come first serve and they are expecting around 300 chiefs fans to show up. well, if you can't go to vegas for the super bowl, you can still tell gate with kron 4, i'll be joined by chicago's jarrett payton for a whirlwind tour of sin city oak. insider's look at allegiant stadium. hang out with some radar at said wayne newton and elvis will tailgate tips from
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all-star chef michael mina. it's super fun. you're not going want to miss big game. tailgate comes up this thursday at 6.30. coming up here, girl scout cookie season is officially here. and after the break, a few leaders from that youth organization are going join us to talk about the cookies that are on sale this year and why this time of year is. >> so sweet for them. plus. >> apple vision pro is now available. i'll tell you what it's like to wear. the headset will cover comfort, cost of battery life and more. i'm rich demuro. that's coming up in tech. smart.
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>> for some people, this is the most wonderful time of the year. girl scout cookies are now on sale online right now and joining us now. so we can talk about all things girl scouts is some members from the northern california group. we have ceo brea breece yoni. thanks for joining us and her daughter who is a girl scout is e hi. thanks for joining us this afternoon. >> thanks, justine. we're happy to be here. is e. >> what do you love about being a girl scout? >> what probably sometime cookies and they also applied to meetings and see michael systems. how long have you been a girl scout for? >> 2 years, 2 years. and so you sold cookies last year. you're getting ready to do it again this year. what is your method to sell the most cookies and make the most money for your trip? >> i'll i >> tell a lot of tips that the cookies for example, that. but
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then like, oh, put them in a the taste so and also we put them in the microwave and then built isn't real smores. >> those are some great tips like your chef in the making as well. bree, this fundraiser for the girl scouts. it's super important. what does all the money that is raised from selling cookies do. but i know it's also a lot more about what the girls learn from this process. >> that's right. as you just heard from her second year, she's got some good business skills going. and that's really the most important process for our 20,000 girl scouts of northern california. but the funds state local. so the use of the funds that our troops used to do their activities go outdoors, learn how to use bow and arrows and hatchets and go hiking and backpacking but also to get back to the community. and so that's important part. our customers to know is not only are they getting delicious
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cookies, but they're also supporting the activities of goals and dreams of the future leaders in our community. >> so what's new about the cookies this year? there are no new flavors. it strike just classics. yeah, we're sticking to the basics this year. we really wanted to focus on getting all of our inventory. >> in the ha ds of our girls are entrepreneurs are gender, expansive youth that are out trying to meet the demand of our customers and really focus on supply chain and delivery and we're we're poised to do it where we have all the girls have a goal of selling 4.3 million packages and 6 weeks. the big goal big, great dreams and i know they can achieve it. >> is that number like based on how well they did last year, like how did you come up with that number of how many boxes that they need to sell? >> the venom, dynamic map. but yes, it's based be how many girls wanted to sell? how many so last year and how much they're projecting to sell. so this is part of the business skills. girl scouts learn
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through the entrepreneurship program. >> they also project based on what they want to do with their chips and how much money they need to earn. how many cookies are going to sell and all that rolls up to that big, you know, 4 million-plus number so many thin mints. hear from so you can buy cookies online right now, wind or the girls going to start setting up to sunlight, going door to door. >> to sell them. >> well, this is really good news for 49 er family. i will be out in force. >> boost open on february. 11th super bowl sunday girl scouts will be out in force so you can bring your girl scout cookies to watch the super bowl and share with your friends and family unsure on the forty-niners. of course. >> and is he what do you say to someone who's walking past you and you got your blue set up and they're like, i don't know. i don't know if i want to buy one. how would you give me your best? sell your best pitch. make me go home with the most boxes that are. i probably also do it maybe a
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little. it's for a good cause because also planning to donate some of cookie money to charity. for example, like doll mom used to which puts families and homes when kids are the hospital likes it. so that way in the car. they don't have to worry about space that really expensive hotel rooms. it there's like a place like they can stay with their children's eye in the hospital. the community. >> and they're delicious. yeah. haha. >> is he an breeze from the girl scouts of northern california? thank you for joining this afternoon. i love having you on. i also become one of like the most popular people in the newsroom because you sent us some boxes so we can have that video to show everyone. gathering around my desk and - asking me how i'm doing. i'm like know whats going on here. they want some thin mints. so thank you for sharing. going to be popular, not take it. good luck. i hope you saw a
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lot of boxes. >> thank. thank buy nice to see you guys. what's your favorite girl scout cookie? >> and then over it. yes, and i was like, well, it's that time of and they're so smart to do it just in time for the super bowl super bowl party, the perfect snack you can bring and it's the perfect weather this weekend. will the weather is going to be soggy? the weekend i was talking about their quick. did you feel this that this happened around one 30 this afternoon? so right before our show here. so it's about about 3 miles away from the san francisco zoo. here it was about 3.4 shaker and minor quake. but you definitely could feel it depending where you are. so we had some people calling to say that they felt it. so this is right near the san andreas fault. and yes, that's right. near the san andreas fault. there we go back in business. near daly city. so if you feel
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the shaker, that was why we have a crew on the way there to talk to people some over here from them later on at kron, 4 news at 3 for that. we always have to talk about the rain because that has been the weather story. we have more rain on the way. even tahoe. there's more more mountain snow out there. winter storm warning is in place for this on the western as you can see here. so not ideal to travel tonight into the morning is going to be pretty snowy this weekend. good for the ski resorts later on, though. but sunday monday, they're also expecting some heavy snow temperatures here in the bay area where in the we've been cooling down and this is the long-range model to show you take you there saturday morning. that's when we'll start to see some rain. and then this is sunday night. you see this yellow here. that's what we're worried about sunday into monday and not only for the bay area, southern california, los angeles. you see that red in orange there. they have some life-threatening flooding out thtech
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and virtual reality fans have something to celebrate. today, apple announcing the new vision pro headset will finally hit store shelves. search mail takes a look in today's tech smart. >> apple vision pro is the company's first major product. really since the apple watch back in 2015, this is a $3500 headset that does both virtual and augmented reality.
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>> it's been 7 months since apple announced its vision pro headset. here's your first look at apple vision pro onboard. you'll find 12 cameras, 5 sensors and 6 microphone us. now it's available. apple has been careful in its launch strategy for the $3500 device, which they're calling a spatial computer. it's a headset that does both virtual reality and augmented reality. you control it with a combination of eye tracking and hand gestures. just take a look at the design of the new device. you can see it's got adjustable headband on the back. it has speakers on the sides. plus this futuristic looking display wearing a computer on your face and it feels like that right now, joanna stern is a technology columnist at the wall street journal. and among those neck out to with a headset before launch, she says the image quality is excellent. and the focus on the real world, not just a virtual one is notable. it's intuitive. it's very it feels almost second nature after use
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this thing for a little bit. i've also warned it twice and the experience is impressive. although apple is pushing the idea of working in the headset, entertainment will be a big, really use movies. look great on the virtual big screen. so you photos and videos in 3 d. >> still absent launch are limited youtube, spotify and netflix are fully supporting the headset just yet. sure. apples going to sell a lot of these early adopters right now. this is not a mainstream. and so does that make developers not want to start investing right now. >> early reviews agree. the experience is impressive, but the headset is expensive. it can feel heavy after wearing it for a long time. and the external battery pack only last about 2 hours. the apple vision pro is $3500. it's available now. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >> don't go anywhere. because we have another hour of news ahead for you here on kron 4. we're still monitoring the earthquake that just could
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offer coast usgs seismologist will answer our questions. plus, snow lovers had to top of this weekend and the resorts are preparing for what could be some dangerous conditions on the mountain.
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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> if you're very close to the coast, you all snow to separate relatively strongly. if you have damage, really got awful place. there's no way an earthquake of this size should be doing damage in california. the peninsula rattled this
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afternoon. thaou


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